
321 lines
10 KiB

libhw-dir := $(dir $(lastword $(MAKEFILE_LIST)))
DESTDIR ?= dest
name ?= hw
hw-install = Makefile Makefile.proof debug.adc gnat.adc spark.adc
top := $(CURDIR)
cnf := .config
obj := build
link-type ?= archive
ifeq ($(link-type),archive)
prefixed-name ?= lib$(name)
binary-suffix ?= .a
else ifeq ($(link-type),program)
prefixed-name ?= $(name)
binary-suffix ?=
binary := $(obj)/$(prefixed-name)$(binary-suffix)
space :=
space +=
comma := ,
strip_quotes = $(strip $(subst ",,$(1)))
# fix syntax highlighting with an odd emoticon "))
$(foreach dep,$($(name)-deplibs), \
$(eval -include $($(dep)-dir)/config))
-include $(cnf)
include $(libhw-dir)/Makefile.proof
ifeq ($(DEBUG),1)
gnat-adc = $(libhw-dir)/debug.adc
gnat-adc = $(libhw-dir)/gnat.adc
CFLAGS += -Wuninitialized -Wall -Werror
CFLAGS += -pipe -g
CFLAGS += -Wstrict-aliasing -Wshadow
CFLAGS += -fno-common -fomit-frame-pointer
CFLAGS += -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections
ADAFLAGS += $(CFLAGS) -gnatA -gnatec=$(gnat-adc) -gnatp
# Ada warning options:
# a Activate most optional warnings.
# .e Activate every optional warnings.
# e Treat warnings and style checks as errors.
# D Suppress warnings on implicit dereferences:
# As SPARK does not accept access types we have to map the
# dynamically chosen register locations to a static SPARK
# variable.
# .H Suppress warnings on holes/gaps in records:
# We are modelling hardware here!
# H Suppress warnings on hiding:
# It's too annoying, you run out of ideas for identifiers fast.
# T Suppress warnings for tracking of deleted conditional code:
# We use static options to select code paths at compile time.
# U Suppress warnings on unused entities:
# Would have lots of warnings for unused register definitions,
# `withs` for debugging etc.
# .U Deactivate warnings on unordered enumeration types:
# As SPARK doesn't support `pragma Ordered` by now, we don't
# use that, yet.
# .W Suppress warnings on unnecessary Warnings Off pragmas:
# Things get really messy when you use different compiler
# versions, otherwise.
# .Y Disable information messages for why package spec needs body:
# Those messages are annoying. But don't forget to enable those,
# if you need the information.
ADAFLAGS += -gnatwa.eeD.HHTU.U.W.Y
# Disable style checks for now
ADAFLAGS += -gnatyN
# Make is silent per default, but 'make V=1' will show all compiler calls.
ifneq ($(V),1)
# must come rather early
ifeq ($(link-type),archive)
$(binary): $$($(name)-objs)
@printf " AR $(subst $(obj)/,,$@)\n"
ar cr $@ $^
else ifeq ($(link-type),program)
$(binary): $$($(name)-objs)
@printf " LINK $(subst $(obj)/,,$@)\n"
$(CC) -o $@ $^ \
$(addprefix -L,$(abspath $($(name)-extra-objs))) \
$(addprefix -l,$(patsubst lib%,%,$($(name)-deplibs))) \
$(foreach dep,$($(name)-deplibs), \
$(eval $(name)-extra-objs += $($(dep)-dir)/lib) \
$(eval $(name)-extra-incs += $($(dep)-dir)/include))
