src/fsm/preferences/manager.c File Reference src/fsm/preferences/manager.c #include "../../../include/fsm.h"#include "../../../include/signal.h"#include "../../../include/widget.h" Classes struct preferences use this ? static const char *icon_name [3] = { "document-revert-rtl-symbolic", "edit-undo-symbolic", "view-refresh-symbolic" }; Functions void fsm_set_store_restore_reset (int choice, int value) phantom documentation used to test the functioning of doxygen void fsm_reset_all_situations_values (int value) phantom documentation used to test the functioning of doxygen void fsm_add_displayable (char *displayable_name) phantom documentation used to test the functioning of doxygen void fsm_list_init_preferences () phantom documentation used to test the functioning of doxygen void fsm_list_init_displayables () phantom documentation used to test the functioning of doxygen Variables struct preferences * pref_jean = NULL phantom documentation used to test the functioning of doxygen