# GSL: Statique Littérateur === GSL is a multiple blogs/websites generator based on their domain, written in bash, for minimal dependancies. The websites are nearly all static, except for some includes that nginx can easily get, in your webserver. # Dependancies === - bash - coreutils - curl (to check Posts links response) # GSL: Installation === To avoid sudo, you should give permissions to USER ## --Prefix for DOMAIN configuration (set according to user choice): - HOME: ~/.config/gsl - GLOBAL: /var/lib/gsl - Folder: --Prefix/domains/ (created with $ gsl new) ### DOMAIN Datas from Prefix: - Folder: --Prefix/DOMAIN/ (Created by GSL) - - Files: DOMAIN.conf, authors.db (Created by GSL) - - Folder: --Prefix/DOMAIN/tmeplates/ (css, logos...) (Created by GSL) ## Destination Folder: /etc/gsl/ - File: gsl.conf ## Destination Folder: /var/lib/gsl/ - Folder: db (Created by GSL) - Folder: helps - Folder: scripts - File: README.md ## Destination Folder: /var/log/gsl - File: gsl.log (Created and managed by GSL $ gsl log clean...) ## Destination Folder: /usr/local/bin - File: gsl # How to configure a DOMAIN folder, and create a Post === ## Set a DOMAIN - add a DOMAIN name (if not alrady done) ``` gsl new ``` Follow instructions when adding DOMAIN or see them again with ``` gsl help new gsl help install ``` ## Set a DOMAIN folder if not already done: - Create or go into your folder of choice - Save into that folder a blank file named gsl.DOMAIN (gsl.example.org) to tell GSL, this folder is for this DOMAIN website ## Create a new Post - Write a post in a file, using some "metas" that GSL will catch. The engine is written from scratch and looks like a mix of markdown and ReStructuredText. It's very easy to learn and use. - Save your file with .gsl extension - Start checking it, using: ``` gsl check ``` If your Post has no error, you will have some ready to deploy html files and folders. You could install lightweight darkhttpd webserver on your PC to preview the website # Create a Templates === You will have to create some CSS in your /DOMAIN/templates/ - HOME: ~/.config/gsl/domains/DOMAIN/templates/ - GLOBAL: /var/lib/gsl/domains/DOMAIN/templates/ # How to Write a Post === Post has 2 sections : Vefore and after #1. #1 is the FIRST Title of your post. #(1-6) are HTML titles (