80 lines
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80 lines
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# Changelog
STL: Statique Littérateur
- Repository: https://git.a-lec.org/echolib/stl
- Issues: https://git.a-lec.org/echolib/stl/-/issues
- Changelog: https://git.a-lec.org/echolib/stl/-/blob/main/CHANGELOG.md
- License: https://git.a-lec.org/echolib/stl/-/blob/main/LICENSE
## [0.2.5]
### WIP
- fix: sidebar uri
You will have to wip -F again, to construct again your HTML pages, so
that URI sidebar can be reached
## [0.2.4]
### WIP
- fix: uri to access template folder (favicon, styles.css...)
You will have to check -F all your articles, before doing their wip -F
Tips: You could first, remove all files in /var/www/DOMAIN/wip/ and all
filees in "files", "images", and "template" folders, but keep these
## [0.2.3]
### Checker
- Date when day and/or month begin with 0
- new: content image syntax
### WIP
- fix: file .html generator (root server file)
- rsync: exclude hidden files
### read (argument)
- Fix: exit
- add: line number to article
You will have to check -F all your articles, before doing their wip -F
Tips: You could first, remove all files in /var/www/DOMAIN/wip/ and all
filees in "files", "images", and "template" folders, but keep these
## [0.2.2]
### Added
#### Domain Configuration
- More infos at resume
- New simple check for mail and lang
- Answer y is equal to Y...
- Domain values can have " for sidebar title, about, title and copyright
## [0.2.1]
### Added
#### Changeslogs
- last-version.md in help folder (for -v and -u arguments)
#### Arguments
- - -v: Show installed version and last changes
- - -u: Check for available update and show last changes
- - -U: like -u, but ask to perform upgrade (except for debian based)
- - --help: like help, -h
- - license: show STL license
#### Dependancies
- curl
#### Article
- Check article size (must be > 60 to be checked)
#### DB
- db (ARTICLE): Inform if article is not in Database yet