It encourages users from writing to the FSF without giving an address. Linux also prefers to drop that and their (that we imported) looks out for that. This is the result of util/scripts/ with no further editing. Change-Id: Ie96faea295fe001911d77dbc51e9a6789558fbd6 Signed-off-by: Patrick Georgi <> Reviewed-on: Tested-by: build bot (Jenkins) Reviewed-by: Alexandru Gagniuc <> Reviewed-by: Ronald G. Minnich <>
1150 lines
44 KiB
Executable file
1150 lines
44 KiB
Executable file
# This file is part of the coreboot project.
# Copyright (C) 2015 Martin L Roth <>
# Copyright (C) 2015 Google, Inc.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
package kconfig_lint;
use strict;
use warnings;
use English qw( -no_match_vars );
use File::Find;
use Getopt::Long;
use Getopt::Std;
my $suppress_error_output = 0; # flag to prevent warning and error text
my $print_full_output = 0; # flag to print wholeconfig output
my $output_file = "-"; # filename of output - set stdout by default
my $dont_use_git_grep = 0;
my $top_dir = "."; # Directory where Kconfig is run
my $root_dir = "src"; # Directory of the top level Kconfig file
my $errors_found = 0; # count of warnings and errors
my $exclude_dirs = '--exclude-dir="build" --exclude-dir="coreboot-builds" --exclude-dir="payloads" --exclude-dir="configs" --exclude-dir="util"'; # directories to exclude when searching for used symbols - NOT USED FOR GIT GREP (TODO)
my @exclude_files = ('\.txt$', '\.tex$', 'config', '\.tags'); #files to exclude when looking for symbols
my $config_file = ""; # name of config file to load symbol values from.
my @wholeconfig; # document the entire kconfig structure
my %loaded_files; # list of each Kconfig file loaded
my %symbols; # main structure of all symbols declared
my %referenced_symbols; # list of symbols referenced by expressions or select statements
my %used_symbols; # structure of symbols used in the tree, and where they're found
my @collected_symbols; #
# Main
# Start by loading and parsing the top level Kconfig, this pulls in the other
# files. Parsing the tree creates several arrays and hashes that can be used
# to check for errors
sub Main {
open( STDOUT, "> $output_file" ) or die "Can't open $output_file for output: $!\n";
if (defined $top_dir) {
chdir $top_dir or die "Error: can't cd to $top_dir\n";
die "Error: $top_dir/$root_dir does not exist.\n" unless (-d $root_dir);
#load the Kconfig tree, checking what we can and building up all the hash tables
#run checks based on the data that was found
find( \&check_if_file_referenced, $root_dir );
load_config($config_file) if ($config_file);
# check_for_ifdef - Look for instances of #ifdef CONFIG_[symbol_name] and
# #if defined(CONFIG_[symbol_name]).
# #ifdef symbol is valid for strings, but bool, hex, and INT are always defined.
# #if defined(symbol) && symbol is also a valid construct.
sub check_for_ifdef {
my @ifdef_symbols = @collected_symbols;
#look for #ifdef SYMBOL
while ( my $line = shift @ifdef_symbols ) {
if ( $line =~ /^([^:]+):(\d+):\s*#\s*ifn?def\s+CONFIG_(\w+)/ ) {
my $file = $1;
my $lineno = $2;
my $symbol = $3;
if ((exists $symbols{$symbol}) && ($symbols{$symbol}{type} ne "string")) {
unless ($suppress_error_output) {
print "#!!!!! Warning: #ifdef 'CONFIG_$symbol' used in $file at line $lineno. Symbols of type '$symbols{$symbol}{type}' are always defined.\n";
# look for (#if) defined SYMBOL
@ifdef_symbols = @collected_symbols;
while ( my $line = shift @ifdef_symbols ) {
if ( $line =~ /^([^:]+):(\d+):.+defined\s*\(\s*CONFIG_(\w+)/ ) {
my $file = $1;
my $lineno = $2;
my $symbol = $3;
#ignore '#if defined(symbol) && symbol' type statements
next if ( $line =~ /^([^:]+):(\d+):.+defined\s*\(\s*CONFIG_$symbol.*(&&|\|\|)\s*!?\s*\(?\s*CONFIG_$symbol/ );
if ((exists $symbols{$symbol}) && ($symbols{$symbol}{type} ne "string")) {
unless ($suppress_error_output) {
print "#!!!!! Warning: defined 'CONFIG_$symbol' used in $file at line $lineno. Symbols of type '$symbols{$symbol}{type}' are always defined.\n";
# check_for_def - Look for instances of #define CONFIG_[symbol_name]
# Symbols should not be redefined outside of Kconfig, and #defines should not
# look like symbols
sub check_for_def {
my @def_symbols = @collected_symbols;
#look for #ifdef SYMBOL
while ( my $line = shift @def_symbols ) {
if ( $line =~ /^([^:]+):(\d+):\s*#\s*define\s+CONFIG_(\w+)/ ) {
my $file = $1;
my $lineno = $2;
my $symbol = $3;
if ((exists $symbols{$symbol})) {
unless ($suppress_error_output) {
print "#!!!!! Warning: #define of symbol 'CONFIG_$symbol' used in $file at line $lineno.\n";
} else {
unless ($suppress_error_output) {
print "#!!!!! Warning: #define 'CONFIG_$symbol' used in $file at line $lineno. Other #defines should not look like Kconfig symbols.\n";
