delete grCelestialBody.cpp not used now

git-svn-id: 30fe4595-0a0c-4342-8851-515496e4dcbd

Former-commit-id: e43bd7014f7c51593817f3aaae800aa1548e5e8d
Former-commit-id: fd9bc0a97765dcd2c1d1afa16d9df7c2e99f5376
This commit is contained in:
torcs-ng 2012-06-27 20:45:34 +00:00
parent b5f3cdb47a
commit 364c45b5aa

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@ -1,450 +0,0 @@
file : grCelestiaBody.cpp
copyright : (C) 2009 by Xavier Bertaux (based on ssgasky plib code)
web :
version : $Id$
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
* *
#include <math.h>
#include "grSky.h"
#include "grSphere.h"
static double sun_exp2_punch_through;
static double visibility;
static int grCelestialBodyOrbPreDraw( ssgEntity *e )
ssgLeaf *f = (ssgLeaf *)e;
if ( f -> hasState () ) f->getState()->apply() ;
glDisable( GL_FOG );
glBlendFunc ( GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE ) ;
return true;
static int grCelestialBodyOrbPostDraw( ssgEntity *e )
return true;
static int grCelestialBodyHaloPreDraw( ssgEntity *e )
ssgLeaf *f = (ssgLeaf *)e;
if ( f -> hasState () ) f->getState()->apply() ;
glDisable( GL_DEPTH_TEST );
glDisable( GL_FOG );
return true;
static int grCelestialBodyHaloPostDraw( ssgEntity *e )
return true;
cGrCelestialBody::cGrCelestialBody( void )
transform = 0;
body_angle = 0;
body_rotation = 0;
body_right_ascension = 0;
body_declination = 0;
body_dist = 0;
cGrCelestialBody::~cGrCelestialBody( void )
ssgDeRefDelete( transform );
ssgBranch * cGrCelestialBody::build( const char* body_tex_path, const char* innerhalo_path, const char *outerhalo_path, double body_size )
ssgSimpleState *orb_state = NULL;
ssgSimpleState *ihalo_state = NULL;
ssgSimpleState *ohalo_state = NULL;
// set up the orb state
orb_state = new ssgSimpleState();
if (body_tex_path)
orb_state->setTexture( body_tex_path );
orb_state->setShadeModel( GL_SMOOTH );
orb_state->enable( GL_LIGHTING );
orb_state->enable( GL_CULL_FACE );
orb_state->enable( GL_TEXTURE_2D );
orb_state->enable( GL_COLOR_MATERIAL );
orb_state->setColourMaterial( GL_DIFFUSE );
orb_state->setMaterial( GL_AMBIENT, 0, 0, 0, 1 );
orb_state->setMaterial( GL_EMISSION, 0, 0, 0, 1 );
orb_state->setMaterial( GL_SPECULAR, 0, 0, 0, 1 );
orb_state->enable( GL_BLEND );
orb_state->enable( GL_ALPHA_TEST );
orb_state->setAlphaClamp( 0.01f );
orb_state->setShadeModel( GL_SMOOTH );
orb_state->disable( GL_LIGHTING );
orb_state->enable( GL_CULL_FACE );
orb_state->disable( GL_TEXTURE_2D );
orb_state->enable( GL_COLOR_MATERIAL );
orb_state->setColourMaterial( GL_AMBIENT_AND_DIFFUSE );
orb_state->setMaterial( GL_EMISSION, 0, 0, 0, 1 );
orb_state->setMaterial( GL_SPECULAR, 0, 0, 0, 1 );
orb_state->disable( GL_BLEND );
orb_state->disable( GL_ALPHA_TEST );
if (innerhalo_path)
ihalo_state = new ssgSimpleState();
ihalo_state->setTexture( innerhalo_path );
ihalo_state->enable( GL_TEXTURE_2D );
ihalo_state->disable( GL_LIGHTING );
ihalo_state->setShadeModel( GL_SMOOTH );
ihalo_state->disable( GL_CULL_FACE );
