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New config language for LinuxBIOS
We describe the new configuration language for LinuxBIOS.
This document defines the new configuration language for LinuxBIOS.
The goals of the new language are these:
\item Simplified Makefiles so people can see what is set
\item Move from the regular-expression-based language to something
a bit more comprehensible and flexible
\item make the specification easier for people to use and understand
\item allow unique register-set-specifiers for each chip
\item allow generic register-set-specifiers for each chip
\item generate static initialization code, as needed, for the
Here is the new language. It is very similar to the old one, differing
in only a few respects. It borrows heavily from Greg Watson's suggestions.
I am presenting it in a pseudo-BNF in the hopes it will be easier. Things
in '' are keywords; things in ``'' are strings in the actual text.
#exprs are composed of factor or factor + factor etc.
expr ::= factor ( ``+'' factor | ``-'' factor | )*
#factors are term or term * term or term / term or ...
factor ::= term ( ``*'' term | ``/'' term | ... )*
unary-op ::= ``!'' ID
# term is a number, hexnumber, ID, unary-op, or a full-blown expression
term ::= NUM | XNUM | ID | unary-op | ``(`` expr ``)''
# Option command. Can be an expression or quote-string.
# Options are used in the config tool itself (in expressions and 'if')
# and are also passed to the C compiler when building linuxbios.
# It is an error to have two option commands in a file.
# It is an error to have an option command after the ID has been used
# in an expression (i.e. 'set after used' is an error)
option ::= 'option' ID '=' (``value'' | term)
# Default command. The ID is set to this value if no option command
# is scanned.
# Multiple defaults for an ID will produce warning, but not errors.
# It is OK to scan a default command after use of an ID.
# Options always over-ride defaults.
default ::= 'default' ID '=' (``value'' | term)
# the mainboard, southbridge, northbridge commands
# cause sourcing of files as in the old config tool
# as parts are sourced, a device tree is built. The structure
# of the tree is determined by the structure of the components
# as they are specified. To attach a superio to a southbridge, for
# example, one would do this:
# southbridge acer/5432
# superio NSC/123
# end
# end
# the tool generates static initializers for this hierarchy.
# add C code to the current component (motherboard, etc. )
# to initialise the component-INDEPENDENT structure members
init ::= 'init' ``CODE''
# add C code to the current component (motherboard, etc. )
# to initialise the component-DEPENDENT structure members
register ::= 'register' ``CODE''
# mainboard command
# statements in this block will set variables controlling the mainboard,
# and will also place components (northbridge etc.) in the device tree
# under this mainboard
mainboard ::= 'mainboard' PATH (statements)* 'end'
# standard linuxbios commands
southbridge ::= 'southbridge' PATH (statemnts)* 'end'
northbridge ::= 'northbridge' PATH (statemnts)* 'end'
superio ::= 'superio PATH (statemnts)* 'end'
cpu ::= 'cpu' PATH (statemnts)* 'end'
arch ::= 'arch' PATH (statemnts)* 'end'
# files for building linuxbios
# include a file in crt0.S
mainboardinit ::= 'mainboardinit' PATH
# object file
object ::= 'object' PATH
# driver objects are just built into the image in a different way
driver ::= 'driver' PATH
# Use the file in the PATH
dir ::= 'dir' PATH
# add a file to the set of ldscript files
ldscript ::= 'ldscript' PATH
# dependencies or actions for the makerule command
dep ::= 'dep' ``dependency-string''
act ::= 'act' ``actions''
depsacts ::= (dep | act)*
# set up a makerule
makerule ::= 'makerule' PATH depsacts
#defines for use in makefiles only
# note usable in the config tool, not passed to cc
makedefine ::= 'makedefine' ``RAWTEXT''
# add an action to an existing make rule
addaction ::= 'addaction' PATH ``ACTION''
# statements
statement ::=
| default
| cpu
| arch
| northbridge
| southbridge
| superio
| object
| driver
| mainboardinit
| makerule
| makedefine
| addaction
| init
| register
| iif
| dir
| ldscript
statements ::= (statement)*
# target directory specification
target ::= 'target' PATH
# and the whole thing
board ::= target (option)* mainboard
\subsubsection{Command definitions}
A sample file:
target x
# over-ride the default rom size in the mainboard file
option ROM_SIZE=0x100000
mainboard amd/solo
Sample mainboard file
### Set all of the defaults for an x86 architecture
arch i386 end
cpu k8 end
option DEBUG=1
option A=(1+2)
option B=0xa
### Build our 16 bit and 32 bit linuxBIOS entry code
mainboardinit cpu/i386/
mainboardinit cpu/i386/
ldscript cpu/i386/
ldscript cpu/i386/
### Build our reset vector (This is where linuxBIOS is entered)
mainboardinit cpu/i386/
ldscript cpu/i386/
mainboardinit cpu/i386/
ldscript cpu/i386/
if USE_FALLBACK_IMAGE mainboardinit arch/i386/lib/ end
### Romcc output
#makerule ./failover.E dep "$(MAINBOARD)/failover.c" act "$(CPP) -I$(TOP)/src $(CPPFLAGS) $(MAINBOARD)/failover.c > ./failever.E"
#makerule ./ dep "./romcc ./failover.E" act "./romcc -O ./failover.E >"
#mainboardinit ./
makerule ./auto.E dep "$(MAINBOARD)/auto.c" act "$(CPP) -I$(TOP)/src -$(ROMCCPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(MAINBOARD)/auto.c > ./auto.E"
makerule ./ dep "./romcc ./auto.E" act "./romcc -O ./auto.E >"
mainboardinit ./
### Setup RAM
mainboardinit ram/
mainboardinit southbridge/amd/amd8111/
mainboardinit sdram/
### Include the secondary Configuration files
northbridge amd/amdk8
southbridge amd/amd8111
#mainboardinit arch/i386/smp/
superio NSC/pc87360
register "com1={1} com2={0} floppy=1 lpt=1 keyboard=1"
dir /pc80
##dir /src/superio/winbond/w83627hf
cpu p5 end
cpu p6 end
cpu k7 end
cpu k8 end
### Build the objects we have code for in this directory.
##object mainboard.o
driver mainboard.o
object static_devices.o
if HAVE_MP_TABLE object mptable.o end
if HAVE_PIRQ_TABLE object irq_tables.o end
### Location of the DIMM EEPROMS on the SMBUS
### This is fixed into a narrow range by the DIMM package standard.
option SMBUS_MEM_DEVICE_START=(0xa << 3)
### The linuxBIOS bootloader.
I've found the output of the new tool to be easier to
handle. Makefile.settings looks like this, for example:
export MAINBOARD:=/home/rminnich/src/yapps2/freebios2/src/mainboard/amd/solo
export ARCH:=i386
export _RAMBASE:=0x4000
export ROM_IMAGE_SIZE:=65535
export PAYLOAD_SIZE:=131073
export MAX_CPUS:=1
export HEAP_SIZE:=8192
export STACK_SIZE:=8192
export MEMORY_HOLE:=0
export CC:=$(CROSS_COMPILE)gcc
In other words, instead of expressions, we see the values. It's easier to
deal with.