import sys import os import re import string debug = 3 arch = '' makebase = '' ldscriptbase = '' payloadfile = '' makeoptions = {} makeexpressions = [] # Key is the rule name. Value is a mkrule object. makebaserules = {} # List of targets in the order defined by makerule commands. makerule_targets = {} treetop = '' target_dir = '' sources = {} objectrules = {} # make these a hash so they will be unique. driverrules = {} ldscripts = [] userdefines = [] curpart = 0 globalvars = {} # We will globals here parts = {} options = {} # options in order defined. These will be unique due to use of hash # for options. options_by_order = [] crt0includes = [] partinstance = 0 curdir = '' dirstack = [] config_file_list = [] local_path = re.compile(r'^\.') # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Error Handling # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- class location: class place: def __init__(self, file, line, command): self.file = file self.line = line self.command = command def next_line(self, command): self.line = self.line + 1 self.command = command def at(self): return "%s:%d" % (self.file, self.line) def __init__ (self): self.stack = [] def file(self): return self.stack[-1].file def line(self): return self.stack[-1].line def command(self): return self.stack[-1].command def push_file(self, file): self.stack.append(, 0, "")) def pop_file(self): self.stack.pop() def next_line(self, command): self.stack[-1].next_line(command) def at(self): return self.stack[-1].at() loc = location() class makerule: def __init__ (self, target): = target self.dependency = [] self.actions = [] def addaction(self, action): self.actions.append(action) def adddependency(self, dependency): self.dependency.append(dependency) def gtarget(self): return def gdependency(self): return self.dependency def gaction(self): return self.actions class option: def __init__ (self, name): = name self.loc = 0 self.value = 0 self.set = 0 self.default = 0 def setvalue(self, value, loc): if (self.set): print "Option %s: \n" % print "Attempt to set %s at %s\n" % (value, print "Already set to %s at %s\n" % \ (self.value, sys.exit(1) self.set = 1 self.value = value self.loc = loc def getvalue(self): self.set = 1 return self.value def setdefault(self, value, loc): if (self.default): print "%s: " % print "Attempt to default %s at %s\n" % (value, loc) print "Already defaulted to %s at %s\n" % \ (self.value, print "Warning only\n" if (self.set): print "%s: " % print "Attempt to default %s at %s\n" % (value, loc) print "Already set to %s at %s\n" % \ (self.value, print "Warning only\n" return self.default = 1 self.value = value self.loc = loc def where(self): return self.loc class partobj: def __init__ (self, dir, parent, type): global partinstance print "partobj dir %s parent %s type %s" %(dir,parent,type) self.children = [] self.initcode = [] self.registercode = [] self.siblings = 0 self.type = type self.objects = [] self.dir = dir self.irq = 0 self.instance = partinstance + 1 partinstance = partinstance + 1 self.devfn = 0 self.private = 0 if (parent): print "add to parent" self.parent = parent parent.children.append(self) else: self.parent = self def dumpme(self, lvl): print "%d: type %s" % (lvl, self.type) print "%d: dir %s" % (lvl,self.dir) print "%d: parent %s" % (lvl,self.parent.type) print "%d: parent dir %s" % (lvl,self.parent.dir) print "%d: initcode " % lvl for i in self.initcode: print " %s\n" % i print "%d: registercode " % lvl for i in self.registercode: print " %s\n" % i def gencode(self): print "struct cdev dev%d = {" % self.instance print "/* %s %s */" % (self.type, self.dir) print " .devfn = %d" % self.devfn if (self.siblings): print " .next = &dev%d" % self.sibling.instance if (self.children): print " .children = &dev%d" % \ self.children[0].instance if (self.private): print " .private = private%d" % self.instance print "};" def irq(self, irq): self.irq = irq def addinit(self, code): self.initcode.append(code) def addregister(self, code): self.registercode.append(code) class partsstack: def __init__ (self): self.stack = [] def push(self, part): self.stack.append(part) def pop(self): return self.stack.pop() def tos(self): return self.stack[-1] pstack = partsstack() def fatal(string): global loc size = len(loc.stack) i = 0 while(i < size -1): print loc.stack[i].at() i = i + 1 print "%s: %s"% (, string) sys.exit(1) def warning(string): global loc print "===> Warning:" size = len(loc.stack) i = 0 while(i < size -1): print loc.stack[i].at() i = i + 1 print "%s: %s"% (, string) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # statements # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- def getvalue(dict, name): if name not in dict.keys(): print 'Undefined:', name v = dict.get(name, 0) if (debug > 1): print "getvalue %s returning %s\n" % (name, v) return v def setvalue(dict, name, value): print "name %s value %s" % (name, value) if name in dict.keys(): print "Warning, %s previously defined" % name if (debug > 1): print "setvalue sets %s to %s\n" % (name, value) dict[name] = value # options. # to create an option, it has to no exist. # When an option value is fetched, the fact that it was used is # remembered. # Legal things to do: # set a default value, then set a real value before the option is used. # set a value, try to set a default, default silently fails. # Illegal: # use the value, then try to set the value def getoption(name): print "getoption %s" % name o = getvalue(options, name) if (o == 0): fatal( "Error. Option %s Undefined. Fix me.\n" % name) if (debug > 2): print "returns %s" % o print "%s" % o.where() return o.getvalue() # stupid code, refactor later. def setoption(name, value): o = getvalue(options, name) if (o): o.setvalue(value, loc) return o = option(name) o.setvalue(value, loc) setvalue(options, name, o) options_by_order.append(name) def setdefault(name, value): o = getvalue(options, name) if (o): o.setdefault(value, loc) return print "setdefault: %s not here, setting to %s" % \ (name, value) o = option(name) o.setdefault(value, loc) setvalue(options, name, o) options_by_order.append(name) # we do the crt0include as a dictionary, so that if needed we # can trace who added what when. Also it makes the keys # nice and unique. def addcrt0include(path): global crt0includes #fullpath = os.path.join(curdir, path) #fullpath = path #setvalue(crt0includes, fullpath, loc) # oh shoot. Order matters. All right, we'll worry about this # later. fullpath = path if (debug > 2): print "ADDCRT0: %s\n" % fullpath crt0includes.append(fullpath) def addldscript(path): global ldscripts if (path[0] == '/'): fullpath = treetop + '/src/' + path else: fullpath = curdir + '/' + path #fullpath = os.path.join(curdir, path) #setvalue(ldscripts, fullpath, loc) if (debug): print "fullpath :%s: curdir :%s: path :%s:\n" % (fullpath, curdir, path) ldscripts.append(fullpath) def payload(path): global payloadfile adduserdefine("PAYLOAD:=%s"%path) # addrule('payload') # adddep('payload', path) # addaction('payload', 'cp $< $@') # this is called with an an object name. # the easiest thing to do is add this object to the current # component. # such kludgery. If the name starts with '.' then make the # dependency be on ./thing.x gag me. def addobjectdriver(dict, object_name): print "add object object_name %s" % object_name suffix = object_name[-2:] if (suffix == '.o'): suffix = '.c' base = object_name[:-2] if (object_name[0] == '.'): source = base + suffix else: source = os.path.join(curdir, base + suffix) object = base + '.o' print "addobject %s source %s\n" % (object, source) setvalue(dict, base, [object, source]) def addobject(object_name): addobjectdriver(objectrules, object_name) def adddriver(driver_name): addobjectdriver(driverrules, driver_name) def target(targ_name): global