Tyto - Litterateur is a libre project to create and manage multiple websites from articles files. Tyto uses its own syntax to convert your articles in HTML5 pages. Tyto works on a GNU/Linux system and needs minimal dependencies.
Find a file
2025-02-03 17:38:44 +01:00
debian Automated version number in deb package 2024-02-28 10:27:03 +01:00
src [2.1.0] bin version matching tag 2025-02-03 17:34:44 +01:00
CHANGELOG.md [2.1.0] new changelog 2025-02-03 17:38:44 +01:00
LICENSE [1.9.50] 2023-12-28 00:31:19 +01:00
Makefile Correction for an error with deb generation 2024-02-28 11:01:35 +01:00
README.md [2.0.1] Domains managed. Fixed unicodes. More helps and logs 2025-01-31 15:01:58 +01:00

This software needs tests !

This program, under GPLv3, can be tested and should work. Please report any issues

Tyto :Littérateur: generates static web pages to create a full website) from text files. In your article text file, in a readable overview, you can include raw codes, HTML codes, quotes, divs, paragraphs, and so on... It creates 2 websites:

  • wip/ a "private" preview HTML pages (usefull for directors to confirm publish)
  • www/ the official website

Tyto :Littérateur: is translated in french and english. Messages and logs are shown and created according to your system language. But, you can choose between both translations when creating a new domain for your website.

Official website for this project is not yet udpated for this version 2, but you will find lots and most of the documentation in the help command. For sure, the website documentation will be generated with Tyto ; it's very easy with it, but i need some times to write ;)


  • Linux (archlinux, debian...)
  • python 3.4 (tested on 3.13.1), and its (generally) included librairies: -- datetime,time,locale,re,os,sys -- glob,shutil,configparser,hashlib,pathlib,filecmp,requests,collections
  • nginx for your server to show modules contents


Tyto :Littérateur: uses commands in a terminal. It has no dedicated GUI interface, but you won't have any difficulties to use them. You will mainly use 2 commands when a domain is created.

Help commands

# Get commands help

# How to create a domain for your website
tyto help domain

# First help about article creation
tyto help article

# How to create article METAS
tyto help METAS

# How to write article in Tyto format (full)
tyto help COMPO

# Example for helps on images and anchors only
tyto help images anchors

# How to write in strong, or underline words (and much more)
tyto help words

# You should have a look in links creation
tyto help links

# Generic help for modules
tyto help module

# When a domain is created and activated
# - show how to configure each module, like
tyto show footer

Actions commands

# Create a new domain (! see below)
mkdir -p my.domain
cd my.domain
tyto new domain
tyto activate domain

# Create a new article (must be in your domain articles/ direcoty)
cd articles/
tyto new index.tyto # create the homepage of the website

# Create "preview" webpage from article .tyto file
tyto wip index.tyto

# Create official webpage from "preview" one
# ! [wip] command must be done before
tyto publish index.tyto

Create new domain

  • create a domain directory, like www.domain.tld
  • go to this directory
  • type tyto new domain
  • PLEASE, CHECK new configuration file (shown after creation)
  • to use this domain, you now just need to activate it with tyto activate domain

Create an article

  • go to domain directory ".../articles/"
  • create an article file [myfile].tyto or use tyto new [myfile].tyto
  • after article is created, type tyto wip myfile.tyto
  • [myfile].html is created in wip/ domain server directory

I really recommand using the command to create a new article as, Tyto generates the real basics articles datas

Modules files

Tyto :Littérateur: uses some modules files, that you can configure to custom your website, according to your needs (footer, header, metas, navbar, sidebar). Each file (created when domain is activated) have their own documentation inside. You can see them, for example with:

tyto show footer
tyto show sidebar
tyto show navbar
tyto show links

Example extracted (in french) of the begining of an article

# Page auto created by Tyto :Littérateur:
# from argument "tyto new doc/metas/index.tyto"
# Domain: tyto.echolib.re
# R_Path: /articles/doc/metas/index.tyto

title:   Configurer les METAS
about:   Comment configurer les METAS d'un article au format .tyto
date:    2025-01-22
tags:    metas,.tyto,
authors: echolib


#1 Documentation à propos des METAS
   Les METAS représentent les données de configuration d'un article au format
   .tyto. Elles se trouve au dessus du séparateur, identifié par 5 tirets ou
   plus. Elles permmettent de définir le titre de l'article, ses étiquettes,
   en passant par ses liens, et ses images