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## This is Architecture independant part of the makefile
option LINUXBIOS_VERSION="1.1.0"
option CC="$(CROSS_COMPILE)gcc"
option OBJCOPY="objcopy"
makedefine CPP:= $(CC) -no-gcc -x assembler-with-cpp -DASSEMBLY -E
makedefine LIBGCC_FILE_NAME := $(shell $(CC) -print-libgcc-file-name)
makedefine GCC_INC_DIR := $(shell $(CC) -print-search-dirs | sed -ne "s/install: \(.*\)/\1include/gp")
makedefine CPPFLAGS := -I$(TOP)/src/include -I$(TOP)/src/arch/$(ARCH)/include -I$(GCC_INC_DIR) $(CPUFLAGS)
makedefine ROMCCPPFLAGS := -D__ROMCC__=0 -D__ROMCC_MINOR__=23
makedefine CFLAGS := $(CPU_OPT) $(CPPFLAGS) -Os -nostdinc -nostdlib -fno-builtin -Wall
makedefine HOSTCFLAGS:= -Os -Wall
option LINUXBIOS_BUILD = "$(shell date) "
option LINUXBIOS_COMPILE_TIME = "$(shell date +%T)"
option LINUXBIOS_COMPILE_BY = "$(shell whoami)"
option LINUXBIOS_COMPILE_HOST = "$(shell hostname)"
option LINUXBIOS_COMPILE_DOMAIN = "$(shell dnsdomainname)"
option LINUXBIOS_COMPILER = "$(shell $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -v 2>&1 | tail -n 1)"
option LINUXBIOS_LINKER = "$(shell $(CC) -Wl,-v 2>&1 | grep version | tail -n 1)"
option LINUXBIOS_ASSEMBLER = "$(shell touch dummy.s ; $(CC) -c -Wa,-v dummy.s 2>&1; rm -f dummy.s dummy.o )"
makerule ldscript.ld dep "ldoptions $(LDSUBSCRIPTS-1)" act " echo \"INCLUDE ldoptions\" > $@ ; for file in $(LDSUBSCRIPTS-1) ; do echo \"INCLUDE $$file\" >> $@ ; done"
makerule cpuflags dep "Makefile.settings" act " perl -e 'print \"CPUFLAGS :=\n\"; foreach $$var (split(\" \", $$ENV{VARIABLES})) { if (exists($$ENV{$$var})) { print \"CPUFLAGS += -D$$var\" . (length($$ENV{$$var})?\"=\x27$$ENV{$$var}\x27\":\"\") .\"\n\"} else { print \"CPUFLAGS += -U$$var\n\"} }' > $@"
makerule ldoptions dep "Makefile.settings" act " perl -e 'foreach $$var (split(\" \", $$ENV{VARIABLES})) { if ($$ENV{$$var} =~ m/^(0x[0-9a-fA-F]+|0[0-7]+|[0-9]+)$$/) { print \"$$var = $$ENV{$$var};\n\"; }}' > $@"
makerule linuxbios.strip dep "linuxbios" act " $(OBJCOPY) -O binary linuxbios linuxbios.strip"
makerule linuxbios_c.o dep "$(DRIVERS-1) linuxbios.a $(LIBGCC_FILE_NAME)" act " $(CC) -nostdlib -r -o $@ c_start.o $(DRIVERS-1) linuxbios.a $(LIBGCC_FILE_NAME)"
makerule linuxbios_c dep "linuxbios_c.o $(TOP)/src/config/linuxbios_c.ld ldoptions" act " $(CC) -nostdlib -nostartfiles -static -o $@ -T $(TOP)/src/config/linuxbios_c.ld linuxbios_c.o"
## By default compress the C part of linuxbios
makedefine LINUXBIOS_PAYLOAD-$(CONFIG_COMPRESS):=linuxbios_payload.nrv2b
makedefine LINUXBIOS_PAYLOAD-$(CONFIG_UNCOMPRESSED):=linuxbios_payload.bin
addaction linuxbios_c "$(CROSS_COMPILE)nm -n linuxbios_c | sort >"
