include/widget.h File Reference include/widget.h widgets hierarchy header #include <gtk-4.0/gtk/gtk.h>Include dependency graph for widget.h: This graph shows which files directly or indirectly include this file: Classes struct TreeNode_t phantom documentation Macros #define W_MY_SCREEN   1920 1920 x 960 = ad hoc (pour mon écran)) #define H_MY_SCREEN   1000 Full HD (1920 x 1080 pixels) #define W_TEXT_WINDOW   550 ad hoc (mais sans conséquences ici) #define H_TEXT_WINDOW   H_MY_SCREEN == #define W_TREE   160 arbitrary #define W_DO_UNDO_REDO_BOX   1300 arbitrary #define W_XYZ_BOX   62 arbitrary #define H_XYZ_BOX   200 arbitrary #define H_E_COLI   760 arbitrary #define H_OBJECTS_SITUATIONS   130 arbitrary #define W_COMPARATOR   64 arbitrary #define W_RULES_USE   90 arbitrary #define W_IMAGE_800   800 arbitrary #define W_IMAGE_100   100 arbitrary #define ALL_VS_SELECTED   340 arbitrary #define H_PARTITION_SYNTH   1600 arbitrary #define W_PARTITION_SYNTH   400 arbitrary #define PARTITION_STATE_TOP   600 arbitrary #define PARTITION_SPACE_VS_CONTROLS_1   920 arbitrary #define PARTITION_SPACE_VS_CONTROLS_2   800 arbitrary #define PARTITION_SPACE_VS_CAMERA_IN_STATE   1850 arbitrary #define PARTITION_SPACE_VS_CAMERA_IN_SYNTH   1560 arbitrary #define LIST_W   190 arbitrary #define LIST_H   114 arbitrary #define H_PARTITION_RESULTS   140 arbitrary Functions GtkWindow * widget_get_main_window () GtkWindow * widget_get_dialog_window () GtkWindow * widget_get_text_window () void widget_design_main_window (GtkWindow *main_window, GtkApplication *app) void widget_design_dialog_window (GtkWindow *main_window, GtkWindow *dialog_window) void widget_design_text_window (GtkWindow *main_window, GtkWindow *text_window) const char * widget_get_btt_label_synth () const char * widget_get_btt_label_state () const char * widget_get_btt_label_rules () const char * widget_get_btt_label_data () void window_design_topbar_center (GtkWidget *topbar) void window_design_topbar_left (GtkWidget *header_bar, int selected_page) void window_design_topbar_right (GtkWidget *header_bar, GtkApplication *app) GtkWidget * widget_get_topbar (GtkApplication *app, int selected_page) void * widget_get_page_synth () void * widget_get_page_state () void * widget_get_page_data () void * widget_get_page_measure () void * widget_get_time_dependent () void * widget_get_space_vs_non_time_dependent () void * widget_get_non_time_dependent () void * widget_get_space_view (int partition_space_vs_camera) void * widget_get_graph_view_control () void * widget_get_space_edit_control () void * widget_get_sequence_control () void widget_set_situations_value (int value) void widget_set_objects_value (int rank, int value) int widget_get_object_transparency (int i) void widget_reset_XYZ_in_state_pane () void * widget_get_pane_all_rules_left () void * widget_get_pane_selected_rule_right () void * widget_get_rules_pilot_box () void * widget_get_rules_tree_tools () void * widget_get_rules_use () void * widget_get_selected_rule () void * widget_get_rule_edition_tools () void * widget_get_rule_investigation_tools () void * widget_get_selected_rule_algebra () void * widget_get_selected_rule_geometry () void * widget_get_selected_rule_conditions_list_btt () void * widget_get_selected_rule_assignments_list_btt () void * widget_get_selected_rule_identity_btt () GtkEntry widget_set_item_text (GtkWidget *list_box, const char *text, bool editable) void * widget_get_selected_rule_camera () void * widget_get_selected_rule_before_after () void * widget_get_results_box_organize () void * widget_get_results_box_display () void * widget_get_results_box_time () struct TreeNode_t * widget_create_user_rules_tree_node (const gchar *text) void widget_add_tree_child_node (struct TreeNode_t *parent, struct TreeNode_t *child) void * widget_get_user_rules_tree () void * widget_get_text_from_address (gchar *text_name) char * widget_get_address_text_theory () char * widget_get_address_text_practice () char * widget_get_address_text_alpha_index () void * widget_get_an_impression_of_what_a_rules_comparator_could_be () void widget_let_us_create_a_complex_useless_and_expensive_tree (struct TreeNode_t *tree_root) void * widget_measure_new () void * widget_measure_do_select_rules_first () void * widget_measure_do_depends_on_one_or_two_events () void * widget_measure_do_depends_on_a_single_event () void * widget_measure_do_depends_on_two_events () void * widget_measure_do_select_a_second_rules_set () void * widget_measure_do_choose_an_event_type () void * widget_measure_do_correlate () void * widget_measure_do_insert_in_measurements_list () void * widget_measure_do_end_creation_of_measurement_process () void * widget_measure_event_occurences_nb () void * widget_measure_event_occurences_dates () void * widget_measure_event_occurences_situations () void * widget_measure_time_elapsed_between_two_events () void * widget_measure_third_event_occurences_in_between ()
Detailed Description widgets hierarchy header This file is part of Gem-graph.
