<para>The <linklinkend="_main_8c_1a3c04138a5bfe5d72780bb7e82a18e627">main()</link> function <emphasisrole="bold">initialises</emphasis> the log, the finite state machine (fsm), the application and the windows and <emphasisrole="bold">closes</emphasis> all the elements it opened before the end of program execution.</para>
<para>By default, the main window opens on the overview page of the current model as specified in: src/widget/main_window/designer/widget_design_main_window().</para>
<para>The code files are all located in the src (sources) directory (the headers in 'include'). They are divided into several <emphasisrole="bold">types of organisation</emphasis>:</para>
<para><emphasis>hierarchical</emphasis>: the widgets that give the windows their appearance are organised in the form of a tree. Windows are the first level of depth. Next come the title bar and the pages designed to occupy the window space below the title bar. Each of these pages has its own hierarchical structure: it can be divided into horizontal or vertical strips, which can themselves be divided in the same way, with varying levels of depth right down to the last boxes, which contain lists of widgets such as buttons, sliders or images.</para>
<para><emphasis>list</emphasis>: the main <emphasis>sections</emphasis> of the fsm (finite state machine) constitute a list of at least four elements, each of which defines a set of possible states :<orderedlist>
<para><emphasis>transversal</emphasis>: the other functions that must be easily accessible by all the previous functions. They are therefore all located at the root. These are the functions that manage graphics, callbacks, utilities and the log.</para>