/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only */ #include #include #include #include #include #include "../libcbfs/cbfs.c" /* Mocks */ unsigned long virtual_offset = 0; struct sysinfo_t lib_sysinfo; size_t vb2_digest_size(enum vb2_hash_algorithm hash_alg) { if (hash_alg != VB2_HASH_SHA256) { fail_msg("Unsupported hash algorithm: %d\n", hash_alg); return 0; } return VB2_SHA256_DIGEST_SIZE; } vb2_error_t vb2_hash_verify(bool allow_hwcrypto, const void *buf, uint32_t size, const struct vb2_hash *hash) { assert_true(allow_hwcrypto); check_expected_ptr(buf); check_expected(size); assert_int_equal(hash->algo, VB2_HASH_SHA256); if (!memcmp(hash->sha256, good_hash, sizeof(good_hash))) return VB2_SUCCESS; if (!memcmp(hash->sha256, bad_hash, sizeof(bad_hash))) return VB2_ERROR_SHA_MISMATCH; fail_msg("%s called with bad hash", __func__); return VB2_ERROR_SHA_MISMATCH; } unsigned long ulzman(const unsigned char *src, unsigned long srcn, unsigned char *dst, unsigned long dstn) { size_t copy_size = MIN(srcn, dstn); function_called(); memcpy(dst, src, copy_size); return copy_size; } size_t ulz4fn(const void *src, size_t srcn, void *dst, size_t dstn) { size_t copy_size = MIN(srcn, dstn); function_called(); memcpy(dst, src, copy_size); return copy_size; } enum cb_err cbfs_mcache_lookup(const void *mcache, size_t mcache_size, const char *name, union cbfs_mdata *mdata_out, size_t *data_offset_out) { return CB_CBFS_CACHE_FULL; } enum cb_err cbfs_lookup(cbfs_dev_t dev, const char *name, union cbfs_mdata *mdata_out, size_t *data_offset_out, struct vb2_hash *metadata_hash) { assert_non_null(dev); check_expected(name); enum cb_err ret = mock_type(enum cb_err); if (ret != CB_SUCCESS) return ret; memcpy(mdata_out, mock_ptr_type(const union cbfs_mdata *), sizeof(union cbfs_mdata)); *data_offset_out = mock_type(size_t); return CB_SUCCESS; } static void expect_cbfs_lookup(const char *name, enum cb_err err, const union cbfs_mdata *mdata, size_t data_offset_out) { expect_string(cbfs_lookup, name, name); will_return(cbfs_lookup, err); if (err == CB_SUCCESS) { will_return(cbfs_lookup, mdata); will_return(cbfs_lookup, data_offset_out); } } const void *cbfs_find_attr(const union cbfs_mdata *mdata, uint32_t attr_tag, size_t size_check) { return mock_ptr_type(void *); } enum cb_err fmap_locate_area(const char *name, size_t *offset, size_t *size) { *offset = 0; *size = 0; return CB_SUCCESS; } ssize_t boot_device_read(void *buf, size_t offset, size_t size) { /* Offset should be based on an address from lib_sysinfo.cbfs_offset */ memcpy(buf, (void *)offset, size); return size; } const struct vb2_hash *cbfs_file_hash(const union cbfs_mdata *mdata) { return mock_ptr_type(const struct vb2_hash *); } /* Utils */ static void clear_cbfs_boot_devices(void) { lib_sysinfo.cbfs_ro_mcache_offset = 0; lib_sysinfo.cbfs_ro_mcache_size = 0; lib_sysinfo.cbfs_offset = 0; lib_sysinfo.cbfs_size = 0; lib_sysinfo.cbfs_rw_mcache_offset = 0; lib_sysinfo.cbfs_rw_mcache_size = 0; memset((void *)cbfs_get_boot_device(true), 0, sizeof(struct cbfs_boot_device)); memset((void *)cbfs_get_boot_device(false), 0, sizeof(struct cbfs_boot_device)); } void set_cbfs(uint64_t offset, size_t size) { clear_cbfs_boot_devices(); lib_sysinfo.cbfs_offset = offset; lib_sysinfo.cbfs_size = size; } /* Tests */ static int setup_test_cbfs(void **state) { clear_cbfs_boot_devices(); return 0; } static void test_cbfs_map_no_hash(void **state) { void *mapping = NULL; size_t size = 