(Hardware Maintenance Manual) detailing the process of [dis]assembly
is available for this model. Be careful when reassembling the laptop as
the screws on page 114 (with title "1130 Keyboard bezel") are swapped
and if you follow the HMM you will punch a hole through the bezel in the
upper right corner.
Serial port {#serial_port}
EHCI debug might not be needed. It has been reported that the docking
station for this laptop has a serial port, so it might be possible to
use that instead.
A note about CPUs
[ThinkWiki](http://www.thinkwiki.org/wiki/Category:T400) has a list of
CPUs for this system. The Core 2 Duo P8400, P8600 and P8700 are believed
to work in libreboot.
T9600, T9500, T9550 and T9900 are all compatible, as reported by users.
Quad-core CPUs
Very likely to be compatible, but requires hardware modification.
Based on info from German forum post about installing Core Quad CPU on T500 found in coreboot mailing list. Currently work in progress and no guide available.
- [Coreboot mailing list post](https://mail.coreboot.org/pipermail/coreboot/2016-November/082463.html)
- [German forum post about install Core Quad on T500](https://thinkpad-forum.de/threads/199129)
A note about GPUs
Some models have an Intel GPU, while others have both an ATI and an
Intel GPU; this is referred to as "switchable graphics". In the *BIOS
setup* program for lenovobios, you can specify that the system will use
one or the other (but not both).
Libreboot is known to work on systems with only the Intel GPU, using
native graphics initialization. On systems with switchable graphics, the
Intel GPU is used and the ATI GPU is disabled, so native graphics
initialization works all the same.
CPU paste required
See [\#paste](#paste).
Flash chip size {#flashchips}
Use this to find out:
flashrom -p internal
MAC address {#macaddress}
Refer to [mac\_address.md](../hardware/mac_address.md).
How to flash externally
Refer to [spi.md](spi.md) as a guide for external re-flashing.
The procedure
Remove *all* screws, placing them in the order that you removed them:\