request->getGet('period')) { $period = $this->request->getGet('period'); setcookie( "period", $period, time()+(60*60*24*30) ); } else $period = 'today'; $tplData['period'] = $period; switch ($period) { case 'today': // Today $tplData['periodString'] = 'In the last day'; break; case 'week': // Last week $tplData['periodString'] = 'In the last week'; break; case 'month': // Last month $tplData['periodString'] = 'In the last month'; break; case 'year': // Last year $tplData['periodString'] = 'In the last year'; break; case 'allTime': // Always $tplData['periodString'] = 'all time'; break; default: throw \CodeIgniter\Exceptions\PageNotFoundException::forPageNotFound(); } // Select the category to display $catId = $this->request->getGet('cat'); if ($catId) { // Check if the car's category exists $exists = $carCatModel->find($catId); if (!$exists) throw \CodeIgniter\Exceptions\PageNotFoundException::forPageNotFound(); $carCatId = $catId; } else { $first = $carCatModel->select('id')->findAll(1); $carCatId = $first[0]->id; } $tplData['carCatId'] = $carCatId; // Get cars categories $categoriesList = $carCatModel->select('id, name, count(carId) as totalCars')->groupBy('id')->findAll(); $currCat = $carCatModel->find($carCatId); $tplData['currCat'] = $currCat; $tplData['carCategoriesList'] = $categoriesList; echo get_header('Home', ['minidt.css']); echo view('main', $tplData); echo get_footer(['minidt.js', 'home_tables.js']); } public function error404() { return view('404'); } }