Gem-graph/Model Type (2020-12)

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2021-04-14 11:37:39 +02:00
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<aXoris A____01_This_is_the_root_node_of_this_XML_document____The_attributes_of_this_node_and_the_following_comment_describes_its_organisation____this_node_rank_is_="1" node_03_identity="3" node_05_work_aim="5" node_07_model_comments="7" node_09_help="9" node_11_automaton_parameters="11" node_13_possible_shapes="13" node_15_state_parameters="15" node_17_initial_state="17" node_19_final_state="19" node_21_presentation="21" node_23_transformations="23" node_25_transitions="25" node_27_rule_tree_user="27" node_29_rule_tree_conditions="29" node_31_measurements="31">
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<aXoris> is the root node element of this XML document (class org.w3c.dom.Document)
Its first child node (class org.w3c.dom.Node) is this comment whose rank is equal to (1)
All the aXoris child nodes ranks are identified as attributes in the [aXoris] element.
and under the attribute"A" at the beginning of each attributes list in each node.
These ranks are odd numbers because each [carriage return] between them is itself a child node.
<identity A="3" address="root/home/jean/aXoris/rebuilt/models/2015 03 D3.model" author="JS" date="2020-12-02" language="ENGLISH" name="D3_local_matrix_test" validation="false" version="0.0"/>
<work_aim A="5" n="2">
<translation author="J.S" date="2020/11/04" language="ENGLISH">
Demonstrate how it is possible to modelize complex shapes and interactions
by rewriting Geometrical Directed MultiGraphs. (gem-graph)</translation>
<translation author="J.S" date="2020/11/04" language="FRENCH">
Démonstration des possilités de modélisation d'objets et d'interactions complexes
par réécriture de multigraphes géométriques orientés. (gem-graph)</translation>
<model_comments A="7" n="2">
<model_note author="J.S" date="2020/11/04" language="ENGLISH">
The space is divided in cells which are all identical.
The pavage, the dimension, the size (X,Y,Z) and the borders' properties of the space are defined before the model can be run.
Models written in identical spaces can be added.
Cells are always accessed by the rule in the same ordre in the neighbourhood and quivers are always accessed in the same ordre in each cell.
The radius of the local area is defined before the model can be run. The conditions' area is larger than or equal to the assignments' area.</model_note>
<model_note author="J.S" date="2020/11/04" language="FRENCH">
L'espace est divisé en cellules toutes identiques.
Le pavage, la dimension, la taille (X,Y,Z) et les propriétés des limites de l'espace sont définis avant que le modèle ne soit exécuté.
Les modèles écrits dans des espaces identiques peuvent être additionnés.
La règle évalue toutes les conditions de toutes les formules en parcourant toutes les cellules de l'espace local dans le même ordre
et, dans chaque cellule, en parcourant tous les carquois dans le même ordre.
L'espace local d'évaluation de la règle est plus étendu que ou égal à l'espace local où sont opérées les modifications.</model_note>
<model_note author="J.S" date="2020/11/04" language="ENGLISH">Any other comment</model_note>
<help A="9" columns="2" lines="3">
<help_text language="ENGLISH" text="This is the specific help text of this model. 22-03-2019"/>
<help_text language="FRENCH" text="Ceci est l'aide specifique de ce modele. 22-03-2019"/>
<help_text language="LATIN" text="Hic iste artefactum auxilium est. XXII-III-MMIX"/>
<automaton_parameters A="11" arrows_can_reach_empty_cells="false" arrows_can_reach_the_cell_where_they_come_from="false" max_distance_an_arrow_can_reach="1" max_number_of_arrows_in_the_space="1000" max_number_of_arrows_per_cell="12" max_number_of_arrows_per_quiver="3" max_number_of_elementary_operations_in_a_formula="1000" max_number_of_formulas="10000" number_of_quivers_per_cell="6" the_automaton_can_modify_add_or_delete_formulas="false"/>
