This file was being written to the root src directory. It is the only file being written to src during a normal build, while all others are being written to $(obj). I added a new variable to allow specifying the xcompile path. This allows generating a single file if building multiple boards. I also moved the default location into $(obj) so we don't pollute the src directory by default. I also cleaned up the generation of xcompile by removing the unnecessary eval and NOCOMPILE check. I also left .xcompile in distclean so it cleans up stale files. Since .xcompile is written into $(obj), `make clean` will now remove it. The tegra Makefiles are outside of the normal build process, so I just updated those Makefiles to point to the default xcompile location of a normal build. The what-jenkins-does target had to be updated to support these special targets. We generate an xcompile specifically for these targets and pass it into the Makefile. Ideally we should get these targets added to the main build. BUG=b:112267918 TEST=ran `emerge-grunt coreboot` and `make what-jenkins-does` Signed-off-by: Raul E Rangel <rrangel@chromium.org> Change-Id: Ia83f234447b977efa824751c9674154b77d606b0 Reviewed-on: https://review.coreboot.org/c/coreboot/+/28101 Tested-by: build bot (Jenkins) <no-reply@coreboot.org> Reviewed-by: Nico Huber <nico.h@gmx.de>
220 lines
8.5 KiB
220 lines
8.5 KiB
## SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only
export top=$(abspath $(CURDIR)/../..)
export crossgcc_version=$(shell $(top)/util/crossgcc/buildgcc --version | grep 'cross toolchain' | sed 's/^.*\sv//' | sed 's/\s.*$$//')
export DOCKER:=$(shell $(SHELL) -c "command -v docker")
# Local port to forward to the jenkins image for the test server
# Local cache directory - for storing files shared with the docker image
export COREBOOT_JENKINS_CACHE_DIR?=/srv/docker/coreboot-builder/cache
# Name of the jenkins container
export COREBOOT_JENKINS_CONTAINER?=coreboot_jenkins
# Version of the jenkins / sdk container
export COREBOOT_IMAGE_TAG?=$(crossgcc_version)
# Commit id to build from
export DOCKER_COMMIT?=$(shell git log -n 1 --pretty=%h)
# .ccache dir to use
export DOCKER_CCACHE?=$(HOME)/.ccache
# SDK architecture
export COREBOOT_CROSSGCC_PARAM?=all_without_gdb
UID ?= $(shell id -u)
GID ?= $(shell id -g)
$(if $(DOCKER),,\
$(warning Error: Docker command not found. Please install docker) \
$(warning Instructions: https://docs.docker.com/engine/install/ ) \
$(error halting))
test-docker-login: test-docker
$(if $(shell if [ ! -f ~/.docker/config.json ]; then \
echo "docker authentication file not found"; fi), \
$(error Docker authentication file not found. Run 'docker login'))
coreboot-sdk: test-docker
@echo "Building coreboot SDK $(crossgcc_version) from commit $(DOCKER_COMMIT)"
cat coreboot-sdk/Dockerfile | \
$(DOCKER) build -t coreboot/coreboot-sdk:$(COREBOOT_IMAGE_TAG) -
upload-coreboot-sdk: test-docker-login
$(DOCKER) push coreboot/coreboot-sdk:$(COREBOOT_IMAGE_TAG)
coreboot-jenkins-node: test-docker
cat coreboot-jenkins-node/Dockerfile | \
sed "s|{{SSH_KEY}}|$$(cat coreboot-jenkins-node/authorized_keys)|" | \
$(DOCKER) build -t coreboot/coreboot-jenkins-node:$(COREBOOT_IMAGE_TAG) -
upload-coreboot-jenkins-node: test-docker-login
$(DOCKER) push coreboot/coreboot-jenkins-node:$(COREBOOT_IMAGE_TAG)
doc.coreboot.org: test-docker
$(DOCKER) build --force-rm -t doc.coreboot.org \
docker-killall: test-docker
@if [ -n "$$($(DOCKER) ps | grep 'coreboot')" ]; then \
$(DOCKER) kill $$($(DOCKER) ps | grep 'coreboot' | cut -f1 -d ' '); \
clean-coreboot-containers: docker-killall
@if [ -n "$$($(DOCKER) ps -a | grep 'coreboot')" ]; then \
$(DOCKER) rm $$($(DOCKER) ps -a | grep 'coreboot' | sed 's|\s.*$$||'); \
clean-coreboot-images: docker-killall
@if [ -n "$$($(DOCKER) images | grep 'coreboot')" ]; then \
$(DOCKER) rmi $$($(DOCKER) images | grep coreboot | sed 's|^\S\+\s\+\S\+\s\+||' | sed 's|\s.*$$||'); \
docker-clean: clean-coreboot-containers
@$(MAKE) clean-coreboot-images
docker-cleanall: test-docker
ifeq ($(Y),1)
@if [ -n "$$($(DOCKER) ps -a | grep -v "CONTAINER")" ]; then \
$(DOCKER) kill $$($(DOCKER) ps | grep -v "CONTAINER" | sed 's|\s.*$$||') ; \
$(DOCKER) rm $$($(DOCKER) ps -a | grep -v "CONTAINER" | sed 's|\s.*$$||'); \
@if [ -n "$$($(DOCKER) images | grep -v "REPOSITORY")" ]; then \
$(DOCKER) rmi $$($(DOCKER) images | grep -v "REPOSITORY" | tr -s ' ' | cut -f3 -d ' '); \
echo "This will remove *ALL* docker containers from your machine."
