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% Handle batch mode
% to overcome problems with too many open files
% Set document class depending on configuration
%% moved from doxygen.sty due to workaround for LaTex 2019 version and unmaintained tabu package
% Packages required by doxygen
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% Arguments of doxygenemoji:
% 1) ':<text>:' form of the emoji, already LaTeX-escaped
% 2) file with the name of the emoji without the .png extension
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% ToC, LoF, LoT, bibliography, and index
% Indices & bibliography
% creating indexes
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% Hyperlinks
% Hyperlinks (required, but should be loaded last)
pdfsubject={A modelling tool based on rewriting of geometric graphs.}%
% Custom commands used by the header
% Custom commands
% caption style definition
% in page table of contents
% prevent numbers overlap the titles in toc
% End of preamble, now comes the document contents
%===== C O N T E N T S =====
% Titlepage & ToC
% To avoid duplicate page anchors due to reuse of same numbers for
% the index (be it as roman numbers)
{\Large Gem-\/graph}\\
[1ex]\large 0.\+1.\+0 \\
{\large Generated by Doxygen 1.9.8}\\
% re-enable anchors again
%--- Begin generated contents ---
\chapter{Class Index}
\chapter{File Index}
\chapter{Class Documentation}
\chapter{File Documentation}
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%--- End generated contents ---
% Index
% Required for some languages (in combination with latexdocumentpre from the header)