Also, remove one missing hardcoded "build" dir in the distclean target, and clean up files generated by sconfig in 'make clean'. Signed-off-by: Uwe Hermann <uwe@hermann-uwe.de> Acked-by: Myles Watson <mylesgw@gmail.com> git-svn-id: svn://svn.coreboot.org/coreboot/trunk@4880 2b7e53f0-3cfb-0310-b3e9-8179ed1497e1
779 lines
25 KiB
779 lines
25 KiB
# Yapps 2.0 - yet another python parser system
# Amit J Patel, January 1999
# See http://theory.stanford.edu/~amitp/Yapps/ for documentation and updates
# v2.0.1 changes (October 2001):
# * The exceptions inherit the standard Exception class (thanks Rich Salz)
# * The scanner can use either a different set of regular expressions
# per instance, or allows the subclass to define class fields with
# the patterns. This improves performance when many Scanner objects
# are being created, because the regular expressions don't have to
# be recompiled each time. (thanks Amaury Forgeot d'Arc)
# v2.0.2 changes (April 2002)
# * Fixed a bug in generating the 'else' clause when the comment was too
# long. v2.0.1 was missing a newline. (thanks Steven Engelhardt)
# v2.0.3 changes (August 2002)
# * Fixed a bug with inline tokens using the r"" syntax.
from string import *
from yappsrt import *
import re
import os.path
INDENT = " "*4
class Generator:
def __init__(self, name, options, tokens, rules):
self.change_count = 0
self.name = name
self.options = options
self.preparser = ''
self.postparser = None
self.tokens = {} # Map from tokens to regexps
self.ignore = [] # List of token names to ignore in parsing
self.terminals = [] # List of token names (to maintain ordering)
for n,t in tokens:
if n == '#ignore':
n = t
if n in self.tokens.keys() and self.tokens[n] != t:
print 'Warning: token', n, 'multiply defined.'
self.tokens[n] = t
self.rules = {} # Map from rule names to parser nodes
self.params = {} # Map from rule names to parameters
self.goals = [] # List of rule names (to maintain ordering)
for n,p,r in rules:
self.params[n] = p
self.rules[n] = r
import sys
self.output = sys.stdout
def __getitem__(self, name):
# Get options
return self.options.get(name, 0)
def non_ignored_tokens(self):
return filter(lambda x, i=self.ignore: x not in i, self.terminals)
def changed(self):
self.change_count = 1+self.change_count
def subset(self, a, b):
"See if all elements of a are inside b"
for x in a:
if x not in b: return 0
return 1
def equal_set(self, a, b):
"See if a and b have the same elements"
if len(a) != len(b): return 0
if a == b: return 1
return self.subset(a, b) and self.subset(b, a)
def add_to(self, parent, additions):
"Modify parent to include all elements in additions"
for x in additions:
if x not in parent:
def equate(self, a, b):
self.add_to(a, b)
self.add_to(b, a)
def write(self, *args):
for a in args:
def in_test(self, x, full, b):
if not b: return '0'
if len(b)==1: return '%s == %s' % (x, `b[0]`)
if full and len(b) > len(full)/2:
# Reverse the sense of the test.
not_b = filter(lambda x, b=b: x not in b, full)
return self.not_in_test(x, full, not_b)
return '%s in %s' % (x, `b`)
def not_in_test(self, x, full, b):
if not b: return '1'
if len(b)==1: return '%s != %s' % (x, `b[0]`)
return '%s not in %s' % (x, `b`)
def peek_call(self, a):
a_set = (`a`[1:-1])
if self.equal_set(a, self.non_ignored_tokens()): a_set = ''
if self['context-insensitive-scanner']: a_set = ''
return 'self._peek(%s)' % a_set
def peek_test(self, a, b):
if self.subset(a, b): return '1'
if self['context-insensitive-scanner']: a = self.non_ignored_tokens()
return self.in_test(self.peek_call(a), a, b)
def not_peek_test(self, a, b):
if self.subset(a, b): return '0'
return self.not_in_test(self.peek_call(a), a, b)
def calculate(self):
while 1:
for r in self.goals:
self.rules[r].setup(self, r)
if self.change_count == 0: break
self.change_count = 0
while 1:
for r in self.goals:
if self.change_count == 0: break
self.change_count = 0
def dump_information(self):
for r in self.goals:
print ' _____' + '_'*len(r)
print ('___/Rule '+r+'\\' + '_'*80)[:79]
queue = [self.rules[r]]
while queue:
top = queue[0]
del queue[0]
print `top`
eps = []
if top.accepts_epsilon: eps = ['(null)']
print ' FIRST:', join(top.first+eps, ', ')
print ' FOLLOW:', join(top.follow, ', ')
for x in top.get_children(): queue.append(x)
def generate_output(self):
self.write("from string import *\n")
self.write("import re\n")
self.write("from yappsrt import *\n")
self.write("class ", self.name, "Scanner(Scanner):\n")
self.write(" patterns = [\n")
for p in self.terminals:
self.write(" (%s, re.compile(%s)),\n" % (
`p`, `self.tokens[p]`))
self.write(" ]\n")
self.write(" def __init__(self, str):\n")
self.write(" Scanner.__init__(self,None,%s,str)\n" %
self.write("class ", self.name, "(Parser):\n")
for r in self.goals:
self.write(INDENT, "def ", r, "(self")
if self.params[r]: self.write(", ", self.params[r])
self.rules[r].output(self, INDENT+INDENT)
self.write("def parse(rule, text):\n")
self.write(" P = ", self.name, "(", self.name, "Scanner(text))\n")
self.write(" return wrap_error_reporter(P, rule)\n")
if self.postparser is not None:
self.write("if __name__=='__main__':\n")
self.write(INDENT, "from sys import argv, stdin\n")
self.write(INDENT, "if len(argv) >= 2:\n")
self.write(INDENT*2, "if len(argv) >= 3:\n")
self.write(INDENT*3, "f = open(argv[2],'r')\n")
self.write(INDENT*2, "else:\n")
self.write(INDENT*3, "f = stdin\n")
self.write(INDENT*2, "print parse(argv[1], f.read())\n")
self.write(INDENT, "else: print 'Args: <rule> [<filename>]'\n")
class Node:
def __init__(self):
self.first = []
self.follow = []
self.accepts_epsilon = 0
self.rule = '?'
def setup(self, gen, rule):
# Setup will change accepts_epsilon,
# sometimes from 0 to 1 but never 1 to 0.
# It will take a finite number of steps to set things up
self.rule = rule
def used(self, vars):
"Return two lists: one of vars used, and the other of vars assigned"
return vars, []
def get_children(self):
"Return a list of sub-nodes"
return []
def __repr__(self):
return str(self)
def update(self, gen):
if self.accepts_epsilon:
gen.add_to(self.first, self.follow)
def output(self, gen, indent):
"Write out code to _gen_ with _indent_:string indentation"
gen.write(indent, "assert 0 # Invalid parser node\n")
class Terminal(Node):
def __init__(self, token):
self.token = token
self.accepts_epsilon = 0
def __str__(self):
return self.token
def update(self, gen):
Node.update(self, gen)
if self.first != [self.token]:
self.first = [self.token]
def output(self, gen, indent):
if re.match('[a-zA-Z_]+$', self.token):
gen.write(self.token, " = ")
gen.write("self._scan(%s)\n" % `self.token`)
class Eval(Node):
def __init__(self, expr):
self.expr = expr
def setup(self, gen, rule):
Node.setup(self, gen, rule)
if not self.accepts_epsilon:
self.accepts_epsilon = 1
def __str__(self):
return '{{ %s }}' % strip(self.expr)
def output(self, gen, indent):
gen.write(indent, strip(self.expr), '\n')
class NonTerminal(Node):
def __init__(self, name, args):
self.name = name
self.args = args
def setup(self, gen, rule):
Node.setup(self, gen, rule)
self.target = gen.rules[self.name]
if self.accepts_epsilon != self.target.accepts_epsilon:
self.accepts_epsilon = self.target.accepts_epsilon
except KeyError: # Oops, it's nonexistent
print 'Error: no rule <%s>' % self.name
self.target = self
def __str__(self):
return '<%s>' % self.name
def update(self, gen):
Node.update(self, gen)
gen.equate(self.first, self.target.first)
gen.equate(self.follow, self.target.follow)
def output(self, gen, indent):
gen.write(self.name, " = ")
gen.write("self.", self.name, "(", self.args, ")\n")
class Sequence(Node):
def __init__(self, *children):
self.children = children
def setup(self, gen, rule):
Node.setup(self, gen, rule)
for c in self.children: c.setup(gen, rule)
if not self.accepts_epsilon:
# If it's not already accepting epsilon, it might now do so.
for c in self.children:
# any non-epsilon means all is non-epsilon
if not c.accepts_epsilon: break
self.accepts_epsilon = 1
def get_children(self):
return self.children
def __str__(self):
return '( %s )' % join(map(lambda x: str(x), self.children))
def update(self, gen):
Node.update(self, gen)
for g in self.children:
empty = 1
for g_i in range(len(self.children)):
g = self.children[g_i]
if empty: gen.add_to(self.first, g.first)
if not g.accepts_epsilon: empty = 0
if g_i == len(self.children)-1:
next = self.follow
next = self.children[1+g_i].first
gen.add_to(g.follow, next)
if self.children:
gen.add_to(self.follow, self.children[-1].follow)
def output(self, gen, indent):
if self.children:
for c in self.children:
c.output(gen, indent)
# Placeholder for empty sequences, just in case
gen.write(indent, 'pass\n')
class Choice(Node):
def __init__(self, *children):
self.children = children
def setup(self, gen, rule):
Node.setup(self, gen, rule)
for c in self.children: c.setup(gen, rule)
if not self.accepts_epsilon:
for c in self.children:
if c.accepts_epsilon:
self.accepts_epsilon = 1
def get_children(self):
return self.children
def __str__(self):
return '( %s )' % join(map(lambda x: str(x), self.children), ' | ')
def update(self, gen):
Node.update(self, gen)
for g in self.children:
for g in self.children:
gen.add_to(self.first, g.first)
gen.add_to(self.follow, g.follow)
for g in self.children:
gen.add_to(g.follow, self.follow)
if self.accepts_epsilon:
gen.add_to(self.first, self.follow)
def output(self, gen, indent):
test = "if"
gen.write(indent, "_token_ = ", gen.peek_call(self.first), "\n")
tokens_seen = []
tokens_unseen = self.first[:]
if gen['context-insensitive-scanner']:
# Context insensitive scanners can return ANY token,
# not only the ones in first.
tokens_unseen = gen.non_ignored_tokens()
for c in self.children:
testset = c.first[:]
removed = []
for x in testset:
if x in tokens_seen:
if x in tokens_unseen: tokens_unseen.remove(x)
tokens_seen = tokens_seen + testset
if removed:
if not testset:
print 'Error in rule', self.rule+':', c, 'never matches.'
print 'Warning:', self
print ' * These tokens are being ignored:', join(removed, ', ')
print ' due to previous choices using them.'
if testset:
if not tokens_unseen: # context sensitive scanners only!
if test=='if':
# if it's the first AND last test, then
# we can simply put the code without an if/else
c.output(gen, indent)
gen.write(indent, "else: ")
t = gen.in_test('', [], testset)
if len(t) < 70-len(indent):
gen.write("#", t)
c.output(gen, indent+INDENT)
gen.write(indent, test, " ",
gen.in_test('_token_', tokens_unseen, testset),
c.output(gen, indent+INDENT)
test = "elif"
if gen['context-insensitive-scanner'] and tokens_unseen:
gen.write(indent, "else:\n")
gen.write(indent, INDENT, "raise SyntaxError(self._pos, ")
gen.write("'Could not match ", self.rule, "')\n")
class Wrapper(Node):
def __init__(self, child):
self.child = child
def setup(self, gen, rule):
Node.setup(self, gen, rule)
self.child.setup(gen, rule)
def get_children(self):
return [self.child]
def update(self, gen):
Node.update(self, gen)
gen.add_to(self.first, self.child.first)
gen.equate(self.follow, self.child.follow)
class Option(Wrapper):
def setup(self, gen, rule):
Wrapper.setup(self, gen, rule)
if not self.accepts_epsilon:
self.accepts_epsilon = 1
def __str__(self):
return '[ %s ]' % str(self.child)
def output(self, gen, indent):
if self.child.accepts_epsilon:
print 'Warning in rule', self.rule+': contents may be empty.'
gen.write(indent, "if %s:\n" %
gen.peek_test(self.first, self.child.first))
self.child.output(gen, indent+INDENT)
class Plus(Wrapper):
def setup(self, gen, rule):
Wrapper.setup(self, gen, rule)
if self.accepts_epsilon != self.child.accepts_epsilon:
self.accepts_epsilon = self.child.accepts_epsilon
def __str__(self):
return '%s+' % str(self.child)
def update(self, gen):
Wrapper.update(self, gen)
gen.add_to(self.follow, self.first)
def output(self, gen, indent):
if self.child.accepts_epsilon:
print 'Warning in rule', self.rule+':'
print ' * The repeated pattern could be empty. The resulting'
print ' parser may not work properly.'