# check_is_enabled - The IS_ENABLED() macro is only valid for symbols of type
# bool. It would probably work on type hex or int if the value was 0 or 1, but
# this seems like a bad plan. Using it on strings is dead out.
sub check_is_enabled {
my @is_enabled_symbols = `grep -Grn 'IS_ENABLED\\s*(\\s*CONFIG_' -- "$root_dir"`;
#sort through symbols found by grep and store them in a hash for easy access
while ( my $line = shift @is_enabled_symbols ) {
if ( $line =~ /^([^:]+):(\d+):.+IS_ENABLED\s*\(\s*CONFIG_(\w+)/ ) {
my $file = $1;
my $lineno = $2;
my $symbol = $3;
#make sure that
if (exists $symbols{$symbol}) {
if ($symbols{$symbol}{type} ne "bool") {
unless ($suppress_error_output) {
print "#!!!!! Warning: IS_ENABLED(CONFIG_$symbol) used in $file at line $lineno. IS_ENABLED is only valid for type 'bool', not '$symbols{$symbol}{type}'.\n";
} else {
print "#!!!!! Warning: IS_ENABLED() used on unknown value CONFIG_$symbol in $file at line $lineno.\n";
} else {
print "# uninterpreted IS_ENABLED line: $line\n";
# check_defaults - Look for defaults that come after a default with no
# dependencies.
# TODO - check for defaults with the same dependencies
sub check_defaults {
# loop through each defined symbol
foreach my $sym ( sort ( keys %symbols ) ) {
my $default_set = 0;
my $default_filename = "";
my $default_line_no = "";
#loop through each instance of that symbol
for ( my $sym_num = 0 ; $sym_num <= $symbols{$sym}{count} ; $sym_num++ ) {
#loop through any defaults for that instance of that symbol, if there are any
next unless ( exists $symbols{$sym}{$sym_num}{default_max} );
for ( my $def_num = 0 ; $def_num <= $symbols{$sym}{$sym_num}{default_max} ; $def_num++ ) {
#if a default is already set, display an error
if ($default_set) {
my $filename = $symbols{$sym}{$sym_num}{file};
my $line_no = $symbols{$sym}{$sym_num}{default}{$def_num}{default_line_no};
unless ($suppress_error_output) {
print "#!!!!! Error: Default for '$sym' referenced in $filename at line $line_no will never be set - overridden by default set in $default_filename at line $default_line_no \n";
else {
#if no default is set, see if this is a default with no dependencies
unless ( ( exists $symbols{$sym}{$sym_num}{default}{$def_num}{default_depends_on} )
|| ( exists $symbols{$sym}{$sym_num}{max_dependency} ) )
$default_set = 1;
$default_filename = $symbols{$sym}{$sym_num}{file};
$default_line_no = $symbols{$sym}{$sym_num}{default}{$def_num}{default_line_no};