# Converts one or more source file paths to their corresponding build/ paths.
# Only .ads and .adb get converted to .o, other files keep their names.
# $1 file path (list)
src-to-obj = \
$(addprefix $(obj)/,\
$(patsubst $(obj)/%,%, \
$(patsubst %.c,%.o,\
$(patsubst %.adb,%.o,\
# Converts one or more source file paths to the corresponding build/ paths
# of their Ada library information (.ali) files.
# $1 file path (list)
src-to-ali = \
$(addprefix $(obj)/,\
$(patsubst $(obj)/%,%, \
$(patsubst %.adb,%.ali,\
$(filter %.adb,$(2))))))
# Clean -y variables, include
# Add paths to files in $(name)-y to $(name)-srcs
# Add subdirs-y to subdirs
# $1 dir to read from
includemakefile = \
$(eval $(name)-y :=) \
$(eval $(name)-main-y :=) \
$(eval $(name)-gen-y :=) \
$(eval $(name)-proof-y :=) \
$(eval subdirs-y :=) \
$(eval include $(1)/ \
$(eval $(name)-main-src += \
$(subst $(top)/,, \
$(abspath $(patsubst $(1)//%,/%,$(addprefix $(1)/,$($(name)-main-y)))))) \
$(eval $(name)-srcs += \
$(subst $(top)/,, \
$(abspath $(patsubst $(1)//%,/%,$(addprefix $(1)/,$($(name)-y)))))) \
$(eval $(name)-gens += \
$(subst $(top)/,, \
$(abspath $($(name)-gen-y)))) \
$(eval $(name)-proof += \
$(subst $(top)/,, \
$(abspath $(addprefix $(1)/,$($(name)-proof-y))))) \
$(eval subdirs += \
$(subst $(top)/,, \
$(abspath $(addprefix $(1)/,$(subdirs-y))))) \
# For each path in $(subdirs) call includemakefiles
# Repeat until subdirs is empty
evaluate_subdirs = \
$(eval cursubdirs := $(subdirs)) \
$(eval subdirs :=) \
$(foreach dir,$(cursubdirs), \
$(call includemakefile,$(dir))) \
$(if $(subdirs), \
$(call evaluate_subdirs))
# collect all object files eligible for building
subdirs := .
$(call evaluate_subdirs)
$(name)-srcs += $($(name)-main-src)
# Eliminate duplicate mentions of source files
$(name)-srcs := $(sort $($(name)-srcs))
$(name)-gens := $(sort $($(name)-gens))
# For Ada includes
$(name)-ada-dirs := $(sort $(dir $(filter %.adb,$($(name)-srcs) $($(name)-gens))))
# To track dependencies, we need all Ada specification (.ads) files in
# *-srcs. Extract / filter all specification files that have a matching
# body (.adb) file here (specifications without a body are valid sources
# in Ada).
# $1 source list
filter_extra_specs = \
$(filter \
$(addprefix %/,$(patsubst %.adb,, \
$(notdir $(filter %.adb,$($(name)-srcs) $($(name)-gens))))), \
$(name)-extra-specs := $(call filter_extra_specs,$($(name)-srcs))
$(name)-srcs := $(filter-out $($(name)-extra-specs),$($(name)-srcs))
$(name)-extra-gens := $(call filter_extra_specs,$($(name)-gens))
$(name)-gens := $(filter-out $($(name)-extra-gens),$($(name)-gens))
$(name)-objs := $(call src-to-obj,,$($(name)-srcs) $($(name)-gens))
$(name)-alis := $(call src-to-ali,,$($(name)-srcs) $($(name)-gens))
# For gnatprove
$(name)-proof-dirs := \
$(sort $(dir $($(name)-proof)) \
$(filter-out ada/% %/ada/%,$($(name)-ada-dirs)))
# For mkdir
alldirs := $(abspath $(dir $(sort $($(name)-objs))))
# Reads dependencies from an Ada library information (.ali) file
# Only basenames (with suffix) are preserved so we have to look the
# paths up in $($(name)-srcs) $($(name)-gens).
# $1 ali file
create_ada_deps = \
$(if $(wildcard $(1)),\
$(filter \
$(addprefix %/,$(shell sed -ne's/^D \([^\t]\+\).*$$/\1/p' $(1) 2>/dev/null)), \
$($(name)-srcs) $($(name)-gens) $($(name)-extra-specs) $($(name)-extra-gens)), \
$($(name)-gens) $($(name)-extra-gens))
# Adds dependency rules
# $1 source file
add_ada_deps = \
$(call src-to-obj,,$(1)): $(1) \
$(call create_ada_deps,$(call src-to-ali,,$(1)))
# Writes a compilation rule for Ada sources
# $1 source type (ads, adb)
# $2 source files (including the colon)
# $3 obj path prefix (including the trailing slash)
# $4 compiler flags (if empty, $(ADAFLAGS) apply)
define add_ada_rule
$(2) $(3)%.o: %.$(1)
@printf " COMPILE $$(subst $(obj)/,,$$@)\n"
$(CC) \
$(if $(4),$(4),$(ADAFLAGS)) \
$(addprefix -I,$($(name)-ada-dirs) $($(name)-extra-incs)) \
-c -o $$@ $$<
# For sources
$(foreach type,ads adb, \
$(eval $(call add_ada_rule,$(type),$(call src-to-obj,,$(filter %.$(type),$($(name)-srcs))):,$(obj)/)))
$(foreach file,$($(name)-srcs) $($(name)-gens), \
$(eval $(call add_ada_deps,$(file))))
# For generated sources already in $(obj)/
$(foreach type,ads adb, \
$(eval $(call add_ada_rule,$(type),$(call src-to-obj,,$(filter %.$(type),$($(name)-gens))):,)))
