466 lines
23 KiB
Executable file
466 lines
23 KiB
Executable file
// https://docs.gtk.org/gio/class.MenuModel.html
// https://www.geany.org/manual/gtk/gobject/index.html
// https://developer.gnome.org/hig/patterns/controls/menus.html
jean@Project:~/Gem-Graph/gem-graph-client [env] $ nano ~/.gitconfig
jean@Project:~/Gem-Graph/gem-graph-client [env] $ git commit -as < pour signer
jean@Project:~/Gem-Graph/gem-graph-client [env] $ git config --global alias.commit commit -
jean@Project:~/Gem-Graph/gem-graph-client [env] $ git config --global user.signingKey F37FE3F41D1463D56460400CFB3115C340E057E3
jean@Project:~/Gem-Graph/gem-graph-client [env] $ echo "b00fb7ba53841e7ff49a07f3f63fa45b2c5674f2b7b442eeafef1fa5e7b406fc" | gpg -a --default-key FB3115C340E057E3 --detach-sig
jean@Project:~/Gem-Graph/gem-graph-client [env] $ gpg --export --armor F37FE3F41D1463D56460400CFB3115C340E057E3
jean@Project:~/Gem-Graph/gem-graph-client [env] $ gpg --edit-key jean@a-lec.org
jean@Project:~/Gem-Graph/gem-graph-client [env] $ gpg --list-key jean@a-lec.org
jean@Project:~/Gem-Graph/gem-graph-client [env] $ git rebase -i HEAD~6
jean@Project:~/Gem-Graph/gem-graph-client [env] $ git rebase -i a6845e9b2a622b5ec75317de3c3089f6a3fb3ab0
jean@Project:~/Gem-Graph/gem-graph-client [env] $ git commit --amend -S
pour chercher : grep
pour éditer : sed
contain.c: (136) gtk_box_append (middle_box, GTK_WIDGET (get_GLArea()));
graphics.h: (177) static inline GLuint create_shader(const int stack_id, int type, const char *src) {...}
graphics.c: (153) graphics_draw (stack_index[i].stack_id);
graphics.c: (233) g_signal_connect (adj, "value-changed", G_CALLBACK(on_axis_value_change), (gpointer) label);
graphics.c: (289) g_signal_connect(GTK_GL_AREA(gl_area), "render", G_CALLBACK(on_glarea_render), NULL);
graphics.c: g_signal_connect(gl_area, "realize", G_CALLBACK(on_glarea_realize), NULL);
graphics.c: g_signal_connect(gl_area, "unrealize", G_CALLBACK(on_glarea_unrealize), NULL);
graph_stack.c: (149) if (!graphics_init_shaders(cur_id)) return -1;
graph_stack.c: (153) graphics_init_buffers(cur_id);
graph_stack.c: (288) draw_space_ridges_vertex (stack_id, stack->buffer_vertex_size, space_X, space_Y, space_Z);
graph_stack.c: draw_space_ridges_lines (stack_id);
graph_stack.c: draw_grids_on_space_faces_vertex (stack_id, space_X, space_Y, space_Z);
graph_stack.c: draw_grids_on_space_faces_lines (stack_id, stack->buffer_lines_size, space_X, space_Y, space_Z);
graph_stack.c: (316) stack->arrows_nb = set_arrow (stack_id, stack->arrows_nb, space_X, space_Y, space_Z, arrow.load, arrow.site, arrow.x, arrow.y, arrow.z);
contain is called (#included) in : callback, display, tree, graph_stack, graphics, init,
// https://docs.gtk.org/gtk4/visual_index.html < widgets gallery
// https://docs.gtk.org/gtk4/section-text-widget.html
// https://docs.gtk.org/gtk4/class.Widget.html#height-for-width-geometry-management
https://docs.gtk.org/gtk4/visual_index.html widgets gallery
// GtkSizeRequestMode get_request_mode (GtkWidget* widget);
// gtk_window_set_default_size (GTK_WINDOW (a_box), 30, 400); < TO STUDY
https://docs.gtk.org/gtk4/section-text-widget.html texts
https://docs.gtk.org/gtk4/drag-and-drop.html drag-and-drop
https://docs.gtk.org/gtk4/class.GestureZoom.html GtkGestureZoom
https://blog.gtk.org/2020/09/08/on-list-models/ < TODO
g_signal_connect (button, "clicked", G_CALLBACK (printf("%s\n", text)), text);
g_signal_connect_swapped (button, "clicked", G_CALLBACK (gtk_window_destroy), window);