gen.write(indent, "while 1:\n")
self.child.output(gen, indent+INDENT)
union = self.first[:]
gen.add_to(union, self.follow)
gen.write(indent+INDENT, "if %s: break\n" %
gen.not_peek_test(union, self.child.first))
class Star(Plus):
def setup(self, gen, rule):
Wrapper.setup(self, gen, rule)
if not self.accepts_epsilon:
self.accepts_epsilon = 1
def __str__(self):
return '%s*' % str(self.child)
def output(self, gen, indent):
if self.child.accepts_epsilon:
print 'Warning in rule', self.rule+':'
print ' * The repeated pattern could be empty. The resulting'
print ' parser probably will not work properly.'
gen.write(indent, "while %s:\n" %
gen.peek_test(self.follow, self.child.first))
self.child.output(gen, indent+INDENT)
# The remainder of this file is from parsedesc.{g,py}
def append(lst, x):
"Imperative append"
return lst
def add_inline_token(tokens, str):
tokens.insert( 0, (str, eval(str, {}, {})) )
return Terminal(str)
def cleanup_choice(lst):
if len(lst) == 0: return Sequence([])
if len(lst) == 1: return lst[0]
return apply(Choice, tuple(lst))
def cleanup_sequence(lst):
if len(lst) == 1: return lst[0]
return apply(Sequence, tuple(lst))
def cleanup_rep(node, rep):
if rep == 'star': return Star(node)
elif rep == 'plus': return Plus(node)
else: return node
def resolve_name(tokens, id, args):
if id in map(lambda x: x[0], tokens):
# It's a token
if args:
print 'Warning: ignoring parameters on TOKEN %s<<%s>>' % (id, args)
return Terminal(id)
# It's a name, so assume it's a nonterminal
return NonTerminal(id, args)
from string import *
import re
from yappsrt import *
class ParserDescriptionScanner(Scanner):
def __init__(self, str):
('"rule"', 'rule'),
('"ignore"', 'ignore'),
('"token"', 'token'),
('"option"', 'option'),
('":"', ':'),
('"parser"', 'parser'),
('[ \011\015\012]+', '[ \011\015\012]+'),
('#.*?\015?\012', '#.*?\015?\012'),
('END', '$'),
('ATTR', '<<.+?>>'),
('STMT', '{{.+?}}'),
('ID', '[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z_0-9]*'),
('STR', '[rR]?\'([^\\n\'\\\\]|\\\\.)*\'|[rR]?"([^\\n"\\\\]|\\\\.)*"'),
('LP', '\\('),
('RP', '\\)'),
('LB', '\\['),
('RB', '\\]'),
('OR', '[|]'),
('STAR', '[*]'),
('PLUS', '[+]'),
], ['[ \011\015\012]+', '#.*?\015?\012'], str)
class ParserDescription(Parser):
def Parser(self):
ID = self._scan('ID')
Options = self.Options()
Tokens = self.Tokens()
Rules = self.Rules(Tokens)
END = self._scan('END')
return Generator(ID,Options,Tokens,Rules)
def Options(self):
opt = {}
while self._peek('"option"', '"token"', '"ignore"', 'END', '"rule"') == '"option"':
Str = self.Str()
opt[Str] = 1
return opt
def Tokens(self):
tok = []
while self._peek('"token"', '"ignore"', 'END', '"rule"') in ['"token"', '"ignore"']:
_token_ = self._peek('"token"', '"ignore"')
if _token_ == '"token"':
ID = self._scan('ID')
Str = self.Str()
tok.append( (ID,Str) )
else: # == '"ignore"'
Str = self.Str()
tok.append( ('#ignore',Str) )
return tok
def Rules(self, tokens):
rul = []
while self._peek('"rule"', 'END') == '"rule"':
ID = self._scan('ID')
OptParam = self.OptParam()
ClauseA = self.ClauseA(tokens)
rul.append( (ID,OptParam,ClauseA) )
return rul
def ClauseA(self, tokens):
ClauseB = self.ClauseB(tokens)
v = [ClauseB]
while self._peek('OR', 'RP', 'RB', '"rule"', 'END') == 'OR':
OR = self._scan('OR')
ClauseB = self.ClauseB(tokens)
return cleanup_choice(v)
def ClauseB(self, tokens):
v = []
while self._peek('STR', 'ID', 'LP', 'LB', 'STMT', 'OR', 'RP', 'RB', '"rule"', 'END') in ['STR', 'ID', 'LP', 'LB', 'STMT']:
ClauseC = self.ClauseC(tokens)
