Intel® Quark™ SoC

Quark Block Diagram The Quark™ SoC code was developed using the Galileo Gen 2 board:

Quark™ Documentation

Quark™ EDK2 CorebootPayloadPkg

Build Instructions:

  1. Set up build environment
  2. Linux (assumes GCC48):
    build  -p CorebootPayloadPkg/CorebootPayloadPkgIa32.dsc  -a IA32  \
        -t GCC48  -b DEBUG  -DDEBUG_PROPERTY_MASK=0x27  \
    ls Build/CorebootPayloadPkgIA32/DEBUG_GCC48/FV/UEFIPAYLOAD.fd
  3. Windows (assumes Visual Studio 2015):
    build  -p CorebootPayloadPkg\CorebootPayloadPkgIa32.dsc  -a IA32  -t VS2015x86  -b DEBUG  -DDEBUG_PROPERTY_MASK=0x27  -DDEBUG_PRINT_ERROR_LEVEL=0x80000042  -DSHELL_TYPE=BUILD_SHELL  -DMAX_LOGICAL_PROCESSORS=1
    dir Build\CorebootPayloadPkgIA32\DEBUG_VS2015x86\FV\UEFIPAYLOAD.fd
  4. In the .config for coreboot, set the following Kconfig values:
  5. Build coreboot
  6. Copy the image build/coreboot.rom into flash

Quark™ EDK2 Build Environment

Use the following steps to setup a build environment:

  1. Get the EDK2 sources:
    1. EDK2: git clone
    2. EDK2-non-osi: git clone
    3. Win32 BaseTools: git clone
  2. Set up a build window:

Quark™ FSP

Getting the Quark FSP source:

  1. Set up an EDK-II Build Environment
  2. cd edk2
  3. mkdir QuarkFspPkg
  4. cd QuarkFspPkg
  5. Use git to clone QuarkFspPkg into the QuarkFpsPkg directory (.)

Building QuarkFspPkg:

Quark™ EDK2 BIOS

Build Instructions:

  1. Set up build environment
  2. Build the image:


Modified: 17 May 2016