/* Public Domain Curses */

#include "pdcsdl.h"

RCSID("$Id: pdcdisp.c,v 1.35 2008/07/14 04:24:52 wmcbrine Exp $")

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>


# define A(x) ((chtype)x | A_ALTCHARSET)

chtype acs_map[128] =
    A(0), A(1), A(2), A(3), A(4), A(5), A(6), A(7), A(8), A(9),
    A(10), A(11), A(12), A(13), A(14), A(15), A(16), A(17), A(18),
    A(19), A(20), A(21), A(22), A(23), A(24), A(25), A(26), A(27),
    A(28), A(29), A(30), A(31), ' ', '!', '"', '#', '$', '%', '&',
    '\'', '(', ')', '*',

    A(0x1a), A(0x1b), A(0x18), A(0x19),



    '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', ':', ';', '<', '=',
    '>', '?', '@', 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G', 'H', 'I', 'J',
    'K', 'L', 'M', 'N', 'O', 'P', 'Q', 'R', 'S', 'T', 'U', 'V', 'W',
    'X', 'Y', 'Z', '[', '\\', ']', '^', '_',

    A(0x04), 0xb1,

    'b', 'c', 'd', 'e',

    0xf8, 0xf1, 0xb0, A(0x0f), 0xd9, 0xbf, 0xda, 0xc0, 0xc5, 0x2d,
    0x2d, 0xc4, 0x2d, 0x5f, 0xc3, 0xb4, 0xc1, 0xc2, 0xb3, 0xf3,
    0xf2, 0xe3, 0xd8, 0x9c, 0xf9,


# undef A


Uint32 pdc_lastupdate = 0;

#define MAXRECT 200     /* maximum number of rects to queue up before
                           an update is forced; the number was chosen
                           arbitrarily */

static SDL_Rect uprect[MAXRECT];       /* table of rects to update */
static chtype oldch = (chtype)(-1);    /* current attribute */
static int rectcount = 0;              /* index into uprect */
static short foregr = -2, backgr = -2; /* current foreground, background */

/* do the real updates on a delay */

void PDC_update_rects(void)
    if (rectcount)
        /* if the maximum number of rects has been reached, we're
           probably better off doing a full screen update */

        if (rectcount == MAXRECT)
            SDL_UpdateRects(pdc_screen, rectcount, uprect);

        pdc_lastupdate = SDL_GetTicks();
        rectcount = 0;

/* set the font colors to match the chtype's attribute */

static void _set_attr(chtype ch)

    if (oldch != ch)
        short newfg, newbg;

        if (SP->mono)

        PDC_pair_content(PAIR_NUMBER(ch), &newfg, &newbg);

        newfg |= (ch & A_BOLD) ? 8 : 0;
        newbg |= (ch & A_BLINK) ? 8 : 0;

        if (ch & A_REVERSE)
            short tmp = newfg;
            newfg = newbg;
            newbg = tmp;

        if (newfg != foregr)
            SDL_SetPalette(pdc_font, SDL_LOGPAL,
                           pdc_color + newfg, pdc_flastc, 1);
            foregr = newfg;

        if (newbg != backgr)
            if (newbg == -1)
                SDL_SetColorKey(pdc_font, SDL_SRCCOLORKEY, 0);
                if (backgr == -1)
                    SDL_SetColorKey(pdc_font, 0, 0);

                SDL_SetPalette(pdc_font, SDL_LOGPAL,
                               pdc_color + newbg, 0, 1);

            backgr = newbg;

        oldch = ch;

/* draw a cursor at (y, x) */

void PDC_gotoyx(int row, int col)
    SDL_Rect src, dest;
    chtype ch;
    int oldrow, oldcol;

    PDC_LOG(("PDC_gotoyx() - called: row %d col %d from row %d col %d\n",
             row, col, SP->cursrow, SP->curscol));

    if (SP->mono)

    oldrow = SP->cursrow;
    oldcol = SP->curscol;

    /* clear the old cursor */

    PDC_transform_line(oldrow, oldcol, 1, curscr->_y[oldrow] + oldcol);

    if (!SP->visibility)