# check_referenced_symbols - Make sure the symbols referenced by expressions and
# select statements are actually valid symbols.
sub check_referenced_symbols {
#loop through symbols found in expressions and used by 'select' keywords
foreach my $key ( sort ( keys %referenced_symbols ) ) {
#make sure the symbol was defined by a 'config' or 'choice' keyword
next if ( exists $symbols{$key} );
#loop through each instance of the symbol to print out all of the invalid references
for ( my $i = 0 ; $i <= $referenced_symbols{$key}{count} ; $i++ ) {
my $filename = $referenced_symbols{$key}{$i}{filename};
my $line_no = $referenced_symbols{$key}{$i}{line_no};
unless ($suppress_error_output) {
print "#!!!!! Error: Undefined Symbol '$key' used in $filename at line $line_no.\n";
sub collect_used_symbols {
# find all references to CONFIG_ statements in the tree
if ($dont_use_git_grep) {
@collected_symbols = `grep -Irn $exclude_dirs -- "CONFIG_"`;
} else {
@collected_symbols = `git grep -In -- "CONFIG_"`;
my @used_symbols = @collected_symbols;
#sort through symbols found by grep and store them in a hash for easy access
while ( my $line = shift @used_symbols ) {
while ( $line =~ /[^A-Za-z0-9_]CONFIG_([A-Za-z0-9_]+)/g ) {
my $symbol = $1;
my $filename = "";
if ($line =~ /^([^:]+):/) {
$filename = $1;
my $skip = 0;
foreach my $exfile ( @exclude_files) {
$skip = ($filename =~ /$exfile/);
last if $skip;
last if $skip;
if (exists $used_symbols{$symbol}{count}) {
} else {
$used_symbols{$symbol}{count} = 0;
$used_symbols{$symbol}{"num_$used_symbols{$symbol}{count}"} = $filename;
# check_used_symbols - Checks to see whether or not the created symbols are
# actually used.
sub check_used_symbols {
# loop through all defined symbols and see if they're used anywhere
foreach my $key ( sort ( keys %symbols ) ) {
#see if they're used internal to Kconfig
next if ( exists $referenced_symbols{$key} );
#see if they're used externally
next if exists $used_symbols{$key};
#loop through the definitions to print out all the places the symbol is defined.
for ( my $i = 0 ; $i <= $symbols{$key}{count} ; $i++ ) {
my $filename = $symbols{$key}{$i}{file};
my $line_no = $symbols{$key}{$i}{line_no};
unless ($suppress_error_output) {
print "#!!!!! Warning: Unused symbol '$key' referenced in $filename at line $line_no.\n";
# build_and_parse_kconfig_tree
#load the initial file and start parsing it
sub build_and_parse_kconfig_tree {
my ($top_level_kconfig) = @_;
my @config_to_parse;
my @parseline;
my $inside_help = 0; # set to line number of 'help' keyword if this line is inside a help block
my @inside_if = (); # stack of if dependencies
my $inside_config = ""; # set to symbol name of the config section
my @inside_menu = (); # stack of menu names
my $inside_choice = "";
my $configs_inside_choice;
#start the tree off by loading the top level kconfig
@config_to_parse = load_kconfig_file( $top_level_kconfig, "", 0, 0, "", 0 );
while ( ( @parseline = shift(@config_to_parse) ) && ( exists $parseline[0]{text} ) ) {
my $line = $parseline[0]{text};
my $filename = $parseline[0]{filename};
my $line_no = $parseline[0]{file_line_no};
#handle help - help text: "help" or "---help---"
$inside_help = handle_help( $line, $inside_help, $inside_config, $inside_choice, $filename, $line_no );
$parseline[0]{inside_help} = $inside_help;
#look for basic issues in the line, strip crlf
$line = simple_line_checks( $line, $filename, $line_no );
#strip comments
$line =~ s/\s*#.*$//;
#don't parse any more if we're inside a help block
if ($inside_help) {
#do nothing
#handle config
elsif ( $line =~ /^\s*config/ ) {
$line =~ /^\s*config\s+([^"\s]+)\s*(?>#.*)?$/;
my $symbol = $1;
$inside_config = $symbol;
if ($inside_choice) {
add_symbol( $symbol, \@inside_menu, $filename, $line_no, \@inside_if );
#bool|hex|int|string|tristate <expr> [if <expr>]
elsif ( $line =~ /^\s*(bool|string|hex|int|tristate)/ ) {
$line =~ /^\s*(bool|string|hex|int|tristate)\s*(.*)/;
my ( $type, $prompt ) = ( $1, $2 );
handle_type( $type, $inside_config, $filename, $line_no );
handle_prompt( $prompt, $type, \@inside_menu, $inside_config, $inside_choice, $filename, $line_no );
# def_bool|def_tristate <expr> [if <expr>]
elsif ( $line =~ /^\s*(def_bool|def_tristate)/ ) {
$line =~ /^\s*(def_bool|def_tristate)\s+(.*)/;
my ( $orgtype, $default ) = ( $1, $2 );
( my $type = $orgtype ) =~ s/def_//;
