#!/bin/sh # # tintify_core.sh adds the TINT-specific footer/header to the core, # such as the properties of current TINT version including its checksum. # # Copyright (C) 2019 Mike Banon # ################################################################################ # # USAGE: # ./tintify_core.sh \ # # where # corescript - path to input core script # tintified - path to output tint script # ################################################################################ corescript="$1" tintified="$2" # # TINT-specific header # # # Insert the properties of the current TINT version # echo "#!/bin/sh" > "$tintified" echo "TINT_ARCHIVE_LINK=${3}" >> "$tintified" echo "TINT_ARCHIVE=${4}" >> "$tintified" echo "TINT_DIR=${5}" >> "$tintified" echo "TINT_SHA1SUM=${6}" >> "$tintified" # # Add the replace_plus_with_minus() function - needed to fix the version number # echo "replace_plus_with_minus() {" >> "$tintified" echo "for x in *\"+\"*; do" >> "$tintified" echo "y=\$(printf %sa \"\$x\" | tr \"+\" \"-\")" >> "$tintified" echo "mv -- \"\$x\" \"\${y%a}\"" >> "$tintified" echo "done" >> "$tintified" echo "}" >> "$tintified" # # Add the prepare_TINT() function, it will remove the unneeded debian directory # as well as typedefs.h and old Makefile to significantly reduce the patch size # echo "prepare_TINT() {" >> "$tintified" # echo "replace_plus_with_minus" >> "$tintified" echo "if [ ! -z ./\${TINT_DIR} ] && [ -e ./\${TINT_DIR}/debian ] ; then" >> "$tintified" echo "rm -rf ./\${TINT_DIR}/debian ./\${TINT_DIR}/typedefs.h ./\${TINT_DIR}/Makefile;" >> "$tintified" echo "touch ./\${TINT_DIR}/Makefile;" >> "$tintified" echo "fi" >> "$tintified" echo "}" >> "$tintified" # # Importing the core script # cat "$corescript" >> "$tintified" # # download() function adjustments - became necessary after a version number fix # sed -i -e "/download() {/a package=\$1\narchive_link=\"\$(eval echo \\\\\$\$package\"_ARCHIVE_LINK\")\"" "$tintified" sed -i -e "s/downloading from \$archive/&_link/g" "$tintified" sed -i -e "s/\(download_showing_percentage \"\$archive\)./\1_link\"/g" "$tintified" # # TINT-specific footer # echo "if [ ! -d tint ] ; then" >> "$tintified" echo "printf \"Downloading and verifying TINT tarball ... \\n\"" >> "$tintified" echo "download TINT || exit \"\$?\"" >> "$tintified" echo "verify_hash TINT \${TINT_SHA1SUM} || exit \"\$?\"" >> "$tintified" echo "printf \"Downloaded TINT tarball ... \${green}ok\${NC}\\n\"" >> "$tintified" echo "printf \"Unpacking and patching TINT... \\n\"" >> "$tintified" echo "unpack_and_patch TINT || exit 1" >> "$tintified" echo "printf \"Unpacked and patched TINT... \${green}ok\${NC}\\n\"" >> "$tintified" echo "mv ./\${TINT_DIR} ./tint" >> "$tintified" echo "fi" >> "$tintified" echo "printf \"Building TINT ... \\n\"" >> "$tintified" echo "make -C ./tint" >> "$tintified" echo "printf \"TINT built ... \${green}ok\${NC}\\n\"" >> "$tintified" chmod +x "$tintified" #