# This file is part of the coreboot project.
# Copyright 2015 Google Inc.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.

#set -x # uncomment for debug


#check for tools
( git --version && cloc --version ) > /dev/null 2>&1
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
	echo "ERROR: cloc or git is not installed.  Exiting"
	exit 1

#verify that the repo is clean before losing state.
git diff-index --quiet --cached HEAD
if [ $? -ne 0 ] || [ "$(git diff --shortstat 2> /dev/null | tail -n1)" != "" ]; then
	echo "ERROR: repo is not clean.  Exiting."
	exit 1

#verify command line arguments
if [ -z "$1" ] || [ -z "$2" ]; then
echo "Usage: $0 <old_version> <new_version>"
echo "Old version should be a tag (4.1), a branch (origin/4.1), or a commit id"
echo "New version can be 'HEAD' a branch (origin/master) a tag (4.2), or a commit id"
echo "Example: \"$0 origin/4.1 4.2\""
exit 1

#Figure out which logfile we're writing to.
if [ -f "$MAIN_LOGFILE" ]; then

#print and log the versions
log_versions() {
	echo "Log of commit $1 to commit $2"
	echo "Log of commit $1 to commit $2" >> "$LOGFILE"
	echo "Total commits: $(git log "${1}..${2}" | grep -c '^commit ' )"
	echo "Total commits: $(git log "${1}..${2}" | grep -c '^commit ' )" >> "$LOGFILE"

#get the first commit id in the current tree
get_latest_commit_id() {
	pushd "$1" > /dev/null
	git log | grep '^commit ' | head -1 | sed 's/commit //'
	popd > /dev/null

#main get log function
_get_log() {
	local oldver="$1"
	local newver="$2"
	local title="$3"
	local paths="$4"

	#Leave ${paths} unquoted
	git log --abbrev-commit --pretty=oneline "${oldver}..${newver}" -- ${paths} | \
	sort -t ' ' -k 2 | \

#output to a new log, then compare to the first logfile, and only output
#non duplicated lines to the final file.
get_log_dedupe() {
	local title="$1"
	local paths="$2"
	dedupe_tmpfile="$(mktemp "LOGFILE.XXXX")"

	local log=$(_get_log "$OLD_COREBOOT_VERSION" "$NEW_COREBOOT_VERSION" "$title" "$paths")

	echo "$log" > "$dedupe_tmpfile"

	log=$(grep -Fxv -f "$LOGFILE" "$dedupe_tmpfile")
	local commits=$(echo "$log" | wc -l)

	if [ -n "$log" ]; then
		printf "%s\n%s\n\n" "$title ($commits commits)" "$log" >> "$LOGFILE"

	rm "$dedupe_tmpfile"

# get logs for the submodules
get_log_submodule() {
	local old_version="$1"
	local new_version="$2"
	local submodule_dir="$3"

	printf "Submodule %s\n" "$submodule_dir"
	printf "commit %s to commit %s\n\n" "$old_version" "$new_version"

	pushd "${TOP}/$submodule_dir" > /dev/null
	local log=$(_get_log "$old_version" "$new_version" "$submodule_dir" ".")
	local commits=$(echo "$log" | wc -l)

	if [ -n "$log" ]; then
		printf "%s\n%s\n\n" "$submodule_dir ($commits commits)" "$log" >> "$LOGFILE"

	popd > /dev/null

#make sure things get cleaned up if ctl-c is pressed while the old version
#is checked out and files are renamed.  This can be a real mess to clean
#up manually.
version_ctrl_c() {
	printf "\n** Trapped CTRL-C\n Cleaning up and exiting."
	find 'src' -name 'gnumakefile' -exec rename 's/gnumakefile/Makefile\.inc/' {} \;
	git checkout origin/master  > /dev/null 2>&1
	git submodule update --init --checkout  > /dev/null 2>&1
	rm -f "$mainboard_list_old" "$mainboard_list_new"
	rm "$LOGFILE"
	exit 1;

trap version_ctrl_c SIGINT

mainboard_list_new="$(mktemp "LOGFILE.XXXX")"
mainboard_list_old="$(mktemp "LOGFILE.XXXX")"

