Merge branch 'osghud-improvements'

git-svn-id: 30fe4595-0a0c-4342-8851-515496e4dcbd

Former-commit-id: 04aadc7f04df7f2caacd030505cad745d62bad05
Former-commit-id: 47be97407410efcd21ef0dd37db1fdb2fe150a14
This commit is contained in:
madbad 2023-04-21 14:34:25 +00:00
parent 44aa9dfbf3
commit 72c11e58c6
3 changed files with 611 additions and 22 deletions

View file

@ -85,6 +85,8 @@ int hudScreenW = 0;
bool hudEditModeEnabled = false;
float tempVal = 0.0f;
// TODO[START]: move this to utils? /src/modules/graphic/osggraph/Utils
static void split(const std::string &s, char delim, std::vector<std::string> &elems)
@ -98,6 +100,13 @@ static void split(const std::string &s, char delim, std::vector<std::string> &el
double getCathetusTwoLength(double cateto1, double angoloVertice1) {
double angoloVertice2 = 45 - angoloVertice1;
double ipotenusa = cateto1 / cos(angoloVertice1 * M_PI / 180);
double cateto2 = ipotenusa * tan(angoloVertice2 * M_PI / 180);
return cateto2;
static std::vector<std::string> split(const std::string &s, char delim)
std::vector<std::string> elems;
@ -671,6 +680,364 @@ void SDHUD::changeImageSize(osg::Geometry *geom,
void SDHUD::changeImageVertex(osg::Geometry *geom,
float fromAngle,
float toAngle,
float currValue,
float newPosX,
float newPosY,
float hudScale)
GfLogInfo("pos %f %f\n", newPosX, newPosY);
osg::TextureRectangle* texture;
//get the texture data of this object
texture = dynamic_cast<osg::TextureRectangle*>(geom->getStateSet()->getTextureAttribute(0,osg::StateAttribute::TEXTURE));
//get the image from the texture data
osg::Image* img;
img = texture->getImage();
//get image dimensions
float width = img->s();
float height = img->t();
//rerieve to start modifing vertex and UVs
osg::Vec3Array* vertices = dynamic_cast<osg::Vec3Array*>(geom->getVertexArray());
osg::Vec2Array* texcoords = dynamic_cast<osg::Vec2Array*>(geom->getTexCoordArray(0));
//determine the start and end triangle
int startTriangle = ceil((fromAngle+0.0001)/45.0)-1;
int endTriangle = ceil((toAngle)/45.0)-1;
if(startTriangle < 0){
startTriangle = startTriangle + 8;
//determine the range of angle we will be using to cover 100% of the value
float angleRange = 0.0f;
if(fromAngle > toAngle){
angleRange = (360-fromAngle)+toAngle;
angleRange = toAngle-fromAngle;
//what angle we need to add to the start angle to reach the current value angle
float currValueAngle = angleRange*currValue;
//determine the angle we can use for the first triangle (in case the start is not at his 0 angle)
float startTriangleStartAngle = std::fmod( fromAngle, 45.0f );
float startTriangleAngleCapacity = 45.0f - std::fmod( fromAngle, 45.0f );
//determine the angle we can use for final triangle (in case the start is not at his 0 angle)
float finalTriangleAngleCapacity = std::fmod( toAngle , 45.0f );
//determine how many triangles we will need to process
int trianglesNeeded = ceil((currValueAngle - startTriangleAngleCapacity) / 45)+1;
//determine what will be the last triangle given the current value
int currValueLastTriangle = ((startTriangle + trianglesNeeded) % 8 ) - 1;
if(currValueLastTriangle < 0){
currValueLastTriangle = currValueLastTriangle + 8;
//determine a modifier for the triangle index that we will use in the next for cicle, so that we will start processing from the start to the final triangle
