xavi92 4681971d6d Remove svn:keywords property from the repository
These properties are not transmitted with git-svn(1) [1], which might
then cause failed patches when modifying lines close to these

git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/speed-dreams/code/trunk@9554 30fe4595-0a0c-4342-8851-515496e4dcbd

Former-commit-id: 6ed21e1fe12d01a370842418c35722c75117a30a
Former-commit-id: 8ecd21b7c0211cd000b10b3f0032980f63c06398
2024-10-02 15:30:18 +00:00

406 lines
11 KiB

; Common definitions for all the Speed Dreams installers
; copyright : (C) 2011 onwards Jean-Philippe Meuret
; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
; (at your option) any later version.
!ifndef VER_MAJOR
!define VER_MAJOR 2
!ifndef VER_MINOR
!define VER_MINOR 2
!ifndef VER_PATCH
!define VER_PATCH 3
!ifndef VER_EXTRA
!define VER_EXTRA ""
;!echo "VER_EXTRA = ${VER_EXTRA}"
!define VER_REVISION ""
; Create TODAY variable containing today's date in the format we use
!define /date TODAY "%Y%m%d"
!define VER_RELDATE ${TODAY} ; Initial guess ;-)
;!define VER_RELDATE 20131102 ; Initial guess ;-)
!ifndef OUT_PATH
!define OUT_PATH "."
!define GAME_SHORT_NAME "Speed Dreams"
!define GAME_SHORT_FS_NAME "speed-dreams"
!define GAME_SUBTITLE "'an Open Motorsport Sim'"
!define GAME_PUBLISHER "The Speed Dreams Team"
!define GAME_WEB_SITE "https://sourceforge.net/projects/speed-dreams/"
!define GAME_BUG_TRACKER "https://sourceforge.net/p/speed-dreams/tickets/"
!define GAME_DOWNLOAD_URL "https://sourceforge.net/projects/speed-dreams/files/${VER_MAJOR}.${VER_MINOR}.${VER_PATCH}"
!define COMMUNITY_WEB_SITE "https://sourceforge.net/p/speed-dreams/discussion/"
!define GAME_INST_REGKEY "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\${GAME_FS_NAME}.exe"
!define GAME_UNINST_REGKEY "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\${GAME_NAME}"
; TrackEditor Items
!define TRACKEDITOR_JAR_NAME "sd2-trackeditor"
; Folder where the build system installed everything
!define BUILD_INST_DIR "\${GAME_FS_NAME}-build"
; Default target installation folder
; Core name for each installer
!define BASE_SETUP_KEY "base"
!define HQCARSTRACKS_SETUP_KEY "hq-cars-and-tracks"
!define MOREHQCARSTRACKS_SETUP_KEY "more-hq-cars-and-tracks"
!define WIPCARSTRACKS_SETUP_KEY "wip-cars-and-tracks"
!define UNMAINTAINED_SETUP_KEY "unmaintained"
; Common installer settings
SetCompressor /SOLID lzma ; 1-block compression, smaller but longer (generation, extraction)
;SetCompressor lzma ; A bit bigger, but faster generation and extraction
; Usefull libs.
!include "LogicLib.nsh"
; Common MUI Settings
!include "MUI.nsh" ; TODO: Move to MUI2
!define MUI_HEADERIMAGE_BITMAP "..\..\data\data\img\header.bmp"
!define MUI_WELCOMEFINISHPAGE_BITMAP "..\..\data\data\img\header-vert.bmp"
!define MUI_ICON "..\..\data\data\icons\icon.ico"
!define MUI_UNICON "..\..\data\data\icons\icon.ico"
; StrLoc function ===========================================================
; This function outputs the relative index position from the start or end of a string,
; where a substring is located.
; Adapted from StrLoc 2.0 by Diego Pedroso (http://nsis.sourceforge.net/StrLoc)
!define StrLoc "!insertmacro _StrLoc"
!macro _StrLoc Result String SubString StartPoint
Push `${String}`
Push `${SubString}`
Push `${StartPoint}`
Call StrLoc
Pop `${Result}`
Function StrLoc
;Get arguments from the stack
Exch $R0 ; R0 : StartPoint
Exch 1
Exch $R1 ; R1 : SubString
Exch 2
Exch $R2 ; R2 : String
Push $R3
Push $R4
Push $R5
Push $R6
;Get "String" and "SubString" length
StrLen $R3 $R1 ; R3 : SubStringLen
StrLen $R4 $R2 ; R4 : StringLen
;Start "StartCharPos" counter
StrCpy $R5 0 ; R5 : StartCharPos
;Loop until "SubString" is found or "String" reaches its end
;Remove everything before and after the searched part ("TempStr")
StrCpy $R6 $R2 $R3 $R5 ; R6 : TmpString
;Compare "TempStr" with "SubString"
${If} $R6 == $R1
${If} $R0 == "<"
IntOp $R6 $R3 + $R5
IntOp $R0 $R4 - $R6
StrCpy $R0 $R5
;If not "SubString", this could be "String"'s end
${If} $R5 >= $R4
StrCpy $R0 ""
;If not, continue the loop
IntOp $R5 $R5 + 1
Pop $R6
Pop $R5
Pop $R4
Pop $R3
Pop $R2
Pop $R1
Exch $R0
; Parse the given SF.net download page ========================================
; and retrieve the URL of the target file on the default (auto-select) mirror.
!define GetAutoSelectMirrorURL "!insertmacro _GetAutoSelectMirrorURL"
!macro _GetAutoSelectMirrorURL ResultURL HTMLFile
Push "${HTMLFile}"
Call GetAutoSelectMirrorURL
Pop "${ResultURL}"
Function GetAutoSelectMirrorURL
;Get arguments from the stack
Exch $R0 ; R0 : HTMLFile
Push $R1
Push $R2
Push $R3
Push $R4
Push $R5
;DetailPrint "GetAutoSelectMirrorURL:"
;DetailPrint " HTMLFile='$R0' ..."
StrCpy $R2 "" ; R2 : ResultURL
FileOpen $R1 $R0 r ; R1 : FileHdle
IfErrors Done
;DetailPrint " File open ..."
StrCpy $R3 "" ; R3 : Line
StrCpy $R4 $R3 ; R4 : PrevLine
FileRead $R1 $R3
IfErrors DoneRead
;DetailPrint " Line read ..."
;DetailPrint " '$R3'"
${StrLoc} $R5 $R3 "direct link</a>, or try another" 0 ; R5 : StringPos
;DetailPrint "Found direct link ? $R5"
${If} $R5 != ""
${StrLoc} $R5 $R4 "<a href=" 0
;DetailPrint "Found href in '$R4' ? $R5"
;DetailPrint "(in '$R4')"
${If} $R5 != ""
${StrLoc} $R5 $R4 '"' 0 ; First " in '<a href="..."'
;DetailPrint "Found 1st $\" ? $R5"
;DetailPrint "(in '$R4')"
IntOp $R5 $R5 + 1
StrCpy $R2 $R4 200 $R5
${StrLoc} $R5 $R2 '"' 0 ; Last " in '<a href="..."'
;DetailPrint "Found 1st $\" ? $R5"
;DetailPrint "(in '$R2')"
StrCpy $R2 $R2 $R5
;DetailPrint "Result='$R2'"
FileClose $R1
; Return
StrCpy $R0 $R2 ; R0 : ResultURL
Pop $R5
Pop $R4
Pop $R3
Pop $R2
Pop $R1
Exch $R0 ;Mirror URL found (empty if not found)
; Download a file from SF.net using the default mirror =========================
; ${Status} = "success" on success, or else "<error message>"
!define DownloadFromSFNet "!insertmacro _DownloadFromSFNet"
!macro _DownloadFromSFNet StatusVar SourceURL TargetPathName
Push "${SourceURL}"
Push "${TargetPathName}"
Call DownloadFromSFNet
Pop "${StatusVar}"
Function DownloadFromSFNet
;Get arguments from the stack
Exch $R0 ; R0 : TargetPathName
Exch 1
Exch $R1 ; R1 : SourceURL
Push $R2
Push $R3
Push $R4
StrCpy $R2 $R0 ; R2 : TargetPathName
StrCpy $R3 "success" ; R3 : Status
DetailPrint "1) Downloading default mirror URL (auto-selected by SF.net) ..."
inetc::get "$R1" "$R2.html" /end
Pop $R0
${If} $R0 != "OK"
${If} $R0 == "cancel"
StrCpy $R3 "Mirror selection page download was cancelled"
DetailPrint "... cancelled."
StrCpy $R3 "Mirror selection page download failed$\n($R0)"
DetailPrint "... failed."
MessageBox MB_OK|MB_ICONSTOP "$R3"
${GetAutoSelectMirrorURL} $R4 $R2.html ; R4 : RealURL
;DetailPrint " File='$R2.html' ..."
;DetailPrint " URL='$R4' ..."
${If} $R4 == ""
StrCpy $R3 "Failed to get file URL on default mirror$\nfrom $R1"
MessageBox MB_OK|MB_ICONSTOP "$R3"
DetailPrint "... failed to extract default mirror URL."
DetailPrint "2) Downloading file from $R4 ..."
inetc::get "$R4" "$R2" /end
Pop $R0
${If} $R0 != "OK"
${If} $R0 == "cancel"
StrCpy $R3 "File download was cancelled"
DetailPrint "... cancelled."
StrCpy $R3 "Failed to download file$\nfrom $R4$\n($R0)"
DetailPrint "... failed."
Delete "$R2"
MessageBox MB_OK|MB_ICONSTOP "$R3"
DetailPrint "3) Done in $R2."
Delete "$R2.html"
; Return
StrCpy $R0 $R3 ; R0 : Status
Pop $R4
Pop $R3
Pop $R2
Pop $R1
Exch $R0 ; "success" on success, or else "<error message>"
!macro DownloadPackageIfNeededAndThenInstall PackageFileName PackageTitle PackageSizeMb
; Check if the target installer file is already here, next to the current one.
${IfNot} ${FileExists} "$EXEDIR\${PackageFileName}"
; If not, ask the user if he really wants to download.
MessageBox MB_OKCANCEL|MB_ICONQUESTION "${PackageFileName} not found$\nnext to $EXEFILE on your disk.$\n$\nClick OK to download it from ${GAME_DOWNLOAD_URL},$\nor Cancel to skip.$\n$\nNote: This might take several minutes, as it's about ${PackageSizeMb} megabytes." IDCANCEL SkipDownload
; Download
DetailPrint "Downloading ${PackageTitle} ..."
${DownloadFromSFNet} $0 "${GAME_DOWNLOAD_URL}/${PackageFileName}" "$EXEDIR\${PackageFileName}"
${If} $0 != "success"
MessageBox MB_OK|MB_ICONSTOP "Skipping installation of ${PackageTitle}."
SetAutoClose false
DetailPrint "Installing ${PackageTitle} ..."
ExecWait '$EXEDIR\${PackageFileName}' $0
DetailPrint "Done (exit code $0)."
${If} $0 != "0"
SetAutoClose false
DetailPrint "Skipping installation of ${PackageTitle} on user's request."
!macro CheckIfBasePackageInstalled
; Check if the base package is installed and OK, and abort if not.
${If} $R0 == ""
MessageBox MB_OK|MB_ICONSTOP "No base package found for ${GAME_NAME}$\n$\nPlease, first download and run ${GAME_SHORT_FS_NAME}-${BASE_SETUP_KEY}-${GAME_LONG_VERSION}-win32-setup.exe$\nfrom ${GAME_DOWNLOAD_URL}"
${If} ${FileExists} "$R0\bin\${GAME_FS_NAME}.exe"
MessageBox MB_OK|MB_ICONSTOP "A base package for ${GAME_NAME} was found, but it is no more usable and/or corrupted$\n$\nPlease, first (download and) run again ${GAME_SHORT_FS_NAME}-${BASE_SETUP_KEY}-${GAME_LONG_VERSION}-win32-setup.exe$\nfrom ${GAME_DOWNLOAD_URL}"