/* SYNTHESIS.C Oscar Pablo Di Liscia / Juan Pampin Extracted from atsh synth-funcs.c and modified by jpmeuret@free.fr - moved to double computation everywhere - do_synthesis no longer writes to a sound file, but simply allocates and returns a sample array => now independant from any sound IO library. - improved synthesis algorithm, that precisely takes into account all the frames pieces (but suppose the time streching/expanding function is always increasing, contrary to original algorithm). */ #include #include #include #include #include #include "atsa.h" //CONSTANTS #define TWO_PI (2*M_PI) #define SINE_TABLE_LEN 16384 #define BW 0.1 #define BW_FREQ 500. #define EPSILON 0.001 //MACROS /* ;;; In these macros pha_1 and frq_1 refers to the instantaneous phase ;;; and frequency of the previous frame while pha and frq refer ;;; to the phase and frequency of the present frame. */ #define COMPUTE_M(pha_1, frq_1, pha, frq, dt) ((pha_1 + (frq_1 * dt) - pha) + ((frq - frq_1) * .5 * dt)) / TWO_PI #define COMPUTE_AUX(pha_1, pha, frq_1, dt, M) (pha + (TWO_PI * M)) - (pha_1 + (frq_1 * dt)) #define COMPUTE_ALPHA(aux, frq_1, frq, dt) ((3. / (dt * dt)) * aux ) - ((frq - frq_1) / dt) #define COMPUTE_BETA(aux, frq_1, frq, dt) ((-2. / (dt * dt * dt)) * aux) + ((frq - frq_1) / (dt * dt)) // Linear interpolation with 3 given points (-.5,yp), (0.5,yc), (1.5, yn) #define LIN3_INTERP(x, yp, yc, yn) \ (((x) < .5) ? ((yc) + (yp)) / 2 + x * ((yc) - (yp)) : (3*(yc) - (yn)) / 2 + x * ((yn) - (yc))) /* ;;; note that for this macro the values of i should go ;;; from 0 to dt. So in the case of having 220 samples ;;; within a frame the increment for i will be dt/200 */ #define INTERP_PHASE(pha_1, frq_1, alpha, beta, i) (beta * i * i * i) + (alpha * i * i)+ (frq_1 * i) + pha_1 #define ENG_RMS(val, ws) sqrt((double)val/(ws * (double)ATSA_NOISE_VARIANCE)) #define fair_floor(value, epsilon) (int)(ceil(value) - (value) <= (epsilon) ? ceil(value) : floor(value)) //STRUCTURES typedef struct { //the time data for each segment of the time function double beg_frame; // 1st frame index in [0.0, sound.frames-1] double end_frame; // last frame index in [1.0, sound.frames] double beg_time; // start time (non streched) (relative to sparams->beg) double end_time; // end time (non streched) (relative to sparams->beg) double time_factor; // time stretching factor (1=invariant) } TIME_DATA; typedef struct { //the data for the randi UG int size; //size of the frame in samples this should be sr/freq. double a1; //first amplitude value double a2; //next amplitude value int cnt; //sample position counter } RANDI; //GLOBAL VARIABLES static int sine_table_ready = 0; static double sine_table[SINE_TABLE_LEN]; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //randi output random numbers in the range of 1,-1 //getting a new number at frequency freq and interpolating //the intermediate values. void randi_setup(double sr, double freq, RANDI *radat) { // Initialize random seed srand((unsigned)time(0)); // Initialize radat->size = (int) (sr / freq) - 1; radat->a1 = rand(); radat->a2 = rand(); radat->cnt = 0; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// double randi(RANDI *radat) { double output; if (radat->cnt == radat->size) { //get a new random value radat->a1 = radat->a2; radat->a2 = rand(); radat->cnt = 0; } output = radat->a1 + (radat->a2 - radat->a1) * radat->cnt / radat->size; radat->cnt++; return 1. - 2. * output / RAND_MAX; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// double randif(RANDI *radat, double freq, double sr) { double output; if(radat->cnt == radat->size) { //get a new random value radat->a1 = radat->a2; radat->a2 = rand(); radat->cnt = 0; radat->size= (int) (sr / freq) - 1; } output= radat->a1 + (radat->a2 - radat->a1) * radat->cnt / radat->size; radat->cnt++; return 1. - 2. * output / RAND_MAX; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void make_sine_table() { static const double incr = TWO_PI / SINE_TABLE_LEN; int i; double theta = 0.; for(i=0; i < SINE_TABLE_LEN; i++) { sine_table[i] = sin(theta); theta += incr; } sine_table_ready = 1; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// double ioscilator(double amp, double freq, double pha, double sr, double *oscpt) { // Phase management = 3 options (uncomment only one) : // 1) No phase = 0 phase. //const double osc = *oscpt; // 2) Random phase. //static const int max_pha_shift = 300; //(SINE_TABLE_LEN / 2) / 1000; //const int pha_shift = rand() % (2 * max_pha_shift) - max_pha_shift; //const int pha_shift = // (int) ((2.0 * max_pha_shift + 1.0) * (rand() / (RAND_MAX + 1.0))) - max_pha_shift; //const double osc = fmod(*oscpt + SINE_TABLE_LEN + pha_shift, SINE_TABLE_LEN); // 3) Shipped phase (linear interpolation). const int pha_shift = (int)(pha * (double)SINE_TABLE_LEN / TWO_PI); const double osc = fmod(*oscpt + SINE_TABLE_LEN + pha_shift, SINE_TABLE_LEN); double output; int curr_ind, next_ind; if (!sine_table_ready) make_sine_table(); // Linear interpolation of the amplitude from the sine table. curr_ind = (int)floor(osc); next_ind = (curr_ind + 1) % SINE_TABLE_LEN; output = amp * (sine_table[curr_ind] + (sine_table[next_ind] - sine_table[curr_ind]) * (osc - curr_ind)); // Update oscillator index. const double incr = freq * (double)SINE_TABLE_LEN / sr; *oscpt = fmod(*oscpt + incr, SINE_TABLE_LEN); return output; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// double locate_frame(ATS_SOUND *ats_sound, double from_frame, double time) { //Assuming that the duration of each frame may be different, we //do not have any other method to locate the frame for a given time double frame; int i_frame; if (from_frame < 0) i_frame = 0; else if (from_frame > ats_sound->frames - 1) i_frame = ats_sound->frames - 1; else i_frame = (int)floor(from_frame); while (i_frame < ats_sound->frames - 1 && time > ats_sound->time[0][i_frame + 1]) { fprintf(stderr, "locate_frame : i=%d, time[i+1]=%f\n", i_frame, ats_sound->time[0][i_frame + 1]); i_frame++; } if (i_frame == ats_sound->frames - 1) frame = (time - ats_sound->time[0][i_frame]) / ((double)ats_sound->dur - ats_sound->time[0][i_frame]); else frame = (time - ats_sound->time[0][i_frame]) / ((double)ats_sound->time[0][i_frame + 1] - ats_sound->time[0][i_frame]); frame += i_frame; if (frame >= ats_sound->frames) frame = ats_sound->frames; if (frame - floor(frame) < 1.0 / ats_sound->frame_size) // The time interval for a rame is open upward [beg, end[. frame *= (1.0 - 0.01 / ats_sound->frame_size); fprintf(stderr, "locate_frame(from=%f, time=%f) = %f\n", from_frame, time, frame); return frame; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //Synthesizes a Buffer using phase interpolation (not used for the moment) /*void synth_buffer_phint(double a1, double a2, double f1, double f2, double p1, double p2, double dt, double frame_samps, double* frbuf) { double t_inc, a_inc, M, aux, alpha, beta, time, amp, scale, new_phase; int k, index; double out=0., phase=0.; if (!sine_table) make_sine_table(); f1 *=TWO_PI; f2 *=TWO_PI; t_inc= dt / frame_samps; a_inc= (a2 - a1) / frame_samps; M = COMPUTE_M(p1, f1, p2, f2,dt); aux = COMPUTE_AUX(p1, p2, f1, dt, M); alpha= COMPUTE_ALPHA(aux,f1,f2,dt); beta = COMPUTE_BETA(aux,f1,f2,dt); time = 0.; amp = a1; scale = TWO_PI / (SINE_TABLE_LEN - 1); // must take it out from here... for(k = 0; k < (int)frame_samps; k++) { phase = INTERP_PHASE(p1,f1,alpha,beta,time); new_phase = (phase >= TWO_PI ? phase - TWO_PI : phase); index=(int)((new_phase / TWO_PI)*(double)SINE_TABLE_LEN - 1.); while ( index >= SINE_TABLE_LEN ) { index -=SINE_TABLE_LEN; } while ( index < 0 ) { index +=SINE_TABLE_LEN; } out = sine_table[index] * amp; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// time +=t_inc; amp +=a_inc; frbuf[k] +=out; //buffer adds each partial at each pass } } */ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// int synth_deterministic_only(double ampl_p, double ampl_c, double ampl_n, double freq_p, double freq_c, double freq_n, double pha_p, double pha_c, double pha_n, double time_offset, double duration, double sample_rate, short use_phase, double *oscpt, double* sample_buf) { int s, frame_samps; double ampl, freq, pha, frame_offset; frame_samps = fair_floor(sample_rate * duration, EPSILON); if (ampl_p == 0. && ampl_c == 0. && ampl_n == 0.) return frame_samps; //nothing to do if no amplitude for(s = 0; s < frame_samps; s++) { frame_offset = (time_offset + s / sample_rate) / duration; ampl = LIN3_INTERP(frame_offset, ampl_p, ampl_c, ampl_n); freq = LIN3_INTERP(frame_offset, freq_p, freq_c, freq_n); pha = (use_phase ? LIN3_INTERP(frame_offset, pha_p, pha_c, pha_n) : 0.); sample_buf[s] += ioscilator(ampl, freq, pha, sample_rate, oscpt); } return frame_samps; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// int synth_residual_only(double ampl_p, double ampl_c, double ampl_n, double freq, double time_offset, double duration, double sample_rate, double *oscpt, RANDI* rdata, double* sample_buf) { int s, frame_samps; double ampl, pha, frame_offset; frame_samps = fair_floor(sample_rate * duration, EPSILON); if(ampl_p==0. && ampl_c==0. && ampl_n==0.) return frame_samps; //nothing to do if no amplitude for(s = 0; s < frame_samps; s++) { frame_offset = (time_offset + s / sample_rate) / duration; ampl = LIN3_INTERP(frame_offset, ampl_p, ampl_c, ampl_n); pha = 0.; // Shouldn't we use a random phase here ? sample_buf[s] += ioscilator(ampl, freq, pha, sample_rate, oscpt) * randi(rdata); } return frame_samps; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// int synth_both(double ampl_p, double ampl_c, double ampl_n, double freq_p, double freq_c, double freq_n, double pha_p, double pha_c, double pha_n, double resid_p, double resid_c, double resid_n, double time_offset, double duration, double sample_rate, short use_phase, double *oscpt, RANDI* rdata, double* sample_buf) { int s, frame_samps; double ampl, freq, pha, resid, rfreq, frame_offset; double rfreq_p, rfreq_c, rfreq_n; frame_samps = fair_floor(sample_rate * duration, EPSILON); if(ampl_p==0. && ampl_c==0. && ampl_n==0. && resid_p==0. && resid_c==0. && resid_n==0.) return frame_samps; //nothing to do if no amplitude rfreq_p = BW * (freq_p < BW_FREQ ? BW_FREQ : freq_p / 2); rfreq_c = BW * (freq_c < BW_FREQ ? BW_FREQ : freq_c / 2); rfreq_n = BW * (freq_n < BW_FREQ ? BW_FREQ : freq_n / 2); for(s = 0; s < frame_samps; s++) { frame_offset = (time_offset + s / sample_rate) / duration; ampl = LIN3_INTERP(frame_offset, ampl_p, ampl_c, ampl_n); freq = LIN3_INTERP(frame_offset, freq_p, freq_c, freq_n); pha = (use_phase ? LIN3_INTERP(frame_offset, pha_p, pha_c, pha_n) : 0.); resid = LIN3_INTERP(frame_offset, resid_p, resid_c, resid_n); rfreq = LIN3_INTERP(frame_offset, rfreq_p, rfreq_c, rfreq_n); sample_buf[s] += ioscilator(1.0, freq, pha, sample_rate, oscpt) * (ampl + resid * randif(rdata, rfreq, sample_rate)); } return frame_samps; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////THIS IS THE MAIN SYNTHESIS LOOP//////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void do_synthesis(ATS_SOUND *ats_sound, SPARAMS* sparams, CURVE* timenv, int *selected, double** out_samps, int* n_out_samps) { double dt=0., rfreq; int frame_samps=0; double bframe, eframe; double dur, dy, bxval, byval, exval, eyval, difx, dify; TIME_DATA *tdata; int nbp; double *ospt=0; RANDI *rarray=0; static double res_band_centers[ATSA_CRITICAL_BANDS]; int todo; double ampl_p, ampl_c, ampl_n; double freq_p, freq_c, freq_n; double pha_p, pha_c, pha_n; double resid_p, resid_c, resid_n; int n_samps; int first, last; int f, f_p, f_n; double frame_dur, time_offset, duration; int p, d, b; // Fix special params values if (sparams->end <= sparams->beg) sparams->end = sparams->beg + ats_sound->dur; // Transfer residual data if partial noise is present if (ats_sound->band_energy) { for(f=0; fframes; f++) { band_energy_to_res(ats_sound, f); } } // Build envelop segments descriptor and compute number of samples to generate nbp = get_nbp(timenv); tdata = (TIME_DATA*)malloc(nbp * sizeof(TIME_DATA)); dy = get_maxy_value(timenv) - get_miny_value(timenv); dur = sparams->end - sparams->beg; todo=0; bframe = 0.; fprintf(stdout, "do_synthesis: nbp=%d, dur=%f, dy=%f, pha=%d\n", nbp, dur, dy, sparams->upha); for(p=0; p < nbp - 1; ++p){ //get the data from the time envelope and convert it to time bxval= dur * get_x_value(timenv, p); // We assume xmin=0, xmax=1 byval= dur * get_y_value(timenv, p) * dy; // We assume ymin=0 exval= dur * get_x_value(timenv, p+1); // We assume xmin=0, xmax=1 eyval= dur * get_y_value(timenv, p+1) * dy; // We assume ymin=0 fprintf(stdout, "do_synthesis: seg %d : bxval=%f, byval=%f, exval=%f, eyval=%f\n", p, bxval, byval, exval, eyval); //diff=0. is a special case we must take in account //here all we do is to set it to one millisecond (arbitrarly) difx= exval - bxval; if(difx == 0.) difx=.001; dify= eyval - byval; if(dify == 0.) dify=.001; //locate the frame for the begining and end of segments bframe= locate_frame(ats_sound, bframe, byval); eframe= locate_frame(ats_sound, bframe, eyval); //collect the data to be used tdata[p].beg_frame = bframe; tdata[p].end_frame = eframe; tdata[p].beg_time = byval; tdata[p].end_time = eyval; tdata[p].time_factor = fabs(difx/dify); // update the number of samples to synthesise dt = fabs(eyval - byval); todo += fair_floor(dt * sparams->sr * tdata[p].time_factor, EPSILON); bframe=eframe; } // Allocate and zero output sample array *out_samps = (double*)malloc(todo*sizeof(double)); memset(*out_samps, 0, todo*sizeof(double)); //fprintf(stdout, "do_synthesis: %d samples to be generated\n", todo); // Allocate space for oscilators and noise generator if(sparams->ramp == 0.) { //deterministic synthesis only ospt = (double*)malloc(ats_sound->partials * sizeof(double)); memset(ospt, 0, ats_sound->partials * sizeof(double)); } else if(sparams->amp == 0.) { //residual synthesis only ospt = (double*)malloc(ATSA_CRITICAL_BANDS * sizeof(double)); memset(ospt, 0, ATSA_CRITICAL_BANDS * sizeof(double)); rarray= (RANDI*)malloc(ATSA_CRITICAL_BANDS * sizeof(RANDI)); for(b=0; bsr, ATSA_CRITICAL_BAND_EDGES[b+1] - ATSA_CRITICAL_BAND_EDGES[b], &rarray[b]); } } else { //residual and deterministic synthesis ospt = (double*)malloc(ats_sound->partials * sizeof(double)); memset(ospt, 0, ats_sound->partials * sizeof(double)); rarray= (RANDI*)malloc(ats_sound->partials * sizeof(RANDI)); for(p=0; ppartials; p++) { rfreq=BW * (ats_sound->frq[p][(int)floor(tdata[0].beg_frame)] < BW_FREQ ? BW_FREQ : ats_sound->frq[p][(int)floor(tdata[0].beg_frame)]); randi_setup(sparams->sr,rfreq,&rarray[p]); } } // Generate samples : // For each time function control point/segment : n_samps=0; for(p = 0; p < nbp - 1; p++) { first=(int)floor(tdata[p].beg_frame); last=(int)floor(tdata[p].end_frame); fprintf(stdout, "do_synthesis: seg %d : begf=%d, endf=%d, fact=%f, begt=%f, endt=%f\n", p, first, last, tdata[p].time_factor, tdata[p].beg_time, tdata[p].end_time); // For each frame inside the segment : for(f = first; f <= last; f++) { // Determine index of "previous" and "next" frame for interpolation. f_p = f < 1 ? 