//despite the starting triangle being greater than the final triangle
int indexModifier = 0;
if(startTriangle <= endTriangle){
indexModifier = 0;
indexModifier = startTriangle;
float angleRangeToBeUsed = currValueAngle;
for (int triangle = 0; triangle <= 7; triangle++) {
int triangleIdx = triangle + indexModifier;
if(triangleIdx > 7){
triangleIdx = triangleIdx - 8;
float newAngle=0.0;
//se è il primo triangolo e ci sta tutto il valore uso il valore necessario
if(triangleIdx == startTriangle){
if(angleRangeToBeUsed <= startTriangleAngleCapacity){
newAngle = angleRangeToBeUsed;
angleRangeToBeUsed = angleRangeToBeUsed - newAngle;
newAngle = startTriangleAngleCapacity;
angleRangeToBeUsed = angleRangeToBeUsed - newAngle;
//if it's the first triangle the initial start angle may not be the local 0 so
//we need to add to the startingPointAngle to the desidered value
//we will fix this when calculating vertex 2
//vale per tutti gli altri angoli (se è zero resta zero, se è maggiore di 45 uso 45)
(startTriangle <= endTriangle ) && (triangleIdx > startTriangle)
|| (startTriangle > endTriangle ) && (triangleIdx > startTriangle || triangleIdx <= endTriangle)
if(angleRangeToBeUsed <= 45.0){
newAngle = angleRangeToBeUsed;
angleRangeToBeUsed = angleRangeToBeUsed - newAngle;
newAngle = 45.0;
angleRangeToBeUsed = angleRangeToBeUsed - newAngle;
GfLogDebug("TriangleIndex %i (%i)", triangleIdx, triangle);
GfLogDebug(" CurrValueAngle %f\n", currValueAngle);
GfLogDebug(" Angoli richiesti %i \n",trianglesNeeded);
GfLogDebug(" Triangle index (Start/End) %i ## %i\n", startTriangle, currValueLastTriangle);
GfLogDebug(" Angle to be used %f \n",angleRangeToBeUsed);
GfLogDebug(" My angle %f \n",newAngle );
GfLogDebug(" Start Triangle start angle %f \n",startTriangleStartAngle );
for (int vertex = 0;vertex <= 2; vertex++ ){
int vertexIndex= (triangleIdx*3)+vertex;
float CathetusTwoLength = 0.0;
float newX = 0.0;
float newY = 0.0;
//GfLogDebug("VertexIndex %i \n", vertexIndex);
//for all vertex start by restoring their original status
if (vertex == 0){
newX = 0.5f;
newY = 0.5f;
if (vertex == 1){
switch (triangleIdx) {
case 0:
newX = 0.0;
newY = 0.5;
case 2:
newX = 0.5;
newY = 1.0;
case 4:
newX = 1.0;
newY = 0.5;
case 6:
newX = 0.5;
newY = 0.0;
case 1:
newX = 0.0;
newY = 1.0;
case 3:
newX = 1.0;
newY = 1.0;
case 5:
newX = 1.0;
newY = 0.0;
case 7:
newX = 0.0;
newY = 0.0;
if (vertex == 2){
switch (triangleIdx) {
case 0:
newX = 0.0;
newY = 1.0;
case 2:
newX = 1.0;
newY = 1.0;
case 4:
newX = 1.0;
newY = 0.0;
case 6:
newX = 0.0;
newY = 0.0;
case 1:
newX = 0.5;
newY = 1.0;
case 3:
newX = 1.0;
newY = 0.5;
case 5:
newX = 0.5;
newY = 0.0;
case 7:
newX = 0.0;
newY = 0.5;
(*vertices)[vertexIndex][0] = newPosX + newX * width * hudScale; //imgWidth; //x
(*vertices)[vertexIndex][1] = newPosY + newY * height * hudScale; //imgHeight; //y
//update uvs
(*texcoords)[vertexIndex][0] = newX;
(*texcoords)[vertexIndex][1] = newY;
//now adjust what is needed:
//for start triangle we need to update the second vertice
//for end triangle we need to update the third vertice
//for hidden triangles we just hide everything
//start triangle
if (triangleIdx == startTriangle && vertex ==1){
switch (triangleIdx) {
case 0:
CathetusTwoLength = getCathetusTwoLength(0.5, startTriangleStartAngle);
