2023-12-12 11:36:42 +01:00

486 lines
13 KiB

compare_render = executable('compare-render',
['compare-render.c', '../reftests/reftest-compare.c', 'replay-node.c'],
dependencies: libgtk_dep,
c_args: common_cflags,
node_parser = executable('node-parser', 'node-parser.c',
dependencies: libgtk_dep,
c_args: common_cflags,
compare_render_tests = [
# these are too sensitive to differences in the renderers
# to run in ci, but still useful to keep around
informative_render_tests = [
'rounded-clip-in-clip-3d', # both cairo and gl fail this one
renderers = [
{ 'name': 'gl' },
{ 'name': 'broadway', 'exclude_term': '-3d' },
{ 'name': 'cairo', 'exclude_term': '-3d' },
compare_xfails = [
# Both tests fail because of some font rendering issue
'upside-down-label-3d', # not really 3d, but cairo fails it
compare_xfails_small_texture = [
foreach renderer : renderers
foreach testname : compare_render_tests
renderer_name = renderer.get('name')
exclude_term = renderer.get('exclude_term', '')
suites = [
'gsk-' + renderer_name,
'gsk-compare-' + renderer_name,
if compare_xfails.contains(testname)
suites += 'failing'
if compare_xfails_small_texture.contains(testname)
suites += 'wayland_gles2_failing'
test_env = [
'GSK_RENDERER=' + renderer_name,
if ((exclude_term == '' or not testname.contains(exclude_term)) and
(renderer_name != 'broadway' or broadway_enabled))
test(renderer_name + ' ' + testname, compare_render,
args: [
'--output', join_paths(meson.current_build_dir(), 'compare', renderer_name),
join_paths(meson.current_source_dir(), 'compare', testname + '.node'),
join_paths(meson.current_source_dir(), 'compare', testname + '.png'),
env: test_env,
suite: suites,
test(renderer_name + ' ' + testname + ' flipped', compare_render,
args: [
'--output', join_paths(meson.current_build_dir(), 'compare', renderer_name),
join_paths(meson.current_source_dir(), 'compare', testname + '.node'),
join_paths(meson.current_source_dir(), 'compare', testname + '.png'),
env: test_env,
suite: suites + [ 'gsk-compare-flipped-' + renderer_name ],
test(renderer_name + ' ' + testname + ' repeated', compare_render,
args: [
'--output', join_paths(meson.current_build_dir(), 'compare', renderer_name),
join_paths(meson.current_source_dir(), 'compare', testname + '.node'),
join_paths(meson.current_source_dir(), 'compare', testname + '.png'),
env: test_env,
suite: suites + [ 'gsk-compare-repeated-' + renderer_name ],
test(renderer_name + ' ' + testname + ' rotated', compare_render,
args: [
'--output', join_paths(meson.current_build_dir(), 'compare', renderer_name),
join_paths(meson.current_source_dir(), 'compare', testname + '.node'),
join_paths(meson.current_source_dir(), 'compare', testname + '.png'),
env: test_env,
suite: suites + [ 'gsk-compare-rotated-' + renderer_name ],
test(renderer_name + ' ' + testname + ' masked', compare_render,
args: [
'--output', join_paths(meson.current_build_dir(), 'compare', renderer_name),
join_paths(meson.current_source_dir(), 'compare', testname + '.node'),
join_paths(meson.current_source_dir(), 'compare', testname + '.png'),
env: test_env,
suite: suites + [ 'gsk-compare-masked-' + renderer_name ],
test(renderer_name + ' ' + testname + ' replayed', compare_render,
args: [
'--output', join_paths(meson.current_build_dir(), 'compare', renderer_name),
join_paths(meson.current_source_dir(), 'compare', testname + '.node'),
join_paths(meson.current_source_dir(), 'compare', testname + '.png'),
env: test_env,
suite: suites + [ 'gsk-compare-replayed-' + renderer_name ],
node_parser_tests = [
foreach test : node_parser_tests
if test.endswith('.node') and not test.endswith('.ref.node')
test('parser ' + test, node_parser,
args: [
join_paths(meson.current_source_dir(), 'nodeparser', test)
env: [
protocol: 'exitcode',
suite: 'gsk',
# offload does not work outside of linux
if os_linux
offload = executable('offload', 'offload.c', 'gskrendernodeattach.c',
dependencies : libgtk_static_dep,
c_args: common_cflags,
offload_tests = [
foreach test : offload_tests
if test.endswith('.node') and not test.endswith('.out')
test('parser ' + test, offload,
args: [
join_paths(meson.current_source_dir(), 'offload', test)
env: [
protocol: 'exitcode',
suite: 'gsk',
tests = [
['path', [ 'path-utils.c' ] ],
test_cargs = []
foreach t : tests
test_name = t.get(0)
test_srcs = ['@0@.c'.format(test_name)] + t.get(1, [])
test_extra_cargs = t.get(2, [])
test_extra_ldflags = t.get(3, [])
test_exe = executable(test_name, test_srcs,
dependencies : libgtk_dep,
c_args : test_cargs + test_extra_cargs + common_cflags,
link_args : test_extra_ldflags,
test(test_name, test_exe,
args: [ '--tap', '-k' ],
protocol: 'tap',
env: [
suite: 'gsk',
internal_tests = [
[ 'curve' ],
[ 'curve-special-cases' ],
[ 'path-private' ],
[ 'diff' ],
[ 'half-float' ],
foreach t : internal_tests
test_name = t.get(0)
test_srcs = ['@0@.c'.format(test_name)] + t.get(1, [])
test_extra_cargs = t.get(2, [])
test_extra_ldflags = t.get(3, [])
test_exe = executable(test_name,
sources: test_srcs,
dependencies : libgtk_static_dep,
c_args : test_cargs + test_extra_cargs + common_cflags + ['-DGTK_COMPILATION'],
link_args : test_extra_ldflags,
test(test_name, test_exe,
args: [ '--tap', '-k' ],
protocol: 'tap',
env: [
suite: 'gsk',