GtkBox GtkGrid GtkRevealer GtkStack
GtkOverlay GtkPaned GtkExpander GtkFixed
box = gtk_box_new (GTK_ORIENTATION_VERTICAL, 0);
gtk_widget_set_halign (box, GTK_ALIGN_FILL);
gtk_widget_set_valign (box, GTK_ALIGN_CENTER); // START CENTER END FILL
gtk_window_set_child (GTK_WINDOW (window), box);
puis, après déclaration du bouton, gtk_box_append (GTK_BOX (box), button);
grid = gtk_grid_new ();
gtk_window_set_child (GTK_WINDOW (window), grid);
button = gtk_button_new_with_label (" I "); n fois
gtk_grid_attach (GTK_GRID (grid), button, 0, 0, 1, 1); n fois
GtkWidget *get_text_view(){ // WTF ?!& @Grr #~!
// https://docs.gtk.org/gtk4/section-text-widget.html
GtkWidget *my_view = gtk_text_view_new ();
GtkTextTagTable *my_table = gtk_text_tag_table_new ();
GtkTextBuffer *my_buffer = gtk_text_buffer_new (my_table);
gtk_text_buffer_set_text (my_buffer, "Hello, this is some text", -1);
gtk_text_view_set_buffer (GTK_TEXT_VIEW (my_view), my_buffer);
/* Now you might put the view in a container and display it on the
* screen; when the user edits the text, signals on the buffer
* will be emitted, such as "changed", "insert_text", and so on.
return my_view;
// https://docs.gtk.org/gtk4/getting_started.html (m'aura bien servi, quand même !)
//typedef anytype = {(int)(*fnct) {printf("typedef {(int)(*fnct) {printf("");}");} GtkModelFnct;
A GtkListItemFactory creates widgets for the items taken from a GListModel.
GtkBuilderListItemFactory is a GtkListItemFactory that creates widgets by instantiating GtkBuilder UI templates.
The templates must be extending GtkListItem, and typically use GtkExpressions to obtain data from the items in the model.
GListModel is an interface that represents a mutable list of GObjects. Its main intention is as a model for various widgets in user interfaces, such as list views, but it can also be used as a convenient method of returning lists of data, with support for updates.
GTK Development Blog
essai run-stop, speed et step by step dans une seule box controls
#include <stdio.h>
#include <gtk-4.0/gtk/gtk.h>
#include "cold.h"
void print_text(GtkWidget *widget, gpointer data) {g_print (data);}
GtkWidget *get_a_space_test_image(){
GtkWidget *image;
image = GTK_WIDGET(get_scrolled_gl_area());
image = gtk_picture_new_for_filename ("/home/jean/01/Gtk4/images/aXoris.png");
image = gtk_picture_new_for_filename ("/home/jean/01/Gtk4/images/gg sketch.png");
image = gtk_picture_new_for_filename ("/home/jean/01/Gtk4/images/E coli.png");
image = gtk_picture_new_for_filename ("/home/jean/01/Gtk4/images/E coli resized.png");
image = gtk_picture_new_for_filename ("/home/jean/01/Gtk4/Getting_Started_with_GTK/E coli by David S. Goodsell (2009).png");
return image;
GtkWidget *get_scroll_speed(){
GtkAdjustment *speed_adjust = gtk_adjustment_new (0, 0, 100, 1, 0, 0);
GtkWidget *scroll_speed = gtk_scrollbar_new (GTK_ORIENTATION_VERTICAL, speed_adjust);
return scroll_speed;
// TODO cliquer sur "RUN" --> affiche "STOP" (et inversement)
GtkBox *get_RUN_STOP_box(){
GtkBox *RUN_STOP_box = GTK_BOX(gtk_box_new (GTK_ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL, 2)); // spacing = 2
GtkWidget *RUN_Label = GTK_WIDGET (gtk_label_new (NULL)); // "RUN"));
const char *str = " RUN\n STOP";
const char *format = "<span style=\"oblique\">\%s</span>";
char *markup;
markup = g_markup_printf_escaped (format, str);
gtk_label_set_markup (GTK_LABEL (RUN_Label), markup); // Sets the labels text and attributes from markup.