    /* draw a new cursor by overprinting the existing character in
       reverse, either the full cell (when visibility == 2) or the
       lowest quarter of it (when visibility == 1) */

    ch = curscr->_y[row][col] ^ A_REVERSE;


    if (ch & A_ALTCHARSET && !(ch & 0xff80))
        ch = acs_map[ch & 0x7f];
    src.h = (SP->visibility == 1) ? pdc_fheight >> 2 : pdc_fheight;
    src.w = pdc_fwidth;

    dest.y = (row + 1) * pdc_fheight - src.h + pdc_yoffset;
    dest.x = col * pdc_fwidth + pdc_xoffset;

    src.x = (ch & 0xff) % 32 * pdc_fwidth;
    src.y = (ch & 0xff) / 32 * pdc_fheight + (pdc_fheight - src.h);

    SDL_BlitSurface(pdc_font, &src, pdc_screen, &dest);

    if (oldrow != row || oldcol != col)
        if (rectcount == MAXRECT)

        uprect[rectcount++] = dest;

/* handle the A_*LINE attributes */

static void _highlight(SDL_Rect *src, SDL_Rect *dest, chtype ch)
    short col = SP->line_color;

    if (SP->mono)

    if (ch & A_UNDERLINE)
        if (col != -1)
            SDL_SetPalette(pdc_font, SDL_LOGPAL,
                           pdc_color + col, pdc_flastc, 1);

        src->x = '_' % 32 * pdc_fwidth;
        src->y = '_' / 32 * pdc_fheight;

        if (backgr != -1)
            SDL_SetColorKey(pdc_font, SDL_SRCCOLORKEY, 0);

        SDL_BlitSurface(pdc_font, src, pdc_screen, dest);

        if (backgr != -1)
            SDL_SetColorKey(pdc_font, 0, 0);

        if (col != -1)
            SDL_SetPalette(pdc_font, SDL_LOGPAL,
                           pdc_color + foregr, pdc_flastc, 1);

    if (ch & (A_LEFTLINE|A_RIGHTLINE))
        if (col == -1)
            col = foregr;

        dest->w = 1;

        if (ch & A_LEFTLINE)
            SDL_FillRect(pdc_screen, dest, pdc_mapped[col]);

        if (ch & A_RIGHTLINE)
            dest->x += pdc_fwidth - 1;
            SDL_FillRect(pdc_screen, dest, pdc_mapped[col]);
            dest->x -= pdc_fwidth - 1;

        dest->w = pdc_fwidth;

/* update the given physical line to look like the corresponding line in
   curscr */

void PDC_transform_line(int lineno, int x, int len, const chtype *srcp)
    SDL_Rect src, dest, lastrect;
    int j;

    PDC_LOG(("PDC_transform_line() - called: lineno=%d\n", lineno));

    if (rectcount == MAXRECT)

    src.h = pdc_fheight;
    src.w = pdc_fwidth;

    dest.y = pdc_fheight * lineno + pdc_yoffset;
    dest.x = pdc_fwidth * x + pdc_xoffset;
    dest.h = pdc_fheight;
    dest.w = pdc_fwidth * len;

    /* if the previous rect was just above this one, with the same width
       and horizontal position, then merge the new one with it instead
       of adding a new entry */

    if (rectcount)
        lastrect = uprect[rectcount - 1];

    if (rectcount && lastrect.x == dest.x && lastrect.w == dest.w)
        if (lastrect.y + lastrect.h == dest.y)
            uprect[rectcount - 1].h = lastrect.h + pdc_fheight;
            if (lastrect.y != dest.y)
                uprect[rectcount++] = dest;
        uprect[rectcount++] = dest;

    dest.w = pdc_fwidth;

    for (j = 0; j < len; j++)
        chtype ch = srcp[j];

        if (ch & A_ALTCHARSET && !(ch & 0xff80))
            ch = (ch & (A_ATTRIBUTES ^ A_ALTCHARSET)) | acs_map[ch & 0x7f];
        if (backgr == -1)
            SDL_LowerBlit(pdc_tileback, &dest, pdc_screen, &dest);

        src.x = (ch & 0xff) % 32 * pdc_fwidth;
        src.y = (ch & 0xff) / 32 * pdc_fheight;

        SDL_LowerBlit(pdc_font, &src, pdc_screen, &dest);

            _highlight(&src, &dest, ch);

        dest.x += pdc_fwidth;