We wanted to have an automated documentation for our project. We choose doxygen
since this is a well-established project, with common standards.
To generate the documentation, simply type `make docs` and open `docs/html/index.html`.
The documentation zone actually contains:
- archives: several files from past of the projects, historical purpose
- GTK-docs: ressources on GTK internals and API
- rtfm: first draft of a user manual
- showcase: some pictures of the UI example, that were communicated on the Gem-graph discussion room (XMPP)
- html: doxygen-generated docs
This commit initiates the Gem-graph client development with a simple
main function that initializes a Gtk application (no window yet) and
some XML parsing code, as our application will be able to parse
XML models. This code is inherited from our server project (started before).