g_free (markup);
gtk_label_set_max_width_chars (GTK_LABEL(RUN_Label), 12);
gtk_label_set_wrap (GTK_LABEL(RUN_Label), TRUE);
gtk_label_set_xalign (GTK_LABEL(RUN_Label), 0.5); // xalign value, between 0 and 1
gtk_label_set_yalign (GTK_LABEL(RUN_Label), 0.5);
gtk_label_set_selectable (GTK_LABEL(RUN_Label), FALSE); // default = FALSE
gtk_label_set_single_line_mode (GTK_LABEL(RUN_Label), TRUE); // default = TRUE
gtk_box_append (RUN_STOP_box, RUN_Label);
return RUN_STOP_box;
GtkBox *get_STEP_by_STEP_box(){
GtkBox *STEP_by_STEP_box = GTK_BOX(gtk_box_new (GTK_ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL, 0));
GtkWidget *STEP_by_STEP_Label = GTK_WIDGET (gtk_label_new ("ONE\nSTEP"));
gtk_box_append (STEP_by_STEP_box, STEP_by_STEP_Label);
return STEP_by_STEP_box;
GtkBox *get_CONTROL_box(){
gtk_box_append (CONTROL_box, GTK_WIDGET (get_RUN_STOP_box()));
gtk_box_append (CONTROL_box, GTK_WIDGET (get_scroll_speed()));
gtk_box_append (CONTROL_box, GTK_WIDGET (get_STEP_by_STEP_box()));
return CONTROL_box;
Legacy, again...
void fsm_poetic_engine() // 2024-08-31
int milliseconds = 100;
struct timespec rem;
struct timespec req= {
(int)(milliseconds / 1000), /* secs (Must be Non-Negative) */
(milliseconds % 1000) * 1000000 /* nano (Must be in range of 0 to 999999999) */
while (true) {
printf(" | O . |\n\x1b[1F\x1b[2K"); nanosleep(&req , &rem);
printf(" | O . |\n\x1b[1F\x1b[2K"); nanosleep(&req , &rem);
printf(" | DO * |\n\x1b[1F\x1b[2K"); nanosleep(&req , &rem);
printf(" | D=-O * |\n\x1b[1F\x1b[2K"); nanosleep(&req , &rem);
printf(" | D=-- -O * |\n\x1b[1F\x1b[2K"); nanosleep(&req , &rem);
printf(" | =- - - O * |\n\x1b[1F\x1b[2K"); nanosleep(&req , &rem);
printf(" | -- O * |\n\x1b[1F\x1b[2K"); nanosleep(&req , &rem);
printf(" | - O (*) |\n\x1b[1F\x1b[2K"); nanosleep(&req , &rem);
printf(" | O (*) |\n\x1b[1F\x1b[2K"); nanosleep(&req , &rem);
printf(" | O (*) |\n\x1b[1F\x1b[2K"); nanosleep(&req , &rem);
printf(" | O (*) |\n\x1b[1F\x1b[2K"); nanosleep(&req , &rem);
printf(" | O*) |\n\x1b[1F\x1b[2K"); nanosleep(&req , &rem);
printf(" | (*O |\n\x1b[1F\x1b[2K"); nanosleep(&req , &rem);
printf(" | (*) O |\n\x1b[1F\x1b[2K"); nanosleep(&req , &rem);
printf(" | (*) O |\n\x1b[1F\x1b[2K"); nanosleep(&req , &rem);
printf(" | (*) O |\n\x1b[1F\x1b[2K"); nanosleep(&req , &rem);
printf(" | * O |\n\x1b[1F\x1b[2K"); nanosleep(&req , &rem);
printf(" | * O |\n\x1b[1F\x1b[2K"); nanosleep(&req , &rem);
printf(" | * O |\n\x1b[1F\x1b[2K"); nanosleep(&req , &rem);
printf(" | * O |\n\x1b[1F\x1b[2K"); nanosleep(&req , &rem);
printf(" | * O |\n\x1b[1F\x1b[2K"); nanosleep(&req , &rem);
printf(" | O |\n\x1b[1F\x1b[2K"); nanosleep(&req , &rem);
printf(" | O * |\n\x1b[1F\x1b[2K"); nanosleep(&req , &rem);
printf(" | O . |\n\x1b[1F\x1b[2K"); nanosleep(&req , &rem);
printf(" | O . |\n\x1b[1F\x1b[2K"); nanosleep(&req , &rem);
printf(" | O . .|\n\x1b[1F\x1b[2K"); nanosleep(&req , &rem);
