# check - fix: new display message if db exists - added option: all (update all checked articles' database. Show logs) # domain - changes in getting domain process # publish (! sync argument becomes publish) - Arguments: (ARTICLE), all. From wip/ to www/ folder - new files copy (used by (ARTICLE)) # wip, www - new option: remove (ARTICLE) # wip - new files copy (used by (ARTICLE)) to wip/ (including .stl source) # sidebar - type: stl sidebar load - - create static file stl.sidebar in articles/sidebar/ (if not exists) - - create HTML sidebar according to URI's articles in stl.sidebar - new code to take this new feature compatible with legacy command # edit, read - added option: sidebar (to edit,read static file stl.sidebar) # Logs - Better harmony - new publish, and remove display (also for files in article when needed) - new set hash status display - new per article logs - new option: clean all. Remove all logs # Stats - file is now created in wip/ when publish, and copied to www/ # Autocompletion - most of all arguments and options can be autocompleted # update - update domain configuration file + all checked articles' database # /!\ IMPORTANT NOTE /!\ - After installing this version, do: stl update