handle_type( $type, $inside_config, $filename, $line_no );
handle_default( $default, $orgtype, $inside_config, $inside_choice, $filename, $line_no );
#prompt <prompt> [if <expr>]
elsif ( $line =~ /^\s*prompt/ ) {
$line =~ /^\s*prompt\s+(.+)/;
handle_prompt( $1, "prompt", \@inside_menu, $inside_config, $inside_choice, $filename, $line_no );
# default <expr> [if <expr>]
elsif ( $line =~ /^\s*default/ ) {
$line =~ /^\s*default\s+(.*)/;
my $default = $1;
handle_default( $default, "default", $inside_config, $inside_choice, $filename, $line_no );
# depends on <expr>
elsif ( $line =~ /^\s*depends\s+on/ ) {
$line =~ /^\s*depends\s+on\s+(.*)$/;
my $expr = $1;
handle_depends( $expr, $inside_config, $inside_choice, $filename, $line_no );
handle_expressions( $expr, $inside_config, $filename, $line_no );
# comment <prompt>
elsif ( $line =~ /^\s*comment/ ) {
$inside_config = "";
# choice [symbol]
elsif ( $line =~ /^\s*choice/ ) {
if ( $line =~ /^\s*choice\s*([A-Za-z0-9_]+)$/ ) {
my $symbol = $1;
add_symbol( $symbol, \@inside_menu, $filename, $line_no, \@inside_if );
handle_type( "bool", $symbol, $filename, $line_no );
$inside_config = "";
$inside_choice = "$filename $line_no";
$configs_inside_choice = 0;
# endchoice
elsif ( $line =~ /^\s*endchoice/ ) {
$inside_config = "";
if ( !$inside_choice ) {
unless ($suppress_error_output) {
print "#!!!!! Warning: 'endchoice' keyword not within a choice block in $filename at line $line_no.\n";
$inside_choice = "";
if ( $configs_inside_choice == 0 ) {
unless ($suppress_error_output) {
print "#!!!!! Warning: choice block has no symbols in $filename at line $line_no.\n";
$configs_inside_choice = 0;
# [optional]
elsif ( $line =~ /^\s*optional/ ) {
if ($inside_config) {
unless ($suppress_error_output) {
print "#!!!!! Error: Keyword 'optional' appears inside config for '$inside_config' in $filename at line $line_no. This is not valid.\n";
if ( !$inside_choice ) {
unless ($suppress_error_output) {
print "#!!!!! Error: Keyword 'optional' appears outside of a choice block in $filename at line $line_no. This is not valid.\n";
# mainmenu <prompt>
elsif ( $line =~ /^\s*mainmenu/ ) {
$inside_config = "";
# menu <prompt>
elsif ( $line =~ /^\s*menu/ ) {
$line =~ /^\s*menu\s+(.*)/;
my $menu = $1;
if ( $menu =~ /^\s*"([^"]*)"\s*$/ ) {
$menu = $1;
$inside_config = "";
$inside_choice = "";
push( @inside_menu, $menu );
# endmenu
elsif ( $line =~ /^\s*endmenu/ ) {
$inside_config = "";
$inside_choice = "";
pop @inside_menu;
# "if" <expr>
elsif ( $line =~ /^\s*if/ ) {
$inside_config = "";
$line =~ /^\s*if\s+(.*)$/;
my $expr = $1;
push( @inside_if, $expr );
handle_expressions( $expr, $inside_config, $filename, $line_no );
# endif
elsif ( $line =~ /^\s*endif/ ) {
$inside_config = "";
#range <symbol> <symbol> [if <expr>]
elsif ( $line =~ /^\s*range/ ) {
$line =~ /^\s*range\s+(\S+)\s+(.*)$/;
handle_range( $1, $2, $inside_config, $filename, $line_no );
# select <symbol> [if <expr>]
elsif ( $line =~ /^\s*select/ ) {
unless ($inside_config) {
unless ($suppress_error_output) {
print "#!!!!! Error: Keyword 'select' appears outside of config in $filename at line $line_no. This is not valid.\n";
if ( $line =~ /^\s*select\s+(.*)$/ ) {
$line = $1;
my $expression;
( $line, $expression ) = handle_if_line( $line, $inside_config, $filename, $line_no );
if ($line) {
add_referenced_symbol( $line, $filename, $line_no );
# source <prompt>
elsif ( $line =~ /^\s*source\s+"?([^"\s]+)"?\s*(?>#.*)?$/ ) {
my @newfile = load_kconfig_file( $1, $filename, $line_no, 0, $filename, $line_no );
unshift( @config_to_parse, @newfile );
$parseline[0]{text} = "# '$line'\n";
elsif (
( $line =~ /^\s*#/ ) || #comments
( $line =~ /^\s*$/ ) #blank lines
# do nothing
else {
unless ($suppress_error_output) {
print "### $line ($filename line $line_no unrecognized)\n";
push @wholeconfig, @parseline;
sub handle_depends {
my ( $expr, $inside_config, $inside_choice, $filename, $line_no ) = @_;
if ($inside_config) {
my $sym_num = $symbols{$inside_config}{count};
if ( exists $symbols{$inside_config}{$sym_num}{max_dependency} ) {
else {
$symbols{$inside_config}{$sym_num}{max_dependency} = 0;
my $dep_num = $symbols{$inside_config}{$sym_num}{max_dependency};
$symbols{$inside_config}{$sym_num}{dependency}{$dep_num} = $expr;
sub add_symbol {
my ( $symbol, $menu_array_ref, $filename, $line_no, $ifref ) = @_;
my @inside_if = @{$ifref};
#initialize the symbol or increment the use count.