<possible_shapes A="13" lines="1">
<shape blue="0" green="0" max="0" min="0" name="red" red="200" size="2" visible="true"/>
<state_parameters A="15" OX="false" OY="false" OZ="false" X="11" XO="false" Y="11" YO="false" Z="11" ZO="false" pavage="CUBES"/>
<initial_state A="17" lines="12">
<particle arrows="[1,0,1,0,0,0]" name="red" x="4" y="4" z="2"/>
<particle arrows="[0,1,1,0,0,0]" name="red" x="6" y="4" z="2"/>
<particle arrows="[1,0,0,1,0,0]" name="red" x="4" y="6" z="2"/>
<particle arrows="[0,1,0,1,0,0]" name="red" x="6" y="6" z="2"/>
<particle arrows="[1,0,0,0,1,0]" name="red" x="4" y="2" z="4"/>
<particle arrows="[0,1,0,0,1,0]" name="red" x="6" y="2" z="4"/>
<particle arrows="[0,0,1,0,1,0]" name="red" x="2" y="4" z="4"/>
<particle arrows="[0,0,0,1,1,0]" name="red" x="2" y="6" z="4"/>
<particle arrows="[1,0,0,0,0,1]" name="red" x="4" y="2" z="6"/>
<particle arrows="[0,1,0,0,0,1]" name="red" x="6" y="2" z="6"/>
<particle arrows="[0,0,1,0,0,1]" name="red" x="2" y="4" z="6"/>
<particle arrows="[0,0,0,1,0,1]" name="red" x="2" y="6" z="6"/>
<final_state A="19" comment="TODO Run the model starting either from the final or the initial state" lines="12"/>
<presentation A="21" appearance="COLORED" scale_factor="100" space_unit_size="30"/>
<transformations A="23" lines="0"/>
<transitions A="25" number_of_formulas="3">
<rule active="true" depth_in_conditions_tree="0" depth_in_user_tree="0" key="0" parent_in_conditions_tree="0" parent_in_user_tree="0" rand_span="0" rand_value="0" random="false" track="false" transform="0">
<rule_comments n="1">
<rule_note author="J.S" date="2020/05/25" language="ENGLISH"></rule_note>
<path n="1">
<condition n="2">
<if n="1" o="E" x="0" y="0" z="0"/>
<if n="1" o="N" x="0" y="0" z="0"/>
<if n="1" o="W" x="2" y="0" z="0"/>
<if n="1" o="N" x="2" y="0" z="0"/>
<if n="1" o="W" x="2" y="2" z="0"/>
<if n="1" o="S" x="2" y="2" z="0"/>
<if n="1" o="S" x="0" y="2" z="0"/>
<if n="1" o="E" x="0" y="2" z="0"/>
<if n="0" o="E" x="0" y="0" z="2"/>
<if n="0" o="W" x="2" y="0" z="2"/>
<if n="0" o="Z" x="0" y="0" z="0"/>
<if n="0" o="A" x="0" y="0" z="2"/>
<if n="0" o="Z" x="2" y="0" z="0"/>
<if n="0" o="A" x="2" y="0" z="2"/>
<do n="4">
<assign n="0" o="N" x="0" y="0" z="0"/>
<assign n="0" o="N" x="2" y="0" z="0"/>
<assign n="0" o="W" x="2" y="2" z="0"/>
<assign n="0" o="S" x="2" y="2" z="0"/>
<assign n="0" o="S" x="0" y="2" z="0"/>
<assign n="0" o="E" x="0" y="2" z="0"/>
<assign n="1" o="Z" x="0" y="0" z="0"/>
<assign n="1" o="Z" x="2" y="0" z="0"/>
<assign n="1" o="A" x="0" y="0" z="2"/>
<assign n="1" o="A" x="2" y="0" z="2"/>
<assign n="1" o="E" x="0" y="0" z="2"/>
<assign n="1" o="W" x="2" y="0" z="2"/>
<undo n="0"/>
<swap n="0"/>
<name n="0"/>
<draw n="2">
<draw_arrow o="E" x="0" y="0" z="0"/>
<draw_arrow o="W" x="2" y="0" z="0"/>
<draw_arrow o="N" x="0" y="0" z="0"/>
<draw_arrow o="N" x="2" y="0" z="0"/>
<draw_arrow o="W" x="2" y="2" z="0"/>
<draw_arrow o="S" x="2" y="2" z="0"/>
<draw_arrow o="S" x="0" y="2" z="0"/>
<draw_arrow o="E" x="0" y="2" z="0"/>
<rules_tree_user A="27" nodes="0"/>
<rules_tree_conditions A="29" cells_access_ordre_in_the_neighbourhood="4,5,-6 -1,0,-0 0,-1,0 -0,0,-1 -1,-1,0 1,0,1 -0,1,1 156,2,-35" nodes="0" quivers_access_ordre_in_a_cell="E,W,N,S,Z,A"/>
<measurements A="31" n="TODO Organize according to the nature and quantity of the variables measured (densities, life_spans,...)">
<repartition n="TODO Organize according to the nature and quantity of the variables measured (densities, life_spans,...)"/>
<correlations n="TODO Organize according to the nature and quantity of the correlations observed"/>
<experiences comment="TODO Should the measures be grouped according to the experiences or to the parameters (or both) ?"/>
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