ihalo_state->enable( GL_COLOR_MATERIAL );
ihalo_state->setColourMaterial( GL_AMBIENT_AND_DIFFUSE );
ihalo_state->setMaterial( GL_EMISSION, 0, 0, 0, 1 );
ihalo_state->setMaterial( GL_SPECULAR, 0, 0, 0, 1 );
ihalo_state->enable( GL_ALPHA_TEST );
ihalo_state->enable ( GL_BLEND );
ohalo_state = new ssgSimpleState();
ohalo_state->setTexture( outerhalo_path );
ohalo_state->enable( GL_TEXTURE_2D );
ohalo_state->disable( GL_LIGHTING );
ohalo_state->setShadeModel( GL_SMOOTH );
ohalo_state->disable( GL_CULL_FACE );
ohalo_state->enable( GL_COLOR_MATERIAL );
ohalo_state->setColourMaterial( GL_AMBIENT_AND_DIFFUSE );
ohalo_state->setMaterial( GL_EMISSION, 0, 0, 0, 1 );
ohalo_state->setMaterial( GL_SPECULAR, 0, 0, 0, 1 );
ohalo_state->enable( GL_ALPHA_TEST );
ohalo_state->enable ( GL_BLEND );
return build( orb_state, ihalo_state, ohalo_state, body_size );
ssgBranch * cGrCelestialBody::build( ssgSimpleState *orb_state, ssgSimpleState *ihalo_state, ssgSimpleState *ohalo_state, double body_size )
ssgVertexArray *ihalo_vl;
ssgTexCoordArray *ihalo_tl;
ssgVertexArray *ohalo_vl;
ssgTexCoordArray *ohalo_tl;
// clean-up previous
ssgDeRefDelete( transform );
// build the ssg scene graph sub tree for the sky and connected
// into the provide scene graph branch
transform = new ssgTransform;
cl = new ssgColourArray( 1 );
ihalo_cl = new ssgColourArray( 1 );
ohalo_cl = new ssgColourArray( 1 );
sgVec4 color;
sgSetVec4( color, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 );
cl->add( color );
ihalo_cl->add( color );
ohalo_cl->add( color );
ssgBranch *orb = grMakeSphere( orb_state, cl, (float)body_size, 15, 15,
grCelestialBodyOrbPreDraw, grCelestialBodyOrbPostDraw );
transform->addKid( orb );
// force a repaint of the colors with arbitrary defaults
repaint( 0.0 );
if (ihalo_state)
// Build ssg structure
float size = float(body_size * 8.0);
sgVec3 v3;
ihalo_vl = new ssgVertexArray;
sgSetVec3( v3, -size, 0.0, -size );
ihalo_vl->add( v3 );
sgSetVec3( v3, size, 0.0, -size );
ihalo_vl->add( v3 );
sgSetVec3( v3, -size, 0.0, size );
ihalo_vl->add( v3 );
sgSetVec3( v3, size, 0.0, size );
ihalo_vl->add( v3 );
sgVec2 v2;
ihalo_tl = new ssgTexCoordArray;
sgSetVec2( v2, 0.0f, 0.0f );
ihalo_tl->add( v2 );
sgSetVec2( v2, 1.0, 0.0 );
ihalo_tl->add( v2 );
sgSetVec2( v2, 0.0, 1.0 );
ihalo_tl->add( v2 );
sgSetVec2( v2, 1.0, 1.0 );
ihalo_tl->add( v2 );
ssgLeaf *ihalo = new ssgVtxTable ( GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP, ihalo_vl, NULL, ihalo_tl, ihalo_cl );
ihalo->setState( ihalo_state );
ihalo->setCallback( SSG_CALLBACK_PREDRAW, grCelestialBodyHaloPreDraw );
ihalo->setCallback( SSG_CALLBACK_POSTDRAW, grCelestialBodyHaloPostDraw );
transform->addKid( ihalo );
//transform->addKid(new ssgaLensFlare);
size = float(body_size * 2.0);
sgVec3 v4;
ohalo_vl = new ssgVertexArray;
sgSetVec3( v4, -size, 0.0, -size );
ohalo_vl->add( v4 );
sgSetVec3( v4, size, 0.0, -size );
ohalo_vl->add( v4 );
sgSetVec3( v4, -size, 0.0, size );
ohalo_vl->add( v4 );