if (( !exists $symbols{$symbol}) || ( !exists $symbols{$symbol}{count} )) {
$symbols{$symbol}{count} = 0;
else {
# add the location of this instance
my $symcount = $symbols{$symbol}{count};
$symbols{$symbol}{$symcount}{file} = $filename;
$symbols{$symbol}{$symcount}{line_no} = $line_no;
#Add the menu structure
if ( defined @$menu_array_ref[0] ) {
$symbols{$symbol}{$symcount}{menu} = $menu_array_ref;
#Add any 'if' statements that the symbol is inside as dependencies
if (@inside_if) {
my $dep_num = 0;
for my $dependency (@inside_if) {
$symbols{$symbol}{$symcount}{dependency}{$dep_num} = $dependency;
$symbols{$symbol}{$symcount}{max_dependency} = $dep_num;
# handle range
sub handle_range {
my ( $range1, $range2, $inside_config, $filename, $line_no ) = @_;
my $expression;
( $range2, $expression ) = handle_if_line( $range2, $inside_config, $filename, $line_no );
$range1 =~ /^\s*(?:0x)?([A-Fa-f0-9]+)\s*$/;
my $checkrange1 = $1;
$range2 =~ /^\s*(?:0x)?([A-Fa-f0-9]+)\s*$/;
my $checkrange2 = $1;
if ( $checkrange1 && $checkrange2 && ( hex($checkrange1) > hex($checkrange2) ) ) {
unless ($suppress_error_output) {
print "#!!!!! Error: Range entry in $filename line $line_no value 1 ($range1) is greater than value 2 ($range2).\n";
if ($inside_config) {
if ( exists( $symbols{$inside_config}{range1} ) ) {
if ( ( $symbols{$inside_config}{range1} != $range1 ) || ( $symbols{$inside_config}{range2} != $range2 ) ) {
unless ($suppress_error_output) {
print "#!!!!! Note: Config '$inside_config' range entry $range1 $range2 at $filename line $line_no does";
print " not match the previously defined range $symbols{$inside_config}{range1} $symbols{$inside_config}{range2}";
print " defined in $symbols{$inside_config}{range_file} on line";
print " $symbols{$inside_config}{range_line_no}.\n";
else {
$symbols{$inside_config}{range1} = $range1;
$symbols{$inside_config}{range2} = $range2;
$symbols{$inside_config}{range_file} = $filename;
$symbols{$inside_config}{range_line_no} = $line_no;
else {
unless ($suppress_error_output) {
print "#!!!!! Error: Range entry in $filename line $line_no is not inside a config block.\n";
# handle_default
sub handle_default {
my ( $default, $name, $inside_config, $inside_choice, $filename, $line_no ) = @_;
my $expression;
( $default, $expression ) = handle_if_line( $default, $inside_config, $filename, $line_no );
if ($inside_config) {
handle_expressions( $default, $inside_config, $filename, $line_no );
my $sym_num = $symbols{$inside_config}{count};
unless ( exists $symbols{$inside_config}{$sym_num}{default_max} ) {
$symbols{$inside_config}{$sym_num}{default_max} = 0;
my $default_max = $symbols{$inside_config}{$sym_num}{default_max};
$symbols{$inside_config}{$sym_num}{default}{$default_max}{default} = $default;
$symbols{$inside_config}{$sym_num}{default}{$default_max}{default_line_no} = $line_no;
if ($expression) {
$symbols{$inside_config}{$sym_num}{default}{$default_max}{default_depends_on} = $expression;
elsif ($inside_choice) {
handle_expressions( $default, $inside_config, $filename, $line_no );
else {
unless ($suppress_error_output) {
print "#!!!!! Error: $name entry in $filename line $line_no is not inside a config or choice block.\n";
# handle_if_line
sub handle_if_line {
my ( $exprline, $inside_config, $filename, $line_no ) = @_;
