Gem-graph 0.1.0
A modelling tool based on rewriting of geometric graphs.
No Matches
File List
Here is a list of all documented files with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123456]
 action.hActions header
 base.hBase header
 fsm.hFsm (Finite State Machine) management header
 graphics.hGraphics header
 parse.hModel parsing header
 signal.hEvents management header
 util.hUtilities header
 widget.hWidgets hierarchy header
 manager.cFsm engine manager
 data_list.cGem-graph-client available measures list (and current use)
 manager.cFsm measures manager
 tools_list.cGem-graph client * Finite State Machine (src/fsm/measure/tool_list.c) *

 manager.cFsm preferences manager
 manager.cFsm results manager
 dispatch.cFsm (Finite State Machine) tasks dispatcher
 draw.cGraphics - general drawing functions
 grid.cGraphics - grid/empty space drawing functions
 init.cGraphics - initialization and graphic stack management
 io.cGem-graph-client util input output
 list_2x2.cGem-graph-client util double_chained list
 parse.cGem-graph-client arsing functions
 assign.cAlgebra of rule actions
 conditions.cAlgebra of rule conditions
 dispatch.cGem-graph-client Algebra rules dispatcher
 identity.cNon algebraic identity of a rule
 utilities.cGem-graph-client algebra rules utilities
 dispatch.cMain window widgets dispatcher (topbar and six pages)
 manager.cWindows (main, dialog, modal) creation and access
 actions.cEvents management (actions)
 journal.cJournal / log
 main.cGem-graph-client main file
 signal.cEvents callbacks