target_dir global curpart print "TARGET loc.file is %s\n" % loc.file() target_dir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(loc.file()), targ_name) print "TARGET dir.loc.file is %s\n" % os.path.dirname(loc.file()) if not os.path.isdir(target_dir): print 'Creating directory', target_dir os.makedirs(target_dir) print 'Will place Makefile, crt0.S, etc. in ', target_dir print '%s\n' % loc.file() board = partobj(target_dir, 0, 'board') curpart = board def part(name, path, file): global curpart,curdir if (debug): print "%s " % name dirstack.append(curdir) curdir = os.path.join(treetop, 'src', name, path) newpart = partobj(curdir, curpart, name) print "PUSH part " , curpart.dir pstack.push(curpart) curpart = newpart # option(parts, name, path) # open the file, and parse it. # curpart.option('MAINBOARD_PART_NUMBER', # os.path.basename(lookup(parts, 'mainboard'))) # option(options, 'MAINBOARD_VENDOR', os.path.dirname(getvalue(parts, 'mainboard'))) doconfigfile(curdir, file) def partpop(): global curpart,curdir curpart = pstack.pop() curdir = dirstack.pop() print "POP PART %s\n" % curpart.dir # dodir is like part but there is no new part def dodir(path, file): global curdir, treetop # if the first char is '/', it is relative to treetop, # else relative to curdir # os.path.join screws up if the name starts with '/', sigh. if (path[0] == '/'): fullpath = treetop + '/src/' + path else: fullpath = os.path.join(curdir, path) if (debug): print "DODIR: path %s, fullpath %s\n" % (path, fullpath) print "DODIR: curdis %s treetop %s\n" % (curdir, treetop) dirstack.append(curdir) curdir = fullpath file = os.path.join(fullpath, file) config_file_list.append(file) doconfigfile(fullpath, file) curdir = dirstack.pop() def ternary(expr, yes, no): print "ternary %s" % expr a = tohex(expr) # expr # eval(expr) print "expr %s a %d yes %d no %d\n"% (expr, a, yes, no) if (a == 0): print "Ternary returns %d\n" % yes return yes else: print "Ternary returns %d\n" % no return no # atoi is in the python library, but not strtol? Weird! def tohex(name): return eval('int(%s)' % name) def IsInt( str ): """ Is the given string an integer?""" try: num = int(str) return 1 except ValueError: return 0 def addrule(id): o = makerule(id) setvalue(makebaserules, id, o) def adduserdefine(str): userdefines.append(str) def dequote(str): a = re.sub("^\"", "", str) a = re.sub("\"$", "", a) # highly un-intuitive, need four \! a = re.sub("\\\\\"", "\"", a) return a def addaction(id, str): o = getvalue(makebaserules, id) a = dequote(str) o.addaction(a) def adddep(id, str): o = getvalue(makebaserules, id) a = dequote(str) o.adddependency(a) # If the first part of matches treetop, replace that part with "$(TOP)" def topify(path): global treetop if path[0:len(treetop)] == treetop: path = path[len(treetop):len(path)] if (path[0:1] == "/"): path = path[1:len(path)] path = "$(TOP)/" + path return path # arch is 'different' ... darn it. def set_arch(my_arch): global arch, makebase global curdir arch = my_arch setdefault('ARCH', my_arch) part('arch', my_arch, 'config/') def mainboard(path): global mainboard_dir mainboard_dir = path full_mainboard_dir = os.path.join(treetop, 'src/mainboard', path) setdefault('MAINBOARD', full_mainboard_dir) vendor = re.sub("/.*", "", path) mainboard_part_number = re.sub("[^/]/", "", path) setdefault('MAINBOARD_VENDOR', vendor) setdefault('MAINBOARD_PART_NUMBER', mainboard_part_number) part('mainboard', path, '') #============================================================================= # FILE OUTPUT #============================================================================= def writemakefileheader(file, fname): file.write("# File: %s\n" % fname) file.write("# This file was generated by '%s %s %s'\n\n" % (sys.argv[0], sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2])) def writemakefilesettings(path): global