#check out old version and get information
printf -- "Finding old submodule versions...\n"
git checkout "$OLD_COREBOOT_VERSION" > /dev/null 2>&1
git submodule update --init --checkout  > /dev/null 2>&1
BLOBS_OLD_VERSION=$(get_latest_commit_id "${TOP}/3rdparty/blobs")
VBOOT_OLD_VERSION=$(get_latest_commit_id "${TOP}/3rdparty/vboot")
ARM_OLD_VERSION=$(get_latest_commit_id "${TOP}/3rdparty/arm-trusted-firmware")
NVIDIA_OLD_VERSION=$(get_latest_commit_id "${TOP}/util/nvidia/cbootimage")
find 'src/mainboard' -name 'Kconfig.name' | sed 's|/Kconfig.name||' | sed 's|src/mainboard/|- |' | grep '/' | sort > "$mainboard_list_old"
#because cloc works on extensions, and .inc identifies as pascal, rename Makefile.inc, then remap the other .inc files to c
printf "Calculating old SLOC\n"
find 'src' -name 'Makefile.inc' -exec rename 's/Makefile\.inc/gnumakefile/' {} \;
OLD_SLOC=$(cloc --progress-rate=0 --quiet --script-lang="Bourne Shell",bash --force-lang=c,inc --exclude-dir=vendorcode src)
find 'src' -name 'gnumakefile' -exec rename 's/gnumakefile/Makefile\.inc/' {} \;

#check out new version and get information
printf -- "\nFinding new submodule versions...\n"
git checkout "$NEW_COREBOOT_VERSION"  > /dev/null 2>&1
git submodule update --init --checkout  > /dev/null 2>&1
BLOBS_NEW_VERSION=$(get_latest_commit_id "${TOP}/3rdparty/blobs")
VBOOT_NEW_VERSION=$(get_latest_commit_id "${TOP}/3rdparty/vboot")
ARM_NEW_VERSION=$(get_latest_commit_id "${TOP}/3rdparty/arm-trusted-firmware")
NVIDIA_NEW_VERSION=$(get_latest_commit_id "${TOP}/util/nvidia/cbootimage")
find 'src/mainboard' -name 'Kconfig.name' | sed 's|/Kconfig.name||' | sed 's|src/mainboard/|- |' | grep '/' | sort > "$mainboard_list_new"
printf "Calculating new SLOC\n"
find 'src' -name 'Makefile.inc' -exec rename 's/Makefile\.inc/gnumakefile/' {} \;
NEW_SLOC=$(cloc --progress-rate=0 --quiet --script-lang="Bourne Shell",bash --force-lang=c,inc --exclude-dir=vendorcode src)
find 'src' -name 'gnumakefile' -exec rename 's/gnumakefile/Makefile\.inc/' {} \;

new_mainboards=$(grep -Fxv -f "$mainboard_list_old" "$mainboard_list_new")
removed_mainboards=$(grep -Fxv -f "$mainboard_list_new" "$mainboard_list_old")

git checkout origin/master  > /dev/null 2>&1
git submodule update --init --checkout  > /dev/null 2>&1
rm -f "$mainboard_list_old" "$mainboard_list_new"
trap "" SIGINT

#start outputting to logfile
echo "Generating release notes from version ${OLD_COREBOOT_VERSION} to ${NEW_COREBOOT_VERSION}"
echo; echo "Main coreboot repo"
echo "Main coreboot repo" >> "$LOGFILE"
echo "------------------" >> "$LOGFILE"
log_versions "$(git log --pretty=%H "${OLD_COREBOOT_VERSION}..${NEW_COREBOOT_VERSION}" | tail -1)" "$(git log --pretty=%H "${OLD_COREBOOT_VERSION}..${NEW_COREBOOT_VERSION}" | head -1 )"

NOW=$(date -u)
( echo "$NOW"; echo ) >> "$LOGFILE"

#first get things that are generally outside the mainboards and architectures
get_log_dedupe "Build system" 	"Makefile Makefile.inc toolchain.inc src/Kconfig src/cpu/Makefile.inc"
get_log_dedupe "Utilities" 	"util/"
get_log_dedupe "Documentation"	"Documentation/ README"
get_log_dedupe "Payloads"	"payloads/"
get_log_dedupe "Vendorcode"	"src/vendorcode/"

# get mainboards 2nd so that changes that are mainboard specific don't get
# grabbed by the architectures
get_log_dedupe "Mainboards"	"src/mainboard/"

#Get architectures 3rd so separate the various pieces out
get_log_dedupe "ARM"	"$(for codedir in $(grep -rl "_ARM" --include=Kconfig | grep -v 'src/mainboard\|payloads/\|drivers/\|vendorcode/\|console' ) ; do dirname "$codedir"; done | grep -v '^src$')"
get_log_dedupe "RISC-V"	"$(for codedir in $(grep -rl "_RISCV" --include=Kconfig | grep -v 'src/mainboard\|payloads/\|drivers/\|vendorcode/\|console' ) ; do dirname "$codedir"; done | grep -v '^src$')"
get_log_dedupe "X86"	"src/arch/x86 src/cpu/x86 src/cpu/intel src/soc/intel src/cpu/amd src/northbridge/intel src/northbridge/amd src/southbridge/intel src/southbridge/amd src/drivers/intel/fsp1_0 src/drivers/intel/fsp1_1 src/include/amd src/include/intel src/include/x86 src/include/pc80"
get_log_dedupe "MIPS"	"$(for codedir in $(grep -rl "_MIPS" --include=Kconfig | grep -v 'src/mainboard\|payloads/\|drivers/\|vendorcode/\|console' ) ; do dirname "$codedir"; done | grep -v '^src$')"

#4th, get all the rest of the specific areas
get_log_dedupe "ACPI"		"src/acpi/"
get_log_dedupe "Console"	"src/console/ src/include/console"
get_log_dedupe "SuperIO"	"src/superio/ src/include/superio"
get_log_dedupe "EC "		"src/ec"
get_log_dedupe "Drivers" 	"src/drivers/"
get_log_dedupe "Devices" 	"src/device/ src/include/device"
get_log_dedupe "Lib" 		"src/lib/"
get_log_dedupe "Commonlib"	"src/commonlib/"
get_log_dedupe "Include"	"src/include/"

#Last, get anything that was missed above
get_log_dedupe "MISC" "."

if [ -n "$new_mainboards" ]; then
	printf "Added %s mainboards:\n-------------------\n%s\n\n" "$(echo "$new_mainboards" | wc -l)" "$new_mainboards"  >> "$LOGFILE"

if [ -n "$removed_mainboards" ]; then
	printf "Removed %s mainboards:\n---------------------\n%s\n\n" "$(echo "$removed_mainboards" | wc -l)" "$removed_mainboards"  >> "$LOGFILE"

# log submodules
printf "Submodules\n----------\n" >> "$LOGFILE"
get_log_submodule "$BLOBS_OLD_VERSION"	"$BLOBS_NEW_VERSION" "3rdparty/blobs"
get_log_submodule "$ARM_OLD_VERSION"	"$ARM_NEW_VERSION" "3rdparty/arm-trusted-firmware"
get_log_submodule "$VBOOT_OLD_VERSION"	"$VBOOT_NEW_VERSION" "3rdparty/vboot"
get_log_submodule "$NVIDIA_OLD_VERSION"	"$NVIDIA_NEW_VERSION" "util/nvidia/cbootimage"

printf "\ncoreboot statistics\n-------------------\n" >> "$LOGFILE"
NEW_AUTHORS=$(git log --pretty=%an "${OLD_COREBOOT_VERSION}" | sort | uniq > before_names.txt && git log --pretty=%an | sort | uniq > after_names.txt && grep -Fxv -c -f before_names.txt after_names.txt && rm before_names.txt after_names.txt)
TOTAL_COMMITS=$(git log --pretty=oneline "${1}..${2}" | wc -l)
printf -- "- Total commits: %s\n" "$TOTAL_COMMITS" >> "$LOGFILE"

#TODO: Fix days between releases - between two branches or tags works well, between individual patches works poorly, as we get the creation date of the patch, not the merge date.
#DAYS_BETWEEN_RELEASES=$(( ( $(date -ud "$(git show "$NEW_COREBOOT_VERSION" | grep -m 1 '^Date: ' | sed 's/Date:[[:space:]]*//' | sed 's/[+-].*//g')" +'%s') - $(date -ud "$(git show "$OLD_COREBOOT_VERSION" | grep -m 1 '^Date: ' | sed 's/Date:[[:space:]]*//' | sed 's/[+-].*//g')" +'%s') ) /60/60/24 ))
#printf "- Average daily commits: %s\n" "$AVERAGE_COMMITS"

printf -- "- New authors: %s\n" "$NEW_AUTHORS"  >> "$LOGFILE"
printf -- "- Total authors: %s\n" "$(git log "${OLD_COREBOOT_VERSION}..${NEW_COREBOOT_VERSION}" | grep -e '^Author:' | sed 's/.*Author: //' | sed 's/ <.*.>//' | sort | uniq | wc -l)" >> "$LOGFILE"
printf -- "- Reviewers on submitted patches: %s\n" "$(git log "${OLD_COREBOOT_VERSION}..${NEW_COREBOOT_VERSION}" | grep -e '^ *Reviewed-by: ' | sed 's/.*Reviewed-by: //' | sed 's/ <.*.>//' | sort | uniq | wc -l)" >> "$LOGFILE"

printf "\nOld SLOC (%s)\n%s" "$NOW" "$OLD_SLOC" >> "$LOGFILE"
printf "\nNew SLOC (%s)\n%s" "$NOW" "$NEW_SLOC" >> "$LOGFILE"

# Add the collected data to the top of the existing logfile for parsing
if [ -n "$UPDATE_MAIN_LOGFILE" ]; then
	tmpfile="$(mktemp "LOGFILE.XXXX")"
	grep -Fxv -f "$MAIN_LOGFILE" "$LOGFILE" > "$tmpfile"
	printf "\n\n" >> "$tmpfile"
	cat "$MAIN_LOGFILE" >> "$tmpfile"
	mv "$tmpfile" "$MAIN_LOGFILE"
	rm -f "$LOGFILE"