# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only

# This file contains common definitions, macros and targets for depthcharge
# unit-tests and screenshot utility. It requires list of defined variables:
# - src - source directory
# - testobj - build directory of tests
# - objutil - utility programs/libraries output directory

testsrc := $(top)/tests

cmockasrc := 3rdparty/cmocka
cmockaobj := $(objutil)/cmocka
coverage_dir := coverage_reports

CMOCKA_LIB := $(cmockaobj)/src/libcmocka.so

CMAKE := cmake
OBJCOPY ?= objcopy
OBJDUMP ?= objdump

TEST_DEFAULT_CONFIG := $(top)/configs/config.emulation_qemu_x86_i440fx
TEST_DOTCONFIG := $(testobj)/.config
TEST_KCONFIG_AUTOHEADER := $(testobj)/config.src.h
TEST_KCONFIG_AUTOCONFIG := $(testobj)/auto.conf
TEST_KCONFIG_DEPENDENCIES := $(testobj)/auto.conf.cmd
TEST_KCONFIG_SPLITCONFIG := $(testobj)/config/
TEST_KCONFIG_TRISTATE := $(testobj)/tristate.conf

TEST_CFLAGS := -include $(src)/include/kconfig.h \
	-include $(src)/commonlib/bsd/include/commonlib/bsd/compiler.h \
	-include $(src)/include/rules.h

# Include generic test mock headers, before original ones
TEST_CFLAGS += -I$(testsrc)/include/mocks -I$(testsrc)/include

TEST_CFLAGS += -I$(src) -I$(src)/include -I$(src)/commonlib/include \
	-I$(src)/commonlib/bsd/include -I$(src)/arch/x86/include \

# Note: This is intentionally just a subset of the warnings in the toplevel
# Makefile.inc. We don't need to be as strict with test code, and things like
# -Wmissing-prototypes just make working with the test framework cumbersome.
# Only put conservative warnings here that really detect code that's obviously
# unintentional.
TEST_CFLAGS += -Wall -Werror -Wundef -Wstrict-prototypes -Wno-inline-asm
TEST_CFLAGS += -Wno-unknown-warning-option -Wno-source-mgr -Wno-main-return-type

# Path for Kconfig autoheader

TEST_CFLAGS += -std=gnu11 -Os -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections -fno-builtin


TEST_CFLAGS += -I$(cmockasrc)/include

ifneq ($(filter-out 0,$(TEST_PRINT)),)

# Link against Cmocka
TEST_LDFLAGS := -L$(cmockaobj)/src -lcmocka -Wl,-rpath=$(cmockaobj)/src
TEST_LDFLAGS += -Wl,--gc-sections

# Some memlayout symbols don't work with userspace relocation -- disable it.
TEST_CFLAGS += -fno-pie -fno-pic
TEST_LDFLAGS += -no-pie

# Extra attributes for unit tests, declared per test
attributes := srcs cflags config mocks stage

# Copy attributes of one test to another.
# $1 - input test name
# $2 - output test name
copy-test = $(foreach attr,$(attributes), \
		$(eval $(strip $(2))-$(attr) := $($(strip $(1))-$(attr))))

# Create actual targets for unit test binaries
# $1 - test name
define TEST_CC_template

# Generate custom config.h redefining given config symbols, and declaring mocked
# functions weak. It is important that the compiler already sees that they are
# weak (and they aren't just turned weak at a later stage) to prevent certain
# optimizations that would break if the function gets replaced. (For clang this
# file needs to be marked `system_header` to prevent it from warning about
# #pragma weak entries without a matching function declaration, since there's no
# -Wno-xxx command line option for that.)
$(1)-config-file := $(testobj)/$(1)/config.h
$$($(1)-config-file): $(TEST_KCONFIG_AUTOHEADER)
	mkdir -p $$(dir $$@)
	printf '// File generated by tests/Makefile.inc\n// Do not change\n' > $$@
	printf '#include <%s>\n\n' "$(notdir $(TEST_KCONFIG_AUTOHEADER))" >> $$@
	for kv in $$($(1)-config); do \
		key="`echo $$$$kv | cut -d '=' -f -1`"; \
		value="`echo $$$$kv | cut -d '=' -f 2-`"; \
		printf '#undef %s\n' "$$$$key" >> $$@; \
		printf '#define %s %s\n\n' "$$$$key" "$$$$value" >> $$@; \
	printf '#ifdef __clang__\n' >> $$@;
	printf '#pragma clang system_header\n' >> $$@;
	printf '#endif\n' >> $$@;
	printf '#ifdef __TEST_SRCOBJ__\n' >> $$@;
	for m in $$($(1)-mocks); do \
		printf '#pragma weak %s\n' "$$$$m" >> $$@; \
	printf '#endif\n' >> $$@;

$($(1)-objs): TEST_CFLAGS += -I$$(dir $$($(1)-config-file)) \
	-D__$$(shell echo $$($(1)-stage) | tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]')__ \
	-D__TEST_NAME__=\"$(subst /,_,$(1))\" \

# Give us a way to distinguish between coreboot source files and test files in code.
$($(1)-srcobjs): TEST_CFLAGS += -D__TEST_SRCOBJ__

# Compile sources and apply mocking/wrapping of selected symbols.
# For each listed mock add new symbol with prefix `__real_`,
# and pointing to the same section:address.
$($(1)-objs): $(testobj)/$(1)/%.o: $$$$*.c $$($(1)-config-file)
	mkdir -p $$(dir $$@)
	$(HOSTCC) $(HOSTCFLAGS) $$(TEST_CFLAGS) $($(1)-cflags) -MMD \
		-MF $$(basename $$@).d -MT $$@ -c $$< -o $$@.orig
	objcopy_wrap_flags=''; \
	for sym in $$($(1)-mocks); do \
		sym_line="$$$$($(OBJDUMP) -t $$@.orig \
			| grep -E "[0-9a-fA-F]+\\s+w\\s+F\\s+.*\\s$$$$sym$$$$")"; \
		if [ ! -z "$$$$sym_line" ] ; then \
			addr="$$$$(echo "$$$$sym_line" | awk '{ print $$$$1 }')"; \
			section="$$$$(echo "$$$$sym_line" | awk '{ print $$$$(NF - 2) }')"; \
			objcopy_wrap_flags="$$$$objcopy_wrap_flags --add-symbol __real_$$$${sym}=$$$${section}:0x$$$${addr},function,global"; \
		fi \
	done ; \
	$(OBJCOPY) $$@.orig $$$$objcopy_wrap_flags $$@

$($(1)-bin): $($(1)-objs) $(CMOCKA_LIB)
	$(HOSTCC) $$^ $($(1)-cflags) $$(TEST_LDFLAGS) -o $$@


# Build cmocka
	echo "*** Building CMOCKA ***"
	mkdir -p $(cmockaobj)
	cd $(cmockaobj) && $(CMAKE) $(abspath $(cmockasrc))
	$(MAKE) -C $(cmockaobj)

# Kconfig targets
	mkdir -p $(dir $@)

# Don't override default Kconfig variables, since this will affect all
# Kconfig targets. Change them only when calling sub-make instead.

$(TEST_KCONFIG_AUTOHEADER): $(TEST_DOTCONFIG) $(objutil)/kconfig/conf
	mkdir -p $(dir $@)
	$(MAKE) $(TEST_KCONFIG_FLAGS) olddefconfig
	$(MAKE) $(TEST_KCONFIG_FLAGS) syncconfig