printf(" | O . .|\n\x1b[1F\x1b[2K"); nanosleep(&req , &rem);
printf(" | D . . |\n\x1b[1F\x1b[2K"); nanosleep(&req , &rem);
printf(" | D- . . |\n\x1b[1F\x1b[2K"); nanosleep(&req , &rem);
printf(" | D =- . . |\n\x1b[1F\x1b[2K"); nanosleep(&req , &rem);
printf(" | D = --- . . |\n\x1b[1F\x1b[2K"); nanosleep(&req , &rem);
printf(" | D =-- . . |\n\x1b[1F\x1b[2K"); nanosleep(&req , &rem);
printf(" | D=- . .|\n\x1b[1F\x1b[2K"); nanosleep(&req , &rem);
printf(" | D- . .|\n\x1b[1F\x1b[2K"); nanosleep(&req , &rem);
My old engine in java...
package engine;
import java.lang.System.out;
import measures.MeasuresManager;
import resources.P;
import rule.FormulasManager;
import rule.FormulasManagerAccess;
import session.ViewControls;
import state.StateManager;
import state.StateManagerLocal;
import views.MODEL;
import views.ViewsManagerAccess;
/* 2020-11 [prototype 0.0]
MonoThread executes a while(true) loop with two instructions:
(1) search a place where a transition can be done
(2) do the transition
while (true)
if (session.MainView.isStartStopButtonSelected())
new SingleTransition(true);
public class SingleTransition {
protected volatile boolean is_done = false;
protected volatile String elapsed;
public SingleTransition (boolean mono) {if (mono) perform_a_transition();}
private synchronized static final void perform_a_transition()
// if (step_by_step) StateManagerLocal.circlePresentState();
if(ViewControls.isDoSelected()) SingleTransition.execute_do (SingleTransition.prepare_do (false));
else if(ViewControls.isUndoSelected()) SingleTransition.execute_undo(SingleTransition.prepare_undo(false));
else if(ViewControls.isRedoSelected()) SingleTransition.execute_redo(SingleTransition.prepare_redo(false));
// if (ViewControls.undo_buffer < UNDO_STACK_SIZE) ViewControls.setTimeBufferBar(ViewControls.undo_buffer); MainView.addElapsedTime();
public static final int prepare_do (final boolean step_by_step)
// ThreadsManager.addCycle(); // {nb_cycles ++;} This cycle can be inefficient if no formula can be applied
selected_formula = FormulasManager.iterateToFindAFormula();
// if(selected_formula > -1) out.println(" prepare_do "+ state.StateManagerLocal.getInfoDebug());
return selected_formula;
public static final void execute_do (final int formula_key) { // formula.doActions(); out.print(" execute_do: formula key=" + formula_key +" ");
if (formula_key < 0) { if(StateManagerLocal.comment_origins) out.println("execute_do failure: formula key=" + formula_key); return;}
MeasuresManager.startMeasuringAFormulaEffect(formula_key); // out.println("execute_do formula name = "+ FormulasManager.formula.get(formula_key).name);
FormulasManager.getFormula().get (formula_key) .doActions(); // {for (i = 0; i < action.length; i++) action[i].doAction (); StateManagerLocal.endRule(action_swap, action_name);}
writePresentState (formula_key);
