############################################################################ # # file : options.cmake # copyright : (C) 2008 by Mart Kelder, 2010 by J.-P. Meuret # web : www.speed-dreams.org # version : $Id$ # ############################################################################ ############################################################################ # # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # # (at your option) any later version. # # # ############################################################################ # @file CMake configuration options # @author Mart Kelder, J.-P. Meuret # @version $Id$ INCLUDE(CMakeDependentOption) MACRO(ADD_SD_COMPILE_OPTIONS) # This has to be done more than once, because HAVE_CONFIG_H may change. IF(HAVE_CONFIG_H) ADD_DEFINITIONS(-DHAVE_CONFIG_H) IF(IN_SOURCETREE) SET(INCLUDE_CANDIDATE ${SOURCE_DIR}) ELSE(IN_SOURCETREE) SET(INCLUDE_CANDIDATE "") ENDIF(IN_SOURCETREE) FIND_PATH(CONFIGH_INCLUDE_DIR config.h ${INCLUDE_CANDIDATE} /usr/include /usr/local/include NO_DEFAULT_PATH) FIND_PATH(CONFIGH_INCLUDE_DIR config.h ${INCLUDE_CANDIDATE} /usr/include /usr/local/include) MARK_AS_ADVANCED(CONFIGH_INCLUDE_DIR) IF(CONFIGH_INCLUDE_DIR) INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES(${CONFIGH_INCLUDE_DIR}) ELSE(CONFIGH_INCLUDE_DIR) MESSAGE(FATAL_ERROR "Cannot find config.h header file") ENDIF(CONFIGH_INCLUDE_DIR) ENDIF(HAVE_CONFIG_H) # Build options (do it only once). IF(NOT _ALREADY_DONE) # Default build configuration. IF(NOT MSVC) IF(NOT CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE) SET(CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE "Release" CACHE STRING "Choose the type of build, options are: Debug Release RelWithDebInfo MinSizeRel." FORCE) ENDIF() MESSAGE(STATUS "Build configuration : ${CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE}") ENDIF(NOT MSVC) # CMake options. SET(OPTION_CHECK_CONTENTS false CACHE BOOL "Set to off if you don't want the build to be stopped by missing optional contents folders") MARK_AS_ADVANCED(OPTION_CHECK_CONTENTS) SET(OPTION_OFFICIAL_ONLY false CACHE BOOL "Build / install only officially released contents") SET(OPTION_FORCE_DEBUG false CACHE BOOL "Force debug symbols even in Release build (Automatic in Debug builds)") SET(OPTION_TRACE true CACHE BOOL "Enable traces into the console or log file") SET(OPTION_TRACE_LEVEL "5" CACHE STRING "Trace level integer threshold, only if OPTION_TRACE (traces with higher level are not logged ; 0=Fatal, 1=Error, 2=Warning, 3=Info, 4=Trace, 5=Debug, ...)") SET(OPTION_PROFILER false CACHE BOOL "Enable profiler") SET(OPTION_SCHEDULE_SPY false CACHE BOOL "Enable fine grained scheduling spy") SET(OPTION_3RDPARTY_EXPAT true CACHE BOOL "Use 3rd party Expat library rather than bundled TXML") SET(OPTION_3RDPARTY_SQLITE3 false CACHE BOOL "Use SQLite3 as database for record/replay") SET(OPTION_OSGGRAPH true CACHE BOOL "Build OpenScenGraph-based WIP osggraph graphics module") SET(OPTION_TINYGLTF false CACHE BOOL "Use tinygltf library") SET(OPTION_WEBSERVER true CACHE BOOL "Build with WebServer functionality") SET(OPTION_CLIENT_SERVER true CACHE