return cleanup_sequence(v)
def ClauseC(self, tokens):
ClauseD = self.ClauseD(tokens)
_token_ = self._peek('PLUS', 'STAR', 'STR', 'ID', 'LP', 'LB', 'STMT', 'OR', 'RP', 'RB', '"rule"', 'END')
if _token_ == 'PLUS':
PLUS = self._scan('PLUS')
return Plus(ClauseD)
elif _token_ == 'STAR':
STAR = self._scan('STAR')
return Star(ClauseD)
return ClauseD
def ClauseD(self, tokens):
_token_ = self._peek('STR', 'ID', 'LP', 'LB', 'STMT')
if _token_ == 'STR':
STR = self._scan('STR')
t = (STR, eval(STR,{},{}))
if t not in tokens: tokens.insert( 0, t )
return Terminal(STR)
elif _token_ == 'ID':
ID = self._scan('ID')
OptParam = self.OptParam()
return resolve_name(tokens, ID, OptParam)
elif _token_ == 'LP':
LP = self._scan('LP')
ClauseA = self.ClauseA(tokens)
RP = self._scan('RP')
return ClauseA
elif _token_ == 'LB':
LB = self._scan('LB')
ClauseA = self.ClauseA(tokens)
RB = self._scan('RB')
return Option(ClauseA)
else: # == 'STMT'
STMT = self._scan('STMT')
return Eval(STMT[2:-2])
def OptParam(self):
if self._peek('ATTR', '":"', 'PLUS', 'STAR', 'STR', 'ID', 'LP', 'LB', 'STMT', 'OR', 'RP', 'RB', '"rule"', 'END') == 'ATTR':
ATTR = self._scan('ATTR')
return ATTR[2:-2]
return ''
def Str(self):
STR = self._scan('STR')
return eval(STR,{},{})
# This replaces the default main routine
yapps_options = [
('context-insensitive-scanner', 'context-insensitive-scanner',
'Scan all tokens (see docs)')
def generate(inputfilename, outputfilename='', dump=0, **flags):
"""Generate a grammar, given an input filename (X.g)
and an output filename (defaulting to X.py)."""
if not outputfilename:
if inputfilename[-2:]=='.g': outputfilename = inputfilename[:-2]+'.py'
else: raise "Invalid Filename", outputfilename
print ' SCONFIG ', join(outputfilename.split('/')[-4:], '/')
DIVIDER = '\n%%\n' # This pattern separates the pre/post parsers
preparser, postparser = None, None # Code before and after the parser desc
# Read the entire file
s = open(inputfilename,'r').read()
# See if there's a separation between the pre-parser and parser
f = find(s, DIVIDER)
if f >= 0: preparser, s = s[:f]+'\n\n', s[f+len(DIVIDER):]
# See if there's a separation between the parser and post-parser
f = find(s, DIVIDER)
if f >= 0: s, postparser = s[:f], '\n\n'+s[f+len(DIVIDER):]
# Create the parser and scanner
p = ParserDescription(ParserDescriptionScanner(s))
if not p: return
# Now parse the file
t = wrap_error_reporter(p, 'Parser')
if not t: return # Error
if preparser is not None: t.preparser = preparser
if postparser is not None: t.postparser = postparser
# Check the options
for f in t.options.keys():
for opt,_,_ in yapps_options:
if f == opt: break
print 'Warning: unrecognized option', f
# Add command line options to the set
for f in flags.keys(): t.options[f] = flags[f]
# Generate the output
if dump:
t.output = open(outputfilename, 'w')
if __name__=='__main__':
import sys, getopt
optlist, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], 'f:', ['dump'])
if not args or len(args) > 2:
print 'Usage:'
print ' python', sys.argv[0], '[flags] input.g [output.py]'
print 'Flags:'
print (' --dump' + ' '*40)[:35] + 'Dump out grammar information'
for flag, _, doc in yapps_options:
print (' -f' + flag + ' '*40)[:35] + doc
# Read in the options and create a list of flags
flags = {}
for opt in optlist:
for flag, name, _ in yapps_options:
if opt == ('-f', flag):
flags[name] = 1
if opt == ('--dump', ''):
flags['dump'] = 1
print 'Warning - unrecognized option: ', opt[0], opt[1]
apply(generate, tuple(args), flags)