0 : f - 1; f_n = f >= ats_sound->frames - 1 ? ats_sound->frames - 1 : f + 1; // Determine frame duration. if (f < ats_sound->frames - 1) frame_dur = ats_sound->time[0][f+1] - ats_sound->time[0][f]; else frame_dur = ats_sound->dur - ats_sound->time[0][f]; // Determine time origin in frame and duration for sample generation. if (f == first && f != tdata[p].beg_frame) { time_offset = tdata[p].beg_time - ats_sound->time[0][f]; duration = frame_dur - time_offset; } else if (f == last && f != tdata[p].end_frame) { duration = tdata[p].end_time - ats_sound->time[0][f]; time_offset = 0.0; } else { duration = frame_dur; time_offset = 0.0; } // Apply the time factor. duration *= tdata[p].time_factor; time_offset *= tdata[p].time_factor; // Do the sample generation. if(sparams->ramp == 0.) { //deterministic synthesis only for(d = 0; d < ats_sound->partials; d++) { if (sparams->allorsel && selected && !selected[d]) continue; ampl_p = ats_sound->amp[d][f_p] * sparams->amp; ampl_c = ats_sound->amp[d][f] * sparams->amp; ampl_n = ats_sound->amp[d][f_n] * sparams->amp; freq_p = ats_sound->frq[d][f_p] * sparams->frec; freq_c = ats_sound->frq[d][f] * sparams->frec; freq_n = ats_sound->frq[d][f_n] * sparams->frec; pha_p = ats_sound->pha[d][f_p]; pha_c = ats_sound->pha[d][f]; pha_n = ats_sound->pha[d][f_n]; frame_samps = synth_deterministic_only(ampl_p, ampl_c, ampl_n, freq_p, freq_c, freq_n, pha_p, pha_c, pha_n, time_offset, duration, sparams->sr, sparams->upha, ospt+d, *out_samps + n_samps); } } else if(sparams->amp == 0.) { //residual synthesis only for(b = 0; b < ATSA_CRITICAL_BANDS; b++) { ampl_p = ENG_RMS(ats_sound->band_energy[b][f_p], ats_sound->window_size) * sparams->ramp; ampl_c = ENG_RMS(ats_sound->band_energy[b][f], ats_sound->window_size) * sparams->ramp; ampl_n = ENG_RMS(ats_sound->band_energy[b][f_n], ats_sound->window_size) * sparams->ramp; freq_c = res_band_centers[b] * sparams->frec; frame_samps = synth_residual_only(ampl_p, ampl_c, ampl_n, res_band_centers[p], time_offset, duration, sparams->sr, ospt+b, &rarray[p], *out_samps + n_samps); } } else { //residual and deterministic synthesis for(d = 0; d < ats_sound->partials; d++) { if (sparams->allorsel && selected && !selected[d]) continue; ampl_p = ats_sound->amp[d][f_p] * sparams->amp; ampl_c = ats_sound->amp[d][f] * sparams->amp; ampl_n = ats_sound->amp[d][f_n] * sparams->amp; freq_p = ats_sound->frq[d][f_p] * sparams->frec; freq_c = ats_sound->frq[d][f] * sparams->frec; freq_n = ats_sound->frq[d][f_n] * sparams->frec; pha_p = ats_sound->pha[d][f_p]; pha_c = ats_sound->pha[d][f]; pha_n = ats_sound->pha[d][f_n]; resid_p = ENG_RMS(ats_sound->res[d][f_p] * sparams->ramp, ats_sound->window_size) * sparams->ramp; resid_c = ENG_RMS(ats_sound->res[d][f] * sparams->ramp, ats_sound->window_size) * sparams->ramp; resid_n = ENG_RMS(ats_sound->res[d][f_n] * sparams->ramp, ats_sound->window_size) * sparams->ramp; frame_samps = synth_both(ampl_p, ampl_c, ampl_n, freq_p, freq_c, freq_n, pha_p, pha_c, pha_n, resid_p, resid_c, resid_n, time_offset, duration, sparams->sr, sparams->upha, ospt+d, &rarray[p], *out_samps + n_samps); } } // Jump into sample buffer for next frame. n_samps += (int)frame_samps; fprintf(stdout, " frame#%d, samps=%d (%d/%d)\n", f, frame_samps, n_samps, todo); } } *n_out_samps = n_samps; fprintf(stdout, "%d samples generated\n", *n_out_samps); if (ospt) free(ospt); if (rarray) free(rarray); free(tdata); return; }