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Speed Dreams

Speed Dreams is a free and open source motorsport simulator. Originally a fork of the TORCS project, it has evolved into a higher level of maturity, featuring realistic physics with tens of high-quality cars and tracks to choose from.

This repository only contains the engine source code. End users are expected to download the pre-built packages listed below.

The assets repository is located on https://forge.a-lec.org/speed-dreams/speed-dreams-data/

A collage of in-game screenshots

Pre-built packages

Speed Dreams binaries are available for the following platforms:

  • Debian/Ubuntu (TODO)
  • Microsoft Windows (TODO)

Building from source

Speed Dreams can be built from source using the conventional build process in CMake projects:

cmake -B build
cmake --build build/ # Optionally, add -j8 or any other number for faster builds



sudo apt install git cmake build-essential libopenscenegraph-dev libcurl4-gnutls-dev libsdl2-dev libsdl2-mixer-dev librhash-dev libenet-dev libpng-dev libjpeg-dev zlib1g-dev libminizip-dev libopenal-dev libplib-dev libexpat1-dev libcjson-dev openjdk-17-jdk openjdk-17-jre

The version for the openjdk-* packages might change among distributions.


By default, Speed Dreams code is licensed under the GPLv2-or-later license, as specified by the LICENSE file, whereas non-functional data is licensed under the Free Art License by default.

However, some sections of the code and some other assets are distributed under various free (as in freedom) licenses. Please read their license files located in their respective directories for further reference.

Trademark disclaimer

Windows is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation.

Ubuntu is a registered trademark of Canonical Ltd.