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\doxysection{src/widget/one\+\_\+rule/algebra/identity.c File Reference}
Gem-\/graph-\/client algebra rules identity.
{\ttfamily \#include "{}../../../../include/fsm.\+h"{}}\newline
{\ttfamily \#include "{}../../../../include/widget.\+h"{}}\newline
{\ttfamily \#include "{}../../../../include/signal.\+h"{}}\newline
{\ttfamily \#include $<$stdio.\+h$>$}\newline
{\ttfamily \#include $<$stdlib.\+h$>$}\newline
void \texorpdfstring{$\ast$}{*} \mbox{\hyperlink{identity_8c_afcfab13d3504a69ec5f4ae6ad6974e29}{widget\+\_\+get\+\_\+selected\+\_\+rule\+\_\+identity\+\_\+btt}} ()
\begin{DoxyCompactList}\small\item\em Builds the rule identity items list. \end{DoxyCompactList}\end{DoxyCompactItemize}
\doxysubsection{Detailed Description}
Gem-\/graph-\/client algebra rules identity.
This file is part of Gem-\/graph. It organizes functions needed to describe a rule identity.
\doxysubsection{Function Documentation}
{\footnotesize\ttfamily void \texorpdfstring{$\ast$}{*} widget\+\_\+get\+\_\+selected\+\_\+rule\+\_\+identity\+\_\+btt (\begin{DoxyParamCaption}{ }\end{DoxyParamCaption})}
Builds the rule identity items list.
TODO // today, an arbitrary mock-\/up without any link to the XML model
This list contains all the items required to identify the rule. No item should be repeated. No item may contradict another. Completeness is required. Non-\/mandatory elements can be added (comments, etc.).
The identity of each rule produced here is an arbitrary text used by each user to recognise each rule by name and distinguish it from others (it is desirable for the same rule identity to be shared by as many users as possible).
For the automaton, the identity of each rule is given exclusively by its set of conditions. Two rules cannot share the same set of conditions. If several rules apply to the same set of conditions in the same local space, then they must each have an additional condition determining their probability of execution in the event of a conflict. If two rules share the same set of conditions, they must both be evaluated. If all the conditions of one rule are included in the conditions of another rule, then the other rule must be evaluated first.
\begin{DoxySeeAlso}{See also}
src/fsm/dispatch/fsm\+\_\+journal\+\_\+event() \texorpdfstring{$<$}{<} TODO (or not ?)
src/widget/one\+\_\+rule/algebra/dispatch/gtk\+\_\+box\+\_\+append() \texorpdfstring{$<$}{<} TODO check items
rule identity