140 lines
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140 lines
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namespace App\Controllers;
use App\Models\UsersModel;
use CodeIgniter\API\ResponseTrait;
use CodeIgniter\HTTP\URI;
class Dashboard extends BaseController
protected $usersModel;
use ResponseTrait;
const COST = 16;
public function __construct()
$this->usersModel = new UsersModel();
$uri = new URI();
$session = session();
if ($uri->getSegment(1) != 'login' && !$session->has('logged_in'))
header('Location: '.base_url().'/login');
public function index()
//$users = $this->users->getUsers();
$tplData = [];
//$tplData['users'] = $users;
echo get_header('Dashboard', [], true);
echo view('dashboard/main.php', $tplData);
echo get_footer(['dashboard.js']);
public function login()
$data = $this->request->getVar();
$compUser = $this->usersModel->login($data);
return $this->respond(['ok' => $compUser]);
public function user()
//$userid = $this->session->userid;
$user = $this->usersModel->find($this->session->userid);
echo get_header("My User", [], true);
echo view('dashboard/user', ['user' => $user]);
echo get_footer(['dashboard.js']);
public function users() {
$users = $this->usersModel->findAll();
return $this->respond($users);
public function logout()
return redirect()->to('login');
public function updateUser()
$data = $this->request->getVar();
$response = [
'ok' => true,
'msg' => ''
$update = $this->usersModel->update($this->session->userid, $data);
if (!$update) $this->respond(['ok' => false, 'msg' => 'Error on update data']);
$file = $this->request->getFile('imginput');
if ($file && $file->getName())
// Verify is the file is correct and not, for example, a .exe renamed to .jpg
$ext = strtolower($file->guessExtension());
if ($ext != strtolower($file->getExtension())) $response['msg'] = 'The image is not valid';
// First, get the current avatar filnename, and delete if the extension is different
$userData = $this->usersModel->getUser($this->session->username);
$avatar = FCPATH . '/img/users/'. $userData->img;
$oldAvatarFile = new \CodeIgniter\Files\File($avatar);
if ($oldAvatarFile->getExtension() != $ext && file_exists($avatar)) unlink($avatar);
$filename = "{$this->session->username}.$ext";
$move = $file->move(FCPATH . '/img/users/', $filename, true);
if ($move) $update = $this->usersModel->update($this->session->userid, (object) ['img' => $filename]);
return $this->respond($response);
public function changePasswd()
$data = $this->request->getPost();
$response = [
'ok' => false,
'msg' => ''
if (!$data)
$response['msg'] = 'Not data send';
return $this->respond($response);
$query = $this->usersModel->select('password')->where('id', $this->session->userid)->get(1);
if (!$query) return $this->respond($response);
$user = $query->getRow();
if (!password_verify($data['cur_password'], $user->password))
$response['msg'] = 'The current password is not correct';
return $this->respond($response);
$password = password_hash($data['password'], self::HASH, [self::COST]);
$update = $this->usersModel->update($this->session->userid, (object) ['password' => $password]);
$response['ok'] = $update;
return $this->respond($response);
} |