355 lines
7.7 KiB
355 lines
7.7 KiB
use App\Models\UsersModel;
use App\Models\TracksModel;
use App\Models\CarsModel;
function get_header($title, $css=[])
if (!is_array($css)) $css = [];
$data = [
'title' => $title,
'custom_css' => $css,
return view('templates/header', $data);
* Esta función muestra la plantilla del pie de la página.
* @param Array $css Un array con los scripts opcionales.
* @return * La vista del pie o false en caso de error.
function get_footer($js=[])
if (!is_array($js)) $js = [];
$data = [ 'custom_js' => $js ];
return view('templates/footer', $data);
/* ================================================
* make xml data saveable on database
* ================================================*/
$xml: SimpleXMLElement
$force: set to true to always create 'text', 'attribute', and 'children' even if empty
object with attributs:
(string) name: XML tag name
(string) text: text content of the attribut name
(array) attributes: array witch keys are attribute key and values are attribute value
(array) children: array of objects made with xml2obj() on each child
function xmlObj($xmlstring)
return json_decode(json_encode(simplexml_load_string($xmlstring,'SimpleXMLElement',LIBXML_NOCDATA )));
## extract content of a json txt file an d return an object of the json string
function jsonTxtFileToObj($fileUrl, $objClass)
$myfile = fopen($fileUrl, "r") or die("Unable to open file!");
$text = fread($myfile,filesize($fileUrl));
$text = str_replace(", '", ', "', $text);
$text = str_replace("',", '",', $text);
$text = str_replace("{'", '{"', $text);
$text = str_replace("'}", '"}', $text);
$text = str_replace("['", '["', $text);
$text = str_replace("']", '"]', $text);
$text = str_replace("':", '":', $text);
$text = str_replace(": '", ': "', $text);
$objects = json_decode($text);
$newObjects= new \stdClass();
$models = [
'track' => 'App\Models\TracksModel'::class,
'car' => 'App\Models\CarsModel'::class,
'CarCategory' => '\CarCategory'::class,
'TrackCategory' => '\TrackCategory'::class
foreach ($objects as $key => $value)
$model = $models[$objClass];
$newObjects->$key = new $model($value);
return $newObjects;
## get car categories info from the json text
function getCars()
return jsonTxtFileToObj(WRITEPATH . "/data/cars.txt", 'car');
function getCarCats()
return jsonTxtFileToObj(WRITEPATH . "/data/carCategories.txt", 'CarCategory');
function getTracks()
return jsonTxtFileToObj(WRITEPATH . "/data/tracks.txt", 'track');
function getTrackCats()
return jsonTxtFileToObj(WRITEPATH . "/data/trackCategories.txt", 'TrackCategory');
function secondsToTime($seconds)
$dtF = new DateTime("@0");
$dtT = new DateTime("@$seconds");
return $dtF->diff($dtT)->format('%a d, %h hr, %i min, %s sec');
if ($seconds == 0) return 0;
$date1 = new \DateTime("@0");
$date2 = new \DateTime("@$seconds");
$interval = $date1->diff($date2);
$str = '';
$years = $interval->y;
$months = $interval->m;
$days = $interval->d;
$hours = $interval->h;
$minutes = $interval->i;
if ($years > 0) $str.= $years." years ";
if ($months > 0) $str.= $months." months ";
if ($days > 0) $str.= $days." days ";
if($hours > 0) $str.= $hours." hours ";
if($minutes > 0) $str.= $minutes." minutes ";
return $str;
function formatLaptime($seconds)
$seconds = $seconds *1;
$str.= sprintf('%02d', ($seconds/60)).':';
$seconds = fmod($seconds, 60);
$str.= sprintf('%02d',$seconds).'.';
$decimals = fmod($seconds, 1)*1000;
$str.= sprintf('%03d',$decimals);
return $str;
function percentStr($smallvalue, $bigvalue)
if($bigvalue==0) return '-%';
$percent = round($smallvalue*100/$bigvalue,0);
return $percent.'%';
function weatherTag($value)
case 0:
return '<i class="wi wi-day-sunny"></i>';
case 1:
return '<i class="wi wi-rain"></i>';
case 2:
return '<i class="wi wi-rain"></i>';
case 3:
return '<i class="wi wi-rain"></i>';
//this will rewrite the current url
//and modify the given param if needed
function rewriteUrl($paramName, $paramValue)
$query = $_GET;
// replace parameter(s)
$query[$paramName] = $paramValue;
// rebuild url
$query_result = http_build_query($query);
// new link
return base_url().'?'.$query_result;
function getCar($carId)
$cars = getCars();
if (property_exists($cars, $carId))
return $cars->$carId;
$fakeCar = new CarsModel([]);
$fakeCar->category = '';
$fakeCar->engine = '';
$fakeCar->fueltank = '';
$fakeCar->name = $carId.'(Modded)';
$fakeCar->img = '';
$fakeCar->lenght = '';
$fakeCar->width = '';
$fakeCar->mass = '';
$fakeCar->drivetrain = '';
$fakeCar->id = $carId;
return $fakeCar;
function getTrack($trackId)
$tracks = getTracks();
if (property_exists($tracks, $trackId))
return $tracks->$trackId;
$fakeTrack = new TracksModel([]);
$fakeTrack->category = '';
$fakeTrack->description = '';
$fakeTrack->author = '';
$fakeTrack->id = $trackId;
$fakeTrack->name = $trackId.'(Modded)';
$fakeTrack->img = '';
return $fakeTrack;
function generateConditions($conditions, $separator = ',')
foreach ($conditions as $key => $value)
$txt.=" $key = '$value'".$separator;
$pos = strrpos($txt, $separator);
if ($pos !== false)
$txt = substr_replace($txt, '', $pos, strlen($separator));
return $txt;
class CarCategory
function CarCategory($category){
public function import($properties){
foreach($properties as $key => $value){
$this->{$key} = $value;
class TrackCategory
function TrackCategory($category){
public function import($properties){
foreach($properties as $key => $value){
$this->{$key} = $value;
function racetype($num){
switch ($num){
case 0: return 'practice';break;
case 1: return 'qualify';break;
case 2: return 'race';break;
function comp_property($obj, $name)
if (property_exists($obj, $name)) return $obj->$name;
else return null;
* Returns the 10 best times of this track
* @param string $trackId The track's ID
* @return array A array of object with the result
function getBestTimesTrack($trackId)
$db = \Config\Database::connect();
$builder = $db->table('races r');
$builder->select('u.username, r.track_id, l.laptime, r.id, r.car_id');
$builder->join('laps l', 'l.race_id = r.id');
$builder->join('users u', 'u.id = r.user_id');
$builder->where('r.track_id', $trackId);
$query = $builder->get(10);
if (!$query || $query->getNumRows() == 0)
echo "No laps to show for this tracks";
return [];
return $query->getResult();
function getCarBetsLaps($carId)
$sql = "SELECT MIN(l.laptime) as laptime, r.track_id, r.car_id, u.username
FROM races r
INNER JOIN laps l ON l.race_id = r.id
INNER JOIN users u on u.id = r.user_id
WHERE r.car_id = '$carId'
ORDER BY l.laptime";
} |