0; set_cbfs((uint64_t)&file_no_hash, sizeof(file_no_hash)); expect_cbfs_lookup(TEST_DATA_1_FILENAME, CB_SUCCESS, (const union cbfs_mdata *)&file_no_hash, be32toh(file_no_hash.header.offset)); will_return(cbfs_find_attr, NULL); if (CONFIG(LP_CBFS_VERIFICATION)) { /* File with no hash. No hash causes hash mismatch by default, so mapping will not be completed successfully. */ will_return(cbfs_file_hash, NULL); mapping = cbfs_map(TEST_DATA_1_FILENAME, NULL); assert_null(mapping); } else { mapping = cbfs_map(TEST_DATA_1_FILENAME, &size); assert_non_null(mapping); assert_int_equal(TEST_DATA_1_SIZE, size); assert_memory_equal(test_data_1, mapping, size); cbfs_unmap(mapping); } } static void test_cbfs_map_valid_hash_impl(void **state, bool lz4_compressed) { void *mapping = NULL; size_t size = 0; struct vb2_hash hash = { .algo = VB2_HASH_SHA256, }; memcpy(&hash.sha256, good_hash, VB2_SHA256_DIGEST_SIZE); set_cbfs((uint64_t)&file_valid_hash, sizeof(file_valid_hash)); expect_cbfs_lookup(TEST_DATA_1_FILENAME, CB_SUCCESS, (const union cbfs_mdata *)&file_valid_hash, be32toh(file_valid_hash.header.offset)); if (lz4_compressed) { struct cbfs_file_attr_compression cattr = { .compression = htobe32(CBFS_COMPRESS_LZ4), .decompressed_size = htobe32(TEST_DATA_1_SIZE), }; will_return(cbfs_find_attr, &cattr); expect_function_call(ulz4fn); } else { will_return(cbfs_find_attr, NULL); } if (CONFIG(LP_CBFS_VERIFICATION)) { will_return(cbfs_file_hash, &hash); expect_memory(vb2_hash_verify, buf, &file_valid_hash.attrs_and_data[HASH_ATTR_SIZE], HASH_ATTR_SIZE); expect_value(vb2_hash_verify, size, TEST_DATA_1_SIZE); mapping = cbfs_map(TEST_DATA_1_FILENAME, &size); assert_non_null(mapping); assert_int_equal(TEST_DATA_1_SIZE, size); assert_memory_equal(mapping, &file_valid_hash.attrs_and_data[HASH_ATTR_SIZE], size); } else { mapping = cbfs_map(TEST_DATA_1_FILENAME, &size); assert_non_null(mapping); assert_int_equal(TEST_DATA_1_SIZE, size); assert_memory_equal(test_data_1, mapping, size); cbfs_unmap(mapping); } } static void test_cbfs_map_valid_hash(void **state) { test_cbfs_map_valid_hash_impl(state, false); } static void test_cbfs_map_valid_hash_with_lz4(void **state) { test_cbfs_map_valid_hash_impl(state, true); } static void test_cbfs_map_invalid_hash(void **state) { void *mapping = NULL; size_t size = 0; struct vb2_hash hash = { .algo = VB2_HASH_SHA256, }; memcpy(&hash.sha256, bad_hash, VB2_SHA256_DIGEST_SIZE); set_cbfs((uint64_t)&file_broken_hash, sizeof(file_broken_hash)); expect_cbfs_lookup(TEST_DATA_1_FILENAME, CB_SUCCESS, (const union cbfs_mdata *)&file_broken_hash, be32toh(file_broken_hash.header.offset)); will_return(cbfs_find_attr, NULL); if (CONFIG(LP_CBFS_VERIFICATION)) { will_return(cbfs_file_hash, &hash); expect_memory(vb2_hash_verify, buf, &file_broken_hash.attrs_and_data[HASH_ATTR_SIZE], HASH_ATTR_SIZE); expect_value(vb2_hash_verify, size, TEST_DATA_1_SIZE); mapping = cbfs_map(TEST_DATA_1_FILENAME, NULL); assert_null(mapping); } else { mapping = cbfs_map(TEST_DATA_1_FILENAME, &size); assert_non_null(mapping); assert_int_equal(TEST_DATA_1_SIZE, size); assert_memory_equal(test_data_1, mapping, size); cbfs_unmap(mapping); } } int main(void) { const struct CMUnitTest tests[] = { cmocka_unit_test_setup(test_cbfs_map_no_hash, setup_test_cbfs), cmocka_unit_test_setup(test_cbfs_map_valid_hash, setup_test_cbfs), cmocka_unit_test_setup(test_cbfs_map_valid_hash_with_lz4, setup_test_cbfs), cmocka_unit_test_setup(test_cbfs_map_invalid_hash, setup_test_cbfs), }; return lp_run_group_tests(tests, NULL, NULL); }