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-- Copyright (C) 2015-2017 secunet Security Networks AG
-- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-- (at your option) any later version.
-- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-- GNU General Public License for more details.
with Interfaces;
package HW is
type Bit is mod 2 ** 1;
subtype Byte is Interfaces.Unsigned_8;
subtype Word8 is Byte;
function Shift_Left (Value : Word8; Amount : Natural) return Word8
renames Interfaces.Shift_Left;
function Shift_Right (Value : Word8; Amount : Natural) return Word8
renames Interfaces.Shift_Right;
subtype Word16 is Interfaces.Unsigned_16;
function Shift_Left (Value : Word16; Amount : Natural) return Word16
renames Interfaces.Shift_Left;
function Shift_Right (Value : Word16; Amount : Natural) return Word16
renames Interfaces.Shift_Right;
subtype Word32 is Interfaces.Unsigned_32;
function Shift_Left (Value : Word32; Amount : Natural) return Word32
renames Interfaces.Shift_Left;
function Shift_Right (Value : Word32; Amount : Natural) return Word32
renames Interfaces.Shift_Right;
subtype Word64 is Interfaces.Unsigned_64;
function Shift_Left (Value : Word64; Amount : Natural) return Word64
renames Interfaces.Shift_Left;
function Shift_Right (Value : Word64; Amount : Natural) return Word64
renames Interfaces.Shift_Right;
subtype Int8 is Interfaces.Integer_8;
subtype Int16 is Interfaces.Integer_16;
subtype Int32 is Interfaces.Integer_32;
subtype Int64 is Interfaces.Integer_64;
subtype Pos8 is Interfaces.Integer_8 range 1 .. Interfaces.Integer_8'Last;
subtype Pos16 is Interfaces.Integer_16 range 1 .. Interfaces.Integer_16'Last;
subtype Pos32 is Interfaces.Integer_32 range 1 .. Interfaces.Integer_32'Last;
subtype Pos64 is Interfaces.Integer_64 range 1 .. Interfaces.Integer_64'Last;
use type Pos8;
function Div_Round_Up (N, M : Pos8) return Pos8 is ((N + (M - 1)) / M)
Pre => N <= Pos8'Last - (M - 1);
function Div_Round_Closest (N, M : Pos8) return Int8 is ((N + M / 2) / M)
Pre => N <= Pos8'Last - M / 2;
use type Pos16;
function Div_Round_Up (N, M : Pos16) return Pos16 is ((N + (M - 1)) / M)
Pre => N <= Pos16'Last - (M - 1);
function Div_Round_Closest (N, M : Pos16) return Int16 is ((N + M / 2) / M)
Pre => N <= Pos16'Last - M / 2;
use type Pos32;
function Div_Round_Up (N, M : Pos32) return Pos32 is ((N + (M - 1)) / M)
Pre => N <= Pos32'Last - (M - 1);
function Div_Round_Closest (N, M : Pos32) return Int32 is ((N + M / 2) / M)
Pre => N <= Pos32'Last - M / 2;
use type Pos64;
function Div_Round_Up (N, M : Pos64) return Pos64 is ((N + (M - 1)) / M)
Pre => N <= Pos64'Last - (M - 1);
function Div_Round_Closest (N, M : Pos64) return Int64 is ((N + M / 2) / M)
Pre => N <= Pos64'Last - M / 2;
subtype Buffer_Range is Natural range 0 .. Natural'Last - 1;
type Buffer is array (Buffer_Range range <>) of Byte;
end HW;