makerule linuxbios_payload.bin dep "linuxbios_c" act " $(OBJCOPY) -O binary $< $@"
makerule linuxbios_payload.nrv2b dep " linuxbios_payload.bin nrv2b" act " ./nrv2b e $< $@"
makerule linuxbios_payload dep "$(LINUXBIOS_PAYLOAD-1) " act "cp $(LINUXBIOS_PAYLOAD-1) linuxbios_payload"
makerule linuxbios dep "crt0.o linuxbios_payload ldscript.ld " act "$(CC) -nostdlib -nostartfiles -static -o $@ -T ldscript.ld crt0.o"
addaction linuxbios "$(CROSS_COMPILE)nm -n linuxbios | sort >"
makerule linuxbios.a dep "$(OBJECTS-1) " act "rm -f linuxbios.a"
addaction linuxbios.a "ar cr linuxbios.a $(OBJECTS-1)"
option CRT0="$(TOP)/src/arch/$(ARCH)/config/crt0.base"
makerule crt0.S dep "$(CRT0) " act "cp $< $@"
# the buildrom tool
makerule buildrom dep "$(TOP)/util/buildrom/buildrom.c" act "$(CC) -o $@ $<"
# Force crt0.s (which has build time version code in it to rebuild every time)
makedefine .PHONY : crt0.s
makerule crt0.s dep "crt0.S crt0_includes.h $(CRT0_INCLUDES) " act "@echo \"$(CPP) ... $< > $@ \""
addaction crt0.s "$(CPP) $(CPPFLAGS) -I. -I$(TOP)/src $< > $ && mv $ $@ "
makerule crt0.o dep "crt0.s " act "@echo $(CC) ... -o $@ $<"
addaction crt0.o "@$(CC) -c $(CPU_OPT) -o $@ $<"
makerule etags dep "$(SOURCES) " act "etags $(SOURCES)"
makerule tags dep "$(SOURCES) " act "ctags $(SOURCES)"
makerule documentation dep "$(SOURCES) " act "doxygen LinuxBIOSDoc.config "
makerule ./romcc dep "$(TOP)/util/romcc/romcc.c " act "$(HOSTCC) -g $(HOSTCFLAGS) -DVERSION='\"0.21\"' -DRELEASE_DATE='\"7 april 2003\"' $< -o $@"
makerule build_opt_tbl dep "$(TOP)/util/options/build_opt_tbl.c $(TOP)/src/include/pc80/mc146818rtc.h $(TOP)/src/include/boot/linuxbios_tables.h " act "$(HOSTCC) $(HOSTCFLAGS) $< -o $@"
#makerule /$(TARGET_DIR)/option_table.c dep "build_opt_tbl $(MAINBOARD)/cmos.layout " act "./build_opt_tbl -b --config $(MAINBOARD)/cmos.layout "
makerule option_table.c dep "build_opt_tbl $(MAINBOARD)/cmos.layout " act "./build_opt_tbl -b --config $(MAINBOARD)/cmos.layout "
object ./option_table.o
#special rule
#makerule option_table.o dep "option_table.c" act "$(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) -o $@ $<"
# object option_table.o
makerule clean act "rm -f linuxbios.* *~"
addaction clean "rm -f linuxbios "
addaction clean "rm -f ldoptions cpuflags ldscript.ld"
addaction clean "rm -f a.out *.s *.l *.o"
addaction clean "rm -f TAGS tags"
addaction clean "rm -f docipl"
addaction clean "rm -f build_opt_tbl option_table.c crt0.S"
# do standard config files that the user need not specify
# for now, this is just 'lib', but it may be more later.
dir /lib
dir /console
dir /stream
dir /devices
dir /pc80
dir /boot