newX = 0.0;
newY = 1.0 - CathetusTwoLength;
case 2:
CathetusTwoLength = getCathetusTwoLength(0.5, startTriangleStartAngle);
newX = 1.0-CathetusTwoLength;
newY = 1.0;
case 4:
CathetusTwoLength = getCathetusTwoLength(0.5, startTriangleStartAngle);
newX = 1.0;
newY = CathetusTwoLength;
case 6:
CathetusTwoLength = getCathetusTwoLength(0.5, startTriangleStartAngle);
newX = CathetusTwoLength;
newY = 0.0;
case 1:
CathetusTwoLength = getCathetusTwoLength(0.5, startTriangleStartAngle);
newX = 0.5-CathetusTwoLength;
newY = 1.0;
case 3:
CathetusTwoLength = getCathetusTwoLength(0.5, startTriangleStartAngle);
newX = 1.0;
newY = 0.5+CathetusTwoLength;
case 5:
CathetusTwoLength = getCathetusTwoLength(0.5, startTriangleStartAngle);
newX = 0.5+CathetusTwoLength;
newY = 0.0;
case 7:
CathetusTwoLength = getCathetusTwoLength(0.5, startTriangleStartAngle);
newX = 0.0;
newY = 0.5-CathetusTwoLength;
//update vertices
(*vertices)[vertexIndex][0] = newPosX + newX * width * hudScale; //imgWidth; //x
(*vertices)[vertexIndex][1] = newPosY + newY * height * hudScale; //imgHeight; //y
//update uvs
(*texcoords)[vertexIndex][0]= newX;
(*texcoords)[vertexIndex][1]= newY;
//end triangle
if (triangleIdx == currValueLastTriangle && vertex == 2){
//we need to fix a special case in case the first triangle is also the last triangle
//in this case we want the startingAngle to be added to the desiredValueAngle
if (triangleIdx == startTriangle){
newAngle = newAngle + startTriangleStartAngle;
switch (triangleIdx) {
case 0:
CathetusTwoLength = getCathetusTwoLength(0.5, 45.0-newAngle);
newX = 0.0;
newY = 0.5+CathetusTwoLength;
case 2:
CathetusTwoLength = getCathetusTwoLength(0.5, 45.0-newAngle);
newX = 0.5+CathetusTwoLength;
newY = 1.0;
case 4:
CathetusTwoLength = getCathetusTwoLength(0.5, 45.0-newAngle);
newX = 1.0;
newY = 0.5-CathetusTwoLength;
case 6:
CathetusTwoLength = getCathetusTwoLength(0.5, 45.0-newAngle);
newX = 0.5-CathetusTwoLength;
newY = 0.0;
case 1:
CathetusTwoLength = getCathetusTwoLength(0.5, 45.0-newAngle);
newX = CathetusTwoLength;
newY = 1.0;
case 3:
CathetusTwoLength = getCathetusTwoLength(0.5, 45.0-newAngle);
newX = 1.0;
newY = 1.0-CathetusTwoLength;
case 5:
CathetusTwoLength = getCathetusTwoLength(0.5, 45.0-newAngle);
newX = 1.0-CathetusTwoLength;
newY = 0.0;
case 7:
CathetusTwoLength = getCathetusTwoLength(0.5, 45.0-newAngle);
newX = 0.0;
newY = CathetusTwoLength;
(*vertices)[vertexIndex][0] = newPosX + newX * width * hudScale; //imgWidth; //x
(*vertices)[vertexIndex][1] = newPosY + newY * height * hudScale; //imgHeight; //y
//update uvs
(*texcoords)[vertexIndex][0]= newX;
(*texcoords)[vertexIndex][1]= newY;
//if hidden triangle
if( newAngle <= 0.0 ){
newX = 0.0f;
newY = 0.0f;
(*vertices)[vertexIndex][0] = newX * width * hudScale; //imgWidth; //x
(*vertices)[vertexIndex][1] = newY * height * hudScale; //imgHeight; //y
//update uvs
(*texcoords)[vertexIndex][0]= newX;
(*texcoords)[vertexIndex][1]= newY;
//adapt the geometry
//adapt the texture
void SDHUD::changeImagePosition(osg::Geometry *geom,
float newX,
float newY,
@ -694,19 +1061,6 @@ void SDHUD::changeImagePosition(osg::Geometry *geom,
//osg::Vec3Array* vertices = new osg::Vec3Array;
osg::Vec3Array* vertices = dynamic_cast<osg::Vec3Array*>(geom->getVertexArray());