if ( $exprline !~ /if/ ) {
return ( $exprline, "" );
#remove any quotes that might have an 'if' in them
my $savequote;
if ( $exprline =~ /^\s*("[^"]+")/ ) {
$savequote = $1;
$exprline =~ s/^\s*("[^"]+")//;
my $expr = "";
if ( $exprline =~ /\s*if\s+(.*)$/ ) {
$expr = $1;
$exprline =~ s/\s*if\s+.*$//;
if ($expr) {
handle_expressions( $expr, $inside_config, $filename, $line_no );
if ($savequote) {
$exprline = $savequote;
return ( $exprline, $expr );
# handle_expressions - log which symbols are being used
sub handle_expressions {
my ( $exprline, $inside_config, $filename, $line_no ) = @_;
return unless ($exprline);
#filter constant symbols first
if ( $exprline =~ /^\s*"?([yn])"?\s*$/ ) { # constant y/n
elsif ( $exprline =~ /^\s*"?((?:-)\d+)"?\s*$/ ) { # int values
elsif ( $exprline =~ /^\s*"?((?:-)?(?:0x)?\p{XDigit})+"?\s*$/ ) { # hex values
elsif ( $exprline =~ /^\s*("[^"]*")\s*$/ ) { # String values
elsif ( $exprline =~ /^\s*([A-Za-z0-9_]+)\s*$/ ) { # <symbol> (1)
add_referenced_symbol( $1, $filename, $line_no );
elsif ( $exprline =~ /^\s*!(.+)$/ ) { # '!' <expr> (5)
handle_expressions( $1, $inside_config, $filename, $line_no );
elsif ( $exprline =~ /^\s*\(([^)]+)\)\s*$/ ) { # '(' <expr> ')' (4)
handle_expressions( $1, $inside_config, $filename, $line_no );
elsif ( $exprline =~ /^\s*(.+)\s*!=\s*(.+)\s*$/ ) { # <symbol> '!=' <symbol> (3)
handle_expressions( $1, $inside_config, $filename, $line_no );
handle_expressions( $2, $inside_config, $filename, $line_no );
elsif ( $exprline =~ /^\s*(.+)\s*=\s*(.+)\s*$/ ) { # <symbol> '=' <symbol> (2)
handle_expressions( $1, $inside_config, $filename, $line_no );
handle_expressions( $2, $inside_config, $filename, $line_no );
elsif ( $exprline =~ /^\s*([^(]+|\(.+\))\s*&&\s*(.+)\s*$/ ) { # <expr> '&&' <expr> (6)
handle_expressions( $1, $inside_config, $filename, $line_no );
handle_expressions( $2, $inside_config, $filename, $line_no );
elsif ( $exprline =~ /^\s*([^(]+|\(.+\))\s*\|\|\s*(.+)\s*$/ ) { # <expr> '||' <expr> (7)
handle_expressions( $1, $inside_config, $filename, $line_no );
handle_expressions( $2, $inside_config, $filename, $line_no );
# work around kconfig spec violation for now - paths not in quotes
elsif ( $exprline =~ /^\s*([A-Za-z0-9_\-\/]+)\s*$/ ) { # <symbol> (1)
else {
unless ($suppress_error_output) {
print "#### Unrecognized expression '$exprline' in $filename line $line_no.\n";
# add_referenced_symbol
sub add_referenced_symbol {
my ( $symbol, $filename, $line_no ) = @_;
if ( exists $referenced_symbols{$symbol} ) {
$referenced_symbols{$symbol}{ $referenced_symbols{$symbol}{count} }{filename} = $filename;
$referenced_symbols{$symbol}{ $referenced_symbols{$symbol}{count} }{line_no} = $line_no;
else {
$referenced_symbols{$symbol}{count} = 0;
$referenced_symbols{$symbol}{0}{filename} = $filename;
$referenced_symbols{$symbol}{0}{line_no} = $line_no;
# handle_help
#create a non-global static variable by enclosing it and the subroutine
my $help_whitespace = ""; #string to show length of the help whitespace
sub handle_help {
my ( $line, $inside_help, $inside_config, $inside_choice, $filename, $line_no ) = @_;
if ($inside_help) {
#get the indentation level if it's not already set.
if ( ( !$help_whitespace ) && ( $line !~ /^[\r\n]+/ ) ) {
$line =~ /^(\s+)/; #find the indentation level.