treetop, arch, mainboard_dir, target_dir, options # Write Makefile.settings to seperate the settings # from the actual makefile creation # In practice you need to rerun to change # these but in theory you shouldn't need to. filename = os.path.join(path, "Makefile.settings") print "Creating", filename file = open(filename, 'w+') writemakefileheader(file, filename) file.write("TOP:=%s\n" % (treetop)) #file.write("ARCH:=%s\n" % (arch)) #file.write("MAINBOARD:=%s\n" % (mainboard_dir)) file.write("TARGET_DIR:=%s\n" % (target_dir)) for i in options_by_order: o = options[i] # get the number in hex v = o.getvalue() if IsInt(v): vi = int(v) s = "export %s:=0x%x\n"% (i, vi) file.write(s) else: file.write("export %s:=%s\n" % (i, v)) file.write("export VARIABLES := "); for i in options.keys(): file.write("%s " % i) file.write("\n"); # file.write("CPUFLAGS := "); # for i in options.keys(): # o = options[i] # file.write("-D%s=%s " % (i, o.getvalue())) # file.write("\n"); file.close(); # write the makefile # let's try the Makefile # first, dump all the -D stuff def writemakefile(path): makefilepath = os.path.join(path, "Makefile") print "Creating", makefilepath file = open(makefilepath, 'w+') writemakefileheader(file, makefilepath) # file.write("include Makefile.settings\n") # file.write("include cpuflags\n") # Putting "include cpuflags" in the Makefile has the problem that the # cpuflags file would be generated _after_ we want to include it. # Instead, let make do the work of computing CPUFLAGS: file.write("""\ # Get the value of TOP, VARIABLES, and several other variables. include Makefile.settings # Function to create an item like -Di586 or -DMAX_CPUS='1' or -Ui686 D_item = $(if $(subst undefined,,$(origin $1)),-D$1$(if $($1),='$($1)',),-U$1) # Compute the value of CPUFLAGS here during make's first pass. CPUFLAGS := $(foreach _var_,$(VARIABLES),$(call D_item,$(_var_))) """) for i in userdefines: file.write("%s\n" %i) file.write("\n"); # print out all the object dependencies file.write("\n# object dependencies (objectrules:)\n") file.write("OBJECTS :=\n") file.write("DRIVERS :=\n") for objrule in objectrules.keys(): obj = objectrules[objrule] obj_name = obj[0] obj_source = obj[1] file.write("OBJECTS-1 += %s\n" % (obj_name)) for driverrule in driverrules.keys(): driver = driverrules[driverrule] obj_name = driver[0] obj_source = driver[1] file.write("DRIVER += %s\n" % (obj_name)) # Print out all ldscript.ld dependencies. file.write("\n# ldscript.ld dependencies:\n") file.write("LDSUBSCRIPTS-1 := \n" ) for script in ldscripts: file.write("LDSUBSCRIPTS-1 += %s\n" % topify(script)) # Print out the dependencies for crt0_includes.h file.write("\n# Dependencies for crt0_includes.h\n") file.write("CRT0_INCLUDES:=\n") for i in crt0includes: if (local_path.match(i)): file.write("CRT0_INCLUDES += %s\n" % i) else: file.write("CRT0_INCLUDES += $(TOP)/src/%s\n" % i) file.write("\nSOURCES=\n") #for source in sources: #file.write("SOURCES += %s\n" % source) # Print out the user defines. file.write("\n# userdefines:\n") #for udef in userdefines: #file.write("%s\n" % udef) # Print out the base rules. # Need to have a rule that counts on 'all'. file.write("\n# mainrulelist:") #file.write("\nmainrule: %s\n" % mainrulelist) # Print out any user rules. file.write("\n# From makerule or docipl commands:\n") # Old way (hash order): for target in makebaserules.keys(): # New way (config file order): #for target in makerule_targets: #makebaserules[target].write(file) file.write("\n# objectrules:\n") for objrule in objectrules.keys(): obj = objectrules[objrule] source = topify(obj[1]) file.write("%s: %s\n" % (obj[0], source)) file.write("\t$(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) -o $@ $<\n") #file.write("%s\n" % objrule[2]) for driverrule in driverrules.keys(): driver = driverrules[driverrule] source = topify(driver[1]) file.write("%s: %s\n" % (driver[0], source)) #file.write("%s\n" % objrule[2]) # Print out the rules that will make cause the files # generated by to be remade if any dependencies change. file.write("\n# Remember the automatically generated files\n") file.write("GENERATED:=\n") for genfile in [ 'Makefile', 'Makefile.settings', 'crt0_includes.h', 'nsuperio.c', 'chip.c', 'LinuxBIOSDoc.config' ]: file.write("GENERATED += %s\n" % genfile) file.write("\n# Remake Makefile (and the other files generated by\n") file.write("# if any config dependencies change.\n") for cfile in config_file_list: file.write("$(GENERATED): %s\n" % topify(cfile)) for depfile in [ '%s' % top_config_file, # This a duplicate, remove? '$(TOP)/util/config/', '$(TOP)/src/arch/$(ARCH)/config/make.base' ]: file.write("$(GENERATED): %s\n" % depfile) file.write("$(GENERATED):\n") file.write("\tpython $(TOP)/util/config/ %s $(TOP)\n" % top_config_file) keys = makeoptions.keys() keys.sort() file.write("\necho:\n") for key in keys: file.write("\t@echo %s='$(%s)'\n"% (key,key)) for i in makebaserules.keys(): m = makebaserules[i] file.write("%s: " %i) for i in m.dependency: file.write("%s " % i) file.write("\n") for i in m.actions: file.write("\t%s\n" % i) file.close(); # Write out crt0_includes.h (top-level assembly language) include file. def writecrt0_includes(path): crt0filepath = os.path.join(path, "crt0_includes.h") print "Creating", crt0filepath file = open(crt0filepath, 'w+') for i in crt0includes: file.write("#include <%s>\n" % i) file.close(); %% parser Config: ignore: r'\s+' ignore: "#.*?\r?\n" token NUM: r'[0-9]+' token XNUM: r'0x[0-9a-fA-F]+' # Why is path separate? Because paths to resources have to at least # have a slash, we thinks token PATH: r'[a-zA-Z0-9_.][a-zA-Z0-9/_.]+[a-zA-Z0-9_.]+' # Dir's on the other hand are abitrary # this may all be stupid. token DIRPATH: r'[a-zA-Z0-9_$()./]+' token ID: r'[a-zA-Z_.]+[a-zA-Z0-9_.]*' token STR: r'"([^\\"]+|\\.)*"' token RAWTEXT: r'.*' token OPTION: 'option' token MAINBOARD: 'mainboard' token MAINBOARDINIT: 'mainboardinit' token EQ: '=' token END: '$|end' token TARGET: 'target' token OBJECT: 'object' token DRIVER: 'driver' token NORTHBRIDGE: 'northbridge' token SOUTHBRIDGE: 'southbridge' token SUPERIO: 'superio' token IF: 'if' token MAKERULE: 'makerule' token DEP: 'dep' token ACT: 'act' token MAKEDEFINE: 'makedefine' token ADDACTION: 'addaction' token DEFAULT: 'default' token INIT: 'init' token REGISTER: 'register' token CPU: 'cpu' token ARCH: 'arch' token DIR: 'dir' token LDSCRIPT: 'ldscript' token PAYLOAD: 'payload' # An expression is the sum and difference of factors rule expr<>: factor<> {{ n = factor }} ( "[+]" factor<> {{ n = n+factor }} | "-" factor<> {{ n = n-factor }} )* {{ return n }} # A factor is the product and division of terms rule factor<>: term<> {{ v = term }} ( "[*]" term<> {{ v = v*term }} | "/" term<> {{ v = v/term }} | "<<" term<> {{ v = v << term }} | ">=" term<> {{ v = (v < term)}} )* {{ return v }} rule unop<>: "!" ID {{ return ternary(getoption(ID), 1, 0)}} # A term is a number, variable, or an expression surrounded by parentheses rule term<>: NUM {{ return atoi(NUM) }} | XNUM {{ return tohex(XNUM) }} | ID {{ return tohex(getoption(ID)) }} | unop<> {{ return unop }} | "\\(" expr<> "\\)" {{ return expr }} rule option<>: OPTION ID EQ ( STR {{ if (C): setoption(ID, dequote(STR)) }} | term<<[]>> {{ if (C): setoption(ID, term) }} ) rule default<>: DEFAULT ID EQ RAWTEXT {{ if (C): setdefault(ID, RAWTEXT) }} rule partend<>: partstmts<> END rule mainboard: MAINBOARD PATH {{mainboard(PATH) }} partend<<1>> rule northbridge<>: NORTHBRIDGE PATH {{if (C): part('northbridge', PATH, '')}} partend<> rule superio<>: SUPERIO PATH {{if (C): part('superio', PATH, '')}} partend<> rule cpu<>: CPU ID {{if (C): part('cpu', ID, '')}} partend<> rule arch<>: ARCH ID {{if (C): set_arch(ID) }} partend<> rule southbridge<>: SOUTHBRIDGE PATH {{if (C): part('southbridge', PATH, '')}} partend<> rule mainboardinit<>: MAINBOARDINIT DIRPATH {{ if (C): addcrt0include(DIRPATH)}} rule object<>: OBJECT DIRPATH {{if (C): addobject(DIRPATH)}} rule driver<>: DRIVER DIRPATH {{if (C): adddriver(DIRPATH)}} rule dir<>: DIR DIRPATH {{if (C): dodir(DIRPATH, '') }} rule ldscript<>: LDSCRIPT DIRPATH {{if (C): addldscript(DIRPATH) }} rule payload<>: PAYLOAD DIRPATH {{if (C): payload(DIRPATH) }} # if is a bad id .... rule iif<>: # needs to be C and ID, but nested if's are, we hope, not going to # happen. IF so, possibly ID && C could be used. IF ID {{ c = tohex(getoption(ID)); print "IF %d\n" % c }} (stmt<>)* END rule depsacts<>: ( DEP STR {{ if (C): adddep(ID, STR) }} | ACT STR {{ if (C): addaction(ID, STR) }} )* rule makerule<>: MAKERULE DIRPATH {{ if (C): addrule(DIRPATH) }} depsacts<> rule makedefine<>: MAKEDEFINE RAWTEXT {{ if (C): adduserdefine(RAWTEXT) }} rule addaction<>: ADDACTION ID STR {{ if (C): addaction(ID, STR) }} rule init<>: INIT STR {{ if (C): curpart.addinit(STR) }} rule register<>: REGISTER STR {{ if (C): curpart.addregister(STR) }} # to make if work without 2 passses, we use an old hack from SIMD, the # context bit. If the bit is 1, then ops get done, otherwise # ops don't get done. From the top level, context is always # 1. In an if, context depends on eval of the if condition rule stmt<>: option<> {{ return option }} | default<> {{ return default }} | cpu<> {{ return cpu}} | arch<> {{ return arch}} | northbridge<> {{ return northbridge }} | southbridge<> {{ return southbridge }} | superio<> {{ return superio }} | object<> {{ return object }} | driver<> {{ return driver }} | mainboardinit<> {{ return mainboardinit }} | makerule<> {{ return makerule }} | makedefine<> {{ return makedefine }} | addaction<> {{ return addaction }} | init<> {{ return init }} | register<> {{ return register}} | iif<> {{ return iif }} | dir<> {{ return dir}} | ldscript<> {{ return ldscript}} | payload<> {{ return payload}} rule stmts<>: (stmt<>)* {{ }} rule partstmts<>: (stmt<>)* {{ partpop()}} # need this to get from python to the rules, I think. rule pstmts: stmts<<1>> {{ }} rule target: TARGET DIRPATH {{target(DIRPATH)}} rule board: target mainboard {{ }} %% def dumptree(part, lvl): print "DUMPTREE ME is" part.dumpme(lvl) # dump the siblings -- actually are there any? not sure # dump the kids print "DUMPTREE KIDS are" for kid in part.children: dumptree(kid, lvl+1) print "DONE DUMPTREE" def gencode(part): print "GENCODE ME is" part.gencode() # dump the siblings -- actually are there any? not sure # dump the kids print "GENCODE KIDS are" for kid in part.children: gencode(kid) print "DONE GENCODE" def doconfigfile(path, file): if (debug): print "DOCONFIGFILE", path, " ", file filename = os.path.join(path, file) loc.push_file(filename); parse('pstmts', open(filename, 'r').read()) if __name__=='__main__': from sys import argv if (len(argv) < 3): print 'Args: ' top_config_file = os.path.abspath(sys.argv[1]) treetop = os.path.abspath(sys.argv[2]) # Set the default locations for config files. makebase = os.path.join(treetop, "util/config/make.base") crt0base = os.path.join(treetop, "arch/i386/config/crt0.base") doxyscriptbase = os.path.join(treetop, "src/config/doxyscript.base") # Now read in the customizing script... loc.push_file(argv[1]); parse('board', open(argv[1], 'r').read()) dumptree(curpart, 0) gencode(curpart) for i in options.keys(): o = options[i] print "key %s @%s: val %s" % (i, o.where(), o.getvalue()) # crt0 includes for i in crt0includes: print "crt0include file %s \n" % (i) for i in driverrules.keys(): print "driver file %s \n" % (i) for i in ldscripts: print "ldscript file %s\n" % (i) for i in makebaserules.keys(): m = makebaserules[i] print " makerule %s dep %s act %s\n" % (i, m.dependency, m.actions) writemakefilesettings(target_dir) writecrt0_includes(target_dir) writemakefile(target_dir)