* how vertices are arranged:
* 3_______2
* | |
* y | |
* | |
* 0_______1
* x
* [vertices(0-3)][0]=x
* [vertices(0-3)][1]=y
* */
//change the position
(*vertices)[0][0] = newX;
(*vertices)[0][1] = newY;
@ -1426,10 +1780,8 @@ void SDHUD::Refresh(tSituation *s, const SDFrameInfo* frameInfo,
if (currCar->_bestLapTime != 0){
float deltabest = currCar->_currLapTimeAtTrackPosition[(int)currCar->_distFromStartLine] - currCar->_bestLapTimeAtTrackPosition[(int)currCar->_distFromStartLine];
GfLogDebug("OSGHUD curr: %f \n", currCar->_currLapTimeAtTrackPosition[(int)currCar->_distFromStartLine]);
GfLogDebug("OSGHUD best: %f \n", currCar->_bestLapTimeAtTrackPosition[(int)currCar->_distFromStartLine]);
GfLogDebug("OSGHUD curr: %f \n", currCar->_currLapTimeAtTrackPosition[(int)currCar->_distFromStartLine]);
GfLogDebug("OSGHUD best: %f \n", currCar->_bestLapTimeAtTrackPosition[(int)currCar->_distFromStartLine]);
if(deltabest > 0){//we are slower
float scale = 0.0f;
@ -1457,9 +1809,41 @@ void SDHUD::Refresh(tSituation *s, const SDFrameInfo* frameInfo,
changeImageSize(hudImgElements["delta-gaining"], 0, "left", hudScale);
changeImageSize(hudImgElements["delta-losing"], 0, "right", hudScale);
osg::BoundingBox newtachobb =hudImgElements["tachometer"]->getBoundingBox();
//let the final 15% be redline
float redLinePercent = 0.15f; //15%
float whiteLinePercent = 1.0f-redLinePercent; //85%
float rpmVal1 = 0.0f;
float rpmVal2 = 0.0f;
float startAngle = 291.0f;
float endAngle = 180.0f;
float totalAngleRange = 0.0f;
float endOfWhiteLineAngle = 0.0f;
if(startAngle < endAngle){
totalAngleRange = endAngle - startAngle;
endOfWhiteLineAngle = (totalAngleRange * whiteLinePercent) + startAngle;
totalAngleRange = (360.0f - startAngle) + endAngle;
endOfWhiteLineAngle = (totalAngleRange * whiteLinePercent) - (360.0f - startAngle);
if(endOfWhiteLineAngle < 0){
endOfWhiteLineAngle = endOfWhiteLineAngle + 360.0f;
if(currCar->_enginerpm <= (currCar->_enginerpmRedLine * whiteLinePercent)){
rpmVal1 = currCar->_enginerpm / (currCar->_enginerpmRedLine * whiteLinePercent);
rpmVal2 = 0.0;
rpmVal1 = 1.0;
rpmVal2 = (currCar->_enginerpm - (currCar->_enginerpmRedLine * whiteLinePercent)) / (currCar->_enginerpmRedLine * redLinePercent);
changeImageVertex(hudImgVertexElements["newtacho-rpmon"], startAngle, endOfWhiteLineAngle, rpmVal1, newtachobb.xMin(), newtachobb.yMin(), hudScale);
changeImageVertex(hudImgVertexElements["newtacho-rpmonred"], endOfWhiteLineAngle, endAngle, rpmVal2, newtachobb.xMin(), newtachobb.yMin(), hudScale);
if (hudEditModeEnabled){
//if there is some widgetGroup selected display the edithud and relative controls around it else keep it hidden
@ -1714,6 +2098,7 @@ void SDHUD::ToggleHUD()
hudElementsVisibilityStatus["racelapsWidget"] = (int)hudWidgets["racelapsWidget"]->getNodeMask();
hudElementsVisibilityStatus["laptimeWidget"] = (int)hudWidgets["laptimeWidget"]->getNodeMask();
hudElementsVisibilityStatus["carinfoWidget"] = (int)hudWidgets["carinfoWidget"]->getNodeMask();
hudElementsVisibilityStatus["newtacho-rpmon"]= (int)hudImgVertexElements["newtacho-rpmon"]->getNodeMask();
hudElementsVisibilityStatus["carstatusWidget"] = (int)hudWidgets["carstatusWidget"]->getNodeMask();
hudElementsVisibilityStatus["driverinputWidget"] = (int)hudWidgets["driverinputWidget"]->getNodeMask();
hudElementsVisibilityStatus["driverinput-wheel"] = (int)hudImgRotableElements["driverinput-wheel"]->getNodeMask();
@ -1732,6 +2117,7 @@ void SDHUD::ToggleHUD()
@ -1751,6 +2137,7 @@ void SDHUD::ToggleHUD()
@ -1835,6 +2222,7 @@ osg::ref_ptr <osg::Group> SDHUD::generateHudFromXmlFile(int scrH, int scrW)
widgetsSectionName = GfParmListGetCurEltName(paramHandle, mainSection.c_str());
widgetsSectionPath = mainSection + "/" + widgetsSectionName;
GfLogDebug("OSGHUD: Generating hud: %s \n", widgetsSectionName.c_str());
osg::ref_ptr<osg::Geode> geode = new osg::Geode;
@ -2086,6 +2474,199 @@ osg::ref_ptr <osg::Group> SDHUD::generateHudFromXmlFile(int scrH, int scrW)
else if( type == "imagevertex")
/* ============================
//read data into local variables
const std::string &elementId = subSectionName;
std::string url = GfParmGetStr (paramHandle, subSectionPath.c_str(),"url", "" );
std::string positionRefObj = GfParmGetStr (paramHandle, subSectionPath.c_str(),"position-refObj", "" );
std::string positionRefObjPoint = GfParmGetStr (paramHandle, subSectionPath.c_str(),"position-refObjPoint", "tl" );
std::string positionMyPoint = GfParmGetStr (paramHandle, subSectionPath.c_str(),"position-myPoint", "tl" );
float positionVerticalModifier = GfParmGetNum (paramHandle, subSectionPath.c_str(),"position-verticalModifier", "",0 ) * hudScale;
float positionHorizontalModifier = GfParmGetNum (paramHandle, subSectionPath.c_str(),"position-horizontalModifier", "",0 ) * hudScale;
GfLogDebug("OSGHUD: Generate imagevertex object: %s \n", elementId.c_str());
osg::ref_ptr<osg::Geode> myGeode = new osg::Geode;
osg::ref_ptr<osg::Geometry> myGeometry = new osg::Geometry;
osg::ref_ptr<osg::Vec3Array> myVertices = new osg::Vec3Array;
osg::ref_ptr<osg::Vec3Array> myNormals = new osg::Vec3Array;
osg::ref_ptr<osg::Vec2Array> myTexCoords = new osg::Vec2Array; //(UV)
//start preparing the image
std::string myFilename = GetDataDir();
//std::string myUrl = "data/img/osg-hud/tachometerv2-on.png";
//check that the image file exist
if (!GfFileExists(myFilename.c_str()))
GfLogError ("OSGHUD: Specified image file does not exist: %s.\n", myFilename.c_str());
// setup texture
osg::Image* myImg = osgDB::readImageFile(myFilename);
osg::TextureRectangle* myTexture = new osg::TextureRectangle;
//get image size
//get image dimensions
float width = myImg->s();
float height = myImg->t();
//set the position
//find the referenceObj bounding box
osg::BoundingBox refObjBb = getBoundigBoxFromWidgetName(positionRefObj);
//get object bounding box
osg::BoundingBox myObjBb;
//calculate the positioning
osg::Vec3 position = calculatePosition(myObjBb,positionMyPoint,refObjBb,positionRefObjPoint, positionVerticalModifier, positionHorizontalModifier);
//asign the position
float positionLeft = position.x();
float positionBottom = position.y();
//triangle 1
myVertices->push_back ( osg::Vec3(0.5*width+positionLeft, 0.5*height+positionBottom, 1.0)); //1
myVertices->push_back ( osg::Vec3(0.0*width+positionLeft, 0.5*height+positionBottom, 1.0)); //2
myVertices->push_back ( osg::Vec3(0.0*width+positionLeft, 1.0*height+positionBottom, 1.0)); //3
//triangle 2
myVertices->push_back ( osg::Vec3(0.5*width+positionLeft, 0.5*height+positionBottom, 1.0)); //1