sgSetVec3( v4, size, 0.0, size );
ohalo_vl->add( v4 );
sgVec2 v5;
ohalo_tl = new ssgTexCoordArray;
sgSetVec2( v5, 0.0f, 0.0f );
ohalo_tl->add( v5 );
sgSetVec2( v5, 1.0, 0.0 );
ohalo_tl->add( v5 );
sgSetVec2( v5, 0.0, 1.0 );
ohalo_tl->add( v5 );
sgSetVec2( v5, 1.0, 1.0 );
ohalo_tl->add( v5 );
ssgLeaf *ohalo = new ssgVtxTable ( GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP, ohalo_vl, NULL, ohalo_tl, ohalo_cl );
ohalo->setState( ohalo_state );
ohalo->setCallback( SSG_CALLBACK_PREDRAW, grCelestialBodyHaloPreDraw );
ohalo->setCallback( SSG_CALLBACK_POSTDRAW, grCelestialBodyHaloPostDraw );
transform->addKid( ohalo );
return transform;
bool cGrCelestialBody::reposition( sgVec3 p, double angle, double rightAscension, double declination, double sol_dist )
sgMat4 T1, T2, GST, RA, DEC;
sgVec3 axis;
sgVec3 v;
static double prev_sun_angle;
sgMakeTransMat4( T1, p );
sgSetVec3( axis, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0 );
sgMakeRotMat4( GST, (float)angle, axis );
sgSetVec3( axis, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 );
sgMakeRotMat4( RA, (float)((rightAscension * SGD_RADIANS_TO_DEGREES) - 90.0), axis );
sgSetVec3( axis, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0 );
sgMakeRotMat4( DEC, (float)(declination * SGD_RADIANS_TO_DEGREES), axis );
sgSetVec3( v, 0.0, (float)sol_dist, 0.0 );
sgMakeTransMat4( T2, v );
sgCopyMat4( TRANSFORM, T1 );
sgPreMultMat4( TRANSFORM, GST );
sgPreMultMat4( TRANSFORM, RA );
sgPreMultMat4( TRANSFORM, DEC );
sgPreMultMat4( TRANSFORM, T2 );
sgCoord skypos;
sgSetCoord( &skypos, TRANSFORM );
transform->setTransform( &skypos );
if ( prev_sun_angle != angle )
if ( angle == 0 ) angle = 0.1;
const double r_earth_pole = 6356752.314;
const double r_tropo_pole = 6356752.314 + 8000;
const double epsilon_earth2 = 6.694380066E-3;
const double epsilon_tropo2 = 9.170014946E-3;
double r_tropo = r_tropo_pole / sqrt ( 1 - ( epsilon_tropo2 * pow ( 0.0, 2 )));
double r_earth = r_earth_pole / sqrt ( 1 - ( epsilon_earth2 * pow ( 0.0, 2 )));
double position_radius = r_earth;
double gamma = SG_PI - angle;
double sin_beta = ( position_radius * sin ( gamma ) ) / r_tropo;
double alpha = SG_PI - gamma - asin( sin_beta );
double path_distance = sqrt( pow( position_radius, 2 ) + pow( r_tropo, 2 )
- ( 2 * position_radius * r_tropo * cos( alpha ) ));
double alt_half = sqrt( pow ( r_tropo, 2 ) + pow( path_distance / 2, 2 ) - r_tropo * path_distance * cos( asin( sin_beta )) ) - r_earth;
if ( alt_half < 0.0 ) alt_half = 0.0;
return true;
bool cGrCelestialBody::repaint( double angle )
static double prev_angle = 9999.0;
static double path_distance = getDist ();
//double effective_visibility = getVisibility();
//static int visibility = 0;
if ( visibility != effective_visibility )
visibility = effective_visibility;
static const double sqrt_m_log01 = sqrt( -log( 0.01 ) );
sun_exp2_punch_through = sqrt_m_log01 / ( visibility * 15 );
if (prev_angle != angle)
prev_angle = angle;
double factor = 4*cos(angle);
//double factor;
