Title: The Broadway windowing system Slug: broadway ## Using GTK with Broadway The GDK Broadway backend provides support for displaying GTK applications in a web browser, using HTML5 and web sockets. To run your application in this way, first run the broadway server, `gtk-broadwayd`, that ships with GTK: ``` gtk4-broadwayd :5 ``` The server expects the colon-prefixed display number as a commandline argument. Then point your web browser at ``. Once the Broadway server is running, you can start your applications like this: ``` GDK_BACKEND=broadway BROADWAY_DISPLAY=:5 gtk4-demo ``` Multiple applications can be presented in the same web browser window. ## Broadway-specific environment variables ### `BROADWAY_DISPLAY` Specifies the Broadway display number. The default display is 0. The display number determines the port to use when connecting to a Broadway application via the following formula: ``` port = 8080 + display ```