From b138ac83b53da9abf3dc9a87a1cd4b3d3a8150bd Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Eric Biederman Date: Tue, 22 Apr 2003 18:44:01 +0000 Subject: [PATCH] - Checking latest version of romcc git-svn-id: svn:// 2b7e53f0-3cfb-0310-b3e9-8179ed1497e1 --- util/romcc/COPYING | 341 + util/romcc/Makefile | 60 + util/romcc/romcc.c | 13404 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ util/romcc/tests/hello_world.c | 128 + util/romcc/tests/raminit_test.c | 1283 +++ util/romcc/tests/raminit_test2.c | 1283 +++ util/romcc/tests/simple_test.c | 252 + util/romcc/tests/simple_test10.c | 31 + util/romcc/tests/simple_test11.c | 13 + util/romcc/tests/simple_test12.c | 9 + util/romcc/tests/simple_test13.c | 23 + util/romcc/tests/simple_test14.c | 288 + util/romcc/tests/simple_test15.c | 47 + util/romcc/tests/simple_test2.c | 36 + util/romcc/tests/simple_test3.c | 38 + util/romcc/tests/simple_test4.c | 509 ++ util/romcc/tests/simple_test5.c | 310 + util/romcc/tests/simple_test6.c | 269 + util/romcc/tests/simple_test7.c | 12 + util/romcc/tests/simple_test8.c | 12 + util/romcc/tests/simple_test9.c | 12 + 21 files changed, 18360 insertions(+) create mode 100644 util/romcc/COPYING create mode 100644 util/romcc/Makefile create mode 100644 util/romcc/romcc.c create mode 100644 util/romcc/tests/hello_world.c create mode 100644 util/romcc/tests/raminit_test.c create mode 100644 util/romcc/tests/raminit_test2.c create mode 100644 util/romcc/tests/simple_test.c create mode 100644 util/romcc/tests/simple_test10.c create mode 100644 util/romcc/tests/simple_test11.c create mode 100644 util/romcc/tests/simple_test12.c create mode 100644 util/romcc/tests/simple_test13.c create mode 100644 util/romcc/tests/simple_test14.c create mode 100644 util/romcc/tests/simple_test15.c create mode 100644 util/romcc/tests/simple_test2.c create mode 100644 util/romcc/tests/simple_test3.c create mode 100644 util/romcc/tests/simple_test4.c create mode 100644 util/romcc/tests/simple_test5.c create mode 100644 util/romcc/tests/simple_test6.c create mode 100644 util/romcc/tests/simple_test7.c create mode 100644 util/romcc/tests/simple_test8.c create mode 100644 util/romcc/tests/simple_test9.c diff --git a/util/romcc/COPYING b/util/romcc/COPYING new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..a52b16e406 --- /dev/null +++ b/util/romcc/COPYING @@ -0,0 +1,341 @@ + + GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE + Version 2, June 1991 + + Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA + Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies + of this license document, but changing it is not allowed. + + Preamble + + The licenses for most software are designed to take away your +freedom to share and change it. By contrast, the GNU General Public +License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free +software--to make sure the software is free for all its users. This +General Public License applies to most of the Free Software +Foundation's software and to any other program whose authors commit to +using it. (Some other Free Software Foundation software is covered by +the GNU Library General Public License instead.) You can apply it to +your programs, too. + + When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not +price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you +have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for +this service if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it +if you want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it +in new free programs; and that you know you can do these things. + + To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid +anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights. +These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if you +distribute copies of the software, or if you modify it. + + For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether +gratis or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that +you have. You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the +source code. And you must show them these terms so they know their +rights. + + We protect your rights with two steps: (1) copyright the software, and +(2) offer you this license which gives you legal permission to copy, +distribute and/or modify the software. + + Also, for each author's protection and ours, we want to make certain +that everyone understands that there is no warranty for this free +software. If the software is modified by someone else and passed on, we +want its recipients to know that what they have is not the original, so +that any problems introduced by others will not reflect on the original +authors' reputations. + + Finally, any free program is threatened constantly by software +patents. We wish to avoid the danger that redistributors of a free +program will individually obtain patent licenses, in effect making the +program proprietary. To prevent this, we have made it clear that any +patent must be licensed for everyone's free use or not licensed at all. + + The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and +modification follow. + + GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE + TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR COPYING, DISTRIBUTION AND MODIFICATION + + 0. This License applies to any program or other work which contains +a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it may be distributed +under the terms of this General Public License. The "Program", below, +refers to any such program or work, and a "work based on the Program" +means either the Program or any derivative work under copyright law: +that is to say, a work containing the Program or a portion of it, +either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated into another +language. (Hereinafter, translation is included without limitation in +the term "modification".) Each licensee is addressed as "you". + +Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not +covered by this License; they are outside its scope. The act of +running the Program is not restricted, and the output from the Program +is covered only if its contents constitute a work based on the +Program (independent of having been made by running the Program). +Whether that is true depends on what the Program does. + + 1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Program's +source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you +conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate +copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the +notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any warranty; +and give any other recipients of the Program a copy of this License +along with the Program. + +You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, and +you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a fee. + + 2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or any portion +of it, thus forming a work based on the Program, and copy and +distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1 +above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions: + + a) You must cause the modified files to carry prominent notices + stating that you changed the files and the date of any change. + + b) You must cause any work that you distribute or publish, that in + whole or in part contains or is derived from the Program or any + part thereof, to be licensed as a whole at no charge to all third + parties under the terms of this License. + + c) If the modified program normally reads commands interactively + when run, you must cause it, when started running for such + interactive use in the most ordinary way, to print or display an + announcement including an appropriate copyright notice and a + notice that there is no warranty (or else, saying that you provide + a warranty) and that users may redistribute the program under + these conditions, and telling the user how to view a copy of this + License. (Exception: if the Program itself is interactive but + does not normally print such an announcement, your work based on + the Program is not required to print an announcement.) + +These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole. If +identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Program, +and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in +themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those +sections when you distribute them as separate works. But when you +distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based +on the Program, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of +this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the +entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote it. + +Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest +your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to +exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or +collective works based on the Program. + +In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Program +with the Program (or with a work based on the Program) on a volume of +a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under +the scope of this License. + + 3. You may copy and distribute the Program (or a work based on it, +under Section 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of +Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you also do one of the following: + + a) Accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable + source code, which must be distributed under the terms of Sections + 1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange; or, + + b) Accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three + years, to give any third party, for a charge no more than your + cost of physically performing source distribution, a complete + machine-readable copy of the corresponding source code, to be + distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium + customarily used for software interchange; or, + + c) Accompany it with the information you received as to the offer + to distribute corresponding source code. (This alternative is + allowed only for noncommercial distribution and only if you + received the program in object code or executable form with such + an offer, in accord with Subsection b above.) + +The source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for +making modifications to it. For an executable work, complete source +code means all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any +associated interface definition files, plus the scripts used to +control compilation and installation of the executable. However, as a +special exception, the source code distributed need not include +anything that is normally distributed (in either source or binary +form) with the major components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the +operating system on which the executable runs, unless that component +itself accompanies the executable. + +If distribution of executable or object code is made by offering +access to copy from a designated place, then offering equivalent +access to copy the source code from the same place counts as +distribution of the source code, even though third parties are not +compelled to copy the source along with the object code. + + 4. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Program +except as expressly provided under this License. Any attempt +otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Program is +void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License. +However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under +this License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such +parties remain in full compliance. + + 5. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not +signed it. However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or +distribute the Program or its derivative works. These actions are +prohibited by law if you do not accept this License. Therefore, by +modifying or distributing the Program (or any work based on the +Program), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and +all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying +the Program or works based on it. + + 6. Each time you redistribute the Program (or any work based on the +Program), the recipient automatically receives a license from the +original licensor to copy, distribute or modify the Program subject to +these terms and conditions. You may not impose any further +restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein. +You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties to +this License. + + 7. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent +infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues), +conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or +otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not +excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot +distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this +License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you +may not distribute the Program at all. For example, if a patent +license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Program by +all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then +the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to +refrain entirely from distribution of the Program. + +If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under +any particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to +apply and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other +circumstances. + +It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any +patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any +such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the +integrity of the free software distribution system, which is +implemented by public license practices. Many people have made +generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed +through that system in reliance on consistent application of that +system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing +to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot +impose that choice. + +This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to +be a consequence of the rest of this License. + + 8. If the distribution and/or use of the Program is restricted in +certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the +original copyright holder who places the Program under this License +may add an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding +those countries, so that distribution is permitted only in or among +countries not thus excluded. In such case, this License incorporates +the limitation as if written in the body of this License. + + 9. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions +of the General Public License from time to time. Such new versions will +be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to +address new problems or concerns. + +Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the Program +specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and "any +later version", you have the option of following the terms and conditions +either of that version or of any later version published by the Free +Software Foundation. If the Program does not specify a version number of +this License, you may choose any version ever published by the Free Software +Foundation. + + 10. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Program into other free +programs whose distribution conditions are different, write to the author +to ask for permission. For software which is copyrighted by the Free +Software Foundation, write to the Free Software Foundation; we sometimes +make exceptions for this. Our decision will be guided by the two goals +of preserving the free status of all derivatives of our free software and +of promoting the sharing and reuse of software generally. + + NO WARRANTY + + 11. BECAUSE THE PROGRAM IS LICENSED FREE OF CHARGE, THERE IS NO WARRANTY +FOR THE PROGRAM, TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW. EXCEPT WHEN +OTHERWISE STATED IN WRITING THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND/OR OTHER PARTIES +PROVIDE THE PROGRAM "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED +OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF +MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE ENTIRE RISK AS +TO THE QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE OF THE PROGRAM IS WITH YOU. SHOULD THE +PROGRAM PROVE DEFECTIVE, YOU ASSUME THE COST OF ALL NECESSARY SERVICING, +REPAIR OR CORRECTION. + + 12. IN NO EVENT UNLESS REQUIRED BY APPLICABLE LAW OR AGREED TO IN WRITING +WILL ANY COPYRIGHT HOLDER, OR ANY OTHER PARTY WHO MAY MODIFY AND/OR +REDISTRIBUTE THE PROGRAM AS PERMITTED ABOVE, BE LIABLE TO YOU FOR DAMAGES, +INCLUDING ANY GENERAL, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING +OUT OF THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE PROGRAM (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED +TO LOSS OF DATA OR DATA BEING RENDERED INACCURATE OR LOSSES SUSTAINED BY +YOU OR THIRD PARTIES OR A FAILURE OF THE PROGRAM TO OPERATE WITH ANY OTHER +PROGRAMS), EVEN IF SUCH HOLDER OR OTHER PARTY HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE +POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. + + END OF TERMS AND CONDITIONS + + How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs + + If you develop a new program, and you want it to be of the greatest +possible use to the public, the best way to achieve this is to make it +free software which everyone can redistribute and change under these terms. + + To do so, attach the following notices to the program. It is safest +to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively +convey the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least +the "copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found. + + + Copyright (C) 19yy + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or + (at your option) any later version. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA + + +Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail. + +If the program is interactive, make it output a short notice like this +when it starts in an interactive mode: + + Gnomovision version 69, Copyright (C) 19yy name of author + Gnomovision comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `show w'. + This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it + under certain conditions; type `show c' for details. + +The hypothetical commands `show w' and `show c' should show the appropriate +parts of the General Public License. Of course, the commands you use may +be called something other than `show w' and `show c'; they could even be +mouse-clicks or menu items--whatever suits your program. + +You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or your +school, if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the program, if +necessary. Here is a sample; alter the names: + + Yoyodyne, Inc., hereby disclaims all copyright interest in the program + `Gnomovision' (which makes passes at compilers) written by James Hacker. + + , 1 April 1989 + Ty Coon, President of Vice + +This General Public License does not permit incorporating your program into +proprietary programs. If your program is a subroutine library, you may +consider it more useful to permit linking proprietary applications with the +library. If this is what you want to do, use the GNU Library General +Public License instead of this License. diff --git a/util/romcc/Makefile b/util/romcc/Makefile new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..76dbb5e2fb --- /dev/null +++ b/util/romcc/Makefile @@ -0,0 +1,60 @@ +VERSION:=0.21 +RELEASE_DATE:=7 April 2003 +PACKAGE:=romcc + + +# Move the configuration defines to makefile.conf +CC=gcc +CPPFLAGS=-DVERSION='"$(VERSION)"' -DRELEASE_DATE='"$(RELEASE_DATE)"' +CFLAGS=-O -g -Wall $(CPPFLAGS) + +all: romcc test + +romcc: romcc.c Makefile + $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o $@ $< + +TESTS=\ + hello_world.c \ + simple_test.c \ + simple_test2.c \ + simple_test3.c \ + simple_test4.c \ + simple_test5.c \ + simple_test6.c \ + simple_test7.c \ + simple_test8.c \ + simple_test9.c \ + simple_test10.c \ + simple_test11.c \ + simple_test12.c \ + simple_test13.c \ + simple_test14.c \ + simple_test15.c \ + raminit_test.c \ + raminit_test2.c + +TEST_SRCS:=$(patsubst %, tests/%, $(TESTS)) +TEST_ASM:=$(patsubst %.c, tests/%.S, $(TESTS)) +TEST_OBJ:=$(patsubst %.c, tests/%.o, $(TESTS)) +TEST_ELF:=$(patsubst %.c, tests/%.elf, $(TESTS)) + +$(TEST_ASM): %.S: %.c romcc + export ALLOC_CHECK_=2; ./romcc -O $< > $@ + +$(TEST_OBJ): %.o: %.S + as $< -o $@ + +$(TEST_ELF): %.elf: %.o + ld -Ttext 0x1000 $< -o $@ + +test: $(TEST_ELF) + +echo: + echo "TEST_SRCS=$(TEST_SRCS)" + echo "TEST_ASM=$(TEST_ASM)" + echo "TEST_OBJ=$(TEST_OBJ)" + echo "TEST_ELF=$(TEST_ELF)" + +clean: + rm -f romcc core $(TEST_ASM) $(TEST_OBJ) $(TEST_ELF) + diff --git a/util/romcc/romcc.c b/util/romcc/romcc.c new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..29df259edd --- /dev/null +++ b/util/romcc/romcc.c @@ -0,0 +1,13404 @@ +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include + +#define DEBUG_ERROR_MESSAGES 0 +#define DEBUG_COLOR_GRAPH 0 +#define DEBUG_SCC 0 +#define X86_4_8BIT_GPRS 1 + +#warning "FIXME static constant variables" +#warning "FIXME enable pointers" +#warning "FIXME enable string constants" + +/* Control flow graph of a loop without goto. + * + * AAA + * +---/ + * / + * / +--->CCC + * | | / \ + * | | DDD EEE break; + * | | \ \ + * | | FFF \ + * \| / \ \ + * |\ GGG HHH | continue; + * | \ \ | | + * | \ III | / + * | \ | / / + * | vvv / + * +----BBB / + * | / + * vv + * JJJ + * + * + * AAA + * +-----+ | +----+ + * | \ | / | + * | BBB +-+ | + * | / \ / | | + * | CCC JJJ / / + * | / \ / / + * | DDD EEE / / + * | | +-/ / + * | FFF / + * | / \ / + * | GGG HHH / + * | | +-/ + * | III + * +--+ + * + * + * DFlocal(X) = { Y <- Succ(X) | idom(Y) != X } + * DFup(Z) = { Y <- DF(Z) | idom(Y) != X } + * + * + * [] == DFlocal(X) U DF(X) + * () == DFup(X) + * + * Dominator graph of the same nodes. + * + * AAA AAA: [ ] () + * / \ + * BBB JJJ BBB: [ JJJ ] ( JJJ ) JJJ: [ ] () + * | + * CCC CCC: [ ] ( BBB, JJJ ) + * / \ + * DDD EEE DDD: [ ] ( BBB ) EEE: [ JJJ ] () + * | + * FFF FFF: [ ] ( BBB ) + * / \ + * GGG HHH GGG: [ ] ( BBB ) HHH: [ BBB ] () + * | + * III III: [ BBB ] () + * + * + * BBB and JJJ are definitely the dominance frontier. + * Where do I place phi functions and how do I make that decision. + * + */ +static void die(char *fmt, ...) +{ + va_list args; + + va_start(args, fmt); + vfprintf(stderr, fmt, args); + va_end(args); + fflush(stdout); + fflush(stderr); + exit(1); +} + +#define MALLOC_STRONG_DEBUG +static void *xmalloc(size_t size, const char *name) +{ + void *buf; + buf = malloc(size); + if (!buf) { + die("Cannot malloc %ld bytes to hold %s: %s\n", + size + 0UL, name, strerror(errno)); + } + return buf; +} + +static void *xcmalloc(size_t size, const char *name) +{ + void *buf; + buf = xmalloc(size, name); + memset(buf, 0, size); + return buf; +} + +static void xfree(const void *ptr) +{ + free((void *)ptr); +} + +static char *xstrdup(const char *str) +{ + char *new; + int len; + len = strlen(str); + new = xmalloc(len + 1, "xstrdup string"); + memcpy(new, str, len); + new[len] = '\0'; + return new; +} + +static void xchdir(const char *path) +{ + if (chdir(path) != 0) { + die("chdir to %s failed: %s\n", + path, strerror(errno)); + } +} + +static int exists(const char *dirname, const char *filename) +{ + int does_exist = 1; + xchdir(dirname); + if (access(filename, O_RDONLY) < 0) { + if ((errno != EACCES) && (errno != EROFS)) { + does_exist = 0; + } + } + return does_exist; +} + + +static char *slurp_file(const char *dirname, const char *filename, off_t *r_size) +{ + int fd; + char *buf; + off_t size, progress; + ssize_t result; + struct stat stats; + + if (!filename) { + *r_size = 0; + return 0; + } + xchdir(dirname); + fd = open(filename, O_RDONLY); + if (fd < 0) { + die("Cannot open '%s' : %s\n", + filename, strerror(errno)); + } + result = fstat(fd, &stats); + if (result < 0) { + die("Cannot stat: %s: %s\n", + filename, strerror(errno)); + } + size = stats.st_size; + *r_size = size +1; + buf = xmalloc(size +2, filename); + buf[size] = '\n'; /* Make certain the file is newline terminated */ + buf[size+1] = '\0'; /* Null terminate the file for good measure */ + progress = 0; + while(progress < size) { + result = read(fd, buf + progress, size - progress); + if (result < 0) { + if ((errno == EINTR) || (errno == EAGAIN)) + continue; + die("read on %s of %ld bytes failed: %s\n", + filename, (size - progress)+ 0UL, strerror(errno)); + } + progress += result; + } + result = close(fd); + if (result < 0) { + die("Close of %s failed: %s\n", + filename, strerror(errno)); + } + return buf; +} + +/* Long on the destination platform */ +typedef unsigned long ulong_t; +typedef long long_t; + +struct file_state { + struct file_state *prev; + const char *basename; + char *dirname; + char *buf; + off_t size; + char *pos; + int line; + char *line_start; +}; +struct hash_entry; +struct token { + int tok; + struct hash_entry *ident; + int str_len; + union { + ulong_t integer; + const char *str; + } val; +}; + +/* I have two classes of types: + * Operational types. + * Logical types. (The type the C standard says the operation is of) + * + * The operational types are: + * chars + * shorts + * ints + * longs + * + * floats + * doubles + * long doubles + * + * pointer + */ + + +/* Machine model. + * No memory is useable by the compiler. + * There is no floating point support. + * All operations take place in general purpose registers. + * There is one type of general purpose register. + * Unsigned longs are stored in that general purpose register. + */ + +/* Operations on general purpose registers. + */ + +#define OP_SMUL 0 +#define OP_UMUL 1 +#define OP_SDIV 2 +#define OP_UDIV 3 +#define OP_SMOD 4 +#define OP_UMOD 5 +#define OP_ADD 6 +#define OP_SUB 7 +#define OP_SL 8 +#define OP_USR 9 +#define OP_SSR 10 +#define OP_AND 11 +#define OP_XOR 12 +#define OP_OR 13 +#define OP_POS 14 /* Dummy positive operator don't use it */ +#define OP_NEG 15 +#define OP_INVERT 16 + +#define OP_EQ 20 +#define OP_NOTEQ 21 +#define OP_SLESS 22 +#define OP_ULESS 23 +#define OP_SMORE 24 +#define OP_UMORE 25 +#define OP_SLESSEQ 26 +#define OP_ULESSEQ 27 +#define OP_SMOREEQ 28 +#define OP_UMOREEQ 29 + +#define OP_LFALSE 30 /* Test if the expression is logically false */ +#define OP_LTRUE 31 /* Test if the expression is logcially true */ + +#define OP_LOAD 32 +#define OP_STORE 33 + +#define OP_NOOP 34 + +#define OP_MIN_CONST 50 +#define OP_MAX_CONST 59 +#define IS_CONST_OP(X) (((X) >= OP_MIN_CONST) && ((X) <= OP_MAX_CONST)) +#define OP_INTCONST 50 +#define OP_BLOBCONST 51 +/* For OP_BLOBCONST triple->type holds the layout and size + * information. u.blob holds a pointer to the raw binary + * data for the constant initializer. + */ +#define OP_ADDRCONST 52 +/* For OP_ADDRCONST triple->type holds the type. + * triple->left holds the reference to the static variable. + * triple->u.cval holds an offset from that value. + */ + +#define OP_WRITE 60 +/* OP_WRITE moves one pseudo register to another. + * triple->left holds the destination pseudo register, + * must be an OP_DECL. + * triple->right holds the psuedo to move. + */ + +#define OP_READ 61 +/* OP_READ reads the value of a variable and makes + * it available for the pseudo operation. + * Useful for things like def-use chains. + * triple->left holds points to the triple to read from. + */ +#define OP_COPY 62 +/* OP_COPY makes a copy of the psedo register or constant in op->left. + */ + +/* Hard operations that I don't know if they are worth supporting */ +#define OP_DEREF 65 +/* OP_DEREF generates an lvalue from a pointer. + * triple->left holds the pointer value. + * OP_DEREF serves as a place holder to indicate all necessary + * checks have been done to indicate a value is an lvalue. + */ +#define OP_DOT 66 + +#define OP_VAL 67 +/* OP_VAL returns the value of a subexpression of the current expression. + * Useful for operators that have side effects. + * triple->left holds the expression. + * triple->right holds the subexpression of triple->left that is the + * value of the expression. + * + * Not seen outside of expressions. + */ +#define OP_LAND 68 +/* OP_LAND performs a C logical and between triple->left and triple->right. + * Not seen outside of expressions. + */ +#define OP_LOR 69 +/* OP_LOR performs a C logical or between triple->left and triple->right. + * Not seen outside of expressions. + */ +#define OP_COND 70 +/* OP_CODE performas a C ? : operation. + * triple->left holds the test. + * triple->right holds an OP_PRODUCT triple. + * triple->right->left holds the expression to evaluate if + * the test returns true. + * triple->right->right holds the expression to evaluate if + * the test returns false. + * Not seen outside of expressions. + */ +#define OP_COMMA 71 +/* OP_COMMA performacs a C comma operation. + * That is triple->left is evaluated, then triple->right + * and the value of triple->right is returned. + * Not seen outside of expressions. + */ + +#define OP_CALL 72 +/* OP_CALL performs a procedure call. + * triple->left holda a pointer to the OP_LIST of a function + * triple->right holds a pointer either a single argument + * or a list of arguments. The list is formed by inserting + * OP_PRODUCT triples inbetween the argument values. + * Currently not seen outside of expressions. + */ +#define OP_PRODUCT 73 +/* OP_PRODUCT is a utility triple, both triple->left and triple->right + * are used. Other opcodes OP_CALL, and OP_COND use it increase + * the number of triple pointers in a triple. + * Currently Not seen outside of expressions. + */ + +/* statements */ +#define OP_LIST 80 +/* OP_LIST Holds a list of statements, and a result value. + * triple->left holds the list of statements. + * triple->right holds the value of the statements. + * triple->right must be the last statement in the list. + */ + +#define OP_BRANCH 81 /* branch */ +/* For branch instructions + * triple->left holds the branch target. + * triple->right holds the branch condition. + * triple->next holds where to branch to if the branch is not taken. + * The branch target can only be a decl... + */ + +#define OP_LABEL 83 +/* OP_LABEL is a triple that establishes an target for branches. + * triple->use is the list of all branches that use this label. + */ + +#define OP_ADECL 84 +/* OP_DECL is a triple that establishes an lvalue for assignments. + * triple->use is a list of statements that use the variable. + */ + +#define OP_SDECL 85 +/* OP_VAR is a triple that establishes a variable of static + * storage duration. + * triple->use is a list of statements that use the variable. + * triple->left holds the initializer expression. + */ + + +#define OP_PHI 86 +/* OP_PHI is a triple used in SSA form code. + * It is used when multiple code paths merge and a variable needs + * a single assignment from any of those code paths. + * The operation is a cross between OP_DECL and OP_WRITE, which + * is what OP_PHI is geneared from. + * + * triple->left points to an array of pointers to triple. + * The size of the array is the number of control paths into the block + * in which OP_PHI resides. The elements of the array point to point + * to the variables OP_PHI is derived from. + * + * triple->right holds a pointer to the original OP_DECL node + */ + +/* Architecture specific instructions */ +#define OP_CMP 100 +#define OP_TEST 101 +#define OP_SET_EQ 102 +#define OP_SET_NOTEQ 103 +#define OP_SET_SLESS 104 +#define OP_SET_ULESS 105 +#define OP_SET_SMORE 106 +#define OP_SET_UMORE 107 +#define OP_SET_SLESSEQ 108 +#define OP_SET_ULESSEQ 109 +#define OP_SET_SMOREEQ 110 +#define OP_SET_UMOREEQ 111 + +#define OP_JMP 112 +#define OP_JMP_EQ 113 +#define OP_JMP_NOTEQ 114 +#define OP_JMP_SLESS 115 +#define OP_JMP_ULESS 116 +#define OP_JMP_SMORE 117 +#define OP_JMP_UMORE 118 +#define OP_JMP_SLESSEQ 119 +#define OP_JMP_ULESSEQ 120 +#define OP_JMP_SMOREEQ 121 +#define OP_JMP_UMOREEQ 122 + +/* Builtin operators that it is just simpler to use the compiler for */ +#define OP_INB 130 +#define OP_INW 131 +#define OP_INL 132 +#define OP_OUTB 133 +#define OP_OUTW 134 +#define OP_OUTL 135 +#define OP_BSF 136 +#define OP_BSR 137 +#warning "FIXME implement rdmsr wrmsr" +#if 0 +/* I need to implement these but, I need to implment > 32bit return + * values first. + */ +#define OP_RDMSR 138 +#define OP_WRMSR 139 +#endif +#define OP_HLT 140 + +static const char *table_ops[] = { +[OP_SMUL ] = "smul", +[OP_UMUL ] = "umul", +[OP_SDIV ] = "sdiv", +[OP_UDIV ] = "udiv", +[OP_SMOD ] = "smod", +[OP_UMOD ] = "umod", +[OP_ADD ] = "add", +[OP_SUB ] = "sub", +[OP_SL ] = "sl", +[OP_USR ] = "usr", +[OP_SSR ] = "ssr", +[OP_AND ] = "and", +[OP_XOR ] = "xor", +[OP_OR ] = "or", +[OP_POS ] = "pos", +[OP_NEG ] = "neg", +[OP_INVERT ] = "invert", + +[OP_EQ ] = "eq", +[OP_NOTEQ ] = "noteq", +[OP_SLESS ] = "sless", +[OP_ULESS ] = "uless", +[OP_SMORE ] = "smore", +[OP_UMORE ] = "umore", +[OP_SLESSEQ ] = "slesseq", +[OP_ULESSEQ ] = "ulesseq", +[OP_SMOREEQ ] = "smoreeq", +[OP_UMOREEQ ] = "umoreeq", +[OP_LFALSE ] = "lfalse", +[OP_LTRUE ] = "ltrue", + +[OP_LOAD ] = "load", +[OP_STORE ] = "store", + +[OP_NOOP ] = "noop", + +[OP_INTCONST ] = "intconst", +[OP_BLOBCONST ] = "blobconst", +[OP_ADDRCONST ] = "addrconst", + +[OP_WRITE ] = "write", +[OP_READ ] = "read", +[OP_COPY ] = "copy", +[OP_DEREF ] = "deref", +[OP_DOT ] = "dot", + +[OP_VAL ] = "val", +[OP_LAND ] = "land", +[OP_LOR ] = "lor", +[OP_COND ] = "cond", +[OP_COMMA ] = "comma", +[OP_CALL ] = "call", +[OP_PRODUCT ] = "product", + +[OP_LIST ] = "list", +[OP_BRANCH ] = "branch", +[OP_LABEL ] = "label", +[OP_ADECL ] = "adecl", +[OP_SDECL ] = "sdecl", +[OP_PHI ] = "phi", + +[OP_CMP ] = "cmp", +[OP_TEST ] = "test", +[OP_SET_EQ ] = "set_eq", +[OP_SET_NOTEQ ] = "set_noteq", +[OP_SET_SLESS ] = "set_sless", +[OP_SET_ULESS ] = "set_uless", +[OP_SET_SMORE ] = "set_smore", +[OP_SET_SMORE ] = "set_umore", +[OP_SET_SLESSEQ] = "set_slesseq", +[OP_SET_ULESSEQ] = "set_ulesseq", +[OP_SET_SMOREEQ] = "set_smoreq", +[OP_SET_UMOREEQ] = "set_umoreq", +[OP_JMP ] = "jmp", +[OP_JMP_EQ ] = "jmp_eq", +[OP_JMP_NOTEQ ] = "jmp_noteq", +[OP_JMP_SLESS ] = "jmp_sless", +[OP_JMP_ULESS ] = "jmp_uless", +[OP_JMP_SMORE ] = "jmp_smore", +[OP_JMP_SMORE ] = "jmp_umore", +[OP_JMP_SLESSEQ] = "jmp_slesseq", +[OP_JMP_ULESSEQ] = "jmp_ulesseq", +[OP_JMP_SMOREEQ] = "jmp_smoreq", +[OP_JMP_UMOREEQ] = "jmp_umoreq", + +[OP_INB ] = "__inb", +[OP_INW ] = "__inw", +[OP_INL ] = "__inl", +[OP_OUTB ] = "__outb", +[OP_OUTW ] = "__outw", +[OP_OUTL ] = "__outl", +[OP_BSF ] = "__bsf", +[OP_BSR ] = "__bsr", +[OP_HLT ] = "__hlt", + +}; + +#define OP_MAX (sizeof(table_ops)/sizeof(table_ops[0])) + + +static const char *tops(int index) +{ + static const char unknown[] = "unknown op"; + if (index < 0) { + return unknown; + } + if (index > OP_MAX) { + return unknown; + } + return table_ops[index]; +} + +#warning "FIXME Finish defining struct type" + +struct triple; +struct block; +struct triple_set { + struct triple_set *next; + struct triple *member; +}; + +struct triple { + struct triple *next, *prev; + struct triple_set *use; + struct type *type; + int op; + unsigned id; /* A scratch value and finally the register */ + struct triple *left; + struct triple *right; + union { + ulong_t cval; + struct block *block; + void *blob; + } u; + const char *filename; + int line; + int col; +}; + +struct block_set { + struct block_set *next; + struct block *member; +}; +struct block { + struct block *work_next; + struct block *left, *right; + struct triple *first, *last; + int users; + struct block_set *use; + struct block_set *idominates; + struct block_set *domfrontier; + struct block *idom; + struct block_set *ipdominates; + struct block_set *ipdomfrontier; + struct block *ipdom; + int vertex; + +}; + +struct symbol { + struct symbol *next; + struct hash_entry *ident; + struct triple *def; + struct type *type; + int scope_depth; +}; + +struct macro { + struct hash_entry *ident; + char *buf; + int buf_len; +}; + +struct hash_entry { + struct hash_entry *next; + const char *name; + int name_len; + int tok; + struct macro *sym_define; + struct symbol *sym_label; + struct symbol *sym_struct; + struct symbol *sym_ident; +}; + +#define HASH_TABLE_SIZE 2048 + +struct compile_state { + struct triple *vars; + struct file_state *file; + struct token token[4]; + struct hash_entry *hash_table[HASH_TABLE_SIZE]; + struct hash_entry *i_continue; + struct hash_entry *i_break; + int scope_depth; + int if_depth, if_value; + int macro_line; + struct file_state *macro_file; + struct triple *main_function; + struct block *first_block, *last_block; + int last_vertex; + int debug; + int optimize; +}; + +#define MAX_REGISTERS 75 +#define MAX_REG_EQUIVS 16 +#define MAX_REGC 12 +#define REG_UNSET 0 + +/* Provision for 8 register classes */ +#define REGC_MASK ((1 << MAX_REGC) - 1) +#define ID_REG_CLASSES(ID) ((ID) & REGC_MASK) +#define ID_REG(ID) ((ID) >> MAX_REGC) +#define MK_REG_ID(REG, CLASSES) (((REG) << MAX_REGC) | ((CLASSES) & REGC_MASK)) + +static unsigned alloc_virtual_reg(void) +{ + static unsigned virtual_reg = MAX_REGISTERS; + virtual_reg += 1; + return virtual_reg; +} + +static unsigned arch_reg_regcm(struct compile_state *state, int reg); +static void arch_reg_equivs( + struct compile_state *state, unsigned *equiv, int reg); +static int arch_select_free_register( + struct compile_state *state, char *used, int classes); +static unsigned arch_regc_size(struct compile_state *state, int class); +static int arch_regcm_intersect(unsigned regcm1, unsigned regcm2); +static unsigned arch_type_to_regcm(struct compile_state *state, struct type *type); +static const char *arch_reg_str(int reg); + +#define DEBUG_INTERMEDIATE_CODE 0x0001 +#define DEBUG_CONTROL_FLOW 0x0002 +#define DEBUG_BASIC_BLOCKS 0x0004 +#define DEBUG_FDOMINATORS 0x0008 +#define DEBUG_RDOMINATORS 0x0010 +#define DEBUG_TRIPLES 0x0020 +#define DEBUG_INTERFERENCE 0x0040 +#define DEBUG_ARCH_CODE 0x0080 +#define DEBUG_CODE_ELIMINATION 0x0100 + +#define GLOBAL_SCOPE_DEPTH 1 + +static void compile_file(struct compile_state *old_state, char *filename, int local); + +static int get_col(struct file_state *file) +{ + int col; + char *ptr, *end; + ptr = file->line_start; + end = file->pos; + for(col = 0; ptr < end; ptr++) { + if (*ptr != '\t') { + col++; + } + else { + col = (col & ~7) + 8; + } + } + return col; +} + +static void loc(FILE *fp, struct compile_state *state, struct triple *triple) +{ + int col; + if (triple) { + fprintf(fp, "%s:%d.%d: ", + triple->filename, triple->line, triple->col); + return; + } + if (!state->file) { + return; + } + col = get_col(state->file); + fprintf(fp, "%s:%d.%d: ", + state->file->basename, state->file->line, col); +} + +static void __internal_error(struct compile_state *state, struct triple *ptr, + char *fmt, ...) +{ + va_list args; + va_start(args, fmt); + loc(stderr, state, ptr); + fprintf(stderr, "Internal compiler error: "); + vfprintf(stderr, fmt, args); + fprintf(stderr, "\n"); + va_end(args); + abort(); +} + + +static void __internal_warning(struct compile_state *state, struct triple *ptr, + char *fmt, ...) +{ + va_list args; + va_start(args, fmt); + loc(stderr, state, ptr); + fprintf(stderr, "Internal compiler warning: "); + vfprintf(stderr, fmt, args); + fprintf(stderr, "\n"); + va_end(args); +} + + + +static void __error(struct compile_state *state, struct triple *ptr, + char *fmt, ...) +{ + va_list args; + va_start(args, fmt); + loc(stderr, state, ptr); + vfprintf(stderr, fmt, args); + va_end(args); + fprintf(stderr, "\n"); + exit(1); +} + +static void __warning(struct compile_state *state, struct triple *ptr, + char *fmt, ...) +{ + va_list args; + va_start(args, fmt); + loc(stderr, state, ptr); + fprintf(stderr, "warning: "); + vfprintf(stderr, fmt, args); + fprintf(stderr, "\n"); + va_end(args); +} + +#if DEBUG_ERROR_MESSAGES +# define internal_error fprintf(stderr, "@ %s.%s:%d \t", __FILE__, __func__, __LINE__),__internal_error +# define internal_warning fprintf(stderr, "@ %s.%s:%d \t", __FILE__, __func__, __LINE__),__internal_warning +# define error fprintf(stderr, "@ %s.%s:%d \t", __FILE__, __func__, __LINE__),__error +# define warning fprintf(stderr, "@ %s.%s:%d \t", __FILE__, __func__, __LINE__),__warning +#else +# define internal_error __internal_error +# define internal_warning __internal_warning +# define error __error +# define warning __warning +#endif +#define FINISHME() warning(state, 0, "FINISHME @ %s.%s:%d", __FILE__, __func__, __LINE__) + + +static void valid_op(struct compile_state *state, struct triple *ptr) +{ + char *fmt = "invalid op: %d"; + if (ptr->op >= OP_MAX) { + internal_error(state, 0, fmt, ptr->op); + } + if (ptr->op < 0) { + internal_error(state, 0, fmt, ptr->op); + } +} + +static void process_trigraphs(struct compile_state *state) +{ + char *src, *dest, *end; + struct file_state *file; + file = state->file; + src = dest = file->buf; + end = file->buf + file->size; + while((end - src) >= 3) { + if ((src[0] == '?') && (src[1] == '?')) { + int c = -1; + switch(src[2]) { + case '=': c = '#'; break; + case '/': c = '\\'; break; + case '\'': c = '^'; break; + case '(': c = '['; break; + case ')': c = ']'; break; + case '!': c = '!'; break; + case '<': c = '{'; break; + case '>': c = '}'; break; + case '-': c = '~'; break; + } + if (c != -1) { + *dest++ = c; + src += 3; + } + else { + *dest++ = *src++; + } + } + else { + *dest++ = *src++; + } + } + while(src != end) { + *dest++ = *src++; + } + file->size = dest - file->buf; +} + +static void splice_lines(struct compile_state *state) +{ + char *src, *dest, *end; + struct file_state *file; + file = state->file; + src = dest = file->buf; + end = file->buf + file->size; + while((end - src) >= 2) { + if ((src[0] == '\\') && (src[1] == '\n')) { + src += 2; + } + else { + *dest++ = *src++; + } + } + while(src != end) { + *dest++ = *src++; + } + file->size = dest - file->buf; +} + +static struct type void_type; +static void use_triple(struct triple *used, struct triple *user) +{ + struct triple_set **ptr, *new; + if (!used) + return; + if (!user) + return; + ptr = &used->use; + while(*ptr) { + if ((*ptr)->member == user) { + return; + } + ptr = &(*ptr)->next; + } + /* Append new to the head of the list, + * copy_func and rename_block_variables + * depends on this. + */ + new = xcmalloc(sizeof(*new), "triple_set"); + new->member = user; + new->next = used->use; + used->use = new; +} + +static void unuse_triple(struct triple *used, struct triple *unuser) +{ + struct triple_set *use, **ptr; + ptr = &used->use; + while(*ptr) { + use = *ptr; + if (use->member == unuser) { + *ptr = use->next; + xfree(use); + } + else { + ptr = &use->next; + } + } +} + +static void push_triple(struct triple *used, struct triple *user) +{ + struct triple_set *new; + if (!used) + return; + if (!user) + return; + /* Append new to the head of the list, + * it's the only sensible behavoir for a stack. + */ + new = xcmalloc(sizeof(*new), "triple_set"); + new->member = user; + new->next = used->use; + used->use = new; +} + +static void pop_triple(struct triple *used, struct triple *unuser) +{ + struct triple_set *use, **ptr; + ptr = &used->use; + while(*ptr) { + use = *ptr; + if (use->member == unuser) { + *ptr = use->next; + xfree(use); + /* Only free one occurance from the stack */ + return; + } + else { + ptr = &use->next; + } + } +} + + +/* The zero triple is used as a place holder when we are removing pointers + * from a triple. Having allows certain sanity checks to pass even + * when the original triple that was pointed to is gone. + */ +static struct triple zero_triple = { + .next = &zero_triple, + .prev = &zero_triple, + .use = 0, + .op = OP_INTCONST, + .id = -1, /* An invalid id */ + .left = 0, + .right = 0, + .u = { .cval = 0, }, + .filename = __FILE__, + .line = __LINE__, +}; + +static struct triple *build_triple(struct compile_state *state, + int op, struct type *type, struct triple *left, struct triple *right, + const char *filename, int line, int col) +{ + struct triple *ret; + ret = xcmalloc(sizeof(*ret), "tripple"); + ret->op = op; + ret->type = type; + ret->left = left; + ret->right = right; + ret->next = ret; + ret->prev = ret; + ret->filename = filename; + ret->line = line; + ret->col = col; + return ret; +} + +static struct triple *triple(struct compile_state *state, + int op, struct type *type, struct triple *left, struct triple *right) +{ + struct triple *ret; + const char *filename; + int line, col; + filename = 0; + line = 0; + col = 0; + if (state->file) { + filename = state->file->basename; + line = state->file->line; + col = get_col(state->file); + } + ret = build_triple(state, op, type, left, right, filename, line, col); + /* record the branch target was used */ + if (ret->op == OP_BRANCH) { + if (!left || (left->op != OP_LABEL)) { + internal_error(state, 0, "branch not to label"); + } + use_triple(left, ret); + } + return ret; +} + +static void insert_triple(struct compile_state *state, + struct triple *first, struct triple *ptr) +{ + if (ptr) { + if (ptr->next != ptr) { + internal_error(state, ptr, "expression already used"); + } + ptr->next = first; + ptr->prev = first->prev; + ptr->prev->next = ptr; + ptr->next->prev = ptr; + if ((ptr->prev->op == OP_BRANCH) && (ptr->prev->right)) { + unuse_triple(first, ptr->prev); + use_triple(ptr, ptr->prev); + } + } +} + +static struct triple *pre_triple(struct compile_state *state, + struct triple *base, + int op, struct type *type, struct triple *left, struct triple *right) +{ + /* Careful this assumes it can do the easy thing to get the block */ + struct triple *ret; + ret = build_triple(state, op, type, left, right, + base->filename, base->line, base->col); + ret->u.block = base->u.block; + insert_triple(state, base, ret); + return ret; +} + +static struct triple *post_triple(struct compile_state *state, + struct triple *base, + int op, struct type *type, struct triple *left, struct triple *right) +{ + /* Careful this assumes it can do the easy thing to get the block */ + struct triple *ret; + ret = build_triple(state, op, type, left, right, + base->filename, base->line, base->col); + ret->u.block = base->u.block; + insert_triple(state, base->next, ret); + return ret; +} + +static struct triple *label(struct compile_state *state) +{ + /* Labels don't get a type */ + struct triple *result; + result = triple(state, OP_LABEL, &void_type, 0, 0); + return result; +} + +static int triple_is_pure(struct compile_state *state, struct triple *ins) +{ + /* Does the triple have no side effects. + * I.e. Rexecuting the triple with the same arguments + * gives the same value. + */ + int pure; + switch(ins->op) { + case OP_SMUL: case OP_UMUL: + case OP_SDIV: case OP_UDIV: + case OP_SMOD: case OP_UMOD: + case OP_ADD: case OP_SUB: + case OP_SL: + case OP_USR: case OP_SSR: + case OP_AND: + case OP_XOR: + case OP_OR: + case OP_POS: case OP_NEG: + case OP_INVERT: + case OP_EQ: case OP_NOTEQ: + case OP_SLESS: case OP_ULESS: case OP_SMORE: case OP_UMORE: + case OP_SLESSEQ: case OP_ULESSEQ: case OP_SMOREEQ: case OP_UMOREEQ: + case OP_LFALSE: case OP_LTRUE: + case OP_NOOP: + case OP_INTCONST: + case OP_BLOBCONST: + case OP_ADDRCONST: + + case OP_WRITE: + case OP_READ: + case OP_COPY: + case OP_BRANCH: + case OP_LABEL: + case OP_ADECL: + case OP_SDECL: + case OP_PHI: + + + case OP_CMP: + case OP_TEST: + case OP_SET_EQ: case OP_SET_NOTEQ: + case OP_SET_SLESS: case OP_SET_ULESS: + case OP_SET_SMORE: case OP_SET_UMORE: + case OP_SET_SLESSEQ: case OP_SET_ULESSEQ: + case OP_SET_SMOREEQ: case OP_SET_UMOREEQ: + + case OP_JMP: + case OP_JMP_EQ: case OP_JMP_NOTEQ: + case OP_JMP_SLESS: case OP_JMP_ULESS: + case OP_JMP_SMORE: case OP_JMP_UMORE: + case OP_JMP_SLESSEQ: case OP_JMP_ULESSEQ: + case OP_JMP_SMOREEQ: case OP_JMP_UMOREEQ: + + case OP_BSF: case OP_BSR: + pure = 1; + break; + case OP_LOAD: case OP_STORE: + case OP_INB: case OP_INW: case OP_INL: + case OP_OUTB: case OP_OUTW: case OP_OUTL: + case OP_HLT: + pure = 0; + break; + default: + internal_error(state, ins, "purity of %s not known", + tops(ins->op)); + pure = 0; + break; + } + return pure; +} + +static int triple_is_branch(struct triple *ins) +{ + /* This function is used to determine which triples need + * a register. + */ + int is_branch = 0; + switch(ins->op) { + case OP_BRANCH: + case OP_JMP: + case OP_JMP_EQ: case OP_JMP_NOTEQ: + case OP_JMP_SLESS: case OP_JMP_ULESS: + case OP_JMP_SMORE: case OP_JMP_UMORE: + case OP_JMP_SLESSEQ: case OP_JMP_ULESSEQ: + case OP_JMP_SMOREEQ: case OP_JMP_UMOREEQ: + is_branch = 1; + break; + } + return is_branch; +} + +static int triple_is_def(struct triple *ins) +{ + /* This function is used to determine which triples need + * a register. + */ + int is_def = 1; + switch(ins->op) { + case OP_ADECL: + case OP_SDECL: + case OP_LABEL: + case OP_INTCONST: + case OP_BLOBCONST: + case OP_ADDRCONST: + case OP_STORE: + case OP_WRITE: + case OP_NOOP: + case OP_OUTB: case OP_OUTW: case OP_OUTL: + case OP_BRANCH: + case OP_JMP: + case OP_JMP_EQ: case OP_JMP_NOTEQ: + case OP_JMP_SLESS: case OP_JMP_ULESS: + case OP_JMP_SMORE: case OP_JMP_UMORE: + case OP_JMP_SLESSEQ: case OP_JMP_ULESSEQ: + case OP_JMP_SMOREEQ: case OP_JMP_UMOREEQ: + is_def = 0; + break; + } + return is_def; +} + +static struct triple **triple_targ(struct compile_state *state, + struct triple *triple, struct triple **last) +{ + struct triple **ret; + ret = 0; + switch(triple->op) { + case OP_BRANCH: + case OP_JMP: + case OP_JMP_EQ: case OP_JMP_NOTEQ: + case OP_JMP_SLESS: case OP_JMP_ULESS: + case OP_JMP_SMORE: case OP_JMP_UMORE: + case OP_JMP_SLESSEQ: case OP_JMP_ULESSEQ: + case OP_JMP_SMOREEQ: case OP_JMP_UMOREEQ: + if (!last) { + ret = &triple->left; + } + else if ((last == &triple->left) && triple->right) { + ret = &triple->next; + } + break; + } + return ret; +} + +static struct triple **triple_rhs(struct compile_state *state, + struct triple *triple, struct triple **last) +{ + struct triple **ret; + ret = 0; + switch(triple->op) { + /* binary operations */ + case OP_SMUL: case OP_UMUL: case OP_SDIV: case OP_UDIV: + case OP_SMOD: case OP_UMOD: case OP_ADD: case OP_SUB: + case OP_SL: case OP_USR: case OP_SSR: case OP_AND: + case OP_XOR: case OP_OR: case OP_EQ: case OP_NOTEQ: + case OP_SLESS: case OP_ULESS: case OP_SMORE: case OP_UMORE: + case OP_SLESSEQ: case OP_ULESSEQ: case OP_SMOREEQ: case OP_UMOREEQ: + case OP_CMP: + case OP_OUTB: case OP_OUTW: case OP_OUTL: +#if 0 + if (!triple->left) { + internal_error(state, triple, "left arg missing"); + } + if (!triple->right) { + internal_error(state, triple, "right arg missing"); + } +#endif + if (!last) { + ret = &triple->left; + } + else if (last == &triple->left){ + ret = &triple->right; + } + break; + /* unary operations */ + case OP_POS: case OP_NEG: + case OP_INVERT: case OP_LFALSE: case OP_LTRUE: + case OP_COPY: + case OP_TEST: + case OP_SET_EQ: case OP_SET_NOTEQ: + case OP_SET_SLESS: case OP_SET_ULESS: + case OP_SET_SMORE: case OP_SET_UMORE: + case OP_SET_SLESSEQ: case OP_SET_ULESSEQ: + case OP_SET_SMOREEQ: case OP_SET_UMOREEQ: + case OP_INB: case OP_INW: case OP_INL: + case OP_BSF: case OP_BSR: +#if 0 + if (!triple->left) { + internal_error(state, triple, "left arg missing"); + } + if (triple->right) { + internal_error(state, triple, "right arg present"); + } +#endif + if (!last) { + ret = &triple->left; + } + break; + /* Writes */ + case OP_WRITE: + case OP_STORE: + if (!last) { + ret = &triple->right; + } + break; + /* Reads */ + case OP_READ: + if (!last) { + ret = &triple->left; + } + break; + /* Branches */ + case OP_BRANCH: + case OP_JMP: + case OP_JMP_EQ: case OP_JMP_NOTEQ: + case OP_JMP_SLESS: case OP_JMP_ULESS: + case OP_JMP_SMORE: case OP_JMP_UMORE: + case OP_JMP_SLESSEQ: case OP_JMP_ULESSEQ: + case OP_JMP_SMOREEQ: case OP_JMP_UMOREEQ: + if (!last && triple->right) { + ret = &triple->right; + } + break; + /* Phi... */ + case OP_PHI: + { + struct triple **slot; + struct block *block; + block = triple->u.block; + slot = (struct triple **)(triple->left); + if (!last) { + ret = slot; + } + else if ((last >= slot) && (last < (slot + block->users -1))) { + ret = last + 1; + + } + break; + } + /* Loads */ + case OP_LOAD: + /* address constant.. */ + case OP_ADDRCONST: + if (!last) { + ret = &triple->left; + } + break; + /* Stores */ + break; + /* Variables and labels */ + case OP_ADECL: case OP_SDECL: case OP_LABEL: + /* Constants */ + case OP_INTCONST: + case OP_BLOBCONST: + case OP_NOOP: + case OP_HLT: + /* These operations that have no rhs expression */ + break; + default: + internal_error(state, 0, "unknown expression type: %d %s", + triple->op, tops(triple->op)); + break; + + } + return ret; +} + +static struct triple **triple_lhs(struct compile_state *state, + struct triple *triple, struct triple **last) +{ + struct triple **ret; + ret = 0; + switch(triple->op) { + /* binary operations */ + case OP_SMUL: case OP_UMUL: case OP_SDIV: case OP_UDIV: + case OP_SMOD: case OP_UMOD: case OP_ADD: case OP_SUB: + case OP_SL: case OP_USR: case OP_SSR: case OP_AND: + case OP_XOR: case OP_OR: case OP_EQ: case OP_NOTEQ: + case OP_SLESS: case OP_ULESS: case OP_SMORE: case OP_UMORE: + case OP_SLESSEQ: case OP_ULESSEQ: case OP_SMOREEQ: case OP_UMOREEQ: + case OP_CMP: + case OP_OUTB: case OP_OUTW: case OP_OUTL: + /* unary operations */ + case OP_POS: case OP_NEG: + case OP_INVERT: case OP_LFALSE: case OP_LTRUE: + case OP_COPY: + case OP_TEST: + case OP_SET_EQ: case OP_SET_NOTEQ: + case OP_SET_SLESS: case OP_SET_ULESS: + case OP_SET_SMORE: case OP_SET_UMORE: + case OP_SET_SLESSEQ: case OP_SET_ULESSEQ: + case OP_SET_SMOREEQ: case OP_SET_UMOREEQ: + case OP_INB: case OP_INW: case OP_INL: + case OP_BSF: case OP_BSR: + /* Variable reads */ + case OP_READ: case OP_PHI: + /* Branches */ + case OP_BRANCH: + case OP_JMP: + case OP_JMP_EQ: case OP_JMP_NOTEQ: + case OP_JMP_SLESS: case OP_JMP_ULESS: + case OP_JMP_SMORE: case OP_JMP_UMORE: + case OP_JMP_SLESSEQ: case OP_JMP_ULESSEQ: + case OP_JMP_SMOREEQ: case OP_JMP_UMOREEQ: + /* Loads */ + case OP_LOAD: + /* Address constants */ + case OP_ADDRCONST: + /* Variables and labels */ + case OP_ADECL: case OP_SDECL: case OP_LABEL: + /* Constants */ + case OP_INTCONST: + case OP_BLOBCONST: + case OP_NOOP: + case OP_HLT: + /* These expressions have no lhs expression */ + break; + /* Writes */ + case OP_WRITE: + /* Stores */ + case OP_STORE: + if (!last) { + ret = &triple->left; + } + break; + default: + internal_error(state, 0, "unknown expression type: %d %s", + triple->op, tops(triple->op)); + break; + } + return ret; +} + +static void free_triple(struct compile_state *state, struct triple *ptr) +{ + ptr->prev->next = ptr->next; + ptr->next->prev = ptr->prev; + if (ptr->use) { + internal_error(state, ptr, "ptr->use != 0"); + } + if (ptr->op == OP_PHI) { + xfree(ptr->left); + } + memset(ptr, -1, sizeof(*ptr)); + xfree(ptr); +} + +static void release_triple(struct compile_state *state, struct triple *ptr) +{ + struct triple_set *set, *next; + struct triple **expr; + /* Remove ptr from use chains where it is the user */ + expr = triple_rhs(state, ptr, 0); + for(; expr; expr = triple_rhs(state, ptr, expr)) { + if (*expr) { + unuse_triple(*expr, ptr); + } + } + expr = triple_lhs(state, ptr, 0); + for(; expr; expr = triple_lhs(state, ptr, expr)) { + if (*expr) { + unuse_triple(*expr, ptr); + } + } + expr = triple_targ(state, ptr, 0); + for(; expr; expr = triple_targ(state, ptr, expr)) { + if (*expr) { + unuse_triple(*expr, ptr); + } + } + /* Reomve ptr from use chains where it is used */ + for(set = ptr->use; set; set = next) { + next = set->next; + expr = triple_rhs(state, set->member, 0); + for(; expr; expr = triple_rhs(state, set->member, expr)) { + if (*expr == ptr) { + *expr = &zero_triple; + } + } + expr = triple_lhs(state, set->member, 0); + for(; expr; expr = triple_lhs(state, set->member, expr)) { + if (*expr == ptr) { + *expr = &zero_triple; + } + } + expr = triple_targ(state, set->member, 0); + for(; expr; expr = triple_targ(state, set->member, expr)) { + if (*expr == ptr) { + *expr = &zero_triple; + } + } + unuse_triple(ptr, set->member); + } + free_triple(state, ptr); +} + +static void print_triple(struct compile_state *state, struct triple *ptr); + +#define TOK_UNKNOWN 0 +#define TOK_SPACE 1 +#define TOK_SEMI 2 +#define TOK_LBRACE 3 +#define TOK_RBRACE 4 +#define TOK_COMMA 5 +#define TOK_EQ 6 +#define TOK_COLON 7 +#define TOK_LBRACKET 8 +#define TOK_RBRACKET 9 +#define TOK_LPAREN 10 +#define TOK_RPAREN 11 +#define TOK_STAR 12 +#define TOK_DOTS 13 +#define TOK_MORE 14 +#define TOK_LESS 15 +#define TOK_TIMESEQ 16 +#define TOK_DIVEQ 17 +#define TOK_MODEQ 18 +#define TOK_PLUSEQ 19 +#define TOK_MINUSEQ 20 +#define TOK_SLEQ 21 +#define TOK_SREQ 22 +#define TOK_ANDEQ 23 +#define TOK_XOREQ 24 +#define TOK_OREQ 25 +#define TOK_EQEQ 26 +#define TOK_NOTEQ 27 +#define TOK_QUEST 28 +#define TOK_LOGOR 29 +#define TOK_LOGAND 30 +#define TOK_OR 31 +#define TOK_AND 32 +#define TOK_XOR 33 +#define TOK_LESSEQ 34 +#define TOK_MOREEQ 35 +#define TOK_SL 36 +#define TOK_SR 37 +#define TOK_PLUS 38 +#define TOK_MINUS 39 +#define TOK_DIV 40 +#define TOK_MOD 41 +#define TOK_PLUSPLUS 42 +#define TOK_MINUSMINUS 43 +#define TOK_BANG 44 +#define TOK_ARROW 45 +#define TOK_DOT 46 +#define TOK_TILDE 47 +#define TOK_LIT_STRING 48 +#define TOK_LIT_CHAR 49 +#define TOK_LIT_INT 50 +#define TOK_LIT_FLOAT 51 +#define TOK_MACRO 52 +#define TOK_CONCATENATE 53 + +#define TOK_IDENT 54 +#define TOK_STRUCT_NAME 55 +#define TOK_ENUM_CONST 56 +#define TOK_TYPE_NAME 57 + +#define TOK_AUTO 58 +#define TOK_BREAK 59 +#define TOK_CASE 60 +#define TOK_CHAR 61 +#define TOK_CONST 62 +#define TOK_CONTINUE 63 +#define TOK_DEFAULT 64 +#define TOK_DO 65 +#define TOK_DOUBLE 66 +#define TOK_ELSE 67 +#define TOK_ENUM 68 +#define TOK_EXTERN 69 +#define TOK_FLOAT 70 +#define TOK_FOR 71 +#define TOK_GOTO 72 +#define TOK_IF 73 +#define TOK_INLINE 74 +#define TOK_INT 75 +#define TOK_LONG 76 +#define TOK_REGISTER 77 +#define TOK_RESTRICT 78 +#define TOK_RETURN 79 +#define TOK_SHORT 80 +#define TOK_SIGNED 81 +#define TOK_SIZEOF 82 +#define TOK_STATIC 83 +#define TOK_STRUCT 84 +#define TOK_SWITCH 85 +#define TOK_TYPEDEF 86 +#define TOK_UNION 87 +#define TOK_UNSIGNED 88 +#define TOK_VOID 89 +#define TOK_VOLATILE 90 +#define TOK_WHILE 91 +#define TOK_ASM 92 +#define TOK_ATTRIBUTE 93 +#define TOK_ALIGNOF 94 +#define TOK_FIRST_KEYWORD TOK_AUTO +#define TOK_LAST_KEYWORD TOK_ALIGNOF + +#define TOK_DEFINE 100 +#define TOK_UNDEF 101 +#define TOK_INCLUDE 102 +#define TOK_LINE 103 +#define TOK_ERROR 104 +#define TOK_WARNING 105 +#define TOK_PRAGMA 106 +#define TOK_IFDEF 107 +#define TOK_IFNDEF 108 +#define TOK_ELIF 109 +#define TOK_ENDIF 110 + +#define TOK_FIRST_MACRO TOK_DEFINE +#define TOK_LAST_MACRO TOK_ENDIF + +#define TOK_EOF 111 + +static const char *tokens[] = { +[TOK_UNKNOWN ] = "unknown", +[TOK_SPACE ] = ":space:", +[TOK_SEMI ] = ";", +[TOK_LBRACE ] = "{", +[TOK_RBRACE ] = "}", +[TOK_COMMA ] = ",", +[TOK_EQ ] = "=", +[TOK_COLON ] = ":", +[TOK_LBRACKET ] = "[", +[TOK_RBRACKET ] = "]", +[TOK_LPAREN ] = "(", +[TOK_RPAREN ] = ")", +[TOK_STAR ] = "*", +[TOK_DOTS ] = "...", +[TOK_MORE ] = ">", +[TOK_LESS ] = "<", +[TOK_TIMESEQ ] = "*=", +[TOK_DIVEQ ] = "/=", +[TOK_MODEQ ] = "%=", +[TOK_PLUSEQ ] = "+=", +[TOK_MINUSEQ ] = "-=", +[TOK_SLEQ ] = "<<=", +[TOK_SREQ ] = ">>=", +[TOK_ANDEQ ] = "&=", +[TOK_XOREQ ] = "^=", +[TOK_OREQ ] = "|=", +[TOK_EQEQ ] = "==", +[TOK_NOTEQ ] = "!