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<section xmlns="" version="5.0" xmlns:xlink="" xml:id="_structStack" xml:lang="en-US">
<title>Stack Struct Reference</title>
<para>struct images_bff {GtkWidget *arr[MAX_SIZE]; int top;}; static struct images_bff *my_list = NULL;//, *babar = NULL; static struct images_bff *alloc_images_bff () { struct images_bff *p; p = malloc (sizeof (struct images_bff)); if (p == NULL) printf (&quot;fatal: ran out of storage&quot;); p-&gt;arr[MAX_SIZE] = NULL; p-&gt;top = 0; return p; } static void add_to_mylist (int my_int) { struct images_bff *p = alloc_images_bff (); p-&gt;arr[MAX_SIZE] = NULL; // TODO p-&gt;top = my_int; my_list = p; } static void free_intlist (struct images_bff *p) { TODO } TODO free_intlist (mylist); TODO mylist = NULL; TODO offsetof (type, field) </para>
<title>Public Attributes </title>
<listitem><para><anchor xml:id="_structStack_1a9c232ff5046f7d60a7ec923326775590"/>GtkWidget * <emphasis role="strong">arr</emphasis> [MAX_SIZE]</para>
<para>*arr[MAX_SIZE] phantom documentation </para>
<listitem><para><anchor xml:id="_structStack_1ad62fb36816185f3eef3a6f735a61f54a"/>int <emphasis role="strong">top</emphasis></para>
<para>top phantom documentation </para>
<title>Detailed Description</title>
<para>struct images_bff {GtkWidget *arr[MAX_SIZE]; int top;}; static struct images_bff *my_list = NULL;//, *babar = NULL; static struct images_bff *alloc_images_bff () { struct images_bff *p; p = malloc (sizeof (struct images_bff)); if (p == NULL) printf (&quot;fatal: ran out of storage&quot;); p-&gt;arr[MAX_SIZE] = NULL; p-&gt;top = 0; return p; } static void add_to_mylist (int my_int) { struct images_bff *p = alloc_images_bff (); p-&gt;arr[MAX_SIZE] = NULL; // TODO p-&gt;top = my_int; my_list = p; } static void free_intlist (struct images_bff *p) { TODO } TODO free_intlist (mylist); TODO mylist = NULL; TODO offsetof (type, field) </para>
<para>phantom documentation used to test the functioning of doxygen </para>
The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file:</para>