present ++; if (present == UNDO_STACK_SIZE) present = 0; // MainView.setStartStopButtonSelected(false);// if (present == 1); {MainView.setStartStopButtonSelected(false); } //out.println("MonoThread.execute_do > stop ! (present == 1)");
ViewControls .execDo();
if (DO_UNDO_REDO_comment) comment_do(formula_key); // if (MonoThreadTest.present == 12) MainView.setStartStopButtonSelected(false);
public static final int prepare_undo (final boolean step_by_step) { // MonoThreadTest.present --; return MonoThreadTest. f [MonoThreadTest.present];
if (ViewControls.isUndoBufferEmpty()) {out.println("prepare_undo stop !");} // undo_buffer is always >= 0
else {present --; if (present == -1) present = UNDO_STACK_SIZE -1; ViewControls.execUndo();}
final int formula_key = readPresentState(step_by_step);
// if (step_by_step) StateManagerLocal.circlePresentState();
return formula_key;
public static final void execute_undo (final int formula_key) { // formula.unDoActions(); {for (i = 0; i < action.length; i++) ...}
FormulasManager.getFormula().get (formula_key) .unDoActions(); // {for (i = 0; i < action.length; i++) action[i].doAction (); StateManagerLocal.endRule(action_swap, action_name);}
// StateManagerLocal.circlePresentState();
// ThreadsManager.removeEfficientCycle(); // {nb_effective_cycles --;}
if (DO_UNDO_REDO_comment) comment_undo();
public static final int prepare_redo (final boolean step_by_step) { // return MonoThreadTest. f [MonoThreadTest.present];
final int formula_key = readPresentState(step_by_step);
// ThreadsManager.addEfficientCycle(); // {nb_effective_cycles ++;}
// if (step_by_step) StateManagerLocal.circlePresentState();
return formula_key;
public static final void execute_redo (final int formula_key) { // formula.doActions(); {for (i = 0; i < action.length; i++) ...}
// the redo_buffer is always >= 0 (if the re_do buffer is empty, the re_do button is deactivated)
if (! ViewControls.isRedoBufferEmpty()) {
FormulasManager.getFormula().get (formula_key).doActions(); // {for (i = 0; i < action.length; i++) action[i].doAction (); StateManagerLocal.endRule(action_swap, action_name);}
present ++; if (present == UNDO_STACK_SIZE) present = 0;
if (DO_UNDO_REDO_comment) comment_redo();
public final static void writePresentState (final int formula_key) { // x [present] = StateManagerLocal.local_space_origin_X; ...
formula [present] = (short) formula_key;
o [present] = (byte) StateManagerLocal.getReferenceOrientation_1();
switch(StateManager.space_dimension) {
case THREE: z [present] = (byte) StateManagerLocal.local_space_origin_Z; // no break;
case TWO: y [present] = (byte) StateManagerLocal.local_space_origin_Y; // no break;
case ONE: x [present] = (byte) StateManagerLocal.local_space_origin_X; // no break;
private final static int readPresentState (final boolean step_by_step) { // StateManagerLocal.local_space_origin_X = x [present]; ...