BOOL "Build with Client/Server network architecture") SET(OPTION_PARAM_OPTIMIZER false CACHE BOOL "Build with Parameter Optimizer for Robot development") SET(OPTION_PACKAGING true CACHE BOOL "Enable Packaging for distribution") SET(OPTION_ALL_IN_ONE_PACKAGING false CACHE BOOL "Enable CPack's monolithic PACKAGE") SET(OPTION_TRACKEDITOR true CACHE BOOL "Build the TrackEditor (Requires Java)") IF(APPLE) # Automatically set OPTION_USE_MACPORTS (at least until someone fixes the regular APPLE build) MESSAGE(STATUS "Automatically set OPTION_USE_MACPORTS (at least until someone fixes the regular APPLE build)") SET(OPTION_USE_MACPORTS true CACHE BOOL "Use the MacPorts dependencies") ENDIF(APPLE) # Enable building with 3rd party SOLID library under Windows, as we ship the binary package, # but not under Linux, where FreeSolid seems not to be available by default on most distros. IF(WIN32) SET(_OPTION_3RDPARTY_SOLID true) ELSE(WIN32) SET(_OPTION_3RDPARTY_SOLID false) ENDIF(WIN32) SET(OPTION_3RDPARTY_SOLID ${_OPTION_3RDPARTY_SOLID} CACHE BOOL "Use 3rd party SOLID library rather than simu-bundled one") IF(UNIX) SET(OPTION_XRANDR true CACHE BOOL "XrandR") SET(OPTION_GLEXTPROTOTYPES true CACHE BOOL "Enable prototypes in glext.h") #SET(OPTION_UNLOAD_SSGGRAPH true CACHE BOOL "If false, never unload ssggraph module (useful on some Linuxes to avoid XOrg crashes)") ENDIF(UNIX) SET(OPTION_UNLOAD_SSGGRAPH true CACHE BOOL "If false, never unload ssggraph module (useful on some Linuxes to avoid XOrg crashes)") IF(OPTION_USE_MACPORTS) SET(CMAKE_MACOSX_RPATH TRUE) #SET(CMAKE_INSTALL_RPATH_USE_LINK_PATH TRUE) SET(CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH "/opt/local" CACHE PATH "Prepended to search path") #SET(CMAKE_FIND_ROOT_PATH "/opt/local" CACHE PATH "Prepended to search path") SET(CMAKE_FIND_FRAMEWORK LAST) MESSAGE(STATUS "Remove the line below to true when OSG works on MacPorts") SET(OPTION_OSGGRAPH false CACHE BOOL "Build OpenScenGraph-based WIP osggraph graphics module") ENDIF(OPTION_USE_MACPORTS) SET(OPTION_AUTOVERSION true CACHE BOOL "Enable automatic computation of the version from SVN source tree") # Custom 3rdParty location for some Windows builds (standard CMake Find macros # can't find it, so we needed another solution : see FindCustom3rdParty.cmake). IF(MSVC) SET(_OPTION_CUSTOM_3RDPARTY true) # Always needed for MSVC compilers. ELSEIF(MINGW) IF(CMAKE_GENERATOR STREQUAL "MSYS Makefiles") # Not needed with "MSYS Makefiles" generator when using MinGW # (3rd party libs assumed to be installed in standard location /usr/local). SET(_OPTION_CUSTOM_3RDPARTY false) ELSE(CMAKE_GENERATOR STREQUAL "MSYS Makefiles") # Just as for MSVC builds : special location. SET(_OPTION_CUSTOM_3RDPARTY true) ENDIF(CMAKE_GENERATOR STREQUAL "MSYS Makefiles") ENDIF(MSVC) SET(OPTION_CUSTOM_3RDPARTY ${_OPTION_CUSTOM_3RDPARTY} CACHE BOOL "Set to ON to use 3rdParty prebuilt API located in /../3rdparty") MARK_AS_ADVANCED(OPTION_CUSTOM_3RDPARTY) # Compiler definitions (needs more comments. Is it needed under Windows ?). ADD_DEFINITIONS(-D_DEFAULT_SOURCE -DSHM) IF(MSVC) # Inhibit definition of Macros min(a,b) and