=", +[TOK_QUEST ] = "?", +[TOK_LOGOR ] = "||", +[TOK_LOGAND ] = "&&", +[TOK_OR ] = "|", +[TOK_AND ] = "&", +[TOK_XOR ] = "^", +[TOK_LESSEQ ] = "<=", +[TOK_MOREEQ ] = ">=", +[TOK_SL ] = "<<", +[TOK_SR ] = ">>", +[TOK_PLUS ] = "+", +[TOK_MINUS ] = "-", +[TOK_DIV ] = "/", +[TOK_MOD ] = "%", +[TOK_PLUSPLUS ] = "++", +[TOK_MINUSMINUS ] = "--", +[TOK_BANG ] = "!", +[TOK_ARROW ] = "->", +[TOK_DOT ] = ".", +[TOK_TILDE ] = "~", +[TOK_LIT_STRING ] = ":string:", +[TOK_IDENT ] = ":ident:", +[TOK_TYPE_NAME ] = ":typename:", +[TOK_LIT_CHAR ] = ":char:", +[TOK_LIT_INT ] = ":integer:", +[TOK_LIT_FLOAT ] = ":float:", +[TOK_MACRO ] = "#", +[TOK_CONCATENATE ] = "##", + +[TOK_AUTO ] = "auto", +[TOK_BREAK ] = "break", +[TOK_CASE ] = "case", +[TOK_CHAR ] = "char", +[TOK_CONST ] = "const", +[TOK_CONTINUE ] = "continue", +[TOK_DEFAULT ] = "default", +[TOK_DO ] = "do", +[TOK_DOUBLE ] = "double", +[TOK_ELSE ] = "else", +[TOK_ENUM ] = "enum", +[TOK_EXTERN ] = "extern", +[TOK_FLOAT ] = "float", +[TOK_FOR ] = "for", +[TOK_GOTO ] = "goto", +[TOK_IF ] = "if", +[TOK_INLINE ] = "inline", +[TOK_INT ] = "int", +[TOK_LONG ] = "long", +[TOK_REGISTER ] = "register", +[TOK_RESTRICT ] = "restrict", +[TOK_RETURN ] = "return", +[TOK_SHORT ] = "short", +[TOK_SIGNED ] = "signed", +[TOK_SIZEOF ] = "sizeof", +[TOK_STATIC ] = "static", +[TOK_STRUCT ] = "struct", +[TOK_SWITCH ] = "switch", +[TOK_TYPEDEF ] = "typedef", +[TOK_UNION ] = "union", +[TOK_UNSIGNED ] = "unsigned", +[TOK_VOID ] = "void", +[TOK_VOLATILE ] = "volatile", +[TOK_WHILE ] = "while", +[TOK_ASM ] = "asm", +[TOK_ATTRIBUTE ] = "__attribute__", +[TOK_ALIGNOF ] = "__alignof__", + +[TOK_DEFINE ] = "define", +[TOK_UNDEF ] = "undef", +[TOK_INCLUDE ] = "include", +[TOK_LINE ] = "line", +[TOK_ERROR ] = "error", +[TOK_WARNING ] = "warning", +[TOK_PRAGMA ] = "pragma", +[TOK_IFDEF ] = "ifdef", +[TOK_IFNDEF ] = "ifndef", +[TOK_ELIF ] = "elif", +[TOK_ENDIF ] = "endif", + +[TOK_EOF ] = "EOF", +}; + +static unsigned int hash(const char *str, int str_len) +{ + unsigned int hash; + const char *end; + end = str + str_len; + hash = 0; + for(; str < end; str++) { + hash = (hash *263) + *str; + } + hash = hash & (HASH_TABLE_SIZE -1); + return hash; +} + +static struct hash_entry *lookup( + struct compile_state *state, const char *name, int name_len) +{ + struct hash_entry *entry; + unsigned int index; + index = hash(name, name_len); + entry = state->hash_table[index]; + while(entry && + ((entry->name_len != name_len) || + (memcmp(entry->name, name, name_len) != 0))) { + entry = entry->next; + } + if (!entry) { + char *new_name; + /* Get a private copy of the name */ + new_name = xmalloc(name_len + 1, "hash_name"); + memcpy(new_name, name, name_len); + new_name[name_len] = '\0'; + + /* Create a new hash entry */ + entry = xcmalloc(sizeof(*entry), "hash_entry"); + entry->next = state->hash_table[index]; + entry->name = new_name; + entry->name_len = name_len; + + /* Place the new entry in the hash table */ + state->hash_table[index] = entry; + } + return entry; +} + +static void ident_to_keyword(struct compile_state *state, struct token *tk) +{ + struct hash_entry *entry; + entry = tk->ident; + if (entry && ((entry->tok == TOK_TYPE_NAME) || + (entry->tok == TOK_ENUM_CONST) || + ((entry->tok >= TOK_FIRST_KEYWORD) && + (entry->tok <= TOK_LAST_KEYWORD)))) { + tk->tok = entry->tok; + } +} + +static void ident_to_macro(struct compile_state *state, struct token *tk) +{ + struct hash_entry *entry; + entry = tk->ident; + if (entry && + (entry->tok >= TOK_FIRST_MACRO) && + (entry->tok <= TOK_LAST_MACRO)) { + tk->tok = entry->tok; + } +} + +static void hash_keyword( + struct compile_state *state, const char *keyword, int tok) +{ + struct hash_entry *entry; + entry = lookup(state, keyword, strlen(keyword)); + if (entry && entry->tok != TOK_UNKNOWN) { + die("keyword %s already hashed", keyword); + } + entry->tok = tok; +} + +static void symbol( + struct compile_state *state, struct hash_entry *ident, + struct symbol **chain, struct triple *def, struct type *type) +{ + struct symbol *sym; + if (*chain && ((*chain)->scope_depth == state->scope_depth)) { + error(state, 0, "%s already defined", ident->name); + } + sym = xcmalloc(sizeof(*sym), "symbol"); + sym->ident = ident; + sym->def = def; + sym->type = type; + sym->scope_depth = state->scope_depth; + sym->next = *chain; + *chain = sym; +} + +static void start_scope(struct compile_state *state) +{ + state->scope_depth++; +} + +static void end_scope_syms(struct symbol **chain, int depth) +{ + struct symbol *sym, *next; + sym = *chain; + while(sym && (sym->scope_depth == depth)) { + next = sym->next; + xfree(sym); + sym = next; + } + *chain = sym; +} + +static void end_scope(struct compile_state *state) +{ + int i; + int depth; + /* Walk through the hash table and remove all symbols + * in the current scope. + */ + depth = state->scope_depth; + for(i = 0; i < HASH_TABLE_SIZE; i++) { + struct hash_entry *entry; + entry = state->hash_table[i]; + while(entry) { + end_scope_syms(&entry->sym_label, depth); + end_scope_syms(&entry->sym_struct, depth); + end_scope_syms(&entry->sym_ident, depth); + entry = entry->next; + } + } + state->scope_depth = depth - 1; +} + +static void register_keywords(struct compile_state *state) +{ + hash_keyword(state, "auto", TOK_AUTO); + hash_keyword(state, "break", TOK_BREAK); + hash_keyword(state, "case", TOK_CASE); + hash_keyword(state, "char", TOK_CHAR); + hash_keyword(state, "const", TOK_CONST); + hash_keyword(state, "continue", TOK_CONTINUE); + hash_keyword(state, "default", TOK_DEFAULT); + hash_keyword(state, "do", TOK_DO); + hash_keyword(state, "double", TOK_DOUBLE); + hash_keyword(state, "else", TOK_ELSE); + hash_keyword(state, "enum", TOK_ENUM); + hash_keyword(state, "extern", TOK_EXTERN); + hash_keyword(state, "float", TOK_FLOAT); + hash_keyword(state, "for", TOK_FOR); + hash_keyword(state, "goto", TOK_GOTO); + hash_keyword(state, "if", TOK_IF); + hash_keyword(state, "inline", TOK_INLINE); + hash_keyword(state, "int", TOK_INT); + hash_keyword(state, "long", TOK_LONG); + hash_keyword(state, "register", TOK_REGISTER); + hash_keyword(state, "restrict", TOK_RESTRICT); + hash_keyword(state, "return", TOK_RETURN); + hash_keyword(state, "short", TOK_SHORT); + hash_keyword(state, "signed", TOK_SIGNED); + hash_keyword(state, "sizeof", TOK_SIZEOF); + hash_keyword(state, "static", TOK_STATIC); + hash_keyword(state, "struct", TOK_STRUCT); + hash_keyword(state, "switch", TOK_SWITCH); + hash_keyword(state, "typedef", TOK_TYPEDEF); + hash_keyword(state, "union", TOK_UNION); + hash_keyword(state, "unsigned", TOK_UNSIGNED); + hash_keyword(state, "void", TOK_VOID); + hash_keyword(state, "volatile", TOK_VOLATILE); + hash_keyword(state, "while", TOK_WHILE); + hash_keyword(state, "asm", TOK_ASM); + hash_keyword(state, "__attribute__", TOK_ATTRIBUTE); + hash_keyword(state, "__alignof__", TOK_ALIGNOF); +} + +static void register_macro_keywords(struct compile_state *state) +{ + hash_keyword(state, "define", TOK_DEFINE); + hash_keyword(state, "undef", TOK_UNDEF); + hash_keyword(state, "include", TOK_INCLUDE); + hash_keyword(state, "line", TOK_LINE); + hash_keyword(state, "error", TOK_ERROR); + hash_keyword(state, "warning", TOK_WARNING); + hash_keyword(state, "pragma", TOK_PRAGMA); + hash_keyword(state, "ifdef", TOK_IFDEF); + hash_keyword(state, "ifndef", TOK_IFNDEF); + hash_keyword(state, "elif", TOK_ELIF); + hash_keyword(state, "endif", TOK_ENDIF); +} + +static int spacep(int c) +{ + int ret = 0; + switch(c) { + case ' ': + case '\t': + case '\f': + case '\v': + case '\r': + case '\n': + ret = 1; + break; + } + return ret; +} + +static int digitp(int c) +{ + int ret = 0; + switch(c) { + case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': + case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9': + ret = 1; + break; + } + return ret; +} + +static int hexdigitp(int c) +{ + int ret = 0; + switch(c) { + case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': + case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9': + case 'A': case 'B': case 'C': case 'D': case 'E': case 'F': + case 'a': case 'b': case 'c': case 'd': case 'e': case 'f': + ret = 1; + break; + } + return ret; +} +static int hexdigval(int c) +{ + int val = -1; + if ((c >= '0') && (c <= '9')) { + val = c - '0'; + } + else if ((c >= 'A') && (c <= 'F')) { + val = 10 + (c - 'A'); + } + else if ((c >= 'a') && (c <= 'f')) { + val = 10 + (c - 'a'); + } + return val; +} + +static int octdigitp(int c) +{ + int ret = 0; + switch(c) { + case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3': + case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7': + ret = 1; + break; + } + return ret; +} +static int octdigval(int c) +{ + int val = -1; + if ((c >= '0') && (c <= '7')) { + val = c - '0'; + } + return val; +} + +static int letterp(int c) +{ + int ret = 0; + switch(c) { + case 'a': case 'b': case 'c': case 'd': case 'e': + case 'f': case 'g': case 'h': case 'i': case 'j': + case 'k': case 'l': case 'm': case 'n': case 'o': + case 'p': case 'q': case 'r': case 's': case 't': + case 'u': case 'v': case 'w': case 'x': case 'y': + case 'z': + case 'A': case 'B': case 'C': case 'D': case 'E': + case 'F': case 'G': case 'H': case 'I': case 'J': + case 'K': case 'L': case 'M': case 'N': case 'O': + case 'P': case 'Q': case 'R': case 'S': case 'T': + case 'U': case 'V': case 'W': case 'X': case 'Y': + case 'Z': + case '_': + ret = 1; + break; + } + return ret; +} + +static int char_value(struct compile_state *state, + const signed char **strp, const signed char *end) +{ + const signed char *str; + int c; + str = *strp; + c = *str++; + if ((c == '\\') && (str < end)) { + switch(*str) { + case 'n': c = '\n'; str++; break; + case 't': c = '\t'; str++; break; + case 'v': c = '\v'; str++; break; + case 'b': c = '\b'; str++; break; + case 'r': c = '\r'; str++; break; + case 'f': c = '\f'; str++; break; + case 'a': c = '\a'; str++; break; + case '\\': c = '\\'; str++; break; + case '?': c = '?'; str++; break; + case '\'': c = '\''; str++; break; + case '"': c = '"'; break; + case 'x': + c = 0; + str++; + while((str < end) && hexdigitp(*str)) { + c <<= 4; + c += hexdigval(*str); + str++; + } + break; + case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3': + case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7': + c = 0; + while((str < end) && octdigitp(*str)) { + c <<= 3; + c += octdigval(*str); + str++; + } + break; + default: + error(state, 0, "Invalid character constant"); + break; + } + } + *strp = str; + return c; +} + +static char *after_digits(char *ptr, char *end) +{ + while((ptr < end) && digitp(*ptr)) { + ptr++; + } + return ptr; +} + +static char *after_octdigits(char *ptr, char *end) +{ + while((ptr < end) && octdigitp(*ptr)) { + ptr++; + } + return ptr; +} + +static char *after_hexdigits(char *ptr, char *end) +{ + while((ptr < end) && hexdigitp(*ptr)) { + ptr++; + } + return ptr; +} + +static void save_string(struct compile_state *state, + struct token *tk, char *start, char *end, const char *id) +{ + char *str; + int str_len; + /* Create a private copy of the string */ + str_len = end - start + 1; + str = xmalloc(str_len + 1, id); + memcpy(str, start, str_len); + str[str_len] = '\0'; + + /* Store the copy in the token */ + tk->val.str = str; + tk->str_len = str_len; +} +static void next_token(struct compile_state *state, int index) +{ + struct file_state *file; + struct token *tk; + char *token; + int c, c1, c2, c3; + char *tokp, *end; + int tok; +next_token: + file = state->file; + tk = &state->token[index]; + tk->str_len = 0; + tk->ident = 0; + token = tokp = file->pos; + end = file->buf + file->size; + tok = TOK_UNKNOWN; + c = -1; + if (tokp < end) { + c = *tokp; + } + c1 = -1; + if ((tokp + 1) < end) { + c1 = tokp[1]; + } + c2 = -1; + if ((tokp + 2) < end) { + c2 = tokp[2]; + } + c3 = -1; + if ((tokp + 3) < end) { + c3 = tokp[3]; + } + if (tokp >= end) { + tok = TOK_EOF; + tokp = end; + } + /* Whitespace */ + else if (spacep(c)) { + tok = TOK_SPACE; + while ((tokp < end) && spacep(c)) { + if (c == '\n') { + file->line++; + file->line_start = tokp + 1; + } + c = *(++tokp); + } + if (!spacep(c)) { + tokp--; + } + } + /* EOL Comments */ + else if ((c == '/') && (c1 == '/')) { + tok = TOK_SPACE; + for(tokp += 2; tokp < end; tokp++) { + c = *tokp; + if (c == '\n') { + file->line++; + file->line_start = tokp +1; + break; + } + } + } + /* Comments */ + else if ((c == '/') && (c1 == '*')) { + int line; + char *line_start; + line = file->line; + line_start = file->line_start; + for(tokp += 2; (end - tokp) >= 2; tokp++) { + c = *tokp; + if (c == '\n') { + line++; + line_start = tokp +1; + } + else if ((c == '*') && (tokp[1] == '/')) { + tok = TOK_SPACE; + tokp += 1; + break; + } + } + if (tok == TOK_UNKNOWN) { + error(state, 0, "unterminated comment"); + } + file->line = line; + file->line_start = line_start; + } + /* string constants */ + else if ((c == '"') || + ((c == 'L') && (c1 == '"'))) { + int line; + char *line_start; + int wchar; + line = file->line; + line_start = file->line_start; + wchar = 0; + if (c == 'L') { + wchar = 1; + tokp++; + } + for(tokp += 1; tokp < end; tokp++) { + c = *tokp; + if (c == '\n') { + line++; + line_start = tokp + 1; + } + else if ((c == '\\') && (tokp +1 < end)) { + tokp++; + } + else if (c == '"') { + tok = TOK_LIT_STRING; + break; + } + } + if (tok == TOK_UNKNOWN) { + error(state, 0, "unterminated string constant"); + } + if (line != file->line) { + warning(state, 0, "multiline string constant"); + } + file->line = line; + file->line_start = line_start; + + /* Save the string value */ + save_string(state, tk, token, tokp, "literal string"); + } + /* character constants */ + else if ((c == '\'') || + ((c == 'L') && (c1 == '\''))) { + int line; + char *line_start; + int wchar; + line = file->line; + line_start = file->line_start; + wchar = 0; + if (c == 'L') { + wchar = 1; + tokp++; + } + for(tokp += 1; tokp < end; tokp++) { + c = *tokp; + if (c == '\n') { + line++; + line_start = tokp + 1; + } + else if ((c == '\\') && (tokp +1 < end)) { + tokp++; + } + else if (c == '\'') { + tok = TOK_LIT_CHAR; + break; + } + } + if (tok == TOK_UNKNOWN) { + error(state, 0, "unterminated character constant"); + } + if (line != file->line) { + warning(state, 0, "multiline character constant"); + } + file->line = line; + file->line_start = line_start; + + /* Save the character value */ + save_string(state, tk, token, tokp, "literal character"); + } + /* integer and floating constants + * Integer Constants + * {digits} + * 0[Xx]{hexdigits} + * 0{octdigit}+ + * + * Floating constants + * {digits}.{digits}[Ee][+-]?{digits} + * {digits}.{digits} + * {digits}[Ee][+-]?{digits} + * .{digits}[Ee][+-]?{digits} + * .{digits} + */ + + else if (digitp(c) || ((c == '.') && (digitp(c1)))) { + char *next, *new; + int is_float; + is_float = 0; + if (c != '.') { + next = after_digits(tokp, end); + } + else { + next = tokp; + } + if (next[0] == '.') { + new = after_digits(next, end); + is_float = (new != next); + next = new; + } + if ((next[0] == 'e') || (next[0] == 'E')) { + if (((next + 1) < end) && + ((next[1] == '+') || (next[1] == '-'))) { + next++; + } + new = after_digits(next, end); + is_float = (new != next); + next = new; + } + if (is_float) { + tok = TOK_LIT_FLOAT; + if ((next < end) && ( + (next[0] == 'f') || + (next[0] == 'F') || + (next[0] == 'l') || + (next[0] == 'L')) + ) { + next++; + } + } + if (!is_float && digitp(c)) { + tok = TOK_LIT_INT; + if ((c == '0') && ((c1 == 'x') || (c1 == 'X'))) { + next = after_hexdigits(tokp + 2, end); + } + else if (c == '0') { + next = after_octdigits(tokp, end); + } + else { + next = after_digits(tokp, end); + } + /* crazy integer suffixes */ + if ((next < end) && + ((next[0] == 'u') || (next[0] == 'U'))) { + next++; + if ((next < end) && + ((next[0] == 'l') || (next[0] == 'L'))) { + next++; + } + } + else if ((next < end) && + ((next[0] == 'l') || (next[0] == 'L'))) { + next++; + if ((next < end) && + ((next[0] == 'u') || (next[0] == 'U'))) { + next++; + } + } + } + tokp = next - 1; + + /* Save the integer/floating point value */ + save_string(state, tk, token, tokp, "literal number"); + } + /* identifiers */ + else if (letterp(c)) { + tok = TOK_IDENT; + for(tokp += 1; tokp < end; tokp++) { + c = *tokp; + if (!letterp(c) && !digitp(c)) { + break; + } + } + tokp -= 1; + tk->ident = lookup(state, token, tokp +1 - token); + } + /* C99 alternate macro characters */ + else if ((c == '%') && (c1 == ':') && (c2 == '%') && (c3 == ':')) { + tokp += 3; + tok = TOK_CONCATENATE; + } + else if ((c == '.') && (c1 == '.') && (c2 == '.')) { tokp += 2; tok = TOK_DOTS; } + else if ((c == '<') && (c1 == '<') && (c2 == '=')) { tokp += 2; tok = TOK_SLEQ; } + else if ((c == '>') && (c1 == '>') && (c2 == '=')) { tokp += 2; tok = TOK_SREQ; } + else if ((c == '*') && (c1 == '=')) { tokp += 1; tok = TOK_TIMESEQ; } + else if ((c == '/') && (c1 == '=')) { tokp += 1; tok = TOK_DIVEQ; } + else if ((c == '%') && (c1 == '=')) { tokp += 1; tok = TOK_MODEQ; } + else if ((c == '+') && (c1 == '=')) { tokp += 1; tok = TOK_PLUSEQ; } + else if ((c == '-') && (c1 == '=')) { tokp += 1; tok = TOK_MINUSEQ; } + else if ((c == '&') && (c1 == '=')) { tokp += 1; tok = TOK_ANDEQ; } + else if ((c == '^') && (c1 == '=')) { tokp += 1; tok = TOK_XOREQ; } + else if ((c == '|') && (c1 == '=')) { tokp += 1; tok = TOK_OREQ; } + else if ((c == '=') && (c1 == '=')) { tokp += 1; tok = TOK_EQEQ; } + else if ((c == '!') && (c1 == '=')) { tokp += 1; tok = TOK_NOTEQ; } + else if ((c == '|') && (c1 == '|')) { tokp += 1; tok = TOK_LOGOR; } + else if ((c == '&') && (c1 == '&')) { tokp += 1; tok = TOK_LOGAND; } + else if ((c == '<') && (c1 == '=')) { tokp += 1; tok = TOK_LESSEQ; } + else if ((c == '>') && (c1 == '=')) { tokp += 1; tok = TOK_MOREEQ; } + else if ((c == '<') && (c1 == '<')) { tokp += 1; tok = TOK_SL; } + else if ((c == '>') && (c1 == '>')) { tokp += 1; tok = TOK_SR; } + else if ((c == '+') && (c1 == '+')) { tokp += 1; tok = TOK_PLUSPLUS; } + else if ((c == '-') && (c1 == '-')) { tokp += 1; tok = TOK_MINUSMINUS; } + else if ((c == '-') && (c1 == '>')) { tokp += 1; tok = TOK_ARROW; } + else if ((c == '<') && (c1 == ':')) { tokp += 1; tok = TOK_LBRACKET; } + else if ((c == ':') && (c1 == '>')) { tokp += 1; tok = TOK_RBRACKET; } + else if ((c == '<') && (c1 == '%')) { tokp += 1; tok = TOK_LBRACE; } + else if ((c == '%') && (c1 == '>')) { tokp += 1; tok = TOK_RBRACE; } + else if ((c == '%') && (c1 == ':')) { tokp += 1; tok = TOK_MACRO; } + else if ((c == '#') && (c1 == '#')) { tokp += 1; tok = TOK_CONCATENATE; } + else if (c == ';') { tok = TOK_SEMI; } + else if (c == '{') { tok = TOK_LBRACE; } + else if (c == '}') { tok = TOK_RBRACE; } + else if (c == ',') { tok = TOK_COMMA; } + else if (c == '=') { tok = TOK_EQ; } + else if (c == ':') { tok = TOK_COLON; } + else if (c == '[') { tok = TOK_LBRACKET; } + else if (c == ']') { tok = TOK_RBRACKET; } + else if (c == '(') { tok = TOK_LPAREN; } + else if (c == ')') { tok = TOK_RPAREN; } + else if (c == '*') { tok = TOK_STAR; } + else if (c == '>') { tok = TOK_MORE; } + else if (c == '<') { tok = TOK_LESS; } + else if (c == '?') { tok = TOK_QUEST; } + else if (c == '|') { tok = TOK_OR; } + else if (c == '&') { tok = TOK_AND; } + else if (c == '^') { tok = TOK_XOR; } + else if (c == '+') { tok = TOK_PLUS; } + else if (c == '-') { tok = TOK_MINUS; } + else if (c == '/') { tok = TOK_DIV; } + else if (c == '%') { tok = TOK_MOD; } + else if (c == '!') { tok = TOK_BANG; } + else if (c == '.') { tok = TOK_DOT; } + else if (c == '~') { tok = TOK_TILDE; } + else if (c == '#') { tok = TOK_MACRO; } + if (tok == TOK_MACRO) { + /* Only match preprocessor directives at the start of a line */ + char *ptr; + for(ptr = file->line_start; spacep(*ptr); ptr++) + ; + if (ptr != tokp) { + tok = TOK_UNKNOWN; + } + } + if (tok == TOK_UNKNOWN) { + error(state, 0, "unknown token"); + } + + file->pos = tokp + 1; + tk->tok = tok; + if (tok == TOK_IDENT) { + ident_to_keyword(state, tk); + } + /* Don't return space tokens. */ + if (tok == TOK_SPACE) { + goto next_token; + } +} + +static void compile_macro(struct compile_state *state, struct token *tk) +{ + struct file_state *file; + struct hash_entry *ident; + ident = tk->ident; + file = xmalloc(sizeof(*file), "file_state"); + file->basename = xstrdup(tk->ident->name); + file->dirname = xstrdup(""); + file->size = ident->sym_define->buf_len; + file->buf = xmalloc(file->size +2, file->basename); + memcpy(file->buf, ident->sym_define->buf, file->size); + file->buf[file->size] = '\n'; + file->buf[file->size + 1] = '\0'; + file->pos = file->buf; + file->line_start = file->pos; + file->line = 1; + file->prev = state->file; + state->file = file; +} + + +static int mpeek(struct compile_state *state, int index) +{ + struct token *tk; + int rescan; + tk = &state->token[index + 1]; + if (tk->tok == -1) { + next_token(state, index + 1); + } + do { + rescan = 0; + if ((tk->tok == TOK_EOF) && + (state->file != state->macro_file) && + (state->file->prev)) { + struct file_state *file = state->file; + state->file = file->prev; + /* file->basename is used keep it */ + xfree(file->dirname); + xfree(file->buf); + xfree(file); + next_token(state, index + 1); + rescan = 1; + } + else if (tk->ident && tk->ident->sym_define) { + compile_macro(state, tk); + next_token(state, index + 1); + rescan = 1; + } + } while(rescan); + /* Don't show the token on the next line */ + if (state->macro_line < state->macro_file->line) { + return TOK_EOF; + } + return state->token[index +1].tok; +} + +static void meat(struct compile_state *state, int index, int tok) +{ + int next_tok; + int i; + next_tok = mpeek(state, index); + if (next_tok != tok) { + const char *name1, *name2; + name1 = tokens[next_tok]; + name2 = ""; + if (next_tok == TOK_IDENT) { + name2 = state->token[index + 1].ident->name; + } + error(state, 0, "found %s %s expected %s", + name1, name2, tokens[tok]); + } + /* Free the old token value */ + if (state->token[index].str_len) { + memset((void *)(state->token[index].val.str), -1, + state->token[index].str_len); + xfree(state->token[index].val.str); + } + for(i = index; i < sizeof(state->token)/sizeof(state->token[0]) - 1; i++) { + state->token[i] = state->token[i + 1]; + } + memset(&state->token[i], 0, sizeof(state->token[i])); + state->token[i].tok = -1; +} + +static long_t mcexpr(struct compile_state *state, int index); + +static long_t mprimary_expr(struct compile_state *state, int index) +{ + long_t val; + int tok; + tok = mpeek(state, index); + while(state->token[index + 1].ident && + state->token[index + 1].ident->sym_define) { + meat(state, index, tok); + compile_macro(state, &state->token[index]); + tok = mpeek(state, index); + } + switch(tok) { + case TOK_LPAREN: + meat(state, index, TOK_LPAREN); + val = mcexpr(state, index); + meat(state, index, TOK_RPAREN); + break; + case TOK_LIT_INT: + { + char *end; + meat(state, index, TOK_LIT_INT); + errno = 0; + val = strtol(state->token[index].val.str, &end, 0); + if (((val == LONG_MIN) || (val == LONG_MAX)) && + (errno == ERANGE)) { + error(state, 0, "Integer constant to large"); + } + break; + } + default: + meat(state, index, TOK_LIT_INT); + val = 0; + } + return val; +} +static long_t munary_expr(struct compile_state *state, int index) +{ + long_t val; + switch(mpeek(state, index)) { + case TOK_PLUS: + meat(state, index, TOK_PLUS); + val = munary_expr(state, index); + val = + val; + break; + case TOK_MINUS: + meat(state, index, TOK_MINUS); + val = munary_expr(state, index); + val = - val; + break; + case TOK_TILDE: + meat(state, index, TOK_BANG); + val = munary_expr(state, index); + val = ~ val; + break; + case TOK_BANG: + meat(state, index, TOK_BANG); + val = munary_expr(state, index); + val = ! val; + break; + default: + val = mprimary_expr(state, index); + break; + } + return val; + +} +static long_t mmul_expr(struct compile_state *state, int index) +{ + long_t val; + int done; + val = munary_expr(state, index); + do { + long_t right; + done = 0; + switch(mpeek(state, index)) { + case TOK_STAR: + meat(state, index, TOK_STAR); + right = munary_expr(state, index); + val = val * right; + break; + case TOK_DIV: + meat(state, index, TOK_DIV); + right = munary_expr(state, index); + val = val / right; + break; + case TOK_MOD: + meat(state, index, TOK_MOD); + right = munary_expr(state, index); + val = val % right; + break; + default: + done = 1; + break; + } + } while(!done); + + return val; +} + +static long_t madd_expr(struct compile_state *state, int index) +{ + long_t val; + int done; + val = mmul_expr(state, index); + do { + long_t right; + done = 0; + switch(mpeek(state, index)) { + case TOK_PLUS: + meat(state, index, TOK_PLUS); + right = mmul_expr(state, index); + val = val + right; + break; + case TOK_MINUS: + meat(state, index, TOK_MINUS); + right = mmul_expr(state, index); + val = val - right; + break; + default: + done = 1; + break; + } + } while(!done); + + return val; +} + +static long_t mshift_expr(struct compile_state *state, int index) +{ + long_t val; + int done; + val = madd_expr(state, index); + do { + long_t right; + done = 0; + switch(mpeek(state, index)) { + case TOK_SL: + meat(state, index, TOK_SL); + right = madd_expr(state, index); + val = val << right; + break; + case TOK_SR: + meat(state, index, TOK_SR); + right = madd_expr(state, index); + val = val >> right; + break; + default: + done = 1; + break; + } + } while(!done); + + return val; +} + +static long_t mrel_expr(struct compile_state *state, int index) +{ + long_t val; + int done; + val = mshift_expr(state, index); + do { + long_t right; + done = 0; + switch(mpeek(state, index)) { + case TOK_LESS: + meat(state, index, TOK_LESS); + right = mshift_expr(state, index); + val = val < right; + break; + case TOK_MORE: + meat(state, index, TOK_MORE); + right = mshift_expr(state, index); + val = val > right; + break; + case TOK_LESSEQ: + meat(state, index, TOK_LESSEQ); + right = mshift_expr(state, index); + val = val <= right; + break; + case TOK_MOREEQ: + meat(state, index, TOK_MOREEQ); + right = mshift_expr(state, index); + val = val >= right; + break; + default: + done = 1; + break; + } + } while(!done); + return val; +} + +static long_t meq_expr(struct compile_state *state, int index) +{ + long_t val; + int done; + val = mrel_expr(state, index); + do { + long_t right; + done = 0; + switch(mpeek(state, index)) { + case TOK_EQEQ: + meat(state, index, TOK_EQEQ); + right = mrel_expr(state, index); + val = val == right; + break; + case TOK_NOTEQ: + meat(state, index, TOK_NOTEQ); + right = mrel_expr(state, index); + val = val != right; + break; + default: + done = 1; + break; + } + } while(!done); + return val; +} + +static long_t mand_expr(struct compile_state *state, int index) +{ + long_t val; + val = meq_expr(state, index); + if (mpeek(state, index) == TOK_AND) { + long_t right; + meat(state, index, TOK_AND); + right = meq_expr(state, index); + val = val & right; + } + return val; +} + +static long_t mxor_expr(struct compile_state *state, int index) +{ + long_t val; + val = mand_expr(state, index); + if (mpeek(state, index) == TOK_XOR) { + long_t right; + meat(state, index, TOK_XOR); + right = mand_expr(state, index); + val = val ^ right; + } + return val; +} + +static long_t mor_expr(struct compile_state *state, int index) +{ + long_t val; + val = mxor_expr(state, index); + if (mpeek(state, index) == TOK_OR) { + long_t right; + meat(state, index, TOK_OR); + right = mxor_expr(state, index); + val = val | right; + } + return val; +} + +static long_t mland_expr(struct compile_state *state, int index) +{ + long_t val; + val = mor_expr(state, index); + if (mpeek(state, index) == TOK_LOGAND) { + long_t right; + meat(state, index, TOK_LOGAND); + right = mor_expr(state, index); + val = val && right; + } + return val; +} +static long_t mlor_expr(struct compile_state *state, int index) +{ + long_t val; + val = mland_expr(state, index); + if (mpeek(state, index) == TOK_LOGOR) { + long_t right; + meat(state, index, TOK_LOGOR); + right = mland_expr(state, index); + val = val || right; + } + return val; +} + +static long_t mcexpr(struct compile_state *state, int index) +{ + return mlor_expr(state, index); +} +static void preprocess(struct compile_state *state, int index) +{ + /* Doing much more with the preprocessor would require + * a parser and a major restructuring. + * Postpone that for later. + */ + struct file_state *file; + struct token *tk; + int line; + int tok; + + file = state->file; + tk = &state->token[index]; + state->macro_line = line = file->line; + state->macro_file = file; + + next_token(state, index); + ident_to_macro(state, tk); + if (tk->tok == TOK_IDENT) { + error(state, 0, "undefined preprocessing directive `%s'", + tk->ident->name); + } + switch(tk->tok) { + case TOK_UNDEF: + case TOK_LINE: + case TOK_PRAGMA: + if (state->if_value < 0) { + break; + } + warning(state, 0, "Ignoring preprocessor directive: %s", + tk->ident->name); + break; + case TOK_ELIF: + error(state, 0, "#elif not supported"); +#warning "FIXME multiple #elif and #else in an #if do not work properly" + if (state->if_depth == 0) { + error(state, 0, "#elif without #if"); + } + /* If the #if was taken the #elif just disables the following code */ + if (state->if_value >= 0) { + state->if_value = - state->if_value; + } + /* If the previous #if was not taken see if the #elif enables the + * trailing code. + */ + else if ((state->if_value < 0) && + (state->if_depth == - state->if_value)) + { + if (mcexpr(state, index) != 0) { + state->if_value = state->if_depth; + } + else { + state->if_value = - state->if_depth; + } + } + break; + case TOK_IF: + state->if_depth++; + if (state->if_value < 0) { + break; + } + if (mcexpr(state, index) != 0) { + state->if_value = state->if_depth; + } + else { + state->if_value = - state->if_depth; + } + break; + case TOK_IFNDEF: + state->if_depth++; + if (state->if_value < 0) { + break; + } + next_token(state, index); + if ((line != file->line) || (tk->tok != TOK_IDENT)) { + error(state, 0, "Invalid macro name"); + } + if (tk->ident->sym_define == 0) { + state->if_value = state->if_depth; + } + else { + state->if_value = - state->if_depth; + } + break; + case TOK_IFDEF: + state->if_depth++; + if (state->if_value < 0) { + break; + } + next_token(state, index); + if ((line != file->line) || (tk->tok != TOK_IDENT)) { + error(state, 0, "Invalid macro name"); + } + if (tk->ident->sym_define != 0) { + state->if_value = state->if_depth; + } + else { + state->if_value = - state->if_depth; + } + break; + case TOK_ELSE: + if (state->if_depth == 0) { + error(state, 0, "#else without #if"); + } + if ((state->if_value >= 0) || + ((state->if_value < 0) && + (state->if_depth == -state->if_value))) + { + state->if_value = - state->if_value; + } + break; + case TOK_ENDIF: + if (state->if_depth == 0) { + error(state, 0, "#endif without #if"); + } + if ((state->if_value >= 0) || + ((state->if_value < 0) && + (state->if_depth == -state->if_value))) + { + state->if_value = state->if_depth - 1; + } + state->if_depth--; + break; + case TOK_DEFINE: + { + struct hash_entry *ident; + struct macro *macro; + char *ptr; + + if (state->if_value < 0) /* quit early when #if'd out */ + break; + + meat(state, index, TOK_IDENT); + ident = tk->ident; + + + if (*file->pos == '(') { +#warning "FIXME macros with arguments not supported" + error(state, 0, "Macros with arguments not supported"); + } + + /* Find the end of the line to get an estimate of + * the macro's length. + */ + for(ptr = file->pos; *ptr != '\n'; ptr++) + ; + + if (ident->sym_define != 0) { + error(state, 0, "macro %s already defined\n", ident->name); + } + macro = xmalloc(sizeof(*macro), "macro"); + macro->ident = ident; + macro->buf_len = ptr - file->pos +1; + macro->buf = xmalloc(macro->buf_len +2, "macro buf"); + + memcpy(macro->buf, file->pos, macro->buf_len); + macro->buf[macro->buf_len] = '\n'; + macro->buf[macro->buf_len +1] = '\0'; + + ident->sym_define = macro; + break; + } + case TOK_ERROR: + { + char *end; + int len; + /* Find the end of the line */ + for(end = file->pos; *end != '\n'; end++) + ; + len = (end - file->pos); + if (state->if_value >= 0) { + error(state, 0, "%*.*s", len, len, file->pos); + } + file->pos = end; + break; + } + case TOK_WARNING: + { + char *end; + int len; + /* Find the end of the line */ + for(end = file->pos; *end != '\n'; end++) + ; + len = (end - file->pos); + if (state->if_value >= 0) { + warning(state, 0, "%*.*s", len, len, file->pos); + } + file->pos = end; + break; + } + case TOK_INCLUDE: + { + char *name; + char *ptr; + int local; + local = 0; + name = 0; + next_token(state, index); + if (tk->tok == TOK_LIT_STRING) { + const char *token; + int name_len; + name = xmalloc(tk->str_len, "include"); + token = tk->val.str +1; + name_len = tk->str_len -2; + if (*token == '"') { + token++; + name_len--; + } + memcpy(name, token, name_len); + name[name_len] = '\0'; + local = 1; + } + else if (tk->tok == TOK_LESS) { + char *start, *end; + start = file->pos; + for(end = start; *end != '\n'; end++) { + if (*end == '>') { + break; + } + } + if (*end == '\n') { + error(state, 0, "Unterminated included directive"); + } + name = xmalloc(end - start + 1, "include"); + memcpy(name, start, end - start); + name[end - start] = '\0'; + file->pos = end +1; + local = 0; + } + else { + error(state, 0, "Invalid include directive"); + } + /* Error if there are any characters after the include */ + for(ptr = file->pos; *ptr != '\n'; ptr++) { + if (!isspace(*ptr)) { + error(state, 0, "garbage after include directive"); + } + } + if (state->if_value >= 0) { + compile_file(state, name, local); + } + xfree(name); + next_token(state, index); + return; + } + default: + /* Ignore # without a following ident */ + if (tk->tok == TOK_IDENT) { + error(state, 0, "Invalid preprocessor directive: %s", + tk->ident->name); + } + break; + } + /* Consume the rest of the macro line */ + do { + tok = mpeek(state, index); + meat(state, index, tok); + } while(tok != TOK_EOF); + return; +} + +static void token(struct compile_state *state, int index) +{ + struct file_state *file; + struct token *tk; + int rescan; + + tk = &state->token[index]; + next_token(state, index); + do { + rescan = 0; + file = state->file; + if (tk->tok == TOK_EOF && file->prev) { + state->file = file->prev; + /* file->basename is used keep it */ + xfree(file->dirname); + xfree(file->buf); + xfree(file); + next_token(state, index); + rescan = 1; + } + else if (tk->tok == TOK_MACRO) { + preprocess(state, index); + rescan = 1; + } + else if (tk->ident && tk->ident->sym_define) { + compile_macro(state, tk); + next_token(state, index); + rescan = 1; + } + else if (state->if_value < 0) { + next_token(state, index); + rescan = 1; + } + } while(rescan); +} + +static int peek(struct compile_state *state) +{ + if (state->token[1].tok == -1) { + token(state, 1); + } + return state->token[1].tok; +} + +static int peek2(struct compile_state *state) +{ + if (state->token[1].tok == -1) { + token(state, 1); + } + if (state->token[2].tok == -1) { + token(state, 2); + } + return state->token[2].tok; +} + +static void __eat( + const char *file, const char *func, int line, + struct compile_state *state, int tok) +{ + int next_tok; + int i; + next_tok = peek(state); + if (next_tok != tok) { + const char *name1, *name2; + name1 = tokens[next_tok]; + name2 = ""; + if (next_tok == TOK_IDENT) { + name2 = state->token[1].ident->name; + } + internal_error(state, 0, "@ %s.%s:%d \tfound %s %s expected %s", + file, func, line, + name1, name2, tokens[tok]); + } + /* Free the old token value */ + if (state->token[0].str_len) { + xfree((void *)(state->token[0].val.str)); + } + for(i = 0; i < sizeof(state->token)/sizeof(state->token[0]) - 1; i++) { + state->token[i] = state->token[i + 1]; + } + memset(&state->token[i], 0, sizeof(state->token[i])); + state->token[i].tok = -1; +} +#define eat(state, tok) __eat(__FILE__, __func__, __LINE__, state, tok) + +#warning "FIXME do not hardcode the include paths" +static char *include_paths[] = { + "/home/eric/projects/linuxbios/checkin/solo/freebios2/src/include", + "/home/eric/projects/linuxbios/checkin/solo/freebios2/src/arch/i386/include", + "/home/eric/projects/linuxbios/checkin/solo/freebios2/src", + 0 +}; + +static void compile_file(struct compile_state *state, char *filename, int local) +{ + char cwd[4096]; + char *subdir, *base; + int subdir_len; + struct file_state *file; + char *basename; + file = xmalloc(sizeof(*file), "file_state"); + + base = strrchr(filename, '/'); + subdir = filename; + if (base != 0) { + subdir_len = base - filename; + base++; + } + else { + base = filename; + subdir_len = 0; + } + basename = xmalloc(strlen(base) +1, "basename"); + strcpy(basename, base); + file->basename = basename; + + if (getcwd(cwd, sizeof(cwd)) == 0) { + die("cwd buffer to small"); + } + + if (subdir[0] == '/') { + file->dirname = xmalloc(subdir_len + 1, "dirname"); + memcpy(file->dirname, subdir, subdir_len); + file->dirname[subdir_len] = '\0'; + } + else { + char *dir; + int dirlen; + char **path; + /* Find the appropriate directory... */ + dir = 0; + if (!state->file && exists(cwd, filename)) { + dir = cwd; + } + if (local && state->file && exists(state->file->dirname, filename)) { + dir = state->file->dirname; + } + for(path = include_paths; !dir && *path; path++) { + if (exists(*path, filename)) { + dir = *path; + } + } + if (!dir) { + error(state, 0, "Cannot find `%s'\n", filename); + } + dirlen = strlen(dir); + file->dirname = xmalloc(dirlen + 1 + subdir_len + 1, "dirname"); + memcpy(file->dirname, dir, dirlen); + file->dirname[dirlen] = '/'; + memcpy(file->dirname + dirlen + 1, subdir, subdir_len); + file->dirname[dirlen + 1 + subdir_len] = '\0'; + } + file->buf = slurp_file(file->dirname, file->basename, &file->size); + xchdir(cwd); + + file->pos = file->buf; + file->line_start = file->pos; + file->line = 1; + + file->prev = state->file; + state->file = file; + + process_trigraphs(state); + splice_lines(state); +} + +/* visibility global/local */ +/* static/auto duration */ +/* typedef, register, inline */ +#define STOR_SHIFT 0 +#define STOR_MASK 0x000f +/* Visibility */ +#define STOR_GLOBAL 0x0001 +/* Duration */ +#define STOR_PERM 0x0002 +/* Storage specifiers */ +#define STOR_AUTO 0x0000 +#define STOR_STATIC 0x0002 +#define STOR_EXTERN 0x0003 +#define STOR_REGISTER 0x0004 +#define STOR_TYPEDEF 0x0008 +#define STOR_INLINE 0x000c + +#define QUAL_SHIFT 4 +#define QUAL_MASK 0x0070 +#define QUAL_NONE 0x0000 +#define QUAL_CONST 0x0010 +#define QUAL_VOLATILE 0x0020 +#define QUAL_RESTRICT 0x0040 + +#define TYPE_SHIFT 8 +#define TYPE_MASK 0x1f00 +#define TYPE_INTEGER(TYPE) (((TYPE) >= TYPE_CHAR) && ((TYPE) <= TYPE_ULLONG)) +#define TYPE_ARITHMETIC(TYPE) (((TYPE) >= TYPE_CHAR) && ((TYPE) <= TYPE_LDOUBLE)) +#define TYPE_UNSIGNED(TYPE) ((TYPE) & 0x0100) +#define TYPE_SIGNED(TYPE) (!TYPE_UNSIGNED(TYPE)) +#define TYPE_MKUNSIGNED(TYPE) ((TYPE) | 0x0100) +#define TYPE_RANK(TYPE) ((TYPE) & ~0x0100) +#define TYPE_PTR(TYPE) (((TYPE) & TYPE_MASK) == TYPE_POINTER) +#define TYPE_DEFAULT 0x0000 +#define TYPE_VOID 0x0100 +#define TYPE_CHAR 0x0200 +#define TYPE_UCHAR 0x0300 +#define TYPE_SHORT 0x0400 +#define TYPE_USHORT 0x0500 +#define TYPE_INT 0x0600 +#define TYPE_UINT 0x0700 +#define TYPE_LONG 0x0800 +#define TYPE_ULONG 0x0900 +#define TYPE_LLONG 0x0a00 /* long long */ +#define TYPE_ULLONG 0x0b00 +#define TYPE_FLOAT 0x0c00 +#define TYPE_DOUBLE 0x0d00 +#define TYPE_LDOUBLE 0x0e00 /* long double */ +#define TYPE_STRUCT 0x1000 +#define TYPE_ENUM 0x1100 +#define TYPE_POINTER 0x1200 +/* For TYPE_POINTER: + * type->left holds the type pointed to. + */ +#define TYPE_FUNCTION 0x1300 +/* For TYPE_FUNCTION: + * type->left holds the return type. + * type->right holds the... + */ +#define TYPE_PRODUCT 0x1400 +/* TYPE_PRODUCT is a basic building block when defining structures + * type->left holds the type that appears first in memory. + * type->right holds the type that appears next in memory. + */ +#define TYPE_OVERLAP 0x1500 +/* TYPE_OVERLAP is a basic building block when defining unions + * type->left and type->right holds to types that overlap + * each other in memory. + */ +#define TYPE_ARRAY 0x1600 +/* TYPE_ARRAY is a basic building block when definitng arrays. + * type->left holds the type we are an array of. + * type-> holds the number of elements. + */ + +#define ELEMENT_COUNT_UNSPECIFIED (~0UL) + +struct type { + unsigned int type; + struct type *left, *right; + ulong_t elements; + struct hash_entry *ident; +}; + +static struct type *new_type( + unsigned int type, struct type *left, struct type *right) +{ + struct type *result; + result = xmalloc(sizeof(*result), "type"); + result->type = type; + result->left = left; + result->right = right; + result->ident = 0; + return result; +} + +static struct type *clone_type(unsigned int specifiers, struct type *old) +{ + struct type *result; + result = xmalloc(sizeof(*result), "type"); + memcpy(result, old, sizeof(*result)); + result->type &= TYPE_MASK; + result->type |= specifiers; + return result; +} + +#define SIZEOF_SHORT 2 +#define SIZEOF_INT 4 +#define SIZEOF_LONG (sizeof(long_t)) + +#define ALIGNOF_SHORT 2 +#define ALIGNOF_INT 4 +#define ALIGNOF_LONG (sizeof(long_t)) + +#define MASK_UCHAR(X) ((X) & ((ulong_t)0xff)) +#define MASK_USHORT(X) ((X) & (((ulong_t)1 << (SIZEOF_SHORT*8)) - 1)) +static inline ulong_t mask_uint(ulong_t x) +{ + if (SIZEOF_INT < SIZEOF_LONG) { + ulong_t mask = (((ulong_t)1) << ((ulong_t)(SIZEOF_INT*8))) -1; + x &= mask; + } + return x; +} +#define MASK_UINT(X) (mask_uint(X)) +#define MASK_ULONG(X) (X) + + +static struct type void_type = { .type = TYPE_VOID }; +static struct type char_type = { .type = TYPE_CHAR }; +static struct type uchar_type = { .type = TYPE_UCHAR }; +static struct type short_type = { .type = TYPE_SHORT }; +static struct type ushort_type = { .type = TYPE_USHORT }; +static struct type int_type = { .type = TYPE_INT }; +static struct type uint_type = { .type = TYPE_UINT }; +static struct type long_type = { .type = TYPE_LONG }; +static struct type ulong_type = { .type = TYPE_ULONG }; + +static struct triple *variable(struct compile_state *state, struct type *type) +{ + struct triple *result; + if ((type->type & STOR_MASK) != STOR_PERM) { + result = triple(state, OP_ADECL, type, 0, 0); + } + else { + result = triple(state, OP_SDECL, type, 0, 0); + } + return result; +} + +static void stor_of(FILE *fp, struct type *type) +{ + switch(type->type & STOR_MASK) { + case STOR_AUTO: + fprintf(fp, "auto "); + break; + case STOR_STATIC: + fprintf(fp, "static "); + break; + case STOR_EXTERN: + fprintf(fp, "extern "); + break; + case STOR_REGISTER: + fprintf(fp, "register "); + break; + case STOR_TYPEDEF: + fprintf(fp, "typedef "); + break; + case STOR_INLINE: + fprintf(fp, "inline "); + break; + } +} +static void qual_of(FILE *fp, struct type *type) +{ + if (type->type & QUAL_CONST) { + fprintf(fp, " const"); + } + if (type->type & QUAL_VOLATILE) { + fprintf(fp, " volatile"); + } + if (type->type & QUAL_RESTRICT) { + fprintf(fp, " restrict"); + } +} +static void name_of(FILE *fp, struct type *type) +{ + stor_of(fp, type); + switch(type->type & TYPE_MASK) { + case TYPE_VOID: + fprintf(fp, "void"); + qual_of(fp, type); + break; + case TYPE_CHAR: + fprintf(fp, "signed char"); + qual_of(fp, type); + break; + case TYPE_UCHAR: + fprintf(fp, "unsigned char"); + qual_of(fp, type); + break; + case TYPE_SHORT: + fprintf(fp, "signed short"); + qual_of(fp, type); + break; + case TYPE_USHORT: + fprintf(fp, "unsigned short"); + qual_of(fp, type); + break; + case TYPE_INT: + fprintf(fp, "signed int"); + qual_of(fp, type); + break; + case TYPE_UINT: + fprintf(fp, "unsigned int"); + qual_of(fp, type); + break; + case TYPE_LONG: + fprintf(fp, "signed long"); + qual_of(fp, type); + break; + case TYPE_ULONG: + fprintf(fp, "unsigned long"); + qual_of(fp, type); + break; + case TYPE_POINTER: + name_of(fp, type->left); + fprintf(fp, " * "); + qual_of(fp, type); + break; + case TYPE_PRODUCT: + case TYPE_OVERLAP: + name_of(fp, type->left); + fprintf(fp, ", "); + name_of(fp, type->right); + break; + case TYPE_ENUM: + fprintf(fp, "enum %s", type->ident->name); + qual_of(fp, type); + break; + case TYPE_STRUCT: + fprintf(fp, "struct %s", type->ident->name); + qual_of(fp, type); + break; + case TYPE_FUNCTION: + { + name_of(fp, type->left); + fprintf(fp, " (*)("); + name_of(fp, type->right); + fprintf(fp, ")"); + break; + } + case TYPE_ARRAY: + name_of(fp, type->left); + fprintf(fp, " [%ld]", type->elements); + break; + default: + fprintf(fp, "????: %x", type->type & TYPE_MASK); + break; + } +} + +static size_t align_of(struct compile_state *state, struct type *type) +{ + size_t align; + align = 0; + switch(type->type & TYPE_MASK) { + case TYPE_VOID: + align = 1; + break; + case TYPE_CHAR: + case TYPE_UCHAR: + align = 1; + break; + case TYPE_SHORT: + case TYPE_USHORT: + align = ALIGNOF_SHORT; + break; + case TYPE_INT: + case TYPE_UINT: + case TYPE_ENUM: + align = ALIGNOF_INT; + break; + case TYPE_LONG: + case TYPE_ULONG: + case TYPE_POINTER: + align = ALIGNOF_LONG; + break; + case TYPE_PRODUCT: + case TYPE_OVERLAP: + { + size_t left_align, right_align; + left_align = align_of(state, type->left); + right_align = align_of(state, type->right); + align = (left_align >= right_align) ? left_align : right_align; + break; + } + case TYPE_ARRAY: + align = align_of(state, type->left); + break; + default: + error(state, 0, "alignof not yet defined for type\n"); + break; + } + return align; +} + +static size_t size_of(struct compile_state *state, struct type *type) +{ + size_t size; + size = 0; + switch(type->type & TYPE_MASK) { + case TYPE_VOID: + size = 0; + break; + case TYPE_CHAR: + case TYPE_UCHAR: + size = 1; + break; + case TYPE_SHORT: + case TYPE_USHORT: + size = SIZEOF_SHORT; + break; + case TYPE_INT: + case TYPE_UINT: + case TYPE_ENUM: + size = SIZEOF_INT; + break; + case TYPE_LONG: + case TYPE_ULONG: + case TYPE_POINTER: + size = SIZEOF_LONG; + break; + case TYPE_PRODUCT: + { + size_t align, pad; + size = size_of(state, type->left); + while((type->right->type & TYPE_MASK) == TYPE_PRODUCT) { + type = type->right; + align = align_of(state, type->left); + pad = align - (size % align); + size = size + pad + size_of(state, type->left); + } + align = align_of(state, type->right); + pad = align - (size % align); + size = size + pad + sizeof(type->right); + break; + } + case TYPE_OVERLAP: + { + size_t size_left, size_right; + size_left = size_of(state, type->left); + size_right = size_of(state, type->right); + size = (size_left >= size_right)? size_left : size_right; + break; + } + case TYPE_ARRAY: + if (type->elements == ELEMENT_COUNT_UNSPECIFIED) { + internal_error(state, 0, "Invalid array type"); + } else { + size = size_of(state, type->left) * type->elements; + } + break; + default: + error(state, 0, "sizeof not yet defined for type\n"); + break; + } + return size; +} + +static void arrays_complete(struct compile_state *state, struct type *type) +{ + if ((type->type & TYPE_MASK) == TYPE_ARRAY) { + if (type->elements == ELEMENT_COUNT_UNSPECIFIED) { + error(state, 0, "array size not specified"); + } + arrays_complete(state, type->left); + } +} + +static unsigned int do_integral_promotion(unsigned int type) +{ + type &= TYPE_MASK; + if (TYPE_INTEGER(type) && + TYPE_RANK(type) < TYPE_RANK(TYPE_INT)) { + type = TYPE_INT; + } + return type; +} + +static unsigned int do_arithmetic_conversion( + unsigned int left, unsigned int right) +{ + left &= TYPE_MASK; + right &= TYPE_MASK; + if ((left == TYPE_LDOUBLE) || (right == TYPE_LDOUBLE)) { + return TYPE_LDOUBLE; + } + else if ((left == TYPE_DOUBLE) || (right == TYPE_DOUBLE)) { + return TYPE_DOUBLE; + } + else if ((left == TYPE_FLOAT) || (right == TYPE_FLOAT)) { + return TYPE_FLOAT; + } + left = do_integral_promotion(left); + right = do_integral_promotion(right); + /* If both operands have the same size done */ + if (left == right) { + return left; + } + /* If both operands have the same signedness pick the larger */ + else if (!!TYPE_UNSIGNED(left) == !!TYPE_UNSIGNED(right)) { + return (TYPE_RANK(left) >= TYPE_RANK(right)) ? left : right; + } + /* If the signed type can hold everything use it */ + else if (TYPE_SIGNED(left) && (TYPE_RANK(left) > TYPE_RANK(right))) { + return left; + } + else if (TYPE_SIGNED(right) && (TYPE_RANK(right) > TYPE_RANK(left))) { + return right; + } + /* Convert to the unsigned type with the same rank as the signed type */ + else if (TYPE_SIGNED(left)) { + return TYPE_MKUNSIGNED(left); + } + else { + return TYPE_MKUNSIGNED(right); + } +} + +/* see if two types are the same except for qualifiers */ +static int equiv_types(struct type *left, struct type *right) +{ + unsigned int type; + /* Error if the basic types do not match */ + if ((left->type & TYPE_MASK) != (right->type & TYPE_MASK)) { + return 0; + } + type = left->type & TYPE_MASK; + /* if the basic types match and it is an arithmetic type we are done */ + if (TYPE_ARITHMETIC(type)) { + return 1; + } + /* If it is a pointer type recurse and keep testing */ + if (type == TYPE_POINTER) { + return equiv_types(left->left, right->left); + } + else if (type == TYPE_ARRAY) { + return (left->elements == right->elements) && + equiv_types(left->left, right->left); + } + /* test for struct/union equality */ + else if (type == TYPE_STRUCT) { + return left->ident == right->ident; + } + /* Test for equivalent functions */ + else if (type == TYPE_FUNCTION) { + return equiv_types(left->left, right->left) && + equiv_types(left->right, right->right); + } + /* We only see TYPE_PRODUCT as part of function equivalence matching */ + else if (type == TYPE_PRODUCT) { + return equiv_types(left->left, right->left) && + equiv_types(left->right, right->right); + } + /* We should see TYPE_OVERLAP */ + else { + return 0; + } +} + +static int equiv_ptrs(struct type *left, struct type *right) +{ + if (((left->type & TYPE_MASK) != TYPE_POINTER) || + ((right->type & TYPE_MASK) != TYPE_POINTER)) { + return 0; + } + return equiv_types(left->left, right->left); +} + +static struct type *compatible_types(struct type *left, struct type *right) +{ + struct type *result; + unsigned int type, qual_type; + /* Error if the basic types do not match */ + if ((left->type & TYPE_MASK) != (right->type & TYPE_MASK)) { + return 0; + } + type = left->type & TYPE_MASK; + qual_type = (left->type & ~STOR_MASK) | (right->type & ~STOR_MASK); + result = 0; + /* if the basic types match and it is an arithmetic type we are done */ + if (TYPE_ARITHMETIC(type)) { + result = new_type(qual_type, 0, 0); + } + /* If it is a pointer type recurse and keep testing */ + else if (type == TYPE_POINTER) { + result = compatible_types(left->left, right->left); + if (result) { + result = new_type(qual_type, result, 0); + } + } + /* test for struct/union equality */ + else if (type == TYPE_STRUCT) { + if (left->ident == right->ident) { + result = left; + } + } + /* Test for equivalent functions */ + else if (type == TYPE_FUNCTION) { + struct type *lf, *rf; + lf = compatible_types(left->left, right->left); + rf = compatible_types(left->right, right->right); + if (lf && rf) { + result = new_type(qual_type, lf, rf); + } + } + /* We only see TYPE_PRODUCT as part of function equivalence matching */ + else if (type == TYPE_PRODUCT) { + struct type *lf, *rf; + lf = compatible_types(left->left, right->left); + rf = compatible_types(left->right, right->right); + if (lf && rf) { + result = new_type(qual_type, lf, rf); + } + } + else { + /* Nothing else is compatible */ + } + return result; +} + +static struct type *compatible_ptrs(struct type *left, struct type *right) +{ + struct type *result; + if (((left->type & TYPE_MASK) != TYPE_POINTER) || + ((right->type & TYPE_MASK) != TYPE_POINTER)) { + return 0; + } + result = compatible_types(left->left, right->left); + if (result) { + unsigned int qual_type; + qual_type = (left->type & ~STOR_MASK) | (right->type & ~STOR_MASK); + result = new_type(qual_type, result, 0); + } + return result; + +} +static struct triple *integral_promotion( + struct compile_state *state, struct triple *def) +{ + struct type *type; + type = def->type; + /* As all operations are carried out in registers + * the values are converted on load I just convert + * logical type of the operand. + */ + if (TYPE_INTEGER(type->type)) { + unsigned int int_type; + int_type = type->type & ~TYPE_MASK; + int_type |= do_integral_promotion(type->type); + if (int_type != type->type) { + def->type = new_type(int_type, 0, 0); + } + } + return def; +} + + +static void arithmetic(struct compile_state *state, struct triple *def) +{ + if (!TYPE_ARITHMETIC(def->type->type)) { + error(state, def, "arithmetic type expexted"); + } +} + +static void ptr_arithmetic(struct compile_state *state, struct triple *def) +{ + if (!TYPE_PTR(def->type->type) && !TYPE_ARITHMETIC(def->type->type)) { + error(state, def, "pointer or arithmetic type expected"); + } +} + +static int is_integral(struct triple *ins) +{ + return TYPE_INTEGER(ins->type->type); +} + +static void integral(struct compile_state *state, struct triple *def) +{ + if (!is_integral(def)) { + error(state, 0, "integral type expected"); + } +} + + +static void bool(struct compile_state *state, struct triple *def) +{ + if (!TYPE_ARITHMETIC(def->type->type) && + ((def->type->type & TYPE_MASK) != TYPE_POINTER)) { + error(state, 0, "arithmetic or pointer type expected"); + } +} + +static int is_signed(struct type *type) +{ + return !!TYPE_SIGNED(type->type); +} + +/* Is this a stable variable location otherwise it must be a temporary */ +static int is_stable(struct triple *def) +{ + int ret; + ret = 0; + if (!def) { + return 0; + } + if ((def->op == OP_ADECL) || + (def->op == OP_SDECL) || + (def->op == OP_DEREF) || + (def->op == OP_BLOBCONST)) { + ret = 1; + } + else if (def->op == OP_DOT) { + ret = is_stable(def->left); + } + return ret; +} + +static int is_lvalue(struct triple *def) +{ + int ret; + ret = 1; + if (!def) { + return 0; + } + if (!is_stable(def)) { + return 0; + } + if (def->type->type & QUAL_CONST) { + ret = 0; + } + else if (def->op == OP_DOT) { + ret = is_lvalue(def->left); + } + return ret; +} + +static void lvalue(struct compile_state *state, struct triple *def) +{ + if (!def) { + internal_error(state, def, "nothing where lvalue expected?"); + } + if (!is_lvalue(def)) { + error(state, def, "lvalue expected"); + } +} + +static int is_pointer(struct triple *def) +{ + return (def->type->type & TYPE_MASK) == TYPE_POINTER; +} + +static void pointer(struct compile_state *state, struct triple *def) +{ + if (!is_pointer(def)) { + error(state, def, "pointer expected"); + } +} + +static struct triple *int_const( + struct compile_state *state, struct type *type, ulong_t value) +{ + struct triple *result; + switch(type->type & TYPE_MASK) { + case TYPE_CHAR: + case TYPE_INT: case TYPE_UINT: + case TYPE_LONG: case TYPE_ULONG: + break; + default: + internal_error(state, 0, "constant for unkown type"); + } + result = triple(state, OP_INTCONST, type, 0, 0); + result->u.cval = value; + return result; +} + + +static struct triple *mk_addr_expr( + struct compile_state *state, struct triple *expr, ulong_t offset) +{ + struct triple *result; + struct type *type; + + lvalue(state, expr); + type = new_type( + TYPE_POINTER | (expr->type->type & QUAL_MASK), + expr->type, 0); + + result = 0; + if (expr->op == OP_ADECL) { + error(state, expr, "address of auto variables not supported"); + } + else if (expr->op == OP_SDECL) { + result = triple(state, OP_ADDRCONST, type, expr, 0); + result->u.cval = offset; + } + else if (expr->op == OP_DEREF) { + result = triple(state, OP_ADD, type, + expr->left, + int_const(state, &ulong_type, offset)); + } + return result; +} + +static struct triple *mk_deref_expr( + struct compile_state *state, struct triple *expr) +{ + struct type *base_type; + pointer(state, expr); + base_type = expr->type->left; + if (!TYPE_PTR(base_type->type) && !TYPE_ARITHMETIC(base_type->type)) { + error(state, 0, + "Only pointer and arithmetic values can be dereferenced"); + } + return triple(state, OP_DEREF, base_type, expr, 0); +} + +static struct triple *read_expr(struct compile_state *state, struct triple *def) +{ + int op; + if (!def) { + return 0; + } + if (!is_stable(def)) { + return def; + } + /* Tranform an array to a pointer to the first element */ +#warning "CHECK_ME is this the right place to transform arrays to pointers?" + if ((def->type->type & TYPE_MASK) == TYPE_ARRAY) { + struct type *type; + type = new_type( + TYPE_POINTER | (def->type->type & QUAL_MASK), + def->type->left, 0); + return triple(state, OP_ADDRCONST, type, def, 0); + } + /* Only values in variables need to be read */ + if (def->op == OP_ADECL) { + op = OP_READ; + } + else if ((def->op == OP_SDECL) || (def->op == OP_DEREF)) { + op = OP_LOAD; + } + else { + internal_error(state, 0, "unhandled read expr type"); + op = -1; + } + return triple(state, op, def->type, def, 0); +} + +static void write_compatible(struct compile_state *state, + struct type *dest, struct type *rval) +{ + int compatible = 0; + /* Both operands have arithmetic type */ + if (TYPE_ARITHMETIC(dest->type) && TYPE_ARITHMETIC(rval->type)) { + compatible = 1; + } + /* One operand is a pointer and the other is a pointer to void */ + else if (((dest->type & TYPE_MASK) == TYPE_POINTER) && + ((rval->type & TYPE_MASK) == TYPE_POINTER) && + (((dest->left->type & TYPE_MASK) == TYPE_VOID) || + ((rval->left->type & TYPE_MASK) == TYPE_VOID))) { + compatible = 1; + } + /* If both types are the same without qualifiers we are good */ + else if (equiv_ptrs(dest, rval)) { + compatible = 1; + } + if (!compatible) { + error(state, 0, "Incompatible types in assignment"); + } +} + +static struct triple *write_expr( + struct compile_state *state, struct triple *dest, struct triple *rval) +{ + struct triple *def; + int op; + + def = 0; + if (!rval) { + internal_error(state, 0, "missing rval"); + } + + if (rval->op == OP_LIST) { + internal_error(state, 0, "expression of type OP_LIST?"); + } + if (!is_lvalue(dest)) { + internal_error(state, 0, "writing to a non lvalue?"); + } + + write_compatible(state, dest->type, rval->type); + + /* Now figure out which assignment operator to use */ + op = -1; + if (dest->op == OP_ADECL) { + op = OP_WRITE; + } + else if ((dest->op == OP_SDECL) || (dest->op == OP_DEREF)) { + op = OP_STORE; + } + else { + internal_error(state, 0, "unimplemented lvalue type"); + } +#warning "FIXME walk through a list of OP_DOT entries and generate a pointer addition" + def = triple(state, op, dest->type, dest, rval); + return def; +} + +static struct triple *init_expr( + struct compile_state *state, struct triple *dest, struct triple *rval) +{ + struct triple *def; + + def = 0; + if (!rval) { + internal_error(state, 0, "missing rval"); + } + if ((dest->type->type & STOR_MASK) != STOR_PERM) { + rval = read_expr(state, rval); + def = write_expr(state, dest, rval); + } + else { + /* Fill in the array size if necessary */ + if (((dest->type->type & TYPE_MASK) == TYPE_ARRAY) && + ((rval->type->type & TYPE_MASK) == TYPE_ARRAY)) { + if (dest->type->elements == ELEMENT_COUNT_UNSPECIFIED) { + dest->type->elements = rval->type->elements; + } + } + if (!equiv_types(dest->type, rval->type)) { + error(state, 0, "Incompatible types in inializer"); + } + dest->left = rval; + } + return def; +} + +struct type *arithmetic_result( + struct compile_state *state, struct triple *left, struct triple *right) +{ + struct type *type; + /* Sanity checks to ensure I am working with arithmetic types */ + arithmetic(state, left); + arithmetic(state, right); + type = new_type( + do_arithmetic_conversion( + left->type->type, + right->type->type), 0, 0); + return type; +} + +struct type *ptr_arithmetic_result( + struct compile_state *state, struct triple *left, struct triple *right) +{ + struct type *type; + /* Sanity checks to ensure I am working with the proper types */ + ptr_arithmetic(state, left); + arithmetic(state, right); + if (TYPE_ARITHMETIC(left->type->type) && + TYPE_ARITHMETIC(right->type->type)) { + type = arithmetic_result(state, left, right); + } + else if (TYPE_PTR(left->type->type)) { + type = left->type; + } + else { + internal_error(state, 0, "huh?"); + type = 0; + } + return type; +} + + +/* boolean helper function */ + +static struct triple *ltrue_expr(struct compile_state *state, + struct triple *expr) +{ + switch(expr->op) { + case OP_LTRUE: case OP_LFALSE: case OP_EQ: case OP_NOTEQ: + case OP_SLESS: case OP_ULESS: case OP_SMORE: case OP_UMORE: + case OP_SLESSEQ: case OP_ULESSEQ: case OP_SMOREEQ: case OP_UMOREEQ: + /* If the expression is already boolean do nothing */ + break; + default: + expr = triple(state, OP_LTRUE, &int_type, expr, 0); + break; + } + return expr; +} + +static struct triple *lfalse_expr(struct compile_state *state, + struct triple *expr) +{ + return triple(state, OP_LFALSE, &int_type, expr, 0); +} + +static struct triple *cond_expr( + struct compile_state *state, + struct triple *test, struct triple *left, struct triple *right) +{ + struct triple *def; + struct type *result_type; + unsigned int left_type, right_type; + bool(state, test); + left_type = left->type->type; + right_type = right->type->type; + result_type = 0; + /* Both operands have arithmetic type */ + if (TYPE_ARITHMETIC(left_type) && TYPE_ARITHMETIC(right_type)) { + result_type = arithmetic_result(state, left, right); + } + /* Both operands have void type */ + else if (((left_type & TYPE_MASK) == TYPE_VOID) && + ((right_type & TYPE_MASK) == TYPE_VOID)) { + result_type = &void_type; + } + /* pointers to the same type... */ + else if ((result_type = compatible_ptrs(left->type, right->type))) { + ; + } + /* Both operands are pointers and left is a pointer to void */ + else if (((left_type & TYPE_MASK) == TYPE_POINTER) && + ((right_type & TYPE_MASK) == TYPE_POINTER) && + ((left->type->left->type & TYPE_MASK) == TYPE_VOID)) { + result_type = right->type; + } + /* Both operands are pointers and right is a pointer to void */ + else if (((left_type & TYPE_MASK) == TYPE_POINTER) && + ((right_type & TYPE_MASK) == TYPE_POINTER) && + ((right->type->left->type & TYPE_MASK) == TYPE_VOID)) { + result_type = left->type; + } + if (!result_type) { + error(state, 0, "Incompatible types in conditional expression"); + } + def = triple(state, OP_COND, result_type, test, + triple(state, OP_PRODUCT, &void_type, left, right)); + return def; +} + + +static int expr_depth(struct compile_state *state, struct triple *triple) +{ + int count; + count = 0; + if (!triple) { + return 0; + } + /* All of the internal helper ops that are not removed by + * flatten must be present here. + */ + if (triple->op == OP_READ) { + ; + } + else if (triple->op == OP_DEREF) { + count = expr_depth(state, triple->left) - 1; + } + else if (triple->op == OP_VAL) { + count = expr_depth(state, triple->left) - 1; + } + else if (triple->op == OP_COMMA) { + int left, right; + left = expr_depth(state, triple->left); + right = expr_depth(state, triple->right); + count = (left >= right)? left : right; + } + else if (triple->op == OP_CALL) { + /* Don't figure the depth of a call just guess it is huge */ + count = 1000; + } + else { + struct triple **expr; + expr = triple_rhs(state, triple, 0); + for(;expr; expr = triple_rhs(state, triple, expr)) { + int depth; + depth = expr_depth(state, *expr); + if (depth > count) { + count = depth; + } + } + } + return count + 1; +} + +static struct triple *flatten( + struct compile_state *state, struct triple *first, struct triple *ptr); + +static struct triple *flatten_rhs( + struct compile_state *state, struct triple *first, struct triple *ptr) +{ + struct triple **left, **right, **last; + /* Only operations with a rhs should come here */ + last = triple_lhs(state, ptr, 0); + if (last) { + internal_error(state, ptr, "unexpected rhs for: %d %s", + ptr->op, tops(ptr->op)); + } + /* Collect up the rhs */ + left = triple_rhs(state, ptr, 0); + right = last = 0; + if (left) { + right = triple_rhs(state, ptr, left); + } + if (right) { + last = triple_rhs(state, ptr, right); + } + if (last) { + internal_error(state, ptr, "too many rhs arguments for: %d %s", + ptr->op, tops(ptr->op)); + } + if (left && right) { + if (expr_depth(state, *left) >= expr_depth(state, *right)) { + *left = flatten(state, first, *left); + *right = flatten(state, first, *right); + } + else { + *right = flatten(state, first, *right); + *left = flatten(state, first, *left); + } + use_triple(*left, ptr); + use_triple(*right, ptr); + } + else if (left) { + *left = flatten(state, first, *left); + use_triple(*left, ptr); + } + return ptr; +} + +static struct triple *flatten_land( + struct compile_state *state, struct triple *first, struct triple *ptr) +{ + struct triple *left, *right; + struct triple *val, *test, *jmp, *label1, *end; + + /* Find the triples */ + left = ptr->left; + right = ptr->right; + + /* Generate the needed triples */ + end = label(state); + + /* Thread the triples together */ + val = flatten(state, first, variable(state, ptr->type)); + left = flatten(state, first, write_expr(state, val, left)); + test = flatten(state, first, + lfalse_expr(state, read_expr(state, val))); + jmp = flatten(state, first, + triple(state, OP_BRANCH, &void_type, end, test)); + label1 = flatten(state, first, label(state)); + right = flatten(state, first, write_expr(state, val, right)); + jmp->left = flatten(state, first, end); + + + /* Now give the caller something to chew on */ + return read_expr(state, val); +} + +static struct triple *flatten_lor( + struct compile_state *state, struct triple *first, struct triple *ptr) +{ + struct triple *left, *right; + struct triple *val, *jmp, *label1, *end; + + /* Find the triples */ + left = ptr->left; + right = ptr->right; + + /* Generate the needed triples */ + end = label(state); + + /* Thread the triples together */ + val = flatten(state, first, variable(state, ptr->type)); + left = flatten(state, first, write_expr(state, val, left)); + jmp = flatten(state, first, + triple(state, OP_BRANCH, &void_type, end, left)); + label1 = flatten(state, first, label(state)); + right = flatten(state, first, write_expr(state, val, right)); + jmp->left = flatten(state, first, end); + + + /* Now give the caller something to chew on */ + return read_expr(state, val); +} + +static struct triple *flatten_cond( + struct compile_state *state, struct triple *first, struct triple *ptr) +{ + struct triple *test, *left, *right; + struct triple *val, *mv1, *jmp1, *label1, *mv2, *middle, *jmp2, *end; + if (ptr->right->op != OP_PRODUCT) { + internal_error(state, 0, "Improper conditional expression"); + } + + /* Find the triples */ + test = ptr->left; + left = ptr->right->left; + right = ptr->right->right; + + /* Generate the needed triples */ + end = label(state); + middle = label(state); + + /* Thread the triples together */ + val = flatten(state, first, variable(state, ptr->type)); + test = flatten(state, first, test); + jmp1 = flatten(state, first, + triple(state, OP_BRANCH, &void_type, middle, test)); + label1 = flatten(state, first, label(state)); + left = flatten(state, first, left); + mv1 = flatten(state, first, write_expr(state, val, left)); + jmp2 = flatten(state, first, + triple(state, OP_BRANCH, &void_type, end, 0)); + jmp1->left = flatten(state, first, middle); + right = flatten(state, first, right); + mv2 = flatten(state, first, write_expr(state, val, right)); + jmp2->left = flatten(state, first, end); + + + /* Now give the caller something to chew on */ + return read_expr(state, val); +} + +struct triple *copy_func(struct compile_state *state, struct triple *ofunc) +{ + struct triple *nfunc; + struct triple *nfirst, *ofirst; + struct triple *new, *old; + +#if 0 + fprintf(stdout, "\n"); + loc(stdout, state, 0); + fprintf(stdout, "\n__________ copy_func _________\n"); + print_triple(state, ofunc); + fprintf(stdout, "__________ copy_func _________ done\n\n"); +#endif + + /* Make a new copy of the old function */ + nfunc = triple(state, OP_LIST, ofunc->type, 0, 0); + nfirst = 0; + ofirst = old = ofunc->left; + do { + struct triple *new; + new = build_triple(state, old->op, old->type, 0, 0, + old->filename, old->line, old->col); + if (IS_CONST_OP(new->op)) { + memcpy(&new->u, &old->u, sizeof(new->u)); + } +#warning "WISHLIST find a way to handle SDECL without a special case..." + else if (new->op == OP_SDECL) { + new->left = old->left; + } + if (!nfirst) { + nfunc->left = nfirst = new; + } + else { + insert_triple(state, nfirst, new); + } + + /* During the copy remember new as user of old */ + use_triple(old, new); + + /* Populate the return type if present */ + if (old == ofunc->right) { + nfunc->right = new; + } + old = old->next; + } while(old != ofirst); + + /* Make a second pass to fix up any unresolved references */ + old = ofirst; + new = nfirst; + do { + /* Lookup where the copy is, to join pointers */ + if (!new->left && old->left && old->left->use) { + new->left = old->left->use->member; + if (new->left == old) { + internal_error(state, 0, "new == old?"); + } + } + if (!new->right && old->right && old->right->use) { + new->right = old->right->use->member; + if (new->right == old) { + internal_error(state, 0, "new == old?"); + } + } + if (!new->left && old->left) { + internal_error(state, 0, "Could not copy left"); + } + if (!new->right && old->right) { + internal_error(state, 0, "Could not copy right"); + } + if (new->op != old->op) { + internal_error(state, 0, "Could not copy op?"); + } + if (!new->next && old->next) { + internal_error(state, 0, "Could not copy next"); + } + use_triple(new->left, new); + use_triple(new->right, new); + if (new->op == OP_BRANCH) { + if (new->right) { + use_triple(new->next, new); + } + } + old = old->next; + new = new->next; + } while((old != ofirst) && (new != nfirst)); + + /* Make a third pass to cleanup the extra useses */ + old = ofirst; + new = nfirst; + do { + unuse_triple(old, new); + old = old->next; + new = new->next; + } while ((old != ofirst) && (new != nfirst)); + return nfunc; +} + +static struct triple *flatten_call( + struct compile_state *state, struct triple *first, struct triple *ptr) +{ + /* Inline the function call */ + struct triple *ofunc, *nfunc, *nfirst, *args, *param, *result; + struct triple *end, *nend; + int done; + + /* Find the triples */ + ofunc = ptr->left; + args = ptr->right; + if (ofunc->op != OP_LIST) { + internal_error(state, 0, "improper function"); + } + nfunc = copy_func(state, ofunc); + nfirst = nfunc->left->next; + param = nfunc->left->next; + /* Prepend the parameter reading into the new function list */ + while(args) { + struct triple *arg; + arg = args; + done = 1; + if (args->op == OP_PRODUCT) { + arg = args->left; + } + flatten(state, nfirst, + write_expr(state, param, arg)); + param = param->next; + args = (args->op == OP_PRODUCT)? args->right : 0; + } + result = 0; + if ((nfunc->type->left->type & TYPE_MASK) != TYPE_VOID) { + result = read_expr(state, nfunc->right); + } +#if 0 + fprintf(stdout, "\n"); + loc(stdout, state, 0); + fprintf(stdout, "\n__________ flatten_call _________\n"); + print_triple(state, nfunc); + fprintf(stdout, "__________ flatten_call _________ done\n\n"); +#endif + + /* Get rid of the extra triples */ + nfirst = nfunc->left->next; + free_triple(state, nfunc->left); + nfunc->left = 0; + free_triple(state, nfunc); + + /* Append the new function list onto the return list */ + end = first->prev; + nend = nfirst->prev; + end->next = nfirst; + nfirst->prev = end; + nend->next = first; + first->prev = nend; + + return result; +} + +static struct triple *flatten( + struct compile_state *state, struct triple *first, struct triple *ptr) +{ + struct triple *orig_ptr; + if (!ptr) + return 0; + do { + orig_ptr = ptr; + switch(ptr->op) { + case OP_WRITE: + case OP_STORE: + ptr->right = flatten(state, first, ptr->right); + ptr->left = flatten(state, first, ptr->left); + use_triple(ptr->left, ptr); + use_triple(ptr->right, ptr); + break; + case OP_COMMA: + ptr->left = flatten(state, first, ptr->left); + ptr = ptr->right; + break; + case OP_VAL: + ptr->left = flatten(state, first, ptr->left); + return ptr->right; + break; + case OP_LAND: + ptr = flatten_land(state, first, ptr); + break; + case OP_LOR: + ptr = flatten_lor(state, first, ptr); + break; + case OP_COND: + ptr = flatten_cond(state, first, ptr); + break; + case OP_CALL: + ptr = flatten_call(state, first, ptr); + break; + case OP_READ: + case OP_LOAD: + ptr->left = flatten(state, first, ptr->left); + use_triple(ptr->left, ptr); + break; + case OP_BRANCH: + use_triple(ptr->left, ptr); + use_triple(ptr->right, ptr); + if (ptr->next != ptr) { + use_triple(ptr->next, ptr); + } + break; + case OP_ADDRCONST: + ptr->left = flatten(state, first, ptr->left); + use_triple(ptr->left, ptr); + break; + case OP_BLOBCONST: + ptr = triple(state, OP_SDECL, ptr->type, ptr, 0); + use_triple(ptr->left, ptr); + break; + case OP_DEREF: + /* Since OP_DEREF is just a marker delete it when I flatten it */ + ptr = ptr->left; + orig_ptr->left = 0; + free_triple(state, orig_ptr); + break; + case OP_PRODUCT: + case OP_DOT: + internal_error(state, 0, "unknown expression type: %d %s", + ptr->op, tops(ptr->op)); + break; + case OP_SDECL: + case OP_ADECL: + /* Don't flatten already flattened decls */ + if ((ptr->next != ptr) || (ptr->prev != ptr)) { + return ptr; + } + break; + default: + /* Flatten the easy cases we don't override */ + ptr = flatten_rhs(state, first, ptr); + break; + } + } while(ptr && (ptr != orig_ptr)); + insert_triple(state, first, ptr); + return ptr; +} + +static void release_expr(struct compile_state *state, struct triple *expr) +{ + struct triple *head; + head = label(state); + flatten(state, head, expr); + while(head->next != head) { + release_triple(state, head->next); + } + free_triple(state, head); +} + +static int replace_rhs_use(struct compile_state *state, + struct triple *orig, struct triple *new, struct triple *use) +{ + struct triple **expr; + int found; + found = 0; + expr = triple_rhs(state, use, 0); + for(;expr; expr = triple_rhs(state, use, expr)) { + if (*expr == orig) { + *expr = new; + found = 1; + } + } + if (found) { + unuse_triple(orig, use); + use_triple(new, use); + } + return found; +} + +static int replace_lhs_use(struct compile_state *state, + struct triple *orig, struct triple *new, struct triple *use) +{ + struct triple **expr; + int found; + found = 0; + expr = triple_lhs(state, use, 0); + for(;expr; expr = triple_lhs(state, use, expr)) { + if (*expr == orig) { + *expr = new; + found = 1; + } + } + if (found) { + unuse_triple(orig, use); + use_triple(new, use); + } + return found; +} + +static void propogate_use(struct compile_state *state, + struct triple *orig, struct triple *new) +{ + struct triple_set *user, *next; + for(user = orig->use; user; user = next) { + struct triple *use; + int found; + next = user->next; + use = user->member; + found = 0; + found |= replace_rhs_use(state, orig, new, use); + found |= replace_lhs_use(state, orig, new, use); + if (!found) { + internal_error(state, use, "use without use"); + } + } + if (orig->use) { + internal_error(state, orig, "used after propogate_use"); + } +} + +/* + * Code generators + * =========================== + */ + +static struct triple *mk_add_expr( + struct compile_state *state, struct triple *left, struct triple *right) +{ + struct type *result_type; + /* Put pointer operands on the left */ + if (is_pointer(right)) { + struct triple *tmp; + tmp = left; + left = right; + right = tmp; + } + result_type = ptr_arithmetic_result(state, left, right); + left = read_expr(state, left); + right = read_expr(state, right); + if (is_pointer(left)) { + right = triple(state, + is_signed(right->type)? OP_SMUL : OP_UMUL, + &ulong_type, + right, + int_const(state, &ulong_type, + size_of(state, left->type->left))); + } + return triple(state, OP_ADD, result_type, left, right); +} + +static struct triple *mk_sub_expr( + struct compile_state *state, struct triple *left, struct triple *right) +{ + struct type *result_type; + result_type = ptr_arithmetic_result(state, left, right); + left = read_expr(state, left); + right = read_expr(state, right); + if (is_pointer(left)) { + right = triple(state, + is_signed(right->type)? OP_SMUL : OP_UMUL, + &ulong_type, + right, + int_const(state, &ulong_type, + size_of(state, left->type->left))); + } + return triple(state, OP_SUB, result_type, left, right); +} + +static struct triple *mk_pre_inc_expr( + struct compile_state *state, struct triple *def) +{ + struct triple *val; + lvalue(state, def); + val = mk_add_expr(state, def, int_const(state, &int_type, 1)); + return triple(state, OP_VAL, def->type, + write_expr(state, def, val), + val); +} + +static struct triple *mk_pre_dec_expr( + struct compile_state *state, struct triple *def) +{ + struct triple *val; + lvalue(state, def); + val = mk_sub_expr(state, def, int_const(state, &int_type, 1)); + return triple(state, OP_VAL, def->type, + write_expr(state, def, val), + val); +} + +static struct triple *mk_post_inc_expr( + struct compile_state *state, struct triple *def) +{ + struct triple *val; + lvalue(state, def); + val = read_expr(state, def); + return triple(state, OP_VAL, def->type, + write_expr(state, def, + mk_add_expr(state, val, int_const(state, &int_type, 1))) + , val); +} + +static struct triple *mk_post_dec_expr( + struct compile_state *state, struct triple *def) +{ + struct triple *val; + lvalue(state, def); + val = read_expr(state, def); + return triple(state, OP_VAL, def->type, + write_expr(state, def, + mk_sub_expr(state, val, int_const(state, &int_type, 1))) + , val); +} + +static struct triple *mk_subscript_expr( + struct compile_state *state, struct triple *left, struct triple *right) +{ + left = read_expr(state, left); + right = read_expr(state, right); + if (!is_pointer(left) && !is_pointer(right)) { + error(state, left, "subscripted value is not a pointer"); + } + return mk_deref_expr(state, mk_add_expr(state, left, right)); +} + +/* + * Compile time evaluation + * =========================== + */ +static int is_const(struct triple *ins) +{ + return IS_CONST_OP(ins->op); +} + +static int constants_equal(struct compile_state *state, + struct triple *left, struct triple *right) +{ + int equal; + if (!is_const(left) || !is_const(right)) { + equal = 0; + } + else if (left->op != right->op) { + equal = 0; + } + else if (!equiv_types(left->type, right->type)) { + equal = 0; + } + else { + equal = 0; + switch(left->op) { + case OP_INTCONST: + if (left->u.cval == right->u.cval) { + equal = 1; + } + break; + case OP_BLOBCONST: + { + size_t lsize, rsize; + lsize = size_of(state, left->type); + rsize = size_of(state, right->type); + if (lsize != rsize) { + break; + } + if (memcmp(left->u.blob, right->u.blob, lsize) == 0) { + equal = 1; + } + break; + } + case OP_ADDRCONST: + if ((left->left == right->left) && + (left->u.cval == right->u.cval)) { + equal = 1; + } + break; + default: + internal_error(state, left, "uknown constant type"); + break; + } + } + return equal; +} + +static int is_zero(struct triple *ins) +{ + return is_const(ins) && (ins->u.cval == 0); +} + +static int is_one(struct triple *ins) +{ + return is_const(ins) && (ins->u.cval == 1); +} + +static long_t bsr(ulong_t value) +{ + int i; + for(i = (sizeof(ulong_t)*8) -1; i >= 0; i--) { + ulong_t mask; + mask = 1; + mask <<= i; + if (value & mask) { + return i; + } + } + return -1; +} + +static long_t bsf(ulong_t value) +{ + int i; + for(i = 0; i < (sizeof(ulong_t)*8); i++) { + ulong_t mask; + mask = 1; + mask <<= 1; + if (value & mask) { + return i; + } + } + return -1; +} + +static long_t log2(ulong_t value) +{ + return bsr(value); +} + +static long_t tlog2(struct triple *ins) +{ + return log2(ins->u.cval); +} + +static int is_pow2(struct triple *ins) +{ + ulong_t value, mask; + long_t log; + if (!is_const(ins)) { + return 0; + } + value = ins->u.cval; + log = log2(value); + if (log == -1) { + return 0; + } + mask = 1; + mask <<= log; + return ((value & mask) == value); +} + +static ulong_t read_const(struct compile_state *state, + struct triple *ins, struct triple **expr) +{ + struct triple *rhs; + rhs = *expr; + switch(rhs->type->type &TYPE_MASK) { + case TYPE_CHAR: + case TYPE_SHORT: + case TYPE_INT: + case TYPE_LONG: + case TYPE_UCHAR: + case TYPE_USHORT: + case TYPE_UINT: + case TYPE_ULONG: + case TYPE_POINTER: + break; + default: + internal_error(state, rhs, "bad type to read_const\n"); + break; + } + return rhs->u.cval; +} + +static long_t read_sconst(struct triple *ins, struct triple **expr) +{ + struct triple *rhs; + rhs = *expr; + return (long_t)(rhs->u.cval); +} + +static void unuse_rhs(struct compile_state *state, struct triple *ins) +{ + struct triple **expr; + expr = triple_rhs(state, ins, 0); + for(;expr;expr = triple_rhs(state, ins, expr)) { + unuse_triple(*expr, ins); + *expr = 0; + } +} +static void check_lhs(struct compile_state *state, struct triple *ins) +{ + struct triple **expr; + expr = triple_lhs(state, ins, 0); + for(;expr;expr = triple_lhs(state, ins, expr)) { + internal_error(state, ins, "unexpected lhs"); + } + +} +static void check_targ(struct compile_state *state, struct triple *ins) +{ + struct triple **expr; + expr = triple_targ(state, ins, 0); + for(;expr;expr = triple_targ(state, ins, expr)) { + internal_error(state, ins, "unexpected targ"); + } +} + +static void wipe_ins(struct compile_state *state, struct triple *ins) +{ + check_lhs(state, ins); + check_targ(state, ins); + unuse_rhs(state, ins); + if (ins->op == OP_PHI) { + xfree(ins->left); + ins->left = 0; + } +} + +static void mkcopy(struct compile_state *state, + struct triple *ins, struct triple *rhs) +{ + wipe_ins(state, ins); + ins->op = OP_COPY; + ins->left = rhs; + use_triple(ins->left, ins); +} + +static void mkconst(struct compile_state *state, + struct triple *ins, ulong_t value) +{ + if (!is_integral(ins) && !is_pointer(ins)) { + internal_error(state, ins, "unknown type to make constant\n"); + } + wipe_ins(state, ins); + ins->op = OP_INTCONST; + ins->u.cval = value; +} + +static void mkaddr_const(struct compile_state *state, + struct triple *ins, struct triple *sdecl, ulong_t value) +{ + wipe_ins(state, ins); + ins->op = OP_ADDRCONST; + ins->left = sdecl; + ins->u.cval = value; + use_triple(sdecl, ins); +} + +/* For those operations that cannot be simplified */ +static void simplify_noop(struct compile_state *state, struct triple *ins) +{ + return; +} + +static void simplify_smul(struct compile_state *state, struct triple *ins) +{ + if (is_const(ins->left) && !is_const(ins->right)) { + struct triple *tmp; + tmp = ins->left; + ins->left = ins->right; + ins->right = tmp; + } + if (is_const(ins->left) && is_const(ins->right)) { + long_t left, right; + left = read_sconst(ins, &ins->left); + right = read_sconst(ins, &ins->right); + mkconst(state, ins, left * right); + } + else if (is_zero(ins->right)) { + mkconst(state, ins, 0); + } + else if (is_one(ins->right)) { + mkcopy(state, ins, ins->left); + } + else if (is_pow2(ins->right)) { + struct triple *val; + val = int_const(state, ins->type, tlog2(ins->right)); + ins->op = OP_SL; + insert_triple(state, ins, val); + unuse_triple(ins->right, ins); + use_triple(val, ins); + ins->right = val; + } +} + +static void simplify_umul(struct compile_state *state, struct triple *ins) +{ + if (is_const(ins->left) && !is_const(ins->right)) { + struct triple *tmp; + tmp = ins->left; + ins->left = ins->right; + ins->right = tmp; + } + if (is_const(ins->left) && is_const(ins->right)) { + ulong_t left, right; + left = read_const(state, ins, &ins->left); + right = read_const(state, ins, &ins->right); + mkconst(state, ins, left * right); + } + else if (is_zero(ins->right)) { + mkconst(state, ins, 0); + } + else if (is_one(ins->right)) { + mkcopy(state, ins, ins->left); + } + else if (is_pow2(ins->right)) { + struct triple *val; + val = int_const(state, ins->type, tlog2(ins->right)); + ins->op = OP_SL; + insert_triple(state, ins, val); + unuse_triple(ins->right, ins); + use_triple(val, ins); + ins->right = val; + } +} + +static void simplify_sdiv(struct compile_state *state, struct triple *ins) +{ + if (is_const(ins->left) && is_const(ins->right)) { + long_t left, right; + left = read_sconst(ins, &ins->left); + right = read_sconst(ins, &ins->right); + mkconst(state, ins, left / right); + } + else if (is_zero(ins->left)) { + mkconst(state, ins, 0); + } + else if (is_zero(ins->right)) { + error(state, ins, "division by zero"); + } + else if (is_one(ins->right)) { + mkcopy(state, ins, ins->left); + } + else if (is_pow2(ins->right)) { + struct triple *val; + val = int_const(state, ins->type, tlog2(ins->right)); + ins->op = OP_SSR; + insert_triple(state, ins, val); + unuse_triple(ins->right, ins); + use_triple(val, ins); + ins->right = val; + } +} + +static void simplify_udiv(struct compile_state *state, struct triple *ins) +{ + if (is_const(ins->left) && is_const(ins->right)) { + ulong_t left, right; + left = read_const(state, ins, &ins->left); + right = read_const(state, ins, &ins->right); + mkconst(state, ins, left / right); + } + else if (is_zero(ins->left)) { + mkconst(state, ins, 0); + } + else if (is_zero(ins->right)) { + error(state, ins, "division by zero"); + } + else if (is_one(ins->right)) { + mkcopy(state, ins, ins->left); + } + else if (is_pow2(ins->right)) { + struct triple *val; + val = int_const(state, ins->type, tlog2(ins->right)); + ins->op = OP_USR; + insert_triple(state, ins, val); + unuse_triple(ins->right, ins); + use_triple(val, ins); + ins->right = val; + } +} + +static void simplify_smod(struct compile_state *state, struct triple *ins) +{ + if (is_const(ins->left) && is_const(ins->right)) { + long_t left, right; + left = read_const(state, ins, &ins->left); + right = read_const(state, ins, &ins->right); + mkconst(state, ins, left % right); + } + else if (is_zero(ins->left)) { + mkconst(state, ins, 0); + } + else if (is_zero(ins->right)) { + error(state, ins, "division by zero"); + } + else if (is_one(ins->right)) { + mkconst(state, ins, 0); + } + else if (is_pow2(ins->right)) { + struct triple *val; + val = int_const(state, ins->type, ins->right->u.cval - 1); + ins->op = OP_AND; + insert_triple(state, ins, val); + unuse_triple(ins->right, ins); + use_triple(val, ins); + ins->right = val; + } +} +static void simplify_umod(struct compile_state *state, struct triple *ins) +{ + if (is_const(ins->left) && is_const(ins->right)) { + ulong_t left, right; + left = read_const(state, ins, &ins->left); + right = read_const(state, ins, &ins->right); + mkconst(state, ins, left % right); + } + else if (is_zero(ins->left)) { + mkconst(state, ins, 0); + } + else if (is_zero(ins->right)) { + error(state, ins, "division by zero"); + } + else if (is_one(ins->right)) { + mkconst(state, ins, 0); + } + else if (is_pow2(ins->right)) { + struct triple *val; + val = int_const(state, ins->type, ins->right->u.cval - 1); + ins->op = OP_AND; + insert_triple(state, ins, val); + unuse_triple(ins->right, ins); + use_triple(val, ins); + ins->right = val; + } +} + +static void simplify_add(struct compile_state *state, struct triple *ins) +{ + /* start with the pointer on the left */ + if (is_pointer(ins->right)) { + struct triple *tmp; + tmp = ins->left; + ins->left = ins->right; + ins->right = tmp; + } + if (is_const(ins->left) && is_const(ins->right)) { + if (!is_pointer(ins->left)) { + ulong_t left, right; + left = read_const(state, ins, &ins->left); + right = read_const(state, ins, &ins->right); + mkconst(state, ins, left + right); + } + else { + struct triple *sdecl; + ulong_t left, right; + sdecl = ins->left->left; + left = ins->left->u.cval; + right = ins->right->u.cval; + mkaddr_const(state, ins, sdecl, left + right); + } + } + else if (is_const(ins->left) && !is_const(ins->right)) { + struct triple *tmp; + tmp = ins->right; + ins->right = ins->left; + ins->left = tmp; + } +} + +static void simplify_sub(struct compile_state *state, struct triple *ins) +{ + if (is_const(ins->left) && is_const(ins->right)) { + if (!is_pointer(ins->left)) { + ulong_t left, right; + left = read_const(state, ins, &ins->left); + right = read_const(state, ins, &ins->right); + mkconst(state, ins, left - right); + } + else { + struct triple *sdecl; + ulong_t left, right; + sdecl = ins->left->left; + left = ins->left->u.cval; + right = ins->right->u.cval; + mkaddr_const(state, ins, sdecl, left - right); + } + } +} + +static void simplify_sl(struct compile_state *state, struct triple *ins) +{ + if (is_const(ins->right)) { + ulong_t right; + right = read_const(state, ins, &ins->right); + if (right >= (size_of(state, ins->type)*8)) { + warning(state, ins, "left shift count >= width of type"); + } + } + if (is_const(ins->left) && is_const(ins->right)) { + ulong_t left, right; + left = read_const(state, ins, &ins->left); + right = read_const(state, ins, &ins->right); + mkconst(state, ins, left << right); + } +} + +static void simplify_usr(struct compile_state *state, struct triple *ins) +{ + if (is_const(ins->right)) { + ulong_t right; + right = read_const(state, ins, &ins->right); + if (right >= (size_of(state, ins->type)*8)) { + warning(state, ins, "right shift count >= width of type"); + } + } + if (is_const(ins->left) && is_const(ins->right)) { + ulong_t left, right; + left = read_const(state, ins, &ins->left); + right = read_const(state, ins, &ins->right); + mkconst(state, ins, left >> right); + } +} + +static void simplify_ssr(struct compile_state *state, struct triple *ins) +{ + if (is_const(ins->right)) { + ulong_t right; + right = read_const(state, ins, &ins->right); + if (right >= (size_of(state, ins->type)*8)) { + warning(state, ins, "right shift count >= width of type"); + } + } + if (is_const(ins->left) && is_const(ins->right)) { + long_t left, right; + left = read_sconst(ins, &ins->left); + right = read_sconst(ins, &ins->right); + mkconst(state, ins, left >> right); + } +} + +static void simplify_and(struct compile_state *state, struct triple *ins) +{ + if (is_const(ins->left) && is_const(ins->right)) { + ulong_t left, right; + left = read_const(state, ins, &ins->left); + right = read_const(state, ins, &ins->right); + mkconst(state, ins, left & right); + } +} + +static void simplify_or(struct compile_state *state, struct triple *ins) +{ + if (is_const(ins->left) && is_const(ins->right)) { + ulong_t left, right; + left = read_const(state, ins, &ins->left); + right = read_const(state, ins, &ins->right); + mkconst(state, ins, left | right); + } +} + +static void simplify_xor(struct compile_state *state, struct triple *ins) +{ + if (is_const(ins->left) && is_const(ins->right)) { + ulong_t left, right; + left = read_const(state, ins, &ins->left); + right = read_const(state, ins, &ins->right); + mkconst(state, ins, left ^ right); + } +} + +static void simplify_pos(struct compile_state *state, struct triple *ins) +{ + if (is_const(ins->left)) { + mkconst(state, ins, ins->left->u.cval); + } + else { + mkcopy(state, ins, ins->left); + } +} + +static void simplify_neg(struct compile_state *state, struct triple *ins) +{ + if (is_const(ins->left)) { + ulong_t left; + left = read_const(state, ins, &ins->left); + mkconst(state, ins, -left); + } + else if (ins->left->op == OP_NEG) { + mkcopy(state, ins, ins->left->left); + } +} + +static void simplify_invert(struct compile_state *state, struct triple *ins) +{ + if (is_const(ins->left)) { + ulong_t left; + left = read_const(state, ins, &ins->left); + mkconst(state, ins, ~left); + } +} + +static void simplify_eq(struct compile_state *state, struct triple *ins) +{ + if (is_const(ins->left) && is_const(ins->right)) { + ulong_t left, right; + left = read_const(state, ins, &ins->left); + right = read_const(state, ins, &ins->right); + mkconst(state, ins, left == right); + } + else if (ins->left == ins->right) { + mkconst(state, ins, 1); + } +} + +static void simplify_noteq(struct compile_state *state, struct triple *ins) +{ + if (is_const(ins->left) && is_const(ins->right)) { + ulong_t left, right; + left = read_const(state, ins, &ins->left); + right = read_const(state, ins, &ins->right); + mkconst(state, ins, left != right); + } + else if (ins->left == ins->right) { + mkconst(state, ins, 0); + } +} + +static void simplify_sless(struct compile_state *state, struct triple *ins) +{ + if (is_const(ins->left) && is_const(ins->right)) { + long_t left, right; + left = read_sconst(ins, &ins->left); + right = read_sconst(ins, &ins->right); + mkconst(state, ins, left < right); + } + else if (ins->left == ins->right) { + mkconst(state, ins, 0); + } +} + +static void simplify_uless(struct compile_state *state, struct triple *ins) +{ + if (is_const(ins->left) && is_const(ins->right)) { + ulong_t left, right; + left = read_const(state, ins, &ins->left); + right = read_const(state, ins, &ins->right); + mkconst(state, ins, left < right); + } + else if (is_zero(ins->left)) { + mkconst(state, ins, 1); + } + else if (ins->left == ins->right) { + mkconst(state, ins, 0); + } +} + +static void simplify_smore(struct compile_state *state, struct triple *ins) +{ + if (is_const(ins->left) && is_const(ins->right)) { + long_t left, right; + left = read_sconst(ins, &ins->left); + right = read_sconst(ins, &ins->right); + mkconst(state, ins, left > right); + } + else if (ins->left == ins->right) { + mkconst(state, ins, 0); + } +} + +static void simplify_umore(struct compile_state *state, struct triple *ins) +{ + if (is_const(ins->left) && is_const(ins->right)) { + ulong_t left, right; + left = read_const(state, ins, &ins->left); + right = read_const(state, ins, &ins->right); + mkconst(state, ins, left > right); + } + else if (is_zero(ins->right)) { + mkconst(state, ins, 1); + } + else if (ins->left == ins->right) { + mkconst(state, ins, 0); + } +} + + +static void simplify_slesseq(struct compile_state *state, struct triple *ins) +{ + if (is_const(ins->left) && is_const(ins->right)) { + long_t left, right; + left = read_sconst(ins, &ins->left); + right = read_sconst(ins, &ins->right); + mkconst(state, ins, left <= right); + } + else if (ins->left == ins->right) { + mkconst(state, ins, 1); + } +} + +static void simplify_ulesseq(struct compile_state *state, struct triple *ins) +{ + if (is_const(ins->left) && is_const(ins->right)) { + ulong_t left, right; + left = read_const(state, ins, &ins->left); + right = read_const(state, ins, &ins->right); + mkconst(state, ins, left <= right); + } + else if (is_zero(ins->left)) { + mkconst(state, ins, 1); + } + else if (ins->left == ins->right) { + mkconst(state, ins, 1); + } +} + +static void simplify_smoreeq(struct compile_state *state, struct triple *ins) +{ + if (is_const(ins->left) && is_const(ins->right)) { + long_t left, right; + left = read_sconst(ins, &ins->left); + right = read_sconst(ins, &ins->right); + mkconst(state, ins, left >= right); + } + else if (ins->left == ins->right) { + mkconst(state, ins, 1); + } +} + +static void simplify_umoreeq(struct compile_state *state, struct triple *ins) +{ + if (is_const(ins->left) && is_const(ins->right)) { + ulong_t left, right; + left = read_const(state, ins, &ins->left); + right = read_const(state, ins, &ins->right); + mkconst(state, ins, left >= right); + } + else if (is_zero(ins->right)) { + mkconst(state, ins, 1); + } + else if (ins->left == ins->right) { + mkconst(state, ins, 1); + } +} + +static void simplify_lfalse(struct compile_state *state, struct triple *ins) +{ + if (is_const(ins->left)) { + ulong_t left; + left = read_const(state, ins, &ins->left); + mkconst(state, ins, left == 0); + } + /* Otherwise if I am the only user... */ + else if ((ins->left->use->member == ins) && (ins->left->use->next == 0)) { + int need_copy = 1; + /* Invert a boolean operation */ + switch(ins->left->op) { + case OP_LTRUE: ins->left->op = OP_LFALSE; break; + case OP_LFALSE: ins->left->op = OP_LTRUE; break; + case OP_EQ: ins->left->op = OP_NOTEQ; break; + case OP_NOTEQ: ins->left->op = OP_EQ; break; + case OP_SLESS: ins->left->op = OP_SMOREEQ; break; + case OP_ULESS: ins->left->op = OP_UMOREEQ; break; + case OP_SMORE: ins->left->op = OP_SLESSEQ; break; + case OP_UMORE: ins->left->op = OP_ULESSEQ; break; + case OP_SLESSEQ: ins->left->op = OP_SMORE; break; + case OP_ULESSEQ: ins->left->op = OP_UMORE; break; + case OP_SMOREEQ: ins->left->op = OP_SLESS; break; + case OP_UMOREEQ: ins->left->op = OP_ULESS; break; + default: + need_copy = 0; + break; + } + if (need_copy) { + mkcopy(state, ins, ins->left); + } + } +} + +static void simplify_ltrue (struct compile_state *state, struct triple *ins) +{ + if (is_const(ins->left)) { + ulong_t left; + left = read_const(state, ins, &ins->left); + mkconst(state, ins, left != 0); + } + else switch(ins->left->op) { + case OP_LTRUE: case OP_LFALSE: case OP_EQ: case OP_NOTEQ: + case OP_SLESS: case OP_ULESS: case OP_SMORE: case OP_UMORE: + case OP_SLESSEQ: case OP_ULESSEQ: case OP_SMOREEQ: case OP_UMOREEQ: + mkcopy(state, ins, ins->left); + } + +} + +static void simplify_copy(struct compile_state *state, struct triple *ins) +{ + if (is_const(ins->left)) { + switch(ins->left->op) { + case OP_INTCONST: + { + ulong_t left; + left = read_const(state, ins, &ins->left); + mkconst(state, ins, left); + break; + } + case OP_ADDRCONST: + { + struct triple *sdecl; + ulong_t offset; + sdecl = ins->left; + offset = ins->u.cval; + mkaddr_const(state, ins, sdecl, offset); + break; + } + default: + internal_error(state, ins, "uknown constant"); + break; + } + } +} + +static void simplify_dot(struct compile_state *state, struct triple *ins) +{ + FINISHME(); +} + +static void simplify_branch(struct compile_state *state, struct triple *ins) +{ + struct block *block; + if (ins->op != OP_BRANCH) { + internal_error(state, ins, "not branch"); + } + if (ins->use != 0) { + internal_error(state, ins, "branch use"); + } +#warning "FIXME implement simplify branch." + /* The challenge here with simplify branch is that I need to + * make modifications to the control flow graph as well + * as to the branch instruction itself. + */ + block = ins->u.block; + + if (ins->right && is_const(ins->right)) { + ulong_t value; + value = read_const(state, ins, &ins->right); + unuse_triple(ins->right, ins); + ins->right = 0; + if (value) { + unuse_triple(ins->next, ins); + } + else { + unuse_triple(ins->left, ins); + ins->left = ins->next; + } +#warning "FIXME handle the case of making a branch unconditional" + } + if (ins->left == ins->next) { + unuse_triple(ins->left, ins); + if (ins->right) { + unuse_triple(ins->right, ins); + unuse_triple(ins->next, ins); + } + ins->op = OP_NOOP; + ins->left = 0; + ins->right = 0; + if (ins->use) { + internal_error(state, ins, "noop use != 0"); + } +#warning "FIXME handle the case of killing a branch" + } +} + +static void simplify_phi(struct compile_state *state, struct triple *ins) +{ + struct triple **expr; + ulong_t value; + expr = triple_rhs(state, ins, 0); + if (!is_const(*expr)) { + return; + } + value = read_const(state, ins, expr); + for(;expr;expr = triple_rhs(state, ins, expr)) { + if (!is_const(*expr)) { + return; + } + if (value != read_const(state, ins, expr)) { + return; + } + } + mkconst(state, ins, value); +} + + +static void simplify_bsf(struct compile_state *state, struct triple *ins) +{ + if (is_const(ins->left)) { + ulong_t left; + left = read_const(state, ins, &ins->left); + mkconst(state, ins, bsf(left)); + } +} + +static void simplify_bsr(struct compile_state *state, struct triple *ins) +{ + if (is_const(ins->left)) { + ulong_t left; + left = read_const(state, ins, &ins->left); + mkconst(state, ins, bsr(left)); + } +} + + +typedef void (*simplify_t)(struct compile_state *state, struct triple *ins); +static const simplify_t table_simplify[] = { +#if 0 +#define simplify_smul simplify_noop +#define simplify_umul simplify_noop +#define simplify_sdiv simplify_noop +#define simplify_udiv simplify_noop +#define simplify_smod simplify_noop +#define simplify_umod simplify_noop +#endif +#if 0 +#define simplify_add simplify_noop +#define simplify_sub simplify_noop +#endif +#if 0 +#define simplify_sl simplify_noop +#define simplify_usr simplify_noop +#define simplify_ssr simplify_noop +#endif +#if 0 +#define simplify_and simplify_noop +#define simplify_xor simplify_noop +#define simplify_or simplify_noop +#endif +#if 0 +#define simplify_pos simplify_noop +#define simplify_neg simplify_noop +#define simplify_invert simplify_noop +#endif + +#if 0 +#define simplify_eq simplify_noop +#define simplify_noteq simplify_noop +#endif +#if 0 +#define simplify_sless simplify_noop +#define simplify_uless simplify_noop +#define simplify_smore simplify_noop +#define simplify_umore simplify_noop +#endif +#if 0 +#define simplify_slesseq simplify_noop +#define simplify_ulesseq simplify_noop +#define simplify_smoreeq simplify_noop +#define simplify_umoreeq simplify_noop +#endif +#if 0 +#define simplify_lfalse simplify_noop +#endif +#if 0 +#define simplify_ltrue simplify_noop +#endif + +#if 0 +#define simplify_copy simplify_noop +#endif + +#if 0 +#define simplify_dot simplify_noop +#endif + +#if 0 +#define simplify_branch simplify_noop +#endif + +#if 0 +#define simplify_phi simplify_noop +#endif + +#if 0 +#define simplify_bsf simplify_noop +#define simplify_bsr simplify_noop +#endif + +[OP_SMUL ] = simplify_smul, +[OP_UMUL ] = simplify_umul, +[OP_SDIV ] = simplify_sdiv, +[OP_UDIV ] = simplify_udiv, +[OP_SMOD ] = simplify_smod, +[OP_UMOD ] = simplify_umod, +[OP_ADD ] = simplify_add, +[OP_SUB ] = simplify_sub, +[OP_SL ] = simplify_sl, +[OP_USR ] = simplify_usr, +[OP_SSR ] = simplify_ssr, +[OP_AND ] = simplify_and, +[OP_XOR ] = simplify_xor, +[OP_OR ] = simplify_or, +[OP_POS ] = simplify_pos, +[OP_NEG ] = simplify_neg, +[OP_INVERT ] = simplify_invert, + +[OP_EQ ] = simplify_eq, +[OP_NOTEQ ] = simplify_noteq, +[OP_SLESS ] = simplify_sless, +[OP_ULESS ] = simplify_uless, +[OP_SMORE ] = simplify_smore, +[OP_UMORE ] = simplify_umore, +[OP_SLESSEQ ] = simplify_slesseq, +[OP_ULESSEQ ] = simplify_ulesseq, +[OP_SMOREEQ ] = simplify_smoreeq, +[OP_UMOREEQ ] = simplify_umoreeq, +[OP_LFALSE ] = simplify_lfalse, +[OP_LTRUE ] = simplify_ltrue, + +[OP_LOAD ] = simplify_noop, +[OP_STORE ] = simplify_noop, + +[OP_NOOP ] = simplify_noop, + +[OP_INTCONST ] = simplify_noop, +[OP_BLOBCONST ] = simplify_noop, +[OP_ADDRCONST ] = simplify_noop, + +[OP_WRITE ] = simplify_noop, +[OP_READ ] = simplify_noop, +[OP_COPY ] = simplify_copy, +[OP_DOT ] = simplify_dot, + +[OP_LIST ] = simplify_noop, +[OP_BRANCH ] = simplify_branch, +[OP_LABEL ] = simplify_noop, +[OP_ADECL ] = simplify_noop, +[OP_SDECL ] = simplify_noop, +[OP_PHI ] = simplify_phi, + +[OP_INB ] = simplify_noop, +[OP_INW ] = simplify_noop, +[OP_INL ] = simplify_noop, +[OP_OUTB ] = simplify_noop, +[OP_OUTW ] = simplify_noop, +[OP_OUTL ] = simplify_noop, +[OP_BSF ] = simplify_bsf, +[OP_BSR ] = simplify_bsr, +}; + +static void simplify(struct compile_state *state, struct triple *ins) +{ + int op; + simplify_t do_simplify; + do { + op = ins->op; + do_simplify = 0; + if ((op < 0) || (op > sizeof(table_simplify)/sizeof(table_simplify[0]))) { + do_simplify = 0; + } + else { + do_simplify = table_simplify[op]; + } + if (!do_simplify) { + internal_error(state, ins, "cannot simplify op: %d %s\n", + op, tops(op)); + return; + } + do_simplify(state, ins); + } while(ins->op != op); +} + +static void simplify_all(struct compile_state *state) +{ + struct triple *ins, *first; + first = state->main_function->left; + ins = first; + do { + simplify(state, ins); + ins = ins->next; + } while(ins != first); +} + +/* + * Builtins.... + * ============================ + */ + +static void register_builtin_unary(struct compile_state *state, + const char *name, int op, struct type *result, struct type *a1type) +{ + struct type *ftype, *rtype, *atype; + struct triple *def, *arg1, *work, *last, *first; + struct hash_entry *ident; + int name_len; + + /* Dummy file state to get debug handling right */ + struct file_state file; + memset(&file, 0, sizeof(file)); + file.basename = name; + file.line = 1; + file.prev = state->file; + state->file = &file; + + atype = a1type; + rtype = result; + ftype = new_type(TYPE_FUNCTION, rtype, atype); + /* Generate the needed triples */ + def = triple(state, OP_LIST, ftype, 0, 0); + first = label(state); + def->left = first; + /* Now string them together into a list */ + arg1 = 0; + if ((atype->type & TYPE_MASK) != TYPE_VOID) { + arg1 = flatten(state, first, variable(state, a1type)); + } + def->right = 0; + if ((rtype->type & TYPE_MASK) != TYPE_VOID) { + def->right = flatten(state, first, variable(state, rtype)); + } + work = triple(state, op, rtype, read_expr(state, arg1), 0); + if (def->right) { + work = write_expr(state, def->right, work); + } + work = flatten(state, first, work); + last = flatten(state, first, label(state)); + name_len = strlen(name); + ident = lookup(state, name, name_len); + symbol(state, ident, &ident->sym_ident, def, ftype); + + state->file = file.prev; + +#if 0 + fprintf(stdout, "\n"); + loc(stdout, state, 0); + fprintf(stdout, "\n__________ builtin_unary _________\n"); + print_triple(state, def); + fprintf(stdout, "__________ builtin_unary _________ done\n\n"); +#endif +} + +static void register_builtin_binary(struct compile_state *state, + const char *name, int op, + struct type *result, struct type *a1type, struct type *a2type) +{ + struct type *ftype, *rtype, *atype; + struct triple *def, *arg1, *arg2, *work, *last, *first; + struct hash_entry *ident; + int name_len; + /* Dummy file state to get debug handling right */ + struct file_state file; + memset(&file, 0, sizeof(file)); + file.basename = name; + file.line = 1; + file.prev = state->file; + state->file = &file; + + atype = new_type(TYPE_PRODUCT, a1type, a2type); + rtype = result; + ftype = new_type(TYPE_FUNCTION, rtype, atype); + /* Generate the needed triples */ + def = triple(state, OP_LIST, ftype, 0, 0); + first = label(state); + def->left = first; + /* String them togher */ + arg1 = flatten(state, first, variable(state, a1type)); + arg2 = flatten(state, first, variable(state, a2type)); + def->right = 0; + if ((rtype->type & TYPE_MASK) != TYPE_VOID) { + def->right = flatten(state, first, variable(state, rtype)); + } + work = triple(state, op, rtype, + read_expr(state, arg1), read_expr(state, arg2)); + if (def->right) { + work = write_expr(state, def->right, work); + } + work = flatten(state, first, work); + last = flatten(state, first, label(state)); + name_len = strlen(name); + ident = lookup(state, name, name_len); + symbol(state, ident, &ident->sym_ident, def, ftype); + + state->file = file.prev; + +#if 0 + fprintf(stdout, "\n"); + loc(stdout, state, 0); + fprintf(stdout, "\n__________ builtin_binary _________\n"); + print_triple(state, def); + fprintf(stdout, "__________ builtin_binary _________ done\n\n"); +#endif +} + +static void register_builtins(struct compile_state *state) +{ + register_builtin_unary(state, "__builtin_inb", OP_INB, + &uchar_type, &ushort_type); + register_builtin_unary(state, "__builtin_inw", OP_INW, + &ushort_type, &ushort_type); + register_builtin_unary( state, "__builtin_inl", OP_INL, + &uint_type, &ushort_type); + + register_builtin_binary(state, "__builtin_outb", OP_OUTB, + &void_type, &uchar_type, &ushort_type); + register_builtin_binary(state, "__builtin_outw", OP_OUTW, + &void_type, &ushort_type, &ushort_type); + register_builtin_binary(state, "__builtin_outl", OP_OUTL, + &void_type, &uint_type, &ushort_type); + + register_builtin_unary(state, "__builtin_bsf", OP_BSF, + &int_type, &int_type); + register_builtin_unary(state, "__builtin_bsr", OP_BSR, + &int_type, &int_type); + + register_builtin_unary(state, "__builtin_hlt", OP_HLT, + &void_type, &void_type); +} + +static struct type *declarator( + struct compile_state *state, struct type *type, + struct hash_entry **ident, int need_ident); +static void decl(struct compile_state *state, struct triple *first); +static struct type *specifier_qualifier_list(struct compile_state *state); +static int isdecl_specifier(int tok); +static struct type *decl_specifiers(struct compile_state *state); +static int istype(int tok); +static struct triple *expr(struct compile_state *state); +static struct triple *assignment_expr(struct compile_state *state); +static struct type *type_name(struct compile_state *state); +static void statement(struct compile_state *state, struct triple *fist); + +static struct triple *call_expr( + struct compile_state *state, struct triple *func) +{ + struct triple *def, **next; + struct type *type; + + if ((func->type->type & TYPE_MASK) != TYPE_FUNCTION) { + error(state, 0, "Called object is not a function"); + } + if (func->op != OP_LIST) { + internal_error(state, 0, "improper function"); + } + eat(state, TOK_LPAREN); + /* Find the return type without any specifiers */ + type = clone_type(0, func->type->left); + def = triple(state, OP_CALL, type, func, 0); + next = &def->right; + if (peek(state) != TOK_RPAREN) { + struct triple *val; + struct type *param, *arg_type; + val = read_expr(state, assignment_expr(state)); + param = func->type->right; + arg_type = param; + if ((param->type & TYPE_MASK) == TYPE_PRODUCT) { + arg_type = param->left; + } + else if ((param->type & TYPE_MASK) == TYPE_VOID) { + error(state, 0, "Too many arguments"); + } + write_compatible(state, arg_type, val->type); + *next = val; + while(peek(state) == TOK_COMMA) { + eat(state, TOK_COMMA); + val = read_expr(state, assignment_expr(state)); + if (arg_type == param) { + error(state, 0, "Too many arguments"); + } + arg_type = param = param->right; + if ((param->type & TYPE_MASK) == TYPE_PRODUCT) { + arg_type = param->left; + } + write_compatible(state, arg_type, val->type); + *next = triple(state, OP_PRODUCT, &void_type, *next, val); + next = &((*next)->right); + } + } + eat(state, TOK_RPAREN); + return def; +} + + +static struct triple *character_constant(struct compile_state *state) +{ + struct triple *def; + struct token *tk; + const signed char *str, *end; + int c; + int str_len; + eat(state, TOK_LIT_CHAR); + tk = &state->token[0]; + str = tk->val.str + 1; + str_len = tk->str_len - 2; + if (str_len <= 0) { + error(state, 0, "empty character constant"); + } + end = str + str_len; + c = char_value(state, &str, end); + if (str != end) { + error(state, 0, "multibyte character constant not supported"); + } + def = int_const(state, &char_type, (ulong_t)((long_t)c)); + return def; +} + +static struct triple *string_constant(struct compile_state *state) +{ + struct triple *def; + struct token *tk; + struct type *type; + const signed char *str, *end; + signed char *buf, *ptr; + int str_len; + + buf = 0; + type = new_type(TYPE_ARRAY, &char_type, 0); + type->elements = 0; + /* The while loop handles string concatenation */ + do { + eat(state, TOK_LIT_STRING); + tk = &state->token[0]; + str = tk->val.str + 1; + str_len = tk->str_len - 2; + if (str_len <= 0) { + error(state, 0, "empty string constant"); + } + end = str + str_len; + ptr = buf; + buf = xmalloc(type->elements + str_len + 1, "string_constant"); + memcpy(buf, ptr, type->elements); + ptr = buf + type->elements; + do { + *ptr++ = char_value(state, &str, end); + } while(str < end); + type->elements = ptr - buf; + } while(peek(state) == TOK_LIT_STRING); + *ptr = '\0'; + type->elements += 1; + def = triple(state, OP_BLOBCONST, type, 0, 0); + def->u.blob = buf; + return def; +} + + +static struct triple *integer_constant(struct compile_state *state) +{ + struct triple *def; + unsigned long val; + struct token *tk; + char *end; + int u, l, decimal; + struct type *type; + + eat(state, TOK_LIT_INT); + tk = &state->token[0]; + errno = 0; + decimal = (tk->val.str[0] != '0'); + val = strtoul(tk->val.str, &end, 0); + if ((val == ULONG_MAX) && (errno == ERANGE)) { + error(state, 0, "Integer constant to large"); + } + u = l = 0; + if ((*end == 'u') || (*end == 'U')) { + u = 1; + end++; + } + if ((*end == 'l') || (*end == 'L')) { + l = 1; + end++; + } + if ((*end == 'u') || (*end == 'U')) { + u = 1; + end++; + } + if (*end) { + error(state, 0, "Junk at end of integer constant"); + } + if (u && l) { + type = &ulong_type; + } + else if (l) { + type = &long_type; + if (!decimal && (val > LONG_MAX)) { + type = &ulong_type; + } + } + else if (u) { + type = &uint_type; + if (val > UINT_MAX) { + type = &ulong_type; + } + } + else { + type = &int_type; + if (!decimal && (val > INT_MAX) && (val <= UINT_MAX)) { + type = &uint_type; + } + else if (!decimal && (val > LONG_MAX)) { + type = &ulong_type; + } + else if (val > INT_MAX) { + type = &long_type; + } + } + def = int_const(state, type, val); + return def; +} + +static struct triple *primary_expr(struct compile_state *state) +{ + struct triple *def; + int tok; + tok = peek(state); + switch(tok) { + case TOK_IDENT: + { + struct hash_entry *ident; + /* Here ident is either: + * a varable name + * a function name + * an enumeration constant. + */ + eat(state, TOK_IDENT); + ident = state->token[0].ident; + if (!ident->sym_ident) { + error(state, 0, "%s undeclared", ident->name); + } + def = ident->sym_ident->def; + break; + } + case TOK_ENUM_CONST: + /* Here ident is an enumeration constant */ + eat(state, TOK_ENUM_CONST); + def = 0; + FINISHME(); + break; + case TOK_LPAREN: + eat(state, TOK_LPAREN); + def = expr(state); + eat(state, TOK_RPAREN); + break; + case TOK_LIT_INT: + def = integer_constant(state); + break; + case TOK_LIT_FLOAT: + eat(state, TOK_LIT_FLOAT); + error(state, 0, "Floating point constants not supported"); + def = 0; + FINISHME(); + break; + case TOK_LIT_CHAR: + def = character_constant(state); + break; + case TOK_LIT_STRING: + def = string_constant(state); + break; + default: + def = 0; + error(state, 0, "Unexpected token: %s\n", tokens[tok]); + } + return def; +} + +static struct triple *postfix_expr(struct compile_state *state) +{ + struct triple *def; + int postfix; + def = primary_expr(state); + do { + struct triple *left; + int tok; + postfix = 1; + left = def; + switch((tok = peek(state))) { + case TOK_LBRACKET: + eat(state, TOK_LBRACKET); + def = mk_subscript_expr(state, left, expr(state)); + eat(state, TOK_RBRACKET); + break; + case TOK_LPAREN: + def = call_expr(state, def); + break; + case TOK_DOT: + eat(state, TOK_DOT); + eat(state, TOK_IDENT); + FINISHME(); + break; + case TOK_ARROW: + eat(state, TOK_ARROW); + eat(state, TOK_IDENT); + FINISHME(); + break; + case TOK_PLUSPLUS: + eat(state, TOK_PLUSPLUS); + def = mk_post_inc_expr(state, left); + break; + case TOK_MINUSMINUS: + eat(state, TOK_MINUSMINUS); + def = mk_post_dec_expr(state, left); + break; + default: + postfix = 0; + break; + } + } while(postfix); + return def; +} + +static struct triple *cast_expr(struct compile_state *state); + +static struct triple *unary_expr(struct compile_state *state) +{ + struct triple *def, *right; + int tok; + switch((tok = peek(state))) { + case TOK_PLUSPLUS: + eat(state, TOK_PLUSPLUS); + def = mk_pre_inc_expr(state, unary_expr(state)); + break; + case TOK_MINUSMINUS: + eat(state, TOK_MINUSMINUS); + def = mk_pre_dec_expr(state, unary_expr(state)); + break; + case TOK_AND: + eat(state, TOK_AND); + def = mk_addr_expr(state, cast_expr(state), 0); + break; + case TOK_STAR: + eat(state, TOK_STAR); + def = mk_deref_expr(state, read_expr(state, cast_expr(state))); + break; + case TOK_PLUS: + eat(state, TOK_PLUS); + right = read_expr(state, cast_expr(state)); + arithmetic(state, right); + def = integral_promotion(state, right); + break; + case TOK_MINUS: + eat(state, TOK_MINUS); + right = read_expr(state, cast_expr(state)); + arithmetic(state, right); + def = integral_promotion(state, right); + def = triple(state, OP_NEG, def->type, def, 0); + break; + case TOK_TILDE: + eat(state, TOK_TILDE); + right = read_expr(state, cast_expr(state)); + integral(state, right); + def = integral_promotion(state, right); + def = triple(state, OP_INVERT, def->type, def, 0); + break; + case TOK_BANG: + eat(state, TOK_BANG); + right = read_expr(state, cast_expr(state)); + bool(state, right); + def = lfalse_expr(state, right); + break; + case