All files: - Previously, various things were hardcoded into the docker containers that made it necessary to update the Dockerfile files for each new version of the sdk. Turn those into 'Variables" that are updated during the build step. Because the makefile is piping the dockerfile through the sed command and back into the docker build command, the normal docker "COPY" keyword doesn't work. coreboot-jenkins-node changes: - Run ssh-keygen -A to explicitly generate the ssh keys. This fixes an error: Could not load host key: /etc/ssh/ssh_host_dsa_key coreboot-sdk changes: - Remove apt-get upgrade command - The Dockerfile guide recommends not to run this. - Change libssl-dev to libssl1.0-dev. libssl-dev's header files won't build the Chrome-EC codebase. - Add libisl-dev, needed to build the riscv toolchain. - Build the toolchain using the -b option - Add environment variables containing the version and commit that the coreboot-sdk was built from. Makefile: - Update targets to use the version and commit variables Change-Id: I2c1376fe4b791da2a62fca11bc92c4774cbef1c8 Signed-off-by: Martin Roth <> Reviewed-on: Tested-by: build bot (Jenkins) Reviewed-by: Philipp Deppenwiese <>
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## This file is part of the coreboot project.
## Copyright (C) 2016 Google, Inc.
## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
## it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
## the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.
## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
## GNU General Public License for more details.
export top=$(abspath $(CURDIR)/../..)
export crossgcc_version=$(shell $(top)/util/crossgcc/buildgcc --version | grep 'cross toolchain' | sed 's/^.*\sv//' | sed 's/\s.*$$//')
export DOCKER:=$(shell $(SHELL) -c "command -v docker")
# Version of the jenkins / sdk container
export COREBOOT_CONTAINER_VERSION?=$(crossgcc_version)
# Commit id to build from
export DOCKER_COMMIT?=$(shell git log -n 1 --pretty=%h)
$(if $(DOCKER),,\
$(warning Docker command not found. Please install docker) \
$(warning ) \
$(error halting))
test-docker-login: test-docker
$(if $(shell if [ ! -f ~/.docker/config.json ]; then \
echo "docker authentication file not found"; fi), \
$(error Docker authentication file not found. Run 'docker login'))
coreboot-sdk: test-docker
@echo "Building coreboot SDK $(crossgcc_version) from commit $(DOCKER_COMMIT)"
cat coreboot-sdk/Dockerfile | \
$(DOCKER) build -t coreboot/coreboot-sdk:$(COREBOOT_CONTAINER_VERSION) -
upload-coreboot-sdk: test-docker-login
$(DOCKER) push coreboot/coreboot-sdk:$(COREBOOT_CONTAINER_VERSION)
coreboot-jenkins-node: test-docker
cat coreboot-jenkins-node/Dockerfile | \
sed "s|{{SSH_KEY}}|$$(cat coreboot-jenkins-node/authorized_keys)|" | \
$(DOCKER) build -t coreboot/coreboot-jenkins-node:$(COREBOOT_CONTAINER_VERSION) -
upload-coreboot-jenkins-node: test-docker-login
$(DOCKER) push coreboot/coreboot-jenkins-node:$(COREBOOT_CONTAINER_VERSION)
docker-killall: test-docker
@if [ -n "$$($(DOCKER) ps | grep 'coreboot')" ]; then \
$(DOCKER) kill $$($(DOCKER) ps | grep 'coreboot' | cut -f1 -d ' '); \
clean-coreboot-containers: docker-killall
$(DOCKER) rm $(docker ps -a | grep 'coreboot' | sed 's|\s.*$||')
clean-coreboot-images: docker-killall
$(DOCKER) rmi $(docker images | grep coreboot | sed 's|^\S\+\s\+\S\+\s\+||' | sed 's|\s.*$||')
docker-build-coreboot: test-docker
$(DOCKER) run -u root -it -v $(top):/home/coreboot/coreboot \
--rm coreboot/coreboot-sdk:$(COREBOOT_CONTAINER_VERSION) \
/bin/bash -c "cd /home/coreboot/coreboot && \
make clean && \
make $(BUILD_CMD)"
@echo "Enter root password to chown files to $$(whoami):$$(id -gn $$(whoami))"
@echo "Exiting now will leave built files owned by root"
sudo chown -R $$(whoami):$$(id -gn $$(whoami)) $(top)
docker-abuild: test-docker
$(DOCKER) run -u root -it -v $(top):/home/coreboot/coreboot \
--rm coreboot/coreboot-sdk:$(COREBOOT_CONTAINER_VERSION) \
/bin/bash -c "cd /home/coreboot/coreboot && \
make clean && \
util/abuild/abuild $(ABUILD_ARGS)"
@echo "Enter root password to chown files to $$(whoami):$$(id -gn $$(whoami))"
@echo "Exiting now will leave built files owned by root"
sudo chown -R $$(whoami):$$(id -gn $$(whoami)) $(top)
@echo "Commands for working with docker images:"
@echo " coreboot-sdk - Build coreboot-sdk container"
@echo " upload-coreboot-sdk - Upload coreboot-sdk to"
@echo " coreboot-jenkins-node - Build coreboot-jenkins-node container"
@echo " upload-coreboot-jenkins-node - Upload coreboot-jenkins-node to"
@echo " clean-coreboot-containers - remove all docker coreboot containers"
@echo " clean-coreboot-images - remove all docker coreboot images"
@echo "Commands for using docker images"
@echo " docker-build-coreboot <BUILD_CMD=target> - Build coreboot under coreboot-sdk"
@echo " docker-abuild <ABUILD_ARGS='-a -B'> - Run abuild under coreboot-sdk"
@echo "Variables:"
.PHONY: test-docker test-docker-login
.PHONY: coreboot-jenkins-node upload-coreboot-jenkins-node
.PHONY: coreboot-sdk upload-coreboot-sdk
.PHONY: clean-coreboot-containers clean-coreboot-images
.PHONY: docker-abuild
.PHONY: help