$help_whitespace = $1;
if ( !$help_whitespace ) {
unless ($suppress_error_output) {
print "# Warning: $filename line $line_no help text starts with no whitespace.\n";
return $inside_help;
#help ends at the first line which has a smaller indentation than the first line of the help text.
if ( ( $line !~ /$help_whitespace/ ) && ( $line !~ /^[\r\n]+/ ) ) {
$inside_help = 0;
$help_whitespace = "";
else { #if it's not ended, add the line to the helptext array for the symbol's instance
if ($inside_config) {
my $sym_num = $symbols{$inside_config}{count};
if ($help_whitespace) { $line =~ s/^$help_whitespace//; }
push( @{ $symbols{$inside_config}{$sym_num}{helptext} }, $line );
elsif ( ( $line =~ /^(\s*)help/ ) || ( $line =~ /^(\s*)---help---/ ) ) {
$inside_help = $line_no;
if ( ( !$inside_config ) && ( !$inside_choice ) ) {
unless ($suppress_error_output) {
print "# Note: $filename line $line_no help is not inside a config or choice block.\n";
elsif ($inside_config) {
$help_whitespace = "";
my $sym_num = $symbols{$inside_config}{count};
$symbols{$inside_config}{$sym_num}{help_line_no} = $line_no;
$symbols{$inside_config}{$sym_num}{helptext} = ();
return $inside_help;
# handle_type
sub handle_type {
my ( $type, $inside_config, $filename, $line_no ) = @_;
my $expression;
( $type, $expression ) = handle_if_line( $type, $inside_config, $filename, $line_no );
if ($inside_config) {
if ( exists( $symbols{$inside_config}{type} ) ) {
if ( $symbols{$inside_config}{type} !~ /$type/ ) {
print "#!!!!! Error: Config '$inside_config' type entry $type at $filename line $line_no does not match";
print " the previously defined type $symbols{$inside_config}{type}";
print " defined in $symbols{$inside_config}{type_file} on line";
print " $symbols{$inside_config}{type_line_no}.\n";
else {
$symbols{$inside_config}{type} = $type;
$symbols{$inside_config}{type_file} = $filename;
$symbols{$inside_config}{type_line_no} = $line_no;
else {
unless ($suppress_error_output) {
print "#!!!!! Error: Type entry in $filename line $line_no is not inside a config block.\n";
# handle_prompt
sub handle_prompt {
my ( $prompt, $name, $menu_array_ref, $inside_config, $inside_choice, $filename, $line_no ) = @_;
my $expression;
( $prompt, $expression ) = handle_if_line( $prompt, $inside_config, $filename, $line_no );
if ($inside_config) {
if ( $prompt !~ /^\s*$/ ) {
if ( $prompt =~ /^\s*"([^"]*)"\s*$/ ) {
$prompt = $1;
if ( !defined @$menu_array_ref[0] ) {
unless ($suppress_error_output) {
print "#!!!!! Warning: Symbol '$inside_config' with prompt '$prompt' appears outside of a menu in $filename at line $line_no. This is discouraged.\n";
my $sym_num = $symbols{$inside_config}{count};
unless ( exists $symbols{$inside_config}{$sym_num}{prompt_max} ) {
$symbols{$inside_config}{$sym_num}{prompt_max} = 0;
my $prompt_max = $symbols{$inside_config}{$sym_num}{prompt_max};
$symbols{$inside_config}{$sym_num}{prompt}{$prompt_max}{prompt} = $prompt;
$symbols{$inside_config}{$sym_num}{prompt}{$prompt_max}{prompt_line_no} = $line_no;
if ($expression) {
$symbols{$inside_config}{$sym_num}{prompt}{$prompt_max}{prompt_depends_on} = $expression;
elsif ($inside_choice) {
#do nothing
else {
unless ($suppress_error_output) {
print "#!!!!! Error: $name entry in $filename line $line_no is not inside a config or choice block.\n";
# simple_line_checks - Does some basic checks on the current line, then cleans the line
# up for further processing.
sub simple_line_checks {
my ( $line, $filename, $line_no ) = @_;
#check for spaces instead of tabs
if ( $line =~ /^ +/ ) {
unless ($suppress_error_output) {
print "# Note: $filename line $line_no starts with a space.\n";
#verify a linefeed at the end of the line
if ( $line !~ /.*\n/ ) {
unless ($suppress_error_output) {
print "#!!!!! Warning: $filename line $line_no does not end with linefeed. This can cause the line to not be recognized by the Kconfig parser.\n";
print "#($line)\n";
$line =~ s/\s*$//;
else {
return $line;
# load_kconfig_file - Loads a single Kconfig file or expands * wildcard
sub load_kconfig_file {
my ( $input_file, $loadfile, $loadline, $expanded, $topfile, $topline ) = @_;
my @file_data;
my @dir_file_data;
#recursively handle coreboot's new source glob operator
if ( $input_file =~ /^(.*?)\/\*\/(.*)$/ ) {
my $dir_prefix = $1;
my $dir_suffix = $2;
if ( -d "$dir_prefix" ) {
opendir( D, "$dir_prefix" ) || die "Can't open directory '$dir_prefix'\n";
my @dirlist = sort { $a cmp $b } readdir(D);
while ( my $directory = shift @dirlist ) {
#ignore non-directory files
if ( ( -d "$dir_prefix/$directory" ) && !( $directory =~ /^\..*/ ) ) {
push @dir_file_data, load_kconfig_file( "$dir_prefix/$directory/$dir_suffix", $input_file, $loadline, 1, $loadfile, $loadline );
#the directory should exist when using a glob
else {
unless ($suppress_error_output) {
print "#!!!!! Warning: Could not find dir '$dir_prefix'\n";
#if the file exists, try to load it.
elsif ( -e "$input_file" ) {
#throw a warning if the file has already been loaded.
if ( exists $loaded_files{$input_file} ) {
unless ($suppress_error_output) {
print "#!!!!! Warning: '$input_file' sourced in '$loadfile' at line $loadline was already loaded by $loaded_files{$input_file}\n";
#load the file's contents and mark the file as loaded for checking later
open( my $HANDLE, "<", "$input_file" ) or die "Error: could not open file '$input_file'\n";
@file_data = <$HANDLE>;
close $HANDLE;
$loaded_files{$input_file} = "'$loadfile' line $loadline";
# if the file isn't being loaded from a glob, it should exist.
elsif ( $expanded == 0 ) {
unless ($suppress_error_output) {
print "#!!!!! Warning: Could not find file '$input_file' sourced in $loadfile at line $loadline\n";
my $line_in_file = 0;
while ( my $line = shift @file_data ) {
#handle line continuation.
my $continue_line = 0;
while ($line =~ /(.*)\s+\\$/) {
my $text = $1;
# get rid of leading whitespace on all but the first and last lines
$text =~ s/^\s*/ / if ($continue_line);
$dir_file_data[$line_in_file]{text} .= $text;
$line = shift @file_data;
#put the data into the continued lines (other than the first)
$line =~ /^\s*(.*)\s*$/;
$dir_file_data[$line_in_file + $continue_line]{text} = "\t# continued line ( " . $1 . " )\n";
$dir_file_data[$line_in_file + $continue_line]{filename} = $input_file;
$dir_file_data[$line_in_file + $continue_line]{file_line_no} = $line_in_file + $continue_line + 1;
#get rid of multiple leading spaces for last line
$line = " $1\n";
$dir_file_data[$line_in_file]{text} .= $line;
$dir_file_data[$line_in_file]{filename} = $input_file;
$dir_file_data[$line_in_file]{file_line_no} = $line_in_file + 1;
if ($continue_line) {
$line_in_file += $continue_line;
if ($topfile) {
my %file_data;
$file_data{text} = "\t### File '$input_file' loaded from '$topfile' line $topline\n" ;
$file_data{filename} = $topfile;
$file_data{file_line_no} = "($topline)";
unshift (@dir_file_data, \%file_data);
return @dir_file_data;
# print_wholeconfig - prints out the parsed Kconfig file
sub print_wholeconfig {
return unless $print_full_output;
for ( my $i = 0 ; $i < $#wholeconfig ; $i++ ) {
my $line = $wholeconfig[$i];
chop( $line->{text} );
#replace tabs with spaces for consistency
$line->{text} =~ s/\t/ /g;
printf "%-120s # $line->{filename} line $line->{file_line_no}\n", $line->{text};
# check_if_file_referenced - checks for kconfig files that are not being parsed
sub check_if_file_referenced {
my $filename = $File::Find::name;
if ( ( $filename =~ /Kconfig/ ) && ( !exists $loaded_files{$filename} ) ) {
unless ($suppress_error_output) {
print "#!!!!! Warning: '$filename' is never referenced\n";
# check_arguments parse the command line arguments
sub check_arguments {
my $show_usage = 0;
'help|?' => sub { usage() },
'o|output=s' => \$output_file,
'p|print' => \$print_full_output,
'w|warnings_off' => \$suppress_error_output,
'path=s' => \$top_dir,
'c|config=s' => \$config_file,
'G|no_git_grep' => \$dont_use_git_grep,
# usage - Print the arguments for the user
sub usage {
print "kconfig_lint <options>\n";
print " -o|--output=file Set output filename\n";
print " -p|--print Print full output\n";
print " -w|--warnings_off Don't print warnings\n";
print " --path=dir Path to top level kconfig\n";
print " -c|--config=file Filename of config file to load\n";
print " -G|--no_git_grep Use standard grep tools instead of git grep\n";