Re #145 (trace/log system) Added a heading time indication for each trace line, as the elapsed time since SD is started, with 1 ms resolution.

git-svn-id: 30fe4595-0a0c-4342-8851-515496e4dcbd

Former-commit-id: f9029212482701d54c784c13d7551c1a84722369
Former-commit-id: b0b4b4d2f93cb59cd28c7e17a693a1179524c809
This commit is contained in:
pouillot 2010-09-30 18:34:26 +00:00
parent cf3377ec74
commit 1f911e766d

View file

@ -466,8 +466,8 @@ ReCarsManageCar(tCarElt *car, bool& bestLapChanged)
if (ReInfo->_displayMode == RM_DISP_MODE_NONE && s->_ncars <= 1) {
ReInfo->_refreshDisplay = 1;
char *t1, *t2;
t1 = GfTime2Str(car->_lastLapTime, 0);
t2 = GfTime2Str(car->_bestLapTime, 0);
t1 = GfTime2Str(car->_lastLapTime, " ", false, 2);
t2 = GfTime2Str(car->_bestLapTime, " ", false, 2);
sprintf(msg,"lap: %02d time: %s best: %s top spd: %.2f min spd: %.2f damage: %d",
car->_laps - 1, t1, t2,
info->topSpd * 3.6, info->botSpd * 3.6, car->_dammage);