myVertices->push_back ( osg::Vec3(0.0*width+positionLeft, 1.0*height+positionBottom, 1.0)); //2
myVertices->push_back ( osg::Vec3(0.5*width+positionLeft, 1.0*height+positionBottom, 1.0)); //3
//triangle 3
myVertices->push_back ( osg::Vec3(0.5*width+positionLeft, 0.5*height+positionBottom, 1.0)); //1
myVertices->push_back ( osg::Vec3(0.5*width+positionLeft, 1.0*height+positionBottom, 1.0)); //2
myVertices->push_back ( osg::Vec3(1.0*width+positionLeft, 1.0*height+positionBottom, 1.0)); //3
//triangle 4
myVertices->push_back ( osg::Vec3(0.5*width+positionLeft, 0.5*height+positionBottom, 1.0)); //1
myVertices->push_back ( osg::Vec3(1.0*width+positionLeft, 1.0*height+positionBottom, 1.0)); //2
myVertices->push_back ( osg::Vec3(1.0*width+positionLeft, 0.5*height+positionBottom, 1.0)); //3
//triangle 5
myVertices->push_back ( osg::Vec3(0.5*width+positionLeft, 0.5*height+positionBottom, 1.0)); //1
myVertices->push_back ( osg::Vec3(1.0*width+positionLeft, 0.5*height+positionBottom, 1.0)); //2
myVertices->push_back ( osg::Vec3(1.0*width+positionLeft, 0.0*height+positionBottom, 1.0)); //3
//triangle 6
myVertices->push_back ( osg::Vec3(0.5*width+positionLeft, 0.5*height+positionBottom, 1.0)); //1
myVertices->push_back ( osg::Vec3(1.0*width+positionLeft, 0.0*height+positionBottom, 1.0)); //2
myVertices->push_back ( osg::Vec3(0.5*width+positionLeft, 0.0*height+positionBottom, 1.0)); //3
//triangle 7
myVertices->push_back ( osg::Vec3(0.5*width+positionLeft, 0.5*height+positionBottom, 1.0)); //1
myVertices->push_back ( osg::Vec3(0.5*width+positionLeft, 0.0*height+positionBottom, 1.0)); //2
myVertices->push_back ( osg::Vec3(0.0*width+positionLeft, 0.0*height+positionBottom, 1.0)); //3
//triangle 8
myVertices->push_back ( osg::Vec3(0.5*width+positionLeft, 0.5*height+positionBottom, 1.0)); //1
myVertices->push_back ( osg::Vec3(0.0*width+positionLeft, 0.0*height+positionBottom, 1.0)); //2
myVertices->push_back ( osg::Vec3(0.0*width+positionLeft, 0.5*height+positionBottom, 1.0)); //3
myGeometry->setVertexArray ( myVertices );
//triangle 1
myTexCoords->push_back( osg::Vec2(0.5, 0.5)); //1
myTexCoords->push_back( osg::Vec2(0.0, 0.5)); //2
myTexCoords->push_back( osg::Vec2(0.0, 1.0)); //3
//triangle 2
myTexCoords->push_back( osg::Vec2(0.5, 0.5)); //1
myTexCoords->push_back( osg::Vec2(0.0, 1.0)); //2
myTexCoords->push_back( osg::Vec2(0.5, 1.0)); //3
//triangle 3
myTexCoords->push_back( osg::Vec2(0.5, 0.5)); //1
myTexCoords->push_back( osg::Vec2(0.5, 1.0)); //2
myTexCoords->push_back( osg::Vec2(1.0, 1.0)); //3
//triangle 4
myTexCoords->push_back( osg::Vec2(0.5, 0.5)); //1
myTexCoords->push_back( osg::Vec2(1.0, 1.0)); //2
myTexCoords->push_back( osg::Vec2(1.0, 0.5)); //3
//triangle 5
myTexCoords->push_back( osg::Vec2(0.5, 0.5)); //1
myTexCoords->push_back( osg::Vec2(1.0, 0.5)); //2
myTexCoords->push_back( osg::Vec2(1.0, 0.0)); //3
//triangle 6
myTexCoords->push_back( osg::Vec2(0.5, 0.5)); //1
myTexCoords->push_back( osg::Vec2(1.0, 0.0)); //2
myTexCoords->push_back( osg::Vec2(0.5, 0.0)); //3
//triangle 7
myTexCoords->push_back( osg::Vec2(0.5, 0.5)); //1
myTexCoords->push_back( osg::Vec2(0.5, 0.0)); //2
myTexCoords->push_back( osg::Vec2(0.0, 0.0)); //3
//triangle 8
myTexCoords->push_back( osg::Vec2(0.5, 0.5)); //1
myTexCoords->push_back( osg::Vec2(0.0, 0.0)); //2
