Felix Singer acbdc4d72e util/docker/coreboot-sdk: Replace package qemu with qemu-system
The qemu package doesn't exist anymore or it was renamed. Instead of
installing QEMU for all available architectures, install only the
packages which ship architectures that are supported by coreboot.

  * qemu-system-arm
  * qemu-system-misc (for RISC-V)
  * qemu-system-ppc
  * qemu-system-x86

Change-Id: Ifc46a8c9fcb1ab3c38dc8cbbc906882e93a719d7
Signed-off-by: Felix Singer <>
Tested-by: build bot (Jenkins) <>
Reviewed-by: Tom Hiller <>
Reviewed-by: Angel Pons <>
2022-08-27 16:01:12 +00:00

150 lines
3.8 KiB

# This dockerfile is not meant to be used directly by docker. The
# {{}} variables are replaced with values by the makefile. Please generate
# the docker image for this file by running:
# make coreboot-sdk
# Variables can be updated on the make command line or left blank to use
# the default values set by the makefile.
# SDK_VERSION is used to name the version of the coreboot sdk to use.
# Typically, this corresponds to the toolchain version. This
# is used to identify this docker image.
# DOCKER_COMMIT is the coreboot Commit-ID to build the toolchain from.
FROM debian:sid AS coreboot-sdk
useradd -p locked -m coreboot && \
apt-get -qq update && \
apt-get -qqy install \
bc \
bison \
bsdextrautils \
bzip2 \
ccache \
cmake \
cscope \
curl \
device-tree-compiler \
dh-autoreconf \
diffutils \
exuberant-ctags \
flex \
g++ \
gawk \
gcc \
git \
gnat \
golang \
graphviz \
lcov \
libcrypto++-dev \
libcurl4 \
libcurl4-openssl-dev \
libelf-dev \
libfreetype6-dev \
libftdi-dev \
libftdi1-dev \
libglib2.0-dev \
libgmp-dev \
libjaylink-dev \
liblzma-dev \
libncurses5-dev \
libpci-dev \
libreadline-dev \
libssl-dev \
libusb-1.0-0-dev \
libusb-dev \
libxml2-dev \
libyaml-dev \
m4 \
make \
msitools \
nasm \
openssl \
patch \
pbzip2 \
pkg-config \
python2 \
python3 \
qemu-system-arm \
qemu-system-misc \
qemu-system-ppc \
qemu-system-x86 \
rsync \
shellcheck \
subversion \
unifont \
uuid-dev \
vim-common \
wget \
xz-utils \
zlib1g-dev \
&& apt-get clean \
&& update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/python python /usr/bin/python2 1 \
&& ln -s /usr/bin/automake /usr/bin/automake-1.15 \
&& ln -s /usr/bin/aclocal /usr/bin/aclocal-1.15
cd /tmp && \
git clone && \
cd coreboot && \
git checkout {{DOCKER_COMMIT}}; \
if echo {{CROSSGCC_PARAM}} | grep -q ^all; then \
make -C /tmp/coreboot/util/crossgcc/ build_clang \
BUILD_LANGUAGES=c,ada CPUS=$(nproc) DEST=/opt/xgcc; \
fi; \
make -C /tmp/coreboot/util/crossgcc/ {{CROSSGCC_PARAM}} \
BUILD_LANGUAGES=c,ada CPUS=$(nproc) DEST=/opt/xgcc && \
rm -rf /tmp/coreboot
RUN mkdir /home/coreboot/.ccache && \
chown coreboot:coreboot /home/coreboot/.ccache && \
mkdir /home/coreboot/cb_build && \
chown coreboot:coreboot /home/coreboot/cb_build && \
echo "export PATH=$PATH:/opt/xgcc/bin" >> /home/coreboot/.bashrc && \
echo "export SDK_VERSION={{SDK_VERSION}}" >> /home/coreboot/.bashrc && \
echo "export SDK_COMMIT={{DOCKER_COMMIT}}" >> /home/coreboot/.bashrc
ENV PATH $PATH:/opt/xgcc/bin
USER coreboot
FROM coreboot-sdk
# Test the built image
RUN mkdir -p /tmp/work && \
cd /tmp/work && \
git clone && \
make -C bios_extract && \
git clone && \
make -C memtest86plus && \
git clone && \
CONFIG_EVERYTHING=yes make -C flashrom && \
git clone && \
make -C em100 && \
git clone && \
(cd coreboot && git submodule update --init --checkout ) && \
make -C coreboot CPUS=$(nproc) test-abuild
cd /tmp/work && \
make -C coreboot olddefconfig && \
make -C coreboot all -j && \
make -C coreboot printall && \
make -C coreboot filelist && \
make -C coreboot ctags-project && \
make -C coreboot cscope-project
cd /tmp/work && \
make -C coreboot test-payloads&& \
make -C coreboot test-tools -j && \
make -C coreboot test-lint -j && \
make -C coreboot test-cleanup -j && \
cd && \
rm -rf /tmp/work/
FROM coreboot-sdk
VOLUME /home/coreboot/.ccache