TOK_SIZEOF: + { + struct type *type; + int tok1, tok2; + eat(state, TOK_SIZEOF); + tok1 = peek(state); + tok2 = peek2(state); + if ((tok1 == TOK_LPAREN) && istype(tok2)) { + eat(state, TOK_LPAREN); + type = type_name(state); + eat(state, TOK_RPAREN); + } + else { + struct triple *expr; + expr = unary_expr(state); + type = expr->type; + release_expr(state, expr); + } + def = int_const(state, &ulong_type, size_of(state, type)); + break; + } + case TOK_ALIGNOF: + { + struct type *type; + int tok1, tok2; + eat(state, TOK_ALIGNOF); + tok1 = peek(state); + tok2 = peek2(state); + if ((tok1 == TOK_LPAREN) && istype(tok2)) { + eat(state, TOK_LPAREN); + type = type_name(state); + eat(state, TOK_RPAREN); + } + else { + struct triple *expr; + expr = unary_expr(state); + type = expr->type; + release_expr(state, expr); + } + def = int_const(state, &ulong_type, align_of(state, type)); + break; + } + default: + def = postfix_expr(state); + break; + } + return def; +} + +static struct triple *cast_expr(struct compile_state *state) +{ + struct triple *def; + int tok1, tok2; + tok1 = peek(state); + tok2 = peek2(state); + if ((tok1 == TOK_LPAREN) && istype(tok2)) { + struct type *type; + eat(state, TOK_LPAREN); + type = type_name(state); + eat(state, TOK_RPAREN); + def = read_expr(state, cast_expr(state)); + def = triple(state, OP_COPY, type, def, 0); +#warning "FIXME do I need an OP_CAST expr to be semantically correct here?" + } + else { + def = unary_expr(state); + } + return def; +} + +static struct triple *mult_expr(struct compile_state *state) +{ + struct triple *def; + int done; + def = cast_expr(state); + do { + struct triple *left, *right; + struct type *result_type; + int tok, op, sign; + done = 0; + switch(tok = (peek(state))) { + case TOK_STAR: + case TOK_DIV: + case TOK_MOD: + left = read_expr(state, def); + arithmetic(state, left); + + eat(state, tok); + + right = read_expr(state, cast_expr(state)); + arithmetic(state, right); + + result_type = arithmetic_result(state, left, right); + sign = is_signed(result_type); + op = -1; + switch(tok) { + case TOK_STAR: op = sign? OP_SMUL : OP_UMUL; break; + case TOK_DIV: op = sign? OP_SDIV : OP_UDIV; break; + case TOK_MOD: op = sign? OP_SMOD : OP_UMOD; break; + } + def = triple(state, op, result_type, left, right); + break; + default: + done = 1; + break; + } + } while(!done); + return def; +} + +static struct triple *add_expr(struct compile_state *state) +{ + struct triple *def; + int done; + def = mult_expr(state); + do { + done = 0; + switch( peek(state)) { + case TOK_PLUS: + eat(state, TOK_PLUS); + def = mk_add_expr(state, def, mult_expr(state)); + break; + case TOK_MINUS: + eat(state, TOK_MINUS); + def = mk_sub_expr(state, def, mult_expr(state)); + break; + default: + done = 1; + break; + } + } while(!done); + return def; +} + +static struct triple *shift_expr(struct compile_state *state) +{ + struct triple *def; + int done; + def = add_expr(state); + do { + struct triple *left, *right; + int tok, op; + done = 0; + switch((tok = peek(state))) { + case TOK_SL: + case TOK_SR: + left = read_expr(state, def); + integral(state, left); + left = integral_promotion(state, left); + + eat(state, tok); + + right = read_expr(state, add_expr(state)); + integral(state, right); + right = integral_promotion(state, right); + + op = (tok == TOK_SL)? OP_SL : + is_signed(left->type)? OP_SSR: OP_USR; + + def = triple(state, op, left->type, left, right); + break; + default: + done = 1; + break; + } + } while(!done); + return def; +} + +static struct triple *relational_expr(struct compile_state *state) +{ +#warning "Extend relational exprs to work on more than arithmetic types" + struct triple *def; + int done; + def = shift_expr(state); + do { + struct triple *left, *right; + struct type *arg_type; + int tok, op, sign; + done = 0; + switch((tok = peek(state))) { + case TOK_LESS: + case TOK_MORE: + case TOK_LESSEQ: + case TOK_MOREEQ: + left = read_expr(state, def); + arithmetic(state, left); + + eat(state, tok); + + right = read_expr(state, shift_expr(state)); + arithmetic(state, right); + + arg_type = arithmetic_result(state, left, right); + sign = is_signed(arg_type); + op = -1; + switch(tok) { + case TOK_LESS: op = sign? OP_SLESS : OP_ULESS; break; + case TOK_MORE: op = sign? OP_SMORE : OP_UMORE; break; + case TOK_LESSEQ: op = sign? OP_SLESSEQ : OP_ULESSEQ; break; + case TOK_MOREEQ: op = sign? OP_SMOREEQ : OP_UMOREEQ; break; + } + def = triple(state, op, &int_type, left, right); + break; + default: + done = 1; + break; + } + } while(!done); + return def; +} + +static struct triple *equality_expr(struct compile_state *state) +{ +#warning "Extend equality exprs to work on more than arithmetic types" + struct triple *def; + int done; + def = relational_expr(state); + do { + struct triple *left, *right; + int tok, op; + done = 0; + switch((tok = peek(state))) { + case TOK_EQEQ: + case TOK_NOTEQ: + left = read_expr(state, def); + arithmetic(state, left); + eat(state, tok); + right = read_expr(state, relational_expr(state)); + arithmetic(state, right); + op = (tok == TOK_EQEQ) ? OP_EQ: OP_NOTEQ; + def = triple(state, op, &int_type, left, right); + break; + default: + done = 1; + break; + } + } while(!done); + return def; +} + +static struct triple *and_expr(struct compile_state *state) +{ + struct triple *def; + def = equality_expr(state); + while(peek(state) == TOK_AND) { + struct triple *left, *right; + struct type *result_type; + left = read_expr(state, def); + integral(state, left); + eat(state, TOK_AND); + right = read_expr(state, equality_expr(state)); + integral(state, right); + result_type = arithmetic_result(state, left, right); + def = triple(state, OP_AND, result_type, left, right); + } + return def; +} + +static struct triple *xor_expr(struct compile_state *state) +{ + struct triple *def; + def = and_expr(state); + while(peek(state) == TOK_XOR) { + struct triple *left, *right; + struct type *result_type; + left = read_expr(state, def); + integral(state, left); + eat(state, TOK_XOR); + right = read_expr(state, and_expr(state)); + integral(state, right); + result_type = arithmetic_result(state, left, right); + def = triple(state, OP_XOR, result_type, left, right); + } + return def; +} + +static struct triple *or_expr(struct compile_state *state) +{ + struct triple *def; + def = xor_expr(state); + while(peek(state) == TOK_OR) { + struct triple *left, *right; + struct type *result_type; + left = read_expr(state, def); + integral(state, left); + eat(state, TOK_OR); + right = read_expr(state, xor_expr(state)); + integral(state, right); + result_type = arithmetic_result(state, left, right); + def = triple(state, OP_OR, result_type, left, right); + } + return def; +} + +static struct triple *land_expr(struct compile_state *state) +{ + struct triple *def; + def = or_expr(state); + while(peek(state) == TOK_LOGAND) { + struct triple *left, *right; + left = read_expr(state, def); + bool(state, left); + eat(state, TOK_LOGAND); + right = read_expr(state, or_expr(state)); + bool(state, right); + + def = triple(state, OP_LAND, &int_type, + ltrue_expr(state, left), + ltrue_expr(state, right)); + } + return def; +} + +static struct triple *lor_expr(struct compile_state *state) +{ + struct triple *def; + def = land_expr(state); + while(peek(state) == TOK_LOGOR) { + struct triple *left, *right; + left = read_expr(state, def); + bool(state, left); + eat(state, TOK_LOGOR); + right = read_expr(state, land_expr(state)); + bool(state, right); + + def = triple(state, OP_LOR, &int_type, + ltrue_expr(state, left), + ltrue_expr(state, right)); + } + return def; +} + +static struct triple *conditional_expr(struct compile_state *state) +{ + struct triple *def; + def = lor_expr(state); + if (peek(state) == TOK_QUEST) { + struct triple *test, *left, *right; + bool(state, def); + test = ltrue_expr(state, read_expr(state, def)); + eat(state, TOK_QUEST); + left = read_expr(state, expr(state)); + eat(state, TOK_COLON); + right = read_expr(state, conditional_expr(state)); + + def = cond_expr(state, test, left, right); + } + return def; +} + +static struct triple *eval_const_expr( + struct compile_state *state, struct triple *expr) +{ + struct triple *def; + struct triple *head, *ptr; + head = label(state); /* dummy initial triple */ + flatten(state, head, expr); + for(ptr = head->next; ptr != head; ptr = ptr->next) { + simplify(state, ptr); + } + /* Remove the constant value the tail of the list */ + def = head->prev; + def->prev->next = def->next; + def->next->prev = def->prev; + def->next = def->prev = def; + if (!is_const(def)) { + internal_error(state, 0, "Not a constant expression"); + } + /* Free the intermediate expressions */ + while(head->next != head) { + release_triple(state, head->next); + } + free_triple(state, head); + return def; +} + +static struct triple *constant_expr(struct compile_state *state) +{ + return eval_const_expr(state, conditional_expr(state)); +} + +static struct triple *assignment_expr(struct compile_state *state) +{ + struct triple *def, *left, *right; + int tok, op, sign; + /* The C grammer in K&R shows assignment expressions + * only taking unary expressions as input on their + * left hand side. But specifies the precedence of + * assignemnt as the lowest operator except for comma. + * + * Allowing conditional expressions on the left hand side + * of an assignement results in a grammar that accepts + * a larger set of statements than standard C. As long + * as the subset of the grammar that is standard C behaves + * correctly this should cause no problems. + * + * For the extra token strings accepted by the grammar + * none of them should produce a valid lvalue, so they + * should not produce functioning programs. + * + * GCC has this bug as well, so surprises should be minimal. + */ + def = conditional_expr(state); + left = def; + switch((tok = peek(state))) { + case TOK_EQ: + lvalue(state, left); + eat(state, TOK_EQ); + def = write_expr(state, left, + read_expr(state, assignment_expr(state))); + break; + case TOK_TIMESEQ: + case TOK_DIVEQ: + case TOK_MODEQ: + case TOK_PLUSEQ: + case TOK_MINUSEQ: + lvalue(state, left); + arithmetic(state, left); + eat(state, tok); + right = read_expr(state, assignment_expr(state)); + arithmetic(state, right); + + sign = is_signed(left->type); + op = -1; + switch(tok) { + case TOK_TIMESEQ: op = sign? OP_SMUL : OP_UMUL; break; + case TOK_DIVEQ: op = sign? OP_SDIV : OP_UDIV; break; + case TOK_MODEQ: op = sign? OP_SMOD : OP_UMOD; break; + case TOK_PLUSEQ: op = OP_ADD; break; + case TOK_MINUSEQ: op = OP_SUB; break; + } + def = write_expr(state, left, + triple(state, op, left->type, + read_expr(state, left), right)); + break; + case TOK_SLEQ: + case TOK_SREQ: + case TOK_ANDEQ: + case TOK_XOREQ: + case TOK_OREQ: + lvalue(state, left); + integral(state, left); + eat(state, tok); + right = read_expr(state, assignment_expr(state)); + integral(state, right); + right = integral_promotion(state, right); + sign = is_signed(left->type); + op = -1; + switch(tok) { + case TOK_SLEQ: op = OP_SL; break; + case TOK_SREQ: op = sign? OP_SSR: OP_USR; break; + case TOK_ANDEQ: op = OP_AND; break; + case TOK_XOREQ: op = OP_XOR; break; + case TOK_OREQ: op = OP_OR; break; + } + def = write_expr(state, left, + triple(state, op, left->type, + read_expr(state, left), right)); + break; + } + return def; +} + +static struct triple *expr(struct compile_state *state) +{ + struct triple *def; + def = assignment_expr(state); + while(peek(state) == TOK_COMMA) { + struct triple *left, *right; + left = def; + eat(state, TOK_COMMA); + right = assignment_expr(state); + def = triple(state, OP_COMMA, right->type, left, right); + } + return def; +} + +static void expr_statement(struct compile_state *state, struct triple *first) +{ + if (peek(state) != TOK_SEMI) { + flatten(state, first, expr(state)); + } + eat(state, TOK_SEMI); +} + +static void if_statement(struct compile_state *state, struct triple *first) +{ + struct triple *test, *jmp1, *jmp2, *middle, *end; + + jmp1 = jmp2 = middle = 0; + eat(state, TOK_IF); + eat(state, TOK_LPAREN); + test = expr(state); + bool(state, test); + /* Cleanup and invert the test */ + test = lfalse_expr(state, read_expr(state, test)); + eat(state, TOK_RPAREN); + /* Generate the needed pieces */ + middle = label(state); + jmp1 = triple(state, OP_BRANCH, &void_type, middle, test); + /* Thread the pieces together */ + flatten(state, first, test); + flatten(state, first, jmp1); + flatten(state, first, label(state)); + statement(state, first); + if (peek(state) == TOK_ELSE) { + eat(state, TOK_ELSE); + /* Generate the rest of the pieces */ + end = label(state); + jmp2 = triple(state, OP_BRANCH, &void_type, end, 0); + /* Thread them together */ + flatten(state, first, jmp2); + flatten(state, first, middle); + statement(state, first); + flatten(state, first, end); + } + else { + flatten(state, first, middle); + } +} + +static void for_statement(struct compile_state *state, struct triple *first) +{ + struct triple *head, *test, *tail, *jmp1, *jmp2, *end; + struct triple *label1, *label2, *label3; + struct hash_entry *ident; + + eat(state, TOK_FOR); + eat(state, TOK_LPAREN); + head = test = tail = jmp1 = jmp2 = 0; + if (peek(state) != TOK_SEMI) { + head = expr(state); + } + eat(state, TOK_SEMI); + if (peek(state) != TOK_SEMI) { + test = expr(state); + bool(state, test); + test = ltrue_expr(state, read_expr(state, test)); + } + eat(state, TOK_SEMI); + if (peek(state) != TOK_RPAREN) { + tail = expr(state); + } + eat(state, TOK_RPAREN); + /* Generate the needed pieces */ + label1 = label(state); + label2 = label(state); + label3 = label(state); + if (test) { + jmp1 = triple(state, OP_BRANCH, &void_type, label3, 0); + jmp2 = triple(state, OP_BRANCH, &void_type, label1, test); + } + else { + jmp2 = triple(state, OP_BRANCH, &void_type, label1, 0); + } + end = label(state); + /* Remember where break and continue go */ + start_scope(state); + ident = state->i_break; + symbol(state, ident, &ident->sym_ident, end, end->type); + ident = state->i_continue; + symbol(state, ident, &ident->sym_ident, label2, label2->type); + /* Now include the body */ + flatten(state, first, head); + flatten(state, first, jmp1); + flatten(state, first, label1); + statement(state, first); + flatten(state, first, label2); + flatten(state, first, tail); + flatten(state, first, label3); + flatten(state, first, test); + flatten(state, first, jmp2); + flatten(state, first, end); + /* Cleanup the break/continue scope */ + end_scope(state); +} + +static void while_statement(struct compile_state *state, struct triple *first) +{ + struct triple *label1, *test, *label2, *jmp1, *jmp2, *end; + struct hash_entry *ident; + eat(state, TOK_WHILE); + eat(state, TOK_LPAREN); + test = expr(state); + bool(state, test); + test = ltrue_expr(state, read_expr(state, test)); + eat(state, TOK_RPAREN); + /* Generate the needed pieces */ + label1 = label(state); + label2 = label(state); + jmp1 = triple(state, OP_BRANCH, &void_type, label2, 0); + jmp2 = triple(state, OP_BRANCH, &void_type, label1, test); + end = label(state); + /* Remember where break and continue go */ + start_scope(state); + ident = state->i_break; + symbol(state, ident, &ident->sym_ident, end, end->type); + ident = state->i_continue; + symbol(state, ident, &ident->sym_ident, label2, label2->type); + /* Thread them together */ + flatten(state, first, jmp1); + flatten(state, first, label1); + statement(state, first); + flatten(state, first, label2); + flatten(state, first, test); + flatten(state, first, jmp2); + flatten(state, first, end); + /* Cleanup the break/continue scope */ + end_scope(state); +} + +static void do_statement(struct compile_state *state, struct triple *first) +{ + struct triple *label1, *label2, *test, *end; + struct hash_entry *ident; + eat(state, TOK_DO); + /* Generate the needed pieces */ + label1 = label(state); + label2 = label(state); + end = label(state); + /* Remember where break and continue go */ + start_scope(state); + ident = state->i_break; + symbol(state, ident, &ident->sym_ident, end, end->type); + ident = state->i_continue; + symbol(state, ident, &ident->sym_ident, label2, label2->type); + /* Now include the body */ + flatten(state, first, label1); + statement(state, first); + /* Cleanup the break/continue scope */ + end_scope(state); + /* Eat the rest of the loop */ + eat(state, TOK_WHILE); + eat(state, TOK_LPAREN); + test = read_expr(state, expr(state)); + bool(state, test); + eat(state, TOK_RPAREN); + eat(state, TOK_SEMI); + /* Thread the pieces together */ + test = ltrue_expr(state, test); + flatten(state, first, label2); + flatten(state, first, test); + flatten(state, first, + triple(state, OP_BRANCH, &void_type, label1, test)); + flatten(state, first, end); +} + + +static void return_statement(struct compile_state *state, struct triple *first) +{ + struct triple *jmp, *mv, *dest, *var, *val; + int last; + eat(state, TOK_RETURN); + +#warning "FIXME implement a more general excess branch elimination" + val = 0; + /* If we have a return value do some more work */ + if (peek(state) != TOK_SEMI) { + val = read_expr(state, expr(state)); + } + eat(state, TOK_SEMI); + + /* See if this last statement in a function */ + last = ((peek(state) == TOK_RBRACE) && + (state->scope_depth == GLOBAL_SCOPE_DEPTH +2)); + + /* Find the return variable */ + var = state->main_function->right; + /* Find the return destination */ + dest = state->main_function->left->prev; + mv = jmp = 0; + /* If needed generate a jump instruction */ + if (!last) { + jmp = triple(state, OP_BRANCH, &void_type, dest, 0); + } + /* If needed generate an assignment instruction */ + if (val) { + mv = write_expr(state, var, val); + } + /* Now put the code together */ + if (mv) { + flatten(state, first, mv); + flatten(state, first, jmp); + } + else if (jmp) { + flatten(state, first, jmp); + } +} + +static void break_statement(struct compile_state *state, struct triple *first) +{ + struct triple *dest; + eat(state, TOK_BREAK); + eat(state, TOK_SEMI); + if (!state->i_break->sym_ident) { + error(state, 0, "break statement not within loop or switch"); + } + dest = state->i_break->sym_ident->def; + flatten(state, first, triple(state, OP_BRANCH, &void_type, dest, 0)); +} + +static void continue_statement(struct compile_state *state, struct triple *first) +{ + struct triple *dest; + eat(state, TOK_CONTINUE); + eat(state, TOK_SEMI); + if (!state->i_continue->sym_ident) { + error(state, 0, "continue statement outside of a loop"); + } + dest = state->i_continue->sym_ident->def; + flatten(state, first, triple(state, OP_BRANCH, &void_type, dest, 0)); +} + +static void goto_statement(struct compile_state *state, struct triple *first) +{ + FINISHME(); + eat(state, TOK_GOTO); + eat(state, TOK_IDENT); + eat(state, TOK_SEMI); + error(state, 0, "goto is not implemeted"); + FINISHME(); +} + +static void labeled_statement(struct compile_state *state, struct triple *first) +{ + FINISHME(); + eat(state, TOK_IDENT); + eat(state, TOK_COLON); + statement(state, first); + error(state, 0, "labeled statements are not implemented"); + FINISHME(); +} + +static void switch_statement(struct compile_state *state, struct triple *first) +{ + FINISHME(); + eat(state, TOK_SWITCH); + eat(state, TOK_LPAREN); + expr(state); + eat(state, TOK_RPAREN); + statement(state, first); + error(state, 0, "switch statements are not implemented"); + FINISHME(); +} + +static void case_statement(struct compile_state *state, struct triple *first) +{ + FINISHME(); + eat(state, TOK_CASE); + constant_expr(state); + eat(state, TOK_COLON); + statement(state, first); + error(state, 0, "case statements are not implemented"); + FINISHME(); +} + +static void default_statement(struct compile_state *state, struct triple *first) +{ + FINISHME(); + eat(state, TOK_DEFAULT); + eat(state, TOK_COLON); + statement(state, first); + error(state, 0, "default statements are not implemented"); + FINISHME(); +} + +static void asm_statement(struct compile_state *state, struct triple *first) +{ + FINISHME(); + error(state, 0, "FIXME finish asm_statement"); +} + + +static int isdecl(int tok) +{ + switch(tok) { + case TOK_AUTO: + case TOK_REGISTER: + case TOK_STATIC: + case TOK_EXTERN: + case TOK_TYPEDEF: + case TOK_CONST: + case TOK_RESTRICT: + case TOK_VOLATILE: + case TOK_VOID: + case TOK_CHAR: + case TOK_SHORT: + case TOK_INT: + case TOK_LONG: + case TOK_FLOAT: + case TOK_DOUBLE: + case TOK_SIGNED: + case TOK_UNSIGNED: + case TOK_STRUCT: + case TOK_UNION: + case TOK_ENUM: + case TOK_TYPE_NAME: /* typedef name */ + return 1; + default: + return 0; + } +} + +static void compound_statement(struct compile_state *state, struct triple *first) +{ + eat(state, TOK_LBRACE); + start_scope(state); + + /* statement-list opt */ + while (peek(state) != TOK_RBRACE) { + statement(state, first); + } + end_scope(state); + eat(state, TOK_RBRACE); +} + +static void statement(struct compile_state *state, struct triple *first) +{ + int tok; + tok = peek(state); + if (tok == TOK_LBRACE) { + compound_statement(state, first); + } + else if (tok == TOK_IF) { + if_statement(state, first); + } + else if (tok == TOK_FOR) { + for_statement(state, first); + } + else if (tok == TOK_WHILE) { + while_statement(state, first); + } + else if (tok == TOK_DO) { + do_statement(state, first); + } + else if (tok == TOK_RETURN) { + return_statement(state, first); + } + else if (tok == TOK_BREAK) { + break_statement(state, first); + } + else if (tok == TOK_CONTINUE) { + continue_statement(state, first); + } + else if (tok == TOK_GOTO) { + goto_statement(state, first); + } + else if (tok == TOK_SWITCH) { + switch_statement(state, first); + } + else if (tok == TOK_ASM) { + asm_statement(state, first); + } + else if ((tok == TOK_IDENT) && (peek2(state) == TOK_COLON)) { + labeled_statement(state, first); + } + else if (tok == TOK_CASE) { + case_statement(state, first); + } + else if (tok == TOK_DEFAULT) { + default_statement(state, first); + } + else if (isdecl(tok)) { + /* This handles C99 intermixing of statements and decls */ + decl(state, first); + } + else { + expr_statement(state, first); + } +} + +static struct type *param_decl(struct compile_state *state) +{ + struct type *type; + struct hash_entry *ident; + /* Cheat so the declarator will know we are not global */ + start_scope(state); + ident = 0; + type = decl_specifiers(state); + type = declarator(state, type, &ident, 0); + type->ident = ident; + end_scope(state); + return type; +} + +static struct type *param_type_list(struct compile_state *state, struct type *type) +{ + struct type *ftype, **next; + ftype = new_type(TYPE_FUNCTION, type, param_decl(state)); + next = &ftype->right; + while(peek(state) == TOK_COMMA) { + eat(state, TOK_COMMA); + if (peek(state) == TOK_DOTS) { + eat(state, TOK_DOTS); + error(state, 0, "variadic functions not supported"); + } + else { + *next = new_type(TYPE_PRODUCT, *next, param_decl(state)); + next = &((*next)->right); + } + } + return ftype; +} + + +static struct type *type_name(struct compile_state *state) +{ + struct type *type; + type = specifier_qualifier_list(state); + /* abstract-declarator (may consume no tokens) */ + type = declarator(state, type, 0, 0); + return type; +} + +static struct type *direct_declarator( + struct compile_state *state, struct type *type, + struct hash_entry **ident, int need_ident) +{ + struct type *outer; + int op; + outer = 0; + arrays_complete(state, type); + switch(peek(state)) { + case TOK_IDENT: + eat(state, TOK_IDENT); + if (!ident) { + error(state, 0, "Unexpected identifier found"); + } + /* The name of what we are declaring */ + *ident = state->token[0].ident; + break; + case TOK_LPAREN: + eat(state, TOK_LPAREN); + outer = declarator(state, type, ident, need_ident); + eat(state, TOK_RPAREN); + break; + default: + if (need_ident) { + error(state, 0, "Identifier expected"); + } + break; + } + do { + op = 1; + arrays_complete(state, type); + switch(peek(state)) { + case TOK_LPAREN: + eat(state, TOK_LPAREN); + type = param_type_list(state, type); + eat(state, TOK_RPAREN); + break; + case TOK_LBRACKET: + { + unsigned int qualifiers; + struct triple *value; + value = 0; + eat(state, TOK_LBRACKET); + if (peek(state) != TOK_RBRACKET) { + value = constant_expr(state); + integral(state, value); + } + eat(state, TOK_RBRACKET); + + qualifiers = type->type & (QUAL_MASK | STOR_MASK); + type = new_type(TYPE_ARRAY | qualifiers, type, 0); + if (value) { + type->elements = value->u.cval; + free_triple(state, value); + } else { + type->elements = ELEMENT_COUNT_UNSPECIFIED; + op = 0; + } + } + break; + default: + op = 0; + break; + } + } while(op); + if (outer) { + struct type *inner; + arrays_complete(state, type); + FINISHME(); + for(inner = outer; inner->left; inner = inner->left) + ; + inner->left = type; + type = outer; + } + return type; +} + +static struct type *declarator( + struct compile_state *state, struct type *type, + struct hash_entry **ident, int need_ident) +{ + while(peek(state) == TOK_STAR) { + eat(state, TOK_STAR); + type = new_type(TYPE_POINTER | (type->type & STOR_MASK), type, 0); + } + type = direct_declarator(state, type, ident, need_ident); + return type; +} + + +static struct type *typedef_name( + struct compile_state *state, unsigned int specifiers) +{ + struct hash_entry *ident; + struct type *type; + eat(state, TOK_TYPE_NAME); + ident = state->token[0].ident; + type = ident->sym_ident->type; + specifiers |= type->type & QUAL_MASK; + if ((specifiers & (STOR_MASK | QUAL_MASK)) != + (type->type & (STOR_MASK | QUAL_MASK))) { + type = clone_type(specifiers, type); + } + FINISHME(); + return type; +} + +static struct type *enum_specifier( + struct compile_state *state, unsigned int specifiers) +{ + int tok; + struct type *type; + type = 0; + FINISHME(); + eat(state, TOK_ENUM); + tok = peek(state); + if (tok == TOK_IDENT) { + eat(state, TOK_IDENT); + } + if ((tok != TOK_IDENT) || (peek(state) == TOK_LBRACE)) { + eat(state, TOK_LBRACE); + do { + eat(state, TOK_IDENT); + if (peek(state) == TOK_EQ) { + eat(state, TOK_EQ); + constant_expr(state); + } + if (peek(state) == TOK_COMMA) { + eat(state, TOK_COMMA); + } + } while(peek(state) != TOK_RBRACE); + eat(state, TOK_RBRACE); + } + FINISHME(); + return type; +} + +#if 0 +static struct type *struct_declarator( + struct compile_state *state, struct type *type, struct hash_entry **ident) +{ + int tok; +#warning "struct_declarator is complicated because of bitfields, kill them?" + tok = peek(state); + if (tok != TOK_COLON) { + type = declarator(state, type, ident, 1); + } + if ((tok == TOK_COLON) || (peek(state) == TOK_COLON)) { + eat(state, TOK_COLON); + constant_expr(state); + } + FINISHME(); + return type; +} +#endif + +static struct type *struct_or_union_specifier( + struct compile_state *state, unsigned int specifiers) +{ + struct type *type; + int tok; + FINISHME(); + type = 0; + switch(peek(state)) { + case TOK_STRUCT: + eat(state, TOK_STRUCT); + break; + case TOK_UNION: + eat(state, TOK_UNION); + break; + default: + eat(state, TOK_STRUCT); + break; + } + tok = peek(state); + if (tok == TOK_IDENT) { + eat(state, TOK_IDENT); + FINISHME(); + } + if ((tok != TOK_IDENT) || (peek(state) == TOK_LBRACE)) { + eat(state, TOK_LBRACE); + do { + struct type *base_type; + int done; + FINISHME(); + base_type = specifier_qualifier_list(state); + do { + struct type *type; + struct hash_entry *ident; + done = 1; + type = declarator(state, base_type, &ident, 1); + if (peek(state) == TOK_COMMA) { + done = 0; + eat(state, TOK_COMMA); + } + } while(!done); + eat(state, TOK_SEMI); + } while(peek(state) != TOK_RBRACE); + eat(state, TOK_RBRACE); + } + FINISHME(); + return type; +} + +static unsigned int storage_class_specifier_opt(struct compile_state *state) +{ + unsigned int specifiers; + switch(peek(state)) { + case TOK_AUTO: + eat(state, TOK_AUTO); + specifiers = STOR_AUTO; + break; + case TOK_REGISTER: + eat(state, TOK_REGISTER); + specifiers = STOR_REGISTER; + break; + case TOK_STATIC: + eat(state, TOK_STATIC); + specifiers = STOR_STATIC; + break; + case TOK_EXTERN: + eat(state, TOK_EXTERN); + specifiers = STOR_EXTERN; + break; + case TOK_TYPEDEF: + eat(state, TOK_TYPEDEF); + specifiers = STOR_TYPEDEF; + break; + default: + if (state->scope_depth <= GLOBAL_SCOPE_DEPTH) { + specifiers = STOR_STATIC; + } + else { + specifiers = STOR_AUTO; + } + } + return specifiers; +} + +static unsigned int function_specifier_opt(struct compile_state *state) +{ + /* Ignore the inline keyword */ + unsigned int specifiers; + specifiers = 0; + switch(peek(state)) { + case TOK_INLINE: + eat(state, TOK_INLINE); + specifiers = STOR_INLINE; + } + return specifiers; +} + +static unsigned int type_qualifiers(struct compile_state *state) +{ + unsigned int specifiers; + int done; + done = 0; + specifiers = QUAL_NONE; + do { + switch(peek(state)) { + case TOK_CONST: + eat(state, TOK_CONST); + specifiers = QUAL_CONST; + break; + case TOK_VOLATILE: + eat(state, TOK_VOLATILE); + specifiers = QUAL_VOLATILE; + break; + case TOK_RESTRICT: + eat(state, TOK_RESTRICT); + specifiers = QUAL_RESTRICT; + break; + default: + done = 1; + break; + } + } while(!done); + return specifiers; +} + +static struct type *type_specifier( + struct compile_state *state, unsigned int spec) +{ + struct type *type; + type = 0; + switch(peek(state)) { + case TOK_VOID: + eat(state, TOK_VOID); + type = new_type(TYPE_VOID | spec, 0, 0); + break; + case TOK_CHAR: + eat(state, TOK_CHAR); + type = new_type(TYPE_CHAR | spec, 0, 0); + break; + case TOK_SHORT: + eat(state, TOK_SHORT); + if (peek(state) == TOK_INT) { + eat(state, TOK_INT); + } + type = new_type(TYPE_SHORT | spec, 0, 0); + break; + case TOK_INT: + eat(state, TOK_INT); + type = new_type(TYPE_INT | spec, 0, 0); + break; + case TOK_LONG: + eat(state, TOK_LONG); + switch(peek(state)) { + case TOK_LONG: + eat(state, TOK_LONG); + error(state, 0, "long long not supported"); + break; + case TOK_DOUBLE: + eat(state, TOK_DOUBLE); + error(state, 0, "long double not supported"); + break; + case TOK_INT: + eat(state, TOK_INT); + type = new_type(TYPE_LONG | spec, 0, 0); + break; + default: + type = new_type(TYPE_LONG | spec, 0, 0); + break; + } + break; + case TOK_FLOAT: + eat(state, TOK_FLOAT); + error(state, 0, "type float not supported"); + break; + case TOK_DOUBLE: + eat(state, TOK_DOUBLE); + error(state, 0, "type double not supported"); + break; + case TOK_SIGNED: + eat(state, TOK_SIGNED); + switch(peek(state)) { + case TOK_LONG: + eat(state, TOK_LONG); + switch(peek(state)) { + case TOK_LONG: + eat(state, TOK_LONG); + error(state, 0, "type long long not supported"); + break; + case TOK_INT: + eat(state, TOK_INT); + type = new_type(TYPE_LONG | spec, 0, 0); + break; + default: + type = new_type(TYPE_LONG | spec, 0, 0); + break; + } + break; + case TOK_INT: + eat(state, TOK_INT); + type = new_type(TYPE_INT | spec, 0, 0); + break; + case TOK_SHORT: + eat(state, TOK_SHORT); + type = new_type(TYPE_SHORT | spec, 0, 0); + break; + case TOK_CHAR: + eat(state, TOK_CHAR); + type = new_type(TYPE_CHAR | spec, 0, 0); + break; + default: + type = new_type(TYPE_INT | spec, 0, 0); + break; + } + break; + case TOK_UNSIGNED: + eat(state, TOK_UNSIGNED); + switch(peek(state)) { + case TOK_LONG: + eat(state, TOK_LONG); + switch(peek(state)) { + case TOK_LONG: + eat(state, TOK_LONG); + error(state, 0, "unsigned long long not supported"); + break; + case TOK_INT: + eat(state, TOK_INT); + type = new_type(TYPE_ULONG | spec, 0, 0); + break; + default: + type = new_type(TYPE_ULONG | spec, 0, 0); + break; + } + break; + case TOK_INT: + eat(state, TOK_INT); + type = new_type(TYPE_UINT | spec, 0, 0); + break; + case TOK_SHORT: + eat(state, TOK_SHORT); + type = new_type(TYPE_USHORT | spec, 0, 0); + break; + case TOK_CHAR: + eat(state, TOK_CHAR); + type = new_type(TYPE_UCHAR | spec, 0, 0); + break; + default: + type = new_type(TYPE_UINT | spec, 0, 0); + break; + } + break; + /* struct or union specifier */ + case TOK_STRUCT: + case TOK_UNION: + type = struct_or_union_specifier(state, spec); + break; + /* enum-spefifier */ + case TOK_ENUM: + type = enum_specifier(state, spec); + break; + /* typedef name */ + case TOK_TYPE_NAME: + type = typedef_name(state, spec); + break; + default: + error(state, 0, "bad type specifier %s", + tokens[peek(state)]); + break; + } + return type; +} + +static int istype(int tok) +{ + switch(tok) { + case TOK_CONST: + case TOK_RESTRICT: + case TOK_VOLATILE: + case TOK_VOID: + case TOK_CHAR: + case TOK_SHORT: + case TOK_INT: + case TOK_LONG: + case TOK_FLOAT: + case TOK_DOUBLE: + case TOK_SIGNED: + case TOK_UNSIGNED: + case TOK_STRUCT: + case TOK_UNION: + case TOK_ENUM: + case TOK_TYPE_NAME: + return 1; + default: + return 0; + } +} + + +static struct type *specifier_qualifier_list(struct compile_state *state) +{ + struct type *type; + unsigned int specifiers = 0; + + /* type qualifiers */ + specifiers |= type_qualifiers(state); + + /* type specifier */ + type = type_specifier(state, specifiers); + + return type; +} + +static int isdecl_specifier(int tok) +{ + switch(tok) { + /* storage class specifier */ + case TOK_AUTO: + case TOK_REGISTER: + case TOK_STATIC: + case TOK_EXTERN: + case TOK_TYPEDEF: + /* type qualifier */ + case TOK_CONST: + case TOK_RESTRICT: + case TOK_VOLATILE: + /* type specifiers */ + case TOK_VOID: + case TOK_CHAR: + case TOK_SHORT: + case TOK_INT: + case TOK_LONG: + case TOK_FLOAT: + case TOK_DOUBLE: + case TOK_SIGNED: + case TOK_UNSIGNED: + /* struct or union specifier */ + case TOK_STRUCT: + case TOK_UNION: + /* enum-spefifier */ + case TOK_ENUM: + /* typedef name */ + case TOK_TYPE_NAME: + /* function specifiers */ + case TOK_INLINE: + return 1; + default: + return 0; + } +} + +static struct type *decl_specifiers(struct compile_state *state) +{ + struct type *type; + unsigned int specifiers; + /* I am overly restrictive in the arragement of specifiers supported. + * C is overly flexible in this department it makes interpreting + * the parse tree difficult. + */ + specifiers = 0; + + /* storage class specifier */ + specifiers |= storage_class_specifier_opt(state); + + /* function-specifier */ + specifiers |= function_specifier_opt(state); + + /* type qualifier */ + specifiers |= type_qualifiers(state); + + /* type specifier */ + type = type_specifier(state, specifiers); + return type; +} + +static unsigned designator(struct compile_state *state) +{ + int tok; + unsigned index; + index = -1U; + do { + switch(peek(state)) { + case TOK_LBRACKET: + { + struct triple *value; + eat(state, TOK_LBRACKET); + value = constant_expr(state); + eat(state, TOK_RBRACKET); + index = value->u.cval; + break; + } + case TOK_DOT: + eat(state, TOK_DOT); + eat(state, TOK_IDENT); + error(state, 0, "Struct Designators not currently supported"); + break; + default: + error(state, 0, "Invalid designator"); + } + tok = peek(state); + } while((tok == TOK_LBRACKET) || (tok == TOK_DOT)); + eat(state, TOK_EQ); + return index; +} + +static struct triple *initializer( + struct compile_state *state, struct type *type) +{ + struct triple *result; + if (peek(state) != TOK_LBRACE) { + result = assignment_expr(state); + } + else { + int comma; + unsigned index, max_index; + void *buf; + max_index = index = 0; + if ((type->type & TYPE_MASK) == TYPE_ARRAY) { + max_index = type->elements; + if (type->elements == ELEMENT_COUNT_UNSPECIFIED) { + type->elements = 0; + } + } else { + error(state, 0, "Struct initializers not currently supported"); + } + buf = xcmalloc(size_of(state, type), "initializer"); + eat(state, TOK_LBRACE); + do { + struct triple *value; + struct type *value_type; + size_t value_size; + int tok; + comma = 0; + tok = peek(state); + if ((tok == TOK_LBRACKET) || (tok == TOK_DOT)) { + index = designator(state); + } + if ((max_index != ELEMENT_COUNT_UNSPECIFIED) && + (index > max_index)) { + error(state, 0, "element beyond bounds"); + } + value_type = 0; + if ((type->type & TYPE_MASK) == TYPE_ARRAY) { + value_type = type->left; + } + value = eval_const_expr(state, initializer(state, value_type)); + value_size = size_of(state, value_type); + if (((type->type & TYPE_MASK) == TYPE_ARRAY) && + (max_index == ELEMENT_COUNT_UNSPECIFIED) && + (type->elements <= index)) { + void *old_buf; + size_t old_size; + old_buf = buf; + old_size = size_of(state, type); + type->elements = index + 1; + buf = xmalloc(size_of(state, type), "initializer"); + memcpy(buf, old_buf, old_size); + xfree(old_buf); + } + if (value->op == OP_BLOBCONST) { + memcpy((char *)buf + index * value_size, value->u.blob, value_size); + } + else if ((value->op == OP_INTCONST) && (value_size == 1)) { + *(((uint8_t *)buf) + index) = value->u.cval & 0xff; + } + else if ((value->op == OP_INTCONST) && (value_size == 2)) { + *(((uint16_t *)buf) + index) = value->u.cval & 0xffff; + } + else if ((value->op == OP_INTCONST) && (value_size == 4)) { + *(((uint32_t *)buf) + index) = value->u.cval & 0xffffffff; + } + else { + fprintf(stderr, "%d %d\n", + value->op, value_size); + internal_error(state, 0, "unhandled constant initializer"); + } + if (peek(state) == TOK_COMMA) { + eat(state, TOK_COMMA); + comma = 1; + } + index += 1; + } while(comma && (peek(state) != TOK_RBRACE)); + eat(state, TOK_RBRACE); + result = triple(state, OP_BLOBCONST, type, 0, 0); + result->u.blob = buf; + } + return result; +} + +static struct triple *function_definition( + struct compile_state *state, struct type *type) +{ + struct triple *def, *tmp, *first, *end; + struct hash_entry *ident; + struct type *param; + int i; + if ((type->type &TYPE_MASK) != TYPE_FUNCTION) { + error(state, 0, "Invalid function header"); + } + + /* Verify the function type */ + if (((type->right->type & TYPE_MASK) != TYPE_VOID) && + ((type->right->type & TYPE_MASK) != TYPE_PRODUCT) && + (type->right->ident == 0)) { + error(state, 0, "Invalid function parameters"); + } + param = type->right; + i = 0; + while((param->type & TYPE_MASK) == TYPE_PRODUCT) { + i++; + if (!param->left->ident) { + error(state, 0, "No identifier for parameter %d\n", i); + } + param = param->right; + } + i++; + if (((param->type & TYPE_MASK) != TYPE_VOID) && !param->ident) { + error(state, 0, "No identifier for paramter %d\n", i); + } + + /* Get a list of statements for this function. */ + def = triple(state, OP_LIST, type, 0, 0); + + /* Start a new scope for the passed parameters */ + start_scope(state); + + /* Put a label at the very start of a function */ + first = label(state); + def->left = first; + + /* Put a label at the very end of a function */ + end = label(state); + flatten(state, first, end); + + /* Walk through the parameters and create symbol table entries + * for them. + */ + param = type->right; + while((param->type & TYPE_MASK) == TYPE_PRODUCT) { + ident = param->left->ident; + tmp = variable(state, param->left); + symbol(state, ident, &ident->sym_ident, tmp, tmp->type); + flatten(state, end, tmp); + param = param->right; + } + if ((param->type & TYPE_MASK) != TYPE_VOID) { + /* And don't forget the last parameter */ + ident = param->ident; + tmp = variable(state, param); + symbol(state, ident, &ident->sym_ident, tmp, tmp->type); + flatten(state, end, tmp); + } + /* Add a variable for the return value */ + def->right = 0; + if ((type->left->type & TYPE_MASK) != TYPE_VOID) { + /* Remove all type qualifiers from the return type */ + tmp = variable(state, clone_type(0, type->left)); + flatten(state, end, tmp); + /* Remember where the return value is */ + def->right = tmp; + } + + /* Remember which function I am compiling. + * Also assume the last defined function is the main function. + */ + state->main_function = def; + + /* Now get the actual function definition */ + compound_statement(state, end); + + /* Remove the parameter scope */ + end_scope(state); +#if 0 + fprintf(stdout, "\n"); + loc(stdout, state, 0); + fprintf(stdout, "\n__________ function_definition _________\n"); + print_triple(state, def); + fprintf(stdout, "__________ function_definition _________ done\n\n"); +#endif + + return def; +} + +static struct triple *do_decl(struct compile_state *state, + struct type *type, struct hash_entry *ident) +{ + struct triple *def; + def = 0; + /* Clean up the storage types used */ + switch (type->type & STOR_MASK) { + case STOR_AUTO: + case STOR_STATIC: + /* These are the good types I am aiming for */ + break; + case STOR_REGISTER: + type->type &= ~STOR_MASK; + type->type |= STOR_AUTO; + break; + case STOR_EXTERN: + type->type &= ~STOR_MASK; + type->type |= STOR_STATIC; + break; + case STOR_TYPEDEF: +#warning "FIXME support typedefs" + error(state, 0, "typedefs not currently supported"); + break; + default: + internal_error(state, 0, "Undefined storage class"); + } + if (((type->type & STOR_MASK) == STOR_STATIC) && + ((type->type & QUAL_CONST) == 0)) { + error(state, 0, "non const static variables not supported"); + } + if (ident) { + def = variable(state, type); + symbol(state, ident, &ident->sym_ident, def, type); + } + return def; +} + +static void decl(struct compile_state *state, struct triple *first) +{ + struct type *base_type, *type; + struct hash_entry *ident; + struct triple *def; + int global; + global = (state->scope_depth <= GLOBAL_SCOPE_DEPTH); + base_type = decl_specifiers(state); + ident = 0; + type = declarator(state, base_type, &ident, 0); + if (global && ident && (peek(state) == TOK_LBRACE)) { + /* function */ + def = function_definition(state, type); + symbol(state, ident, &ident->sym_ident, def, type); + } + else { + int done; + flatten(state, first, do_decl(state, type, ident)); + /* type or variable definition */ + do { + done = 1; + if (peek(state) == TOK_EQ) { + if (!ident) { + error(state, 0, "cannot assign to a type"); + } + eat(state, TOK_EQ); + flatten(state, first, + init_expr(state, + ident->sym_ident->def, + initializer(state, type))); + } + arrays_complete(state, type); + if (peek(state) == TOK_COMMA) { + eat(state, TOK_COMMA); + ident = 0; + type = declarator(state, base_type, &ident, 0); + flatten(state, first, do_decl(state, type, ident)); + done = 0; + } + } while(!done); + eat(state, TOK_SEMI); + } +} + +static void decls(struct compile_state *state) +{ + struct triple *list; + int tok; + list = label(state); + while(1) { + tok = peek(state); + if (tok == TOK_EOF) { + return; + } + if (tok == TOK_SPACE) { + eat(state, TOK_SPACE); + } + decl(state, list); + if (list->next != list) { + error(state, 0, "global variables not supported"); + } + } +} + +/* + * Data structurs for optimation. + */ + +static void do_use_block( + struct block *used, struct block_set **head, struct block *user, + int front) +{ + struct block_set **ptr, *new; + if (!used) + return; + if (!user) + return; + ptr = head; + while(*ptr) { + if ((*ptr)->member == user) { + return; + } + ptr = &(*ptr)->next; + } + new = xcmalloc(sizeof(*new), "block_set"); + new->member = user; + if (front) { + new->next = *head; + *head = new; + } + else { + new->next = 0; + *ptr = new; + } +} +static void do_unuse_block( + struct block *used, struct block_set **head, struct block *unuser) +{ + struct block_set *use, **ptr; + ptr = head; + while(*ptr) { + use = *ptr; + if (use->member == unuser) { + *ptr = use->next; + memset(use, -1, sizeof(*use)); + xfree(use); + } + else { + ptr = &use->next; + } + } +} + +static void use_block(struct block *used, struct block *user) +{ + /* Append new to the head of the list, print_block + * depends on this. + */ + do_use_block(used, &used->use, user, 1); + used->users++; +} +static void unuse_block(struct block *used, struct block *unuser) +{ + do_unuse_block(used, &used->use, unuser); + used->users--; +} + +static void idom_block(struct block *idom, struct block *user) +{ + do_use_block(idom, &idom->idominates, user, 0); +} + +static void unidom_block(struct block *idom, struct block *unuser) +{ + do_unuse_block(idom, &idom->idominates, unuser); +} + +static void domf_block(struct block *block, struct block *domf) +{ + do_use_block(block, &block->domfrontier, domf, 0); +} + +static void undomf_block(struct block *block, struct block *undomf) +{ + do_unuse_block(block, &block->domfrontier, undomf); +} + +static void ipdom_block(struct block *ipdom, struct block *user) +{ + do_use_block(ipdom, &ipdom->ipdominates, user, 0); +} + +static void unipdom_block(struct block *ipdom, struct block *unuser) +{ + do_unuse_block(ipdom, &ipdom->ipdominates, unuser); +} + +static void ipdomf_block(struct block *block, struct block *ipdomf) +{ + do_use_block(block, &block->ipdomfrontier, ipdomf, 0); +} + +static void unipdomf_block(struct block *block, struct block *unipdomf) +{ + do_unuse_block(block, &block->ipdomfrontier, unipdomf); +} + + + +static int do_walk_triple(struct compile_state *state, + struct triple *ptr, int depth, + int (*cb)(struct compile_state *state, struct triple *ptr, int depth)) +{ + int result; + result = cb(state, ptr, depth); + if ((result == 0) && (ptr->op == OP_LIST)) { + struct triple *list; + list = ptr; + ptr = list->left; + do { + result = do_walk_triple(state, ptr, depth + 1, cb); + if (ptr->next->prev != ptr) { + internal_error(state, ptr->next, "bad prev"); + } + ptr = ptr->next; + + } while((result == 0) && (ptr != list->left)); + } + return result; +} + +static int walk_triple( + struct compile_state *state, + struct triple *ptr, + int (*cb)(struct compile_state *state, struct triple *ptr, int depth)) +{ + return do_walk_triple(state, ptr, 0, cb); +} + +static void do_print_prefix(int depth) +{ + int i; + for(i = 0; i < depth; i++) { + printf(" "); + } +} + +#define PRINT_LIST 1 +static int do_print_triple(struct compile_state *state, struct triple *ins, int depth) +{ + int op; + op = ins->op; + if (op == OP_LIST) { +#if !PRINT_LIST + return 0; +#endif + } + else if ((op == OP_LABEL) && (ins->use)) { + printf("\n%p:\n", ins); + } + else if (op == OP_INTCONST) { + do_print_prefix(depth); + printf("(%p) %-7s %08lx @ %s:%d.%d\n", + ins, tops(ins->op), ins->u.cval, + ins->filename, ins->line, ins->col); + return 0; + } + else if (op == OP_SDECL) { + do_print_prefix(depth); + printf("(%p) %-7s %-10p @ %s:%d.%d\n", + ins, tops(ins->op), ins->left, + ins->filename, ins->line, ins->col); + do_print_triple(state, ins->left, depth + 1); + } + do_print_prefix(depth); + printf("%s(%p) %-7s %-10p %-10p @ %s:%d.%d\n", + (op == OP_LIST)? "list: ": "", + ins, tops(ins->op), ins->left, ins->right, + ins->filename, ins->line, ins->col); + if ((ins->op == OP_BRANCH) && ins->use) { + internal_error(state, ins, "branch used?"); + } +#if 0 + { + struct triple_set *user; + for(user = ins->use; user; user = user->next) { + printf("use: %p\n", user->member); + } + } +#endif + if (triple_is_branch(ins)) { + printf("\n"); + } + return 0; +} + +static void print_triple(struct compile_state *state, struct triple *ins) +{ + walk_triple(state, ins, do_print_triple); +} + +static void print_triples(struct compile_state *state) +{ + print_triple(state, state->main_function); +} + +struct cf_block { + struct block *block; +}; +static void find_cf_blocks(struct cf_block *cf, struct block *block) +{ + if (!block || (cf[block->vertex].block == block)) { + return; + } + cf[block->vertex].block = block; + find_cf_blocks(cf, block->left); + find_cf_blocks(cf, block->right); +} + +static void print_control_flow(struct compile_state *state) +{ + struct cf_block *cf; + int i; + printf("\ncontrol flow\n"); + cf = xcmalloc(sizeof(*cf) * (state->last_vertex + 1), "cf_block"); + find_cf_blocks(cf, state->first_block); + + for(i = 1; i <= state->last_vertex; i++) { + struct block *block; + block = cf[i].block; + if (!block) + continue; + printf("(%p) %d:", block, block->vertex); + if (block->left) { + printf(" %d", block->left->vertex); + } + if (block->right && (block->right != block->left)) { + printf(" %d", block->right->vertex); + } + printf("\n"); + } + + xfree(cf); +} + + +static struct block *basic_block(struct compile_state *state, + struct triple *first) +{ + struct block *block; + struct triple *ptr; + int op; + if (first->op != OP_LABEL) { + internal_error(state, 0, "block does not start with a label"); + } + /* See if this basic block has already been setup */ + if (first->u.block != 0) { + return first->u.block; + } + /* Allocate another basic block structure */ + state->last_vertex += 1; + block = xcmalloc(sizeof(*block), "block"); + block->first = block->last = first; + block->vertex = state->last_vertex; + ptr = first; + do { + if ((ptr != first) && (ptr->op == OP_LABEL) && ptr->use) { + break; + } + block->last = ptr; + /* If ptr->u is not used remember where the baic block is */ + if (!is_const(ptr)) { + ptr->u.block = block; + } + if (ptr->op == OP_BRANCH) { + break; + } + ptr = ptr->next; + } while (ptr != state->main_function->left); + if (ptr == state->main_function->left) + return block; + op = ptr->op; + if (op == OP_LABEL) { + block->left = basic_block(state, ptr); + block->right = 0; + use_block(block->left, block); + } + else if (op == OP_BRANCH) { + block->left = 0; + /* Trace the branch target */ + block->right = basic_block(state, ptr->left); + use_block(block->right, block); + /* If there is a test trace the branch as well */ + if (ptr->right) { + block->left = basic_block(state, ptr->next); + use_block(block->left, block); + } + } + else { + internal_error(state, 0, "Bad basic block split"); + } + return block; +} + + +static void walk_blocks(struct compile_state *state, + void (*cb)(struct compile_state *state, struct block *block, void *arg), + void *arg) +{ + struct triple *ptr, *first; + struct block *last_block; + last_block = 0; + first = state->main_function->left; + ptr = first; + do { + struct block *block; + if (ptr->op == OP_LABEL) { + block = ptr->u.block; + if (block && (block != last_block)) { + cb(state, block, arg); + } + last_block = block; + } + ptr = ptr->next; + } while(ptr != first); +} + +static void print_block( + struct compile_state *state, struct block *block, void *arg) +{ + struct triple *ptr; + + printf("\nblock: %p (%d), %p<-%p %p<-%p\n", + block, + block->vertex, + block->left, + block->left && block->left->use?block->left->use->member : 0, + block->right, + block->right && block->right->use?block->right->use->member : 0); + if (block->first->op == OP_LABEL) { + printf("%p:\n", block->first); + } + for(ptr = block->first; ; ptr = ptr->next) { + struct triple_set *user; + int op = ptr->op; + + if (!IS_CONST_OP(op)) { + if (ptr->u.block != block) { + internal_error(state, ptr, + "Wrong block pointer: %p\n", + ptr->u.block); + } + } + if (op == OP_ADECL) { + for(user = ptr->use; user; user = user->next) { + if (!user->member->u.block) { + internal_error(state, user->member, + "Use %p not in a block?\n", + user->member); + } + } + } + if (op == OP_INTCONST) { + printf("(%p) %3d %-7s %08lx @ %s:%d.%d\n", + ptr, ID_REG(ptr->id), tops(ptr->op), + ptr->u.cval, + ptr->filename, ptr->line, ptr->col); + } + else if (op == OP_PHI) { + struct triple **slot; + struct block *block; + int edge; + block = ptr->u.block; + slot = (struct triple **)(ptr->left); + printf("(%p) %3d %-7s", + ptr, ID_REG(ptr->id), tops(ptr->op)); + for(edge = 0; edge < block->users; edge++) { + printf(" %-10p", slot[edge]); + } + printf(" @%s:%d.%d\n", + ptr->filename, ptr->line, ptr->col); + } + else { + printf("(%p) %3d %-7s %-10p %-10p @ %s:%d.%d\n", + ptr, ID_REG(ptr->id), tops(ptr->op), + ptr->left, ptr->right, + ptr->filename, ptr->line, ptr->col); + } + /* Sanity checks... */ + valid_op(state, ptr); + for(user = ptr->use; user; user = user->next) { + struct triple *use; + use = user->member; + valid_op(state, use); + if (!IS_CONST_OP(user->member->op) && + !user->member->u.block) { + internal_error(state, user->member, + "Use %p not in a block?", + user->member); + } + } + + if (ptr == block->last) + break; + } + printf("\n"); +} + + +static void print_blocks(struct compile_state *state) +{ + printf("--------------- blocks ---------------\n"); + walk_blocks(state, print_block, 0); +} + +static void prune_nonblock_triples(struct compile_state *state) +{ + struct block *block; + struct triple *first, *ins; + /* Delete the triples not in a basic block */ + first = state->main_function->left; + block = 0; + ins = first; + do { + if (ins->op == OP_LABEL) { + block = ins->u.block; + } + ins = ins->next; + if (!block) { + release_triple(state, ins->prev); + } + } while(ins != first); +} + +static void setup_basic_blocks(struct compile_state *state) +{ + /* Find the basic blocks */ + state->last_vertex = 0; + state->first_block = basic_block(state, state->main_function->left); + /* Delete the triples not in a basic block */ + prune_nonblock_triples(state); + /* Find the last basic block */ + state->last_block = state->main_function->left->prev->u.block; + if (!state->last_block) { + internal_error(state, 0, "end not used?"); + } + /* Insert an extra unused edge from start to the end + * This helps with reverse control flow calculations. + */ + use_block(state->first_block, state->last_block); + /* If we are debugging print what I have just done */ + if (state->debug & DEBUG_BASIC_BLOCKS) { + print_blocks(state); + print_control_flow(state); + } +} + +static void free_basic_block(struct compile_state *state, struct block *block) +{ + struct block_set *entry, *next; + struct block *child; + if (!block) { + return; + } + if (block->vertex == -1) { + return; + } + block->vertex = -1; + if (block->left) { + unuse_block(block->left, block); + } + if (block->right) { + unuse_block(block->right, block); + } + if (block->idom) { + unidom_block(block->idom, block); + } + block->idom = 0; + if (block->ipdom) { + unipdom_block(block->ipdom, block); + } + block->ipdom = 0; + for(entry = block->use; entry; entry = next) { + next = entry->next; + child = entry->member; + unuse_block(block, child); + if (child->left == block) { + child->left = 0; + } + if (child->right == block) { + child->right = 0; + } + } + for(entry = block->idominates; entry; entry = next) { + next = entry->next; + child = entry->member; + unidom_block(block, child); + child->idom = 0; + } + for(entry = block->domfrontier; entry; entry = next) { + next = entry->next; + child = entry->member; + undomf_block(block, child); + } + for(entry = block->ipdominates; entry; entry = next) { + next = entry->next; + child = entry->member; + unipdom_block(block, child); + child->ipdom = 0; + } + for(entry = block->ipdomfrontier; entry; entry = next) { + next = entry->next; + child = entry->member; + unipdomf_block(block, child); + } + if (block->users != 0) { + internal_error(state, 0, "block still has users"); + } + free_basic_block(state, block->left); + block->left = 0; + free_basic_block(state, block->right); + block->right = 0; + memset(block, -1, sizeof(*block)); + xfree(block); +} + +static void free_basic_blocks(struct compile_state *state) +{ + struct triple *first, *ins; + free_basic_block(state, state->first_block); + state->last_vertex = 0; + state->first_block = state->last_block = 0; + first = state->main_function->left; + ins = first; + do { + if (!is_const(ins)) { + ins->u.block = 0; + } + ins = ins->next; + } while(ins != first); + +} + +struct sdom_block { + struct block *block; + struct sdom_block *sdominates; + struct sdom_block *sdom_next; + struct sdom_block *sdom; + struct sdom_block *label; + struct sdom_block *parent; + struct sdom_block *ancestor; + int vertex; +}; + + +static void unsdom_block(struct sdom_block *block) +{ + struct sdom_block **ptr; + if (!block->sdom_next) { + return; + } + ptr = &block->sdom->sdominates; + while(*ptr) { + if ((*ptr) == block) { + *ptr = block->sdom_next; + return; + } + ptr = &(*ptr)->sdom_next; + } +} + +static void sdom_block(struct sdom_block *sdom, struct sdom_block *block) +{ + unsdom_block(block); + block->sdom = sdom; + block->sdom_next = sdom->sdominates; + sdom->sdominates = block; +} + + + +static int initialize_sdblock(struct sdom_block *sd, + struct block *parent, struct block *block, int vertex) +{ + if (!block || (sd[block->vertex].block == block)) { + return vertex; + } + vertex += 1; + /* Renumber the blocks in a convinient fashion */ + block->vertex = vertex; + sd[vertex].block = block; + sd[vertex].sdom = &sd[vertex]; + sd[vertex].label = &sd[vertex]; + sd[vertex].parent = parent? &sd[parent->vertex] : 0; + sd[vertex].ancestor = 0; + sd[vertex].vertex = vertex; + vertex = initialize_sdblock(sd, block, block->left, vertex); + vertex = initialize_sdblock(sd, block, block->right, vertex); + return vertex; +} + +static int initialize_sdpblock(struct sdom_block *sd, + struct block *parent, struct block *block, int vertex) +{ + struct block_set *user; + if (!block || (sd[block->vertex].block == block)) { + return vertex; + } + vertex += 1; + /* Renumber the blocks in a convinient fashion */ + block->vertex = vertex; + sd[vertex].block = block; + sd[vertex].sdom = &sd[vertex]; + sd[vertex].label = &sd[vertex]; + sd[vertex].parent = parent? &sd[parent->vertex] : 0; + sd[vertex].ancestor = 0; + sd[vertex].vertex = vertex; + for(user = block->use; user; user = user->next) { + vertex = initialize_sdpblock(sd, block, user->member, vertex); + } + return vertex; +} + +static void compress_ancestors(struct sdom_block *v) +{ + /* This procedure assumes ancestor(v) != 0 */ + /* if (ancestor(ancestor(v)) != 0) { + * compress(ancestor(ancestor(v))); + * if (semi(label(ancestor(v))) < semi(label(v))) { + * label(v) = label(ancestor(v)); + * } + * ancestor(v) = ancestor(ancestor(v)); + * } + */ + if (!v->ancestor) { + return; + } + if (v->ancestor->ancestor) { + compress_ancestors(v->ancestor->ancestor); + if (v->ancestor->label->sdom->vertex < v->label->sdom->vertex) { + v->label = v->ancestor->label; + } + v->ancestor = v->ancestor->ancestor; + } +} + +static void compute_sdom(struct compile_state *state, struct sdom_block *sd) +{ + int i; + /* // step 2 + * for each v <= pred(w) { + * u = EVAL(v); + * if (semi[u] < semi[w] { + * semi[w] = semi[u]; + * } + * } + * add w to bucket(vertex(semi[w])); + * LINK(parent(w), w); + * + * // step 3 + * for each v <= bucket(parent(w)) { + * delete v from bucket(parent(w)); + * u = EVAL(v); + * dom(v) = (semi[u] < semi[v]) ? u : parent(w); + * } + */ + for(i = state->last_vertex; i >= 2; i--) { + struct sdom_block *v, *parent, *next; + struct block_set *user; + struct block *block; + block = sd[i].block; + parent = sd[i].parent; + /* Step 2 */ + for(user = block->use; user; user = user->next) { + struct sdom_block *v, *u; + v = &sd[user->member->vertex]; + u = !