Function Documentation
widget_add_tree_child_node() widget_add_tree_child_nodewidget.h widget.hwidget_add_tree_child_node void widget_add_tree_child_node (struct TreeNode_t * parent, struct TreeNode_t * child) Parameters *parent *child
Here is the caller graph for this function:
widget_create_user_rules_tree_node() widget_create_user_rules_tree_nodewidget.h widget.hwidget_create_user_rules_tree_node struct TreeNode_t * widget_create_user_rules_tree_node (const gchar * text) Parameters *text
Returns TreeNode_t
Here is the caller graph for this function:
widget_design_dialog_window() widget_design_dialog_windowwidget.h widget.hwidget_design_dialog_window void widget_design_dialog_window (GtkWindow * main_window, GtkWindow * dialog_window) See also src/fsm/dispatch/fsm_add_log() src/widget/manager/on_windows_activation() Parameters *main_window *dialog_window
Here is the call graph for this function: Here is the caller graph for this function:
widget_design_main_window() widget_design_main_windowwidget.h widget.hwidget_design_main_window void widget_design_main_window (GtkWindow * main_window, GtkApplication * app) Parameters *main_window *app
Here is the call graph for this function: Here is the caller graph for this function:
widget_design_text_window() widget_design_text_windowwidget.h widget.hwidget_design_text_window void widget_design_text_window (GtkWindow * main_window, GtkWindow * text_window) See also src/widget/modal/widget_get_text_from_address() fsm_add_log() src/widget/manager/on_windows_activation() Parameters *main_window *text_window
Here is the call graph for this function: Here is the caller graph for this function:
widget_get_address_text_alpha_index() widget_get_address_text_alpha_indexwidget.h widget.hwidget_get_address_text_alpha_index char * widget_get_address_text_alpha_index ( ) Returns "./alphabetic_index.all" Here is the caller graph for this function:
widget_get_address_text_practice() widget_get_address_text_practicewidget.h widget.hwidget_get_address_text_practice char * widget_get_address_text_practice ( ) Returns "./data/text/pratique.txt" Here is the caller graph for this function:
widget_get_address_text_theory() widget_get_address_text_theorywidget.h widget.hwidget_get_address_text_theory char * widget_get_address_text_theory ( ) Returns "./data/text/théorie.txt" Here is the caller graph for this function:
widget_get_an_impression_of_what_a_rules_comparator_could_be() widget_get_an_impression_of_what_a_rules_comparator_could_bewidget.h widget.hwidget_get_an_impression_of_what_a_rules_comparator_could_be void * widget_get_an_impression_of_what_a_rules_comparator_could_be ( ) Returns comparator Here is the caller graph for this function:
widget_get_btt_label_data() widget_get_btt_label_datawidget.h widget.hwidget_get_btt_label_data const char * widget_get_btt_label_data ( ) Returns "data" Here is the caller graph for this function:
widget_get_btt_label_rules() widget_get_btt_label_ruleswidget.h widget.hwidget_get_btt_label_rules const char * widget_get_btt_label_rules ( ) Returns "rules" Here is the caller graph for this function:
widget_get_btt_label_state() widget_get_btt_label_statewidget.h widget.hwidget_get_btt_label_state const char * widget_get_btt_label_state ( ) Returns "state" Here is the caller graph for this function:
widget_get_btt_label_synth() widget_get_btt_label_synthwidget.h widget.hwidget_get_btt_label_synth const char * widget_get_btt_label_synth ( ) Returns "synth" Here is the caller graph for this function:
widget_get_dialog_window() widget_get_dialog_windowwidget.h widget.hwidget_get_dialog_window GtkWindow * widget_get_dialog_window ( ) Since 2024-07 See also src/signal Returns dialog_window Here is the caller graph for this function:
widget_get_graph_view_control() widget_get_graph_view_controlwidget.h widget.hwidget_get_graph_view_control void * widget_get_graph_view_control ( ) Returns objects_vs_situations_horizontal_pane Here is the caller graph for this function:
widget_get_main_window() widget_get_main_windowwidget.h widget.hwidget_get_main_window GtkWindow * widget_get_main_window ( ) Since 2024-07 See also src/signal Returns main_window Here is the caller graph for this function:
widget_get_non_time_dependent() widget_get_non_time_dependentwidget.h widget.hwidget_get_non_time_dependent void * widget_get_non_time_dependent ( ) Returns results_box Here is the caller graph for this function:
widget_get_object_transparency() widget_get_object_transparencywidget.h widget.hwidget_get_object_transparency int widget_get_object_transparency (int rank) Parameters rank
Returns value
Here is the caller graph for this function:
widget_get_page_data() widget_get_page_datawidget.h widget.hwidget_get_page_data void * widget_get_page_data ( ) Returns measures_and_results Here is the call graph for this function: Here is the caller graph for this function:
widget_get_page_measure() widget_get_page_measurewidget.h widget.hwidget_get_page_measure void * widget_get_page_measure ( ) Returns measure_page Here is the call graph for this function: Here is the caller graph for this function:
widget_get_page_state() widget_get_page_statewidget.h widget.hwidget_get_page_state void * widget_get_page_state ( ) The state page is horizontally divided in three sections top: controls on the colors or transparencies of the model objects middle: shows space view on the left camera on the right bottom: depends on the fsm exec/edit state on exec mode, it displays sequence control widgets on edit mode, it displays space edition control widgets If we name these panels according to their function, we find : ENHANCE at the top that allows you to change the contrast or the colors of objects and situations one by one in order to make the object or phenomenon of interest stand out more clearly. CAMERA on the right of the space image is used to select the camera position. CONTROL or EDIT at the bottom that allows you to control/select a state and edit it. This panel can have two different appearances (and functions): in EDIT mode, only the state editing tools are available. in EXEC mode, only the sequence movement tools are available. See also widget_get_graph_view_control() widget_get_space_view() widget_get_space_edit_control() widget_get_sequence_control() fsm_get_exec_edit() PARTITION_SPACE_VS_CAMERA_IN_STATE PARTITION_SPACE_VS_CONTROLS_1 PARTITION_SPACE_VS_CONTROLS_2 on_switch_state_rules_data() Returns view_space_vs_controls Here is the call graph for this function: Here is the caller graph for this function:
widget_get_page_synth() widget_get_page_synthwidget.h widget.hwidget_get_page_synth void * widget_get_page_synth ( ) Returns space_and_analysis_vs_history Here is the call graph for this function: Here is the caller graph for this function:
widget_get_pane_all_rules_left() widget_get_pane_all_rules_leftwidget.h widget.hwidget_get_pane_all_rules_left void * widget_get_pane_all_rules_left ( ) Returns rules_tree_and_pilot_box Here is the call graph for this function: Here is the caller graph for this function:
widget_get_pane_selected_rule_right() widget_get_pane_selected_rule_rightwidget.h widget.hwidget_get_pane_selected_rule_right void * widget_get_pane_selected_rule_right ( ) Returns GTK_WIDGET (rule_itself_vs_explore_edit_pane) Here is the call graph for this function: Here is the caller graph for this function:
widget_get_results_box_display() widget_get_results_box_displaywidget.h widget.hwidget_get_results_box_display void * widget_get_results_box_display ( ) Returns GTK_WIDGET (data_box) Here is the call graph for this function: Here is the caller graph for this function:
widget_get_results_box_organize() widget_get_results_box_organizewidget.h widget.hwidget_get_results_box_organize void * widget_get_results_box_organize ( ) Returns GTK_WIDGET (all_box) Here is the caller graph for this function:
widget_get_results_box_time() widget_get_results_box_timewidget.h widget.hwidget_get_results_box_time void * widget_get_results_box_time ( ) Returns GTK_WIDGET (time_box) Here is the caller graph for this function:
widget_get_rule_edition_tools() widget_get_rule_edition_toolswidget.h widget.hwidget_get_rule_edition_tools void * widget_get_rule_edition_tools ( ) Returns gtk_label_new ("RULE EDITION") Here is the caller graph for this function:
widget_get_rule_investigation_tools() widget_get_rule_investigation_toolswidget.h widget.hwidget_get_rule_investigation_tools void * widget_get_rule_investigation_tools ( ) Returns gtk_label_new ("RULE INVESTIGATION") Here is the caller graph for this function:
widget_get_rules_pilot_box() widget_get_rules_pilot_boxwidget.h widget.hwidget_get_rules_pilot_box void * widget_get_rules_pilot_box ( ) Returns rules_pilot_box Here is the caller graph for this function:
widget_get_rules_tree_tools() widget_get_rules_tree_toolswidget.h widget.hwidget_get_rules_tree_tools void * widget_get_rules_tree_tools ( ) Returns GTK_WIDGET (rules_tree_box) Here is the call graph for this function: Here is the caller graph for this function:
widget_get_rules_use() widget_get_rules_usewidget.h widget.hwidget_get_rules_use void * widget_get_rules_use ( ) Returns scroll_rules_use Here is the caller graph for this function:
widget_get_selected_rule() widget_get_selected_rulewidget.h widget.hwidget_get_selected_rule void * widget_get_selected_rule ( ) start_child in GtkPaned rule_itself_vs_explore_edit_pane See also src/widget/main_window/one_rule/algebra/dispatch/widget_get_selected_rule_algebra() src/widget/main_window/one_rule/geometry/dispatch/widget_get_selected_rule_geometry() src/widget/main_window/one_rule/dispatch/widget_get_pane_selected_rule_right() Here is the call graph for this function: Here is the caller graph for this function:
widget_get_selected_rule_algebra() widget_get_selected_rule_algebrawidget.h widget.hwidget_get_selected_rule_algebra void * widget_get_selected_rule_algebra ( ) Provides the three lists needed to describe a rule algebraically. The algebraic definition of a rule comprises three types of character strings organised into three lists: conditions assignations name (a set of identity elements) Since 2024-08 See also src/widget/one_rule/algebra/conditions() src/widget/one_rule/algebra/assignations() src/widget/one_rule/algebra/identity() src/widget/one_rule/dispatch() Returns GTK_WIDGET (conditions_actions_names_box) Here is the call graph for this function: Here is the caller graph for this function:
widget_get_selected_rule_assignments_list_btt() widget_get_selected_rule_assignments_list_bttwidget.h widget.hwidget_get_selected_rule_assignments_list_btt void * widget_get_selected_rule_assignments_list_btt ( ) Presents the list of all the elementary actions (assignments) performed when the rule is applied. Today, an arbitrary presentation with no link to the XML model and no verification of compliance with the meta-rules. (see below) TODO |- - - - - - - - - - - - - - meta-rules - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - > This list groups all the elementary assignments of the rule. No assignment should be repeated or modified by other assignments. (== a unique assignment per address in rule workspace) Completeness is not required. (== there does not need to be one assignment per address in the rule workspace) < - - - - - - - - - - - - - - meta-rules - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -| Since 2024-08 See also src/widget/one_rule/algebra/utilities/widget_set_item_text() src/fsm/dispatch/fsm_journal_event() < TODO (for each item ?) src/widget/one_rule/algebra/dispatch() Returns the assignations list Here is the call graph for this function: Here is the caller graph for this function:
widget_get_selected_rule_before_after() widget_get_selected_rule_before_afterwidget.h widget.hwidget_get_selected_rule_before_after void * widget_get_selected_rule_before_after ( ) Returns GTK_WIDGET (before_vs_after) Here is the caller graph for this function:
widget_get_selected_rule_camera() widget_get_selected_rule_camerawidget.h widget.hwidget_get_selected_rule_camera void * widget_get_selected_rule_camera ( ) Returns camera Here is the caller graph for this function:
widget_get_selected_rule_conditions_list_btt() widget_get_selected_rule_conditions_list_bttwidget.h widget.hwidget_get_selected_rule_conditions_list_btt void * widget_get_selected_rule_conditions_list_btt ( ) Builds and presents the conditions list of a rule. This list sets out all the conditions that the rule must meet in order to be applied. Today, an arbitrary presentation with no link to the XML model and no verification of compliance with the meta-rules. (see below) TODO |- - - - - - - - - - - - - - meta-rules - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - > No conditions should be repeated. No condition may contradict another (== a unique condition per address in rule workspace) Completeness is not required (== there does not need to be one condition per address in the rule workspace) (NB The following applies to server workers) Two rules cannot share the same set of conditions. If several rules apply to the same set of local conditions - which can happen if several different actions are possible from the same situation - they must each include an additional condition determining their probability of execution in the event of a conflict. If two rules share the same local set of conditions, they must both be evaluated. If all the conditions of one rule are included in the conditions of another rule, then the other rule must be evaluated first. < - - - - - - - - - - - - - - meta-rules - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -| Since 2024-08 See also src/widget/one_rule/algebra/utilities/widget_set_item_text() src/fsm/dispatch/fsm_add_log() < TODO (for each item ?) src/widget/one_rule/algebra/dispatch() Returns the conditions list Here is the call graph for this function: Here is the caller graph for this function:
widget_get_selected_rule_geometry() widget_get_selected_rule_geometrywidget.h widget.hwidget_get_selected_rule_geometry void * widget_get_selected_rule_geometry ( ) split two images versus camera See also src/widget/main_window/one_rule/dispatch/widget_get_selected_rule() widget_get_selected_rule_before_after() widget_get_selected_rule_camera() Here is the call graph for this function: Here is the caller graph for this function:
widget_get_selected_rule_identity_btt() widget_get_selected_rule_identity_bttwidget.h widget.hwidget_get_selected_rule_identity_btt void * widget_get_selected_rule_identity_btt ( ) Hosts a list of character strings that can be combined to provide a "human readable" rule identifier. This list can also contain non-mandatory elements. Each rule can have a specific "human readable" name chosen by its designer. This name can be used to identify the rule. It is desirable for a unique name to be accepted and shared by as many users as possible. On the contrary, for the automaton, the identity of each rule is given exclusively by its set of conditions. Today, this function provides only an arbitrary presentation with no link to the XML model and no verification of compliance with the meta-rules. (see below) TODO |- - - - - - - - - - - - - - meta-rules - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - > No item of the list should be repeated. No element describing the function of the rule can contradict another. All the elements required for identification by name must be present. Uniqueness is required (This name must be usable as a key). Non-mandatory elements can be added (comments, etc.). < - - - - - - - - - - - - - - meta-rules - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -| Since 2024-08 See also src/widget/one_rule/algebra/utilities/widget_set_item_text() src/fsm/dispatch/fsm_journal_event() < TODO (for each item ?) src/widget/one_rule/algebra/dispatch/gtk_box_append() Returns rule identity Here is the call graph for this function: Here is the caller graph for this function:
widget_get_sequence_control() widget_get_sequence_controlwidget.h widget.hwidget_get_sequence_control void * widget_get_sequence_control ( ) Returns GTK_WIDGET (SEQUENCE_CONTROL_box) Here is the caller graph for this function:
widget_get_space_edit_control() widget_get_space_edit_controlwidget.h widget.hwidget_get_space_edit_control void * widget_get_space_edit_control ( ) Returns GTK_WIDGET ("SPACE EDIT") Here is the caller graph for this function:
widget_get_space_view() widget_get_space_viewwidget.h widget.hwidget_get_space_view void * widget_get_space_view (int partition_space_vs_camera) Parameters partition_space_vs_camera
Returns GTK_WIDGET (view_space_vs_camera)
Here is the caller graph for this function:
widget_get_space_vs_non_time_dependent() widget_get_space_vs_non_time_dependentwidget.h widget.hwidget_get_space_vs_non_time_dependent void * widget_get_space_vs_non_time_dependent ( ) Returns space_vs_non_time_dependent_analysis Here is the call graph for this function: Here is the caller graph for this function:
widget_get_text_from_address() widget_get_text_from_addresswidget.h widget.hwidget_get_text_from_address void * widget_get_text_from_address (gchar * text_address) See also src/widget/modal/widget_design_text_window() Parameters *text_address
Returns GTK_WIDGET (scrolled_window)
Here is the caller graph for this function:
widget_get_text_window() widget_get_text_windowwidget.h widget.hwidget_get_text_window GtkWindow * widget_get_text_window ( ) Since 2024-07 See also src/signal Returns text_window Here is the caller graph for this function:
widget_get_time_dependent() widget_get_time_dependentwidget.h widget.hwidget_get_time_dependent void * widget_get_time_dependent ( ) Returns time_box Here is the call graph for this function: Here is the caller graph for this function:
widget_get_topbar() widget_get_topbarwidget.h widget.hwidget_get_topbar GtkWidget * widget_get_topbar (GtkApplication * app, int selected_page) Parameters *app
Returns topbar Parameters selected_page
Here is the call graph for this function: Here is the caller graph for this function:
widget_get_user_rules_tree() widget_get_user_rules_treewidget.h widget.hwidget_get_user_rules_tree void * widget_get_user_rules_tree ( ) Returns scrolled_window Here is the call graph for this function: Here is the caller graph for this function:
widget_let_us_create_a_complex_useless_and_expensive_tree() widget_let_us_create_a_complex_useless_and_expensive_treewidget.h widget.hwidget_let_us_create_a_complex_useless_and_expensive_tree void widget_let_us_create_a_complex_useless_and_expensive_tree (struct TreeNode_t * tree_root) phantom documentation in a phantom tree... Here is the call graph for this function: Here is the caller graph for this function:
widget_measure_do_choose_an_event_type() widget_measure_do_choose_an_event_typewidget.h widget.hwidget_measure_do_choose_an_event_type void * widget_measure_do_choose_an_event_type ( ) Returns measure_page Here is the call graph for this function: Here is the caller graph for this function:
widget_measure_do_correlate() widget_measure_do_correlatewidget.h widget.hwidget_measure_do_correlate void * widget_measure_do_correlate ( ) Returns measure_page Here is the caller graph for this function:
widget_measure_do_depends_on_a_single_event() widget_measure_do_depends_on_a_single_eventwidget.h widget.hwidget_measure_do_depends_on_a_single_event void * widget_measure_do_depends_on_a_single_event ( ) Returns measure_page Here is the call graph for this function: Here is the caller graph for this function:
widget_measure_do_depends_on_one_or_two_events() widget_measure_do_depends_on_one_or_two_eventswidget.h widget.hwidget_measure_do_depends_on_one_or_two_events void * widget_measure_do_depends_on_one_or_two_events ( ) Returns measure_page Here is the call graph for this function: Here is the caller graph for this function:
widget_measure_do_depends_on_two_events() widget_measure_do_depends_on_two_eventswidget.h widget.hwidget_measure_do_depends_on_two_events void * widget_measure_do_depends_on_two_events ( ) Returns NULL
widget_measure_do_end_creation_of_measurement_process() widget_measure_do_end_creation_of_measurement_processwidget.h widget.hwidget_measure_do_end_creation_of_measurement_process void * widget_measure_do_end_creation_of_measurement_process ( ) Returns measure_page Here is the caller graph for this function:
widget_measure_do_insert_in_measurements_list() widget_measure_do_insert_in_measurements_listwidget.h widget.hwidget_measure_do_insert_in_measurements_list void * widget_measure_do_insert_in_measurements_list ( ) Returns measure_page Here is the call graph for this function: Here is the caller graph for this function:
widget_measure_do_select_a_second_rules_set() widget_measure_do_select_a_second_rules_setwidget.h widget.hwidget_measure_do_select_a_second_rules_set void * widget_measure_do_select_a_second_rules_set ( ) Returns measure_page Here is the call graph for this function: Here is the caller graph for this function:
widget_measure_do_select_rules_first() widget_measure_do_select_rules_firstwidget.h widget.hwidget_measure_do_select_rules_first void * widget_measure_do_select_rules_first ( ) Returns measure_page Here is the call graph for this function: Here is the caller graph for this function:
widget_measure_event_occurences_dates() widget_measure_event_occurences_dateswidget.h widget.hwidget_measure_event_occurences_dates void * widget_measure_event_occurences_dates ( ) Returns measure_page Here is the call graph for this function: Here is the caller graph for this function:
widget_measure_event_occurences_nb() widget_measure_event_occurences_nbwidget.h widget.hwidget_measure_event_occurences_nb void * widget_measure_event_occurences_nb ( ) Returns measure_page Here is the call graph for this function: Here is the caller graph for this function:
widget_measure_event_occurences_situations() widget_measure_event_occurences_situationswidget.h widget.hwidget_measure_event_occurences_situations void * widget_measure_event_occurences_situations ( ) Returns measure_page Here is the call graph for this function: Here is the caller graph for this function:
widget_measure_new() widget_measure_newwidget.h widget.hwidget_measure_new void * widget_measure_new ( ) Returns NULL
widget_measure_third_event_occurences_in_between() widget_measure_third_event_occurences_in_betweenwidget.h widget.hwidget_measure_third_event_occurences_in_between void * widget_measure_third_event_occurences_in_between ( ) Returns measure_page Here is the call graph for this function: Here is the caller graph for this function:
widget_measure_time_elapsed_between_two_events() widget_measure_time_elapsed_between_two_eventswidget.h widget.hwidget_measure_time_elapsed_between_two_events void * widget_measure_time_elapsed_between_two_events ( ) Returns measure_page Here is the call graph for this function: Here is the caller graph for this function:
widget_reset_XYZ_in_state_pane() widget_reset_XYZ_in_state_panewidget.h widget.hwidget_reset_XYZ_in_state_pane void widget_reset_XYZ_in_state_pane ( ) phantom documentation Here is the caller graph for this function:
widget_set_item_text() widget_set_item_textwidget.h widget.hwidget_set_item_text GtkEntry widget_set_item_text (GtkWidget * list_box, const char * text, bool editable) Format an entry (a text item) in a list. Since 2024-08 See also src/widget/one_rule/algebra/conditions() src/widget/one_rule/algebra/assign() src/widget/one_rule/algebra/identity() Parameters *list_box *text editable
Returns *entry < a text item
Here is the caller graph for this function:
widget_set_objects_value() widget_set_objects_valuewidget.h widget.hwidget_set_objects_value void widget_set_objects_value (int rank, int value) Parameters rank value
Here is the caller graph for this function:
widget_set_situations_value() widget_set_situations_valuewidget.h widget.hwidget_set_situations_value void widget_set_situations_value (int value) Parameters value
Here is the caller graph for this function:
window_design_topbar_center() window_design_topbar_centerwidget.h widget.hwindow_design_topbar_center void window_design_topbar_center (GtkWidget * topbar) Parameters *topbar
Here is the caller graph for this function:
window_design_topbar_left() window_design_topbar_leftwidget.h widget.hwindow_design_topbar_left void window_design_topbar_left (GtkWidget * header_bar, int selected_page) The rules page consists of two half-pages in a GtkPaned widget : on the left, widgets for controlling or editing all the rules. on the right, widgets for controlling or editing the selected rule. As this division is clear and constant, it is simpler to place these two half-pages at the same hierarchical level as the other full pages like "synth", "state" or "results". So there is no: "widget_get_rules_page()" function. Instead, the distribution: "all rules" versus "the selected one" is moved to the file: "signal". It is in the function: static void switch_state_rules_data() { switch (fsm_get_state_rules_data()) { ... case (RULES) : GtkPaned *widget_all_vs_selected_one = ... break; ... } Parameters *header_bar selected_page
Here is the call graph for this function: Here is the caller graph for this function:
window_design_topbar_right() window_design_topbar_rightwidget.h widget.hwindow_design_topbar_right void window_design_topbar_right (GtkWidget * header_bar, GtkApplication * app) Parameters *header_bar *app
Here is the call graph for this function: Here is the caller graph for this function: