Plib Installation

Checking Plib

First we check if there is already the required plib version installed (TORCS 1.2.4 has been tested with plib version 1.8.3):

$ rpm -qa | grep plib

In case we find plib 1.8.3 everything is fine and you can skip the rest of this section. If you find plib in any other version (e. g. 1.4.2., 1.5.0 or 1.6.1) you have to remove the packages:


Remove first the plib-examples package and then plib (you need to be root):

# rpm -e plib-examples
# rpm -e plib

There is no danger in removing plib, because it contains just static libraries, so if something goes wrong you can force the remove.

Download and Unpack Plib

Download plib-1.8.3.tar.gz from here. TORCS has been tested against 1.8.3, for other versions we guarantee for nothing! Stay as root and do

# cd /usr/src
# mkdir torcs
# cd torcs
# tar xfvz /path_to_downloaded_files/plib-1.8.3.tar.gz
# cd plib-1.8.3

Compiling and Installing Plib

You are still root and in /usr/src/torcs/plib-1.8.3, if you run a 64 bit version of Linux export the following variables:

# export CFLAGS="-fPIC"

Now for all platforms run:

# ./configure
# make
# make install

Just to play safe clear the above defined variables:

# export CFLAGS=
# export CPPFLAGS=
# export CXXFLAGS=

If something fails you need to resolve it. In case the configure script complained about something you can find some additional information in the file config.log. The cause for problems are usually missing header files or libraries, wrong versions or multiple versions installed.