max(a,b) for Windows MSVC builds, # as the names conflict with the template functions from standard template library ADD_DEFINITIONS(-DNOMINMAX) ENDIF(MSVC) IF(OPTION_FORCE_DEBUG) ADD_DEFINITIONS(-DSD_DEBUG) ENDIF(OPTION_FORCE_DEBUG) IF(OPTION_TRACE) ADD_DEFINITIONS(-DTRACE_OUT) ENDIF(OPTION_TRACE) IF(OPTION_TRACE_LEVEL) ADD_DEFINITIONS(-DTRACE_LEVEL=${OPTION_TRACE_LEVEL}) ENDIF(OPTION_TRACE_LEVEL) IF(OPTION_XRANDR) ADD_DEFINITIONS(-DUSE_RANDR_EXT) ENDIF(OPTION_XRANDR) IF(OPTION_PROFILER) ADD_DEFINITIONS(-DPROFILER) ENDIF(OPTION_PROFILER) IF(OPTION_SCHEDULE_SPY) ADD_DEFINITIONS(-DSCHEDULE_SPY) ENDIF(OPTION_SCHEDULE_SPY) IF(OPTION_3RDPARTY_EXPAT) ADD_DEFINITIONS(-DTHIRD_PARTY_EXPAT) ENDIF(OPTION_3RDPARTY_EXPAT) IF(OPTION_3RDPARTY_SQLITE3) ADD_DEFINITIONS(-DTHIRD_PARTY_SQLITE3) ENDIF(OPTION_3RDPARTY_SQLITE3) IF(OPTION_3RDPARTY_SOLID) ADD_DEFINITIONS(-DTHIRD_PARTY_SOLID) ENDIF(OPTION_3RDPARTY_SOLID) IF(OPTION_GLEXTPROTOTYPES) ADD_DEFINITIONS(-DGL_GLEXT_PROTOTYPES) ENDIF(OPTION_GLEXTPROTOTYPES) IF(OPTION_UNLOAD_SSGGRAPH) ADD_DEFINITIONS(-DUNLOAD_SSGGRAPH) ENDIF(OPTION_UNLOAD_SSGGRAPH) IF(OPTION_TINYGLTF) ADD_DEFINITIONS(-DTINYGLTF) ENDIF(OPTION_TINYGLTF) IF(OPTION_WEBSERVER) ADD_DEFINITIONS(-DWEBSERVER) ENDIF(OPTION_WEBSERVER) IF(OPTION_CLIENT_SERVER) ADD_DEFINITIONS(-DCLIENT_SERVER) ENDIF(OPTION_CLIENT_SERVER) IF(OPTION_USE_MACPORTS) ADD_DEFINITIONS(-DUSE_MACPORTS) ENDIF(OPTION_USE_MACPORTS) # Define for code that needs Torcs backward compatibility ADD_DEFINITIONS(-DSPEED_DREAMS) ENDIF(NOT _ALREADY_DONE) # Compile options IF(NOT _ALREADY_DONE) # GCC warnings (at least for the 4.x series, there are none by default). IF(CMAKE_COMPILER_IS_GNUCXX) # Add useful warnings / checks. SET(_SD_WOPTS "-Wall -Wextra -Wno-unused-parameter -Wno-missing-field-initializers") SET(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} ${_SD_WOPTS}") SET(CMAKE_C_FLAGS "${CMAKE_C_FLAGS} ${_SD_WOPTS}") # MSVC warnings (default warning level 3 is not exactly what we want). ELSEIF(MSVC) # Suppress bothering MSVC warnings and add useful warnings / checks. SET(_SD_WOPTS "/W4") # Better warning level (default seems to be 3). # Level 3 useless/boring warnings. SET(_SD_WOPTS "${_SD_WOPTS} /wd4251") # class XXX needs a DLL interface SET(_SD_WOPTS "${_SD_WOPTS} /wd4996") # std::_Copy_opt disaproved because unsafe # Level 4 useless/boring warnings. SET(_SD_WOPTS "${_SD_WOPTS} /wd4100") # unreferenced formal parameter SET(_SD_WOPTS "${_SD_WOPTS} /wd4127") # conditional expression is constant SET(_SD_WOPTS "${_SD_WOPTS} /wd4201") # nonstandard extension used : nameless struct/union SET(_SD_WOPTS "${_SD_WOPTS} /wd4706") # assignment within conditional expression # Other useless warnings. ADD_DEFINITIONS(-D_CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS -D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE -D_CRT_NO_DEPRECATE -D_SCL_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS) # That's all. SET(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} ${_SD_WOPTS}") SET(CMAKE_C_FLAGS "${CMAKE_C_FLAGS} ${_SD_WOPTS}") ENDIF(CMAKE_COMPILER_IS_GNUCXX) ENDIF(NOT _ALREADY_DONE) ENDMACRO(ADD_SD_COMPILE_OPTIONS)