echo "If this is what you want, run 'make docker-cleanall Y=1'"
@mkdir -p $@
docker-run-local: test-docker $(DOCKER_CCACHE)
$(DOCKER) run -it --rm \
--volume $(DOCKER_CCACHE):/home/coreboot/.ccache \
--volume $(top):/home/coreboot/coreboot \
--env HOME=/home/coreboot \
--user $(UID):$(GID) \
coreboot/coreboot-sdk:$(COREBOOT_IMAGE_TAG) \
/bin/bash -c 'cd $${HOME}/coreboot && $(DOCKER_RUN_LOCAL)'
docker-build-coreboot: docker-run-local
docker-build-coreboot: override DOCKER_RUN_LOCAL := \
make clean && make $(BUILD_CMD)
docker-abuild: docker-run-local
docker-abuild: override DOCKER_RUN_LOCAL := \
make clean && util/abuild/abuild $(ABUILD_ARGS)
docker-what-jenkins-does: docker-run-local
docker-what-jenkins-does: override DOCKER_RUN_LOCAL := \
make clean && make what-jenkins-does CPUS=$(CPUS)
docker-jenkins-server: test-docker
@if [ ! -d "$(COREBOOT_JENKINS_CACHE_DIR)" ]; then \
printf "\nError: %s does not exist.\n" "$(COREBOOT_JENKINS_CACHE_DIR)"; \
printf "Please run:\nsudo mkdir -p %s\n\n" "$(COREBOOT_JENKINS_CACHE_DIR)"; \
false; \
@if ! touch "$(COREBOOT_JENKINS_CACHE_DIR)/testfile" 2>/dev/null; then \
printf "\nError: Cannot create file in %s." "$(COREBOOT_JENKINS_CACHE_DIR)"; \
printf "Please run:\nsudo chown -R $(whoami):$(whoami) %s\n\n" "$(COREBOOT_JENKINS_CACHE_DIR)"; \
else \
rm -f "$(COREBOOT_JENKINS_CACHE_DIR)/testfile"; \
$(DOCKER) run -d --privileged --restart=always \
-v $(COREBOOT_JENKINS_CACHE_DIR):/data/cache \
docker-jenkins-shell: test-docker
@if [ ! -d $(COREBOOT_JENKINS_CACHE_DIR) ]; then printf "\nError: %s does not exist.\nPlease run:\nsudo mkdir -p %s\n\n" "$(COREBOOT_JENKINS_CACHE_DIR)" "$(COREBOOT_JENKINS_CACHE_DIR)"; false; fi
$(DOCKER) run -u root -it --privileged \
--entrypoint="/bin/bash" \
-v $(top):/home/coreboot/coreboot \
-v $(COREBOOT_JENKINS_CACHE_DIR):/data/cache \
--rm coreboot/coreboot-jenkins-node:$(COREBOOT_IMAGE_TAG)
docker-shell: USER=coreboot
docker-shell: test-docker
$(DOCKER) run -u $(USER) -it \
-e COLUMNS=$(shell tput cols) -e LINES=$(shell tput lines) -e TERM=$(TERM) \
-w /home/coreboot/coreboot \
-v $(top):/home/coreboot/coreboot \
--rm coreboot/coreboot-sdk:$(COREBOOT_IMAGE_TAG) \
/bin/bash -l
docker-jenkins-attach: USER=root
docker-jenkins-attach: test-docker
$(DOCKER) exec --user $(USER) \
-e COLUMNS=$(shell tput cols) -e LINES=$(shell tput lines) -e TERM=$(TERM) \
-it "$$(docker ps | grep coreboot-jenkins-node | cut -f1 -d' ')" \
/bin/bash -l
docker-build-docs: test-docker
$(DOCKER) run -it --rm \
--user $(UID):$(GID) \
-v "$(top)/:/data-in/:ro" \
-v "$(top)/Documentation/_build/:/data-out/" \
docker-livehtml-docs: test-docker
$(DOCKER) run -it --rm \
--net=host -v "$(top)/:/data-in/:ro" \
doc.coreboot.org livehtml
@echo "Commands for working with docker images:"
@echo " coreboot-sdk - Build coreboot-sdk container"
@echo " upload-coreboot-sdk - Upload coreboot-sdk to hub.docker.com"
@echo " coreboot-jenkins-node - Build coreboot-jenkins-node container"
@echo " upload-coreboot-jenkins-node - Upload coreboot-jenkins-node to hub.docker.com"
@echo " doc.coreboot.org - Build doc.coreboot.org container"
@echo " clean-coreboot-containers - Remove all docker coreboot containers"
@echo " clean-coreboot-images - Remove all docker coreboot images"
@echo " docker-clean - Remove docker coreboot containers & images"
@echo "Commands for using docker images"
@echo " docker-build-coreboot - Build coreboot under coreboot-sdk"
@echo " <BUILD_CMD=target> "
@echo " docker-abuild - Run abuild under coreboot-sdk"
@echo " <ABUILD_ARGS='-a -B'>"
@echo " docker-what-jenkins-does - Run 'what-jenkins-does' target"
@echo " docker-shell - Bash prompt in coreboot-jenkins-node"
@echo " <USER=root or USER=coreboot>"
@echo " docker-jenkins-server - Run coreboot-jenkins-node image (for server)"
@echo " docker-jenkins-attach - Open shell in running jenkins server"
@echo " docker-build-docs - Build the documentation"
@echo " docker-livehtml-docs - Run sphinx-autobuild"
@echo "Variables:"
.PHONY: test-docker test-docker-login
.PHONY: coreboot-jenkins-node upload-coreboot-jenkins-node
.PHONY: coreboot-sdk upload-coreboot-sdk
.PHONY: doc.coreboot.org
.PHONY: clean-coreboot-containers clean-coreboot-images
.PHONY: docker-abuild
.PHONY: docker-what-jenkins-does docker-shell docker-jenkins-server docker-jenkins-attach
.PHONY: docker-build-docs docker-livehtml-docs
.PHONY: help