
146 lines
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-- Copyright (C) 2015-2017 secunet Security Networks AG
-- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-- (at your option) any later version.
-- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-- GNU General Public License for more details.
with HW.GFX.DP_Aux_Ch;
private generic
type T (<>) is limited private;
with package Aux_Ch is new DP_Aux_Ch (T => T, others => <>);
package HW.GFX.DP_Info is
type DP_Voltage_Swing is (VS_Level_0, VS_Level_1, VS_Level_2, VS_Level_3);
type DP_Pre_Emph is (Emph_Level_0, Emph_Level_1, Emph_Level_2, Emph_Level_3);
type Train_Set is record
Voltage_Swing : DP_Voltage_Swing;
Pre_Emph : DP_Pre_Emph;
end record;
type Training_Pattern is (TP_1, TP_2, TP_3, TP_Idle, TP_None);
type Lane_Index is new Natural range 0 .. 3;
type Lane_Status is record
CR_Done : Boolean;
Channel_EQ_Done : Boolean;
Symbol_Locked : Boolean;
Reserved : Boolean;
end record;
for Lane_Status use record
CR_Done at 16#00# range 0 .. 0;
Channel_EQ_Done at 16#00# range 1 .. 1;
Symbol_Locked at 16#00# range 2 .. 2;
Reserved at 16#00# range 3 .. 3;
end record;
type Lanes_Status is array (Lane_Index) of Lane_Status;
pragma Pack (Lanes_Status);
type Adjust_Request is record
Voltage_Swing : DP_Voltage_Swing;
Pre_Emph : DP_Pre_Emph;
end record;
for Adjust_Request use record
Voltage_Swing at 16#00# range 0 .. 1;
Pre_Emph at 16#00# range 2 .. 3;
end record;
type Adjust_Requests_Array is array (Lane_Index) of Adjust_Request;
pragma Pack (Adjust_Requests_Array);
type Link_Status is record
Lanes : Lanes_Status;
Interlane_Align_Done : Boolean;
Adjust_Requests : Adjust_Requests_Array;
end record;
for Link_Status use record
Lanes at 16#00# range 0 .. 15;
Interlane_Align_Done at 16#02# range 0 .. 0;
Adjust_Requests at 16#04# range 0 .. 15;
end record;
procedure Read_Caps
(Link : in out DP_Link;
Port : in T;
Success : out Boolean);
procedure Read_eDP_Rates
(Link : in out DP_Link;
Port : in T);
procedure Preferred_Link_Setting
(Link : in out DP_Link;
Mode : in Mode_Type;
Success : out Boolean);
procedure Next_Link_Setting
(Link : in out DP_Link;
Mode : in Mode_Type;
Success : out Boolean);
pragma Warnings
(GNATprove, Off, "subprogram ""Dump_Link_Setting"" has no effect",
Reason => "It's only used for debugging");
procedure Dump_Link_Setting (Link : DP_Link);
M_N_Max : constant := 2 ** 24 - 1;
subtype M_Type is Int64 range 0 .. M_N_Max;
subtype N_Type is Int64 range 0 .. M_N_Max;
procedure Calculate_M_N
(Link : in DP_Link;
Mode : in Mode_Type;
Data_M : out M_Type;
Data_N : out N_Type;
Link_M : out M_Type;
Link_N : out N_Type);
procedure Read_Link_Status
(Port : in T;
Status : out Link_Status;
Success : out Boolean);
function All_CR_Done
(Status : Link_Status;
Link : DP_Link)
return Boolean;
function All_EQ_Done
(Status : Link_Status;
Link : DP_Link)
return Boolean;
function Max_Requested_VS
(Status : Link_Status;
Link : DP_Link)
return DP_Voltage_Swing;
function Max_Requested_Emph
(Status : Link_Status;
Link : DP_Link)
return DP_Pre_Emph;
end HW.GFX.DP_Info;