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2021-03-28 19:05:13 +00:00 Update 2021-03-28 19:05:13 +00:00
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gem-graph is for: GE-ometric directed M-ulti-GRAPH

A geometric graph is a graph whose nodes have coordinates in a space A graph is directed if its bonds are arrows It is a multigraph if several arrows can be stacked from one node to another one Note that 'directed' does not means 'oriented': a graph is oriented if one of its nodes is its root

Geometric directed multigraphs have properties that make them suitable for the representation of complex phenomena, especially those where numerous different objects and types of interactions are involved.

gem-graph is a software that enables modelling with a geometric directed multigraph.

today (28-03-2011) there are two main parts in this text:

  • questions about the architecture: identification and naming of the main parts of this program
  • and a more theoretical text : Rewritten Geometric Directed Multigraphs Properties. (JS dec 2017) that could be a starting point for a publication

Locos, formas modumque coherentiae omium rerum status depingit. Nihil aliud comprehendet. Eas res praecepta movet aut transformat. Nihil aliud facit. Quaedam tranformationes in sua potestate sunt. Aliae transformationes alii succedere debent. Interpositus status inter illas et istas jacet. Ab antecedente statu primarum ad sequentem statum secundarum iter nullius est nisi per suorum interpositum statum.