switch(StateManager.space_dimension) {
case THREE : StateManagerLocal.local_space_origin_Z = z [present]; // no break
case TWO : StateManagerLocal.local_space_origin_Y = y [present]; // no break
case ONE : StateManagerLocal.local_space_origin_X = x [present]; // no break;
StateManagerLocal.setReferenceOrientation_1 (o [present]);
return formula[present];
private final static void doRepaint() {ViewsManagerAccess.getView(MODEL.SPACE, "MonoThread.execute_do_undo_redo()").repaint(); }
public static int selected_formula;
public static int present = 0;
public final static int UNDO_STACK_SIZE = 3000; // resources.Parameters.UNDO_STACK_SIZE; // This parameter is also used by ViewControls to display the BufferProgressBarValue
protected final static short[] formula = new short [UNDO_STACK_SIZE];
protected final static byte[] x = new byte [UNDO_STACK_SIZE];
protected final static byte[] y = new byte [UNDO_STACK_SIZE];
protected final static byte[] z = new byte [UNDO_STACK_SIZE];
protected final static byte[] o = new byte [UNDO_STACK_SIZE];
private final static byte s6 = 6, s2 = 2;
public final static boolean DO_UNDO_REDO_comment = false; // true false
protected final static void comment_do (int rank)
if (present == 0) present = UNDO_STACK_SIZE;
out.println(" do -----> "+
P.aa(present,s6) + " ("+ P.aa(ViewControls.undo_buffer - 1,s2) +"+1="+ P.aa(ViewControls.undo_buffer,s2) +" /"+
P.aa(ViewControls.redo_buffer,s2) +" -"+ P.aa(ViewControls.redo_buffer,s2) +") "+
P.aa("xyzo ("+ P.aa(x[present - 1],2) +","+ P.aa(y[present - 1],2) +","+ P.aa(z[present - 1],2) +")",12) +" "+ o[present - 1] +" " +
// "from:"+ P.aa(from[present - 1],4) +" to:"+ P.aa(to[present - 1],4) +
" f="+ formula[present - 1] +
if (present == UNDO_STACK_SIZE) present = 0;
protected final static void comment_undo () {
// present ++; if (present == stack_size) present = 0; // This comment is triggered after present was decreased of one unit
out.println(" undo <--| "+
P.aa(present,s6) + " ("+ P.aa(ViewControls.undo_buffer + 1,s2) +"-1="+ P.aa(ViewControls.undo_buffer,s2) +" /"+
P.aa(ViewControls.redo_buffer - 1,s2) +"+1="+ P.aa(ViewControls.redo_buffer,s2) +") "+
P.aa("xyzo ("+ P.aa(x[present],2) +","+ P.aa(y[present],2) +","+ P.aa(z[present],2) +")",12) +" "+ o[present] +" " +
// "from:"+ P.aa(from[present],4) +" to:"+ P.aa(to[present],4) +
" f="+ formula[present] +
protected final static void comment_redo () {
if (present == 0) present = UNDO_STACK_SIZE;
out.println(" redo |--> "+
P.aa(present,s6) + " ("+P.aa(ViewControls.undo_buffer - 1,s2) +"+1="+ P.aa(ViewControls.undo_buffer,s2) + " /"+
P.aa(ViewControls.redo_buffer + 1,s2) +"-1="+ P.aa(ViewControls.redo_buffer,s2) +") "+
P.aa("xyzo ("+ P.aa(x[present - 1],2) +","+ P.aa(y[present - 1],2) +","+ P.aa(z[present - 1],2) +")",12) +" "+ o[present - 1] +" " +
// "from:"+ P.aa(from[present - 1],4) +" to:"+ P.aa(to[present - 1],4) +
" f="+ formula[present - 1] +
if (present == UNDO_STACK_SIZE) present = 0;