(v->ancestor)? v : (compress_ancestors(v), v->label); + if (u->sdom->vertex < sd[i].sdom->vertex) { + sd[i].sdom = u->sdom; + } + } + sdom_block(sd[i].sdom, &sd[i]); + sd[i].ancestor = parent; + /* Step 3 */ + for(v = parent->sdominates; v; v = next) { + struct sdom_block *u; + next = v->sdom_next; + unsdom_block(v); + u = (!v->ancestor) ? v : (compress_ancestors(v), v->label); + v->block->idom = (u->sdom->vertex < v->sdom->vertex)? + u->block : parent->block; + } + } +} + +static void compute_spdom(struct compile_state *state, struct sdom_block *sd) +{ + int i; + /* // step 2 + * for each v <= pred(w) { + * u = EVAL(v); + * if (semi[u] < semi[w] { + * semi[w] = semi[u]; + * } + * } + * add w to bucket(vertex(semi[w])); + * LINK(parent(w), w); + * + * // step 3 + * for each v <= bucket(parent(w)) { + * delete v from bucket(parent(w)); + * u = EVAL(v); + * dom(v) = (semi[u] < semi[v]) ? u : parent(w); + * } + */ + for(i = state->last_vertex; i >= 2; i--) { + struct sdom_block *u, *v, *parent, *next; + struct block *block; + block = sd[i].block; + parent = sd[i].parent; + /* Step 2 */ + if (block->left) { + v = &sd[block->left->vertex]; + u = !(v->ancestor)? v : (compress_ancestors(v), v->label); + if (u->sdom->vertex < sd[i].sdom->vertex) { + sd[i].sdom = u->sdom; + } + } + if (block->right && (block->right != block->left)) { + v = &sd[block->right->vertex]; + u = !(v->ancestor)? v : (compress_ancestors(v), v->label); + if (u->sdom->vertex < sd[i].sdom->vertex) { + sd[i].sdom = u->sdom; + } + } + sdom_block(sd[i].sdom, &sd[i]); + sd[i].ancestor = parent; + /* Step 3 */ + for(v = parent->sdominates; v; v = next) { + struct sdom_block *u; + next = v->sdom_next; + unsdom_block(v); + u = (!v->ancestor) ? v : (compress_ancestors(v), v->label); + v->block->ipdom = (u->sdom->vertex < v->sdom->vertex)? + u->block : parent->block; + } + } +} + +static void compute_idom(struct compile_state *state, struct sdom_block *sd) +{ + int i; + for(i = 2; i <= state->last_vertex; i++) { + struct block *block; + block = sd[i].block; + if (block->idom->vertex != sd[i].sdom->vertex) { + block->idom = block->idom->idom; + } + idom_block(block->idom, block); + } + sd[1].block->idom = 0; +} + +static void compute_ipdom(struct compile_state *state, struct sdom_block *sd) +{ + int i; + for(i = 2; i <= state->last_vertex; i++) { + struct block *block; + block = sd[i].block; + if (block->ipdom->vertex != sd[i].sdom->vertex) { + block->ipdom = block->ipdom->ipdom; + } + ipdom_block(block->ipdom, block); + } + sd[1].block->ipdom = 0; +} + + /* Theorem 1: + * Every vertex of a flowgraph G = (V, E, r) except r has + * a unique immediate dominator. + * The edges {(idom(w), w) |w <= V - {r}} form a directed tree + * rooted at r, called the dominator tree of G, such that + * v dominates w if and only if v is a proper ancestor of w in + * the dominator tree. + */ + /* Lemma 1: + * If v and w are vertices of G such that v <= w, + * than any path from v to w must contain a common ancestor + * of v and w in T. + */ + /* Lemma 2: For any vertex w != r, idom(w) -> w */ + /* Lemma 3: For any vertex w != r, sdom(w) -> w */ + /* Lemma 4: For any vertex w != r, idom(w) -> sdom(w) */ + /* Theorem 2: + * Let w != r. Suppose every u for which sdom(w) -> u -> w satisfies + * sdom(u) >= sdom(w). Then idom(w) = sdom(w). + */ + /* Theorem 3: + * Let w != r and let u be a vertex for which sdom(u) is + * minimum amoung vertices u satisfying sdom(w) -> u -> w. + * Then sdom(u) <= sdom(w) and idom(u) = idom(w). + */ + /* Lemma 5: Let vertices v,w satisfy v -> w. + * Then v -> idom(w) or idom(w) -> idom(v) + */ + +static void find_immediate_dominators(struct compile_state *state) +{ + struct sdom_block *sd; + /* w->sdom = min{v| there is a path v = v0,v1,...,vk = w such that: + * vi > w for (1 <= i <= k - 1} + */ + /* Theorem 4: + * For any vertex w != r. + * sdom(w) = min( + * {v|(v,w) <= E and v < w } U + * {sdom(u) | u > w and there is an edge (v, w) such that u -> v}) + */ + /* Corollary 1: + * Let w != r and let u be a vertex for which sdom(u) is + * minimum amoung vertices u satisfying sdom(w) -> u -> w. + * Then: + * { sdom(w) if sdom(w) = sdom(u), + * idom(w) = { + * { idom(u) otherwise + */ + /* The algorithm consists of the following 4 steps. + * Step 1. Carry out a depth-first search of the problem graph. + * Number the vertices from 1 to N as they are reached during + * the search. Initialize the variables used in succeeding steps. + * Step 2. Compute the semidominators of all vertices by applying + * theorem 4. Carry out the computation vertex by vertex in + * decreasing order by number. + * Step 3. Implicitly define the immediate dominator of each vertex + * by applying Corollary 1. + * Step 4. Explicitly define the immediate dominator of each vertex, + * carrying out the computation vertex by vertex in increasing order + * by number. + */ + /* Step 1 initialize the basic block information */ + sd = xcmalloc(sizeof(*sd) * (state->last_vertex + 1), "sdom_state"); + initialize_sdblock(sd, 0, state->first_block, 0); +#if 0 + sd[1].size = 0; + sd[1].label = 0; + sd[1].sdom = 0; +#endif + /* Step 2 compute the semidominators */ + /* Step 3 implicitly define the immediate dominator of each vertex */ + compute_sdom(state, sd); + /* Step 4 explicitly define the immediate dominator of each vertex */ + compute_idom(state, sd); + xfree(sd); +} + +static void find_post_dominators(struct compile_state *state) +{ + struct sdom_block *sd; + /* Step 1 initialize the basic block information */ + sd = xcmalloc(sizeof(*sd) * (state->last_vertex + 1), "sdom_state"); + + initialize_sdpblock(sd, 0, state->last_block, 0); + + /* Step 2 compute the semidominators */ + /* Step 3 implicitly define the immediate dominator of each vertex */ + compute_spdom(state, sd); + /* Step 4 explicitly define the immediate dominator of each vertex */ + compute_ipdom(state, sd); + xfree(sd); +} + + + +static void find_block_domf(struct compile_state *state, struct block *block) +{ + struct block *child; + struct block_set *user; + if (block->domfrontier != 0) { + internal_error(state, block->first, "domfrontier present?"); + } + for(user = block->idominates; user; user = user->next) { + child = user->member; + if (child->idom != block) { + internal_error(state, block->first, "bad idom"); + } + find_block_domf(state, child); + } + if (block->left && block->left->idom != block) { + domf_block(block, block->left); + } + if (block->right && block->right->idom != block) { + domf_block(block, block->right); + } + for(user = block->idominates; user; user = user->next) { + struct block_set *frontier; + child = user->member; + for(frontier = child->domfrontier; frontier; frontier = frontier->next) { + if (frontier->member->idom != block) { + domf_block(block, frontier->member); + } + } + } +} + +static void find_block_ipdomf(struct compile_state *state, struct block *block) +{ + struct block *child; + struct block_set *user; + if (block->ipdomfrontier != 0) { + internal_error(state, block->first, "ipdomfrontier present?"); + } + for(user = block->ipdominates; user; user = user->next) { + child = user->member; + if (child->ipdom != block) { + internal_error(state, block->first, "bad ipdom"); + } + find_block_ipdomf(state, child); + } + if (block->left && block->left->ipdom != block) { + ipdomf_block(block, block->left); + } + if (block->right && block->right->ipdom != block) { + ipdomf_block(block, block->right); + } + for(user = block->idominates; user; user = user->next) { + struct block_set *frontier; + child = user->member; + for(frontier = child->ipdomfrontier; frontier; frontier = frontier->next) { + if (frontier->member->ipdom != block) { + ipdomf_block(block, frontier->member); + } + } + } +} + +static int print_dominated( + struct compile_state *state, struct block *block, int vertex) +{ + struct block_set *user; + + if (!block || (block->vertex != vertex + 1)) { + return vertex; + } + vertex += 1; + + printf("%d:", block->vertex); + for(user = block->idominates; user; user = user->next) { + printf(" %d", user->member->vertex); + if (user->member->idom != block) { + internal_error(state, user->member->first, "bad idom"); + } + } + printf("\n"); + vertex = print_dominated(state, block->left, vertex); + vertex = print_dominated(state, block->right, vertex); + return vertex; +} + +static void print_dominators(struct compile_state *state) +{ + printf("\ndominates\n"); + print_dominated(state, state->first_block, 0); +} + + +static int print_frontiers( + struct compile_state *state, struct block *block, int vertex) +{ + struct block_set *user; + + if (!block || (block->vertex != vertex + 1)) { + return vertex; + } + vertex += 1; + + printf("%d:", block->vertex); + for(user = block->domfrontier; user; user = user->next) { + printf(" %d", user->member->vertex); + } + printf("\n"); + + vertex = print_frontiers(state, block->left, vertex); + vertex = print_frontiers(state, block->right, vertex); + return vertex; +} +static void print_dominance_frontiers(struct compile_state *state) +{ + printf("\ndominance frontiers\n"); + print_frontiers(state, state->first_block, 0); + +} + +static void analyze_idominators(struct compile_state *state) +{ + /* Find the immediate dominators */ + find_immediate_dominators(state); + /* Find the dominance frontiers */ + find_block_domf(state, state->first_block); + /* If debuging print the print what I have just found */ + if (state->debug & DEBUG_FDOMINATORS) { + print_dominators(state); + print_dominance_frontiers(state); + print_control_flow(state); + } +} + + + +static int print_ipdominated( + struct compile_state *state, struct block *block, int vertex) +{ + struct block_set *user; + + if (!block || (block->vertex != vertex + 1)) { + return vertex; + } + vertex += 1; + + printf("%d:", block->vertex); + for(user = block->ipdominates; user; user = user->next) { + printf(" %d", user->member->vertex); + if (user->member->ipdom != block) { + internal_error(state, user->member->first, "bad ipdom"); + } + } + printf("\n"); + for(user = block->use; user; user = user->next) { + vertex = print_ipdominated(state, user->member, vertex); + } + return vertex; +} + +static void print_ipdominators(struct compile_state *state) +{ + printf("\nipdominates\n"); + print_ipdominated(state, state->last_block, 0); +} + +static int print_pfrontiers( + struct compile_state *state, struct block *block, int vertex) +{ + struct block_set *user; + + if (!block || (block->vertex != vertex + 1)) { + return vertex; + } + vertex += 1; + + printf("%d:", block->vertex); + for(user = block->ipdomfrontier; user; user = user->next) { + printf(" %d", user->member->vertex); + } + printf("\n"); + for(user = block->use; user; user = user->next) { + vertex = print_pfrontiers(state, user->member, vertex); + } + return vertex; +} +static void print_ipdominance_frontiers(struct compile_state *state) +{ + printf("\nipdominance frontiers\n"); + print_pfrontiers(state, state->last_block, 0); + +} + +static void analyze_ipdominators(struct compile_state *state) +{ + /* Find the post dominators */ + find_post_dominators(state); + /* Find the control dependencies (post dominance frontiers) */ + find_block_ipdomf(state, state->last_block); + /* If debuging print the print what I have just found */ + if (state->debug & DEBUG_RDOMINATORS) { + print_ipdominators(state); + print_ipdominance_frontiers(state); + print_control_flow(state); + } +} + + +static void insert_phi_operations(struct compile_state *state) +{ + size_t size; + struct triple *first; + int *has_already, *work; + struct block *work_list, **work_list_tail; + int iter; + struct triple *var; + + size = sizeof(int) * (state->last_vertex + 1); + has_already = xcmalloc(size, "has_already"); + work = xcmalloc(size, "work"); + iter = 0; + + first = state->main_function->left; + for(var = first->next; var != first ; var = var->next) { + struct block *block; + struct triple_set *user; + if ((var->op != OP_ADECL) || !var->use) { + continue; + } + iter += 1; + work_list = 0; + work_list_tail = &work_list; + for(user = var->use; user; user = user->next) { + if (user->member->op == OP_READ) { + continue; + } + if (user->member->op != OP_WRITE) { + internal_error(state, user->member, + "bad variable access"); + } + block = user->member->u.block; + if (!block) { + warning(state, user->member, "dead code"); + } + work[block->vertex] = iter; + *work_list_tail = block; + block->work_next = 0; + work_list_tail = &block->work_next; + } + for(block = work_list; block; block = block->work_next) { + struct block_set *df; + for(df = block->domfrontier; df; df = df->next) { + struct triple *phi; + struct block *front; + int in_edges; + front = df->member; + + if (has_already[front->vertex] >= iter) { + continue; + } + /* Count how many edges flow into this block */ + in_edges = front->users; + /* Insert a phi function for this variable */ + phi = xcmalloc(in_edges * sizeof(*phi),"phi"); + phi = triple(state, OP_PHI, var->type, + phi, var); + phi->filename = front->first->filename; + phi->line = front->first->line; + phi->col = front->first->col; + phi->u.block = front; + use_triple(var, phi); + /* Insert the phi functions immediately after the label */ + insert_triple(state, front->first->next, phi); + if (front->first == front->last) { + front->last = front->first->next; + } + has_already[front->vertex] = iter; + + /* If necessary plan to visit the basic block */ + if (work[front->vertex] >= iter) { + continue; + } + work[front->vertex] = iter; + *work_list_tail = front; + front->work_next = 0; + work_list_tail = &front->work_next; + } + } + } + xfree(has_already); + xfree(work); +} + +/* + * C(V) + * S(V) + */ +static void fixup_block_phi_variables( + struct compile_state *state, struct block *parent, struct block *block) +{ + struct block_set *set; + struct triple *ptr; + int edge; + if (!parent || !block) + return; + /* Find the edge I am coming in on */ + edge = 0; + for(set = block->use; set; set = set->next, edge++) { + if (set->member == parent) { + break; + } + } + if (!set) { + internal_error(state, 0, "phi input is not on a control predecessor"); + } + for(ptr = block->first; ; ptr = ptr->next) { + if (ptr->op == OP_PHI) { + struct triple *var, *val, **slot; + var = ptr->right; + /* Find the current value of the variable */ + val = var->use->member; + if ((val->op == OP_WRITE) || (val->op == OP_READ)) { + internal_error(state, val, "bad value in phi"); + } + slot = (struct triple **)(ptr->left); + slot += edge; + if ((*slot != 0) && (*slot != val)) { + internal_error(state, ptr, "phi already bound on this edge"); + } + *slot = val; + use_triple(val, ptr); + } + if (ptr == block->last) { + break; + } + } +} + + +static void rename_block_variables( + struct compile_state *state, struct block *block) +{ + struct block_set *user; + struct triple *ptr, *next, *last; + int done; + if (!block) + return; + last = block->first; + done = 0; + for(ptr = block->first; !done; ptr = next) { + next = ptr->next; + if (ptr == block->last) { + done = 1; + } + /* RHS(A) */ + if (ptr->op == OP_READ) { + struct triple *var, *val; + var = ptr->left; + unuse_triple(var, ptr); + if (!var->use) { + error(state, ptr, "variable used without being set"); + } + /* Find the current value of the variable */ + val = var->use->member; + if ((val->op == OP_WRITE) || (val->op == OP_READ)) { + internal_error(state, val, "bad value in read"); + } + propogate_use(state, ptr, val); + release_triple(state, ptr); + continue; + } + /* LHS(A) */ + if (ptr->op == OP_WRITE) { + struct triple *var, *val; + var = ptr->left; + val = ptr->right; + if ((val->op == OP_WRITE) || (val->op == OP_READ)) { + internal_error(state, val, "bad value in write"); + } + propogate_use(state, ptr, val); + unuse_triple(var, ptr); + /* Push OP_WRITE ptr->right onto a stack of variable uses */ + push_triple(var, val); + } + if (ptr->op == OP_PHI) { + struct triple *var; + var = ptr->right; + /* Push OP_PHI onto a stack of variable uses */ + push_triple(var, ptr); + } + last = ptr; + } + block->last = last; + + /* Fixup PHI functions in the cf successors */ + fixup_block_phi_variables(state, block, block->left); + fixup_block_phi_variables(state, block, block->right); + /* rename variables in the dominated nodes */ + for(user = block->idominates; user; user = user->next) { + rename_block_variables(state, user->member); + } + /* pop the renamed variable stack */ + last = block->first; + done = 0; + for(ptr = block->first; !done ; ptr = next) { + next = ptr->next; + if (ptr == block->last) { + done = 1; + } + if (ptr->op == OP_WRITE) { + struct triple *var; + var = ptr->left; + /* Pop OP_WRITE ptr->right from the stack of variable uses */ + pop_triple(var, ptr->right); + release_triple(state, ptr); + continue; + } + if (ptr->op == OP_PHI) { + struct triple *var; + var = ptr->right; + /* Pop OP_WRITE ptr->right from the stack of variable uses */ + pop_triple(var, ptr); + } + last = ptr; + } + block->last = last; +} + +static void prune_block_variables(struct compile_state *state, + struct block *block) +{ + struct block_set *user; + struct triple *next, *last, *ptr; + int done; + last = block->first; + done = 0; + for(ptr = block->first; !done; ptr = next) { + next = ptr->next; + if (ptr == block->last) { + done = 1; + } + if (ptr->op == OP_ADECL) { + struct triple_set *user, *next; + for(user = ptr->use; user; user = next) { + struct triple *use; + next = user->next; + use = user->member; + if (use->op != OP_PHI) { + internal_error(state, use, "decl still used"); + } + if (use->right != ptr) { + internal_error(state, use, "bad phi use of decl"); + } + unuse_triple(ptr, use); + use->right = 0; + } + release_triple(state, ptr); + continue; + } + last = ptr; + } + block->last = last; + for(user = block->idominates; user; user = user->next) { + prune_block_variables(state, user->member); + } +} + +static void transform_to_ssa_form(struct compile_state *state) +{ + insert_phi_operations(state); +#if 0 + printf("@%s:%d\n", __FILE__, __LINE__); + print_blocks(state); +#endif + rename_block_variables(state, state->first_block); + prune_block_variables(state, state->first_block); +} + + +static void transform_from_ssa_form(struct compile_state *state) +{ + /* To get out of ssa form we insert moves on the incoming + * edges to blocks containting phi functions. + */ + struct triple *first; + struct triple *phi, *next; + + /* Walk all of the operations to find the phi functions */ + first = state->main_function->left; + for(phi = first->next; phi != first ; phi = next) { + struct block_set *set; + struct block *block; + struct triple **slot; + struct triple *var, *read; + int edge; + next = phi->next; + if (phi->op != OP_PHI) { + continue; + } + block = phi->u.block; + slot = (struct triple **)(phi->left); + + /* A variable to replace the phi function */ + var = post_triple(state, phi, OP_ADECL, phi->type, 0,0); + /* A read of the single value that is set into the variable */ + read = post_triple(state, var, OP_READ, phi->type, var, 0); + use_triple(var, read); + + /* Replaces uses of the phi with variable reads */ + propogate_use(state, phi, read); + + /* Walk all of the incoming edges/blocks and insert moves. + */ + for(edge = 0, set = block->use; set; set = set->next, edge++) { + struct block *eblock; + struct triple *move; + struct triple *val; + eblock = set->member; + val = slot[edge]; + unuse_triple(val, phi); + + if (val == phi) { + continue; + } + + move = post_triple(state, + val, OP_WRITE, phi->type, var, val); + use_triple(val, move); + use_triple(var, move); + } + release_triple(state, phi); + } + +} + +static void insert_copies_to_phi(struct compile_state *state) +{ + /* To get out of ssa form we insert moves on the incoming + * edges to blocks containting phi functions. + */ + struct triple *first; + struct triple *phi; + + /* Walk all of the operations to find the phi functions */ + first = state->main_function->left; + for(phi = first->next; phi != first ; phi = phi->next) { + struct block_set *set; + struct block *block; + struct triple **slot; + int edge; + if (phi->op != OP_PHI) { + continue; + } + if (ID_REG(phi->id) == REG_UNSET) { + phi->id = MK_REG_ID(alloc_virtual_reg(), + ID_REG_CLASSES(phi->id)); + } + block = phi->u.block; + slot = (struct triple **)(phi->left); + /* Walk all of the incoming edges/blocks and insert moves. + */ + for(edge = 0, set = block->use; set; set = set->next, edge++) { + struct block *eblock; + struct triple *move; + struct triple *val; + struct triple *ptr; + eblock = set->member; + val = slot[edge]; + + if (val == phi) { + continue; + } + + move = build_triple(state, OP_COPY, phi->type, val, 0, + val->filename, val->line, val->col); + move->u.block = eblock; + move->id = phi->id; + use_triple(val, move); + + slot[edge] = move; + unuse_triple(val, phi); + use_triple(move, phi); + + /* Walk through the block backwards to find + * an appropriate location for the OP_COPY. + */ + for(ptr = eblock->last; ptr != eblock->first; ptr = ptr->prev) { + struct triple **expr; + if ((ptr == phi) || (ptr == val)) { + goto out; + } + expr = triple_rhs(state, ptr, 0); + for(;expr; expr = triple_rhs(state, ptr, expr)) { + if ((*expr) == phi) { + goto out; + } + } + } + out: + if (triple_is_branch(ptr)) { + internal_error(state, ptr, + "Could not insert write to phi"); + } + insert_triple(state, ptr->next, move); + if (eblock->last == ptr) { + eblock->last = move; + } + } + } +} + +struct triple_reg_set { + struct triple_reg_set *next; + struct triple *member; + struct triple *new; +}; + +struct reg_block { + struct block *block; + struct triple_reg_set *in; + struct triple_reg_set *out; + int vertex; +}; + +static int do_triple_set(struct triple_reg_set **head, + struct triple *member, struct triple *new_member) +{ + struct triple_reg_set **ptr, *new; + if (!member) + return 0; + ptr = head; + while(*ptr) { + if ((*ptr)->member == member) { + return 0; + } + ptr = &(*ptr)->next; + } + new = xcmalloc(sizeof(*new), "triple_set"); + new->member = member; + new->new = new_member; + new->next = *head; + *head = new; + return 1; +} + +static void do_triple_unset(struct triple_reg_set **head, struct triple *member) +{ + struct triple_reg_set *entry, **ptr; + ptr = head; + while(*ptr) { + entry = *ptr; + if (entry->member == member) { + *ptr = entry->next; + xfree(entry); + return; + } + else { + ptr = &entry->next; + } + } +} + +static int in_triple(struct reg_block *rb, struct triple *in) +{ + return do_triple_set(&rb->in, in, 0); +} +static void unin_triple(struct reg_block *rb, struct triple *unin) +{ + do_triple_unset(&rb->in, unin); +} + +static int out_triple(struct reg_block *rb, struct triple *out) +{ + return do_triple_set(&rb->out, out, 0); +} +static void unout_triple(struct reg_block *rb, struct triple *unout) +{ + do_triple_unset(&rb->out, unout); +} + +static int initialize_regblock(struct reg_block *blocks, + struct block *block, int vertex) +{ + struct block_set *user; + if (!block || (blocks[block->vertex].block == block)) { + return vertex; + } + vertex += 1; + /* Renumber the blocks in a convinient fashion */ + block->vertex = vertex; + blocks[vertex].block = block; + blocks[vertex].vertex = vertex; + for(user = block->use; user; user = user->next) { + vertex = initialize_regblock(blocks, user->member, vertex); + } + return vertex; +} + +static int phi_in(struct compile_state *state, struct reg_block *blocks, + struct reg_block *rb, struct block *suc) +{ + /* Read the conditional input set of a successor block + * (i.e. the input to the phi nodes) and place it in the + * current blocks output set. + */ + struct block_set *set; + struct triple *ptr; + int edge; + int done, change; + change = 0; + /* Find the edge I am coming in on */ + for(edge = 0, set = suc->use; set; set = set->next, edge++) { + if (set->member == rb->block) { + break; + } + } + if (!set) { + internal_error(state, 0, "Not coming on a control edge?"); + } + for(done = 0, ptr = suc->first; !done; ptr = ptr->next) { + struct triple **slot, *expr, *ptr2; + int out_change, done2; + done = (ptr == suc->last); + if (ptr->op != OP_PHI) { + continue; + } + slot = (struct triple **)(ptr->left); + expr = slot[edge]; + out_change = out_triple(rb, expr); + if (!out_change) { + continue; + } + /* If we don't define the variable also plast it + * in the current blocks input set. + */ + ptr2 = rb->block->first; + for(done2 = 0; !done2; ptr2 = ptr2->next) { + if (ptr2 == expr) { + break; + } + done2 = (ptr2 == rb->block->last); + } + if (!done2) { + continue; + } + change |= in_triple(rb, expr); + } + return change; +} + +static int reg_in(struct compile_state *state, struct reg_block *blocks, + struct reg_block *rb, struct block *suc) +{ + struct triple_reg_set *in_set; + int change; + change = 0; + /* Read the input set of a successor block + * and place it in the current blocks output set. + */ + in_set = blocks[suc->vertex].in; + for(; in_set; in_set = in_set->next) { + int out_change, done; + struct triple *first, *last, *ptr; + out_change = out_triple(rb, in_set->member); + if (!out_change) { + continue; + } + /* If we don't define the variable also place it + * in the current blocks input set. + */ + first = rb->block->first; + last = rb->block->last; + done = 0; + for(ptr = first; !done; ptr = ptr->next) { + if (ptr == in_set->member) { + break; + } + done = (ptr == last); + } + if (!done) { + continue; + } + change |= in_triple(rb, in_set->member); + } + change |= phi_in(state, blocks, rb, suc); + return change; +} + + +static int use_in(struct compile_state *state, struct reg_block *rb) +{ + /* Find the variables we use but don't define and add + * it to the current blocks input set. + */ +#warning "FIXME is this O(N^2) algorithm bad?" + struct block *block; + struct triple *ptr; + int done; + int change; + block = rb->block; + change = 0; + for(done = 0, ptr = block->last; !done; ptr = ptr->prev) { + struct triple **expr; + done = (ptr == block->first); + /* The variable a phi function uses depends on the + * control flow, and is handled in phi_in, not + * here. + */ + if (ptr->op == OP_PHI) { + continue; + } + expr = triple_rhs(state, ptr, 0); + for(;expr; expr = triple_rhs(state, ptr, expr)) { + struct triple *rhs, *test; + int tdone; + rhs = *expr; + /* See if rhs is defined in this block */ + for(tdone = 0, test = ptr; !tdone; test = test->prev) { + tdone = (test == block->first); + if (test == rhs) { + rhs = 0; + break; + } + } + /* If the triple is not a definition skip it. */ + if (!triple_is_def(ptr)) { + continue; + } + /* If I still have a valid rhs add it to in */ + change |= in_triple(rb, rhs); + } + } + return change; +} + +static struct reg_block *compute_variable_lifetimes( + struct compile_state *state) +{ + struct reg_block *blocks; + int change; + blocks = xcmalloc( + sizeof(*blocks)*(state->last_vertex + 1), "reg_block"); + initialize_regblock(blocks, state->last_block, 0); + do { + int i; + change = 0; + for(i = 1; i <= state->last_vertex; i++) { + struct reg_block *rb; + rb = &blocks[i]; + /* Add the left successor's input set to in */ + if (rb->block->left) { + change |= reg_in(state, blocks, rb, rb->block->left); + } + /* Add the right successor's input set to in */ + if ((rb->block->right) && + (rb->block->right != rb->block->left)) { + change |= reg_in(state, blocks, rb, rb->block->right); + } + /* Add use to in... */ + change |= use_in(state, rb); + } + } while(change); + return blocks; +} + +static void free_variable_lifetimes( + struct compile_state *state, struct reg_block *blocks) +{ + int i; + /* free in_set && out_set on each block */ + for(i = 1; i <= state->last_vertex; i++) { + struct triple_reg_set *entry, *next; + struct reg_block *rb; + rb = &blocks[i]; + for(entry = rb->in; entry ; entry = next) { + next = entry->next; + do_triple_unset(&rb->in, entry->member); + } + for(entry = rb->out; entry; entry = next) { + next = entry->next; + do_triple_unset(&rb->out, entry->member); + } + } + xfree(blocks); + +} + +typedef struct triple *(*wvl_cb_t)( + struct compile_state *state, + struct reg_block *blocks, struct triple_reg_set *live, + struct reg_block *rb, struct triple *ins, void *arg); + +static void walk_variable_lifetimes(struct compile_state *state, + struct reg_block *blocks, wvl_cb_t cb, void *arg) +{ + int i; + + for(i = 1; i <= state->last_vertex; i++) { + struct triple_reg_set *live; + struct triple_reg_set *entry, *next; + struct triple *ptr, *prev; + struct reg_block *rb; + struct block *block; + int done; + + /* Get the blocks */ + rb = &blocks[i]; + block = rb->block; + + /* Copy out into live */ + live = 0; + for(entry = rb->out; entry; entry = next) { + next = entry->next; + do_triple_set(&live, entry->member, entry->new); + } + /* Walk through the basic block calculating live */ + for(done = 0, ptr = block->last; !done; ptr = prev) { + struct triple **expr; + + prev = ptr->prev; + done = (ptr == block->first); + + /* Remove the current definition from live */ + do_triple_unset(&live, ptr); + + /* If the current instruction was deleted continue */ + if (!cb(state, blocks, live, rb, ptr, arg)) { + if (block->last == ptr) { + block->last = prev; + } + continue; + } + + /* Add the current uses to live. + * + * It is safe to skip phi functions because they do + * not have any block local uses, and the block + * output sets already properly account for what + * control flow depedent uses phi functions do have. + */ + if (ptr->op == OP_PHI) { + continue; + } + expr = triple_rhs(state, ptr, 0); + for(;expr; expr = triple_rhs(state, ptr, expr)) { + /* If the triple is not a definition skip it. */ + if (!triple_is_def(*expr)) { + continue; + } + do_triple_set(&live, *expr, 0); + } + + } + /* Free live */ + for(entry = live; entry; entry = next) { + next = entry->next; + do_triple_unset(&live, entry->member); + } + } +} + +static int count_triples(struct compile_state *state) +{ + struct triple *first, *ins; + int triples = 0; + first = state->main_function->left; + ins = first; + do { + triples++; + ins = ins->next; + } while (ins != first); + return triples; +} +struct dead_triple { + struct triple *triple; + struct dead_triple *work_next; + struct block *block; + int color; + int flags; +#define TRIPLE_FLAG_ALIVE 1 +}; + + +static void awaken( + struct compile_state *state, + struct dead_triple *dtriple, struct triple **expr, + struct dead_triple ***work_list_tail) +{ + struct triple *triple; + struct dead_triple *dt; + if (!expr) { + return; + } + triple = *expr; + if (!triple) { + return; + } + if (triple->id <= 0) { + internal_error(state, triple, "bad triple id: %d", + triple->id); + } + if (triple->op == OP_NOOP) { + internal_warning(state, triple, "awakening noop?"); + return; + } + dt = &dtriple[triple->id]; + if (!(dt->flags & TRIPLE_FLAG_ALIVE)) { + dt->flags |= TRIPLE_FLAG_ALIVE; + if (!dt->work_next) { + **work_list_tail = dt; + *work_list_tail = &dt->work_next; + } + } +} + +static void eliminate_inefectual_code(struct compile_state *state) +{ + struct block *block; + struct dead_triple *dtriple, *work_list, **work_list_tail, *dt; + int triples, i; + struct triple *first, *ins; + + /* Setup the work list */ + work_list = 0; + work_list_tail = &work_list; + + first = state->main_function->left; + + /* Count how many triples I have */ + triples = count_triples(state); + + /* Now put then in an array and mark all of the triples dead */ + dtriple = xcmalloc(sizeof(*dtriple) * (triples + 1), "dtriples"); + + ins = first; + i = 1; + block = 0; + do { + if (ins->op == OP_LABEL) { + block = ins->u.block; + } + dtriple[i].triple = ins; + dtriple[i].block = block; + dtriple[i].flags = 0; + dtriple[i].color = ins->id; + ins->id = i; + /* See if it is an operation we always keep */ +#warning "FIXME handle the case of killing a branch instruction" + if (!triple_is_pure(state, ins) || triple_is_branch(ins)) { + awaken(state, dtriple, &ins, &work_list_tail); + } + i++; + ins = ins->next; + } while(ins != first); + while(work_list) { + struct dead_triple *dt; + struct block_set *user; + struct triple **expr; + dt = work_list; + work_list = dt->work_next; + if (!work_list) { + work_list_tail = &work_list; + } + /* Wake up the data depencencies of this triple */ + expr = 0; + do { + expr = triple_rhs(state, dt->triple, expr); + awaken(state, dtriple, expr, &work_list_tail); + } while(expr); + do { + expr = triple_lhs(state, dt->triple, expr); + awaken(state, dtriple, expr, &work_list_tail); + } while(expr); + /* Wake up the forward control dependencies */ + do { + expr = triple_targ(state, dt->triple, expr); + awaken(state, dtriple, expr, &work_list_tail); + } while(expr); + /* Wake up the reverse control dependencies of this triple */ + for(user = dt->block->ipdomfrontier; user; user = user->next) { + awaken(state, dtriple, &user->member->last, &work_list_tail); + } + } + for(dt = &dtriple[1]; dt <= &dtriple[triples]; dt++) { + if ((dt->triple->op == OP_NOOP) && + (dt->flags & TRIPLE_FLAG_ALIVE)) { + internal_error(state, dt->triple, "noop effective?"); + } + dt->triple->id = dt->color; /* Restore the color */ + if (!(dt->flags & TRIPLE_FLAG_ALIVE)) { +#warning "FIXME handle the case of killing a basic block" + if (dt->block->first == dt->triple) { + continue; + } + if (dt->block->last == dt->triple) { + dt->block->last = dt->triple->prev; + } + release_triple(state, dt->triple); + } + } + xfree(dtriple); +} + + +struct live_range_edge; +struct live_range { + struct live_range_edge *edges; + struct triple *def; + unsigned color; + unsigned classes; + unsigned degree; + struct live_range *group_next, **group_prev; +}; + +struct live_range_edge { + struct live_range_edge *next; + struct live_range *node; +}; + +#define LRE_HASH_SIZE 2048 +struct lre_hash { + struct lre_hash *next; + struct live_range *left; + struct live_range *right; +}; + + +struct reg_state { + struct lre_hash *hash[LRE_HASH_SIZE]; + struct reg_block *blocks; + struct live_range *lr; + struct live_range *low, **low_tail; + struct live_range *high, **high_tail; + unsigned ranges; +}; + + +static unsigned regc_max_size(struct compile_state *state, int classes) +{ + unsigned max_size; + int i; + max_size = 0; + for(i = 0; i < MAX_REGC; i++) { + if (classes & (1 << i)) { + unsigned size; + size = arch_regc_size(state, i); + if (size > max_size) { + max_size = size; + } + } + } + return max_size; +} + +static int reg_is_reg(struct compile_state *state, int reg1, int reg2) +{ + unsigned equivs[MAX_REG_EQUIVS]; + int i; + if ((reg1 < 0) || (reg1 >= MAX_REGISTERS)) { + internal_error(state, 0, "invalid register"); + } + if ((reg2 < 0) || (reg2 >= MAX_REGISTERS)) { + internal_error(state, 0, "invalid register"); + } + arch_reg_equivs(state, equivs, reg1); + for(i = 0; (i < MAX_REG_EQUIVS) && equivs[i] != REG_UNSET; i++) { + if (equivs[i] == reg2) { + return 1; + } + } + return 0; +} + +static void reg_fill_used(struct compile_state *state, char *used, int reg) +{ + unsigned equivs[MAX_REG_EQUIVS]; + int i; + arch_reg_equivs(state, equivs, reg); + for(i = 0; (i < MAX_REG_EQUIVS) && equivs[i] != REG_UNSET; i++) { + used[equivs[i]] = 1; + } + return; +} + +static unsigned int hash_live_edge( + struct live_range *left, struct live_range *right) +{ + unsigned int hash, val; + unsigned long lval, rval; + lval = ((unsigned long)left)/sizeof(struct live_range); + rval = ((unsigned long)right)/sizeof(struct live_range); + hash = 0; + while(lval) { + val = lval & 0xff; + lval >>= 8; + hash = (hash *263) + val; + } + while(rval) { + val = rval & 0xff; + rval >>= 8; + hash = (hash *263) + val; + } + hash = hash & (LRE_HASH_SIZE - 1); + return hash; +} + +static struct lre_hash **lre_probe(struct reg_state *rstate, + struct live_range *left, struct live_range *right) +{ + struct lre_hash **ptr; + unsigned int index; + /* Ensure left <= right */ + if (left > right) { + struct live_range *tmp; + tmp = left; + left = right; + right = tmp; + } + index = hash_live_edge(left, right); + + ptr = &rstate->hash[index]; + while((*ptr) && ((*ptr)->left != left) && ((*ptr)->right != right)) { + ptr = &(*ptr)->next; + } + return ptr; +} + +static int interfere(struct reg_state *rstate, + struct live_range *left, struct live_range *right) +{ + struct lre_hash **ptr; + ptr = lre_probe(rstate, left, right); + return ptr && *ptr; +} + +static void add_live_edge(struct reg_state *rstate, + struct live_range *left, struct live_range *right) +{ + /* FIXME the memory allocation overhead is noticeable here... */ + struct lre_hash **ptr, *new_hash; + struct live_range_edge *edge; + + if (left == right) { + return; + } + if ((left == &rstate->lr[0]) || (right == &rstate->lr[0])) { + return; + } + /* Ensure left <= right */ + if (left > right) { + struct live_range *tmp; + tmp = left; + left = right; + right = tmp; + } + ptr = lre_probe(rstate, left, right); + if (*ptr) { + return; + } + new_hash = xmalloc(sizeof(*new_hash), "lre_hash"); + new_hash->next = *ptr; + new_hash->left = left; + new_hash->right = right; + *ptr = new_hash; + + edge = xmalloc(sizeof(*edge), "live_range_edge"); + edge->next = left->edges; + edge->node = right; + left->edges = edge; + left->degree += 1; + + edge = xmalloc(sizeof(*edge), "live_range_edge"); + edge->next = right->edges; + edge->node = left; + right->edges = edge; + right->degree += 1; +} + +static void remove_live_edge(struct reg_state *rstate, + struct live_range *left, struct live_range *right) +{ + struct live_range_edge *edge, **ptr; + struct lre_hash **hptr, *entry; + hptr = lre_probe(rstate, left, right); + if (!hptr || !*hptr) { + return; + } + entry = *hptr; + *hptr = entry->next; + xfree(entry); + + for(ptr = &left->edges; *ptr; ptr = &(*ptr)->next) { + edge = *ptr; + if (edge->node == right) { + *ptr = edge->next; + memset(edge, 0, sizeof(*edge)); + xfree(edge); + break; + } + } + for(ptr = &right->edges; *ptr; ptr = &(*ptr)->next) { + edge = *ptr; + if (edge->node == left) { + *ptr = edge->next; + memset(edge, 0, sizeof(*edge)); + xfree(edge); + break; + } + } +} + +static void remove_live_edges(struct reg_state *rstate, struct live_range *range) +{ + struct live_range_edge *edge, *next; + for(edge = range->edges; edge; edge = next) { + next = edge->next; + remove_live_edge(rstate, range, edge->node); + } +} + + +/* Interference graph... + * + * new(n) --- Return a graph with n nodes but no edges. + * add(g,x,y) --- Return a graph including g with an between x and y + * interfere(g, x, y) --- Return true if there exists an edge between the nodes + * x and y in the graph g + * degree(g, x) --- Return the degree of the node x in the graph g + * neighbors(g, x, f) --- Apply function f to each neighbor of node x in the graph g + * + * Implement with a hash table && a set of adjcency vectors. + * The hash table supports constant time implementations of add and interfere. + * The adjacency vectors support an efficient implementation of neighbors. + */ + +/* + * +---------------------------------------------------+ + * | +--------------+ | + * v v | | + * renumber -> build graph -> colalesce -> spill_costs -> simplify -> select + * + * -- In simplify implment optimistic coloring... (No backtracking) + * -- Implement Rematerialization it is the only form of spilling we can perform + * Essentially this means dropping a constant from a register because + * we can regenerate it later. + * + * --- Very conservative colalescing (don't colalesce just mark the opportunities) + * coalesce at phi points... + * --- Bias coloring if at all possible do the coalesing a compile time. + * + * + */ + +static void different_colored( + struct compile_state *state, struct reg_state *rstate, + struct triple *parent, struct triple *ins) +{ + struct live_range *lr; + struct triple **expr; + lr = &rstate->lr[ins->id]; + expr = triple_rhs(state, ins, 0); + for(;expr; expr = triple_rhs(state, ins, expr)) { + struct live_range *lr2; + if ((*expr == parent) || (*expr == ins)) { + continue; + } + lr2 = &rstate->lr[(*expr)->id]; + if (lr->color == lr2->color) { + internal_error(state, ins, "live range too big"); + } + } +} + +static void initialize_live_ranges( + struct compile_state *state, struct reg_state *rstate) +{ + struct triple *ins, *first; + size_t size; + int i; + + first = state->main_function->left; + /* First count how many live ranges I will need. + */ + rstate->ranges = count_triples(state); + size = sizeof(rstate->lr[0]) * (rstate->ranges + 1); + rstate->lr = xcmalloc(size, "live_range"); + /* Setup the dummy live range */ + rstate->lr[0].classes = 0; + rstate->lr[0].color = REG_UNSET; + rstate->lr[0].def = 0; + i = 0; + ins = first; + do { + unsigned color, classes; + /* Find the architecture specific color information */ + color = ID_REG(ins->id); + classes = ID_REG_CLASSES(ins->id); + if ((color != REG_UNSET) && (color < MAX_REGISTERS)) { + classes = arch_reg_regcm(state, color); + } + + /* If the triple is a variable definition give it a live range. */ + if (triple_is_def(ins)) { + i++; + ins->id = i; + rstate->lr[i].def = ins; + rstate->lr[i].color = color; + rstate->lr[i].classes = classes; + rstate->lr[i].degree = 0; + if (!classes) { + internal_error(state, ins, + "live range without a class"); + } + } + /* Otherwise give the triple the dummy live range. */ + else { + ins->id = 0; + } + ins = ins->next; + } while(ins != first); + rstate->ranges = i; + /* Make a second pass to handle achitecture specific register + * constraints. + */ + ins = first; + do { + struct live_range *lr; + lr = &rstate->lr[ins->id]; + if (lr->color != REG_UNSET) { + struct triple **expr; + /* This assumes the virtual register is only + * used by one input operation. + */ + expr = triple_rhs(state, ins, 0); + for(;expr; expr = triple_rhs(state, ins, expr)) { + struct live_range *lr2; + if (ins == *expr) { + continue; + } + lr2 = &rstate->lr[(*expr)->id]; + if (lr->color == lr2->color) { + different_colored(state, rstate, + ins, *expr); + (*expr)->id = ins->id; + + } + } + } + ins = ins->next; + } while(ins != first); + + /* Make a third pass and forget the virtual registers */ + for(i = 1; i <= rstate->ranges; i++) { + if (rstate->lr[i].color >= MAX_REGISTERS) { + rstate->lr[i].color = REG_UNSET; + } + } +} + +static struct triple *graph_ins( + struct compile_state *state, + struct reg_block *blocks, struct triple_reg_set *live, + struct reg_block *rb, struct triple *ins, void *arg) +{ + struct reg_state *rstate = arg; + struct live_range *def; + struct triple_reg_set *entry; + + /* If the triple does not start a live range + * we do not have a definition to add to + * the interference graph. + */ + if (ins->id <= 0) { + return ins; + } + def = &rstate->lr[ins->id]; + + /* Create an edge between ins and everything that is + * alive, unless the live_range cannot share + * a physical register with ins. + */ + for(entry = live; entry; entry = entry->next) { + struct live_range *lr; + lr= &rstate->lr[entry->member->id]; + if (!arch_regcm_intersect(def->classes, lr->classes)) { + continue; + } + add_live_edge(rstate, def, lr); + } + return ins; +} + + +static struct triple *print_interference_ins( + struct compile_state *state, + struct reg_block *blocks, struct triple_reg_set *live, + struct reg_block *rb, struct triple *ins, void *arg) +{ + struct reg_state *rstate = arg; + struct live_range *lr; + + lr = &rstate->lr[ins->id]; + if ((ins->op == OP_LABEL) && (ins->use)) { + printf("\n%p:\n", ins); + } + else if (ins->op == OP_INTCONST) { + printf("(%p) %-7s %08lx @ %s:%d.%d\n", + ins, tops(ins->op), ins->u.cval, + ins->filename, ins->line, ins->col); + } + else { + printf("(%p) %-7s %-10p %-10p @ %s:%d.%d\n", + ins, tops(ins->op), ins->left, ins->right, + ins->filename, ins->line, ins->col); + } + if (live) { + struct triple_reg_set *entry; + printf(" live:"); + for(entry = live; entry; entry = entry->next) { + printf(" %-10p", entry->member); + } + printf("\n"); + } + if (lr->edges) { + struct live_range_edge *entry; + printf(" edges:"); + for(entry = lr->edges; entry; entry = entry->next) { + printf(" %-10p", entry->node->def); + } + printf("\n"); + } + if (triple_is_branch(ins)) { + printf("\n"); + } + return ins; +} + +#if DEBUG_COLOR_GRAPH > 1 +#define cgdebug_printf(...) fprintf(stdout, __VA_ARGS__) +#define cgdebug_flush() fflush(stdout) +#elif DEBUG_COLOR_GRAPH == 1 +#define cgdebug_printf(...) fprintf(stderr, __VA_ARGS__) +#define cgdebug_flush() fflush(stderr) +#else +#define cgdebug_printf(...) +#define cgdebug_flush() +#endif + +static void select_free_color(struct compile_state *state, + struct reg_state *rstate, struct live_range *range) +{ + struct triple_set *entry; + struct live_range *phi; + struct live_range_edge *edge; + char used[MAX_REGISTERS]; + struct triple **expr; + + /* If a color is already assigned don't change it */ + if (range->color != REG_UNSET) { + return; + } + /* Instead of doing just the trivial color select here I try + * a few extra things because a good color selection will help reduce + * copies. + */ + + /* Find the registers currently in use */ + memset(used, 0, sizeof(used)); + for(edge = range->edges; edge; edge = edge->next) { + if (edge->node->color == REG_UNSET) { + continue; + } + reg_fill_used(state, used, edge->node->color); + } +#if DEBUG_COLOR_GRAPH > 1 + { + int i; + i = 0; + for(edge = range->edges; edge; edge = edge->next) { + i++; + } + cgdebug_printf("\n%s edges: %d @%s:%d.%d\n", + tops(range->def->op), i, + range->def->filename, range->def->line, range->def->col); + for(i = 0; i < MAX_REGISTERS; i++) { + if (used[i]) { + cgdebug_printf("used: %s\n", + arch_reg_str(i)); + } + } + } +#endif + + /* If I feed into an expression reuse it's color. + * This should help remove copies in the case of 2 register instructions + * and phi functions. + */ + phi = 0; + entry = range->def->use; + for(;(range->color == REG_UNSET) && entry; entry = entry->next) { + struct live_range *lr; + lr = &rstate->lr[entry->member->id]; + if (entry->member->id == 0) { + continue; + } + if (!phi && (lr->def->op == OP_PHI) && + !interfere(rstate, range, lr)) { + phi = lr; + } + if ((lr->color == REG_UNSET) || + ((lr->classes & range->classes) == 0) || + (used[lr->color])) { + continue; + } + if (interfere(rstate, range, lr)) { + continue; + } + range->color = lr->color; + } + /* If I feed into a phi function reuse it's color of the color + * of something else that feeds into the phi function. + */ + if (phi) { + if (phi->color != REG_UNSET) { + if (used[phi->color]) { + range->color = phi->color; + } + } + else { + expr = triple_rhs(state, phi->def, 0); + for(; expr; expr = triple_rhs(state, phi->def, expr)) { + struct live_range *lr; + lr = &rstate->lr[(*expr)->id]; + if ((lr->color == REG_UNSET) || + ((lr->classes & range->classes) == 0) || + (used[lr->color])) { + continue; + } + if (interfere(rstate, range, lr)) { + continue; + } + range->color = lr->color; + } + } + } + /* If I don't interfere with a rhs node reuse it's color */ + if (range->color == REG_UNSET) { + expr = triple_rhs(state, range->def, 0); + for(; expr; expr = triple_rhs(state, range->def, expr)) { + struct live_range *lr; + lr = &rstate->lr[(*expr)->id]; + if ((lr->color == -1) || + ((lr->classes & range->classes) == 0) || + (used[lr->color])) { + continue; + } + if (interfere(rstate, range, lr)) { + continue; + } + range->color = lr->color; + break; + } + } + /* If I have not opportunitically picked a useful color + * pick the first color that is free. + */ + if (range->color == REG_UNSET) { + range->color = + arch_select_free_register(state, used, range->classes); + } + if (range->color == REG_UNSET) { + int i; + for(edge = range->edges; edge; edge = edge->next) { + if (edge->node->color == REG_UNSET) { + continue; + } + warning(state, edge->node->def, "reg %s", + arch_reg_str(edge->node->color)); + } + warning(state, range->def, "classes: %x", + range->classes); + for(i = 0; i < MAX_REGISTERS; i++) { + if (used[i]) { + warning(state, range->def, "used: %s", + arch_reg_str(i)); + } + } +#if DEBUG_COLOR_GRAPH < 2 + error(state, range->def, "too few registers"); +#else + internal_error(state, range->def, "too few registers"); +#endif + } + range->classes = arch_reg_regcm(state, range->color); + return; +} + +static void color_graph(struct compile_state *state, struct reg_state *rstate) +{ + struct live_range_edge *edge; + struct live_range *range; + if (rstate->low) { + cgdebug_printf("Lo: "); + range = rstate->low; + if (*range->group_prev != range) { + internal_error(state, 0, "lo: *prev != range?"); + } + *range->group_prev = range->group_next; + if (range->group_next) { + range->group_next->group_prev = range->group_prev; + } + if (&range->group_next == rstate->low_tail) { + rstate->low_tail = range->group_prev; + } + if (rstate->low == range) { + internal_error(state, 0, "low: next != prev?"); + } + } + else if (rstate->high) { + cgdebug_printf("Hi: "); + range = rstate->high; + if (*range->group_prev != range) { + internal_error(state, 0, "hi: *prev != range?"); + } + *range->group_prev = range->group_next; + if (range->group_next) { + range->group_next->group_prev = range->group_prev; + } + if (&range->group_next == rstate->high_tail) { + rstate->high_tail = range->group_prev; + } + if (rstate->high == range) { + internal_error(state, 0, "high: next != prev?"); + } + } + else { + return; + } + cgdebug_printf(" %d\n", range - rstate->lr); + range->group_prev = 0; + for(edge = range->edges; edge; edge = edge->next) { + struct live_range *node; + node = edge->node; + /* Move nodes from the high to the low list */ + if (node->group_prev && (node->color == REG_UNSET) && + (node->degree == regc_max_size(state, node->classes))) { + if (*node->group_prev != node) { + internal_error(state, 0, "move: *prev != node?"); + } + *node->group_prev = node->group_next; + if (node->group_next) { + node->group_next->group_prev = node->group_prev; + } + if (&node->group_next == rstate->high_tail) { + rstate->high_tail = node->group_prev; + } + cgdebug_printf("Moving...%d to low\n", node - rstate->lr); + node->group_prev = rstate->low_tail; + node->group_next = 0; + *rstate->low_tail = node; + rstate->low_tail = &node->group_next; + if (*node->group_prev != node) { + internal_error(state, 0, "move2: *prev != node?"); + } + } + node->degree -= 1; + } + color_graph(state, rstate); + cgdebug_printf("Coloring %d @%s:%d.%d:", + range - rstate->lr, + range->def->filename, range->def->line, range->def->col); + cgdebug_flush(); + select_free_color(state, rstate, range); + if (range->color == -1) { + internal_error(state, range->def, "select_free_color did not?"); + } + cgdebug_printf(" %s\n", arch_reg_str(range->color)); +} + +static void color_triples(struct compile_state *state, struct reg_state *rstate) +{ + struct live_range *lr; + struct triple *first, *triple; + first = state->main_function->left; + triple = first; + do { + if ((triple->id < 0) || (triple->id > rstate->ranges)) { + internal_error(state, triple, + "triple without a live range"); + } + lr = &rstate->lr[triple->id]; + triple->id = MK_REG_ID(lr->color, 0); + triple = triple->next; + } while (triple != first); +} + +static void print_interference_block( + struct compile_state *state, struct block *block, void *arg) + +{ + struct reg_state *rstate = arg; + struct reg_block *rb; + struct triple *ptr; + int phi_present; + int done; + rb = &rstate->blocks[block->vertex]; + + printf("\nblock: %p (%d), %p<-%p %p<-%p\n", + block, + block->vertex, + block->left, + block->left && block->left->use?block->left->use->member : 0, + block->right, + block->right && block->right->use?block->right->use->member : 0); + if (rb->in) { + struct triple_reg_set *in_set; + printf(" in:"); + for(in_set = rb->in; in_set; in_set = in_set->next) { + printf(" %-10p", in_set->member); + } + printf("\n"); + } + phi_present = 0; + for(done = 0, ptr = block->first; !done; ptr = ptr->next) { + done = (ptr == block->last); + if (ptr->op == OP_PHI) { + phi_present = 1; + break; + } + } + if (phi_present) { + int edge; + for(edge = 0; edge < block->users; edge++) { + printf(" in(%d):", edge); + for(done = 0, ptr = block->first; !done; ptr = ptr->next) { + struct triple **slot; + done = (ptr == block->last); + if (ptr->op != OP_PHI) { + continue; + } + slot = (struct triple **)(ptr->left); + printf(" %-10p", slot[edge]); + } + printf("\n"); + } + } + if (block->first->op == OP_LABEL) { + printf("%p:\n", block->first); + } + for(done = 0, ptr = block->first; !done; ptr = ptr->next) { + struct triple_set *user; + struct live_range *lr; + int op; + op = ptr->op; + done = (ptr == block->last); + lr = &rstate->lr[ptr->id]; + + if (!IS_CONST_OP(op)) { + if (ptr->u.block != block) { + internal_error(state, ptr, + "Wrong block pointer: %p", + ptr->u.block); + } + } + if (op == OP_ADECL) { + for(user = ptr->use; user; user = user->next) { + struct live_range *lr; + lr = &rstate->lr[user->member->id]; + if (!user->member->u.block) { + internal_error(state, user->member, + "Use %p not in a block?", + user->member); + } + + } + } + if (op == OP_INTCONST) { + printf("(%p) %3d %-7s %08lx @ %s:%d.%d\n", + ptr, lr->color, tops(ptr->op), ptr->u.cval, + ptr->filename, ptr->line, ptr->col); + } + else if (op == OP_PHI) { + struct triple **slot; + struct block *block; + int edge; + block = ptr->u.block; + slot = (struct triple **)(ptr->left); + printf("(%p) %3d %-7s", + ptr, lr->color, tops(ptr->op)); + for(edge = 0; edge < block->users; edge++) { + printf(" %-10p", slot[edge]); + } + printf(" @%s:%d.%d\n", + ptr->filename, ptr->line, ptr->col); + } + else { + printf("(%p) %3d %-7s %-10p %-10p @ %s:%d.%d\n", + ptr, lr->color, tops(ptr->op), ptr->left, ptr->right, + ptr->filename, ptr->line, ptr->col); + } + if (lr->edges > 0) { + struct live_range_edge *edge; + printf(" "); + for(edge = lr->edges; edge; edge = edge->next) { + printf(" %-10p", edge->node->def); + } + printf("\n"); + } + /* Do a bunch of sanity checks */ + valid_op(state, ptr); + if ((ptr->id < 0) || (ptr->id > rstate->ranges)) { + internal_error(state, ptr, "Invalid triple id: %d", + ptr->id); + } + for(user = ptr->use; user; user = user->next) { + struct triple *use; + struct live_range *ulr; + use = user->member; + valid_op(state, use); + if ((use->id < 0) || (use->id > rstate->ranges)) { + internal_error(state, use, "Invalid triple id: %d", + use->id); + } + ulr = &rstate->lr[user->member->id]; + if (!IS_CONST_OP(user->member->op) && + !user->member->u.block) { + internal_error(state, user->member, + "Use %p not in a block?", + user->member); + } + } + } + if (rb->out) { + struct triple_reg_set *out_set; + printf(" out:"); + for(out_set = rb->out; out_set; out_set = out_set->next) { + printf(" %-10p", out_set->member); + } + printf("\n"); + } + printf("\n"); +} + +static struct live_range *merge_sort_lr( + struct live_range *first, struct live_range *last) +{ + struct live_range *mid, *join, **join_tail, *pick; + size_t size; + size = (last - first) + 1; + if (size >= 2) { + mid = first + size/2; + first = merge_sort_lr(first, mid -1); + mid = merge_sort_lr(mid, last); + + join = 0; + join_tail = &join; + /* merge the two lists */ + while(first && mid) { + if (first->degree <= mid->degree) { + pick = first; + first = first->group_next; + if (first) { + first->group_prev = 0; + } + } + else { + pick = mid; + mid = mid->group_next; + if (mid) { + mid->group_prev = 0; + } + } + pick->group_next = 0; + pick->group_prev = join_tail; + *join_tail = pick; + join_tail = &pick->group_next; + } + /* Splice the remaining list */ + pick = (first)? first : mid; + *join_tail = pick; + pick->group_prev = join_tail; + } + else { + if (!first->def) { + first = 0; + } + join = first; + } + return join; +} + +static void allocate_registers(struct compile_state *state) +{ + struct reg_state rstate; + struct live_range **point, **next; + int i; + + /* Clear out the reg_state */ + memset(&rstate, 0, sizeof(rstate)); + + /* Compute the variable lifetimes */ + rstate.blocks = compute_variable_lifetimes(state); + + /* Allocate and initialize the live ranges */ + initialize_live_ranges(state, &rstate); + + /* Compute the interference graph */ + walk_variable_lifetimes( + state, rstate.blocks, graph_ins, &rstate); + + /* Display the interference graph if desired */ + if (state->debug & DEBUG_INTERFERENCE) { + printf("\nlive variables by block\n"); + walk_blocks(state, print_interference_block, &rstate); + printf("\nlive variables by instruction\n"); + walk_variable_lifetimes( + state, rstate.blocks, + print_interference_ins, &rstate); + } + + /* Do not perform coalescing! It is a neat idea but it limits what + * we can do later. It has no benefits that decrease register pressure. + * It only decreases instruction count. + * + * It might be worth testing this reducing the number of + * live_ragnes as opposed to splitting them seems to help. + */ + + /* Build the groups low and high. But with the nodes + * first sorted by degree order. + */ + rstate.low_tail = &rstate.low; + rstate.high_tail = &rstate.high; + rstate.high = merge_sort_lr(&[1], &[rstate.ranges]); + rstate.high->group_prev = &rstate.high; + for(point = &rstate.high; *point; point = &(*point)->group_next) + ; + rstate.high_tail = point; + /* Walk through the high list and move everything that needs + * to be onto low. + */ + for(point = &rstate.high; *point; point = next) { + struct live_range *range; + next = &(*point)->group_next; + range = *point; + + /* If it has a low degree or it already has a color + * place the node in low. + */ + if ((range->degree < regc_max_size(state, range->classes)) || + (range->color != REG_UNSET)) { + cgdebug_printf("Lo: %5d degree %5d%s\n", + range -, range->degree, + (range->color != REG_UNSET) ? " (colored)": ""); + *range->group_prev = range->group_next; + if (range->group_next) { + range->group_next->group_prev = range->group_prev; + } + if (&range->group_next == rstate.high_tail) { + rstate.high_tail = range->group_prev; + } + range->group_prev = rstate.low_tail; + range->group_next = 0; + *rstate.low_tail = range; + rstate.low_tail = &range->group_next; + next = point; + } + else { + cgdebug_printf("hi: %5d degree %5d%s\n", + range -, range->degree, + (range->color != REG_UNSET) ? " (colored)": ""); + } + + } + /* Color the live_ranges */ + color_graph(state, &rstate); + + /* Move the colors from the graph to the triples */ + color_triples(state, &rstate); + + /* Free the edges on each node */ + for(i = 1; i <= rstate.ranges; i++) { + remove_live_edges(&rstate, &[i]); + } + xfree(; + + /* Free the variable lifetime information */ + free_variable_lifetimes(state, rstate.blocks); + +} + +/* Sparce Conditional Constant Propogation + * ========================================= + */ +struct ssa_edge; +struct flow_block; +struct lattice_node { + struct triple *def; + struct ssa_edge *out; + struct flow_block *fblock; + struct triple *val; + /* lattice high val && !is_const(val) + * lattice const is_const(val) + * lattice low val == 0 + */ + struct triple scratch; +}; +struct ssa_edge { + struct lattice_node *src; + struct lattice_node *dst; + struct ssa_edge *work_next; + struct ssa_edge *work_prev; + struct ssa_edge *out_next; +}; +struct flow_edge { + struct flow_block *src; + struct flow_block *dst; + struct flow_edge *work_next; + struct flow_edge *work_prev; + struct flow_edge *in_next; + struct flow_edge *out_next; + int executable; +}; +struct flow_block { + struct block *block; + struct flow_edge *in; + struct flow_edge *out; + struct flow_edge left, right; +}; + +struct scc_state { + struct lattice_node *lattice; + struct ssa_edge *ssa_edges; + struct flow_block *flow_blocks; + struct flow_edge *flow_work_list; + struct ssa_edge *ssa_work_list; +}; + + +static void scc_add_fedge(struct compile_state *state, struct scc_state *scc, + struct flow_edge *fedge) +{ + if (!scc->flow_work_list) { + scc->flow_work_list = fedge; + fedge->work_next = fedge->work_prev = fedge; + } + else { + struct flow_edge *ftail; + ftail = scc->flow_work_list->work_prev; + fedge->work_next = ftail->work_next; + fedge->work_prev = ftail; + fedge->work_next->work_prev = fedge; + fedge->work_prev->work_next = fedge; + } +} + +static struct flow_edge *scc_next_fedge( + struct compile_state *state, struct scc_state *scc) +{ + struct flow_edge *fedge; + fedge = scc->flow_work_list; + if (fedge) { + fedge->work_next->work_prev = fedge->work_prev; + fedge->work_prev->work_next = fedge->work_next; + if (fedge->work_next != fedge) { + scc->flow_work_list = fedge->work_next; + } else { + scc->flow_work_list = 0; + } + } + return fedge; +} + +static void scc_add_sedge(struct compile_state *state, struct scc_state *scc, + struct ssa_edge *sedge) +{ + if (!scc->ssa_work_list) { + scc->ssa_work_list = sedge; + sedge->work_next = sedge->work_prev = sedge; + } + else { + struct ssa_edge *stail; + stail = scc->ssa_work_list->work_prev; + sedge->work_next = stail->work_next; + sedge->work_prev = stail; + sedge->work_next->work_prev = sedge; + sedge->work_prev->work_next = sedge; + } +} + +static struct ssa_edge *scc_next_sedge( + struct compile_state *state, struct scc_state *scc) +{ + struct ssa_edge *sedge; + sedge = scc->ssa_work_list; + if (sedge) { + sedge->work_next->work_prev = sedge->work_prev; + sedge->work_prev->work_next = sedge->work_next; + if (sedge->work_next != sedge) { + scc->ssa_work_list = sedge->work_next; + } else { + scc->ssa_work_list = 0; + } + } + return sedge; +} + +static void initialize_scc_state( + struct compile_state *state, struct scc_state *scc) +{ + int ins_count, ssa_edge_count; + int ins_index, ssa_edge_index, fblock_index; + struct triple *first, *ins; + struct block *block; + struct flow_block *fblock; + + memset(scc, 0, sizeof(*scc)); + + /* Inialize pass zero find out how much memory we need */ + first = state->main_function->left; + ins = first; + ins_count = ssa_edge_count = 0; + do { + struct triple_set *edge; + ins_count += 1; + for(edge = ins->use; edge; edge = edge->next) { + ssa_edge_count++; + } + ins = ins->next; + } while(ins != first); +#if DEBUG_SCC + fprintf(stderr, "ins_count: %d ssa_edge_count: %d vertex_count: %d\n", + ins_count, ssa_edge_count, state->last_vertex); +#endif + scc->lattice = + xcmalloc(sizeof(*scc->lattice)*(ins_count + 1), "lattice"); + scc->ssa_edges = + xcmalloc(sizeof(*scc->ssa_edges)*(ssa_edge_count + 1), "ssa_edges"); + scc->flow_blocks = + xcmalloc(sizeof(*scc->flow_blocks)*(state->last_vertex + 1), + "flow_blocks"); + + /* Initialize pass one collect up the nodes */ + fblock = 0; + block = 0; + ins_index = ssa_edge_index = fblock_index = 0; + ins = first; + do { + ins->id = 0; + if ((ins->op == OP_LABEL) && (block != ins->u.block)) { + block = ins->u.block; + if (!block) { + internal_error(state, ins, "label without block"); + } + fblock_index += 1; + block->vertex = fblock_index; + fblock = &scc->flow_blocks[fblock_index]; + fblock->block = block; + } + { + struct lattice_node *lnode; + ins_index += 1; + ins->id = ins_index; + lnode = &scc->lattice[ins_index]; + lnode->def = ins; + lnode->out = 0; + lnode->fblock = fblock; + lnode->val = ins; /* LATTICE HIGH */ + } + ins = ins->next; + } while(ins != first); + /* Initialize pass two collect up the edges */ + block = 0; + fblock = 0; + ins = first; + do { + if ((ins->op == OP_LABEL) && (block != ins->u.block)) { + struct flow_edge *fedge, **ftail; + struct block_set *bedge; + block = ins->u.block; + fblock = &scc->flow_blocks[block->vertex]; + fblock->in = 0; + fblock->out = 0; + ftail = &fblock->out; + if (block->left) { + fblock->left.dst = &scc->flow_blocks[block->left->vertex]; + if (fblock->left.dst->block != block->left) { + internal_error(state, 0, "block mismatch"); + } + fblock->left.out_next = 0; + *ftail = &fblock->left; + ftail = &fblock->left.out_next; + } + if (block->right) { + fblock->right.dst = &scc->flow_blocks[block->right->vertex]; + if (fblock->right.dst->block != block->right) { + internal_error(state, 0, "block mismatch"); + } + fblock->right.out_next = 0; + *ftail = &fblock->right; + ftail = &fblock->right.out_next; + } + for(fedge = fblock->out; fedge; fedge = fedge->out_next) { + fedge->src = fblock; + fedge->work_next = fedge->work_prev = fedge; + fedge->executable = 0; + } + ftail = &fblock->in; + for(bedge = block->use; bedge; bedge = bedge->next) { + struct block *src_block; + struct flow_block *sfblock; + struct flow_edge *sfedge; + src_block = bedge->member; + sfblock = &scc->flow_blocks[src_block->vertex]; + sfedge = 0; + if (src_block->left == block) { + sfedge = &sfblock->left; + } else { + sfedge = &sfblock->right; + } + *ftail = sfedge; + ftail = &sfedge->in_next; + sfedge->in_next = 0; + } + } + { + struct triple_set *edge; + struct ssa_edge **stail; + struct lattice_node *lnode; + lnode = &scc->lattice[ins->id]; + lnode->out = 0; + stail = &lnode->out; + for(edge = ins->use; edge; edge = edge->next) { + struct ssa_edge *sedge; + ssa_edge_index += 1; + sedge = &scc->ssa_edges[ssa_edge_index]; + *stail = sedge; + stail = &sedge->out_next; + sedge->src = lnode; + sedge->dst = &scc->lattice[edge->member->id]; + sedge->work_next = sedge->work_prev = sedge; + sedge->out_next = 0; + } + } + ins = ins->next; + } while(ins != first); + /* Setup a dummy block 0 as a node above the start node */ + { + struct flow_block *fblock, *dst; + struct flow_edge *fedge; + fblock = &scc->flow_blocks[0]; + fblock->block = 0; + fblock->in = 0; + fblock->out = &fblock->left; + dst = &scc->flow_blocks[state->first_block->vertex]; + fedge = &fblock->left; + fedge->src = fblock; + fedge->dst = dst; + fedge->work_next = fedge; + fedge->work_prev = fedge; + fedge->in_next = fedge->dst->in; + fedge->out_next = 0; + fedge->executable = 0; + fedge->dst->in = fedge; + + /* Initialize the work lists */ + scc->flow_work_list = 0; + scc->ssa_work_list = 0; + scc_add_fedge(state, scc, fedge); + } +#if DEBUG_SCC + fprintf(stderr, "ins_index: %d ssa_edge_index: %d fblock_index: %d\n", + ins_index, ssa_edge_index, fblock_index); +#endif +} + + +static void free_scc_state( + struct compile_state *state, struct scc_state *scc) +{ + xfree(scc->flow_blocks); + xfree(scc->ssa_edges); + xfree(scc->lattice); +} + +static struct lattice_node *triple_to_lattice( + struct compile_state *state, struct scc_state *scc, struct triple *ins) +{ + if (ins->id <= 0) { + internal_error(state, ins, "bad id"); + } + return &scc->lattice[ins->id]; +} + +static void scc_visit_phi(struct compile_state *state, struct scc_state *scc, + struct lattice_node *lnode) +{ + struct lattice_node *tmp; + struct triple **slot; + struct flow_edge *fedge; + int index; + if (lnode->def->op != OP_PHI) { + internal_error(state, lnode->def, "not phi"); + } + /* default to lattice high */ + lnode->val = lnode->def; + slot = (struct triple **)lnode->def->left; + index = 0; + for(fedge = lnode->fblock->in; fedge; index++, fedge = fedge->in_next) { + if (!fedge->executable) { + continue; + } + if (!slot[index]) { + internal_error(state, lnode->def, "no phi value"); + } + tmp = triple_to_lattice(state, scc, slot[index]); + /* meet(X, lattice low) = lattice low */ + if (!tmp->val) { + lnode->val = 0; + } + /* meet(X, lattice high) = X */ + else if (!tmp->val) { + lnode->val = lnode->val; + } + /* meet(lattice high, X) = X */ + else if (!is_const(lnode->val)) { + lnode->val = tmp->val; + } + /* meet(const, const) = const or lattice low */ + else if (!constants_equal(state, lnode->val, tmp->val)) { + lnode->val = 0; + } + if (!lnode->val) { + break; + } + } + /* Do I need to update any work lists here? */ +#if DEBUG_SCC + fprintf(stderr, "phi: %d -> %s\n", + lnode->def->id, + (!lnode->val)? "lo": is_const(lnode->val)? "const": "hi"); +#endif +} + +static int compute_lnode_val(struct compile_state *state, struct scc_state *scc, + struct lattice_node *lnode) +{ + int changed; + struct triple old_buf, *old; + struct triple **dexpr, **vexpr; + + /* Store the original value */ + if (lnode->val) { + old = &old_buf; + memcpy(old, lnode->val, sizeof(*old)); + } else { + old = 0; + } + /* Reinitialize the value */ + memset(&lnode->scratch, 0, sizeof(lnode->scratch)); + lnode->val = &lnode->scratch; + lnode->val->next = &lnode->scratch; + lnode->val->prev = &lnode->scratch; + lnode->val->use = 0; + lnode->val->type = lnode->def->type; + lnode->val->op = lnode->def->op; + lnode->val->left = 0; + lnode->val->right = 0; + lnode->val->filename = lnode->def->filename; + lnode->val->line = lnode->def->line; + lnode->val->col = lnode->def->col; + if (lnode->def->op != OP_STORE) { + check_lhs(state, lnode->def); + } + dexpr = triple_rhs(state, lnode->def, 0); + vexpr = triple_rhs(state, lnode->val, 0); + while(dexpr && vexpr) { + struct lattice_node *tmp; + tmp = triple_to_lattice(state, scc, *dexpr); + *vexpr = (tmp->val)? tmp->val : tmp->def; + dexpr = triple_rhs(state, lnode->def, dexpr); + vexpr = triple_rhs(state, lnode->val, vexpr); + } + if (is_const(lnode->val)) { + memcpy(&lnode->val->u, &lnode->def->u, sizeof(lnode->def->u)); + } + else if (lnode->val->op == OP_BRANCH) { + lnode->val->left = lnode->def->left; + lnode->val->next = lnode->def->next; + } + else if (lnode->val->op == OP_SDECL) { + lnode->val->left = lnode->def->left; + } + /* Recompute the value */ +#warning "FIXME see if simplify does anything bad" + /* So far it looks like only the strength reduction + * optimization are things I need to worry about. + */ + simplify(state, lnode->val); + /* Cleanup my value */ + if (lnode->scratch.use) { + internal_error(state, lnode->def, "scratch used?"); + } + if ((lnode->scratch.prev != &lnode->scratch) || + ((lnode-> != &lnode->scratch) && + ((lnode->def->op != OP_BRANCH) || + (lnode-> != lnode->def->next)))) { + internal_error(state, lnode->def, "scratch in list?"); + } + /* undo any uses... */ + vexpr = triple_rhs(state, lnode->val, 0); + for(;vexpr;vexpr = triple_rhs(state, lnode->val, vexpr)) { + unuse_triple(*vexpr, lnode->val); + } + if (!is_const(lnode->val)) { + dexpr = triple_rhs(state, lnode->def, 0); + for(;dexpr;dexpr = triple_rhs(state, lnode->def, dexpr)) { + struct lattice_node *tmp; + tmp = triple_to_lattice(state, scc, *dexpr); + if (!tmp->val) { + lnode->val = 0; + } + } + } + if (lnode->val && + (lnode->val->op == lnode->def->op) && + (lnode->val->left == lnode->def->left) && + (lnode->val->right == lnode->def->right) && + (((memcmp(&lnode->val->u, &lnode->def->u, sizeof(lnode->def->u)) == 0) && + is_const(lnode->val)) || !is_const(lnode->val))) { + lnode->val = lnode->def; + } + /* Find the cases that are always lattice lo */ + if (lnode->val && + triple_is_def(lnode->val) && + !triple_is_pure(state, lnode->val)) { + lnode->val = 0; + } +#if 1 + if (lnode->val && + (lnode->val->op == OP_SDECL) && + (lnode->val != lnode->def)) { + internal_error(state, lnode->def, "bad sdecl"); + } +#endif + /* See if the lattice value has changed */ + changed = 1; + if (!old && !lnode->val) { + changed = 0; + } + if (changed && lnode->val && !is_const(lnode->val)) { + changed = 0; + } + if (changed && + lnode->val && old && + (lnode->val->op == old->op) && + (lnode->val->left == old->left) && + (lnode->val->right == old->right) && + (memcmp(&lnode->val->u, &old->u, sizeof(old->u)) == 0)) { + changed = 0; + } + return changed; + +} +static void scc_visit_branch(struct compile_state *state, struct scc_state *scc, + struct lattice_node *lnode) +{ + struct lattice_node *cond; +#if DEBUG_SCC + { + struct flow_edge *fedge; + fprintf(stderr, "branch: %d (", + lnode->def->id); + + for(fedge = lnode->fblock->out; fedge; fedge = fedge->out_next) { + fprintf(stderr, " %d", fedge->dst->block->vertex); + } + fprintf(stderr, " )"); + if (lnode->def->right) { + fprintf(stderr, " <- %d", + lnode->def->right->id); + } + fprintf(stderr, "\n"); + } +#endif + if (lnode->def->op != OP_BRANCH) { + internal_error(state, lnode->def, "not branch"); + } + /* This only applies to conditional branches */ + if (lnode->def->right == 0) { + return; + } + cond = triple_to_lattice(state, scc, lnode->def->right); + if (cond->val && !is_const(cond->val)) { +#warning "FIXME do I need to do something here?" + warning(state, cond->def, "condition not constant?"); + return; + } + if (cond->val == 0) { + scc_add_fedge(state, scc, cond->fblock->out); + scc_add_fedge(state, scc, cond->fblock->out->out_next); + } + else if (cond->val->u.cval) { + scc_add_fedge(state, scc, cond->fblock->out->out_next); + + } else { + scc_add_fedge(state, scc, cond->fblock->out); + } + +} + +static void scc_visit_expr(struct compile_state *state, struct scc_state *scc, + struct lattice_node *lnode) +{ + int changed; + + changed = compute_lnode_val(state, scc, lnode); +#if DEBUG_SCC + { + struct triple **expr; + fprintf(stderr, "expr: %3d %10s (", + lnode->def->id, tops(lnode->def->op)); + expr = triple_rhs(state, lnode->def, 0); + for(;expr;expr = triple_rhs(state, lnode->def, expr)) { + fprintf(stderr, " %d", (*expr)->id); + } + fprintf(stderr, " ) -> %s\n", + (!lnode->val)? "lo": is_const(lnode->val)? "const": "hi"); + } +#endif + if (lnode->def->op == OP_BRANCH) { + scc_visit_branch(state, scc, lnode); + + } + else if (changed) { + struct ssa_edge *sedge; + for(sedge = lnode->out; sedge; sedge = sedge->out_next) { + scc_add_sedge(state, scc, sedge); + } + } +} + +static void scc_writeback_values( + struct compile_state *state, struct scc_state *scc) +{ + struct triple *first, *ins; + first = state->main_function->left; + ins = first; + do { + struct lattice_node *lnode; + lnode = triple_to_lattice(state, scc, ins); +#if DEBUG_SCC + if (lnode->val && !is_const(lnode->val)) { + warning(state, lnode->def, + "lattice node still high?"); + } +#endif + if (lnode->val && (lnode->val != ins)) { + /* See if it something I know how to write back */ + switch(lnode->val->op) { + case OP_INTCONST: + mkconst(state, ins, lnode->val->u.cval); + break; + case OP_ADDRCONST: + mkaddr_const(state, ins, + lnode->val->left, lnode->val->u.cval); + break; + default: + /* By default don't copy the changes, + * recompute them in place instead. + */ + simplify(state, ins); + break; + } + } + ins = ins->next; + } while(ins != first); +} + +static void scc_transform(struct compile_state *state) +{ + struct scc_state scc; + + initialize_scc_state(state, &scc); + + while(scc.flow_work_list || scc.ssa_work_list) { + struct flow_edge *fedge; + struct ssa_edge *sedge; + struct flow_edge *fptr; + while((fedge = scc_next_fedge(state, &scc))) { + struct block *block; + struct triple *ptr; + struct flow_block *fblock; + int time; + int done; + if (fedge->executable) { + continue; + } + if (!fedge->dst) { + internal_error(state, 0, "fedge without dst"); + } + if (!fedge->src) { + internal_error(state, 0, "fedge without src"); + } + fedge->executable = 1; + fblock = fedge->dst; + block = fblock->block; + time = 0; + for(fptr = fblock->in; fptr; fptr = fptr->in_next) { + if (fptr->executable) { + time++; + } + } +#if DEBUG_SCC + fprintf(stderr, "vertex: %d time: %d\n", + block->vertex, time); + +#endif + done = 0; + for(ptr = block->first; !done; ptr = ptr->next) { + struct lattice_node *lnode; + done = (ptr == block->last); + lnode = &scc.lattice[ptr->id]; + if (ptr->op == OP_PHI) { + scc_visit_phi(state, &scc, lnode); + } + else if (time == 1) { + scc_visit_expr(state, &scc, lnode); + } + } + if (fblock->out && !fblock->out->out_next) { + scc_add_fedge(state, &scc, fblock->out); + } + } + while((sedge = scc_next_sedge(state, &scc))) { + struct lattice_node *lnode; + struct flow_block *fblock; + lnode = sedge->dst; + fblock = lnode->fblock; +#if DEBUG_SCC + fprintf(stderr, "sedge: %5d (%5d -> %5d)\n", + sedge - scc.ssa_edges, + sedge->src->def->id, + sedge->dst->def->id); +#endif + if (lnode->def->op == OP_PHI) { + scc_visit_phi(state, &scc, lnode); + } + else { + for(fptr = fblock->in; fptr; fptr = fptr->in_next) { + if (fptr->executable) { + break; + } + } + if (fptr) { + scc_visit_expr(state, &scc, lnode); + } + } + } + } + + scc_writeback_values(state, &scc); + /* FINISH ME move constants from scratch values into the tree */ + free_scc_state(state, &scc); +} + + +static void transform_to_arch_instructions(struct compile_state *state); + + +static void optimize(struct compile_state *state) +{ + if (state->debug & DEBUG_TRIPLES) { + print_triples(state); + } + /* Analize the intermediate code */ + setup_basic_blocks(state); + analyze_idominators(state); + analyze_ipdominators(state); + /* Transform the code to ssa form */ + transform_to_ssa_form(state); + /* Do strength reduction and simple constant optimizations */ + if (state->optimize >= 1) { + simplify_all(state); + } + /* Propogate constants throughout the code */ + if (state->optimize >= 2) { + scc_transform(state); + transform_from_ssa_form(state); + free_basic_blocks(state); + setup_basic_blocks(state); + analyze_idominators(state); + analyze_ipdominators(state); + transform_to_ssa_form(state); + + } +#warning "WISHLIST implement single use constants (least possible register pressure)" +#warning "WISHLIST implement induction variable elimination" +#warning "WISHLIST implement strength reduction" + /* Select architecture instructions and an initial partial + * coloring based on architecture constraints. + */ + transform_to_arch_instructions(state); + if (state->debug & DEBUG_ARCH_CODE) { + printf("After transform_to_arch_instructions\n"); + print_blocks(state); + print_control_flow(state); + } + eliminate_inefectual_code(state); + if (state->debug & DEBUG_CODE_ELIMINATION) { + printf("After eliminate_inefectual_code\n"); + print_blocks(state); + print_control_flow(state); + } + /* Color all of the variables to see if they will fit in registers */ + insert_copies_to_phi(state); + allocate_registers(state); + if (state->debug & DEBUG_INTERMEDIATE_CODE) { + print_blocks(state); + } + if (state->debug & DEBUG_CONTROL_FLOW) { + print_control_flow(state); + } + /* Remove the optimization information. + * This is more to check for memory consistency than to free memory. + */ + free_basic_blocks(state); +} + +/* The x86 register classes */ +#define REGC_FLAGS 0 +#define REGC_GPR8 1 +#define REGC_GPR16 2 +#define REGC_GPR32 3 +#define REGC_GPR64 4 +#define REGC_MMX 5 +#define REGC_XMM 6 +#define REGC_GPR32_8 7 +#define REGC_GPR16_8 8 +#define LAST_REGC REGC_GPR16_8 +#if LAST_REGC >= MAX_REGC +#error "MAX_REGC is to low" +#endif + +/* Register class masks */ +#define REGCM_FLAGS (1 << REGC_FLAGS) +#define REGCM_GPR8 (1 << REGC_GPR8) +#define REGCM_GPR16 (1 << REGC_GPR16) +#define REGCM_GPR32 (1 << REGC_GPR32) +#define REGCM_GPR64 (1 << REGC_GPR64) +#define REGCM_MMX (1 << REGC_MMX) +#define REGCM_XMM (1 << REGC_XMM) +#define REGCM_GPR32_8 (1 << REGC_GPR32_8) +#define REGCM_GPR16_8 (1 << REGC_GPR16_8) + +/* The x86 registers */ +#define REG_EFLAGS 1 +#define REGC_FLAGS_FIRST REG_EFLAGS +#define REGC_FLAGS_LAST REG_EFLAGS +#define REG_AL 2 +#define REG_BL 3 +#define REG_CL 4 +#define REG_DL 5 +#define REG_AH 6 +#define REG_BH 7 +#define REG_CH 8 +#define REG_DH 9 +#define REGC_GPR8_FIRST REG_AL +#if X86_4_8BIT_GPRS +#define REGC_GPR8_LAST REG_DL +#else +#define REGC_GPR8_LAST REG_DH +#endif +#define REG_AX 10 +#define REG_BX 11 +#define REG_CX 12 +#define REG_DX 13 +#define REG_SI 14 +#define REG_DI 15 +#define REG_BP 16 +#define REG_SP 17 +#define REGC_GPR16_FIRST REG_AX +#define REGC_GPR16_LAST REG_SP +#define REG_EAX 18 +#define REG_EBX 19 +#define REG_ECX 20 +#define REG_EDX 21 +#define REG_ESI 22 +#define REG_EDI 23 +#define REG_EBP 24 +#define REG_ESP 25 +#define REGC_GPR32_FIRST REG_EAX +#define REGC_GPR32_LAST REG_ESP +#define REG_EDXEAX 26 +#define REGC_GPR64_FIRST REG_EDXEAX +#define REGC_GPR64_LAST REG_EDXEAX +#define REG_MMX0 27 +#define REG_MMX1 28 +#define REG_MMX2 29 +#define REG_MMX3 30 +#define REG_MMX4 31 +#define REG_MMX5 32 +#define REG_MMX6 33 +#define REG_MMX7 34 +#define REGC_MMX_FIRST REG_MMX0 +#define REGC_MMX_LAST REG_MMX7 +#define REG_XMM0 35 +#define REG_XMM1 36 +#define REG_XMM2 37 +#define REG_XMM3 38 +#define REG_XMM4 39 +#define REG_XMM5 40 +#define REG_XMM6 41 +#define REG_XMM7 42 +#define REGC_XMM_FIRST REG_XMM0 +#define REGC_XMM_LAST REG_XMM7 +#warning "WISHLIST figure out how to use pinsrw and pextrw to better use extended regs" +#define LAST_REG REG_XMM7 + +#define REGC_GPR32_8_FIRST REG_EAX +#define REGC_GPR32_8_LAST REG_EDX +#define REGC_GPR16_8_FIRST REG_AX +#define REGC_GPR16_8_LAST REG_DX + +#if LAST_REG >= MAX_REGISTERS +#error "MAX_REGISTERS to low" +#endif + +static unsigned arch_regc_size(struct compile_state *state, int class) +{ + static unsigned regc_size[LAST_REGC +1] = { + [REGC_FLAGS] = REGC_FLAGS_LAST - REGC_FLAGS_FIRST + 1, + [REGC_GPR8] = REGC_GPR8_LAST - REGC_GPR8_FIRST + 1, + [REGC_GPR16] = REGC_GPR16_LAST - REGC_GPR16_FIRST + 1, + [REGC_GPR32] = REGC_GPR32_LAST - REGC_GPR32_FIRST + 1, + [REGC_GPR64] = REGC_GPR64_LAST - REGC_GPR64_FIRST + 1, + [REGC_MMX] = REGC_MMX_LAST - REGC_MMX_FIRST + 1, + [REGC_XMM] = REGC_XMM_LAST - REGC_XMM_FIRST + 1, + [REGC_GPR32_8] = REGC_GPR32_8_LAST - REGC_GPR32_8_FIRST + 1, + [REGC_GPR16_8] = REGC_GPR16_8_LAST - REGC_GPR16_8_FIRST + 1, + }; + if ((class < 0) || (class > LAST_REGC)) { + return 0; + } + return regc_size[class]; +} +static int arch_regcm_intersect(unsigned regcm1, unsigned regcm2) +{ + /* See if two register classes may have overlapping registers */ + unsigned gpr_mask = REGCM_GPR8 | REGCM_GPR16_8 | REGCM_GPR16 | + REGCM_GPR32_8 | REGCM_GPR32 | REGCM_GPR64; + + return (regcm1 & regcm2) || + ((regcm1 & gpr_mask) && (regcm2 & gpr_mask)); +} + +static void arch_reg_equivs( + struct compile_state *state, unsigned *equiv, int reg) +{ + if ((reg < 0) || (reg > LAST_REG)) { + internal_error(state, 0, "invalid register"); + } + *equiv++ = reg; + switch(reg) { + case REG_AL: + case REG_AH: + *equiv++ = REG_AX; + *equiv++ = REG_EAX; + *equiv++ = REG_EDXEAX; + break; + case REG_BL: + case REG_BH: + *equiv++ = REG_BX; + *equiv++ = REG_EBX; + break; + case REG_CL: + case REG_CH: + *equiv++ = REG_CX; + *equiv++ = REG_ECX; + break; + case REG_DL: + case REG_DH: + *equiv++ = REG_DX; + *equiv++ = REG_EDX; + *equiv++ = REG_EDXEAX; + break; + case REG_AX: + *equiv++ = REG_AL; + *equiv++ = REG_AH; + *equiv++ = REG_EAX; + *equiv++ = REG_EDXEAX; + break; + case REG_BX: + *equiv++ = REG_BL; + *equiv++ = REG_BH; + *equiv++ = REG_EBX; + break; + case REG_CX: + *equiv++ = REG_CL; + *equiv++ = REG_CH; + *equiv++ = REG_ECX; + break; + case REG_DX: + *equiv++ = REG_DL; + *equiv++ = REG_DH; + *equiv++ = REG_EDX; + *equiv++ = REG_EDXEAX; + break; + case REG_SI: + *equiv++ = REG_ESI; + break; + case REG_DI: + *equiv++ = REG_EDI; + break; + case REG_BP: + *equiv++ = REG_EBP; + break; + case REG_SP: + *equiv++ = REG_ESP; + break; + case REG_EAX: + *equiv++ = REG_AL; + *equiv++ = REG_AH; + *equiv++ = REG_AX; + *equiv++ = REG_EDXEAX; + break; + case REG_EBX: + *equiv++ = REG_BL; + *equiv++ = REG_BH; + *equiv++ = REG_BX; + break; + case REG_ECX: + *equiv++ = REG_CL; + *equiv++ = REG_CH; + *equiv++ = REG_CX; + break; + case REG_EDX: + *equiv++ = REG_DL; + *equiv++ = REG_DH; + *equiv++ = REG_DX; + *equiv++ = REG_EDXEAX; + break; + case REG_ESI: + *equiv++ = REG_SI; + break; + case REG_EDI: + *equiv++ = REG_DI; + break; + case REG_EBP: + *equiv++ = REG_BP; + break; + case REG_ESP: + *equiv++ = REG_SP; + break; + case REG_EDXEAX: + *equiv++ = REG_AL; + *equiv++ = REG_AH; + *equiv++ = REG_DL; + *equiv++ = REG_DH; + *equiv++ = REG_AX; + *equiv++ = REG_DX; + *equiv++ = REG_EAX; + *equiv++ = REG_EDX; + break; + } + *equiv++ = REG_UNSET; +} + + +static unsigned arch_reg_regcm(struct compile_state *state, int reg) +{ + static const struct { + int first, last; + } bound[LAST_REGC + 1] = { + [REGC_FLAGS] = { REGC_FLAGS_FIRST, REGC_FLAGS_LAST }, + [REGC_GPR8] = { REGC_GPR8_FIRST, REGC_GPR8_LAST }, + [REGC_GPR16] = { REGC_GPR16_FIRST, REGC_GPR16_LAST }, + [REGC_GPR32] = { REGC_GPR32_FIRST, REGC_GPR32_LAST }, + [REGC_GPR64] = { REGC_GPR64_FIRST, REGC_GPR64_LAST }, + [REGC_MMX] = { REGC_MMX_FIRST, REGC_MMX_LAST }, + [REGC_XMM] = { REGC_XMM_FIRST, REGC_XMM_LAST }, + [REGC_GPR32_8] = { REGC_GPR32_8_FIRST, REGC_GPR32_8_LAST }, + [REGC_GPR16_8] = { REGC_GPR16_8_FIRST, REGC_GPR16_8_LAST }, + }; + unsigned mask; + int class; + mask = 0; + for(class = 0; class <= LAST_REGC; class++) { + if ((reg >= bound[class].first) && + (reg <= bound[class].last)) { + mask |= (1 << class); + } + } + if (!mask) { + internal_error(state, 0, "reg %d not in any class", reg); + } + return mask; +} + +static int do_select_reg(struct compile_state *state, + char *used, int reg, unsigned classes) +{ + unsigned mask; + if (used[reg]) { + return REG_UNSET; + } + mask = arch_reg_regcm(state, reg); + return (classes & mask) ? reg : REG_UNSET; +} + +static int arch_select_free_register( + struct compile_state *state, char *used, int classes) +{ + /* Preference: flags, 8bit gprs, 32bit gprs, other 32bit reg + * other types of registers. + */ + int i, reg; + reg = REG_UNSET; + for(i = REGC_FLAGS_FIRST; (reg == REG_UNSET) && (i <= REGC_FLAGS_LAST); i++) { + reg = do_select_reg(state, used, i, classes); + } + for(i = REGC_GPR8_FIRST; (reg == REG_UNSET) && (i <= REGC_GPR8_LAST); i++) { + reg = do_select_reg(state, used, i, classes); + } + for(i = REGC_GPR32_FIRST; (reg == REG_UNSET) && (i <= REGC_GPR32_LAST); i++) { + reg = do_select_reg(state, used, i, classes); + } + for(i = REGC_MMX_FIRST; (reg == REG_UNSET) && (i <= REGC_MMX_LAST); i++) { + reg = do_select_reg(state, used, i, classes); + } + for(i = REGC_XMM_FIRST; (reg == REG_UNSET) && (i <= REGC_XMM_LAST); i++) { + reg = do_select_reg(state, used, i, classes); + } + for(i = REGC_GPR16_FIRST; (reg == REG_UNSET) && (i <= REGC_GPR16_LAST); i++) { + reg = do_select_reg(state, used, i, classes); + } + for(i = REGC_GPR64_FIRST; (reg == REG_UNSET) && (i <= REGC_GPR64_LAST); i++) { + reg = do_select_reg(state, used, i, classes); + } + return reg; +} + +static unsigned arch_type_to_regcm(struct compile_state *state, struct type *type) +{ +#warning "FIXME force types smaller (if legal) before I get here" + int use_mmx = 0; + int use_sse = 0; + unsigned avail_mask; + unsigned mask; + avail_mask = REGCM_GPR8 | REGCM_GPR16_8 | REGCM_GPR16 | + REGCM_GPR32 | REGCM_GPR32_8 | REGCM_GPR64; +#if 1 + /* Don't enable 8 bit values until I can force both operands + * to be 8bits simultaneously. + */ + avail_mask &= ~(REGCM_GPR8 | REGCM_GPR16_8 | REGCM_GPR16); +#endif + if (use_mmx) { + avail_mask |= REGCM_MMX; + } + if (use_sse) { + avail_mask |= REGCM_XMM; + } + mask = 0; + switch(type->type & TYPE_MASK) { + case TYPE_ARRAY: + case TYPE_VOID: + mask = 0; + break; + case TYPE_CHAR: + case TYPE_UCHAR: + mask = REGCM_GPR8 | + REGCM_GPR16_8 | REGCM_GPR16 | + REGCM_GPR32 | REGCM_GPR32_8 | + REGCM_GPR64 | + REGCM_MMX | REGCM_XMM; + break; + case TYPE_SHORT: + case TYPE_USHORT: + mask = REGCM_GPR16 | REGCM_GPR16_8 | + REGCM_GPR32 | REGCM_GPR32_8 | + REGCM_GPR64 | + REGCM_MMX | REGCM_XMM; + break; + case TYPE_INT: + case TYPE_UINT: + case TYPE_LONG: + case TYPE_ULONG: + case TYPE_POINTER: + mask = REGCM_GPR32 | REGCM_GPR32_8 | + REGCM_GPR64 | REGCM_MMX | REGCM_XMM; + break; + default: + internal_error(state, 0, "no register class for type"); + break; + } + mask &= avail_mask; + return mask; +} + +static void get_imm32(struct triple *ins, struct triple **expr) +{ + struct triple *imm; + if ((*expr)->op != OP_COPY) { + return; + } + imm = (*expr)->left; + while(imm->op == OP_COPY) { + imm = imm->left; + } + if (imm->op != OP_INTCONST) { + return; + } + *expr = imm; + unuse_triple(*expr, ins); + use_triple(*expr, ins); +} + +static void get_imm8(struct triple *ins, struct triple **expr) +{ + struct triple *imm; + if ((*expr)->op != OP_COPY) { + return; + } + imm = (*expr)->left; + while(imm->op == OP_COPY) { + imm = imm->left; + } + if (imm->op != OP_INTCONST) { + return; + } + /* For imm8 only a sufficienlty small constant can be used */ + if (imm->u.cval > 0xff) { + return; + } + *expr = imm; + unuse_triple(*expr, ins); + use_triple(*expr, ins); +} + +static struct triple *pre_copy(struct compile_state *state, + struct triple *ins, struct triple **expr, + unsigned reg, unsigned mask) +{ + /* Carefully insert enough operations so that I can + * enter any operation with a GPR32. + */ + struct triple *in; + /* See if I can directly reach the result from a GPR32 */ + if (mask & (REGCM_GPR32 | REGCM_GPR16 | REGCM_MMX | REGCM_XMM)) { + in = triple(state, OP_COPY, (*expr)->type, *expr, 0); + } + /* If it is a byte value force a earlier copy to a GPR32_8 */ + else if (mask & REGCM_GPR8) { + struct triple *tmp; + tmp = triple(state, OP_COPY, (*expr)->type, *expr, 0); + tmp->filename = ins->filename; + tmp->line = ins->line; + tmp->col = ins->col; + tmp->u.block = ins->u.block; + tmp->id = MK_REG_ID(REG_UNSET, REGCM_GPR32_8 | REGCM_GPR16_8); + use_triple(tmp->left, tmp); + insert_triple(state, ins, tmp); + + in = triple(state, OP_COPY, tmp->type, tmp, 0); + } + else { + internal_error(state, ins, "bad copy type"); + in = 0; + } + in->filename = ins->filename; + in->line = ins->line; + in->col = ins->col; + in->u.block = ins->u.block; + in->id = MK_REG_ID(reg, mask); + unuse_triple(*expr, ins); + *expr = in; + use_triple(in->left, in); + use_triple(in, ins); + insert_triple(state, ins, in); + return in; +} + +static struct triple *post_copy(struct compile_state *state, struct triple *ins) +{ + struct triple_set *entry, *next; + struct triple *out, *label; + struct block *block; + label = ins; + while(label->op != OP_LABEL) { + label = label->prev; + } + block = label->u.block; + out = triple(state, OP_COPY, ins->type, ins, 0); + out->filename = ins->filename; + out->line = ins->line; + out->col = ins->col; + out->u.block = block; + out->id = MK_REG_ID(REG_UNSET, + arch_type_to_regcm(state, ins->type)); + use_triple(ins, out); + insert_triple(state, ins->next, out); + if (block->last == ins) { + block->last = out; + } + /* Get the users of ins to use out instead */ + for(entry = ins->use; entry; entry = next) { + next = entry->next; + if (entry->member == out) { + continue; + } + replace_rhs_use(state, ins, out, entry->member); + } + return out; +} + +static void fixup_branches(struct compile_state *state, + struct triple *cmp, struct triple *use, int jmp_op) +{ + struct triple_set *entry, *next; + for(entry = use->use; entry; entry = next) { + next = entry->next; + if (entry->member->op == OP_COPY) { + fixup_branches(state, cmp, entry->member, jmp_op); + } + else if (entry->member->op == OP_BRANCH) { + struct triple *branch, *test; + branch = entry->member; + test = pre_triple(state, branch, + cmp->op, cmp->type, cmp->left, cmp->right); + test->id = MK_REG_ID(REG_EFLAGS, REGCM_FLAGS); + unuse_triple(branch->right, branch); + branch->right = test; + branch->op = jmp_op; + use_triple(branch->right, branch); + } + } +} + +static void bool_cmp(struct compile_state *state, + struct triple *ins, int cmp_op, int jmp_op, int set_op) +{ + struct block *block; + struct triple_set *entry, *next; + struct triple *set, *tmp1, *tmp2; + +#warning "WISHLIST implement an expression simplifier to reduce the use of set?" + + block = ins->u.block; + + /* Put a barrier up before the cmp which preceeds the + * copy instruction. If a set actually occurs this gives + * us a chance to move variables in registers out of the way. + */ + + /* Modify the comparison operator */ + ins->op = cmp_op; + ins->id = MK_REG_ID(REG_EFLAGS, REGCM_FLAGS); + if (cmp_op == OP_CMP) { + get_imm32(ins, &ins->right); + } + /* Generate the instruction sequence that will transform the + * result of the comparison into a logical value. + */ + tmp1 = triple(state, set_op, ins->type, ins, 0); + tmp1->filename = ins->filename; + tmp1->line = ins->line; + tmp1->col = ins->col; + tmp1->u.block = block; + tmp1->id = MK_REG_ID(REG_UNSET, REGCM_GPR8); + use_triple(ins, tmp1); + insert_triple(state, ins->next, tmp1); + + tmp2 = triple(state, OP_COPY, ins->type, tmp1, 0); + tmp2->filename = ins->filename; + tmp2->line = ins->line; + tmp2->col = ins->col; + tmp2->u.block = block; + tmp2->id = MK_REG_ID(REG_UNSET, + REGCM_GPR32 | REGCM_GPR32_8 | REGCM_GPR16 | REGCM_GPR16_8 | REGCM_GPR8); + use_triple(tmp1, tmp2); + insert_triple(state, tmp1->next, tmp2); + + if (block->last == ins) { + block->last = tmp2; + } + + set = tmp2; + for(entry = ins->use; entry; entry = next) { + next = entry->next; + if (entry->member == tmp1) { + continue; + } + replace_rhs_use(state, ins, set, entry->member); + } + fixup_branches(state, ins, set, jmp_op); +} + + +static void transform_to_arch_instructions(struct compile_state *state) +{ + /* Transform from generic 3 address instructions + * to archtecture specific instructions. + * And apply architecture specific constrains to instructions. + * Copies are inserted to preserve the register flexibility + * of 3 address instructions. + */ + struct triple *ins, *first, *next; + struct triple *in, *in2; + first = state->main_function->left; + ins = first; + do { + next = ins->next; + ins->id = MK_REG_ID(REG_UNSET, arch_type_to_regcm(state, ins->type)); + switch(ins->op) { + case OP_INTCONST: + case OP_ADDRCONST: + ins->id = 0; + post_copy(state, ins); + break; + case OP_NOOP: + case OP_SDECL: + case OP_BLOBCONST: + case OP_LABEL: + ins->id = 0; + break; + /* instructions that can be used as is */ + case OP_COPY: + case OP_PHI: + break; + case OP_STORE: + { + unsigned mask; + ins->id = 0; + switch(ins->type->type & TYPE_MASK) { + case TYPE_CHAR: case TYPE_UCHAR: + mask = REGCM_GPR8; + break; + case TYPE_SHORT: case TYPE_USHORT: + mask = REGCM_GPR16; + break; + case TYPE_INT: case TYPE_UINT: + case TYPE_LONG: case TYPE_ULONG: + case TYPE_POINTER: + mask = REGCM_GPR32; + break; + default: + internal_error(state, ins, "unknown type in store"); + mask = 0; + break; + } + in = pre_copy(state, ins, &ins->right, REG_UNSET, mask); + break; + } + case OP_LOAD: + switch(ins->type->type & TYPE_MASK) { + case TYPE_CHAR: case TYPE_UCHAR: + ins->id = MK_REG_ID(REG_UNSET, REGCM_GPR8); + break; + case TYPE_SHORT: + case TYPE_USHORT: + ins->id = MK_REG_ID(REG_UNSET, REGCM_GPR16); + break; + case TYPE_INT: + case TYPE_UINT: + case TYPE_LONG: + case TYPE_ULONG: + case TYPE_POINTER: + ins->id = MK_REG_ID(REG_UNSET, REGCM_GPR32); + break; + default: + internal_error(state, ins, "unknown type in load"); + break; + } + break; + case OP_ADD: + case OP_SUB: + case OP_AND: + case OP_XOR: + case OP_OR: + get_imm32(ins, &ins->right); + in = pre_copy(state, ins, &ins->left, + alloc_virtual_reg(), ID_REG_CLASSES(ins->id)); + ins->id = in->id; + break; + case OP_SL: + case OP_SSR: + case OP_USR: + get_imm8(ins, &ins->right); + in = pre_copy(state, ins, &ins->left, + alloc_virtual_reg(), ID_REG_CLASSES(ins->id)); + ins->id = in->id; + if (!IS_CONST_OP(ins->right->op)) { + in2 = pre_copy(state, ins, &ins->right, + REG_CL, REGCM_GPR8); + } + break; + case OP_INVERT: + case OP_NEG: + in = pre_copy(state, ins, &ins->left, + alloc_virtual_reg(), ID_REG_CLASSES(ins->id)); + ins->id = in->id; + break; + case OP_SMUL: + get_imm32(ins, &ins->right); + in = pre_copy(state, ins, &ins->left, + alloc_virtual_reg(), ID_REG_CLASSES(ins->id)); + ins->id = in->id; + if (!IS_CONST_OP(ins->right->op)) { + in2 = pre_copy(state, ins, &ins->right, + REG_UNSET, REGCM_GPR32); + } + break; + case OP_EQ: + bool_cmp(state, ins, OP_CMP, OP_JMP_EQ, OP_SET_EQ); + break; + case OP_NOTEQ: + bool_cmp(state, ins, OP_CMP, OP_JMP_NOTEQ, OP_SET_NOTEQ); + break; + case OP_SLESS: + bool_cmp(state, ins, OP_CMP, OP_JMP_SLESS, OP_SET_SLESS); + break; + case OP_ULESS: + bool_cmp(state, ins, OP_CMP, OP_JMP_ULESS, OP_SET_ULESS); + break; + case OP_SMORE: + bool_cmp(state, ins, OP_CMP, OP_JMP_SMORE, OP_SET_SMORE); + break; + case OP_UMORE: + bool_cmp(state, ins, OP_CMP, OP_JMP_UMORE, OP_SET_UMORE); + break; + case OP_SLESSEQ: + bool_cmp(state, ins, OP_CMP, OP_JMP_SLESSEQ, OP_SET_SLESSEQ); + break; + case OP_ULESSEQ: + bool_cmp(state, ins, OP_CMP, OP_JMP_ULESSEQ, OP_SET_ULESSEQ); + break; + case OP_SMOREEQ: + bool_cmp(state, ins, OP_CMP, OP_JMP_SMOREEQ, OP_SET_SMOREEQ); + break; + case OP_UMOREEQ: + bool_cmp(state, ins, OP_CMP, OP_JMP_UMOREEQ, OP_SET_UMOREEQ); + break; + case OP_LTRUE: + bool_cmp(state, ins, OP_TEST, OP_JMP_NOTEQ, OP_SET_NOTEQ); + break; + case OP_LFALSE: + bool_cmp(state, ins, OP_TEST, OP_JMP_EQ, OP_SET_EQ); + break; + case OP_BRANCH: + if (ins->right) { + internal_error(state, ins, "bad branch test"); + } + ins->op = OP_JMP; + break; + + case OP_INB: + case OP_INW: + case OP_INL: + get_imm8(ins, &ins->left); + switch(ins->op) { + case OP_INB: ins->id = MK_REG_ID(REG_AL, REGCM_GPR8); break; + case OP_INW: ins->id = MK_REG_ID(REG_AX, REGCM_GPR16); break; + case OP_INL: ins->id = MK_REG_ID(REG_EAX, REGCM_GPR32); break; + } + if (!IS_CONST_OP(ins->left->op)) { + in = pre_copy(state, ins, &ins->left, + REG_DX, REGCM_GPR16); + } + break; + case OP_OUTB: + case OP_OUTW: + case OP_OUTL: + { + unsigned reg, mask; + get_imm8(ins, &ins->right); + switch(ins->op) { + case OP_OUTB: reg = REG_AL; mask = REGCM_GPR8; break; + case OP_OUTW: reg = REG_AX; mask = REGCM_GPR16; break; + case OP_OUTL: reg = REG_EAX; mask = REGCM_GPR32; break; + default: reg = REG_UNSET; mask = 0; break; + } + in = pre_copy(state, ins, &ins->left, reg, mask); + if (!IS_CONST_OP(ins->right->op)) { + in2 = pre_copy(state, ins, &ins->right, + REG_DX, REGCM_GPR16); + } + break; + } + case OP_BSF: + case OP_BSR: + in = pre_copy(state, ins, &ins->left, + REG_UNSET, REGCM_GPR32); + ins->id = MK_REG_ID(REG_UNSET, REGCM_GPR32 | REGCM_GPR32_8); + break; + /* Already transformed instructions */ + case OP_CMP: + case OP_TEST: + ins->id = MK_REG_ID(REG_EFLAGS, REGCM_FLAGS); + break; + case OP_JMP_EQ: case OP_JMP_NOTEQ: + case OP_JMP_SLESS: case OP_JMP_ULESS: + case OP_JMP_SMORE: case OP_JMP_UMORE: + case OP_JMP_SLESSEQ: case OP_JMP_ULESSEQ: + case OP_JMP_SMOREEQ: case OP_JMP_UMOREEQ: + case OP_SET_EQ: case OP_SET_NOTEQ: + case OP_SET_SLESS: case OP_SET_ULESS: + case OP_SET_SMORE: case OP_SET_UMORE: + case OP_SET_SLESSEQ: case OP_SET_ULESSEQ: + case OP_SET_SMOREEQ: case OP_SET_UMOREEQ: + break; + default: + internal_error(state, ins, "unhandled ins: %d %s\n", + ins->op, tops(ins->op)); + break; + } + ins = next; + } while(ins != first); +} + + + +static void generate_local_labels(struct compile_state *state) +{ + struct triple *first, *label; + int label_counter; + label_counter = 0; + first = state->main_function->left; + label = first; + do { + if ((label->op == OP_LABEL) || + (label->op == OP_SDECL)) { + if (label->use) { + label->u.cval = ++label_counter; + } else { + label->u.cval = 0; + } + + } + label = label->next; + } while(label != first); +} + +static int check_reg(struct compile_state *state, + struct triple *triple, int classes) +{ + unsigned mask; + int reg; + reg = ID_REG(triple->id); + if (reg == REG_UNSET) { + internal_error(state, triple, "register not set"); + } + if (ID_REG_CLASSES(triple->id)) { + internal_error(state, triple, "class specifier present"); + } + mask = arch_reg_regcm(state, reg); + if (!(classes & mask)) { + internal_error(state, triple, "reg %d in wrong class", + reg); + } + return reg; +} + +static const char *arch_reg_str(int reg) +{ + static const char *regs[] = { + "%bad_register", + "%eflags", + "%al", "%bl", "%cl", "%dl", "%ah", "%bh", "%ch", "%dh", + "%ax", "%bx", "%cx", "%dx", "%si", "%di", "%bp", "%sp", + "%eax", "%ebx", "%ecx", "%edx", "%esi", "%edi", "%ebp", "%esp", + "%edx:%eax", + "%mm0", "%mm1", "%mm2", "%mm3", "%mm4", "%mm5", "%mm6", "%mm7", + "%xmm0", "%xmm1", "%xmm2", "%xmm3", + "%xmm4", "%xmm5", "%xmm6", "%xmm7", + }; + if (!((reg >= REG_EFLAGS) && (reg <= REG_XMM7))) { + reg = 0; + } + return regs[reg]; +} + +static const char *reg(struct compile_state *state, struct triple *triple, + int classes) +{ + int reg; + reg = check_reg(state, triple, classes); + return arch_reg_str(reg); +} + +const char *type_suffix(struct compile_state *state, struct type *type) +{ + const char *suffix; + switch(size_of(state, type)) { + case 1: suffix = "b"; break; + case 2: suffix = "w"; break; + case 4: suffix = "l"; break; + default: + internal_error(state, 0, "unknown suffix"); + suffix = 0; + break; + } + return suffix; +} + +static void print_binary_op(struct compile_state *state, + const char *op, struct triple *ins, FILE *fp) +{ + unsigned mask; + mask = REGCM_GPR32 | REGCM_GPR16 | REGCM_GPR8; + if (ins->left->id != ins->id) { + internal_error(state, ins, "invalid register assignment"); + } + if (IS_CONST_OP(ins->right->op)) { + fprintf(fp, "\t%s $%lu, %s\n", + op, + ins->right->u.cval, + reg(state, ins->left, mask)); + + } + else { + unsigned lmask, rmask; + int lreg, rreg; + lreg = check_reg(state, ins->left, mask); + rreg = check_reg(state, ins->right, mask); + lmask = arch_reg_regcm(state, lreg); + rmask = arch_reg_regcm(state, rreg); + mask = lmask & rmask; + fprintf(fp, "\t%s %s, %s\n", + op, + reg(state, ins->right, mask), + reg(state, ins->left, mask)); + } +} +static void print_unary_op(struct compile_state *state, + const char *op, struct triple *ins, FILE *fp) +{ + unsigned mask; + mask = REGCM_GPR32 | REGCM_GPR16 | REGCM_GPR8; + fprintf(fp, "\t%s %s\n", + op, + reg(state, ins->left, mask)); +} + +static void print_op_shift(struct compile_state *state, + const char *op, struct triple *ins, FILE *fp) +{ + unsigned mask; + mask = REGCM_GPR32 | REGCM_GPR16 | REGCM_GPR8; + if (ins->left->id != ins->id) { + internal_error(state, ins, "invalid register assignment"); + } + if (IS_CONST_OP(ins->right->op)) { + fprintf(fp, "\t%s $%lu, %s\n", + op, + ins->right->u.cval, + reg(state, ins->left, mask)); + + } + else { + fprintf(fp, "\t%s %s, %s\n", + op, + reg(state, ins->right, REGCM_GPR8), + reg(state, ins->left, mask)); + } +} + +static void print_op_in(struct compile_state *state, struct triple *ins, FILE *fp) +{ + const char *op; + int mask; + int dreg; + mask = 0; + switch(ins->op) { + case OP_INB: op = "inb", mask = REGCM_GPR8; break; + case OP_INW: op = "inw", mask = REGCM_GPR16; break; + case OP_INL: op = "inl", mask = REGCM_GPR32; break; + default: + internal_error(state, ins, "not an in operation"); + op = 0; + break; + } + dreg = check_reg(state, ins, mask); + if (!reg_is_reg(state, dreg, REG_EAX)) { + internal_error(state, ins, "dst != %%eax"); + } + if (IS_CONST_OP(ins->left->op)) { + fprintf(fp, "\t%s $%lu, %s\n", + op, ins->left->u.cval, + reg(state, ins, mask)); + } + else { + int addr_reg; + addr_reg = check_reg(state, ins->left, REGCM_GPR16); + if (!reg_is_reg(state, addr_reg, REG_DX)) { + internal_error(state, ins, "src != %%dx"); + } + fprintf(fp, "\t%s %s, %s\n", + op, + reg(state, ins->left, REGCM_GPR16), + reg(state, ins, mask)); + } +} + +static void print_op_out(struct compile_state *state, struct triple *ins, FILE *fp) +{ + const char *op; + int mask; + int lreg; + mask = 0; + switch(ins->op) { + case OP_OUTB: op = "outb", mask = REGCM_GPR8; break; + case OP_OUTW: op = "outw", mask = REGCM_GPR16; break; + case OP_OUTL: op = "outl", mask = REGCM_GPR32; break; + default: + internal_error(state, ins, "not an out operation"); + op = 0; + break; + } + lreg = check_reg(state, ins->left, mask); + if (!reg_is_reg(state, lreg, REG_EAX)) { + internal_error(state, ins, "src != %%eax"); + } + if (IS_CONST_OP(ins->right->op)) { + fprintf(fp, "\t%s %s, $%lu\n", + op, reg(state, ins->left, mask), + ins->right->u.cval); + } + else { + int addr_reg; + addr_reg = check_reg(state, ins->right, REGCM_GPR16); + if (!reg_is_reg(state, addr_reg, REG_DX)) { + internal_error(state, ins, "dst != %%dx"); + } + fprintf(fp, "\t%s %s, %s\n", + op, + reg(state, ins->left, mask), + reg(state, ins->right, REGCM_GPR16)); + } +} + +static void print_op_move(struct compile_state *state, + struct triple *ins, FILE *fp) +{ + /* op_move is complex because there are many types + * of registers we can move between. + */ + int omit_copy = 1; /* Is it o.k. to omit a noop copy? */ + struct triple *dst, *src; + if (ins->op == OP_COPY) { + src = ins->left; + dst = ins; + } + else if (ins->op == OP_WRITE) { + dst = ins->left; + src = ins->right; + } + else { + internal_error(state, ins, "unknown move operation"); + src = dst = 0; + } + if (!IS_CONST_OP(src->op)) { + int src_reg, dst_reg; + int src_regcm, dst_regcm; + src_reg = ID_REG(src->id); + dst_reg = ID_REG(dst->id); + src_regcm = arch_reg_regcm(state, src_reg); + dst_regcm = arch_reg_regcm(state, dst_reg); + /* If the class is the same just move the register */ + if (src_regcm & dst_regcm & + (REGCM_GPR8 | REGCM_GPR16 | REGCM_GPR32)) { + if ((src_reg != dst_reg) || !omit_copy) { + fprintf(fp, "\tmov %s, %s\n", + reg(state, src, src_regcm), + reg(state, dst, dst_regcm)); + } + } + /* Move 32bit to 16bit */ + else if ((src_regcm & REGCM_GPR32) && + (dst_regcm & REGCM_GPR16)) { + src_reg = (src_reg - REGC_GPR32_FIRST) + REGC_GPR16_FIRST; + if ((src_reg != dst_reg) || !omit_copy) { + fprintf(fp, "\tmovw %s, %s\n", + arch_reg_str(src_reg), + arch_reg_str(dst_reg)); + } + } + /* Move 32bit to 8bit */ + else if ((src_regcm & REGCM_GPR32_8) && + (dst_regcm & REGCM_GPR8)) + { + src_reg = (src_reg - REGC_GPR32_8_FIRST) + REGC_GPR8_FIRST; + if ((src_reg != dst_reg) || !omit_copy) { + fprintf(fp, "\tmovb %s, %s\n", + arch_reg_str(src_reg), + arch_reg_str(dst_reg)); + } + } + /* Move 16bit to 8bit */ + else if ((src_regcm & REGCM_GPR16_8) && + (dst_regcm & REGCM_GPR8)) + { + src_reg = (src_reg - REGC_GPR16_8_FIRST) + REGC_GPR8_FIRST; + if ((src_reg != dst_reg) || !omit_copy) { + fprintf(fp, "\tmovb %s, %s\n", + arch_reg_str(src_reg), + arch_reg_str(dst_reg)); + } + } + /* Move 8/16bit to 16/32bit */ + else if ((src_regcm & (REGCM_GPR8 | REGCM_GPR16)) && + (dst_regcm & (REGC_GPR16 | REGCM_GPR32))) { + const char *op; + op = is_signed(src->type)? "movsx": "movzx"; + fprintf(fp, "\t%s %s, %s\n", + op, + reg(state, src, src_regcm), + reg(state, dst, dst_regcm)); + } + /* Move between sse registers */ + else if ((src_regcm & dst_regcm & REGCM_XMM)) { + if ((src_reg != dst_reg) || !omit_copy) { + fprintf(fp, "\tmovdqa %s %s\n", + reg(state, src, src_regcm), + reg(state, dst, dst_regcm)); + } + } + /* Move between mmx registers or mmx & sse registers */ + else if ((src_regcm & (REGCM_MMX | REGCM_XMM)) && + (dst_regcm & (REGCM_MMX | REGCM_XMM))) { + if ((src_reg != dst_reg) || !omit_copy) { + fprintf(fp, "\tmovq %s %s\n", + reg(state, src, src_regcm), + reg(state, dst, dst_regcm)); + } + } + /* Move between 32bit gprs & mmx/sse registers */ + else if ((src_regcm & (REGCM_GPR32 | REGCM_MMX | REGCM_XMM)) && + (dst_regcm & (REGCM_GPR32 | REGCM_MMX | REGCM_XMM))) { + fprintf(fp, "\tmovd %s, %s\n", + reg(state, src, src_regcm), + reg(state, dst, dst_regcm)); + } + else { + internal_error(state, ins, "unknown copy type"); + } + } + else switch(src->op) { + case OP_INTCONST: + { + long_t value; + value = (long_t)(src->u.cval); + fprintf(fp, "\tmov $%ld, %s\n", + value, + reg(state, dst, REGCM_GPR32 | REGCM_GPR16 | REGCM_GPR8)); + break; + } + case OP_ADDRCONST: + fprintf(fp, "\tmov $L%lu+%lu, %s\n", + src->left->u.cval, + src->u.cval, + reg(state, dst, REGCM_GPR32)); + break; + default: + internal_error(state, ins, "uknown copy operation"); + } +} + +static void print_op_load(struct compile_state *state, + struct triple *ins, FILE *fp) +{ + struct triple *dst, *src; + dst = ins; + src = ins->left; + if (is_const(src) || is_const(dst)) { + internal_error(state, ins, "unknown load operation"); + } + fprintf(fp, "\tmov (%s), %s\n", + reg(state, src, REGCM_GPR32), + reg(state, dst, REGCM_GPR8 | REGCM_GPR16 | REGCM_GPR32)); +} + + +static void print_op_store(struct compile_state *state, + struct triple *ins, FILE *fp) +{ + struct triple *dst, *src; + dst = ins->left; + src = ins->right; + if (is_const(src) && (src->op == OP_INTCONST)) { + long_t value; + value = (long_t)(src->u.cval); + fprintf(fp, "\tmov%s $%ld, (%s)\n", + type_suffix(state, src->type), + value, + reg(state, dst, REGCM_GPR32)); + } + else if (is_const(dst) && (dst->op == OP_INTCONST)) { + fprintf(fp, "\tmov%s %s, 0x%08lx\n", + type_suffix(state, src->type), + reg(state, src, REGCM_GPR8 | REGCM_GPR16 | REGCM_GPR32), + dst->u.cval); + } + else { + if (is_const(src) || is_const(dst)) { + internal_error(state, ins, "unknown store operation"); + } + fprintf(fp, "\tmov%s %s, (%s)\n", + type_suffix(state, src->type), + reg(state, src, REGCM_GPR8 | REGCM_GPR16 | REGCM_GPR32), + reg(state, dst, REGCM_GPR32)); + } + + +} + +static void print_op_smul(struct compile_state *state, + struct triple *ins, FILE *fp) +{ + if (!IS_CONST_OP(ins->right->op)) { + fprintf(fp, "\timul %s, %s\n", + reg(state, ins->right, REGCM_GPR32), + reg(state, ins->left, REGCM_GPR32)); + } + else { + fprintf(fp, "\timul $%ld, %s\n", + ins->right->u.cval, + reg(state, ins->left, REGCM_GPR32)); + } +} + +static void print_op_cmp(struct compile_state *state, + struct triple *ins, FILE *fp) +{ + unsigned mask; + int dreg; + mask = REGCM_GPR32 | REGCM_GPR16 | REGCM_GPR8; + dreg = check_reg(state, ins, REGCM_FLAGS); + if (!reg_is_reg(state, dreg, REG_EFLAGS)) { + internal_error(state, ins, "bad dest register for cmp"); + } + if (IS_CONST_OP(ins->right->op)) { + fprintf(fp, "\tcmp $%lu, %s\n", + ins->right->u.cval, + reg(state, ins->left, mask)); + } + else { + unsigned lmask, rmask; + int lreg, rreg; + lreg = check_reg(state, ins->left, mask); + rreg = check_reg(state, ins->right, mask); + lmask = arch_reg_regcm(state, lreg); + rmask = arch_reg_regcm(state, rreg); + mask = lmask & rmask; + fprintf(fp, "\tcmp %s, %s\n", + reg(state, ins->right, mask), + reg(state, ins->left, mask)); + } +} + +static void print_op_test(struct compile_state *state, + struct triple *ins, FILE *fp) +{ + unsigned mask; + mask = REGCM_GPR32 | REGCM_GPR16 | REGCM_GPR8; + fprintf(fp, "\ttest %s, %s\n", + reg(state, ins->left, mask), + reg(state, ins->left, mask)); +} + +static void print_op_branch(struct compile_state *state, + struct triple *branch, FILE *fp) +{ + const char *bop = "j"; + if (branch->op == OP_JMP) { + if (branch->right) { + internal_error(state, branch, "jmp with condition?"); + } + bop = "jmp"; + } + else { + if (!branch->right) { + internal_error(state, branch, "jmpcc without condition?"); + } + check_reg(state, branch->right, REGCM_FLAGS); + if ((branch->right->op != OP_CMP) && + (branch->right->op != OP_TEST)) { + internal_error(state, branch, "bad branch test"); + } +#warning "FIXME I have observed instructions between the test and branch instructions" + if (branch->right->next != branch) { + internal_error(state, branch, "branch does not follow test"); + } + switch(branch->op) { + case OP_JMP_EQ: bop = "jz"; break; + case OP_JMP_NOTEQ: bop = "jnz"; break; + case OP_JMP_SLESS: bop = "jl"; break; + case OP_JMP_ULESS: bop = "jb"; break; + case OP_JMP_SMORE: bop = "jg"; break; + case OP_JMP_UMORE: bop = "ja"; break; + case OP_JMP_SLESSEQ: bop = "jle"; break; + case OP_JMP_ULESSEQ: bop = "jbe"; break; + case OP_JMP_SMOREEQ: bop = "jge"; break; + case OP_JMP_UMOREEQ: bop = "jae"; break; + default: + internal_error(state, branch, "Invalid branch op"); + break; + } + + } + fprintf(fp, "\t%s L%lu\n", + bop, branch->left->u.cval); +} + +static void print_op_set(struct compile_state *state, + struct triple *set, FILE *fp) +{ + const char *sop = "set"; + if (!set->left) { + internal_error(state, set, "setcc without condition?"); + } + check_reg(state, set->left, REGCM_FLAGS); + if ((set->left->op != OP_CMP) && + (set->left->op != OP_TEST)) { + internal_error(state, set, "bad set test"); + } + if (set->left->next != set) { + internal_error(state, set, "set does not follow test"); + } + switch(set->op) { + case OP_SET_EQ: sop = "setz"; break; + case OP_SET_NOTEQ: sop = "setnz"; break; + case OP_SET_SLESS: sop = "setl"; break; + case OP_SET_ULESS: sop = "setb"; break; + case OP_SET_SMORE: sop = "setg"; break; + case OP_SET_UMORE: sop = "seta"; break; + case OP_SET_SLESSEQ: sop = "setle"; break; + case OP_SET_ULESSEQ: sop = "setbe"; break; + case OP_SET_SMOREEQ: sop = "setge"; break; + case OP_SET_UMOREEQ: sop = "setae"; break; + default: + internal_error(state, set, "Invalid set op"); + break; + } + fprintf(fp, "\t%s %s\n", + sop, reg(state, set, REGCM_GPR8)); +} + +static void print_op_bit_scan(struct compile_state *state, + struct triple *ins, FILE *fp) +{ + const char *op; + switch(ins->op) { + case OP_BSF: op = "bsf"; break; + case OP_BSR: op = "bsr"; break; + default: + internal_error(state, ins, "unknown bit scan"); + op = 0; + break; + } + fprintf(fp, + "\t%s %s, %s\n" + "\tjnz 1f\n" + "\tmovl $-1, %s\n" + "1:\n", + op, + reg(state, ins->left, REGCM_GPR32), + reg(state, ins, REGCM_GPR32), + reg(state, ins, REGCM_GPR32)); +} + +static void print_const(struct compile_state *state, + struct triple *ins, FILE *fp) +{ + switch(ins->op) { + case OP_INTCONST: + switch(ins->type->type & TYPE_MASK) { + case TYPE_CHAR: + case TYPE_UCHAR: + fprintf(fp, ".byte 0x%02lx\n", ins->u.cval); + break; + case TYPE_SHORT: + case TYPE_USHORT: + fprintf(fp, ".short 0x%04lx\n", ins->u.cval); + break; + case TYPE_INT: + case TYPE_UINT: + case TYPE_LONG: + case TYPE_ULONG: + fprintf(fp, ".int %lu\n", ins->u.cval); + break; + default: + internal_error(state, ins, "Unknown constant type"); + } + break; + case OP_BLOBCONST: + { + unsigned char *blob; + size_t size, i; + size = size_of(state, ins->type); + blob = ins->u.blob; + for(i = 0; i < size; i++) { + fprintf(fp, ".byte 0x%02x\n", + blob[i]); + } + break; + } +#if 0 + case OP_ADDRCONST: + fprintf(fp, ".int $L%lu+%lu", + ins->left->u.cval, + ins->u.cval); + break; +#endif + default: + internal_error(state, ins, "Unknown constant type"); + break; + } +} + +static void print_sdecl(struct compile_state *state, + struct triple *ins, FILE *fp) +{ + fprintf(fp, ".section \"\"\n"); + fprintf(fp, ".balign %d\n", align_of(state, ins->type)); + fprintf(fp, "L%lu:\n", ins->u.cval); + print_const(state, ins->left, fp); + fprintf(fp, ".section \".rom.text\"\n"); + +} + +static void print_instruction(struct compile_state *state, + struct triple *ins, FILE *fp) +{ + /* Assumption: after I have exted the register allocator + * everything is in a valid register. + */ + switch(ins->op) { + case OP_ADD: print_binary_op(state, "add", ins, fp); break; + case OP_SUB: print_binary_op(state, "sub", ins, fp); break; + case OP_AND: print_binary_op(state, "and", ins, fp); break; + case OP_XOR: print_binary_op(state, "xor", ins, fp); break; + case OP_OR: print_binary_op(state, "or", ins, fp); break; + case OP_SL: print_op_shift(state, "shl", ins, fp); break; + case OP_USR: print_op_shift(state, "shr", ins, fp); break; + case OP_SSR: print_op_shift(state, "sar", ins, fp); break; + case OP_POS: break; + case OP_NEG: print_unary_op(state, "neg", ins, fp); break; + case OP_INVERT: print_unary_op(state, "not", ins, fp); break; + case OP_INTCONST: + case OP_ADDRCONST: + /* Don't generate anything here for constants */ + case OP_PHI: + /* Don't generate anything for variable declarations. */ + break; + case OP_SDECL: + print_sdecl(state, ins, fp); + break; + case OP_WRITE: + case OP_COPY: + print_op_move(state, ins, fp); + break; + case OP_LOAD: + print_op_load(state, ins, fp); + break; + case OP_STORE: + print_op_store(state, ins, fp); + break; + case OP_SMUL: + print_op_smul(state, ins, fp); + break; + case OP_CMP: print_op_cmp(state, ins, fp); break; + case OP_TEST: print_op_test(state, ins, fp); break; + case OP_JMP: + case OP_JMP_EQ: case OP_JMP_NOTEQ: + case OP_JMP_SLESS: case OP_JMP_ULESS: + case OP_JMP_SMORE: case OP_JMP_UMORE: + case OP_JMP_SLESSEQ: case OP_JMP_ULESSEQ: + case OP_JMP_SMOREEQ: case OP_JMP_UMOREEQ: + print_op_branch(state, ins, fp); + break; + case OP_SET_EQ: case OP_SET_NOTEQ: + case OP_SET_SLESS: case OP_SET_ULESS: + case OP_SET_SMORE: case OP_SET_UMORE: + case OP_SET_SLESSEQ: case OP_SET_ULESSEQ: + case OP_SET_SMOREEQ: case OP_SET_UMOREEQ: + print_op_set(state, ins, fp); + break; + case OP_INB: case OP_INW: case OP_INL: + print_op_in(state, ins, fp); + break; + case OP_OUTB: case OP_OUTW: case OP_OUTL: + print_op_out(state, ins, fp); + break; + case OP_BSF: + case OP_BSR: + print_op_bit_scan(state, ins, fp); + break; + case OP_HLT: + fprintf(fp, "\thlt\n"); + break; + case OP_LABEL: + if (!ins->use) { + return; + } + fprintf(fp, "L%lu:\n", ins->u.cval); + break; + /* Operations I am not yet certain how to handle */ + case OP_UMUL: + case OP_SDIV: case OP_UDIV: + case OP_SMOD: case OP_UMOD: + /* Operations that should never get here */ + case OP_LTRUE: case OP_LFALSE: case OP_EQ: case OP_NOTEQ: + case OP_SLESS: case OP_ULESS: case OP_SMORE: case OP_UMORE: + case OP_SLESSEQ: case OP_ULESSEQ: case OP_SMOREEQ: case OP_UMOREEQ: + default: + internal_error(state, ins, "unknown op: %d %s", + ins->op, tops(ins->op)); + break; + } +} + +static void print_instructions(struct compile_state *state) +{ + struct triple *first, *ins; + int print_location; + int last_line; + int last_col; + const char *last_filename; + FILE *fp; + print_location = 1; + last_line = -1; + last_col = -1; + last_filename = 0; + fp = stdout; + fprintf(fp, ".section \".rom.text\"\n"); + first = state->main_function->left; + ins = first; + do { + if (print_location && + ((last_filename != ins->filename) || + (last_line != ins->line) || + (last_col != ins->col))) { + fprintf(fp, "\t/* %s:%d */\n", + ins->filename, ins->line); + last_filename = ins->filename; + last_line = ins->line; + last_col = ins->col; + } + + print_instruction(state, ins, fp); + ins = ins->next; + } while(ins != first); + +} +static void generate_code(struct compile_state *state) +{ + generate_local_labels(state); + print_instructions(state); + +} + +static void print_tokens(struct compile_state *state) +{ + struct token *tk; + tk = &state->token[0]; + do { +#if 1 + token(state, 0); +#else + next_token(state, 0); +#endif + loc(stdout, state, 0); + printf("%s <- `%s'\n", + tokens[tk->tok], + tk->ident ? tk->ident->name : + tk->str_len ? tk->val.str : ""); + + } while(tk->tok != TOK_EOF); +} + +static void compile(char *filename, int debug, int opt) +{ + int i; + struct compile_state state; + memset(&state, 0, sizeof(state)); + state.file = 0; + for(i = 0; i < sizeof(state.token)/sizeof(state.token[0]); i++) { + memset(&state.token[i], 0, sizeof(state.token[i])); + state.token[i].tok = -1; + } + /* Remember the debug settings */ + state.debug = debug; + state.optimize = opt; + /* Prep the preprocessor */ + state.if_depth = 0; + state.if_value = 0; + /* register the C keywords */ + register_keywords(&state); + /* register the keywords the macro preprocessor knows */ + register_macro_keywords(&state); + /* Memorize where some special keywords are. */ + state.i_continue = lookup(&state, "continue", 8); + state.i_break = lookup(&state, "break", 5); + /* Enter the globl definition scope */ + start_scope(&state); + register_builtins(&state); + compile_file(&state, filename, 1); +#if 0 + print_tokens(&state); +#endif + decls(&state); + /* Exit the global definition scope */ + end_scope(&state); + + /* Now that basic compilation has happened + * optimize the intermediate code + */ + optimize(&state); + generate_code(&state); + if (state.debug) { + fprintf(stderr, "done\n"); + } +} + +static void version(void) +{ + printf("romcc " VERSION " released " RELEASE_DATE "\n"); +} + +static void usage(void) +{ + version(); + printf( + "Usage: romcc .c\n" + "Compile a C source file without using ram\n" + ); +} + +static void arg_error(char *fmt, ...) +{ + va_list args; + va_start(args, fmt); + vfprintf(stderr, fmt, args); + va_end(args); + usage(); + exit(1); +} + +int main(int argc, char **argv) +{ + char *filename; + int last_argc; + int debug; + int optimize; + optimize = 0; + debug = 0; + last_argc = -1; + while((argc > 1) && (argc != last_argc)) { + last_argc = argc; + if (strncmp(argv[1], "--debug=", 8) == 0) { + debug = atoi(argv[1] + 8); + argv++; + argc--; + } + else if ((strcmp(argv[1],"-O") == 0) || + (strcmp(argv[1], "-O1") == 0)) { + optimize = 1; + argv++; + argc--; + } + else if (strcmp(argv[1],"-O2") == 0) { + optimize = 2; + argv++; + argc--; + } + } + if (argc != 2) { + arg_error("Wrong argument count %d\n", argc); + } + filename = argv[1]; + compile(filename, debug, optimize); + + return 0; +} diff --git a/util/romcc/tests/hello_world.c b/util/romcc/tests/hello_world.c new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..6dd80d89b8 --- /dev/null +++ b/util/romcc/tests/hello_world.c @@ -0,0 +1,128 @@ +void outb(unsigned char value, unsigned short port) +{ + __builtin_outb(value, port); +} + +unsigned char inb(unsigned short port) +{ + return __builtin_inb(port); +} + +/* Base Address */ +#ifndef TTYS0_BASE +#define TTYS0_BASE 0x3f8 +#endif + +#ifndef TTYS0_BAUD +#define TTYS0_BAUD 115200 +#endif + +#if ((115200%TTYS0_BAUD) != 0) +#error Bad ttys0 baud rate +#endif + +#if TTYS0_BAUD == 115200 +#define TTYS0_DIV (1) +#else +#define TTYS0_DIV (115200/TTYS0_BAUD) +#endif + +/* Line Control Settings */ +#ifndef TTYS0_LCS +/* Set 8bit, 1 stop bit, no parity */ +#define TTYS0_LCS 0x3 +#endif + +#define UART_LCS TTYS0_LCS + +/* Data */ +#define UART_RBR 0x00 +#define UART_TBR 0x00 + +/* Control */ +#define UART_IER 0x01 +#define UART_IIR 0x02 +#define UART_FCR 0x02 +#define UART_LCR 0x03 +#define UART_MCR 0x04 +#define UART_DLL 0x00 +#define UART_DLM 0x01 + +/* Status */ +#define UART_LSR 0x05 +#define UART_MSR 0x06 +#define UART_SCR 0x07 + +int uart_can_tx_byte(void) +{ + return inb(TTYS0_BASE + UART_LSR) & 0x20; +} + +void uart_wait_to_tx_byte(void) +{ + while(!uart_can_tx_byte()) + ; +} + +void uart_wait_until_sent(void) +{ + while(!(inb(TTYS0_BASE + UART_LSR) & 0x40)) + ; +} + +static void uart_tx_byte(unsigned char data) +{ + uart_wait_to_tx_byte(); + outb(data, TTYS0_BASE + UART_TBR); + /* Make certain the data clears the fifos */ + uart_wait_until_sent(); +} + + +void uart_init(void) +{ + /* disable interrupts */ + outb(0x0, TTYS0_BASE + UART_IER); + /* enable fifo's */ + outb(0x01, TTYS0_BASE + UART_FCR); + /* Set Baud Rate Divisor to 12 ==> 115200 Baud */ + outb(0x80 | UART_LCS, TTYS0_BASE + UART_LCR); + outb(TTYS0_DIV & 0xFF, TTYS0_BASE + UART_DLL); + outb((TTYS0_DIV >> 8) & 0xFF, TTYS0_BASE + UART_DLM); + outb(UART_LCS, TTYS0_BASE + UART_LCR); +} + + +void __console_tx_char(unsigned char byte) +{ + uart_tx_byte(byte); + +} + +void __console_tx_string(char *str) +{ + unsigned char ch; + while((ch = *str++) != '\0') { + __console_tx_char(ch); + } +} + + +void print_debug_char(unsigned char byte) { __console_tx_char(byte); } +void print_debug(char *str) { __console_tx_string(str); } + +void main(void) +{ + static const char msg[] = "hello world\r\n"; + uart_init(); +#if 0 + print_debug(msg); +#endif +#if 1 + print_debug("hello world\r\n"); + print_debug("how are you today\r\n"); +#endif + while(1) { + ; + } +} diff --git a/util/romcc/tests/raminit_test.c b/util/romcc/tests/raminit_test.c new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..8dd9c977e5 --- /dev/null +++ b/util/romcc/tests/raminit_test.c @@ -0,0 +1,1283 @@ +#define HAVE_STRING_SUPPORT 0 +#define HAVE_CAST_SUPPORT 0 +#define HAVE_STATIC_ARRAY_SUPPORT 0 +#define HAVE_POINTER_SUPPORT 0 + +void outb(unsigned char value, unsigned short port) +{ + __builtin_outb(value, port); +} + +void outw(unsigned short value, unsigned short port) +{ + __builtin_outw(value, port); +} + +void outl(unsigned int value, unsigned short port) +{ + __builtin_outl(value, port); +} + +unsigned char inb(unsigned short port) +{ + return __builtin_inb(port); +} + +unsigned char inw(unsigned short port) +{ + return __builtin_inw(port); +} + +unsigned char inl(unsigned short port) +{ + return __builtin_inl(port); +} + +static unsigned int config_cmd(unsigned char bus, unsigned devfn, unsigned where) +{ + return 0x80000000 | (bus << 16) | (devfn << 8) | (where & ~3); +} + +static unsigned char pcibios_read_config_byte( + unsigned char bus, unsigned devfn, unsigned where) +{ + outl(config_cmd(bus, devfn, where), 0xCF8); + return inb(0xCFC + (where & 3)); +} + +static unsigned short pcibios_read_config_word( + unsigned char bus, unsigned devfn, unsigned where) +{ + outl(config_cmd(bus, devfn, where), 0xCF8); + return inw(0xCFC + (where & 2)); +} + +static unsigned int pcibios_read_config_dword( + unsigned char bus, unsigned devfn, unsigned where) +{ + outl(config_cmd(bus, devfn, where), 0xCF8); + return inl(0xCFC); +} + + +static void pcibios_write_config_byte( + unsigned char bus, unsigned devfn, unsigned where, unsigned char value) +{ + outl(config_cmd(bus, devfn, where), 0xCF8); + outb(value, 0xCFC + (where & 3)); +} + +static void pcibios_write_config_word( + unsigned char bus, unsigned devfn, unsigned where, unsigned short value) +{ + outl(config_cmd(bus, devfn, where), 0xCF8); + outw(value, 0xCFC + (where & 2)); +} + +static void pcibios_write_config_dword( + unsigned char bus, unsigned devfn, unsigned where, unsigned int value) +{ + outl(config_cmd(bus, devfn, where), 0xCF8); + outl(value, 0xCFC); +} + +/* Base Address */ +#ifndef TTYS0_BASE +#define TTYS0_BASE 0x3f8 +#endif + +#ifndef TTYS0_BAUD +#define TTYS0_BAUD 115200 +#endif + +#if ((115200%TTYS0_BAUD) != 0) +#error Bad ttys0 baud rate +#endif + +#define TTYS0_DIV (115200/TTYS0_BAUD) + +/* Line Control Settings */ +#ifndef TTYS0_LCS +/* Set 8bit, 1 stop bit, no parity */ +#define TTYS0_LCS 0x3 +#endif + +#define UART_LCS TTYS0_LCS + +/* Data */ +#define UART_RBR 0x00 +#define UART_TBR 0x00 + +/* Control */ +#define UART_IER 0x01 +#define UART_IIR 0x02 +#define UART_FCR 0x02 +#define UART_LCR 0x03 +#define UART_MCR 0x04 +#define UART_DLL 0x00 +#define UART_DLM 0x01 + +/* Status */ +#define UART_LSR 0x05 +#define UART_MSR 0x06 +#define UART_SCR 0x07 + +int uart_can_tx_byte(void) +{ + return inb(TTYS0_BASE + UART_LSR) & 0x20; +} + +void uart_wait_to_tx_byte(void) +{ + while(!uart_can_tx_byte()) + ; +} + +void uart_wait_until_sent(void) +{ + while(!(inb(TTYS0_BASE + UART_LSR) & 0x40)) + ; +} + +void uart_tx_byte(unsigned char data) +{ + uart_wait_to_tx_byte(); + outb(data, TTYS0_BASE + UART_TBR); + /* Make certain the data clears the fifos */ + uart_wait_until_sent(); +} + +void uart_init(void) +{ + /* disable interrupts */ + outb(0x0, TTYS0_BASE + UART_IER); + /* enable fifo's */ + outb(0x01, TTYS0_BASE + UART_FCR); + /* Set Baud Rate Divisor to 12 ==> 115200 Baud */ + outb(0x80 | UART_LCS, TTYS0_BASE + UART_LCR); + outb(TTYS0_DIV & 0xFF, TTYS0_BASE + UART_DLL); + outb((TTYS0_DIV >> 8) & 0xFF, TTYS0_BASE + UART_DLM); + outb(UART_LCS, TTYS0_BASE + UART_LCR); +} + +void __console_tx_char(unsigned char byte) +{ + uart_tx_byte(byte); +} +void __console_tx_nibble(unsigned nibble) +{ + unsigned char digit; + digit = nibble + '0'; + if (digit > '9') { + digit += 39; + } + __console_tx_char(digit); +} +void __console_tx_hex8(unsigned char byte) +{ + __console_tx_nibble(byte >> 4); + __console_tx_nibble(byte & 0x0f); +} + +void __console_tx_hex32(unsigned char value) +{ + __console_tx_nibble((value >> 28) & 0x0f); + __console_tx_nibble((value >> 24) & 0x0f); + __console_tx_nibble((value >> 20) & 0x0f); + __console_tx_nibble((value >> 16) & 0x0f); + __console_tx_nibble((value >> 12) & 0x0f); + __console_tx_nibble((value >> 8) & 0x0f); + __console_tx_nibble((value >> 4) & 0x0f); + __console_tx_nibble(value & 0x0f); +} + +#if HAVE_STRING_SUPPORT +void __console_tx_string(char *str) +{ + unsigned char ch; + while((ch = *str++) != '\0') { + __console_tx_byte(ch); + } +} +#else +void __console_tx_string(char *str) +{ +} +#endif + + +void print_emerg_char(unsigned char byte) { __console_tx_char(byte); } +void print_emerg_hex8(unsigned char value) { __console_tx_hex8(value); } +void print_emerg_hex32(unsigned int value) { __console_tx_hex32(value); } +void print_emerg(char *str) { __console_tx_string(str); } + +void print_alert_char(unsigned char byte) { __console_tx_char(byte); } +void print_alert_hex8(unsigned char value) { __console_tx_hex8(value); } +void print_alert_hex32(unsigned int value) { __console_tx_hex32(value); } +void print_alert(char *str) { __console_tx_string(str); } + +void print_crit_char(unsigned char byte) { __console_tx_char(byte); } +void print_crit_hex8(unsigned char value) { __console_tx_hex8(value); } +void print_crit_hex32(unsigned int value) { __console_tx_hex32(value); } +void print_crit(char *str) { __console_tx_string(str); } + +void print_err_char(unsigned char byte) { __console_tx_char(byte); } +void print_err_hex8(unsigned char value) { __console_tx_hex8(value); } +void print_err_hex32(unsigned int value) { __console_tx_hex32(value); } +void print_err(char *str) { __console_tx_string(str); } + +void print_warning_char(unsigned char byte) { __console_tx_char(byte); } +void print_warning_hex8(unsigned char value) { __console_tx_hex8(value); } +void print_warning_hex32(unsigned int value) { __console_tx_hex32(value); } +void print_warning(char *str) { __console_tx_string(str); } + +void print_notice_char(unsigned char byte) { __console_tx_char(byte); } +void print_notice_hex8(unsigned char value) { __console_tx_hex8(value); } +void print_notice_hex32(unsigned int value) { __console_tx_hex32(value); } +void print_notice(char *str) { __console_tx_string(str); } + +void print_info_char(unsigned char byte) { __console_tx_char(byte); } +void print_info_hex8(unsigned char value) { __console_tx_hex8(value); } +void print_info_hex32(unsigned int value) { __console_tx_hex32(value); } +void print_info(char *str) { __console_tx_string(str); } + +void print_debug_char(unsigned char byte) { __console_tx_char(byte); } +void print_debug_hex8(unsigned char value) { __console_tx_hex8(value); } +void print_debug_hex32(unsigned int value) { __console_tx_hex32(value); } +void print_debug(char *str) { __console_tx_string(str); } + +void print_spew_char(unsigned char byte) { __console_tx_char(byte); } +void print_spew_hex8(unsigned char value) { __console_tx_hex8(value); } +void print_spew_hex32(unsigned int value) { __console_tx_hex32(value); } +void print_spew(char *str) { __console_tx_string(str); } + +#define PIIX4_DEVFN 0x90 +#define SMBUS_MEM_DEVICE_START 0x50 +#define SMBUS_MEM_DEVICE_END 0x53 +#define SMBUS_MEM_DEVICE_INC 1 + + +#define PM_BUS 0 +#define PM_DEVFN (PIIX4_DEVFN+3) + +#define SMBUS_IO_BASE 0x1000 +#define SMBHSTSTAT 0 +#define SMBHSTCTL 2 +#define SMBHSTCMD 3 +#define SMBHSTADD 4 +#define SMBHSTDAT0 5 +#define SMBHSTDAT1 6 +#define SMBBLKDAT 7 + +void smbus_enable(void) +{ + /* iobase addr */ + pcibios_write_config_dword(PM_BUS, PM_DEVFN, 0x90, SMBUS_IO_BASE | 1); + /* smbus enable */ + pcibios_write_config_byte(PM_BUS, PM_DEVFN, 0xd2, (0x4 << 1) | 1); + /* iospace enable */ + pcibios_write_config_word(PM_BUS, PM_DEVFN, 0x4, 1); +} + +void smbus_setup(void) +{ + outb(0, SMBUS_IO_BASE + SMBHSTSTAT); +} + +static void smbus_wait_until_ready(void) +{ + while((inb(SMBUS_IO_BASE + SMBHSTSTAT) & 1) == 1) { + /* nop */ + } +} + +static void smbus_wait_until_done(void) +{ + unsigned char byte; + do { + byte = inb(SMBUS_IO_BASE + SMBHSTSTAT); + }while((byte &1) == 1); + while( (byte & ~1) == 0) { + byte = inb(SMBUS_IO_BASE + SMBHSTSTAT); + } +} + +int smbus_read_byte(unsigned device, unsigned address) +{ + unsigned char host_status_register; + unsigned char byte; + int result; + + smbus_wait_until_ready(); + + /* setup transaction */ + /* disable interrupts */ + outb(inb(SMBUS_IO_BASE + SMBHSTCTL) & (~1), SMBUS_IO_BASE + SMBHSTCTL); + /* set the device I'm talking too */ + outb(((device & 0x7f) << 1) | 1, SMBUS_IO_BASE + SMBHSTADD); + /* set the command/address... */ + outb(address & 0xFF, SMBUS_IO_BASE + SMBHSTCMD); + /* set up for a byte data read */ + outb((inb(SMBUS_IO_BASE + SMBHSTCTL) & 0xE3) | (0x2 << 2), SMBUS_IO_BASE + SMBHSTCTL); + + /* clear any lingering errors, so the transaction will run */ + outb(inb(SMBUS_IO_BASE + SMBHSTSTAT), SMBUS_IO_BASE + SMBHSTSTAT); + + /* clear the data byte...*/ + outb(0, SMBUS_IO_BASE + SMBHSTDAT0); + + /* start the command */ + outb((inb(SMBUS_IO_BASE + SMBHSTCTL) | 0x40), SMBUS_IO_BASE + SMBHSTCTL); + + /* poll for transaction completion */ + smbus_wait_until_done(); + + host_status_register = inb(SMBUS_IO_BASE + SMBHSTSTAT); + + /* read results of transaction */ + byte = inb(SMBUS_IO_BASE + SMBHSTDAT0); + + result = byte; + if (host_status_register != 0x02) { + result = -1; + } + return result; +} + +#define I440GX_BUS 0 +#define I440GX_DEVFN ((0x00 << 3) + 0) + +#define USE_ECC 0 + +#define CAS_LATENCY 3 + + /* CAS latency 2 */ +#if (CAS_LATENCY == 2) +#define CAS_NB 0x17 + /* + * 7 == 0111 + * 1 == 0001 + */ +#define CAS_MODE 0x2a + /* + * a == 1010 + * 2 == 0010 + */ +#endif + + /* CAS latency 3 */ +#if (CAS_LATENCY == 3) +#define CAS_NB 0x13 + /* + * 3 == 0011 + * 1 == 0001 + */ +#define CAS_MODE 0x3a + /* + * a == 1010 + * 3 == 0011 + */ +#endif + +#ifndef CAS_NB +#error "Nothing defined" +#endif + +/* Default values for config registers */ + +static void set_nbxcfg(void) +{ + /* NBXCFG 0x50 - 0x53 */ + /* f == 1111 + * 0 == 0000 + * 0 == 0000 + * 0 == 0000 + * 0 == 0000 + * 1 == 0001 + * 8 == 1000 + * c == 1100 + * SDRAM Row without ECC: + * row 0 == 1 No ECC + * row 1 == 1 No ECC + * row 2 == 1 No ECC + * row 3 == 1 No ECC + * row 4 == 1 No ECC + * row 5 == 1 No ECC + * row 6 == 1 No ECC + * row 7 == 1 No ECC + * Host Bus Fast Data Ready Enable == 0 Disabled + * IDSEL_REDIRECT == 0 (430TX compatibility disable?) + * WSC# Hanshake Disable == 0 enable (Use External IOAPIC) + * Host/DRAM Frequence == 00 100Mhz + * AGP to PCI Access Enable == 0 Disable + * PCI Agent to Aperture Access Disable == 0 Enable (Ignored) + * Aperture Access Global Enable == 0 Disable + * DRAM Data Integrity Mode == 11 (Error Checking/Correction) + * ECC Diagnostic Mode Enable == 0 Not Enabled + * MDA present == 0 Not Present + * USWC Write Post During During I/O Bridge Access Enable == 1 Enabled + * In Order Queue Depth (IQD) (RO) == ?? + */ + pcibios_write_config_dword(I440GX_BUS, I440GX_DEVFN, 0x50, 0xff00000c); +} + +static void set_dramc(void) +{ + /* 0 == 0000 + * 8 == 1000 + * Not registered SDRAM + * refresh disabled + */ + pcibios_write_config_byte(I440GX_BUS, I440GX_DEVFN, 0x57, 0x8); +} + +static void set_pam(void) +{ + /* PAM - Programmable Attribute Map Registers */ + /* Ideally we want to enable all of these as DRAM and teach + * linux it is o.k. to use them... + */ + pcibios_write_config_byte(I440GX_BUS, I440GX_DEVFN, 0x59, 0x00); + pcibios_write_config_byte(I440GX_BUS, I440GX_DEVFN, 0x5a, 0x00); + pcibios_write_config_byte(I440GX_BUS, I440GX_DEVFN, 0x5b, 0x00); + pcibios_write_config_byte(I440GX_BUS, I440GX_DEVFN, 0x5d, 0x00); + pcibios_write_config_byte(I440GX_BUS, I440GX_DEVFN, 0x5e, 0x00); + pcibios_write_config_byte(I440GX_BUS, I440GX_DEVFN, 0x5f, 0x00); +} + +static void set_drb(void) +{ + /* DRB - DRAM Row Boundary Registers */ + /* Conservative setting 8MB of ram on first DIMM... */ + pcibios_write_config_byte(I440GX_BUS, I440GX_DEVFN, 0x60, 0x01); + pcibios_write_config_byte(I440GX_BUS, I440GX_DEVFN, 0x61, 0x01); + pcibios_write_config_byte(I440GX_BUS, I440GX_DEVFN, 0x62, 0x01); + pcibios_write_config_byte(I440GX_BUS, I440GX_DEVFN, 0x63, 0x01); + pcibios_write_config_byte(I440GX_BUS, I440GX_DEVFN, 0x64, 0x01); + pcibios_write_config_byte(I440GX_BUS, I440GX_DEVFN, 0x65, 0x01); + pcibios_write_config_byte(I440GX_BUS, I440GX_DEVFN, 0x66, 0x01); + pcibios_write_config_byte(I440GX_BUS, I440GX_DEVFN, 0x67, 0x01); +} + +static void set_fdhc(void) +{ + pcibios_write_config_byte(I440GX_BUS, I440GX_DEVFN, 0x68, 0x00); +} +static void set_mbsc(void) +{ + /* MBSC - Memory Buffer Strength Control */ + /* 00c00003e820 + * [47:44] 0 == 0000 + * [43:40] 0 == 0000 + * [39:36] c == 1100 + * [35:32] 0 == 0000 + * [31:28] 0 == 0000 + * [27:24] 0 == 0000 + * [23:20] 0 == 0000 + * [19:16] 3 == 0011 + * [15:12] e == 1110 + * [11: 8] 8 == 1000 + * [ 7: 4] 2 == 0010 + * [ 3: 0] 0 == 0000 + * MAA[14:0]#, WEA#, SRASA#, SCASA# Buffer Strengths == 3x + * MAB[14,13,10,12:11,9:0]#, WEB#, SRASB#, SCASB# Buffer Strengths == 3x + * MD[63:0]# Buffer Strength Control 2 == 3x + * MD[63:0]# Buffer Strength Control 1 == 3x + * MECC[7:0] Buffer Strength Control 2 == 3x + * MECC[7:0] Buffer Strength Control 1 == 3x + * CSB7# Buffer Strength == 3x + * CSA7# Buffer Strength == 3x + * CSB6# Buffer Strength == 3x + * CSA6# Buffer Strength == 3x + * CSA5#/CSB5# Buffer Strength == 2x + * CSA4#/CSB4# Buffer Strength == 2x + * CSA3#/CSB3# Buffer Strength == 2x + * CSA2#/CSB2# Buffer Strength == 2x + * CSA1#/CSB1# Buffer Strength == 2x + * CSA0#/CSB0# Buffer Strength == 2x + * DQMA5 Buffer Strength == 2x + * DQMA1 Buffer Strength == 3x + * DQMB5 Buffer Strength == 2x + * DQMB1 Buffer Strength == 2x + * DQMA[7:6,4:2,0] Buffer Strength == 3x + * GCKE Buffer Strength == 1x + * FENA Buffer Strength == 3x + */ + pcibios_write_config_byte(I440GX_BUS, I440GX_DEVFN, 0x69, 0xB3); + pcibios_write_config_byte(I440GX_BUS, I440GX_DEVFN, 0x6a, 0xee); + pcibios_write_config_byte(I440GX_BUS, I440GX_DEVFN, 0x6b, 0xff); + pcibios_write_config_byte(I440GX_BUS, I440GX_DEVFN, 0x6c, 0xff); + pcibios_write_config_byte(I440GX_BUS, I440GX_DEVFN, 0x6d, 0xff); + pcibios_write_config_byte(I440GX_BUS, I440GX_DEVFN, 0x6e, 0x03); +} + +static void set_smram(void) +{ + /* 0x72 SMRAM */ + /* 1 == 0001 + * a == 1010 + * SMM Compatible base segment == 010 (Hardcoded value) + */ +} + +static void set_esramc(void) +{ + /* 0x73 ESMRAMC */ +} + +static void set_rps(void) +{ + /* RPS - Row Page Size Register */ + /* 0x0055 + * [15:12] 0 == 0000 + * [11: 8] 0 == 0000 + * [ 7: 4] 5 == 0101 + * [ 3: 0] 5 == 0101 + * DRB[0] == 4KB + * DRB[1] == 4KB + * DRB[2] == 4KB + * DRB[3] == 4KB + * DRB[4] == 2KB + * DRB[5] == 2KB + * DRB[6] == 2KB + * DRB[7] == 2KB + */ + pcibios_write_config_word(I440GX_BUS, I440GX_DEVFN, 0x74, 0x5555); +} + +static void set_sdramc(void) +{ + pcibios_write_config_byte(I440GX_BUS, I440GX_DEVFN, 0x76, CAS_NB); +} + +static void set_pgpol(void) +{ + /* PGPOL - Paging Policy Register */ + /* 0xff07 + * [15:12] f == 1111 + * [11: 8] f == 1111 + * [ 7: 4] 0 == 0000 + * [ 3: 0] 7 == 0111 + * row0 == 4banks + * row1 == 4banks + * row2 == 4banks + * row3 == 4banks + * row4 == 4banks + * row5 == 4banks + * row6 == 4banks + * row7 == 4banks + * Dram Idle Timer (DIT) == 32 clocks + */ + pcibios_write_config_word(I440GX_BUS, I440GX_DEVFN, 0x78, 0xff07); +} + +static void set_mbfs(void) +{ + /* MBFS - Memory Buffer Frequencey Select Register */ + /* 0xffff7f + * [23:20] f == 1111 + * [19:16] f == 1111 + * [15:12] f == 1111 + * [11: 8] f == 1111 + * [ 7: 4] 7 == 0111 + * [ 3: 0] f == 1111 + * MAA[14:0], WEA#, SRASA#, SCASA# == 100Mhz Buffers Enabled + * MAB[14,13,10,12:11,9:0], WEB#, SRASB#, SCASB# == 100Mhz Buffers Enabled + * MD[63:0] Control 2 == 100 Mhz Buffer Enable + * MD[63:0] Control 1 == 100 Mhz B + * MECC[7:0] Control 2 == 100 Mhz B + * + */ + pcibios_write_config_byte(I440GX_BUS, I440GX_DEVFN, 0xca, 0xff); + pcibios_write_config_byte(I440GX_BUS, I440GX_DEVFN, 0xcb, 0xff); + pcibios_write_config_byte(I440GX_BUS, I440GX_DEVFN, 0xcc, 0x7f); +} + +static void set_dwtc(void) +{ + /* DWTC - DRAM Write Thermal Throttle Control */ + pcibios_write_config_byte(I440GX_BUS, I440GX_DEVFN, 0xe0, 0xb4); + pcibios_write_config_byte(I440GX_BUS, I440GX_DEVFN, 0xe1, 0xbe); + pcibios_write_config_byte(I440GX_BUS, I440GX_DEVFN, 0xe2, 0xff); + pcibios_write_config_byte(I440GX_BUS, I440GX_DEVFN, 0xe3, 0xd7); + pcibios_write_config_byte(I440GX_BUS, I440GX_DEVFN, 0xe4, 0x97); + pcibios_write_config_byte(I440GX_BUS, I440GX_DEVFN, 0xe5, 0x3e); + pcibios_write_config_byte(I440GX_BUS, I440GX_DEVFN, 0xe6, 0x00); + pcibios_write_config_byte(I440GX_BUS, I440GX_DEVFN, 0xe7, 0x80); +} + +static void set_drtc(void) +{ + /* DRTC - DRAM Read Thermal Throttle Control */ + pcibios_write_config_byte(I440GX_BUS, I440GX_DEVFN, 0xe8, 0x2c); + pcibios_write_config_byte(I440GX_BUS, I440GX_DEVFN, 0xe9, 0xd3); + pcibios_write_config_byte(I440GX_BUS, I440GX_DEVFN, 0xea, 0xf7); + pcibios_write_config_byte(I440GX_BUS, I440GX_DEVFN, 0xeb, 0xcf); + pcibios_write_config_byte(I440GX_BUS, I440GX_DEVFN, 0xec, 0x9d); + pcibios_write_config_byte(I440GX_BUS, I440GX_DEVFN, 0xed, 0x3e); + pcibios_write_config_byte(I440GX_BUS, I440GX_DEVFN, 0xee, 0x00); + pcibios_write_config_byte(I440GX_BUS, I440GX_DEVFN, 0xef, 0x00); +} + +static void set_pmcr(void) +{ + /* PMCR -- BIOS sets 0x90 into it. + * 0x10 is REQUIRED. + * we have never used it. So why did this ever work? + */ + pcibios_write_config_byte(I440GX_BUS, I440GX_DEVFN, 0x7a, 0x90); + +} +void sdram_set_registers(void) +{ + set_nbxcfg(); + set_dramc(); + set_pam(); + set_drb(); + set_fdhc(); + set_mbsc(); + set_smram(); + set_esramc(); + set_rps(); + set_sdramc(); + set_pgpol(); + set_mbfs(); + set_dwtc(); + set_drtc(); + set_pmcr(); +} + +int log2(int value) +{ + /* __builtin_bsr is a exactly equivalent to the x86 machine + * instruction with the exception that it returns -1 + * when the value presented to it is zero. + * Otherwise __builtin_bsr returns the zero based index of + * the highest bit set. + */ + return __builtin_bsr(value); +} + + +static void spd_set_drb(void) +{ + /* + * Effects: Uses serial presence detect to set the + * DRB registers which holds the ending memory address assigned + * to each DIMM. + */ + unsigned end_of_memory; + unsigned device; + unsigned drb_reg; + + end_of_memory = 0; /* in multiples of 8MiB */ + device = SMBUS_MEM_DEVICE_START; + drb_reg = 0x60; + while (device <= SMBUS_MEM_DEVICE_END) { + unsigned side1_bits, side2_bits; + int byte, byte2; + + side1_bits = side2_bits = -1; + + /* rows */ + byte = smbus_read_byte(device, 3); + if (byte >= 0) { + side1_bits += byte & 0xf; + + /* columns */ + byte = smbus_read_byte(device, 4); + side1_bits += byte & 0xf; + + /* banks */ + byte = smbus_read_byte(device, 17); + side1_bits += log2(byte); + + /* Get the moduel data width and convert it to a power of two */ + /* low byte */ + byte = smbus_read_byte(device, 6); + + /* high byte */ + byte2 = smbus_read_byte(device, 7); +#if HAVE_CAST_SUPPORT + side1_bits += log2((((unsigned long)byte2 << 8)| byte)); +#else + side1_bits += log2((byte2 << 8) | byte); +#endif + + /* now I have the ram size in bits as a power of two (less 1) */ + /* Make it mulitples of 8MB */ + side1_bits -= 25; + + /* side two */ + + /* number of physical banks */ + byte = smbus_read_byte(device, 5); + if (byte > 1) { + /* for now only handle the symmetrical case */ + side2_bits = side1_bits; + } + } + + /* Compute the end address for the DRB register */ + /* Only process dimms < 2GB (2^8 * 8MB) */ + if (side1_bits < 8) { + end_of_memory += (1 << side1_bits); + } +#if HAVE_STRING_SUPPORT + print_debug("end_of_memory: "); print_debug_hex32(end_of_memory); print_debug("\n"); +#endif + pcibios_write_config_byte(I440GX_BUS, I440GX_DEVFN, drb_reg, end_of_memory); + + if (side2_bits < 8 ) { + end_of_memory += (1 << side2_bits); + } +#if HAVE_STRING_SUPPORT + print_debug("end_of_memory: "); print_debug_hex32(end_of_memory); print_debug("\n"); +#endif + pcibios_write_config_byte(I440GX_BUS, I440GX_DEVFN, drb_reg +1, end_of_memory); + + drb_reg += 2; + device += SMBUS_MEM_DEVICE_INC; + } +} + +void sdram_no_memory(void) +{ +#if HAVE_STRING_SUPPORT + print_err("No memory!!\n"); +#endif + while(1) ; +} + +static void spd_set_dramc(void) +{ + /* + * Effects: Uses serial presence detect to set the + * DRAMC register, which records if ram is registerd or not, + * and controls the refresh rate. + * The refresh rate is not set here, as memory refresh + * cannot be enbaled until after memory is initialized. + * see spd_enable_refresh. + */ + /* auto detect if ram is registered or not. */ + /* The DRAMC register also contorls the refresh rate but we can't + * set that here because we must leave refresh disabled. + * see: spd_enable_refresh + */ + /* Find the first dimm and assume the rest are the same */ + /* FIXME Check for illegal/unsupported ram configurations and abort */ + unsigned device; + int byte; + unsigned dramc; + byte = -1; + device = SMBUS_MEM_DEVICE_START; + + while ((byte < 0) && (device <= SMBUS_MEM_DEVICE_END)) { + byte = smbus_read_byte(device, 21); + device += SMBUS_MEM_DEVICE_INC; + } + if (byte < 0) { + /* We couldn't find anything we must have no memory */ + sdram_no_memory(); + } + dramc = 0x8; + if ((byte & 0x12) != 0) { + /* this is a registered part. + * observation: for register parts, BIOS zeros (!) + * registers CA-CC. This has an undocumented meaning. + */ + /* But it does make sense the oppisite of registered + * sdram is buffered and 0xca - 0xcc control the buffers. + * Clearing them aparently disables them. + */ + pcibios_write_config_byte(I440GX_BUS, I440GX_DEVFN, 0xca, 0); + pcibios_write_config_byte(I440GX_BUS, I440GX_DEVFN, 0xcb, 0); + pcibios_write_config_byte(I440GX_BUS, I440GX_DEVFN, 0xcc, 0); + dramc = 0x10; + } + pcibios_write_config_byte(I440GX_BUS, I440GX_DEVFN, 0x57, dramc); +} + +static void spd_enable_refresh(void) +{ + /* + * Effects: Uses serial presence detect to set the + * refresh rate in the DRAMC register. + * see spd_set_dramc for the other values. + * FIXME: Check for illegal/unsupported ram configurations and abort + */ +#if HAVE_STATIC_ARRAY_SUPPORT + static const unsigned char refresh_rates[] = { + 0x01, /* Normal 15.625 us -> 15.6 us */ + 0x05, /* Reduced(.25X) 3.9 us -> 7.8 us */ + 0x05, /* Reduced(.5X) 7.8 us -> 7.8 us */ + 0x02, /* Extended(2x) 31.3 us -> 31.2 us */ + 0x03, /* Extended(4x) 62.5 us -> 62.4 us */ + 0x04, /* Extended(8x) 125 us -> 124.8 us */ + }; +#endif + /* Find the first dimm and assume the rest are the same */ + int status; + int byte; + unsigned device; + unsigned refresh_rate; + byte = -1; + status = -1; + device = SMBUS_MEM_DEVICE_START; + while ((byte < 0) && (device <= SMBUS_MEM_DEVICE_END)) { + byte = smbus_read_byte(device, 12); + device += SMBUS_MEM_DEVICE_INC; + } + if (byte < 0) { + /* We couldn't find anything we must have no memory */ + sdram_no_memory(); + } + byte &= 0x7f; + /* Default refresh rate be conservative */ + refresh_rate = 5; + /* see if the ram refresh is a supported one */ + if (byte < 6) { +#if HAVE_STATIC_ARRAY_SUPPORT + refresh_rate = refresh_rates[byte]; +#endif + } + byte = pcibios_read_config_byte(I440GX_BUS, I440GX_DEVFN, 0x57); + byte &= 0xf8; + byte |= refresh_rate; + pcibios_write_config_byte(I440GX_BUS, I440GX_DEVFN, 0x57, byte); +} + +static void spd_set_sdramc(void) +{ + return; +} + +static void spd_set_rps(void) +{ + /* + * Effects: Uses serial presence detect to set the row size + * on a given DIMM + * FIXME: Check for illegal/unsupported ram configurations and abort + */ + /* The RPS register holds the size of a ``page'' of DRAM on each DIMM */ + unsigned page_sizes; + unsigned index; + unsigned device; + unsigned char dramc; + /* default all page sizes to 2KB */ + page_sizes = 0; + index = 0; + device = SMBUS_MEM_DEVICE_START; + for(; device <= SMBUS_MEM_DEVICE_END; index += 4, device += SMBUS_MEM_DEVICE_INC) { + unsigned int status; + unsigned int byte; + int page_size; + + byte = smbus_read_byte(device, 3); + if (byte < 0) continue; + + /* I now have the row page size as a power of 2 */ + page_size = byte & 0xf; + /* make it in multiples of 2Kb */ + page_size -= 11; + + if (page_size <= 0) continue; + + /* FIXME: do something with page sizes greather than 8KB!! */ + page_sizes |= (page_size << index); + + /* side two */ + byte = smbus_read_byte(device, 5); + if (byte <= 1) continue; + + /* For now only handle the symmetrical case */ + page_sizes |= (page_size << (index +2)); + } + /* next block is for Ron's attempt to get registered to work. */ + /* we have just verified that we have to have this code. It appears that + * the registered SDRAMs do indeed set the RPS wrong. sheesh. + */ + /* at this point, page_sizes holds the RPS for all ram. + * we have verified that for registered DRAM the values are + * 1/2 the size they should be. So we test for registered + * and then double the sizes if needed. + */ + + dramc = pcibios_read_config_byte(I440GX_BUS, I440GX_DEVFN, 0x57); + if (dramc & 0x10) { + /* registered */ + + /* BIOS makes weird page size for registered! */ + /* what we have found is you need to set the EVEN banks to + * twice the size. Fortunately there is a very easy way to + * do this. First, read the WORD value of register 0x74. + */ + page_sizes += 0x1111; + } + + pcibios_write_config_word(I440GX_BUS, I440GX_DEVFN, 0x74, page_sizes); +} + +static void spd_set_pgpol(void) +{ + /* + * Effects: Uses serial presence detect to set the number of banks + * on a given DIMM + * FIXME: Check for illegal/unsupported ram configurations and abort + */ + /* The PGPOL register stores the number of logical banks per DIMM, + * and number of clocks the DRAM controller waits in the idle + * state. + */ + unsigned device; + unsigned bank_sizes; + unsigned bank; + unsigned reg; + /* default all bank counts 2 */ + bank_sizes = 0; + bank = 0; + device = SMBUS_MEM_DEVICE_START; + for(; device <= SMBUS_MEM_DEVICE_END; + bank += 2, device += SMBUS_MEM_DEVICE_INC) { + int byte; + + /* logical banks */ + byte = smbus_read_byte(device, 17); + if (byte < 0) continue; + if (byte < 4) continue; + bank_sizes |= (1 << bank); + + /* side 2 */ + /* Number of physical banks */ + byte = smbus_read_byte(device, 5); + if (byte <= 1) continue; + /* for now only handle the symmetrical case */ + bank_sizes |= (1 << (bank +1)); + } + reg = bank_sizes << 8; + reg |= 0x7; /* 32 clocks idle time */ + pcibios_write_config_word(I440GX_BUS, I440GX_DEVFN, 0x78, reg); +} + +static void spd_set_nbxcfg(void) +{ + /* + * Effects: Uses serial presence detect to set the + * ECC support flags in the NBXCFG register + * FIXME: Check for illegal/unsupported ram configurations and abort + */ + unsigned reg; + unsigned index; + unsigned device; + + /* Say all dimms have no ECC support */ + reg = 0xff; + index = 0; + + device = SMBUS_MEM_DEVICE_START; + for(; device <= SMBUS_MEM_DEVICE_END; index += 2, device += SMBUS_MEM_DEVICE_INC) { + int byte; + + byte = smbus_read_byte(device, 11); + if (byte < 0) continue; +#if !USE_ECC + byte = 0; /* Disable ECC */ +#endif + /* 0 == None, 1 == Parity, 2 == ECC */ + if (byte != 2) continue; + reg ^= (1 << index); + + /* side two */ + /* number of physical banks */ + byte = smbus_read_byte(device, 5); + if (byte <= 1) continue; + /* There is only the symmetrical case */ + reg ^= (1 << (index +1)); + } + pcibios_write_config_byte(I440GX_BUS, I440GX_DEVFN, 0x53, reg); + /* Now see if reg is 0xff. If it is we are done. If not, + * we need to set 0x18 into regster 0x50.l + * we will do this in two steps, first or in 0x80 to 0x50.b, + * then or in 0x1 to 0x51.b + */ +#if HAVE_STRING_SUPPORT + print_debug("spd_set_nbxcfg reg="); print_debug_hex8(reg); print_debug("\n"); +#endif + if (reg != 0xff) { + unsigned char byte; + byte = pcibios_read_config_byte(I440GX_BUS, I440GX_DEVFN, 0x50); + byte |= 0x80; + pcibios_write_config_byte(I440GX_BUS, I440GX_DEVFN, 0x50, byte); + byte = pcibios_read_config_byte(I440GX_BUS, I440GX_DEVFN, 0x51); + byte |= 1; + pcibios_write_config_byte(I440GX_BUS, I440GX_DEVFN, 0x51, byte); + /* try this. + * We should be setting bit 2 in register 76 and we're not + * technically we should see if CL=2 for the ram, + * but registered is so screwed up that it's kind of a lost + * cause. + */ + byte = pcibios_read_config_byte(I440GX_BUS, I440GX_DEVFN, 0x76); + byte |= 4; + pcibios_write_config_byte(I440GX_BUS, I440GX_DEVFN, 0x76, byte); +#if HAVE_STRING_SUPPORT + print_debug("spd_set_nbxcfg 0x76.b="); print_debug_hex8(byte); print_debug("\n"); +#endif + } +} + +void sdram_set_spd_registers(void) +{ + spd_set_drb(); + spd_set_dramc(); + spd_set_rps(); + spd_set_sdramc(); + spd_set_pgpol(); + spd_set_nbxcfg(); +} + +void sdram_first_normal_reference(void) +{ + return; +} + +void sdram_special_finishup(void) +{ + return; +} + +static void set_ram_command(unsigned command) +{ + unsigned char byte; + command &= 0x7; + byte = pcibios_read_config_byte(I440GX_BUS, I440GX_DEVFN, 0x76); + byte &= 0x1f; + byte |= (command << 5); + pcibios_write_config_byte(I440GX_BUS, I440GX_DEVFN, 0x76, byte); +#if HAVE_STRING_SUPPORT + print_debug("set_ram_command 0x76.b="); print_debug_hex8(byte); print_debug("\n"); +#endif +} + +#define RAM_COMMAND_NONE 0x0 +#define RAM_COMMAND_NOOP 0x1 +#define RAM_COMMAND_PRECHARGE 0x2 +#define RAM_COMMAND_MRS 0x3 +#define RAM_COMMAND_CBR 0x4 + +void sdram_set_command_none(void) +{ + set_ram_command(RAM_COMMAND_NONE); +} +void sdram_set_command_noop(void) +{ + set_ram_command(RAM_COMMAND_NOOP); +} +void sdram_set_command_precharge(void) +{ + set_ram_command(RAM_COMMAND_PRECHARGE); +} + +static unsigned long dimm_base(int n) +{ + unsigned char byte; + unsigned long result; + if (n == 0) { + return 0; + } + + byte = pcibios_read_config_byte(I440GX_BUS, I440GX_DEVFN, 0x60 + (n - 1)); + result = byte; + result <<= 23; + return result; +} + +static void dimms_read(unsigned long offset) +{ + int i; + for(i = 0; i < 8; i++) { + unsigned long dummy; + unsigned long addr; + unsigned long next_base; + + next_base = dimm_base(i +1); + addr = dimm_base(i); + if (addr == next_base) { + continue; + } + addr += offset; +#if HAVE_STRING_SUPPORT + print_debug("Reading "); + print_debug_hex32(addr); + print_debug("\n"); +#endif +#if HAVE_POINTER_SUPPORT + dummy = RAM(unsigned long, addr); +#endif +#if HAVE_STRING_SUPPORT + print_debug("Reading "); + print_debug_hex32(addr ^ 0xddf8); + print_debug("\n"); +#endif +#if HAVE_POINTER_SUPPORT + dummy = RAM(unsigned long, addr ^ 0xdff8); +#endif +#if HAVE_STRING_SUPPORT + print_debug("Read "); + print_debug_hex32(addr); + print_debug_hex32(addr ^ 0xddf8); + print_debug("\n"); +#endif + } +} + +void sdram_set_command_cbr(void) +{ + set_ram_command(RAM_COMMAND_CBR); +} + +void sdram_assert_command(void) +{ + dimms_read(0x400); +} + +void sdram_set_mode_register(void) +{ + unsigned char byte; + unsigned cas_mode; + set_ram_command(RAM_COMMAND_MRS); + byte = pcibios_read_config_byte(I440GX_BUS, I440GX_DEVFN, 0x76); + cas_mode = byte & 0x4; + cas_mode ^= 4; + cas_mode <<= 2; + cas_mode |= 0x2a; + cas_mode <<= 3; + dimms_read(cas_mode); +} + +void sdram_enable_refresh(void) +{ + spd_enable_refresh(); +} + + +unsigned long sdram_get_ecc_size_bytes(void) +{ + unsigned char byte; + unsigned long size; + /* FIXME handle the no ram case. */ + /* Read the RAM SIZE */ + byte = pcibios_read_config_byte(I440GX_BUS, I440GX_DEVFN, 0x67); + /* Convert it to bytes */ + size = byte; + size <<= 23; +#if !USE_ECC + size = 0; +#endif + return size; +} + +/* Dummy udelay code acting as a place holder... */ +void udelay(int count) +{ + int i; + i = 5; +} + +void sdram_enable(void) +{ +#if HAVE_STRING_SUPPORT + print_debug("Ram Enable 1\n"); +#endif + + /* noop command */ + sdram_set_command_noop(); + udelay(200); + sdram_assert_command(); + + /* Precharge all */ + sdram_set_command_precharge(); + sdram_assert_command(); + + /* wait until the all banks idle state... */ +#if HAVE_STRING_SUPPORT + print_debug("Ram Enable 2\n"); +#endif + + /* Now we need 8 AUTO REFRESH / CBR cycles to be performed */ + + sdram_set_command_cbr(); + sdram_assert_command(); + sdram_assert_command(); + sdram_assert_command(); + sdram_assert_command(); + sdram_assert_command(); + sdram_assert_command(); + sdram_assert_command(); + sdram_assert_command(); + +#if HAVE_STRING_SUPPORT + print_debug("Ram Enable 3\n"); +#endif + + /* mode register set */ + sdram_set_mode_register(); + /* MAx[14:0] lines, + * MAx[2:0 ] 010 == burst mode of 4 + * MAx[3:3 ] 1 == interleave wrap type + * MAx[4:4 ] == CAS# latency bit + * MAx[6:5 ] == 01 + * MAx[12:7] == 0 + */ + +#if HAVE_STRING_SUPPORT + print_debug("Ram Enable 4\n"); +#endif + + /* normal operation */ + sdram_set_command_none(); + +#if HAVE_STRING_SUPPORT + print_debug("Ram Enable 5\n"); +#endif +} + +/* Setup SDRAM */ +void sdram_initialize(void) +{ +#if HAVE_STRING_SUPPORT + print_debug("Ram1\n"); +#endif + /* Set the registers we can set once to reasonable values */ + sdram_set_registers(); + +#if HAVE_STRING_SUPPORT + print_debug("Ram2\n"); +#endif + /* Now setup those things we can auto detect */ + sdram_set_spd_registers(); + +#if HAVE_STRING_SUPPORT + print_debug("Ram3\n"); +#endif + /* Now that everything is setup enable the SDRAM. + * Some chipsets do the work for use while on others + * we need to it by hand. + */ + sdram_enable(); + +#if HAVE_STRING_SUPPORT + print_debug("Ram4\n"); +#endif + sdram_first_normal_reference(); + +#if HAVE_STRING_SUPPORT + print_debug("Ram5\n"); +#endif + sdram_enable_refresh(); + sdram_special_finishup(); + +#if HAVE_STRING_SUPPORT + print_debug("Ram6\n"); +#endif +} diff --git a/util/romcc/tests/raminit_test2.c b/util/romcc/tests/raminit_test2.c new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..8dd9c977e5 --- /dev/null +++ b/util/romcc/tests/raminit_test2.c @@ -0,0 +1,1283 @@ +#define HAVE_STRING_SUPPORT 0 +#define HAVE_CAST_SUPPORT 0 +#define HAVE_STATIC_ARRAY_SUPPORT 0 +#define HAVE_POINTER_SUPPORT 0 + +void outb(unsigned char value, unsigned short port) +{ + __builtin_outb(value, port); +} + +void outw(unsigned short value, unsigned short port) +{ + __builtin_outw(value, port); +} + +void outl(unsigned int value, unsigned short port) +{ + __builtin_outl(value, port); +} + +unsigned char inb(unsigned short port) +{ + return __builtin_inb(port); +} + +unsigned char inw(unsigned short port) +{ + return __builtin_inw(port); +} + +unsigned char inl(unsigned short port) +{ + return __builtin_inl(port); +} + +static unsigned int config_cmd(unsigned char bus, unsigned devfn, unsigned where) +{ + return 0x80000000 | (bus << 16) | (devfn << 8) | (where & ~3); +} + +static unsigned char pcibios_read_config_byte( + unsigned char bus, unsigned devfn, unsigned where) +{ + outl(config_cmd(bus, devfn, where), 0xCF8); + return inb(0xCFC + (where & 3)); +} + +static unsigned short pcibios_read_config_word( + unsigned char bus, unsigned devfn, unsigned where) +{ + outl(config_cmd(bus, devfn, where), 0xCF8); + return inw(0xCFC + (where & 2)); +} + +static unsigned int pcibios_read_config_dword( + unsigned char bus, unsigned devfn, unsigned where) +{ + outl(config_cmd(bus, devfn, where), 0xCF8); + return inl(0xCFC); +} + + +static void pcibios_write_config_byte( + unsigned char bus, unsigned devfn, unsigned where, unsigned char value) +{ + outl(config_cmd(bus, devfn, where), 0xCF8); + outb(value, 0xCFC + (where & 3)); +} + +static void pcibios_write_config_word( + unsigned char bus, unsigned devfn, unsigned where, unsigned short value) +{ + outl(config_cmd(bus, devfn, where), 0xCF8); + outw(value, 0xCFC + (where & 2)); +} + +static void pcibios_write_config_dword( + unsigned char bus, unsigned devfn, unsigned where, unsigned int value) +{ + outl(config_cmd(bus, devfn, where), 0xCF8); + outl(value, 0xCFC); +} + +/* Base Address */ +#ifndef TTYS0_BASE +#define TTYS0_BASE 0x3f8 +#endif + +#ifndef TTYS0_BAUD +#define TTYS0_BAUD 115200 +#endif + +#if ((115200%TTYS0_BAUD) != 0) +#error Bad ttys0 baud rate +#endif + +#define TTYS0_DIV (115200/TTYS0_BAUD) + +/* Line Control Settings */ +#ifndef TTYS0_LCS +/* Set 8bit, 1 stop bit, no parity */ +#define TTYS0_LCS 0x3 +#endif + +#define UART_LCS TTYS0_LCS + +/* Data */ +#define UART_RBR 0x00 +#define UART_TBR 0x00 + +/* Control */ +#define UART_IER 0x01 +#define UART_IIR 0x02 +#define UART_FCR 0x02 +#define UART_LCR 0x03 +#define UART_MCR 0x04 +#define UART_DLL 0x00 +#define UART_DLM 0x01 + +/* Status */ +#define UART_LSR 0x05 +#define UART_MSR 0x06 +#define UART_SCR 0x07 + +int uart_can_tx_byte(void) +{ + return inb(TTYS0_BASE + UART_LSR) & 0x20; +} + +void uart_wait_to_tx_byte(void) +{ + while(!uart_can_tx_byte()) + ; +} + +void uart_wait_until_sent(void) +{ + while(!(inb(TTYS0_BASE + UART_LSR) & 0x40)) + ; +} + +void uart_tx_byte(unsigned char data) +{ + uart_wait_to_tx_byte(); + outb(data, TTYS0_BASE + UART_TBR); + /* Make certain the data clears the fifos */ + uart_wait_until_sent(); +} + +void uart_init(void) +{ + /* disable interrupts */ + outb(0x0, TTYS0_BASE + UART_IER); + /* enable fifo's */ + outb(0x01, TTYS0_BASE + UART_FCR); + /* Set Baud Rate Divisor to 12 ==> 115200 Baud */ + outb(0x80 | UART_LCS, TTYS0_BASE + UART_LCR); + outb(TTYS0_DIV & 0xFF, TTYS0_BASE + UART_DLL); + outb((TTYS0_DIV >> 8) & 0xFF, TTYS0_BASE + UART_DLM); + outb(UART_LCS, TTYS0_BASE + UART_LCR); +} + +void __console_tx_char(unsigned char byte) +{ + uart_tx_byte(byte); +} +void __console_tx_nibble(unsigned nibble) +{ + unsigned char digit; + digit = nibble + '0'; + if (digit > '9') { + digit += 39; + } + __console_tx_char(digit); +} +void __console_tx_hex8(unsigned char byte) +{ + __console_tx_nibble(byte >> 4); + __console_tx_nibble(byte & 0x0f); +} + +void __console_tx_hex32(unsigned char value) +{ + __console_tx_nibble((value >> 28) & 0x0f); + __console_tx_nibble((value >> 24) & 0x0f); + __console_tx_nibble((value >> 20) & 0x0f); + __console_tx_nibble((value >> 16) & 0x0f); + __console_tx_nibble((value >> 12) & 0x0f); + __console_tx_nibble((value >> 8) & 0x0f); + __console_tx_nibble((value >> 4) & 0x0f); + __console_tx_nibble(value & 0x0f); +} + +#if HAVE_STRING_SUPPORT +void __console_tx_string(char *str) +{ + unsigned char ch; + while((ch = *str++) != '\0') { + __console_tx_byte(ch); + } +} +#else +void __console_tx_string(char *str) +{ +} +#endif + + +void print_emerg_char(unsigned char byte) { __console_tx_char(byte); } +void print_emerg_hex8(unsigned char value) { __console_tx_hex8(value); } +void print_emerg_hex32(unsigned int value) { __console_tx_hex32(value); } +void print_emerg(char *str) { __console_tx_string(str); } + +void print_alert_char(unsigned char byte) { __console_tx_char(byte); } +void print_alert_hex8(unsigned char value) { __console_tx_hex8(value); } +void print_alert_hex32(unsigned int value) { __console_tx_hex32(value); } +void print_alert(char *str) { __console_tx_string(str); } + +void print_crit_char(unsigned char byte) { __console_tx_char(byte); } +void print_crit_hex8(unsigned char value) { __console_tx_hex8(value); } +void print_crit_hex32(unsigned int value) { __console_tx_hex32(value); } +void print_crit(char *str) { __console_tx_string(str); } + +void print_err_char(unsigned char byte) { __console_tx_char(byte); } +void print_err_hex8(unsigned char value) { __console_tx_hex8(value); } +void print_err_hex32(unsigned int value) { __console_tx_hex32(value); } +void print_err(char *str) { __console_tx_string(str); } + +void print_warning_char(unsigned char byte) { __console_tx_char(byte); } +void print_warning_hex8(unsigned char value) { __console_tx_hex8(value); } +void print_warning_hex32(unsigned int value) { __console_tx_hex32(value); } +void print_warning(char *str) { __console_tx_string(str); } + +void print_notice_char(unsigned char byte) { __console_tx_char(byte); } +void print_notice_hex8(unsigned char value) { __console_tx_hex8(value); } +void print_notice_hex32(unsigned int value) { __console_tx_hex32(value); } +void print_notice(char *str) { __console_tx_string(str); } + +void print_info_char(unsigned char byte) { __console_tx_char(byte); } +void print_info_hex8(unsigned char value) { __console_tx_hex8(value); } +void print_info_hex32(unsigned int value) { __console_tx_hex32(value); } +void print_info(char *str) { __console_tx_string(str); } + +void print_debug_char(unsigned char byte) { __console_tx_char(byte); } +void print_debug_hex8(unsigned char value) { __console_tx_hex8(value); } +void print_debug_hex32(unsigned int value) { __console_tx_hex32(value); } +void print_debug(char *str) { __console_tx_string(str); } + +void print_spew_char(unsigned char byte) { __console_tx_char(byte); } +void print_spew_hex8(unsigned char value) { __console_tx_hex8(value); } +void print_spew_hex32(unsigned int value) { __console_tx_hex32(value); } +void print_spew(char *str) { __console_tx_string(str); } + +#define PIIX4_DEVFN 0x90 +#define SMBUS_MEM_DEVICE_START 0x50 +#define SMBUS_MEM_DEVICE_END 0x53 +#define SMBUS_MEM_DEVICE_INC 1 + + +#define PM_BUS 0 +#define PM_DEVFN (PIIX4_DEVFN+3) + +#define SMBUS_IO_BASE 0x1000 +#define SMBHSTSTAT 0 +#define SMBHSTCTL 2 +#define SMBHSTCMD 3 +#define SMBHSTADD 4 +#define SMBHSTDAT0 5 +#define SMBHSTDAT1 6 +#define SMBBLKDAT 7 + +void smbus_enable(void) +{ + /* iobase addr */ + pcibios_write_config_dword(PM_BUS, PM_DEVFN, 0x90, SMBUS_IO_BASE | 1); + /* smbus enable */ + pcibios_write_config_byte(PM_BUS, PM_DEVFN, 0xd2, (0x4 << 1) | 1); + /* iospace enable */ + pcibios_write_config_word(PM_BUS, PM_DEVFN, 0x4, 1); +} + +void smbus_setup(void) +{ + outb(0, SMBUS_IO_BASE + SMBHSTSTAT); +} + +static void smbus_wait_until_ready(void) +{ + while((inb(SMBUS_IO_BASE + SMBHSTSTAT) & 1) == 1) { + /* nop */ + } +} + +static void smbus_wait_until_done(void) +{ + unsigned char byte; + do { + byte = inb(SMBUS_IO_BASE + SMBHSTSTAT); + }while((byte &1) == 1); + while( (byte & ~1) == 0) { + byte = inb(SMBUS_IO_BASE + SMBHSTSTAT); + } +} + +int smbus_read_byte(unsigned device, unsigned address) +{ + unsigned char host_status_register; + unsigned char byte; + int result; + + smbus_wait_until_ready(); + + /* setup transaction */ + /* disable interrupts */ + outb(inb(SMBUS_IO_BASE + SMBHSTCTL) & (~1), SMBUS_IO_BASE + SMBHSTCTL); + /* set the device I'm talking too */ + outb(((device & 0x7f) << 1) | 1, SMBUS_IO_BASE + SMBHSTADD); + /* set the command/address... */ + outb(address & 0xFF, SMBUS_IO_BASE + SMBHSTCMD); + /* set up for a byte data read */ + outb((inb(SMBUS_IO_BASE + SMBHSTCTL) & 0xE3) | (0x2 << 2), SMBUS_IO_BASE + SMBHSTCTL); + + /* clear any lingering errors, so the transaction will run */ + outb(inb(SMBUS_IO_BASE + SMBHSTSTAT), SMBUS_IO_BASE + SMBHSTSTAT); + + /* clear the data byte...*/ + outb(0, SMBUS_IO_BASE + SMBHSTDAT0); + + /* start the command */ + outb((inb(SMBUS_IO_BASE + SMBHSTCTL) | 0x40), SMBUS_IO_BASE + SMBHSTCTL); + + /* poll for transaction completion */ + smbus_wait_until_done(); + + host_status_register = inb(SMBUS_IO_BASE + SMBHSTSTAT); + + /* read results of transaction */ + byte = inb(SMBUS_IO_BASE + SMBHSTDAT0); + + result = byte; + if (host_status_register != 0x02) { + result = -1; + } + return result; +} + +#define I440GX_BUS 0 +#define I440GX_DEVFN ((0x00 << 3) + 0) + +#define USE_ECC 0 + +#define CAS_LATENCY 3 + + /* CAS latency 2 */ +#if (CAS_LATENCY == 2) +#define CAS_NB 0x17 + /* + * 7 == 0111 + * 1 == 0001 + */ +#define CAS_MODE 0x2a + /* + * a == 1010 + * 2 == 0010 + */ +#endif + + /* CAS latency 3 */ +#if (CAS_LATENCY == 3) +#define CAS_NB 0x13 + /* + * 3 == 0011 + * 1 == 0001 + */ +#define CAS_MODE 0x3a + /* + * a == 1010 + * 3 == 0011 + */ +#endif + +#ifndef CAS_NB +#error "Nothing defined" +#endif + +/* Default values for config registers */ + +static void set_nbxcfg(void) +{ + /* NBXCFG 0x50 - 0x53 */ + /* f == 1111 + * 0 == 0000 + * 0 == 0000 + * 0 == 0000 + * 0 == 0000 + * 1 == 0001 + * 8 == 1000 + * c == 1100 + * SDRAM Row without ECC: + * row 0 == 1 No ECC + * row 1 == 1 No ECC + * row 2 == 1 No ECC + * row 3 == 1 No ECC + * row 4 == 1 No ECC + * row 5 == 1 No ECC + * row 6 == 1 No ECC + * row 7 == 1 No ECC + * Host Bus Fast Data Ready Enable == 0 Disabled + * IDSEL_REDIRECT == 0 (430TX compatibility disable?) + * WSC# Hanshake Disable == 0 enable (Use External IOAPIC) + * Host/DRAM Frequence == 00 100Mhz + * AGP to PCI Access Enable == 0 Disable + * PCI Agent to Aperture Access Disable == 0 Enable (Ignored) + * Aperture Access Global Enable == 0 Disable + * DRAM Data Integrity Mode == 11 (Error Checking/Correction) + * ECC Diagnostic Mode Enable == 0 Not Enabled + * MDA present == 0 Not Present + * USWC Write Post During During I/O Bridge Access Enable == 1 Enabled + * In Order Queue Depth (IQD) (RO) == ?? + */ + pcibios_write_config_dword(I440GX_BUS, I440GX_DEVFN, 0x50, 0xff00000c); +} + +static void set_dramc(void) +{ + /* 0 == 0000 + * 8 == 1000 + * Not registered SDRAM + * refresh disabled + */ + pcibios_write_config_byte(I440GX_BUS, I440GX_DEVFN, 0x57, 0x8); +} + +static void set_pam(void) +{ + /* PAM - Programmable Attribute Map Registers */ + /* Ideally we want to enable all of these as DRAM and teach + * linux it is o.k. to use them... + */ + pcibios_write_config_byte(I440GX_BUS, I440GX_DEVFN, 0x59, 0x00); + pcibios_write_config_byte(I440GX_BUS, I440GX_DEVFN, 0x5a, 0x00); + pcibios_write_config_byte(I440GX_BUS, I440GX_DEVFN, 0x5b, 0x00); + pcibios_write_config_byte(I440GX_BUS, I440GX_DEVFN, 0x5d, 0x00); + pcibios_write_config_byte(I440GX_BUS, I440GX_DEVFN, 0x5e, 0x00); + pcibios_write_config_byte(I440GX_BUS, I440GX_DEVFN, 0x5f, 0x00); +} + +static void set_drb(void) +{ + /* DRB - DRAM Row Boundary Registers */ + /* Conservative setting 8MB of ram on first DIMM... */ + pcibios_write_config_byte(I440GX_BUS, I440GX_DEVFN, 0x60, 0x01); + pcibios_write_config_byte(I440GX_BUS, I440GX_DEVFN, 0x61, 0x01); + pcibios_write_config_byte(I440GX_BUS, I440GX_DEVFN, 0x62, 0x01); + pcibios_write_config_byte(I440GX_BUS, I440GX_DEVFN, 0x63, 0x01); + pcibios_write_config_byte(I440GX_BUS, I440GX_DEVFN, 0x64, 0x01); + pcibios_write_config_byte(I440GX_BUS, I440GX_DEVFN, 0x65, 0x01); + pcibios_write_config_byte(I440GX_BUS, I440GX_DEVFN, 0x66, 0x01); + pcibios_write_config_byte(I440GX_BUS, I440GX_DEVFN, 0x67, 0x01); +} + +static void set_fdhc(void) +{ + pcibios_write_config_byte(I440GX_BUS, I440GX_DEVFN, 0x68, 0x00); +} +static void set_mbsc(void) +{ + /* MBSC - Memory Buffer Strength Control */ + /* 00c00003e820 + * [47:44] 0 == 0000 + * [43:40] 0 == 0000 + * [39:36] c == 1100 + * [35:32] 0 == 0000 + * [31:28] 0 == 0000 + * [27:24] 0 == 0000 + * [23:20] 0 == 0000 + * [19:16] 3 == 0011 + * [15:12] e == 1110 + * [11: 8] 8 == 1000 + * [ 7: 4] 2 == 0010 + * [ 3: 0] 0 == 0000 + * MAA[14:0]#, WEA#, SRASA#, SCASA# Buffer Strengths == 3x + * MAB[14,13,10,12:11,9:0]#, WEB#, SRASB#, SCASB# Buffer Strengths == 3x + * MD[63:0]# Buffer Strength Control 2 == 3x + * MD[63:0]# Buffer Strength Control 1 == 3x + * MECC[7:0] Buffer Strength Control 2 == 3x + * MECC[7:0] Buffer Strength Control 1 == 3x + * CSB7# Buffer Strength == 3x + * CSA7# Buffer Strength == 3x + * CSB6# Buffer Strength == 3x + * CSA6# Buffer Strength == 3x + * CSA5#/CSB5# Buffer Strength == 2x + * CSA4#/CSB4# Buffer Strength == 2x + * CSA3#/CSB3# Buffer Strength == 2x + * CSA2#/CSB2# Buffer Strength == 2x + * CSA1#/CSB1# Buffer Strength == 2x + * CSA0#/CSB0# Buffer Strength == 2x + * DQMA5 Buffer Strength == 2x + * DQMA1 Buffer Strength == 3x + * DQMB5 Buffer Strength == 2x + * DQMB1 Buffer Strength == 2x + * DQMA[7:6,4:2,0] Buffer Strength == 3x + * GCKE Buffer Strength == 1x + * FENA Buffer Strength == 3x + */ + pcibios_write_config_byte(I440GX_BUS, I440GX_DEVFN, 0x69, 0xB3); + pcibios_write_config_byte(I440GX_BUS, I440GX_DEVFN, 0x6a, 0xee); + pcibios_write_config_byte(I440GX_BUS, I440GX_DEVFN, 0x6b, 0xff); + pcibios_write_config_byte(I440GX_BUS, I440GX_DEVFN, 0x6c, 0xff); + pcibios_write_config_byte(I440GX_BUS, I440GX_DEVFN, 0x6d, 0xff); + pcibios_write_config_byte(I440GX_BUS, I440GX_DEVFN, 0x6e, 0x03); +} + +static void set_smram(void) +{ + /* 0x72 SMRAM */ + /* 1 == 0001 + * a == 1010 + * SMM Compatible base segment == 010 (Hardcoded value) + */ +} + +static void set_esramc(void) +{ + /* 0x73 ESMRAMC */ +} + +static void set_rps(void) +{ + /* RPS - Row Page Size Register */ + /* 0x0055 + * [15:12] 0 == 0000 + * [11: 8] 0 == 0000 + * [ 7: 4] 5 == 0101 + * [ 3: 0] 5 == 0101 + * DRB[0] == 4KB + * DRB[1] == 4KB + * DRB[2] == 4KB + * DRB[3] == 4KB + * DRB[4] == 2KB + * DRB[5] == 2KB + * DRB[6] == 2KB + * DRB[7] == 2KB + */ + pcibios_write_config_word(I440GX_BUS, I440GX_DEVFN, 0x74, 0x5555); +} + +static void set_sdramc(void) +{ + pcibios_write_config_byte(I440GX_BUS, I440GX_DEVFN, 0x76, CAS_NB); +} + +static void set_pgpol(void) +{ + /* PGPOL - Paging Policy Register */ + /* 0xff07 + * [15:12] f == 1111 + * [11: 8] f == 1111 + * [ 7: 4] 0 == 0000 + * [ 3: 0] 7 == 0111 + * row0 == 4banks + * row1 == 4banks + * row2 == 4banks + * row3 == 4banks + * row4 == 4banks + * row5 == 4banks + * row6 == 4banks + * row7 == 4banks + * Dram Idle Timer (DIT) == 32 clocks + */ + pcibios_write_config_word(I440GX_BUS, I440GX_DEVFN, 0x78, 0xff07); +} + +static void set_mbfs(void) +{ + /* MBFS - Memory Buffer Frequencey Select Register */ + /* 0xffff7f + * [23:20] f == 1111 + * [19:16] f == 1111 + * [15:12] f == 1111 + * [11: 8] f == 1111 + * [ 7: 4] 7 == 0111 + * [ 3: 0] f == 1111 + * MAA[14:0], WEA#, SRASA#, SCASA# == 100Mhz Buffers Enabled + * MAB[14,13,10,12:11,9:0], WEB#, SRASB#, SCASB# == 100Mhz Buffers Enabled + * MD[63:0] Control 2 == 100 Mhz Buffer Enable + * MD[63:0] Control 1 == 100 Mhz B + * MECC[7:0] Control 2 == 100 Mhz B + * + */ + pcibios_write_config_byte(I440GX_BUS, I440GX_DEVFN, 0xca, 0xff); + pcibios_write_config_byte(I440GX_BUS, I440GX_DEVFN, 0xcb, 0xff); + pcibios_write_config_byte(I440GX_BUS, I440GX_DEVFN, 0xcc, 0x7f); +} + +static void set_dwtc(void) +{ + /* DWTC - DRAM Write Thermal Throttle Control */ + pcibios_write_config_byte(I440GX_BUS, I440GX_DEVFN, 0xe0, 0xb4); + pcibios_write_config_byte(I440GX_BUS, I440GX_DEVFN, 0xe1, 0xbe); + pcibios_write_config_byte(I440GX_BUS, I440GX_DEVFN, 0xe2, 0xff); + pcibios_write_config_byte(I440GX_BUS, I440GX_DEVFN, 0xe3, 0xd7); + pcibios_write_config_byte(I440GX_BUS, I440GX_DEVFN, 0xe4, 0x97); + pcibios_write_config_byte(I440GX_BUS, I440GX_DEVFN, 0xe5, 0x3e); + pcibios_write_config_byte(I440GX_BUS, I440GX_DEVFN, 0xe6, 0x00); + pcibios_write_config_byte(I440GX_BUS, I440GX_DEVFN, 0xe7, 0x80); +} + +static void set_drtc(void) +{ + /* DRTC - DRAM Read Thermal Throttle Control */ + pcibios_write_config_byte(I440GX_BUS, I440GX_DEVFN, 0xe8, 0x2c); + pcibios_write_config_byte(I440GX_BUS, I440GX_DEVFN, 0xe9, 0xd3); + pcibios_write_config_byte(I440GX_BUS, I440GX_DEVFN, 0xea, 0xf7); + pcibios_write_config_byte(I440GX_BUS, I440GX_DEVFN, 0xeb, 0xcf); + pcibios_write_config_byte(I440GX_BUS, I440GX_DEVFN, 0xec, 0x9d); + pcibios_write_config_byte(I440GX_BUS, I440GX_DEVFN, 0xed, 0x3e); + pcibios_write_config_byte(I440GX_BUS, I440GX_DEVFN, 0xee, 0x00); + pcibios_write_config_byte(I440GX_BUS, I440GX_DEVFN, 0xef, 0x00); +} + +static void set_pmcr(void) +{ + /* PMCR -- BIOS sets 0x90 into it. + * 0x10 is REQUIRED. + * we have never used it. So why did this ever work? + */ + pcibios_write_config_byte(I440GX_BUS, I440GX_DEVFN, 0x7a, 0x90); + +} +void sdram_set_registers(void) +{ + set_nbxcfg(); + set_dramc(); + set_pam(); + set_drb(); + set_fdhc(); + set_mbsc(); + set_smram(); + set_esramc(); + set_rps(); + set_sdramc(); + set_pgpol(); + set_mbfs(); + set_dwtc(); + set_drtc(); + set_pmcr(); +} + +int log2(int value) +{ + /* __builtin_bsr is a exactly equivalent to the x86 machine + * instruction with the exception that it returns -1 + * when the value presented to it is zero. + * Otherwise __builtin_bsr returns the zero based index of + * the highest bit set. + */ + return __builtin_bsr(value); +} + + +static void spd_set_drb(void) +{ + /* + * Effects: Uses serial presence detect to set the + * DRB registers which holds the ending memory address assigned + * to each DIMM. + */ + unsigned end_of_memory; + unsigned device; + unsigned drb_reg; + + end_of_memory = 0; /* in multiples of 8MiB */ + device = SMBUS_MEM_DEVICE_START; + drb_reg = 0x60; + while (device <= SMBUS_MEM_DEVICE_END) { + unsigned side1_bits, side2_bits; + int byte, byte2; + + side1_bits = side2_bits = -1; + + /* rows */ + byte = smbus_read_byte(device, 3); + if (byte >= 0) { + side1_bits += byte & 0xf; + + /* columns */ + byte = smbus_read_byte(device, 4); + side1_bits += byte & 0xf; + + /* banks */ + byte = smbus_read_byte(device, 17); + side1_bits += log2(byte); + + /* Get the moduel data width and convert it to a power of two */ + /* low byte */ + byte = smbus_read_byte(device, 6); + + /* high byte */ + byte2 = smbus_read_byte(device, 7); +#if HAVE_CAST_SUPPORT + side1_bits += log2((((unsigned long)byte2 << 8)| byte)); +#else + side1_bits += log2((byte2 << 8) | byte); +#endif + + /* now I have the ram size in bits as a power of two (less 1) */ + /* Make it mulitples of 8MB */ + side1_bits -= 25; + + /* side two */ + + /* number of physical banks */ + byte = smbus_read_byte(device, 5); + if (byte > 1) { + /* for now only handle the symmetrical case */ + side2_bits = side1_bits; + } + } + + /* Compute the end address for the DRB register */ + /* Only process dimms < 2GB (2^8 * 8MB) */ + if (side1_bits < 8) { + end_of_memory += (1 << side1_bits); + } +#if HAVE_STRING_SUPPORT + print_debug("end_of_memory: "); print_debug_hex32(end_of_memory); print_debug("\n"); +#endif + pcibios_write_config_byte(I440GX_BUS, I440GX_DEVFN, drb_reg, end_of_memory); + + if (side2_bits < 8 ) { + end_of_memory += (1 << side2_bits); + } +#if HAVE_STRING_SUPPORT + print_debug("end_of_memory: "); print_debug_hex32(end_of_memory); print_debug("\n"); +#endif + pcibios_write_config_byte(I440GX_BUS, I440GX_DEVFN, drb_reg +1, end_of_memory); + + drb_reg += 2; + device += SMBUS_MEM_DEVICE_INC; + } +} + +void sdram_no_memory(void) +{ +#if HAVE_STRING_SUPPORT + print_err("No memory!!\n"); +#endif + while(1) ; +} + +static void spd_set_dramc(void) +{ + /* + * Effects: Uses serial presence detect to set the + * DRAMC register, which records if ram is registerd or not, + * and controls the refresh rate. + * The refresh rate is not set here, as memory refresh + * cannot be enbaled until after memory is initialized. + * see spd_enable_refresh. + */ + /* auto detect if ram is registered or not. */ + /* The DRAMC register also contorls the refresh rate but we can't + * set that here because we must leave refresh disabled. + * see: spd_enable_refresh + */ + /* Find the first dimm and assume the rest are the same */ + /* FIXME Check for illegal/unsupported ram configurations and abort */ + unsigned device; + int byte; + unsigned dramc; + byte = -1; + device = SMBUS_MEM_DEVICE_START; + + while ((byte < 0) && (device <= SMBUS_MEM_DEVICE_END)) { + byte = smbus_read_byte(device, 21); + device += SMBUS_MEM_DEVICE_INC; + } + if (byte < 0) { + /* We couldn't find anything we must have no memory */ + sdram_no_memory(); + } + dramc = 0x8; + if ((byte & 0x12) != 0) { + /* this is a registered part. + * observation: for register parts, BIOS zeros (!) + * registers CA-CC. This has an undocumented meaning. + */ + /* But it does make sense the oppisite of registered + * sdram is buffered and 0xca - 0xcc control the buffers. + * Clearing them aparently disables them. + */ + pcibios_write_config_byte(I440GX_BUS, I440GX_DEVFN, 0xca, 0); + pcibios_write_config_byte(I440GX_BUS, I440GX_DEVFN, 0xcb, 0); + pcibios_write_config_byte(I440GX_BUS, I440GX_DEVFN, 0xcc, 0); + dramc = 0x10; + } + pcibios_write_config_byte(I440GX_BUS, I440GX_DEVFN, 0x57, dramc); +} + +static void spd_enable_refresh(void) +{ + /* + * Effects: Uses serial presence detect to set the + * refresh rate in the DRAMC register. + * see spd_set_dramc for the other values. + * FIXME: Check for illegal/unsupported ram configurations and abort + */ +#if HAVE_STATIC_ARRAY_SUPPORT + static const unsigned char refresh_rates[] = { + 0x01, /* Normal 15.625 us -> 15.6 us */ + 0x05, /* Reduced(.25X) 3.9 us -> 7.8 us */ + 0x05, /* Reduced(.5X) 7.8 us -> 7.8 us */ + 0x02, /* Extended(2x) 31.3 us -> 31.2 us */ + 0x03, /* Extended(4x) 62.5 us -> 62.4 us */ + 0x04, /* Extended(8x) 125 us -> 124.8 us */ + }; +#endif + /* Find the first dimm and assume the rest are the same */ + int status; + int byte; + unsigned device; + unsigned refresh_rate; + byte = -1; + status = -1; + device = SMBUS_MEM_DEVICE_START; + while ((byte < 0) && (device <= SMBUS_MEM_DEVICE_END)) { + byte = smbus_read_byte(device, 12); + device += SMBUS_MEM_DEVICE_INC; + } + if (byte < 0) { + /* We couldn't find anything we must have no memory */ + sdram_no_memory(); + } + byte &= 0x7f; + /* Default refresh rate be conservative */ + refresh_rate = 5; + /* see if the ram refresh is a supported one */ + if (byte < 6) { +#if HAVE_STATIC_ARRAY_SUPPORT + refresh_rate = refresh_rates[byte]; +#endif + } + byte = pcibios_read_config_byte(I440GX_BUS, I440GX_DEVFN, 0x57); + byte &= 0xf8; + byte |= refresh_rate; + pcibios_write_config_byte(I440GX_BUS, I440GX_DEVFN, 0x57, byte); +} + +static void spd_set_sdramc(void) +{ + return; +} + +static void spd_set_rps(void) +{ + /* + * Effects: Uses serial presence detect to set the row size + * on a given DIMM + * FIXME: Check for illegal/unsupported ram configurations and abort + */ + /* The RPS register holds the size of a ``page'' of DRAM on each DIMM */ + unsigned page_sizes; + unsigned index; + unsigned device; + unsigned char dramc; + /* default all page sizes to 2KB */ + page_sizes = 0; + index = 0; + device = SMBUS_MEM_DEVICE_START; + for(; device <= SMBUS_MEM_DEVICE_END; index += 4, device += SMBUS_MEM_DEVICE_INC) { + unsigned int status; + unsigned int byte; + int page_size; + + byte = smbus_read_byte(device, 3); + if (byte < 0) continue; + + /* I now have the row page size as a power of 2 */ + page_size = byte & 0xf; + /* make it in multiples of 2Kb */ + page_size -= 11; + + if (page_size <= 0) continue; + + /* FIXME: do something with page sizes greather than 8KB!! */ + page_sizes |= (page_size << index); + + /* side two */ + byte = smbus_read_byte(device, 5); + if (byte <= 1) continue; + + /* For now only handle the symmetrical case */ + page_sizes |= (page_size << (index +2)); + } + /* next block is for Ron's attempt to get registered to work. */ + /* we have just verified that we have to have this code. It appears that + * the registered SDRAMs do indeed set the RPS wrong. sheesh. + */ + /* at this point, page_sizes holds the RPS for all ram. + * we have verified that for registered DRAM the values are + * 1/2 the size they should be. So we test for registered + * and then double the sizes if needed. + */ + + dramc = pcibios_read_config_byte(I440GX_BUS, I440GX_DEVFN, 0x57); + if (dramc & 0x10) { + /* registered */ + + /* BIOS makes weird page size for registered! */ + /* what we have found is you need to set the EVEN banks to + * twice the size. Fortunately there is a very easy way to + * do this. First, read the WORD value of register 0x74. + */ + page_sizes += 0x1111; + } + + pcibios_write_config_word(I440GX_BUS, I440GX_DEVFN, 0x74, page_sizes); +} + +static void spd_set_pgpol(void) +{ + /* + * Effects: Uses serial presence detect to set the number of banks + * on a given DIMM + * FIXME: Check for illegal/unsupported ram configurations and abort + */ + /* The PGPOL register stores the number of logical banks per DIMM, + * and number of clocks the DRAM controller waits in the idle + * state. + */ + unsigned device; + unsigned bank_sizes; + unsigned bank; + unsigned reg; + /* default all bank counts 2 */ + bank_sizes = 0; + bank = 0; + device = SMBUS_MEM_DEVICE_START; + for(; device <= SMBUS_MEM_DEVICE_END; + bank += 2, device += SMBUS_MEM_DEVICE_INC) { + int byte; + + /* logical banks */ + byte = smbus_read_byte(device, 17); + if (byte < 0) continue; + if (byte < 4) continue; + bank_sizes |= (1 << bank); + + /* side 2 */ + /* Number of physical banks */ + byte = smbus_read_byte(device, 5); + if (byte <= 1) continue; + /* for now only handle the symmetrical case */ + bank_sizes |= (1 << (bank +1)); + } + reg = bank_sizes << 8; + reg |= 0x7; /* 32 clocks idle time */ + pcibios_write_config_word(I440GX_BUS, I440GX_DEVFN, 0x78, reg); +} + +static void spd_set_nbxcfg(void) +{ + /* + * Effects: Uses serial presence detect to set the + * ECC support flags in the NBXCFG register + * FIXME: Check for illegal/unsupported ram configurations and abort + */ + unsigned reg; + unsigned index; + unsigned device; + + /* Say all dimms have no ECC support */ + reg = 0xff; + index = 0; + + device = SMBUS_MEM_DEVICE_START; + for(; device <= SMBUS_MEM_DEVICE_END; index += 2, device += SMBUS_MEM_DEVICE_INC) { + int byte; + + byte = smbus_read_byte(device, 11); + if (byte < 0) continue; +#if !USE_ECC + byte = 0; /* Disable ECC */ +#endif + /* 0 == None, 1 == Parity, 2 == ECC */ + if (byte != 2) continue; + reg ^= (1 << index); + + /* side two */ + /* number of physical banks */ + byte = smbus_read_byte(device, 5); + if (byte <= 1) continue; + /* There is only the symmetrical case */ + reg ^= (1 << (index +1)); + } + pcibios_write_config_byte(I440GX_BUS, I440GX_DEVFN, 0x53, reg); + /* Now see if reg is 0xff. If it is we are done. If not, + * we need to set 0x18 into regster 0x50.l + * we will do this in two steps, first or in 0x80 to 0x50.b, + * then or in 0x1 to 0x51.b + */ +#if HAVE_STRING_SUPPORT + print_debug("spd_set_nbxcfg reg="); print_debug_hex8(reg); print_debug("\n"); +#endif + if (reg != 0xff) { + unsigned char byte; + byte = pcibios_read_config_byte(I440GX_BUS, I440GX_DEVFN, 0x50); + byte |= 0x80; + pcibios_write_config_byte(I440GX_BUS, I440GX_DEVFN, 0x50, byte); + byte = pcibios_read_config_byte(I440GX_BUS, I440GX_DEVFN, 0x51); + byte |= 1; + pcibios_write_config_byte(I440GX_BUS, I440GX_DEVFN, 0x51, byte); + /* try this. + * We should be setting bit 2 in register 76 and we're not + * technically we should see if CL=2 for the ram, + * but registered is so screwed up that it's kind of a lost + * cause. + */ + byte = pcibios_read_config_byte(I440GX_BUS, I440GX_DEVFN, 0x76); + byte |= 4; + pcibios_write_config_byte(I440GX_BUS, I440GX_DEVFN, 0x76, byte); +#if HAVE_STRING_SUPPORT + print_debug("spd_set_nbxcfg 0x76.b="); print_debug_hex8(byte); print_debug("\n"); +#endif + } +} + +void sdram_set_spd_registers(void) +{ + spd_set_drb(); + spd_set_dramc(); + spd_set_rps(); + spd_set_sdramc(); + spd_set_pgpol(); + spd_set_nbxcfg(); +} + +void sdram_first_normal_reference(void) +{ + return; +} + +void sdram_special_finishup(void) +{ + return; +} + +static void set_ram_command(unsigned command) +{ + unsigned char byte; + command &= 0x7; + byte = pcibios_read_config_byte(I440GX_BUS, I440GX_DEVFN, 0x76); + byte &= 0x1f; + byte |= (command << 5); + pcibios_write_config_byte(I440GX_BUS, I440GX_DEVFN, 0x76, byte); +#if HAVE_STRING_SUPPORT + print_debug("set_ram_command 0x76.b="); print_debug_hex8(byte); print_debug("\n"); +#endif +} + +#define RAM_COMMAND_NONE 0x0 +#define RAM_COMMAND_NOOP 0x1 +#define RAM_COMMAND_PRECHARGE 0x2 +#define RAM_COMMAND_MRS 0x3 +#define RAM_COMMAND_CBR 0x4 + +void sdram_set_command_none(void) +{ + set_ram_command(RAM_COMMAND_NONE); +} +void sdram_set_command_noop(void) +{ + set_ram_command(RAM_COMMAND_NOOP); +} +void sdram_set_command_precharge(void) +{ + set_ram_command(RAM_COMMAND_PRECHARGE); +} + +static unsigned long dimm_base(int n) +{ + unsigned char byte; + unsigned long result; + if (n == 0) { + return 0; + } + + byte = pcibios_read_config_byte(I440GX_BUS, I440GX_DEVFN, 0x60 + (n - 1)); + result = byte; + result <<= 23; + return result; +} + +static void dimms_read(unsigned long offset) +{ + int i; + for(i = 0; i < 8; i++) { + unsigned long dummy; + unsigned long addr; + unsigned long next_base; + + next_base = dimm_base(i +1); + addr = dimm_base(i); + if (addr == next_base) { + continue; + } + addr += offset; +#if HAVE_STRING_SUPPORT + print_debug("Reading "); + print_debug_hex32(addr); + print_debug("\n"); +#endif +#if HAVE_POINTER_SUPPORT + dummy = RAM(unsigned long, addr); +#endif +#if HAVE_STRING_SUPPORT + print_debug("Reading "); + print_debug_hex32(addr ^ 0xddf8); + print_debug("\n"); +#endif +#if HAVE_POINTER_SUPPORT + dummy = RAM(unsigned long, addr ^ 0xdff8); +#endif +#if HAVE_STRING_SUPPORT + print_debug("Read "); + print_debug_hex32(addr); + print_debug_hex32(addr ^ 0xddf8); + print_debug("\n"); +#endif + } +} + +void sdram_set_command_cbr(void) +{ + set_ram_command(RAM_COMMAND_CBR); +} + +void sdram_assert_command(void) +{ + dimms_read(0x400); +} + +void sdram_set_mode_register(void) +{ + unsigned char byte; + unsigned cas_mode; + set_ram_command(RAM_COMMAND_MRS); + byte = pcibios_read_config_byte(I440GX_BUS, I440GX_DEVFN, 0x76); + cas_mode = byte & 0x4; + cas_mode ^= 4; + cas_mode <<= 2; + cas_mode |= 0x2a; + cas_mode <<= 3; + dimms_read(cas_mode); +} + +void sdram_enable_refresh(void) +{ + spd_enable_refresh(); +} + + +unsigned long sdram_get_ecc_size_bytes(void) +{ + unsigned char byte; + unsigned long size; + /* FIXME handle the no ram case. */ + /* Read the RAM SIZE */ + byte = pcibios_read_config_byte(I440GX_BUS, I440GX_DEVFN, 0x67); + /* Convert it to bytes */ + size = byte; + size <<= 23; +#if !USE_ECC + size = 0; +#endif + return size; +} + +/* Dummy udelay code acting as a place holder... */ +void udelay(int count) +{ + int i; + i = 5; +} + +void sdram_enable(void) +{ +#if HAVE_STRING_SUPPORT + print_debug("Ram Enable 1\n"); +#endif + + /* noop command */ + sdram_set_command_noop(); + udelay(200); + sdram_assert_command(); + + /* Precharge all */ + sdram_set_command_precharge(); + sdram_assert_command(); + + /* wait until the all banks idle state... */ +#if HAVE_STRING_SUPPORT + print_debug("Ram Enable 2\n"); +#endif + + /* Now we need 8 AUTO REFRESH / CBR cycles to be performed */ + + sdram_set_command_cbr(); + sdram_assert_command(); + sdram_assert_command(); + sdram_assert_command(); + sdram_assert_command(); + sdram_assert_command(); + sdram_assert_command(); + sdram_assert_command(); + sdram_assert_command(); + +#if HAVE_STRING_SUPPORT + print_debug("Ram Enable 3\n"); +#endif + + /* mode register set */ + sdram_set_mode_register(); + /* MAx[14:0] lines, + * MAx[2:0 ] 010 == burst mode of 4 + * MAx[3:3 ] 1 == interleave wrap type + * MAx[4:4 ] == CAS# latency bit + * MAx[6:5 ] == 01 + * MAx[12:7] == 0 + */ + +#if HAVE_STRING_SUPPORT + print_debug("Ram Enable 4\n"); +#endif + + /* normal operation */ + sdram_set_command_none(); + +#if HAVE_STRING_SUPPORT + print_debug("Ram Enable 5\n"); +#endif +} + +/* Setup SDRAM */ +void sdram_initialize(void) +{ +#if HAVE_STRING_SUPPORT + print_debug("Ram1\n"); +#endif + /* Set the registers we can set once to reasonable values */ + sdram_set_registers(); + +#if HAVE_STRING_SUPPORT + print_debug("Ram2\n"); +#endif + /* Now setup those things we can auto detect */ + sdram_set_spd_registers(); + +#if HAVE_STRING_SUPPORT + print_debug("Ram3\n"); +#endif + /* Now that everything is setup enable the SDRAM. + * Some chipsets do the work for use while on others + * we need to it by hand. + */ + sdram_enable(); + +#if HAVE_STRING_SUPPORT + print_debug("Ram4\n"); +#endif + sdram_first_normal_reference(); + +#if HAVE_STRING_SUPPORT + print_debug("Ram5\n"); +#endif + sdram_enable_refresh(); + sdram_special_finishup(); + +#if HAVE_STRING_SUPPORT + print_debug("Ram6\n"); +#endif +} diff --git a/util/romcc/tests/simple_test.c b/util/romcc/tests/simple_test.c new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..feacbfdc38 --- /dev/null +++ b/util/romcc/tests/simple_test.c @@ -0,0 +1,252 @@ +void land_test(void) +{ + int i; + i = 1 && 2; +} +void lor_test(void) +{ + int i; + i = 1 || 2; +} + +void outb(unsigned char value, unsigned short port) +{ + __builtin_outb(value, port); +} + +unsigned char inb(unsigned short port) +{ + return __builtin_inb(port); +} + +static unsigned int config_cmd2(unsigned char bus, unsigned devfn, unsigned where) +{ + return 0x80000000 | (bus << 16) | (devfn << 8) | (where & ~3) ; +} + +/* Base Address */ +#ifndef TTYS0_BASE +#define TTYS0_BASE 0x3f8 +#endif + +#ifndef TTYS0_BAUD +#define TTYS0_BAUD 115200 +#endif + +#if ((115200%TTYS0_BAUD) != 0) +#error Bad ttys0 baud rate +#endif + +#define TTYS0_DIV (115200/TTYS0_BAUD) + +/* Line Control Settings */ +#ifndef TTYS0_LCS +/* Set 8bit, 1 stop bit, no parity */ +#define TTYS0_LCS 0x3 +#endif + +#define UART_LCS TTYS0_LCS + +/* Data */ +#define UART_RBR 0x00 +#define UART_TBR 0x00 + +/* Control */ +#define UART_IER 0x01 +#define UART_IIR 0x02 +#define UART_FCR 0x02 +#define UART_LCR 0x03 +#define UART_MCR 0x04 +#define UART_DLL 0x00 +#define UART_DLM 0x01 + +/* Status */ +#define UART_LSR 0x05 +#define UART_MSR 0x06 +#define UART_SCR 0x07 + +int uart_can_tx_byte(void) +{ + return inb(TTYS0_BASE + UART_LSR) & 0x20; +} + +void uart_wait_to_tx_byte(void) +{ + while(!uart_can_tx_byte()) + ; +} + +void uart_wait_until_sent(void) +{ + while(!(inb(TTYS0_BASE + UART_LSR) & 0x40)) + ; +} + +void uart_tx_byte(unsigned char data) +{ + uart_wait_to_tx_byte(); + outb(data, TTYS0_BASE + UART_TBR); + /* Make certain the data clears the fifos */ + uart_wait_until_sent(); +} + +void dummy(void) +{ + uart_tx_byte(5); +} + +#define PIIX4_DEVFN 0x90 +#define SMBUS_MEM_DEVICE_START 0x50 +#define SMBUS_MEM_DEVICE_END 0x53 +#define SMBUS_MEM_DEVICE_INC 1 + + +#define PM_BUS 0 +#define PM_DEVFN (PIIX4_DEVFN+3) + +#define SMBUS_IO_BASE 0x1000 +#define SMBHSTSTAT 0 +#define SMBHSTCTL 2 +#define SMBHSTCMD 3 +#define SMBHSTADD 4 +#define SMBHSTDAT0 5 +#define SMBHSTDAT1 6 +#define SMBBLKDAT 7 + +static void smbus_wait_until_done(void) +{ + unsigned char byte; + do { + byte = inb(SMBUS_IO_BASE + SMBHSTSTAT); + }while((byte &1) == 1); +#if 1 + while( (byte & ~1) == 0) { + byte = inb(SMBUS_IO_BASE + SMBHSTSTAT); + } +#endif +} + +#if 0 +void ifthenelse(void) +{ + int i; + if (5 > 2) { + i = 1; + } + else { + i = 2; + } + i = i + 3; +} +#endif +#if 0 +static int add(int left, int right) +{ + { + return left + right; + } +} +#else +#if 0 +static int add(int left, int right) +{ + return left + right; +} +#endif +#endif + +#if 0 +static void assign(void) +{ + int i, j; + i = j = 1; +} +#endif + +#if 0 +static void and(void) +{ + int i, j, k; + i = 1; + j = 2; + k = i && j; + +} +static void and_test(void) +{ + and(); +} +#endif +#if 0 +#define INC_TEST 2 +static void inc(void) +{ + int i; + i = 5; +#if (INC_TEST == 1) + i += 7; +#endif +#if (INC_TEST == 2) + ++i; +#endif +#if (INC_TEST == 3) + i++; +#endif +} + +#if 0 +static void inc_test(void) +{ + inc(); +} +#endif +#endif +#if 0 +static void loop(void) +{ + int i; + for(i = 0; i < 10; i++) { + ; + } while(i < 10); +} + +static void loop_test(void) +{ + loop(); +} +#endif + +#if 0 +static void simple(void) +{ + add(1,2); +} +#endif + +#if 0 +static void fun(void) +{ + int bar; + bar = add(1, 2); +} +#endif + + +#if 0 +static void func(void) +{ + int bar, baz; + int i; + + baz = add(1, 2); + baz = add(1, 2); + bar = 1; + baz = 2; + for(i = 0; i < 10; i = i + 1) { + baz = i; + } + bar = 1 + 2 * 3; + bar = add(3, 4); + bar = add(bar, baz); +} +#endif diff --git a/util/romcc/tests/simple_test10.c b/util/romcc/tests/simple_test10.c new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..3e7f510d67 --- /dev/null +++ b/util/romcc/tests/simple_test10.c @@ -0,0 +1,31 @@ +#define SMBUS_MEM_DEVICE_START 0x50 +#define SMBUS_MEM_DEVICE_END 0x53 +#define SMBUS_MEM_DEVICE_INC 1 + +static void spd_set_drb(void) +{ + /* + * Effects: Uses serial presence detect to set the + * DRB registers which holds the ending memory address assigned + * to each DIMM. + */ + unsigned end_of_memory; + unsigned char device; + + end_of_memory = 0; /* in multiples of 8MiB */ + device = SMBUS_MEM_DEVICE_START; + while (device <= SMBUS_MEM_DEVICE_END) { + unsigned side1_bits, side2_bits; + int byte, byte2; + + side1_bits = side2_bits = -1; + + /* Compute the end address for the DRB register */ + /* Only process dimms < 2GB (2^8 * 8MB) */ + if (side1_bits < 8) { + end_of_memory += (1 << side1_bits); + } + device += SMBUS_MEM_DEVICE_INC; + } +} + diff --git a/util/romcc/tests/simple_test11.c b/util/romcc/tests/simple_test11.c new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..7e6b0fbef8 --- /dev/null +++ b/util/romcc/tests/simple_test11.c @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +static void spd_set_drb(void) +{ + unsigned char ch; + char *str; + str = "test_string"; + ch = *str; + __builtin_outb(ch, 0xab); +} + +void sdram_set_spd_registers(void) +{ + spd_set_drb(); +} diff --git a/util/romcc/tests/simple_test12.c b/util/romcc/tests/simple_test12.c new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..52c965fc96 --- /dev/null +++ b/util/romcc/tests/simple_test12.c @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +static void spd_set_drb(void) +{ + unsigned char ch; + char *str; + str = "test_string"; + ch = *str; + __builtin_outb(ch, 0xab); +} + diff --git a/util/romcc/tests/simple_test13.c b/util/romcc/tests/simple_test13.c new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..563ba54bc4 --- /dev/null +++ b/util/romcc/tests/simple_test13.c @@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ +static void outb(unsigned char value, unsigned short port) +{ + __builtin_outb(value, port); +} + +static void uart_init(void) +{ + + int a; + if (1 == 1) { + a = 1; + outb(a, 0x3f8); + } else { + a = 2; + outb(a, 0x3f8); + } + outb(a, 0x3f8); +} + +static void main(void) +{ + uart_init(); +} diff --git a/util/romcc/tests/simple_test14.c b/util/romcc/tests/simple_test14.c new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..cc2f67c8a4 --- /dev/null +++ b/util/romcc/tests/simple_test14.c @@ -0,0 +1,288 @@ +static void ram_set_registers(void) +{ + static const unsigned int register_values[] = { + 0x000c, 0x00000000, + 0x0010, 0x90000008, + 0x0014, 0x00000000, + 0x002c, 0x74541022, + 0x0030, 0x00000000, + 0x0034, 0x000000a0, + 0x0038, 0x00000000, + 0x0040, 0x00000001, + 0x0044, 0x00000000, + 0x0050, 0x0016000b, + 0x0058, 0x00000000, + 0x0060, 0xd02950e1, + 0x0064, 0x00000000, + 0x00a0, 0x0030c002, + 0x00a4, 0x1f000b77, + 0x00a8, 0x00000b21, + 0x00ac, 0x00000000, + 0x00b0, 0x00000100, + 0x00b4, 0x00010900, + 0x00b8, 0x00000000, + 0x00c0, 0x00600008, + 0x00c4, 0x11110020, + 0x00c8, 0x00000020, + 0x00cc, 0x00350522, + 0x00d0, 0x00350002, + 0x00d4, 0x00000000, + 0x00e0, 0x000d0808, + 0x00e4, 0x000c0808, + 0x00e8, 0x00130f0f, + 0x00ec, 0x00000000, + 0x00f0, 0x00040008, + 0x00f4, 0x00000000, + + + + + + 0x080c, 0x00012000, + 0x0810, 0x00000000, + 0x0818, 0x20010100, + 0x081c, 0x2220c1c1, + 0x0820, 0xe1f0e000, + 0x0824, 0xdff0d800, + 0x0828, 0x00000000, + 0x083c, 0x000c00ff, + 0x0840, 0x00000000, + + + + + + 0x300c, 0x00012000, + 0x3010, 0x00000000, + 0x3018, 0x20020200, + 0x301c, 0x220000f0, + 0x3020, 0xe3f0e200, + 0x3024, 0x0000fff0, + 0x3028, 0x00000000, + 0x3034, 0x000000c0, + 0x3038, 0x00000000, + 0x303c, 0x000600ff, + 0x3040, 0x00000000, + 0x3060, 0x06040000, + 0x3064, 0x00000000, + 0x30c0, 0x0086f008, + 0x30c4, 0x00000020, + 0x30c8, 0x000000d0, + 0x30cc, 0x00010022, + 0x30d0, 0x00000002, + 0x30d4, 0x00000000, + 0x30e0, 0x000d0008, + 0x30e4, 0x000e0008, + 0x30e8, 0x0016000f, + 0x30ec, 0x00000000, + 0x30f0, 0x80000008, + 0x30f4, 0x00000000, + + + + + + 0x3a0c, 0x00002000, + 0x3a10, 0x0000d401, + 0x3a14, 0x00000000, + 0x3a2c, 0x746a1022, + 0x3a30, 0x00000000, + 0x3a3c, 0x0000040c, + 0x3a40, 0x0c050002, + 0x3a44, 0x746a1022, + 0x3a48, 0x00000006, + 0x3a4c, 0x00000000, + + + + + + 0x3b0c, 0x00002000, + 0x3b10, 0x00000000, + 0x3b2c, 0x746b1022, + 0x3b30, 0x00000000, + 0x3b40, 0x84099100, + 0x3b44, 0x00000000, + 0x3b48, 0x00500420, + 0x3b4c, 0x00000000, + 0x3b50, 0x00008101, + 0x3b54, 0xc5ba000f, + 0x3b58, 0x00005001, + 0x3b5c, 0x00000000, + 0x3b60, 0x06800000, + 0x3b64, 0x00000013, + 0x3b68, 0x00000000, + 0x3b70, 0xd54b2906, + 0x3b74, 0x0000000c, + 0x3b78, 0x00000000, + 0x3b7c, 0x746b1022, + 0x3b80, 0x00000000, + 0x3b84, 0x00000001, + 0x3b88, 0x00000000, + 0x3bf0, 0x0072ff93, + 0x3bf4, 0x00000000, + + + + + + 0x900c, 0x00800000, + 0x9010, 0x00000000, + 0x9014, 0x00000000, + 0x9018, 0x00000000, + 0x901C, 0x00000000, + 0x9020, 0x00000000, + 0x9024, 0x00000000, + 0x9028, 0x00000000, + 0x902C, 0x00000000, + 0x9030, 0x00000000, + 0x9034, 0x00000080, + 0x9038, 0x00000000, + 0x903C, 0x00000000, + 0x9040, 0x00010101, + 0x9044, 0x00000000, + 0x9048, 0x00000000, + 0x904C, 0x00000000, + 0x9050, 0x00000000, + 0x9054, 0x00000000, + 0x9058, 0x00000000, + 0x905C, 0x00000000, + 0x9060, 0x00000000, + 0x9064, 0x000000e4, + 0x9068, 0x0f008c0f, + 0x906c, 0x0000002c, + 0x9070, 0x00000000, + 0x9074, 0x00000000, + 0x9078, 0x00000000, + 0x907C, 0x00000000, + 0x9080, 0x21010008, + 0x9084, 0x11110020, + 0x9088, 0x80750522, + 0x908c, 0x00000002, + 0x9090, 0x02510456, + 0x9094, 0x00ff0000, + 0x9098, 0x00000007, + 0x909c, 0x00000000, + 0x90a0, 0x00000000, + 0x90a4, 0x00000000, + 0x90a8, 0x00000000, + 0x90aC, 0x00000000, + 0x90b0, 0x00000000, + 0x90b4, 0x00000000, + 0x90b8, 0x00000000, + 0x90bC, 0x00000000, + 0x90c0, 0x00000000, + 0x90c4, 0x00000000, + 0x90c8, 0x00000000, + 0x90cC, 0x00000000, + + + + + 0x910c, 0x00800000, + 0x9110, 0x00000000, + 0x9140, 0x00000003, + 0x9144, 0x001f0000, + 0x9148, 0x00200000, + 0x914c, 0x00000001, + 0x9150, 0x00200000, + 0x9154, 0x00000002, + 0x9158, 0x00200000, + 0x915c, 0x00000003, + 0x9160, 0x00200000, + 0x9164, 0x00000004, + 0x9168, 0x00200000, + 0x916c, 0x00000005, + 0x9170, 0x00200000, + 0x9174, 0x00000006, + 0x9178, 0x00200000, + 0x917c, 0x00000007, + 0x9180, 0x00e00003, + 0x9184, 0x00e1ff00, + 0x9188, 0x00d80003, + 0x918c, 0x00dfff00, + 0x9190, 0x00e20003, + 0x9194, 0x00e3ff00, + 0x9198, 0x00000000, + 0x91b0, 0x00000a03, + 0x91b4, 0x00000b00, + 0x91b8, 0x00200003, + 0x91bc, 0x00fe0b00, + 0x91c0, 0x0000c003, + 0x91c4, 0x0000c000, + 0x91c8, 0x00001013, + 0x91cc, 0x000ff000, + 0x91d0, 0x00000000, + 0x91e0, 0xff000003, + 0x91e4, 0x00000000, + 0x9200, 0x11021022, + 0x9204, 0x00000000, + 0x9208, 0x06000000, + 0x920c, 0x00800000, + 0x9210, 0x00000000, + 0x9240, 0x00000001, + 0x9244, 0x00800001, + 0x9248, 0x01000001, + 0x924c, 0x01800001, + 0x9250, 0x00000000, + 0x9260, 0x0060fe00, + 0x9270, 0x00000000, + 0x9280, 0x00000022, + 0x9284, 0x00000000, + 0x9288, 0x03623125, + 0x928c, 0x00000130, + 0x9290, 0x080c8000, + 0x9294, 0x0e2b0a06, + 0x9298, 0x00000000, + 0x92b0, 0xd1e8eb05, + 0x92b4, 0x000000cc, + 0x92b8, 0xdfbfe7ad, + 0x92bc, 0xdf4bdfae, + 0x92c0, 0x00000003, + 0x92c4, 0x00000000, + 0x92cc, 0x9f1f0000, + 0x92d0, 0xfbf177f5, + 0x92d4, 0x3fefda0e, + 0x92d8, 0x33bd35dc, + 0x92dc, 0x578d89c1, + 0x92e0, 0xdae70105, + 0x92e4, 0xfa835cfc, + 0x92e8, 0x404e87e6, + 0x92ec, 0xba35df44, + 0x92f0, 0x00000000, + + + + + + 0x930c, 0x00800000, + 0x9310, 0x00000000, + 0x9340, 0x00003bff, + 0x9344, 0x00000040, + 0x9348, 0x00000000, + 0x935c, 0xfe3fb540, + 0x9360, 0x00000090, + 0x9364, 0x00000000, + 0x9370, 0x51020111, + 0x9374, 0x50008011, + 0x9378, 0x08003800, + 0x937c, 0x0000221b, + 0x9380, 0x21272321, + 0x9384, 0x00232123, + 0x9388, 0x00000000, + 0x9390, 0x00000005, + 0x9394, 0x00000068, + 0x9398, 0x001fe800, + 0x939c, 0x00000000, + 0x93b8, 0xe000001d, + 0x93bc, 0x000000bb, + 0x93c0, 0x00000000, + 0x93d4, 0x000d0001, + 0x93d8, 0x00000000, + 0x93e4, 0x00001520, + 0x93e8, 0x00000108, + 0x93ec, 0x00000000, + }; + int max; + max = sizeof(register_values); +} diff --git a/util/romcc/tests/simple_test15.c b/util/romcc/tests/simple_test15.c new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..d02eaefd35 --- /dev/null +++ b/util/romcc/tests/simple_test15.c @@ -0,0 +1,47 @@ +static void outb(unsigned char value, unsigned short port) +{ + __builtin_outb(value, port); +} + +static unsigned char inb(unsigned short port) +{ + return __builtin_inb(port); +} +static int uart_can_tx_byte(void) +{ + return inb(0x3f8 + 0x05) & 0x20; +} + +static void uart_wait_to_tx_byte(void) +{ + while(!uart_can_tx_byte()) + ; +} + +static void uart_wait_until_sent(void) +{ + while(!(inb(0x3f8 + 0x05) & 0x40)) + ; +} + +static void uart_tx_byte(unsigned char data) +{ + uart_wait_to_tx_byte(); + outb(data, 0x3f8 + 0x00); + + uart_wait_until_sent(); +} + +static void print_debug(const char *str) +{ + unsigned char ch; + while((ch = *str++) != '\0') { + uart_tx_byte(ch); + } +} + +static void main(void) +{ + print_debug("one\r\n"); + print_debug("two\r\n"); +} diff --git a/util/romcc/tests/simple_test2.c b/util/romcc/tests/simple_test2.c new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..aef936a8ff --- /dev/null +++ b/util/romcc/tests/simple_test2.c @@ -0,0 +1,36 @@ +void outl(unsigned int value, unsigned short port) +{ + __builtin_outl(value, port); +} + +#define PIIX4_DEVFN 0x90 +#define SMBUS_MEM_DEVICE_START 0x50 +#define SMBUS_MEM_DEVICE_END 0x53 +#define SMBUS_MEM_DEVICE_INC 1 + + +static void spd_set_drb(void) +{ + /* + * Effects: Uses serial presence detect to set the + * DRB registers which holds the ending memory address assigned + * to each DIMM. + */ + unsigned end_of_memory; + unsigned device; + + end_of_memory = 0; /* in multiples of 8MiB */ + device = SMBUS_MEM_DEVICE_START; + while (device <= SMBUS_MEM_DEVICE_END) { + unsigned side1_bits; + + side1_bits = -1; + + /* Compute the end address for the DRB register */ + /* Only process dimms < 2GB (2^8 * 8MB) */ + if (side1_bits < 8) { + end_of_memory += (1 << side1_bits); + } + outl(end_of_memory, 0x1234); + } +} diff --git a/util/romcc/tests/simple_test3.c b/util/romcc/tests/simple_test3.c new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..008d0ab528 --- /dev/null +++ b/util/romcc/tests/simple_test3.c @@ -0,0 +1,38 @@ +static void spd_set_drb(void) +{ + /* + * Effects: Uses serial presence detect to set the + * DRB registers which holds the ending memory address assigned + * to each DIMM. + */ + unsigned end_of_memory; + unsigned device; + + end_of_memory = 0; /* in multiples of 8MiB */ + device = 0x50; + while (device <= 0x53) { + unsigned side1_bits, side2_bits; + int byte, byte2; + + side1_bits = side2_bits = -1; + + /* rows */ + byte = -1; + if (1) { + /* now I have the ram size in bits as a power of two (less 1) */ + /* Make it mulitples of 8MB */ + side1_bits -= 25; + } + + /* Compute the end address for the DRB register */ + /* Only process dimms < 2GB (2^8 * 8MB) */ + if (1) { + end_of_memory += side1_bits; + } + __builtin_outl(end_of_memory, 0x1234); + + if (1) { + end_of_memory += side2_bits; + } + } +} diff --git a/util/romcc/tests/simple_test4.c b/util/romcc/tests/simple_test4.c new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..bfc05d9e0d --- /dev/null +++ b/util/romcc/tests/simple_test4.c @@ -0,0 +1,509 @@ +#define HAVE_STRING_SUPPORT 1 +#define HAVE_CAST_SUPPORT 1 +#define HAVE_STATIC_ARRAY_SUPPORT 1 +#define HAVE_POINTER_SUPPORT 1 +#define HAVE_CONSTANT_PROPOGATION 1 +#define CALCULATE_DRB_REG 1 + +void outb(unsigned char value, unsigned short port) +{ + __builtin_outb(value, port); +} + +void outw(unsigned short value, unsigned short port) +{ + __builtin_outw(value, port); +} + +void outl(unsigned int value, unsigned short port) +{ + __builtin_outl(value, port); +} + +unsigned char inb(unsigned short port) +{ + return __builtin_inb(port); +} + +unsigned char inw(unsigned short port) +{ + return __builtin_inw(port); +} + +unsigned char inl(unsigned short port) +{ + return __builtin_inl(port); +} + +static unsigned int config_cmd(unsigned char bus, unsigned devfn, unsigned where) +{ + return 0x80000000 | (bus << 16) | (devfn << 8) | (where & ~3); +} + +static unsigned char pcibios_read_config_byte( + unsigned char bus, unsigned devfn, unsigned where) +{ + outl(config_cmd(bus, devfn, where), 0xCF8); + return inb(0xCFC + (where & 3)); +} + +static unsigned short pcibios_read_config_word( + unsigned char bus, unsigned devfn, unsigned where) +{ + outl(config_cmd(bus, devfn, where), 0xCF8); + return inw(0xCFC + (where & 2)); +} + +static unsigned int pcibios_read_config_dword( + unsigned char bus, unsigned devfn, unsigned where) +{ + outl(config_cmd(bus, devfn, where), 0xCF8); + return inl(0xCFC); +} + + +static void pcibios_write_config_byte( + unsigned char bus, unsigned devfn, unsigned where, unsigned char value) +{ + outl(config_cmd(bus, devfn, where), 0xCF8); + outb(value, 0xCFC + (where & 3)); +} + +static void pcibios_write_config_word( + unsigned char bus, unsigned devfn, unsigned where, unsigned short value) +{ + outl(config_cmd(bus, devfn, where), 0xCF8); + outw(value, 0xCFC + (where & 2)); +} + +static void pcibios_write_config_dword( + unsigned char bus, unsigned devfn, unsigned where, unsigned int value) +{ + outl(config_cmd(bus, devfn, where), 0xCF8); + outl(value, 0xCFC); +} + +int log2(int value) +{ + /* __builtin_bsr is a exactly equivalent to the x86 machine + * instruction with the exception that it returns -1 + * when the value presented to it is zero. + * Otherwise __builtin_bsr returns the zero based index of + * the highest bit set. + */ + return __builtin_bsr(value); +} + + +/* Base Address */ +#ifndef TTYS0_BASE +#define TTYS0_BASE 0x3f8 +#endif + +#ifndef TTYS0_BAUD +#define TTYS0_BAUD 115200 +#endif + +#if ((115200%TTYS0_BAUD) != 0) +#error Bad ttys0 baud rate +#endif + +#define TTYS0_DIV (115200/TTYS0_BAUD) + +/* Line Control Settings */ +#ifndef TTYS0_LCS +/* Set 8bit, 1 stop bit, no parity */ +#define TTYS0_LCS 0x3 +#endif + +#define UART_LCS TTYS0_LCS + +/* Data */ +#define UART_RBR 0x00 +#define UART_TBR 0x00 + +/* Control */ +#define UART_IER 0x01 +#define UART_IIR 0x02 +#define UART_FCR 0x02 +#define UART_LCR 0x03 +#define UART_MCR 0x04 +#define UART_DLL 0x00 +#define UART_DLM 0x01 + +/* Status */ +#define UART_LSR 0x05 +#define UART_MSR 0x06 +#define UART_SCR 0x07 + +int uart_can_tx_byte(void) +{ + return inb(TTYS0_BASE + UART_LSR) & 0x20; +} + +void uart_wait_to_tx_byte(void) +{ + while(!uart_can_tx_byte()) + ; +} + +void uart_wait_until_sent(void) +{ + while(!(inb(TTYS0_BASE + UART_LSR) & 0x40)) + ; +} + +void uart_tx_byte(unsigned char data) +{ + uart_wait_to_tx_byte(); + outb(data, TTYS0_BASE + UART_TBR); + /* Make certain the data clears the fifos */ + uart_wait_until_sent(); +} + +void uart_init(void) +{ + /* disable interrupts */ + outb(0x0, TTYS0_BASE + UART_IER); + /* enable fifo's */ + outb(0x01, TTYS0_BASE + UART_FCR); + /* Set Baud Rate Divisor to 12 ==> 115200 Baud */ + outb(0x80 | UART_LCS, TTYS0_BASE + UART_LCR); + outb(TTYS0_DIV & 0xFF, TTYS0_BASE + UART_DLL); + outb((TTYS0_DIV >> 8) & 0xFF, TTYS0_BASE + UART_DLM); + outb(UART_LCS, TTYS0_BASE + UART_LCR); +} + +void __console_tx_char(unsigned char byte) +{ + uart_tx_byte(byte); +} +void __console_tx_nibble(unsigned nibble) +{ + unsigned char digit; + digit = nibble + '0'; + if (digit > '9') { + digit += 39; + } + __console_tx_char(digit); +} +void __console_tx_hex8(unsigned char byte) +{ + __console_tx_nibble(byte >> 4); + __console_tx_nibble(byte & 0x0f); +} + +void __console_tx_hex32(unsigned char value) +{ + __console_tx_nibble((value >> 28) & 0x0f); + __console_tx_nibble((value >> 24) & 0x0f); + __console_tx_nibble((value >> 20) & 0x0f); + __console_tx_nibble((value >> 16) & 0x0f); + __console_tx_nibble((value >> 12) & 0x0f); + __console_tx_nibble((value >> 8) & 0x0f); + __console_tx_nibble((value >> 4) & 0x0f); + __console_tx_nibble(value & 0x0f); +} + +#if HAVE_STRING_SUPPORT +void __console_tx_string(char *str) +{ + unsigned char ch; + while((ch = *str++) != '\0') { + __console_tx_char(ch); + } +} +#else +void __console_tx_string(char *str) +{ +} +#endif + + +void print_emerg_char(unsigned char byte) { __console_tx_char(byte); } +void print_emerg_hex8(unsigned char value) { __console_tx_hex8(value); } +void print_emerg_hex32(unsigned int value) { __console_tx_hex32(value); } +void print_emerg(char *str) { __console_tx_string(str); } + +void print_alert_char(unsigned char byte) { __console_tx_char(byte); } +void print_alert_hex8(unsigned char value) { __console_tx_hex8(value); } +void print_alert_hex32(unsigned int value) { __console_tx_hex32(value); } +void print_alert(char *str) { __console_tx_string(str); } + +void print_crit_char(unsigned char byte) { __console_tx_char(byte); } +void print_crit_hex8(unsigned char value) { __console_tx_hex8(value); } +void print_crit_hex32(unsigned int value) { __console_tx_hex32(value); } +void print_crit(char *str) { __console_tx_string(str); } + +void print_err_char(unsigned char byte) { __console_tx_char(byte); } +void print_err_hex8(unsigned char value) { __console_tx_hex8(value); } +void print_err_hex32(unsigned int value) { __console_tx_hex32(value); } +void print_err(char *str) { __console_tx_string(str); } + +void print_warning_char(unsigned char byte) { __console_tx_char(byte); } +void print_warning_hex8(unsigned char value) { __console_tx_hex8(value); } +void print_warning_hex32(unsigned int value) { __console_tx_hex32(value); } +void print_warning(char *str) { __console_tx_string(str); } + +void print_notice_char(unsigned char byte) { __console_tx_char(byte); } +void print_notice_hex8(unsigned char value) { __console_tx_hex8(value); } +void print_notice_hex32(unsigned int value) { __console_tx_hex32(value); } +void print_notice(char *str) { __console_tx_string(str); } + +void print_info_char(unsigned char byte) { __console_tx_char(byte); } +void print_info_hex8(unsigned char value) { __console_tx_hex8(value); } +void print_info_hex32(unsigned int value) { __console_tx_hex32(value); } +void print_info(char *str) { __console_tx_string(str); } + +void print_debug_char(unsigned char byte) { __console_tx_char(byte); } +void print_debug_hex8(unsigned char value) { __console_tx_hex8(value); } +void print_debug_hex32(unsigned int value) { __console_tx_hex32(value); } +void print_debug(char *str) { __console_tx_string(str); } + +void print_spew_char(unsigned char byte) { __console_tx_char(byte); } +void print_spew_hex8(unsigned char value) { __console_tx_hex8(value); } +void print_spew_hex32(unsigned int value) { __console_tx_hex32(value); } +void print_spew(char *str) { __console_tx_string(str); } + +#define PIIX4_DEVFN 0x90 +#define SMBUS_MEM_DEVICE_START 0x50 +#define SMBUS_MEM_DEVICE_END 0x53 +#define SMBUS_MEM_DEVICE_INC 1 + + +#define PM_BUS 0 +#define PM_DEVFN (PIIX4_DEVFN+3) + +#if HAVE_CONSTANT_PROPOGATION +#define SMBUS_IO_BASE 0x1000 +#define SMBHSTSTAT 0 +#define SMBHSTCTL 2 +#define SMBHSTCMD 3 +#define SMBHSTADD 4 +#define SMBHSTDAT0 5 +#define SMBHSTDAT1 6 +#define SMBBLKDAT 7 + +static void smbus_wait_until_ready(void) +{ + while((inb(SMBUS_IO_BASE + SMBHSTSTAT) & 1) == 1) { + /* nop */ + } +} + +static void smbus_wait_until_done(void) +{ + unsigned char byte; + do { + byte = inb(SMBUS_IO_BASE + SMBHSTSTAT); + }while((byte &1) == 1); + while( (byte & ~1) == 0) { + byte = inb(SMBUS_IO_BASE + SMBHSTSTAT); + } +} + +int smbus_read_byte(unsigned device, unsigned address) +{ + unsigned char host_status_register; + unsigned char byte; + int result; + + smbus_wait_until_ready(); + + /* setup transaction */ + /* disable interrupts */ + outb(inb(SMBUS_IO_BASE + SMBHSTCTL) & (~1), SMBUS_IO_BASE + SMBHSTCTL); + /* set the device I'm talking too */ + outb(((device & 0x7f) << 1) | 1, SMBUS_IO_BASE + SMBHSTADD); + /* set the command/address... */ + outb(address & 0xFF, SMBUS_IO_BASE + SMBHSTCMD); + /* set up for a byte data read */ + outb((inb(SMBUS_IO_BASE + SMBHSTCTL) & 0xE3) | (0x2 << 2), SMBUS_IO_BASE + SMBHSTCTL); + + /* clear any lingering errors, so the transaction will run */ + outb(inb(SMBUS_IO_BASE + SMBHSTSTAT), SMBUS_IO_BASE + SMBHSTSTAT); + + /* clear the data byte...*/ + outb(0, SMBUS_IO_BASE + SMBHSTDAT0); + + /* start the command */ + outb((inb(SMBUS_IO_BASE + SMBHSTCTL) | 0x40), SMBUS_IO_BASE + SMBHSTCTL); + + /* poll for transaction completion */ + smbus_wait_until_done(); + + host_status_register = inb(SMBUS_IO_BASE + SMBHSTSTAT); + + /* read results of transaction */ + byte = inb(SMBUS_IO_BASE + SMBHSTDAT0); + + result = byte; + if (host_status_register != 0x02) { + result = -1; + } + return result; +} + +#else /* !HAVE_CONSTANT_PROPOGATION */ + +#define SMBUS_IO_HSTSTAT 0x1000 +#define SMBUS_IO_HSTCTL 0x1002 +#define SMBUS_IO_HSTCMD 0x1003 +#define SMBUS_IO_HSTADD 0x1004 +#define SMBUS_IO_HSTDAT0 0x1005 +#define SMBUS_IO_HSTDAT1 0x1006 +#define SMBUS_IO_HSTBLKDAT 0x1007 + + +static void smbus_wait_until_ready(void) +{ + while((inb(SMBUS_IO_HSTSTAT) & 1) == 1) { + /* nop */ + } +} + +static void smbus_wait_until_done(void) +{ + unsigned char byte; + do { + byte = inb(SMBUS_IO_HSTSTAT); + }while((byte &1) == 1); + while( (byte & ~1) == 0) { + byte = inb(SMBUS_IO_HSTSTAT); + } +} + +short smbus_read_byte(unsigned char device, unsigned char address) +{ + unsigned char host_status_register; + short result; + + smbus_wait_until_ready(); + + /* setup transaction */ + /* disable interrupts */ + outb(inb(SMBUS_IO_HSTCTL) & (~1), SMBUS_IO_HSTCTL); + /* set the device I'm talking too */ + outb(((device & 0x7f) << 1) | 1, SMBUS_IO_HSTADD); + /* set the command/address... */ + outb(address & 0xFF, SMBUS_IO_HSTCMD); + /* set up for a byte data read */ + outb((inb(SMBUS_IO_HSTCTL) & 0xE3) | 8, SMBUS_IO_HSTCTL); + + /* clear any lingering errors, so the transaction will run */ + outb(inb(SMBUS_IO_HSTSTAT), SMBUS_IO_HSTSTAT); + + /* clear the data byte...*/ + outb(0, SMBUS_IO_HSTDAT0); + + /* start the command */ + outb((inb(SMBUS_IO_HSTCTL) | 0x40), SMBUS_IO_HSTCTL); + + /* poll for transaction completion */ + smbus_wait_until_done(); + + host_status_register = inb(SMBUS_IO_HSTSTAT); + + /* read results of transaction */ + result = inb(SMBUS_IO_HSTDAT0); + + if (host_status_register != 0x02) { + result = -1; + } + return result; +} +#endif /* HAVE_CONSTANT_PROPOGATION */ + +#define I440GX_BUS 0 +#define I440GX_DEVFN ((0x00 << 3) + 0) + + +static void spd_set_drb(void) +{ + /* + * Effects: Uses serial presence detect to set the + * DRB registers which holds the ending memory address assigned + * to each DIMM. + */ + unsigned end_of_memory; + unsigned char device; + unsigned char drb_reg; + + end_of_memory = 0; /* in multiples of 8MiB */ + device = SMBUS_MEM_DEVICE_START; +#if !CALCULATE_DRB_REG + drb_reg = 0x60; +#endif + while (device <= SMBUS_MEM_DEVICE_END) { + unsigned side1_bits, side2_bits; + int byte, byte2; + + side1_bits = side2_bits = -1; + + /* rows */ + byte = smbus_read_byte(device, 3); + if (byte >= 0) { + side1_bits += byte & 0xf; + + /* columns */ + byte = smbus_read_byte(device, 4); + side1_bits += byte & 0xf; + + /* banks */ + byte = smbus_read_byte(device, 17); + side1_bits += log2(byte); + + /* Get the module data width and convert it to a power of two */ + /* low byte */ + byte = smbus_read_byte(device, 6); + + /* high byte */ + byte2 = smbus_read_byte(device, 7); +#if HAVE_CAST_SUPPORT + side1_bits += log2((((unsigned long)byte2 << 8)| byte)); +#else + side1_bits += log2((((byte2 << 8) | byte)); +#endif + + /* now I have the ram size in bits as a power of two (less 1) */ + /* Make it mulitples of 8MB */ + side1_bits -= 25; + + /* side two */ + + /* number of physical banks */ + byte = smbus_read_byte(device, 5); + if (byte > 1) { + /* for now only handle the symmetrical case */ + side2_bits = side1_bits; + } + } + + /* Compute the end address for the DRB register */ + /* Only process dimms < 2GB (2^8 * 8MB) */ + if (side1_bits < 8) { + end_of_memory += (1 << side1_bits); + } +#if CALCULATE_DRB_REG + drb_reg = ((device - SMBUS_MEM_DEVICE_START) << 1) + 0x60; +#endif + +#if HAVE_STRING_SUPPORT + print_debug("end_of_memory: "); print_debug_hex32(end_of_memory); print_debug("\n"); +#endif + pcibios_write_config_byte(I440GX_BUS, I440GX_DEVFN, drb_reg, end_of_memory); + + if (side2_bits < 8 ) { + end_of_memory += (1 << side2_bits); + } +#if HAVE_STRING_SUPPORT + print_debug("end_of_memory: "); print_debug_hex32(end_of_memory); print_debug("\n"); +#endif + pcibios_write_config_byte(I440GX_BUS, I440GX_DEVFN, drb_reg +1, end_of_memory); + +#if !CALCULATE_DRB_REG + drb_reg += 2; +#endif + device += SMBUS_MEM_DEVICE_INC; + } +} diff --git a/util/romcc/tests/simple_test5.c b/util/romcc/tests/simple_test5.c new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..efc1e9489a --- /dev/null +++ b/util/romcc/tests/simple_test5.c @@ -0,0 +1,310 @@ +#define HAVE_STRING_SUPPORT 0 +#define HAVE_CAST_SUPPORT 0 +#define HAVE_STATIC_ARRAY_SUPPORT 0 +#define HAVE_POINTER_SUPPORT 0 +#define HAVE_CONSTANT_PROPOGATION 0 + +void outb(unsigned char value, unsigned short port) +{ + __builtin_outb(value, port); +} + +void outw(unsigned short value, unsigned short port) +{ + __builtin_outw(value, port); +} + +void outl(unsigned int value, unsigned short port) +{ + __builtin_outl(value, port); +} + +unsigned char inb(unsigned short port) +{ + return __builtin_inb(port); +} + +unsigned char inw(unsigned short port) +{ + return __builtin_inw(port); +} + +unsigned char inl(unsigned short port) +{ + return __builtin_inl(port); +} + +static unsigned int config_cmd(unsigned char bus, unsigned devfn, unsigned where) +{ + return 0x80000000 | (bus << 16) | (devfn << 8) | (where & ~3); +} + +static unsigned char pcibios_read_config_byte( + unsigned char bus, unsigned devfn, unsigned where) +{ + outl(config_cmd(bus, devfn, where), 0xCF8); + return inb(0xCFC + (where & 3)); +} + +static unsigned short pcibios_read_config_word( + unsigned char bus, unsigned devfn, unsigned where) +{ + outl(config_cmd(bus, devfn, where), 0xCF8); + return inw(0xCFC + (where & 2)); +} + +static unsigned int pcibios_read_config_dword( + unsigned char bus, unsigned devfn, unsigned where) +{ + outl(config_cmd(bus, devfn, where), 0xCF8); + return inl(0xCFC); +} + + +static void pcibios_write_config_byte( + unsigned char bus, unsigned devfn, unsigned where, unsigned char value) +{ + outl(config_cmd(bus, devfn, where), 0xCF8); + outb(value, 0xCFC + (where & 3)); +} + +static void pcibios_write_config_word( + unsigned char bus, unsigned devfn, unsigned where, unsigned short value) +{ + outl(config_cmd(bus, devfn, where), 0xCF8); + outw(value, 0xCFC + (where & 2)); +} + +static void pcibios_write_config_dword( + unsigned char bus, unsigned devfn, unsigned where, unsigned int value) +{ + outl(config_cmd(bus, devfn, where), 0xCF8); + outl(value, 0xCFC); +} + +int log2(int value) +{ + /* __builtin_bsr is a exactly equivalent to the x86 machine + * instruction with the exception that it returns -1 + * when the value presented to it is zero. + * Otherwise __builtin_bsr returns the zero based index of + * the highest bit set. + */ + return __builtin_bsr(value); +} + +#define PIIX4_DEVFN 0x90 +#define SMBUS_MEM_DEVICE_START 0x50 +#define SMBUS_MEM_DEVICE_END 0x53 +#define SMBUS_MEM_DEVICE_INC 1 + + +#define PM_BUS 0 +#define PM_DEVFN (PIIX4_DEVFN+3) + +#if HAVE_CONSTANT_PROPOGATION +#define SMBUS_IO_BASE 0x1000 +#define SMBHSTSTAT 0 +#define SMBHSTCTL 2 +#define SMBHSTCMD 3 +#define SMBHSTADD 4 +#define SMBHSTDAT0 5 +#define SMBHSTDAT1 6 +#define SMBBLKDAT 7 + +static void smbus_wait_until_ready(void) +{ + while((inb(SMBUS_IO_BASE + SMBHSTSTAT) & 1) == 1) { + /* nop */ + } +} + +static void smbus_wait_until_done(void) +{ + unsigned char byte; + do { + byte = inb(SMBUS_IO_BASE + SMBHSTSTAT); + }while((byte &1) == 1); + while( (byte & ~1) == 0) { + byte = inb(SMBUS_IO_BASE + SMBHSTSTAT); + } +} + +int smbus_read_byte(unsigned device, unsigned address) +{ + unsigned char host_status_register; + unsigned char byte; + int result; + + smbus_wait_until_ready(); + + /* setup transaction */ + /* disable interrupts */ + outb(inb(SMBUS_IO_BASE + SMBHSTCTL) & (~1), SMBUS_IO_BASE + SMBHSTCTL); + /* set the device I'm talking too */ + outb(((device & 0x7f) << 1) | 1, SMBUS_IO_BASE + SMBHSTADD); + /* set the command/address... */ + outb(address & 0xFF, SMBUS_IO_BASE + SMBHSTCMD); + /* set up for a byte data read */ + outb((inb(SMBUS_IO_BASE + SMBHSTCTL) & 0xE3) | (0x2 << 2), SMBUS_IO_BASE + SMBHSTCTL); + + /* clear any lingering errors, so the transaction will run */ + outb(inb(SMBUS_IO_BASE + SMBHSTSTAT), SMBUS_IO_BASE + SMBHSTSTAT); + + /* clear the data byte...*/ + outb(0, SMBUS_IO_BASE + SMBHSTDAT0); + + /* start the command */ + outb((inb(SMBUS_IO_BASE + SMBHSTCTL) | 0x40), SMBUS_IO_BASE + SMBHSTCTL); + + /* poll for transaction completion */ + smbus_wait_until_done(); + + host_status_register = inb(SMBUS_IO_BASE + SMBHSTSTAT); + + /* read results of transaction */ + byte = inb(SMBUS_IO_BASE + SMBHSTDAT0); + + result = byte; + if (host_status_register != 0x02) { + result = -1; + } + return result; +} + +#else /* !HAVE_CONSTANT_PROPOGATION */ + +#define SMBUS_IO_HSTSTAT 0x1000 +#define SMBUS_IO_HSTCTL 0x1002 +#define SMBUS_IO_HSTCMD 0x1003 +#define SMBUS_IO_HSTADD 0x1004 +#define SMBUS_IO_HSTDAT0 0x1005 +#define SMBUS_IO_HSTDAT1 0x1006 +#define SMBUS_IO_HSTBLKDAT 0x1007 + + +static void smbus_wait_until_ready(void) +{ + while((inb(SMBUS_IO_HSTSTAT) & 1) == 1) { + /* nop */ + } +} + +static void smbus_wait_until_done(void) +{ + unsigned char byte; + do { + byte = inb(SMBUS_IO_HSTSTAT); + }while((byte &1) == 1); + while( (byte & ~1) == 0) { + byte = inb(SMBUS_IO_HSTSTAT); + } +} + +int smbus_read_byte(unsigned device, unsigned address) +{ + unsigned char host_status_register; + int result; + + smbus_wait_until_ready(); + + /* setup transaction */ + /* disable interrupts */ + outb(inb(SMBUS_IO_HSTCTL) & (~1), SMBUS_IO_HSTCTL); + /* set the device I'm talking too */ + outb(((device & 0x7f) << 1) | 1, SMBUS_IO_HSTADD); + /* set the command/address... */ + outb(address & 0xFF, SMBUS_IO_HSTCMD); + /* set up for a byte data read */ + outb((inb(SMBUS_IO_HSTCTL) & 0xE3) | 8, SMBUS_IO_HSTCTL); + + /* clear any lingering errors, so the transaction will run */ + outb(inb(SMBUS_IO_HSTSTAT), SMBUS_IO_HSTSTAT); + + /* clear the data byte...*/ + outb(0, SMBUS_IO_HSTDAT0); + + /* start the command */ + outb((inb(SMBUS_IO_HSTCTL) | 0x40), SMBUS_IO_HSTCTL); + + /* poll for transaction completion */ + smbus_wait_until_done(); + + host_status_register = inb(SMBUS_IO_HSTSTAT); + + /* read results of transaction */ + result = inb(SMBUS_IO_HSTDAT0); + + if (host_status_register != 0x02) { + result = -1; + } + return result; +} +#endif /* HAVE_CONSTANT_PROPOGATION */ + + +#define I440GX_BUS 0 +#define I440GX_DEVFN ((0x00 << 3) + 0) + +void sdram_no_memory(void) +{ +#if HAVE_STRING_SUPPORT + print_err("No memory!!\n"); +#endif + while(1) ; +} + +static void spd_enable_refresh(void) +{ + /* + * Effects: Uses serial presence detect to set the + * refresh rate in the DRAMC register. + * see spd_set_dramc for the other values. + * FIXME: Check for illegal/unsupported ram configurations and abort + */ +#if HAVE_STATIC_ARRAY_SUPPORT + static const unsigned char refresh_rates[] = { + 0x01, /* Normal 15.625 us -> 15.6 us */ + 0x05, /* Reduced(.25X) 3.9 us -> 7.8 us */ + 0x05, /* Reduced(.5X) 7.8 us -> 7.8 us */ + 0x02, /* Extended(2x) 31.3 us -> 31.2 us */ + 0x03, /* Extended(4x) 62.5 us -> 62.4 us */ + 0x04, /* Extended(8x) 125 us -> 124.8 us */ + }; +#endif + /* Find the first dimm and assume the rest are the same */ + int status; + int byte; + unsigned device; + unsigned refresh_rate; + byte = -1; + status = -1; + device = SMBUS_MEM_DEVICE_START; + while ((byte < 0) && (device <= SMBUS_MEM_DEVICE_END)) { + byte = smbus_read_byte(device, 12); + device += SMBUS_MEM_DEVICE_INC; + } + if (byte < 0) { + /* We couldn't find anything we must have no memory */ + sdram_no_memory(); + } + byte &= 0x7f; + /* Default refresh rate be conservative */ + refresh_rate = 5; + /* see if the ram refresh is a supported one */ + if (byte < 6) { +#if HAVE_STATIC_ARRAY_SUPPORT + refresh_rate = refresh_rates[byte]; +#endif + } + byte = pcibios_read_config_byte(I440GX_BUS, I440GX_DEVFN, 0x57); + byte &= 0xf8; + byte |= refresh_rate; + pcibios_write_config_byte(I440GX_BUS, I440GX_DEVFN, 0x57, byte); +} + +void sdram_enable_refresh(void) +{ + spd_enable_refresh(); +} + diff --git a/util/romcc/tests/simple_test6.c b/util/romcc/tests/simple_test6.c new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..3dac72d0fb --- /dev/null +++ b/util/romcc/tests/simple_test6.c @@ -0,0 +1,269 @@ +#define HAVE_CONSTANT_PROPOGATION 1 + +void outb(unsigned char value, unsigned short port) +{ + __builtin_outb(value, port); +} + +void outw(unsigned short value, unsigned short port) +{ + __builtin_outw(value, port); +} + +void outl(unsigned int value, unsigned short port) +{ + __builtin_outl(value, port); +} + +unsigned char inb(unsigned short port) +{ + return __builtin_inb(port); +} + +unsigned char inw(unsigned short port) +{ + return __builtin_inw(port); +} + +unsigned char inl(unsigned short port) +{ + return __builtin_inl(port); +} + +static unsigned int config_cmd(unsigned char bus, unsigned devfn, unsigned where) +{ + return 0x80000000 | (bus << 16) | (devfn << 8) | (where & ~3); +} + +static unsigned char pcibios_read_config_byte( + unsigned char bus, unsigned devfn, unsigned where) +{ + outl(config_cmd(bus, devfn, where), 0xCF8); + return inb(0xCFC + (where & 3)); +} + +static unsigned short pcibios_read_config_word( + unsigned char bus, unsigned devfn, unsigned where) +{ + outl(config_cmd(bus, devfn, where), 0xCF8); + return inw(0xCFC + (where & 2)); +} + +static unsigned int pcibios_read_config_dword( + unsigned char bus, unsigned devfn, unsigned where) +{ + outl(config_cmd(bus, devfn, where), 0xCF8); + return inl(0xCFC); +} + + +static void pcibios_write_config_byte( + unsigned char bus, unsigned devfn, unsigned where, unsigned char value) +{ + outl(config_cmd(bus, devfn, where), 0xCF8); + outb(value, 0xCFC + (where & 3)); +} + +static void pcibios_write_config_word( + unsigned char bus, unsigned devfn, unsigned where, unsigned short value) +{ + outl(config_cmd(bus, devfn, where), 0xCF8); + outw(value, 0xCFC + (where & 2)); +} + +static void pcibios_write_config_dword( + unsigned char bus, unsigned devfn, unsigned where, unsigned int value) +{ + outl(config_cmd(bus, devfn, where), 0xCF8); + outl(value, 0xCFC); +} + +int log2(int value) +{ + /* __builtin_bsr is a exactly equivalent to the x86 machine + * instruction with the exception that it returns -1 + * when the value presented to it is zero. + * Otherwise __builtin_bsr returns the zero based index of + * the highest bit set. + */ + return __builtin_bsr(value); +} + +#define PIIX4_DEVFN 0x90 +#define SMBUS_MEM_DEVICE_START 0x50 +#define SMBUS_MEM_DEVICE_END 0x53 +#define SMBUS_MEM_DEVICE_INC 1 + + +#define PM_BUS 0 +#define PM_DEVFN (PIIX4_DEVFN+3) + +#if HAVE_CONSTANT_PROPOGATION +#define SMBUS_IO_BASE 0x1000 +#define SMBHSTSTAT 0 +#define SMBHSTCTL 2 +#define SMBHSTCMD 3 +#define SMBHSTADD 4 +#define SMBHSTDAT0 5 +#define SMBHSTDAT1 6 +#define SMBBLKDAT 7 + +static void smbus_wait_until_ready(void) +{ + while((inb(SMBUS_IO_BASE + SMBHSTSTAT) & 1) == 1) { + /* nop */ + } +} + +static void smbus_wait_until_done(void) +{ + unsigned char byte; + do { + byte = inb(SMBUS_IO_BASE + SMBHSTSTAT); + }while((byte &1) == 1); + while( (byte & ~1) == 0) { + byte = inb(SMBUS_IO_BASE + SMBHSTSTAT); + } +} + +int smbus_read_byte(unsigned device, unsigned address) +{ + unsigned char host_status_register; + unsigned char byte; + int result; + + smbus_wait_until_ready(); + + /* setup transaction */ + /* disable interrupts */ + outb(inb(SMBUS_IO_BASE + SMBHSTCTL) & (~1), SMBUS_IO_BASE + SMBHSTCTL); + /* set the device I'm talking too */ + outb(((device & 0x7f) << 1) | 1, SMBUS_IO_BASE + SMBHSTADD); + /* set the command/address... */ + outb(address & 0xFF, SMBUS_IO_BASE + SMBHSTCMD); + /* set up for a byte data read */ + outb((inb(SMBUS_IO_BASE + SMBHSTCTL) & 0xE3) | (0x2 << 2), SMBUS_IO_BASE + SMBHSTCTL); + + /* clear any lingering errors, so the transaction will run */ + outb(inb(SMBUS_IO_BASE + SMBHSTSTAT), SMBUS_IO_BASE + SMBHSTSTAT); + + /* clear the data byte...*/ + outb(0, SMBUS_IO_BASE + SMBHSTDAT0); + + /* start the command */ + outb((inb(SMBUS_IO_BASE + SMBHSTCTL) | 0x40), SMBUS_IO_BASE + SMBHSTCTL); + + /* poll for transaction completion */ + smbus_wait_until_done(); + + host_status_register = inb(SMBUS_IO_BASE + SMBHSTSTAT); + + /* read results of transaction */ + byte = inb(SMBUS_IO_BASE + SMBHSTDAT0); + + result = byte; + if (host_status_register != 0x02) { + result = -1; + } + return result; +} + +#else /* !HAVE_CONSTANT_PROPOGATION */ + +#define SMBUS_IO_HSTSTAT 0x1000 +#define SMBUS_IO_HSTCTL 0x1002 +#define SMBUS_IO_HSTCMD 0x1003 +#define SMBUS_IO_HSTADD 0x1004 +#define SMBUS_IO_HSTDAT0 0x1005 +#define SMBUS_IO_HSTDAT1 0x1006 +#define SMBUS_IO_HSTBLKDAT 0x1007 + + +static void smbus_wait_until_ready(void) +{ + while((inb(SMBUS_IO_HSTSTAT) & '\1') == '\1') { + /* nop */ + } +} + +static void smbus_wait_until_done(void) +{ + unsigned char byte; + do { + byte = inb(SMBUS_IO_HSTSTAT); + }while((byte &1) == 1); + while( (byte & ~1) == 0) { + byte = inb(SMBUS_IO_HSTSTAT); + } +} + +short smbus_read_byte(unsigned char device, unsigned char address) +{ + unsigned char host_status_register; + short result; + + smbus_wait_until_ready(); /* 2 */ + + /* setup transaction */ + /* disable interrupts */ + outb(inb(SMBUS_IO_HSTCTL) & (~1), SMBUS_IO_HSTCTL); /* 3 */ + /* set the device I'm talking too */ + outb(((device & 0x7f) << 1) | 1, SMBUS_IO_HSTADD); /* 1 + 3 */ + /* set the command/address... */ + outb(address & 0xFF, SMBUS_IO_HSTCMD); /* 1 + 3 */ + /* set up for a byte data read */ + outb((inb(SMBUS_IO_HSTCTL) & 0xE3) | 8, SMBUS_IO_HSTCTL); /* 3 */ + + /* clear any lingering errors, so the transaction will run */ + outb(inb(SMBUS_IO_HSTSTAT), SMBUS_IO_HSTSTAT); /* 3 */ + + /* clear the data byte...*/ + outb(0, SMBUS_IO_HSTDAT0); /* 3 */ + + /* start the command */ + outb((inb(SMBUS_IO_HSTCTL) | 0x40), SMBUS_IO_HSTCTL); + + /* poll for transaction completion */ + smbus_wait_until_done(); + + host_status_register = inb(SMBUS_IO_HSTSTAT); + + /* read results of transaction */ + result = inb(SMBUS_IO_HSTDAT0); + + if (host_status_register != 0x02) { + result = -1; + } + return result; +} +#endif /* HAVE_CONSTANT_PROPOGATION */ + + +static void test(void) +{ + short byte; + unsigned device; + unsigned char i, j, k, l, m, n, o; + i = 1; + j = 2; + k = 3; + l = 4; + m = 5; + n = 6; + o = 7; + device = inb(SMBUS_MEM_DEVICE_START); + byte = smbus_read_byte(device, 3); + outb(i, 0xab); + outb(j, 0xab); + outb(k, 0xab); + outb(l, 0x1234); +#if 1 + outb(m, 0xab); +#endif +#if 0 + outb(n, 0xab); +#endif +#if 0 + outb(o, 0xab); +#endif +} diff --git a/util/romcc/tests/simple_test7.c b/util/romcc/tests/simple_test7.c new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..571f2cdb71 --- /dev/null +++ b/util/romcc/tests/simple_test7.c @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ +void main(void) +{ + int i; + i = 0; + do { + int j; + __builtin_outb(i, 0xab); + j = i++; + __builtin_outb(j, 0xdc); + } while(i <= 9); + +} diff --git a/util/romcc/tests/simple_test8.c b/util/romcc/tests/simple_test8.c new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..0b6b853e19 --- /dev/null +++ b/util/romcc/tests/simple_test8.c @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ + + +void main(void) +{ + static const char msg[] = "hello world\r\n"; + char *str; + char ch; + str = msg; + while(1) { + ch = *str++; + } +} diff --git a/util/romcc/tests/simple_test9.c b/util/romcc/tests/simple_test9.c new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..e8df1b9afb --- /dev/null +++ b/util/romcc/tests/simple_test9.c @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ + + +void main(void) +{ + static const char msg[] = "hello world\r\n"; + char *str; + char ch; + str = msg; + do { + ch = *str++; + } while(ch); +}