myTexCoords->push_back( osg::Vec2(0.0, 0.5)); //3
myGeometry->setTexCoordArray( 0, myTexCoords );
// calculate normals
osg::Vec3Array* normals = new osg::Vec3Array(8);
// assign colors
osg::Vec4Array* colors = new osg::Vec4Array(8);
// draw the vertices as quads
myGeometry->addPrimitiveSet(new osg::DrawArrays(GL_TRIANGLES, 0, myVertices->size()));
// disable display list so our modified tex coordinates show up
// setup stateset
osg::StateSet* myState = myGeometry->getOrCreateStateSet();
myState->setTextureAttributeAndModes(0, myTexture, osg::StateAttribute::ON);
//Conversely, disable write depth cache,
//Make objects behind transparent polygons visible
//OSG draws transparent polygons first, then draws opaque polygons
osg :: Depth * myImgDepth = new osg :: Depth;
myImgDepth-> setWriteMask (false);
myState-> setAttributeAndModes (myImgDepth, osg :: StateAttribute :: ON);
// setup material
osg::TexMat* myTexmat = new osg::TexMat;
myState->setTextureAttributeAndModes(0, myTexmat, osg::StateAttribute::ON);
//enable gl_blending (for texture transparency)
myState->setMode(GL_BLEND, osg::StateAttribute::ON);
osg::BlendFunc* myBlend = new osg::BlendFunc;
myBlend->setFunction(osg::BlendFunc::SRC_ALPHA, osg::BlendFunc::ONE_MINUS_DST_ALPHA);
// turn off lighting (light always on)
myState->setMode(GL_LIGHTING, osg::StateAttribute::OFF);
myGeode->addDrawable( myGeometry );
hudImgVertexElements[elementId] = myGeometry;
else if( type == "graph")
/* ============================
@ -2510,4 +3091,4 @@ SDHUD::~SDHUD()
for (std::map<std::string, OSGPLOT * >::iterator it = hudGraphElements.begin(); it != hudGraphElements.end(); ++it)

View file

@ -125,6 +125,7 @@ class SDHUD
osg::ref_ptr <osg::Group> osgGroupHud;
std::map<std::string,osg::Geode* > hudWidgets;
std::map<std::string,osg::Geometry* > hudImgElements;
std::map<std::string,osg::Geometry* > hudImgVertexElements;
std::map<std::string,osg::MatrixTransform* > hudImgRotableElements;
std::map<std::string,OSGPLOT* > hudGraphElements;
@ -149,6 +150,13 @@ class SDHUD
float newY,
float hudScale);
static void changeImageAlpha(osg::Geometry *geom, float newAlpha);
static void changeImageVertex(osg::Geometry *geom,
float angleFrom,
float angleTo,
float currValue,
float newX,
float newY,
float hudScale);
osg::BoundingBox getBoundigBoxFromWidgetName(std::string widgetName);
osg::BoundingBox getBoundigBoxFromWidgetGroupName(std::string widgetGroupName);
void recalculateImageWidgetPosition(std::string widgetGroupName, std::string widgetName, float hudScale);

View file

@ -917,12 +917,12 @@ ReCarsManageCar(tCarElt *car, bool& bestLapChanged)
if (distFromStartLine < 0)
distFromStartLine = 0;
GfLogError("distFromStartLine = %d trackPositionCount = %d\n", distFromStartLine, car->_trackPositionCount);
//GfLogError("distFromStartLine = %d trackPositionCount = %d\n", distFromStartLine, car->_trackPositionCount);
else if (distFromStartLine>= car->_trackPositionCount)
distFromStartLine = car->_trackPositionCount - 1;
GfLogError("distFromStartLine = %d trackPositionCount = %d\n", distFromStartLine, car->_trackPositionCount);
//GfLogError("distFromStartLine = %d trackPositionCount = %d\n", distFromStartLine, car->_trackPositionCount);
car->_currLapTimeAtTrackPosition[distFromStartLine] = (float)car->_curLapTime;