# Ali files are generated along with the object file. They need an empty
# recipe for correct updating.
$($(name)-alis): %.ali: %.o ;
# To support complex package initializations, we need to call the
# emitted code explicitly. gnatbind gathers all the calls for us
# and exports them as a procedure $(name)_adainit().
ifeq ($(link-type),archive)
$(name)-bind-dirs := $($(name)-extra-objs)
$(name)-bind-flags := -a -n -L$(name)_ada
$(name)-bind-alis = $(patsubst /%,%,$(subst $(dir $@),,$^))
else ifeq ($(link-type),program)
$(name)-bind-dirs := $(sort $(dir $($(name)-objs))) $($(name)-extra-objs)
$(name)-bind-flags :=
$(name)-bind-alis = $(subst $(dir $@),,$(call src-to-ali,,$($(name)-main-src)))
$(obj)/b__$(prefixed-name).adb: $($(name)-alis)
@printf " BIND $(subst $(obj)/,,$@)\n"
# We have to give gnatbind a simple filename (without leading
# path components) so just cd there.
cd $(dir $@) && \
$(GNATBIND) $(addprefix -aO,$(abspath $($(name)-bind-dirs))) \
$($(name)-bind-flags) -o $(notdir $@) $($(name)-bind-alis)
$(eval $(call add_ada_rule,adb,$(obj)/b__$(prefixed-name).o:,,$(filter-out -gnatec=%,$(ADAFLAGS))))
$(name)-objs += $(obj)/b__$(prefixed-name).o
# Compilation rule for C sources
$(call src-to-obj,,$(filter %.c,$($(name)-srcs))): $(obj)/%.o: %.c
@printf " COMPILE $(subst $(obj)/,,$@)\n"
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c -o $@ $<
$(shell mkdir -p $(alldirs))
$(name)-install-srcs = $(sort \
$($(name)-extra-specs) $($(name)-extra-gens) $(filter,$($(name)-srcs) $($(name)-gens)) \
$(foreach adb,$(filter %.adb,$($(name)-srcs)), \
$(shell grep -q '^U .*\<BN\>' $(call src-to-ali,,$(adb)) 2>/dev/null && echo $(adb))))
$(name)-install-proof = \
$(filter $(addprefix %/,$(notdir $($(name)-install-srcs))),$($(name)-proof)) \
$(filter-out $(addprefix %/,$(notdir $($(name)-proof))),$($(name)-install-srcs))
install: $(binary) $($(name)-alis) $($(name)-gens) $(libgpr)
install -d $(DESTDIR)/lib $(DESTDIR)/include $(DESTDIR)/proof
printf " INSTALL $(subst $(obj)/,,$(binary))\n"
install $(binary) $(DESTDIR)/lib/
$(foreach file,$($(name)-install) $(libgpr), \
printf " INSTALL $(subst $(obj)/,,$(file))\n"; \
install $(file) $(DESTDIR);)
printf " INSTALL $(cnf)\n"
install $(cnf) $(DESTDIR)/config
printf " INSTALL %s\n" $(subst $(obj)/,,$($(name)-alis))
install $($(name)-alis) $(DESTDIR)/lib/
printf " INSTALL %s\n" $(subst $(obj)/,,$($(name)-install-srcs))
install $($(name)-install-srcs) $(DESTDIR)/include/
printf " INSTALL %s\n" $(subst $(obj)/,,$($(name)-install-proof))
install $($(name)-install-proof) $(DESTDIR)/proof/
rm -rf $(obj) $(name).gpr
distclean: clean
rm -rf dest
.PHONY: install clean distclean