The current clang-format configuration is completely broken. It forces one to change the code style of patches before pushing them, only to find out that checkpatch now complains about it. This means newcomers get scared away, and developers only get angered and frustrated about it, and end up working around clang-format's requirements anyway. For now, make clang-format's complaints non-fatal, reducing them to text noise. However, since clang-format is currently unusable, reverting it out would be preferred. Change-Id: Iffa8934efa1c27c04e10545f66d8f9976e74c367 Signed-off-by: Angel Pons <> Reviewed-on: Tested-by: build bot (Jenkins) <> Reviewed-by: Jacob Garber <> Reviewed-by: Patrick Georgi <>
146 lines
4.7 KiB
Executable file
146 lines
4.7 KiB
Executable file
# git pre-commit hook that runs an clang-format stylecheck.
# Features:
# - abort commit when commit does not comply with the style guidelines
# - create a patch of the proposed style changes
# modifications for clang-format by
# This file is part of a set of unofficial pre-commit hooks available
# at github.
# Link:
# Contact: David Martin,
# DESCR: Checking that VCS 'staged' source conforms to coding style
# set path to clang-format binary
CLANG_FORMAT="$(command -v clang-format)"
# remove any older patches from previous commits. Set to true or false.
# only parse files with the extensions in FILE_EXTS. Set to true or false.
# if false every changed file in the commit will be parsed with clang-format.
# if true only files matching one of the extensions are parsed with clang-format.
# file types to parse. Only effective when PARSE_EXTS is true.
# FILE_EXTS=".c .h .cpp .hpp"
FILE_EXTS=".c .h .cpp .hpp .cc .hh .cxx"
# There should be no need to change anything below this line.
# Reference:
canonicalize_filename () {
local target_file=$1
local physical_directory=""
local result=""
# Need to restore the working directory after work.
pushd `pwd` > /dev/null
cd "$(dirname "$target_file")"
target_file=`basename $target_file`
# Iterate down a (possible) chain of symlinks
while [ -L "$target_file" ]
target_file=$(readlink "$target_file")
cd "$(dirname "$target_file")"
target_file=$(basename "$target_file")
# Compute the canonicalized name by finding the physical path
# for the directory we're in and appending the target file.
physical_directory=`pwd -P`
# restore the working directory after work.
popd > /dev/null
echo "$result"
# exit on error
set -e
# check whether the given file matches any of the set extensions
matches_extension() {
local filename=$(basename "$1")
local extension=".${filename##*.}"
local ext
for ext in $FILE_EXTS; do [[ "$ext" == "$extension" ]] && return 0; done
return 1
# necessary check for initial commit
if git rev-parse --verify HEAD >/dev/null 2>&1 ; then
# Initial commit: diff against an empty tree object
if [ ! -x "$CLANG_FORMAT" ] ; then
printf "Warning: clang-format executable not found.\n"
printf "Set the correct path in $(canonicalize_filename "$0").\n"
printf "Skipping clang-format style check test.\n"
# exit 1
exit 0
# create a random filename to store our generated patch
suffix="$(date +%s)"
# clean up any older clang-format patches
$DELETE_OLD_PATCHES && rm -f /tmp/$prefix*.patch
# create one patch containing all changes to the files
git diff-index --cached --diff-filter=ACMR --name-only $against -- | while read file;
# ignore file if we do check for file extensions and the file
# does not match any of the extensions specified in $FILE_EXTS
if $PARSE_EXTS && ! matches_extension "$file"; then
# clang-format our sourcefile, create a patch with diff and append it to our $patch
# The sed call is necessary to transform the patch from
# --- $file timestamp
# +++ - timestamp
# to both lines working on the same file and having a a/ and b/ prefix.
# Else it can not be applied with 'git apply'.
"$CLANG_FORMAT" -style=file "$file" | \
diff -u "$file" - | \
sed -e "1s|--- |--- a/|" -e "2s|+++ -|+++ b/$file|" >> "$patch"
# if no patch has been generated all is ok, clean up the file stub and exit
if [ ! -s "$patch" ] ; then
printf "Files in this commit comply with the clang-format rules.\n"
rm -f "$patch"
exit 0
# a patch has been created, notify the user and exit
printf "\nThe following differences were found between the code to commit "
printf "and the clang-format rules:\n\n"
cat "$patch"
printf "\nYou can apply these changes with:\n git apply $patch\n"
printf "(may need to be called from the root directory of your repository)\n"
# FIXME: clang-format is currently unusable, so don't abort the commit.
# printf "Aborting commit. Apply changes and commit again or skip checking with"
# printf " --no-verify (not recommended).\n"
# exit 1
exit 0