if ( visibility < 100 )
factor = 8000;
float vis2 = visibility / 100;
factor = 80.5 / log( vis2 );
if (factor > 1) factor = 1.0;
if (factor < -1) factor = -1.0;
factor = factor / 2 + 0.5f;
double rel_humidity = 0.5;
double density_avg = 0.7;
//sgVec4 color;
sgVec4 i_halo_color, o_halo_color, sun_color;
sun_color[0] = (float)pow(factor, 0.25);
sun_color[1] = (float)pow(factor, 0.50);
sun_color[2] = (float)pow(factor, 4.0);
sun_color[3] = 1.0;
double red_scat_f = ( factor * path_distance * density_avg ) / 5E+07;
sun_color[0] = 1 - red_scat_f;
i_halo_color[0] = 1 - ( 1.1 * red_scat_f );
o_halo_color[0] = 1 - ( 1.4 * red_scat_f );
// Green - 546.1 nm
double green_scat_f = ( factor * path_distance * density_avg ) / 8.8938E+06;
sun_color[1] = 1 - green_scat_f;
i_halo_color[1] = 1 - ( 1.1 * green_scat_f );
o_halo_color[1] = 1 - ( 1.4 * green_scat_f );
// Blue - 435.8 nm
double blue_scat_f = ( factor * path_distance * density_avg ) / 3.607E+06;
sun_color[2] = 1 - blue_scat_f;
i_halo_color[2] = 1 - ( 1.1 * blue_scat_f );
o_halo_color[2] = 1 - ( 1.4 * blue_scat_f );
// Alpha
sun_color[3] = 1;
i_halo_color[3] = 1;
o_halo_color[3] = blue_scat_f;
if ( ( visibility < 10000 ) && ( blue_scat_f > 1 ))
o_halo_color[3] = 2 - blue_scat_f;
double saturation = 1 - ( rel_humidity / 200 );
sun_color[1] += (( 1 - saturation ) * ( 1 - sun_color[1] ));
sun_color[2] += (( 1 - saturation ) * ( 1 - sun_color[2] ));
i_halo_color[1] += (( 1 - saturation ) * ( 1 - i_halo_color[1] ));
i_halo_color[2] += (( 1 - saturation ) * ( 1 - i_halo_color[2] ));
o_halo_color[1] += (( 1 - saturation ) * ( 1 - o_halo_color[1] ));
o_halo_color[2] += (( 1 - saturation ) * ( 1 - o_halo_color[2] ));
// just to make sure we're in the limits
if ( sun_color[0] < 0 ) sun_color[0] = 0;
else if ( sun_color[0] > 1) sun_color[0] = 1;
if ( i_halo_color[0] < 0 ) i_halo_color[0] = 0;
else if ( i_halo_color[0] > 1) i_halo_color[0] = 1;
if ( o_halo_color[0] < 0 ) o_halo_color[0] = 0;
else if ( o_halo_color[0] > 1) o_halo_color[0] = 1;
if ( sun_color[1] < 0 ) sun_color[1] = 0;
else if ( sun_color[1] > 1) sun_color[1] = 1;
if ( i_halo_color[1] < 0 ) i_halo_color[1] = 0;
else if ( i_halo_color[1] > 1) i_halo_color[1] = 1;
if ( o_halo_color[1] < 0 ) o_halo_color[1] = 0;
else if ( o_halo_color[1] > 1) o_halo_color[1] = 1;
if ( sun_color[2] < 0 ) sun_color[2] = 0;
else if ( sun_color[2] > 1) sun_color[2] = 1;
if ( i_halo_color[2] < 0 ) i_halo_color[2] = 0;
else if ( i_halo_color[2] > 1) i_halo_color[2] = 1;
if ( o_halo_color[2] < 0 ) o_halo_color[2] = 0;
else if ( o_halo_color[2] > 1) o_halo_color[2] = 1;
if ( o_halo_color[3] < 0 ) o_halo_color[2] = 0;
else if ( o_halo_color[3] > 1) o_halo_color[3] = 1;
grGammaCorrectRGB( i_halo_color );
grGammaCorrectRGB( o_halo_color );
grGammaCorrectRGB( sun_color );
float *ptr;
ptr = cl->get( 0 );
sgCopyVec4( ptr, sun_color );
ptr = ihalo_cl->get( 0 );
sgCopyVec4( ptr, i_halo_color );
ptr = ohalo_cl->get( 0 );
sgCopyVec4( ptr, o_halo_color );
return true;