/* Copyright 2019 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved. * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be * found in the LICENSE file. */ /* Kohaku board-specific configuration */ #include "adc.h" #include "adc_chip.h" #include "button.h" #include "common.h" #include "cros_board_info.h" #include "driver/accel_bma2x2.h" #include "driver/accelgyro_bmi160.h" #include "driver/als_bh1730.h" #include "driver/als_tcs3400.h" #include "driver/ppc/sn5s330.h" #include "driver/bc12/max14637.h" #include "driver/sync.h" #include "driver/tcpm/ps8xxx.h" #include "driver/tcpm/tcpci.h" #include "ec_commands.h" #include "extpower.h" #include "gpio.h" #include "hooks.h" #include "host_command.h" #include "lid_switch.h" #include "power.h" #include "power_button.h" #include "pwm.h" #include "pwm_chip.h" #include "spi.h" #include "switch.h" #include "system.h" #include "task.h" #include "temp_sensor.h" #include "thermal.h" #include "thermistor.h" #include "uart.h" #include "usb_charge.h" #include "usb_pd.h" #include "usbc_ppc.h" #include "util.h" #define CPRINTS(format, args...) cprints(CC_USBCHARGE, format, ## args) #define CPRINTF(format, args...) cprintf(CC_USBCHARGE, format, ## args) static void ppc_interrupt(enum gpio_signal signal) { switch (signal) { case GPIO_USB_C0_PPC_INT_ODL: sn5s330_interrupt(0); break; case GPIO_USB_C1_PPC_INT_ODL: sn5s330_interrupt(1); break; default: break; } } static void tcpc_alert_event(enum gpio_signal signal) { int port = -1; switch (signal) { case GPIO_USB_C0_TCPC_INT_ODL: port = 0; break; case GPIO_USB_C1_TCPC_INT_ODL: port = 1; break; default: return; } schedule_deferred_pd_interrupt(port); } static void bc12_interrupt(enum gpio_signal signal) { switch (signal) { case GPIO_USB_C0_BC12_INT_ODL: task_set_event(TASK_ID_USB_CHG_P0, USB_CHG_EVENT_BC12, 0); break; case GPIO_USB_C1_BC12_INT_ODL: task_set_event(TASK_ID_USB_CHG_P1, USB_CHG_EVENT_BC12, 0); break; default: break; } } #include "gpio_list.h" /* Must come after other header files. */ /******************************************************************************/ /* SPI devices */ const struct spi_device_t spi_devices[] = { }; const unsigned int spi_devices_used = ARRAY_SIZE(spi_devices); /******************************************************************************/ /* PWM channels. Must be in the exactly same order as in enum pwm_channel. */ const struct pwm_t pwm_channels[] = { [PWM_CH_KBLIGHT] = { .channel = 3, .flags = 0, .freq = 10000 }, }; BUILD_ASSERT(ARRAY_SIZE(pwm_channels) == PWM_CH_COUNT); /******************************************************************************/ /* USB-C TPCP Configuration */ const struct tcpc_config_t tcpc_config[CONFIG_USB_PD_PORT_COUNT] = { [USB_PD_PORT_TCPC_0] = { .bus_type = EC_BUS_TYPE_I2C, .i2c_info = { .port = I2C_PORT_TCPC0, .addr_flags = PS8751_I2C_ADDR1_FLAGS, }, .drv = &ps8xxx_tcpm_drv, }, [USB_PD_PORT_TCPC_1] = { .bus_type = EC_BUS_TYPE_I2C, .i2c_info = { .port = I2C_PORT_TCPC1, .addr_flags = PS8751_I2C_ADDR1_FLAGS, }, .drv = &ps8xxx_tcpm_drv, }, }; struct usb_mux usb_muxes[CONFIG_USB_PD_PORT_COUNT] = { [USB_PD_PORT_TCPC_0] = { .driver = &tcpci_tcpm_usb_mux_driver, .hpd_update = &ps8xxx_tcpc_update_hpd_status, }, [USB_PD_PORT_TCPC_1] = { .driver = &tcpci_tcpm_usb_mux_driver, .hpd_update = &ps8xxx_tcpc_update_hpd_status, } }; /* BC 1.2 chip Configuration */ const struct max14637_config_t max14637_config[CONFIG_USB_PD_PORT_COUNT] = { { .chip_enable_pin = GPIO_USB_C0_BC12_VBUS_ON, .chg_det_pin = GPIO_USB_C0_BC12_CHG_DET_L, .flags = MAX14637_FLAGS_CHG_DET_ACTIVE_LOW, }, { .chip_enable_pin = GPIO_USB_C1_BC12_VBUS_ON, .chg_det_pin = GPIO_USB_C1_BC12_CHG_DET_L, .flags = MAX14637_FLAGS_CHG_DET_ACTIVE_LOW, }, }; /******************************************************************************/ /* Sensors */ /* Base Sensor mutex */ static struct mutex g_base_mutex; static struct mutex g_lid_mutex; /* Base accel private data */ static struct bmi160_drv_data_t g_bmi160_data; /* BMA255 private data */ static struct accelgyro_saved_data_t g_bma255_data; /* BH1730 private data */ struct bh1730_drv_data_t g_bh1730_data; /* TCS3400 private data */ static struct als_drv_data_t g_tcs3400_data = { .als_cal.scale = 1, .als_cal.uscale = 0, .als_cal.offset = 0, .als_cal.channel_scale = { .k_channel_scale = ALS_CHANNEL_SCALE(1.0), /* kc from VPD */ .cover_scale = ALS_CHANNEL_SCALE(1.0), /* CT */ }, }; static struct tcs3400_rgb_drv_data_t g_tcs3400_rgb_data = { .rgb_cal[X] = { .offset = 30, /* 30.38576102 */ .coeff[TCS_RED_COEFF_IDX] = FLOAT_TO_FP(0.31818327), .coeff[TCS_GREEN_COEFF_IDX] = FLOAT_TO_FP(0.28786817), .coeff[TCS_BLUE_COEFF_IDX] = FLOAT_TO_FP(0.14603897), .coeff[TCS_CLEAR_COEFF_IDX] = FLOAT_TO_FP(-0.12542082), .scale = { .k_channel_scale = ALS_CHANNEL_SCALE(1.0), /* kr */ .cover_scale = ALS_CHANNEL_SCALE(0.3507) } }, .rgb_cal[Y] = { .offset = 45, /* 45.0467605 */ .coeff[TCS_RED_COEFF_IDX] = FLOAT_TO_FP(0.26764916), .coeff[TCS_GREEN_COEFF_IDX] = FLOAT_TO_FP(0.26510278), .coeff[TCS_BLUE_COEFF_IDX] = FLOAT_TO_FP(0.19007195), .coeff[TCS_CLEAR_COEFF_IDX] = FLOAT_TO_FP(-0.12512564), .scale = { .k_channel_scale = ALS_CHANNEL_SCALE(1.0), /* kg */ .cover_scale = ALS_CHANNEL_SCALE(1.0) }, }, .rgb_cal[Z] = { .offset = 22, /* 22.5644134 */ .coeff[TCS_RED_COEFF_IDX] = FLOAT_TO_FP(-0.0682575), .coeff[TCS_GREEN_COEFF_IDX] = FLOAT_TO_FP(0.15594184), .coeff[TCS_BLUE_COEFF_IDX] = FLOAT_TO_FP(0.53616239), .coeff[TCS_CLEAR_COEFF_IDX] = FLOAT_TO_FP(-0.13502391), .scale = { .k_channel_scale = ALS_CHANNEL_SCALE(1.0), /* kb */ .cover_scale = ALS_CHANNEL_SCALE(0.5759) } }, .saturation.again = TCS_DEFAULT_AGAIN, .saturation.atime = TCS_DEFAULT_ATIME, }; /* Matrix to rotate accelrator into standard reference frame */ static const mat33_fp_t base_standard_ref = { { 0, FLOAT_TO_FP(1), 0}, { FLOAT_TO_FP(-1), 0, 0}, { 0, 0, FLOAT_TO_FP(1)} }; /* * TODO(b/124337208): P0 boards don't have this sensor mounted so the rotation * matrix can't be tested properly. This needs to be revisited after EVT to make * sure the rotaiton matrix for the lid sensor is correct. */ static const mat33_fp_t lid_standard_ref = { { FLOAT_TO_FP(1), 0, 0}, { 0, FLOAT_TO_FP(1), 0}, { 0, 0, FLOAT_TO_FP(1)} }; struct motion_sensor_t motion_sensors[] = { [LID_ACCEL] = { .name = "Lid Accel", .active_mask = SENSOR_ACTIVE_S0_S3, .chip = MOTIONSENSE_CHIP_BMA255, .type = MOTIONSENSE_TYPE_ACCEL, .location = MOTIONSENSE_LOC_LID, .drv = &bma2x2_accel_drv, .mutex = &g_lid_mutex, .drv_data = &g_bma255_data, .port = I2C_PORT_ACCEL, .i2c_spi_addr_flags = BMA2x2_I2C_ADDR1_FLAGS, .rot_standard_ref = &lid_standard_ref, .min_frequency = BMA255_ACCEL_MIN_FREQ, .max_frequency = BMA255_ACCEL_MAX_FREQ, .default_range = 2, /* g, to support tablet mode */ .config = { /* EC use accel for angle detection */ [SENSOR_CONFIG_EC_S0] = { .odr = 10000 | ROUND_UP_FLAG, }, /* Sensor on in S3 */ [SENSOR_CONFIG_EC_S3] = { .odr = 10000 | ROUND_UP_FLAG, }, }, }, [BASE_ACCEL] = { .name = "Base Accel", .active_mask = SENSOR_ACTIVE_S0_S3, .chip = MOTIONSENSE_CHIP_BMI160, .type = MOTIONSENSE_TYPE_ACCEL, .location = MOTIONSENSE_LOC_BASE, .drv = &bmi160_drv, .mutex = &g_base_mutex, .drv_data = &g_bmi160_data, .port = I2C_PORT_ACCEL, .i2c_spi_addr_flags = BMI160_ADDR0_FLAGS, .rot_standard_ref = &base_standard_ref, .min_frequency = BMI160_ACCEL_MIN_FREQ, .max_frequency = BMI160_ACCEL_MAX_FREQ, .default_range = 2, /* g, to support tablet mode */ .config = { [SENSOR_CONFIG_EC_S0] = { .odr = 10000 | ROUND_UP_FLAG, }, /* Sensor on in S3 */ [SENSOR_CONFIG_EC_S3] = { .odr = 10000 | ROUND_UP_FLAG, }, }, }, [BASE_GYRO] = { .name = "Base Gyro", .active_mask = SENSOR_ACTIVE_S0_S3, .chip = MOTIONSENSE_CHIP_BMI160, .type = MOTIONSENSE_TYPE_GYRO, .location = MOTIONSENSE_LOC_BASE, .drv = &bmi160_drv, .mutex = &g_base_mutex, .drv_data = &g_bmi160_data, .port = I2C_PORT_ACCEL, .i2c_spi_addr_flags = BMI160_ADDR0_FLAGS, .default_range = 1000, /* dps */ .rot_standard_ref = &base_standard_ref, .min_frequency = BMI160_GYRO_MIN_FREQ, .max_frequency = BMI160_GYRO_MAX_FREQ, }, [BASE_ALS] = { .name = "Light", .active_mask = SENSOR_ACTIVE_S0, .chip = MOTIONSENSE_CHIP_BH1730, .type = MOTIONSENSE_TYPE_LIGHT, .location = MOTIONSENSE_LOC_BASE, .drv = &bh1730_drv, .drv_data = &g_bh1730_data, .port = I2C_PORT_ACCEL, .i2c_spi_addr_flags = BH1730_I2C_ADDR_FLAGS, .rot_standard_ref = NULL, .default_range = 65535, .min_frequency = 10, .max_frequency = 10, .config = { [SENSOR_CONFIG_EC_S0] = { .odr = 100000, .ec_rate = 0, }, }, }, [VSYNC] = { .name = "Camera VSYNC", .active_mask = SENSOR_ACTIVE_S0, .chip = MOTIONSENSE_CHIP_GPIO, .type = MOTIONSENSE_TYPE_SYNC, .location = MOTIONSENSE_LOC_CAMERA, .drv = &sync_drv, .default_range = 0, .min_frequency = 0, .max_frequency = 1, }, [CLEAR_ALS] = { .name = "Clear Light", .active_mask = SENSOR_ACTIVE_S0_S3, .chip = MOTIONSENSE_CHIP_TCS3400, .type = MOTIONSENSE_TYPE_LIGHT, .location = MOTIONSENSE_LOC_LID, .drv = &tcs3400_drv, .drv_data = &g_tcs3400_data, .port = I2C_PORT_ALS, .i2c_spi_addr_flags = TCS3400_I2C_ADDR_FLAGS, .rot_standard_ref = NULL, .default_range = 0x10000, /* scale = 1x, uscale = 0 */ .min_frequency = TCS3400_LIGHT_MIN_FREQ, .max_frequency = TCS3400_LIGHT_MAX_FREQ, .config = { /* Run ALS sensor in S0 */ [SENSOR_CONFIG_EC_S0] = { .odr = 1000, }, }, }, [RGB_ALS] = { /* * RGB channels read by CLEAR_ALS and so the i2c port and * address do not need to be defined for RGB_ALS. */ .name = "RGB Light", .active_mask = SENSOR_ACTIVE_S0_S3, .chip = MOTIONSENSE_CHIP_TCS3400, .type = MOTIONSENSE_TYPE_LIGHT_RGB, .location = MOTIONSENSE_LOC_LID, .drv = &tcs3400_rgb_drv, .drv_data = &g_tcs3400_rgb_data, .rot_standard_ref = NULL, .default_range = 0x10000, /* scale = 1x, uscale = 0 */ }, }; unsigned int motion_sensor_count = ARRAY_SIZE(motion_sensors); /* ALS instances when LPC mapping is needed. Each entry directs to a sensor. */ const struct motion_sensor_t *motion_als_sensors[] = { &motion_sensors[BASE_ALS], &motion_sensors[CLEAR_ALS], }; BUILD_ASSERT(ARRAY_SIZE(motion_als_sensors) == ALS_COUNT); /**********************************************************************/ /* ADC channels */ const struct adc_t adc_channels[] = { [ADC_TEMP_SENSOR_1] = { "TEMP_AMB", NPCX_ADC_CH0, ADC_MAX_VOLT, ADC_READ_MAX+1, 0}, [ADC_TEMP_SENSOR_2] = { "TEMP_CHARGER", NPCX_ADC_CH1, ADC_MAX_VOLT, ADC_READ_MAX+1, 0}, [ADC_TEMP_SENSOR_3] = { "TEMP_IA", NPCX_ADC_CH2, ADC_MAX_VOLT, ADC_READ_MAX+1, 0}, [ADC_TEMP_SENSOR_4] = { "TEMP_GT", NPCX_ADC_CH3, ADC_MAX_VOLT, ADC_READ_MAX+1, 0}, }; BUILD_ASSERT(ARRAY_SIZE(adc_channels) == ADC_CH_COUNT); const struct temp_sensor_t temp_sensors[] = { [TEMP_SENSOR_1] = {.name = "Temp1", .type = TEMP_SENSOR_TYPE_BOARD, .read = get_temp_3v3_30k9_47k_4050b, .idx = ADC_TEMP_SENSOR_1, .action_delay_sec = 1}, [TEMP_SENSOR_2] = {.name = "Temp2", .type = TEMP_SENSOR_TYPE_BOARD, .read = get_temp_3v3_30k9_47k_4050b, .idx = ADC_TEMP_SENSOR_2, .action_delay_sec = 1}, [TEMP_SENSOR_3] = {.name = "Temp3", .type = TEMP_SENSOR_TYPE_BOARD, .read = get_temp_3v3_30k9_47k_4050b, .idx = ADC_TEMP_SENSOR_3, .action_delay_sec = 1}, [TEMP_SENSOR_4] = {.name = "Temp4", .type = TEMP_SENSOR_TYPE_BOARD, .read = get_temp_3v3_30k9_47k_4050b, .idx = ADC_TEMP_SENSOR_4, .action_delay_sec = 1}, }; BUILD_ASSERT(ARRAY_SIZE(temp_sensors) == TEMP_SENSOR_COUNT); /* Kohaku Temperature sensors */ /* * TODO(b/138578073): These setting need to be reviewed and set appropriately * for Kohaku. They matter when the EC is controlling the fan as opposed to DPTF * control. */ const static struct ec_thermal_config thermal_a = { .temp_host = { [EC_TEMP_THRESH_WARN] = 0, [EC_TEMP_THRESH_HIGH] = C_TO_K(75), [EC_TEMP_THRESH_HALT] = C_TO_K(80), }, .temp_host_release = { [EC_TEMP_THRESH_WARN] = 0, [EC_TEMP_THRESH_HIGH] = C_TO_K(65), [EC_TEMP_THRESH_HALT] = 0, }, .temp_fan_off = C_TO_K(25), .temp_fan_max = C_TO_K(50), }; struct ec_thermal_config thermal_params[] = { [TEMP_SENSOR_1] = thermal_a, [TEMP_SENSOR_2] = thermal_a, [TEMP_SENSOR_3] = thermal_a, [TEMP_SENSOR_4] = thermal_a, }; BUILD_ASSERT(ARRAY_SIZE(thermal_params) == TEMP_SENSOR_COUNT); enum gpio_signal gpio_en_pp5000_a = GPIO_EN_PP5000_A; static void board_init(void) { /* Enable gpio interrupt for base accelgyro sensor */ gpio_enable_interrupt(GPIO_BASE_SIXAXIS_INT_L); /* Enable gpio interrupt for camera vsync */ gpio_enable_interrupt(GPIO_WFCAM_VSYNC); /* Enable interrupt for the TCS3400 color light sensor */ gpio_enable_interrupt(GPIO_TCS3400_INT_ODL); } DECLARE_HOOK(HOOK_INIT, board_init, HOOK_PRIO_DEFAULT); void board_overcurrent_event(int port, int is_overcurrented) { /* Sanity check the port. */ if ((port < 0) || (port >= CONFIG_USB_PD_PORT_COUNT)) return; /* Note that the level is inverted because the pin is active low. */ gpio_set_level(GPIO_USB_C_OC_ODL, !is_overcurrented); }