Work in progress ... soon the complete version

Welcome to Torcs-NG, the Torcs laboratory !

Torcs-NG is a fork of The famous Open Racing Car Simulator "Torcs", but it does not any pretend to replace it. It's main goal is simply to host experimental developpements inside Torcs, while trying to follow as closely as possible its release and evolution stream ...

In other words, Torcs-NG is the place :

So, if you find your or some people's Torcs patch proposals don't integrate the official release as quickly as you would have loved, you have reached the right place !

How to contribute

You can contribute to Torcs-NG as an "end-user" or/and as a "developper" :

all through the user mailing list :

Your contribution to Torcs-NG may take place in many domains :

Torcs-NG release process

Torcs-NG will generally follow Torcs release stream : a new release, with the same identifier (ex: 1.3.1), will normally be published in the weeks after each Torcs release. It will contain the whole Torcs release, plus the whole bunch of adds we maintain. But other intermediate releases could also be published if improvements commited to the trunk since last one would justify it, and of course if Torcs wouldn't have issued a new release meanwhile.

As already said, the content of each release will be democratically decided inside the dev. team. Stability and bug freeness is not our first purpose, but it's just the second one : modifications that are not really completed, well tested or that may degrade the simulation realism, some other essential feature or performance, or the end-user gaming experience won't be released (unless they are of great interest and can be completly switched off through some run-time user action).

For the moment, the supported platforms are Linux (x86, x86_64) and 32 bit Windows XP, but  any volunteer is welcome for any other ... as Torcs is known to work on Linux PPC, FreeBSD, MacOSX and Windows Vista.


Torcs : The Open Racing Car Simulator and its project page at

Torcs-NG developpers mailing list and its archives

Torcs-NG users mailing list and its archives

Torcs-NG SVN repository HOW-TO and on-line browser

Build and install Torcs-NG (look at README.* and INSTALL.* files) Logo